sábado, 26 de junio de 2010
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[pensamiento-del-dia:779] De regreso a las selvas de concreto
Viernes, 25 de junio del 2010
PENSAMIENTO DEL DÍA: De regreso a las selvas de concreto
Enviado desde Auckland, Nueva Zelanda.
Ahora he dejado atrás la paradisíaca Fiji para continuar mi gira de conferencias en las selvas de concreto de un planeta confuso y contaminado. No hay duda acerca de eso. Esta trascendental ciencia de auto-realización es absolutamente esencial para la futura sensatez y sobre-vivencia de la civilización humana. Sin eso veremos una completa perdición de la sociedad presente de hoy en día. De algún modo este mensaje de la conciencia de Krishna tiene que ser difundido a todos en cada parte del mundo.
Señor Krishna, por favor bendícenos que podamos tener éxito en despertar al mundo entero a Tu más sublime mensaje. Solamente por Tu misericordia es posible que el mundo pueda ser liberado.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Del cielo al infierno
La belleza de la creación de Krishna—Viti Levu, Fiji
El horror de la creación del hombre
Pregunta: ¿Cómo reconocer a un guru genuino?
Usted probablemente respondió antes esta pregunta miles de veces, pero le ruego responderla una vez más.
Muchas personas claman ser un maestro espiritual, no, aun ser Dios! ¿Cómo conocer quién es un maestro espiritual genuino (y quien es un charlatán)? ¿Cuál es su señal?
Muchas gracias
Respuesta: Personificación viva de las escrituras
Hoy en día muchas personas claman ser gurus cuando de hecho no están calificados. Por lo tanto es muy importante que aprendamos a distinguir entre quién es y quién no es un maestro espiritual genuino.
De acuerdo a las escrituras Védicas, para que el maestro espiritual sea genuino debe venir de una sucesión discipular genuina desde el Señor Sri Krishna y debe comportarse y hablar de acuerdo con las enseñanzas del Bhagavad-gita y el Srimad-Bhagavatam. En otras palabras, debe ser una personificación viva de las escrituras y de este modo completamente consciente de Krishna.
Derecho de propiedad literaria 2005-2007 por www.UltimateSelfRealization.Com
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mundo con tal de que des a conocer su fuente dando el link para mencionar
nuestra página señalada en: www.backhome.com.
Traducción del inglés por cortesía de:
Wilmer Alberto Estrada Morales
Redacción y gramática revisadas por:
Caitanyadeva das
San José, Costa Rica
Ceremonia de iniciación en Lituania
(durante la celebración de Nrisimha Chaturdasi)
VISITE LA SECCIÓN: Curso de la Máxima Autorrealización
Esta semana -
Clase del Bhagavad-gita: Lección 130
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Nuevo libro sobre Su Gracia Sriman
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Por Devadeva Das
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Planet ISKCON - 31 new articles
"Planet ISKCON" - 31 new articles
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Jaya Radha Madhava - Jagannatha Ram PrabhuISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Jagannatha Ram PrabhuSrimad Bhagavatam 11.21.35 - Pastimes of Lord Jagannatha's divine appearance and glories of Kolaveca Sridhara and Mukunda Datta on the day of their disappearance. H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Monday, June 21st, 2010It Takes Time to Grow a Tree H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Sunday, June 20th, 2010The Wet of the Sweat ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Upcoming Visitors.We are pleased to inform you that BV Madhava Maharaja will be visiting Melbourne from the 27th June till the 1st July and Sankarsana Dasa Adhikari will be in Melbourne from the 29th June till the 2nd July. Please come and get the association of these great souls. Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Swami Sankarshan Das Adhikari H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 7.4.3-4 What? The Good Ole Days 6-21-2010 – VideoSB 07.04.03-4_What,TheGoodOleDays_2010-06-21 Blip.TV Video Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 7.4.3-4 What? The Good Ole Days 6-21-2010 – Video Bhaktivedanta Manor also posted here Japa Group: Please Join The Japa Group
Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: cry out to Krsna for help"It is not so wonderful that Krsna-devi has left," [Srila Prabhupada] said. "What is wonderful is that we are able to stay and serve Krsna. The maya is so strong. It is Krsna's divine energy. And for someone to actually stay engaged in Krsna's service is very rare. The living entity is practically helpless under the sway of maya's power and can only cry out to Krsna for help. But we have to pray at every moment that the power of maya does not disturb us." >>> Ref. VedaBase => SPL 7-2: Opening a Temple in Los Angeles, 1968 Kurma dasa, AU: 21,000 days
That's how long I have spent living in this body. dehino 'smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam jara tatha dehantara-praptir dhiras tatra na muhyati "As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change" - Bhagavad-gita 2.13 ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Bhagavad Gita Class Rescheduled!The Bhagavad Gita Class by Uttama Sloka das for today,Friday June 25, has been rescheduled to tomorrow, Saturday June 26, from 10am - 12pm. This will be Chapter 17. Srila Prabhupada's Letters1970 June 25: "When the price goes down, a businessman purchases, and when the price goes up, he sells. Our devotees should be transcendental businessmen making profit both ways. Krishna gives the right intelligence how to deal with all classes of men." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1971 June 25: "So our visit to Moscow was not so successful, but for the future, it is hopeful. There is good prospect for opening a center there, although the atmosphere is not very good. Tomorrow I go to Paris for one day, then to San Francisco Rathayatra and then back to London." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 June 25: "It shall be your task to make certain that the Deities will never be so much neglected in the future. So far your road show is concerned, we are not meant for giving performances, we are simple kirtana men. There must always be kirtana going on wherever we travel, and nothing else." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1973 June 25: "So far my health is concerned I think I am 80-90% fit to move so there is no cause of anxiety. I may go to London for meeting very important men there in the new house given us by George Harrison." Srila Prabhupada's Letters 1974 June 24: "These great personalities are not to be imitated. If we artificially imitate it will not be very beneficial. I am requesting my disciples to always stay in the association of devotees and to propagate the sankirtana movement all over the world." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 June 25: "It is all right if the devotees dress like the young people they are selling the books to. The main thing is that the innocent are given my books and the chance to become Krishna Conscious. If our book distributors are reading my books and following all the regulative principles, then it is all right selling in public in that way." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 June 25: "The injunction is kirtaniya sada hari, one should be chanting all day. Sixteen rounds is a minimum amount I set for my disciples. Actually chanting should always be going on." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 June 25: "Pray to Krishna to give you the intelligence to seek out the association of genuine Vaisnavas more and more. That will insure your own genuineness. And if you always engage in chanting Hare Krishna, avoiding the four sinful prohibitions, then you can attain to perfect love of Krishna, it does not matter where you are." Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Bhajan - New Year's Eve 2010 - Mukunda Datta das - 20/22Mukunda Datta das singing a Hare Krishna bhajan during the New Year's Eve bhajan. Dallas, TX Download: 2010-01-01 - New Year Eve Bhajans - 20 - Mukunda Datta das.mp3 H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 4783:55 A.M.I slept all right, except for some interrupted phone calls during the night which rang in my room. They kept Baladeva up, and he is still sleepy. I got up at 2:30 A.M. and began my chanting. I've chanted all right, keeping alert and hearing the mantras in my mind. Yesterday I spoke with Haridas Dasa about his chanting. He told me that sometimes when the chanting is going bad and when he feels he is marching through mud, if he makes a concentrated effort to improve, he pulls out of it and his chanting clears up. He has a full-time job and does most of his chanting early in the morning, which he says, by far is the best time for japa. He takes his japa seriously as his most important sadhana. He said that if he can't hear his chanting then he doesn't think Krishna in reciprocation will hear him, and so he tries very hard to hear the sound of his own chanting. I was impressed by his efforts, although he was very humble about his own japa performance. A friend tells you of H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Prabhupada in MoscowPrabhupada SmaranamSrila Prabhupada looks so lonely and all by himself as he walks towards the Red Square in Moscow in 1971. He visited during the time of political oppression when the Soviet Union was engaged in Cold War with United States and the west. His visa allowed him only a several day visit, staying in an old fashioned hotel. He was not allowed any speaking engagements and even his personal copy of the Bhagavad-gita was examined at customs before they allowed him to keep it. He had one appointment, a state supervised interview with a professor of Indology, Prof. Kotovsky. The professor was a Marxist, teaching at the university. Prabhupada could not convince him of the tenets of Krishna consciousness, and he always remembered (and repeated in lectures) that the professor had said, "Swami, after death there is no life." Living for even a few days in Moscow was inconvenient, and Shyamasundara had to stand in long lines to get milk, and few vegetables were available. Syamasundara dressed in his devotee clothes when he went outside and once he was stopped and was detained by some hooligans. But a young man approached him and was attracted to his dress and made some inquiries. Shyamasundara invited him to see Prabhupada in his hotel. The young man was submissive, and Prabhupada filled him with the basics of Krishna consciousness. The boy came back for a repeated visit and soaked up Prabhupada's words like a dry sponge. Prabhupada did not formally initiate him, but after Prabhupada's departure the young man told his friends about Krishna consciousness and an underground movement began. The persons who became interested were very enthusiastic, but the secret police found out about their activities and began to persecute them. This story is told in the book Salted Bread, which relates how devotees were imprisoned, tortured, put into insane asylum and one boy lost his life in there. Despite the opposition the movement flourished. With Glastnost the thawing of relations with Soviet Union in the west, the movement grew and devotees even printed books in Russian translations and chanted on the streets, it was a long struggle but Russia (in the demised Soviet Union) is now one of the most successful countries in the world for recruiting Krishna conscious devotees. All this came from Prabhupada's seemingly innocuous but truly revolutionary visit for a few days. Such is a potency of the pure devotee. H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Poem to KrishnaKrishna is the God of us all,
He is so great, He is beyond H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Two LionsFree Write
Why do architects and builders place two lions at the entrance to buildings? (There are two magnificent lions in front of 42nd Street public library in Manhattan). The lion is the king of beasts, and the statues are symbols of royalty and protection. They are protecting the Pharaoh or minister of a treasure kept within the building. They are entirely symbolical since any thieves or ne'er-do-wells can openly slink past the statues and enter on their nefarious business. But some places have live security guards on watch at the entrance to guarded places. Some years ago the man was shot dead as he attempted to climb over the fence of the President's mansion, the White House, in Washington, DC. At the gates of Vaikuntha, the spiritual world, are two doorkeepers, Jaya and Vijaya, who prevent unauthorized persons from entering Lord Vishnu's domain. Once they attempted to stop the four faultless sages, the Kumaras, from entering to see Lord Vishnu, and they were punished by the Lord, by temporary banishment from Vaikuntha. When Bali Maharaja surrendered to Lord Vishnu and gave up all his possessions, he was rewarded by the Lord who gave Bali a planet of His own and agreed to be a doorkeeper there. Sometimes at Gaudiya Math temples there are statues of two lions attacking two elephants, these symbolize the Vaisnava acaryas devouring the Mayavadis. In the fight in the jungle, the lion can conquer the powerful elephant. In the material world, or even at the entrance to the spiritual world, there is a need for guards to keep out the unworthy elements who attempt to do great harm. The Lord's protectors keep guard and protect the sacred items or persons within. Here are two powerful beasts crouched, defending in symbolical pose, and warning the visitors to stay on their best behavior. Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: But This Should Be Our AimPrabhupada: So new… When they are trained up, they can come, live, especially grhasthas. My point is whether the farm is attractive. Not very much. Yogesvara: The potential is wonderful. Prabhupada: And therefore I’m asking. Potential is wonderful, so why they are not attracted to live in the farm and be self-independent and chant Hare Krsna? That is our farm project. Our farm project is they should be satisfied with simple living. That is nice living. If you get milk, if you get fruit, if you get grain and open air, it is very healthy life. Why they should not be attracted? Yogesvara: It is still the beginning, and because it’s the beginning, it is a little difficult sometimes. Prabhupada: That may be. But this should be our aim. We should not be attracted by the modern city life. Simplified life. Save time and utilize for advancing in Krsna consciousness. That is perfect life. Just like Vrndavana. Vrndavana life means agriculturist, cowherd boys, uneducated girls, cows and calves, and tree, fruits. This is Vrndavana. The center is Krsna. Yogesvara: Simple living. Prabhupada: But they are the topmost devotees. These (chuckling) uneducated, without any town life, cow-men, they are Krsna’s best friend. Unsophisticated, no education, but love intense -that is perfect. That attracted Krsna more. Vrndavanam parityajya na padam ekam (sic:) na kartavya… Krsna is so much attached to Vrndavana that He goes nowhere… What is that? They are not educated girls, up-to-date fashion, (indistinct) or nothing. Crude. As soon as there was blowing of the flute, immediately they began to run towards Krsna. Somebody is taking care of children, somebody is engaged in boiling milk, and somebody was even lying down with her husband. Still, immediately… Very crude, unsophisticated, but intense love for Krsna — that is Vrndavana. We want to introduce this farm project means intense love for Krsna. And other things — very simple: little milk, little food grain, little vegetable, that’s all. And that is very nice. If you get fresh vegetable, fresh milk, and food grain, what do you want more? And from milk you can prepare so many nice preparations, unlimited number, all very palatable, sweet. This civilization we want to introduce, not so-called rascal civilization and become implicated in this cycle of birth and death. This is not civilization. This is killing civilization. Human being got the opportunity to get out of these clutches of birth and death. They do not understand. They’re so rascal, they do not understand how they are implicated in this cycle of birth and death, nor they do take it seriously, that this is the problem, janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi-duhkha-dosanudarsanam [Bg. 13.9]. They are so blind rascals, they do not see that this is real suffering. They do not know it. Simply theorizing, making plan, and they do not know what is the suffering. Such a rascal civilization. So we have to introduce real civilization. Therefore we are struggling so hard. So make in such a way. That’s a very nice place, center of Europe and very nice place. Room Conversation — January 31, 1977, Bhuvanesvara - Filed under: Cows and Environment H.H. Bhakti Caitanya Swami: Photos from VilniusMaddy Jean-claude Durr, New Govardhana, AU: Original Aussie Journey: Day 7Wednesday 26th December 2007. It was Snana-yatra in Melbourne. I awoke for mangala arati, enthused by the high energy in the temple. Whilst chanting japa, an unfamiliar Swami entered, who I later found out was named Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja. At the kirtana proceeding the Gurupuja, I put in one last effort to dance my heart out in the Melbourne temple. HH Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja gave class, telling a nectar story about the king of Jagannatha Puri. After breakfast, I spent some time chanting spontaneous kirtana with the boys in the ashram. Krsnagraja was leading on harmonium and the tempo was on full blast. The bhajans continued but I had to move on. I managed to bump into Santi Prabhu and he instructed me to have a sleep in the middle of the day because we would be driving through the night. I did what he said and was out like a light. When I awoke, I cleaned myself up and did some service in the kitchen for Snana-yatra. HH Jayapataka Swami was supposed to come for this seva but he was held back due to an injury. All the news about the incident was a little vague. We made the preparations based on some notes that Maharaja had sent ahead and I blissfully chanted the holy name as I did my simple service. I lined up for the massive queue to bath the deities. There was a raging kirtana in the middle of the temple, barricaded by ropes. I saw Santi at the door, beckoning me to leave. I made a plea and was allowed to skip a couple people, just managing to bath the Deities on time. We rushed off to where the van was parked, threw our things in and jumped in also. It was Santi, myself and an obscure spiritual friend we had picked up. He was a little bit into Australian Aboriginal dreamtime and a little bit into Buddhism. He seemed to also be a little bit into the Hare Krsnas but it was pretty hard to tell. Whatever his motivations were, he was our friendly companion. We drove off into the night, starting with Santi at the helm. We talked constantly on philosophical subject matter and our companion managed to keep up. We occasionally stopped to fill ourselves up on Santi's endless bag of bhuja and flat rice mix, which kept us going for the whole journey. We pulled up at a petrol station, somewhere inland, and Santi led the Indian servo attendant to the back of our car. He gave the man some of our snack mix and the Indian gentleman was very thankful because it was Bhagavat Prasadam. I took a bit more appreciation of our delicious pit stop snack from that moment onward. Eventually Santi went to sleep in the back of the van, on top of a pile of boxes, which nearly touched the roof, and I took the steering wheel. Our little companion didn't end up being much help in keeping me awake but I luckily had a stack of HH Indradyumna Swami bhajans. It was the first time I had heard any of them so it was a very mystical experience, singing along while driving down the dark highway, heading on a crazy and unforeseen journey. http://maddmonk.wordpress.com/ Maddy Jean-claude Durr, New Govardhana, AU: Original Aussie Journey: Day 6Tuesday 25th, December 2007. In the morning, I happily danced away in Gurupuja. All my anxieties had been washed away because of the news from the day before. HG Aniruddha Prabhu gave class. I spent another typical day at Melbourne temple compound, which mainly consisted of the intake of Prasadam and chanting the holy name. In the middle of the day I helped Nanda Mandir Prabhu clean the temple room. I felt like I was partaking in the Gundica pastime, as we glided water across the floor. I had the service of shaking out the greeting mat to the temple and found myself covered in the dust of countless Vaisnavas. Later in the day I ducked out with Uddhava and Adam, down to the local cricket pitch. Some of the Indian students, who had been doing a lot of service at the temple, were having a match of the century. Every time one of them would score a point, the scorer's team would huddle together, jump up and down and chant the holy names of the Lord. Krsna consciousness had changed their lives forever. Even whilst doing something seemingly mundane they could not forget Krsna. I rested that day from the many shows we had in Melbourne. The next night we would be driving out to Sydney. [http://maddmonk.wordpress.com] Japa Group: You Chant Your Japain a routine way, keeping the pace, keeping alert, pronouncing the names. I did not weir off the road or break down to a stand still. My motor ran smoothly with no warning lights on the dash port. At this rounds I'll have sixteen done in short order unless I grow weary, asleep. So far, so good, we are counting off routine with a prayer underneath. From Bhajan Kutir #476 H.H. Sivarama Swami: Karma for ISKCON leaders and following 3-1/2 principles for initiation
ISKCON Brisbane, AU: Amala Kirtan - "Kirtan-the Yoga bliss tour"Gouranga TV: Indradyumna Swami Kirtan Krishna Balaram InstallationIndradyumna Swami Kirtan Krishna Balaram Installation More Recent Articles |
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