"Planet ISKCON" - 60 new articles
Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: KulimeLA 2009: Bhajan Kutir – Listen & Download Digital RecordingsKulimeLA 2009: Bhajan Kutir CDs – Volumes 1, 2 & 3 are now available for complimentary listening and downloading. CLICK HERE to download digital copies for your playlist. This selection of heartfelt kirtans was recorded live in the KM09 Bhajan Kutir at the ISKCON New Dwarka Temple in Los Angeles CA, USA. These volumes are lovingly presented by the following kirtaniyas: Volume 1: Kishori Mohan, Sudevi Dasi, Gaura Mani, Ananta Vrindavan, Vijay Krsna, Rasika Dasi & more… Volume 2: Kalindi Dasi, Arjuna Dasa, Abhay Dasa, Visvambhar Dasa (Mayapuris), Gaura Vani (As Kindred Spirits) & more… Volume 3: Krishna Kishora (Mayapuris), Radhanath Swami, Bada Haridas, Aniruddha Dasa, Gopal Krishna Dasa & more… In ancient Sanskrit, “Kirtan” is “The sacred, joyful, and spontaneous congregational singing and dancing for the glorification of God.” A “Bhajan Kutir” is a special place dedicated to Kirtans. “Kuli” refers to a member of a “Community” and “Mela” means “Festive Gathering.” Combined, “Kuli Mela” tranforms into “A Celebration of Community.” Additional thanks and credits to: Vrindavan Favors as Bhajan Kutir organizer * Los Angeles ISKCON New Dwarka Community as gracious hosts * Szymon Potynski & Rasikananda Fitch for graphic designs * Jaya Balarama dasa as sound engineer * Rupa Schomaker for recording, editing and mastering the tracks * Kamal Vyas & Chaits Walker as producers. The Kuli Mela Association is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to serving an international community by supporting and encouraging its members to come together in service, association and empowerment, with a strong emphasis on spirituality. C + P 2009 Kuli Mela Association. All rights reserved. H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Quote Of Guru MaharajaSent by His Grace Ganganarayana Dasa Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: We came to see You and You left us hankering for Your DarshanOne week ago... Had to go to Ottawa so we brought the kids for a weekend outing. The kids had never been to ISKCON Ottawa so looked up the website and decided to take them on the Sunday program to take darshan. On Sunday a storm hit with some freezing rain and cleared out by late afternoon. We were staying outside the city centre, so we made the trek and with a bit of slipping and sliding found some parking and walked to the temple. The kids are excited and covered from head to toe with winter gear. After some careful walking we get to the front door and to our disappointment the door is locked. We peek here and there and see no one and to our incredible disappointment do not get to take darshan of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai. So that has left us hankering... So hopefully we will get to see Them soon on another trip... ~ Indresh [this is the Sunday, December 19th post and refers to a visit on December 12th] H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Saturday, December 18th, 2010A Visit to Life H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Friday, December 17th, 2010Reflections of the Day H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Thursday, December 16th, 2010Outside the Window H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Tuesday, December 14th, 2010They Hike US, We hike Them Srila Prabhupada's Letters1967 December 23: "Our Kirtana movement is genuine, so we don't want cheap popularity. Let us convert one person in Krishna consciousness, that is our success of life. We don't want many cheap rascal followers." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1967 December 23: "I do not like too much editorial work. There is no need of editing the final manuscripts - I have already written to him. One man should edit it and be sufficient. Not that it should be edited again and typed again and waste time. That is my desire." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 December 23: "I thought Krishna Consciousness is the most important idea in the world, so let me go to the most important city in the world, New York City. I thought even at the fag-end of my life, if I am able to do anything for my Spiritual Master, let me try for it there." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 December 23: "I was alone, I was thinking, who will listen to me? I shall stay little longer, at least I can distribute a few books. But Krishna was all along preparing something I could not see. Now I can see that it is a miracle." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 December 23: "Keep yourself always above suspicion and if you simply instruct as I have taught you - that will act with great force. I am doing that. And I wanted to make some sannyasis to do what I am doing. That is our perfect Krishna Consciousness program." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 December 23: "I want to know what has happened there. Please keep me fully informed and I will give you further instructions. They must return the property otherwise we will take action immediately." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 December 23: "As one of my elder disciples you must set a nice example. You must become ideal in all respects, rising early, chanting sixteen rounds, attending classes, eating only Krsna prasadam, etc. This is very much wanted. This will make everything perfect." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 December 23: "I was also grhastha now I am sannyasi. So I recommend you also take up this life. So many great kings and saintly persons all finished the last part of their lives living as mendicants, sannyasis." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1971 December 22 : "Yes, it is a very good proposal that you should run for Mayor. I very much approve of this plan. We should always set the perfect example in all fields of activities, why not in politics?" Srila Prabhupada's Letters1971 December 22 : "Do not deviate from our high standard. That will mean great dishonor to me. Push on in your preaching as I have shown you, remain pure, enthusiastic, and optimistic, and Krishna will favor you." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 December 22 : "I am little observing now that our men are losing their enthusiasm for spreading our programmes. Otherwise, why so many letters of problems are coming, dissatisfied? That is not a very good sign." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 December 22 : "There is symptom of missing the point. Regulative principles must be followed by everyone. Otherwise enthusiasm dwindles and they again think of sex and become restless, and so many problems are there." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 December 22 : "I do not think the leaders are themselves following, nor they are seeing the others are following strictly. That must be rectified at once. Everyone must understand nicely why this tapasya is necessary." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 December 22 : "There must be always tapasya. We should not be after comforts and become complacent. Now you big managers train up more and more competent managers like yourselves. Forget this centralizing bureaucracy." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 December 22 : "Do not think in this way of big corporation, centralization - these are all nonsense proposals. Once there is bureaucracy the whole thing will be spoiled." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 December 22 : "Krishna Consciousness Movement is for training men to be independently thoughtful and competent, not for making bureaucracy. There must always be competitive spirit, not that one shall dominate the other." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 December 22 : "Our leaders shall be careful not to kill the spirit of enthusiastic service, which is spontaneous and voluntary. To draw out spontaneous, loving spirit - that is the art of management. But where are so many expert managers?" Srila Prabhupada's Letters1967 December 21: "Be careful about your health. Not only you but all my noble sons. I am an old man. I may live or die it does not matter. But you must live for long time to push on this Krishna Consciousness movement." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1968 December 21: "Accelerate these school engagements and I am sure you will be very successful. When Krishna sees that we are trying very sincerely to preach His message He becomes very pleased and showers all blessings upon us. So please continue in this spirit." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1968 December 21: "Mr. Harrison must join this Krishna Consciousness movement without hesitation. If Mr. George Harrison takes the lead in organizing a huge Sankirtana Party consisting of the Beatles and our boys surely we shall change the face of the world." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 December 21: "Yes, spiritual activities, even mentally performed, are beneficial. No, mental sinful activities do not cause a bad reaction. We do not suffer for thinking something sinful. Not in this age. That is a special concession for Kali-yuga." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 December 21: "You are the pioneer preachers, you are paving the way. You will not stand by idly and listen to any nonsense ideas or Mayavadis. That is very nice. My Guru Maharaja was also inclined toward his bolder preachers." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 December 21: "Print thousands of books and distribute everywhere, all over the world at the same speed. If we can get the masses of people in the Western countries to become Krsna Conscious, then the rest of the world will follow. That is a fact." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 December 21: "By injecting our movement into the masses of people all over the world, especially in the Western countries, we can literally turn whole areas into Krsna Conscious nations. I am very glad to hear you have printed 100,000 copies. Now give them to everyone." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 December 21: "I am very anxious to get that building in New York City. I like it very much, so I want you to take it immediately. Now keep the atmosphere very pure by holding regular classes and kirtan, morning and evening arati and ensuring that everyone chants their 16 rounds and follows the regulative principles without fail." ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Vaiyasaki PrabhuSrimad Bhagavatam 11.28.17 - Before saying or doing anything, think whether it is going to be pleasing to guru & Krsna. While chanting if you think, you cannot hear. ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Nanda Mandir PrabhuBhagavatam class given on Monday, 20th December 2010 ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Harinama Sankirtana!
David Haslam, UK: reflectingThe one thing that is important is that we try to make each and every interaction with the people we meet one that is beneficial, even if there is a need for correction some thought has to be put into how we do it and why. So do we take time to reflect and analyze [...] Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: dry philosophy and sumptuous prasadamOurs is not a dry philosophy -- simply talk and go away. No. We distribute prasadam, very sumptuous prasadam. In every temple, we offer prasadam to anyone who comes... If you eat bhagavat-prasadam, then gradually you become spiritualized; it has this potency. >>> Ref. VedaBase => JSD 4.2: The Bona Fide Spiritual Master Japa Group: As We Have Been Taught
From Viraha Bhavan #140 H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 4.6.36 Try To Listen 2005-07-13SB 04.06.36 Try To Listen 2005-07-13 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 4.6.36 Try To Listen 2005-07-13 Los Angeles H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 4.6.34 Not Even Our DreamSB 04.06.34 Not Even Our Dream 2005-07-11 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 4.6.34 Not Even Our Dream 2005-07-11 Los Angeles Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Bhajan - Surya Summer Tour - Prayers to Lord Jagannath - 2/2The boys from the Surya Summer Tour sang a wonderful bhajan in glorification of Lord Jagannath. Dallas, TX H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Wednesday, December 15th, 2010The Gita And What It Does H.H. Sivarama Swami: Nadia Mani asks: To what extent do we have free will
Sita-pati dasa, AU: Atma Yoga Retreat 2011 w/ Gaura Vani & As Kindred SpiritsAtma Yoga Retreat 2011 with Gaura Vani and As Kindred Spirits brochure Seriously, this is the chance of a lifetime if you live in Australia. A yoga/kirtan retreat with Gaura Vani & As Kindred Spirits from January 26 - January 30, 2011. That's four nights of kirtan, plus kirtan workshops during the day. As well there is wonderful organic vegetarian cuisine daily, and yoga classes and workshops each day. If you want to come, get in touch with me, and I'll help hook you up. Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Recipe : Palak PaneerPalak Paneer : Traditional Indian Cuisine Yesterday I made palak paneer for my girlie. We can’t subsist on cookies and brownies alone over here. Palak paneer is a very traditional Indian sabji (vegetable dish) that can be found at practically every Indian restaurant, wedding and frozen food aisle. Basically, it is a creamy spinach dish with homemade fresh cheese, spiced with the warming flavors of garam masala. Make it at home and you can adjust the heat, making it suitable for the spicy tongues of adults or the mild palates of young children. This recipe is mild in heat (I don’t use chili) but high in flavor (ginger and cumin take the lead). Serve with rice, chapatis, quinoa, etc. I tackled it freestyle, since that’s how I usually roll on non-scientific preps, but my knowledge of palak paneer was not innately born into my soul. Rather, I’ve read some recipes along the way, cooking from them, internalizing them and ultimately tattooing their flavors onto my tongue. Traditional Palak Paneer (variations listed)Equipment
Variations On A Traditional Dish
Tagged: brunch, dinner, food, indian cooking, palak paneer, recipes, side dishes, spinach, vegan, vegetarian Kripamoya dasa, UK: Paedophile priests, ISKCON, and sentimentalized compassionA Catholic blog caught my eye this morning: Here The writer suggests that the scandals in the Irish church could be partially attributed to the fact that Catholic priests were dealt with as ‘victims of their impulses’ and therefore deserving compassionate treatment. For this reason none of them were handed over to civil authorities. Compassion is an extremely important quality, especially for those involved in cultivating a more spiritual life. And it’s true that, in general, we all tend to judge each other harshly, and with prejudice, so the general instruction for all aspiring spiritualists of any religious tradition might be: ‘Be more compassionate – and don’t judge others prematurely.’ But the ancient Greeks said that even virtues, when overly applied (and in the wrong circumstances) can become vices, and do a lot of harm. Compassion is one of the virtues, and its a great virtue; indeed, the great Pandava, Maharaja Yudhisthira, said that applied compassion – mercy – is the king of all the virtues. However, there is a time for compassionate action to become transformed to measures of discipline, so that a person may ultimately improve themselves, and that others may be protected. Not everyone in a group or society can be the recipient of compassion at all times and in all circumstances. Any society – even one based primarily on compassionate dealings – can only properly function when there is justice and discipline. If there is no discipline then continued compassion itself will serve to unbalance that society. Srila Prabhupada tells the true story of a young man who was never disciplined throughout his childhood and who grew up a quite wayward fellow. He fell into bad company, was arrested by the police for a serious crime, and was about to be sentenced to a term in prison. He was asked if he had anything further to say, and motioned that he would like to speak to his aunt who had raised him. When he leaned over to whisper in her ear, instead of speaking to her he bit off a piece of her ear lobe. As she screamed and the blood ran down her cheek, he called out: “That’s for never disciplining me when I was a child! Now look at the result of your kindness!” A Catholic priest applies God’s compassionate nature in his dealings with others, and particularly in the Rite of Reconciliation, where the confessions of the supplicant must be dealt with by his representation of the divine compassion of God. Its natural that within the very social institution of compassionate priesthood, that the dealing between priests should reflect the nature of the service they extend to others. But there does come a time for discipline; which is only compassion applied in a different way. Forgiveness must be there, but that is never a substitute in any society for social discipline. The whole affair becomes further complicated and problematic due to a Christian theological point which is often used to explain bad behaviour in the lives of otherwise good people: ‘evil influences’. Whether the individual actually believes in the Devil – and many priests these days do not – the notion that bad behaviour arises from forces external to the person can easily turn a perpetrator into a ‘victim’ of outside evil influences. Evil then becomes objectified and externalized. For the Vaishnavas it is theologically impossible, in the ultimate sense, to talk of a Devil. We don’t have one, at least one that makes it his duty to force good people to commit evil deeds. External influences – yes; and demonic universal forces – yes. But ultimately the responsibility for the action lies with the actor. And the karma-phala - the fruit of actions – will accrue to the actor. Vaishnava theology puts any blame fairly and squarely with the individual, with the family, friends and mental disposition a product of former actions. ISKCON has seen evil committed within its ranks, and unfortunately is no stranger to the pestilence of paedophile priests. And we, also like the Catholic Church, did not respond to the problem fast enough or in the appropriate way. We also tended to treat our priestly perpetrators as the ‘victims’ and preferred that their rectification be made in private, before God, without the involvement of civil authority. We, like the Catholic Church, could not countenance the embarrassment that the very people put on Earth to represent the Godhead were guilty of such heinous actions. We concluded that any localized incident of child abuse was a temporary aberration that could never – would never – possibly occur again. So nobody talked about it – and nobody saw certain patterns emerging. We will be paying for the consequences of those errors for years to come. But we don’t have a Devil to blame, so how did we have so much compassion for our own priests that went astray? One reason might be that we are not entirely free from the sentimentalization of western society that has been growing for some decades now. It is quite fashionable in our ‘post-modern’ world to describe someone who resorts to criminal behaviour as a ‘victim’ of their upbringing; or of the educational system; or of their poor mental health; or that they were ‘victimized’ by falling into the wrong company at a crucial point in their life. Now all they need is love and understanding – and compassion – to reverse the process. It makes for everyone in western society understanding themselves as being a victim of someone or something else; and that there is always somebody to blame for their inadequacies. Our theological loophole – the one that is most often misunderstood and regularly misused – is the verse in the Bhagavad-gita (9.30) where Shri Krishna says that: “Even if one commits the most abominable action, if he is engaged in devotional service he is to be considered saintly….” In his purport to this verse, Srila Prabhupada quotes a verse from the Nrsimha Purana (bhagavati ca harav ananya-ceta..) which explains that just as the spots on the moon do not impede the moonlight, similarly occasional accidental falls from the path of a saintly character do not make a devotee abominable. But I have also personally sat before Srila Prabhupada when he used a comparable illustration in another way. He was perturbed by an illegality committed by his disciples and wanted to convey to us that we should not break the law in the name of Krishna. He said that if you have a white sheet with some black spots on it, everyone will look at the spots; and that if an ordinary man does something wrong then people may not talk, but that if a man who is supposed to be saintly does something wrong – then everyone will notice and talk about it. So Bhagavad-gita 9.30 does not mean that a devotee of Krishna can do no wrong. In anticipation of our misuse of this verse Srila Prabhupada concludes: “…No one should take advantage of this verse and commit nonsense and think that he is still a devotee…” ISKCON is a Society, but it is not separate from society in general. We have our internal rules but we do not have a process of law which runs separate from civil law. We don’t have our Vaishnava equivalent of the Islamic sharia. We are a branch of society, not something apart. If a devotee breaks the law then he must accept the consequences, the same as any member of society. God will forgive him, of course, but along with that state of grace may come social disgrace – and that’s good for the soul too. Dandavats.com: The passing of Prahlad Nrsimha das (Paul Ignozza)Nartaka Gopala dasi: Sriman Prahlad Nrsimha das passed away on Saturday, December11, 2010 at about 2:10 PM in Port Charlotte, FL. He was a disciple of HH Hanumatpresaka Swami, and most of his devotional life was spent at the Miami Temple Dandavats.com: Divya interviews ISKCON Swami all about VarnasramaBy Bharat Chandra das A famous Indian newspaper "Divya Bhaskar" reporter interviewed Minister for ISKCON Daiva Varnasrama Ministry - India, His Holiness Bhakti Raghava Swami, on Daiva Varnasrama Dharma. Dandavats.com: The all Powerful and Independent Holy Name
Chanting the holy names of the lord is the most profound method in this age of Kali to rise above the influences of Maya. To engage in Harinama Sankirtana is definitely the only viable process of freeing ourselves from this precarious position we have implicated ourselves in within this material world. Dandavats.com: Wishing You A Merry Krishnas…By Niscala Dasi It struck me the other day the astonishing similarity between the words Christmas and Krishna- Prabhupada once pointed out the similarity between the words Christ and Krishna, but when “mas” is added, and the “i” is shortened, the similarity becomes much stronger- one could even say to someone “krsnas tu bhagavan swayam” and they might respond “What was that about Christmas?” Dandavats.com
If Jesus Christ was a jagad-guru and his instructions are capable of bringing us deliverance, why do we need a spiritual master? Dandavats.com: Bhaktivedanta Swami Goshala newsletter December 2010Vrajaraj kumar das: Please visit our http://www.goshala.com/newsletter.html site to read our latest Bhaktivedanta Swami Goshala Newsletter. Please accept this as Our Humble attempt to propagate the Service of Cows in Society Dandavats.com: Sri Govindji as Lord BalajiMadhugopal Hari Das: Please visit http://www.iskcontirupati.net/main/home.html to have ekadasi darshan of Sri Govindji as Lord Balaji and Srimati Radharani as Godadevi or Andal. This decoration is done once in a year, around 100,000 devotees visit to darshan of their Lordships Dandavats.com: Heavy snow brings down the Goshalla tent in Villa vrindavana - Cow Emergency!Parabhakti das - President Villa Vrindavana: The violent snowfall that happened in the Florence area on Friday, December 17 has not only paralyzed Villa Vrindavana but completely destroyed the tent-shelter where the cows were housed Sita-pati dasa, AU: Scheduling eventsA schedule in theory: and the reality: When constructing a schedule, do two things to take this into account: 1. Build in breathing space that can compress when you need to realign. If it's a continuous stage show, put 15 mins downtime between acts, over and above what you need for the change over. Leave the time there if you don't need it, suck it up when you're running behind. If it's a multi-week tour, put days in with nothing scheduled. If your energy is low you can sleep. If you need to travel to catch up time, you can. 2. Use a logarithmic time scale, not a linear one. Plan for fatigue, flagging spirits, and the inevitable slowing down that comes after continuous execution. Things can be fast and furious in the beginning, but as time goes on things will slow down. Count on it, by building it into the schedule. Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Website and blog downApologize for website and blog being down for quite a few hours. Apparently hosting company had some technical difficluties that also affected our site and then specifically the blogs. Anyhow, all posts are now up and feel free to also look at the blog archives. Also the main site, www.radhashyamasundar.com is back online. Japa Group: I Stick To The Simple Method
Gouranga TV: 24 Hour Hare Krishna Kirtan – Sacinandana Swami – Kirtan Fiesta 201024 Hour Hare Krishna Kirtan – Sacinandana Swami – Kirtan Fiesta 2010 H.H. Sivarama SwamiWhen faults in others misguide and delude you – have patience, introspect, find faults in yourself. Know that others cannot harm you unless you harm yourself. - Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura More Recent Articles |
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- Srila Prabhupada QOTD (feed)
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters (feed)
- Subuddhi Krishna dasa, Chicago, USA (feed)
- Sutapa das, BV Manor, UK (feed)
- Suvilasa dd, Brisbane, AU (feed)
- Syamesvari dd (feed)
- The Loft, Auckland (feed)
- Tirtharaj dasa (feed)
- Tracey, USA (feed)
- Tri-yuga das, AU (feed)
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- (feed)
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- Vrndavana Vinodini dd, Toronto, Canada (feed)
- Vyenkata Bhatta dasa (feed)
- Yogesvara das, USA (feed)

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