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- Sita-pati dasa, AU: Pastimes of Srila BV Narayana Maharaja
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- Book Distribution News: Krsna Often Surprises Us
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- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Kartika Mahatmya – Kartika(Damodara) Maas – 10/22/2010 – 11/21/2010
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 107
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: One Hundred Prabhupada Poems
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Viraha
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Understanding Separation
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- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 3.15.30 Another Day Another Class
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 3.15.22 Difficult To Understand
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 3.15.21 Devotion To Sin
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 3.14.11 Pill Popping Populous
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"Krsna wears a pearl necklace that appears like a chain of white ducks around His neck. The peacock feather in His hair appears like a rainbow, and His yellow garments appear like lightning in the sky. Krsna appears like a newly risen cloud, and the gopis appear like newly grown grains in the field. Constant rains of nectarean pastimes fall upon these newly grown grains, and it seems that the gopis are receiving beams of life from Krsna, exactly as grains receive life from the rains." Madhya 21.109 "The rain I am in is not like the rain of cities. It fills the woods with an immense and confused sound. It covers the flat roof of the cabin and its porch with insistent and controlled rhythms. And I listen, because it reminds me again and again that the whole world runs by rhythms I have not yet learned to recognize, rhythm that are not those of the engineer." Thomas Merton, Raids on the Unspeakable (New York: New Directions, 1966) p. 9. "Nobody started it, nobody is going to stop it. It will talk as long as it wants, this rain. As long as it talks I am going to listen." Raids on the Unspeakable: p. 10. Filed under: Thomas Merton  When disaster of any variety strikes the first thing to do is remember that Lord Krishna is the still the Supreme Controller and that therefore any disaster small or big is fully manageable if we simply take complete shelter of the Lord. In fact, disaster is our best friend because it gives us an unparalleled opportunity to realize how tiny and insignificant... In case you missed it, His Holiness BV Narayana Maharaja [website] appears to be entering his final pastimes. Here is a report from the Delhi Matha: Dear devotees, Please accept my dandavat pranams. All glories to Srila Gurudeva and Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga. All glories to Sri Sri Radha-vinodehariji. This morning, Brajanath Prabhu informed me that Srila Gurudeva's condition is stable. He rested well last night. This morning, as yesterday, he came to the door of his room to look at the devotees chanting outside. After that, he walked in his room for some time. The nutrition program is continuing according to the protocols already agreed with Doctor Ray, and previously agreed medical treatment is also going on at the same time. Yesterday, Srila Gurudeva told Nanda-nandana from Hong Kong, "I will be OK in three or four days." There is great teamwork amongst the devotees who are serving Srila Gurudeva, including the attendants in his room, the kitchen crew, and those who are working in the laboratory to prepare the medicines. Besides that, Vrinda Didi is gratefully receiving the herbs, fruit and other gifts that devotees are bringing with them from abroad. Madhava Maharaja and Brajanath Prabhu are coordinating the various activities, including meals, treatments, and some darshans. Enthusiastic kirtan is going on throughout the day. Today, Madhavi Didi is facilitating a workshop on leadership on the top floor of the Math. Most of the devotees here will leave tomorrow for Vrindavana to start parikrama. It will be a wrench to leave Srila Gurudeva here, but it is his desire. There is no immediate plan for Srila Gurudeva to move to Vraja, because so many essential supplies are more available here. Two ISKCON sannyasis – Gopala Krishna Maharaja and Bhakti-caru Maharaja – visited Srila Gurudeva today, and told him that many devotees are praying for his recovery. A prayer group of 100,000 Christians is also praying for Srila Gurudeva's health every "until further notice". Brajanath Prabhu requested that devotees continue to pray to Giriraja Govardhan for Srila Gurudeva's health and strength. Aspiring for service Sri Hari, Guru and Vaishnavas, B V Nemi Srimad Bhagavatam 11.25.33-36 - An advanced devotee is constantly trying to engage people in devotional service.
Just to let you all know that The Loft is open as usual on Labour Day Monday 25th Oct. Hope to see you there!!! With the devotees from the San Diego temple I was distributing books at a table at Mesa College recently when a person who was apparently a rabbi came over and began looking at the pictures I had on display -- the famous picture of the man with a cow's head about to slaughter a cow with a man's head, along with a reincarnation picture and a meditation picture. As he studied the pictures I thought, "What's going to come of this? Is he going to tell me how far I am from the truth and make a scene, or what?" He was decked out in Orthodox garb, with a yarmulke (little hat), strings hanging down the side of his body, strands of hair on the side of his head, and black clothes -- a serious man of faith. Then he looked at me and said, "Is that the Bhagavad-gita you have on the table?" I said, "Well, yes it is. Have you heard of it?" "I've read some of the Mahabharata, and there is mention of it there. Are you selling it?" "We ask a donation for it." "I've wanted to have the book for many years. Would $20 be OK?" "Yes, that would be fine." Krsna surprised me. An hour later, as I was talking to two students, a middle-aged lady walked up and began listening. When I distribute, I tell a few jokes to put the people at ease. As I made the presentation, the students laughed and found the book interesting. The lady, however, was very grave. She had a hard look -- even scary. I thought, "She definitely won't take a book." So I handed a book to each student. But they had no money, so I gave them some free literature and they left. Then I heard the lady say, "Would fifteen dollars be enough?" I said, "Sure, that's fine." She turned out to be a really nice lady and happily walked away with her Bhagavad-gita. Surprised again. I guess the moral is: You can't judge a book-buyer by his or her cover. Your servant, Vijaya das With the devotees from the San Diego temple I was distributing books at a table at Mesa College recently when a person who was apparently a rabbi came over and began looking at the pictures I had on display -- the famous picture of the man with a cow's head about to slaughter a cow with a man's head, along with a reincarnation picture and a meditation picture. As he studied the pictures I thought, "What's going to come of this? Is he going to tell me how far I am from the truth and make a scene, or what?" He was decked out in Orthodox garb, with a yarmulke (little hat), strings hanging down the side of his body, strands of hair on the side of his head, and black clothes -- a serious man of faith. Then he looked at me and said, "Is that the Bhagavad-gita you have on the table?" I said, "Well, yes it is. Have you heard of it?" "I've read some of the Mahabharata, and there is mention of it there. Are you selling it?" "We ask a donation for it." "I've wanted to have the book for many years. Would $20 be OK?" "Yes, that would be fine." Krsna surprised me. An hour later, as I was talking to two students, a middle-aged lady walked up and began listening. When I distribute, I tell a few jokes to put the people at ease. As I made the presentation, the students laughed and found the book interesting. The lady, however, was very grave. She had a hard look -- even scary. I thought, "She definitely won't take a book." So I handed a book to each student. But they had no money, so I gave them some free literature and they left. Then I heard the lady say, "Would fifteen dollars be enough?" I said, "Sure, that's fine." She turned out to be a really nice lady and happily walked away with her Bhagavad-gita. Surprised again. I guess the moral is: You can't judge a book-buyer by his or her cover. Your servant, Vijaya das Dear Devotees, We cordially invite you to celebrate: Sharad-Purnima Festival on Friday October 22, 2010 starting @ 7pm This is the first night of the Month-long Damodara Festival, during which devotees get to offer small lamps to Lord Damodara. This is also the first night of Lord Krsna's Rasa dance. This special month, known as Kartika, is very auspicious for practicing Bhakti-yoga. Friday's schedule 7:00pm – Arati and Kirtan 7:30pm – Readings and Bhajans 8:30pm – Damodarastakam prayers and offerings of lamps 9:00pm – Prasadam feast ** Damodarastakam Schedule ** At Sri Sri Radha Govinda Mandir, for the special month of Kartika, the chanting of the Damodarastakam bhajans and offering of lamps (or candles) will be observed as follows: Evenings (at 8:30pm, except Sunday and festivals) Sundays at 6:00pm We hope to see you and have your association during this special time. Your servants, NY ISKCON 
Chanting produces a taste for chanting. It becomes an indispensable part of your life, you can not bear to go with out chanting early in the morning. Prabhupada said of his 1 A.M. rising and writing his books, "This is taste." Similarly, this is taste which drives me to go around the beads for sixteen rounds with out letup, building the strength and relishing the sounds, and when I am extra fortunate, con tem plating on Radha and Krishna who stand together on the altar and play in Their pastimes in my mind. The duty of a brahmana is to culture the quality of forgiveness, which is illuminating like the sun. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, is pleased with those who are forgiving. PURPORT Different personalities become beautiful by possessing different qualities. Canakya Pandita says that the cuckoo bird, although very black, is beautiful because of its sweet voice. Similarly, a woman becomes beautiful by her chastity and faithfulness to her husband, and an ugly person becomes beautiful when he becomes a learned scholar. In the same way, brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras become beautiful by their qualities. Brahmanas are beautiful when they are forgiving, ksatriyas when they are heroic and never retreat from fighting, vaisyas when they enrich cultural activities and protect cows, and sudras when they are faithful in the discharge of duties pleasing to their masters. Thus everyone becomes beautiful by his special qualities. And the special quality of the brahmana, as described here, is forgiveness. SB 9.15.40 I'm on the road to Mallacoota via Merimbula. Sounds exotic. See y'all soon! Dear Devotees: By Their Graces Dvarakadish Dasa and Hiranya-Garbha Dasa Hare Krsna! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga! Click here for link to PDF file on Kartika Mahatmya I have received this efile from our Godbrother and my good friend, Hiranya-garbah Das from New [...] 3:30 A.M. Namamrita by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: 'To Be Effective, Chanting Should Be Accompanied by the Four Regulative Principles: "[Sukadeva Gosvami to King Pariksit]: For a few months the sons of Prajapati Daksa drank only water and ate only air. Thus undergoing great austerities, they recited this mantra: "Let us offer our respectful obeisances unto Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is always situated in His transcendental abode. Since He is the Supreme Person (Paramahamsa), let us offer our respectful obeisances unto Him." From these verses it is apparent that the chanting of the maha-mantra or the Vedic mantras must be accompanied by severe austerities. In Kali-yuga, people cannot undergo severe austerities like those mentioned herein – drinking only water and eating only air for many months. One cannot imitate such a process. But at least one must undergo some austerity by giving up four unwanted principles, namely illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling. Anyone can easily practice this tapasya, and then the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra will be effective without delay. One should not give up the process of austerity. (SB 6.5.27-28) In the Siksastakam Lord Caitanya states that there are no hard and fast rules in the chanting of Hare Krishna. One doesn't have to bathe first or fast or sit in a certain asana. One doesn't have to be born in a certain cast or nation or belong to a certain race or gender. One doesn't have to a pay a tax or a fee to receive the mantra. But one has to chant avoiding the four sinful activities for the chanting to be effective. If one deliberately commits sins and tries to counteract them by chanting he is committing one of the most grievous of the ten offenses in chanting. Intoxication occurs when one tries to get high by drinking alcohol or taking recreational drugs or even smoking cigarettes, or drinking tea or a coffee. Illicit sex refers to sexual activity outside of sex for procreation in marriage. Meat-eating also includes fish or eggs. These are all activities in the modes of passion and ignorance. We should chant in the mode of goodness. Last night, just before going to bed, I contacted twinge in my right eye and had to take migraine medicine. I also took regular headache medicine and was able to go to sleep without delay and with subdued pain. I woke at 12:00 and began my chanting. As has been happening recently, I began my chanting in a groggy state. But I rectified it after four rounds and chanted the remainder of my rounds speedily. I chanted about 14 rounds by 3:30 A.M. I was able to chant attentively and without distraction. One can't chant effectively while committing sins. To sin and think "I'll make it up by cleansing myself with the maha-mantra and then commit sins again," is the worst of the ten offenses. Upon initiation one has to vow not to sin again. An accidental slip maybe forgiven but if one deliberately sins and thinks he can counteract it on the strength of chanting he is not a high devotee. Chanting in the early morning, one should stay awake or what is the benefit of early rising? One must stay alert and free from gross and subtle sins.  #64 I've got the photos to go through. But before looking at that facsimile, think of him within yourself. He's a writer, he's a sound that comes over the tape recorder. More than that: years of affectionate dealings, he always led us as a spiritual master should. "A spiritual master is expert in giving special instructions to each of his disciples, and if the disciples execute the order of the spiritual master, that is the way of his perfection" (Bhag. 4.8.71, purport). A garish print with too much sepia in it— but it's history: our sannyasa initiation of 1972. Srila Prabhupada on the vyasasana, looking like the murtis look now. We four sannyasis all have grains in our right hands to throw into the fire. New sannyasi clothes. Prabhupada I can't find what I want from these pictures. Please protect me. You have always kept us expertly ,and now I want nothing else. "The spiritual master is the external manifestation of the caitya-guru, or the spiritual master sitting in everyone's heart." (Bhag. 4.8.44, purport) Krishna is the sweetest person and the gopis wish He had never gone away. They curse providence for giving them a chance to meet with him and then causing separation. Providence, they say, is cruel and childish. Why He went away is a mystery. He claims He is always with them, but they are withering in His absence. Krishna wanted to understand it Himself so He came as Lord Caitanya and tasted Radharani's mellows. In the gambhira He was wildly distorted. He talked to His confidants as if they were gopis and asked them "Where is Krishna? Will He ever come back? If He does not come back, how can I go on living?" They try to soothe Him with songs and recitation of verses about Krishna, but He just grew more insane. Finally, he could not bear it and He left. They say He merged into the body of the deity, Tota-gopinatha. His followers were bereft— Haridasa Thakura anticipated that he could not bare it and begged to leave before the Lord—but they somehow kept their lives by remembering Him and holding kirtana. The neophytes tried to cultivate separation, hankering for the Lord. We miss our spiritual master who taught us Krishna consciousness. We find solace in the association of other devotees who are also feeling separation. We carry out the order of our guru and try to teach the world about Krishna. By chanting and hearing and sharing Lord Caitanya's message we survive and fulfill our lives. This is called viraha, service in separation, and it's pronounced the topmost form of life, better even than union with the Lord. Who can understand it?  I turned at random to Srimad Bhagavatam 6.5.37: "Prajapati Daksa said: My sons were not at all freed from their three debts. Indeed, they did not properly consider their obligations. O Narada Muni, O personality of sinful action, you have obstructed their progress toward good fortune in this world and the next because they are still indebted to the saintly persons, the demigods and their father." Prajapati Daksa was very angry at Narada Muni for convincing Daksas sons not to take to householder life, but to renounce and to surrender to Krishna. Daksa had pointed out that his sons had not fulfilled their debts to great saints, the demigods and to their father; a son of a brahmana must undergo brahmacarya to clear hidden debts to saintly persons, perform ritualistic ceremonies to clear his debts to demigods and beget children to repay his debt to his father. Since Daksa's sons had not liberated themselves from these debts, how could Narada had led them to the renounced order of life? Prajapati Daksa did not know the final decision of the sastras. If one fully surrenders to Krishna, who can give one the liberation, even if one performs no yajnas, he is free from all debts. Therefore Narada was completely right and asking the sons of Daksa to renounce the material world immediately and to take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Daksa did not understand the great service rendered by Narada Muni. He therefore addressed him as a person of sinful actions, an unsaintly person. Since Narada was a great saintly person and a Vaisnava he tolerated all such accusations from Daksa. He merely performed his duty by delivering Daksa's sons and making them to return home, back to Godhead. I had a dream that I am going to work for college. But I did not have a job, nor I was enrolled in the college, I was going to try to find myself a place. I wonder in a dark building. I could not see in there. I climbed down the ladder. I worried that if I met someone I would not know what to say. Should I ask if they would hire me? Should I ask to register for classes? Then it occurred to me with deep conviction that my purpose in life was to pursue Krishna consciousness—and I was doing it in my wake life. When I woke I considered that the life I'm leading now is right for me. I woke with a headache also. I want to make a clear statement about my dream and my consideration about my life. I think I'm doing the right thing, living this sort of life where I produce the journal every day and have the sastra read to me while I eat. I don't think I lead a different kind of life. What I'm doing is suited for my capabilities and preaching. At night Ramananda Raya went home, Svarupa Damodara and Govinda lay down outside the Gambhira and Lord Caitanya was locked inside. He chanted Hare Krishna mantra for most of the night and then he began rubbing His face against the walls and making a sound, "Gar, gar." He rubbed his nose, mouth and chin until they bled. In the morning when Svarupa Damodara entered the Gambhira he was very sorry to see the Lord's face. When asked what had happened Lord Caitanya said, he tried to get out of the room and when he couldn't he rubbed his face. The devotees were very considerate and they met and decided what to do. They asked Lord Caitanya to accept than Sankara Pandit would stay in the room and protect Him. From that time on Sankara Pandit became known as the Lord's pillow. He lay down and the Lord would place His feet on Sankara's body. Sankara would massage Lord Caitanya's legs but then fall asleep. He would wake up and massage Lord Caitanya's legs but then would fall asleep again. Another time Lord Caitanya roamed in a beautiful garden, suddenly He saw Krishna. He ran toward Him, but Krishna disappeared then He was overpowered by the aroma of Krishna's body which is like lotus on camphor and He fell unconscious. When He returned He recited the verses spoken by Srimati Radharani concerning the wonderful aroma of Krishna's body which captivates all women. Lord Caitanya, speaking as Radharani cursed Akrura for taking Krishna away. Then Radharani said it was not Akrura, but Providence. Then She said it was not providence but Her own bad fortune. Lord Caitanya is really acting in madness, since He had received the sign from Advaita Acarya. The hidden message that was on it is that the time is coming for Lord Caitanya's disappearance. Lord Caitanya rubbed his face against the walls in ecstasy. He is not an ordinary mortal and can not be judged by those standards. Some scholars said he had epilepsy. They do not understand Krishna-prema. Among sadhus the scholars are considered crazy for not understanding the mahabhagavat's behavior. By Her Grace Citrangada Dasi Every 17th of September, Srila Prabhupada's Memorial Festival is celebrated in a reflective mood in Ujjain. On this day Guru Maharaja avails us the opportunity to take cognizance of Srila Prabhupada's preeminent and unique position as the Founder-Acarya of ISKCON and further fortify His Divine Grace's position as our eternal [...] SB 03.15.35_Learning How To Associate_2002-12-18 Lecture – Srimad Bhagatavam 3.15.35 Learning How To Associate 2002-12-18 Los Angeles SB 03.15.30_Another Day Another Class_2002-12-11 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 3.15.30 Another Day Another Class 2002-12-11 Los Angeles SB 03.15.22_Difficult To Understand_2002-12-03 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 3.15.22 Difficult To Understand 2002-12-03 Los Angeles SB 03.15.21_Devotion To Sin_2002-12-02 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 3.15.21 Devotion To Sin 2002-12-02 Los Angeles SB 03.14.11_Pill Popping Populous_1989-11-29 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 3.14.11 Pill Popping Populous 1989-11-29 Radhadesh Friday in the Moslem world is reserved for worship, as Sunday used to be in the west. Everyone is off work, and thus I flew back to Dubai from Muscat on Thursday 23 to a busy schedule of four programs on Friday September 24. Although I got Thursday night off, Atul Krsna prabhu was busy teaching his Bhakti Shastri course to the third batch of students, from the total of over 100 devotees who had signed up. All the students were working during the day till 7.00PM, and then came to the class from 8.00PM-10.00PM before returning home.  I was happy to find Naru Gopal prabhu, our Chairman of the Mayapur Administrative Council at the flat. He had just flown in for his first visit, on his way to America. Friday was hectic. My first stop was Shyama desh, Sharjah, which is the neighbouring Emirate about 45 mins. drive from Dubai city. The gathering ran from 7AM-9AM.   It was well attended and the last one to be held in that particular venue after 7-8 years. It was a business premises housing road works paraphernalia and the owner was moving to a new location. Now the devotees have to find a new venue. From there we drove back to the Dubai Sindhi Hall, the scene of my first program on Radhastami. It was packed to capacity, with about 500 devotees attending.  Before giving my seminar, I showed a 60-slide powerpoint presentation of the BRC. Everyone was very enthusiastic to see the work being done at the library. Of course, there is always more to say than time to say it and I went seriously over time. When I finished, I was an hour over schedule. Then we jumped in the car and zoomed off down a newly opened highway for a nearly 2 hours drive to Abu Dhabi. Avatari desh as its called, is the principle Emirate, the political center and the richest, because it sits on 95% of the total oil reserves of the UAE. It also has some serious car parking problems with double lines of cars occupying the center and sides of practically every road in the city.  The devotees had hired a hall and a good crowd of nearly 200 turned out to hear me narrate some Srila Prabhupada katha, despite my being so late.   Unfortunately the hall they hired had to be vacated for another group and so I could only speak for half an hour. Then after taking some prasadam and rest at the flat of Purnaprajna prabhu, I did my final program of the day at the home of one of the devotees from 8.30PM-10.30PM. Again it was well attended by over 100 devotees. Although I was invited to stay overnight I chose to drive back to Dubai. When I got back to the flat at near 12.30AM I was surprised to find that I was first in; my fellow visiting teachers, Atul Krsna and Naru Gopal prabhus were still doing programs elsewhere and neither of them got in until after 1.00AM! Such is the enthusiasm of the devotees in our Middle East yatras. I had Saturday off with just one lunch engagement at the home of Sriman Mahesh Advani and family. Mahesh and his wife had been particularly enthusiastic after seeing the BRC presentation at Sindhi Hall and after an excellent lunch he informed me that he would become a Patron Member, the membership fee of which is $10,000.00. We are naturally extremely happy to receive the support of these nice devotees because the BRC relies solely on donations and membership fees for its upkeep and development. Apart from Mahesh's contribution, the devotees from Bahrain later informed me they were sending Rs. 1,00,000.00 as a gift for the BRC from their whole congregation, so I was left with a feeling of deep gratitude for their generosity and support for this important project. Saturday evening we went on a special sight-seeing trip, which I will mention in my next blog entry. I did one final program on Sunday evening. All in all my ten day visit was one of the most enthusing tours I have had. The enthusiasm and attentiveness of the devotees in these yatras is hard to match anywhere in the world. All of them are working full time, yet they maintain their sadhana, home Deities and attend the programs after a hard days work, staying up very late to hear as much as possible before tracking home to face another day in the daily grind. I am quite sure I got more inspired than they did and I look forward to another visit in the near future. Dear Srila Prabhupada,Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to you. I am writing you today to express my heart felt gratitude. In the Bhagavad-gita As It Is (as well as so many other places) you instruct us to give whatever we have in sacrifice. Krsna owns everything and therefore we should offer it to Krsna. If we fail to do this then we are thieves. Srila Prabhupada, you have given me everything in my life. Therefore to use this life like I have, in sense gratification, is pure robbery. What was given must be returned, therefore I consider this life yours. We offer Krsna what we accumulate and then we honour the Prasadam. I will offer you my life and I shall only accept the mercy you bestow upon me. I see no other method besides this. I hope you never let me fall from your service, for what else is there to live for? "An intelligent person does not take part in the sources of misery, which are due to contact with the material senses. O son of Kunti, such pleasures have a beginning and an end, and so the wise man does not delight in them." BG 5.22. "If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it." BG 9.26. "Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer or give away, and whatever austerities you perform—do that, O son of Kunti, as an offering to Me." BG 9.27 Your servant, Madhavendra Puri Dasa. Read original post: [] Subscribe: []
By Suresvara Dasa for ISKCON News on 19 Oct 2010  | The Mayapur Institute is calling all the senior devotees to participate, share their life's experience and mentor younger devotees, and as an exchange experience fresh realizations and receive new inspiration about their parts in Prabhupada's mission.
| "How much individual expression for service is there in Vaikuntha?" By Rohininandan Das for ISKCON News on 19 Oct 2010  | ISKCON New Orleans invites all devotees and guests to join the annual Rath Yatra festival to be held on the 20th of November from 8 AM to 10 PM in Washington Park.
| By ISKCON News Service for ISKCON News on 19 Oct 2010
| According to various online health reports, His Holiness B.V. Narayana Maharaja, a prominent Vaishnava leader and founder-acarya of the BHAKTI Trust Mission, has been diagnosed with inoperable stage-4 colorectal cancer and is preparing to pass away from this world.
| Purnachandra Goswami, one of the senior disciples of Srila Prabhupada is currently in the hospital after suffering from internal bleeding. He visited Toronto two years ago and inspired many with his inspiring talks and kirtan. We request every one to pray for his speedy recovery.
We will keep the readers posted about his health status. Veggies Make You Strong, Cannabis Makes You Weak
Toronto, Ontario
The two proud parents of their 13 year old son told me, "Whenever the kids at school give him a hard time about his being vegetarian he beats them up."
Internally I thought that although we never promote aggression in our culture there might be a time and place for standing up for yourself. What a plug in for the meatless diet. Here's a kid that can destroy the myth of affiliating vegetarianism to being anemic, even being a wimp.
I guess the boy has gained a level of respect. Karen, his mom, says that protecting animals and his love for Krishna are his strong convictions. I had the opportunity after meeting the couple, visitors to our temple/ashram, to do a presentation to both business and nursing students, all from George Brown College. I spoke about the virtues of not only being vegetarian but the abstinence of gambling, intoxication of all sorts and being faithful to one sex partner in marriage with family planning.
I also let the group know that with these vows under your belt you can achieve things such as walking across Canada three time, some 42 kilometres a day, average. Speaking of which when I closed the day before retiring I took a southbound walk on Yonge and back. A young man caught up to me and started talking, "I haven't seen a Hare Krishna since Cheech and Chong's 'Up In Smoke". He asked what's our take on cannabis to which I responded, "One of our gods, Shiva, smokes ganja on occasion."
"Ah, Shiva, the destroyer, right?"
"Yes," I said, "but we do not endorse it. He can smoke and he has the power to destroy the universe. When we smoke the stuff it can destroy us."
He agreed with me.
8Km Herb Swanson for The New York Times A so-called passive house built by Habitat for Humanity comes together in Charlotte, Vt. As I mentioned in Sunday's Times, the nation's building stock plays a bigger role in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions than many Americans might realize — accounting for as much as 40 percent of primary energy use, 70 percent of electricity consumption and nearly 40 percent of carbon-dioxide emissions. Why? Well, one reason, according to Laura Briggs, a professor of architecture, interior design and lighting at Parsons the New School for Design, is that for most of the 20th century, the architecture and design world has remained quite separate from engineering. "The main hurdle to seeing more energy-efficient building is a lack of knowledge," she said in an interview last summer. "We've done a really bad job as educators in linking building sciences with architectural aesthetics." Zero Energy Design The Home Energy Rating System, or HERS Index, is a scoring system that can be used to compare the efficiency of various building standards. Energy Star and other green buildng standards may not go far enough (click to enlarge image). In other words, while American architects are well schooled in matters of design, they often receive little training in the physics of how a structure breathes, how it consumes energy and how best to elevate its overall efficiency. This is changing, of course, as evidenced by the budding forest of "green" building standards and certifications on the market, from the United States Green Building Council's LEED for Homes point system to what is arguably the most recognizable label for many Americans: the federal government's own Energy Star program. Indeed, more than 1 million Energy Star qualified homes, which consume at least 15 percent less energy than conventional construction, have now been built in the United States, according to the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy, which jointly administer the program. That might sound good, but advocates of more aggressive building protocols like the passive house standard, which aims for homes that use up to 80 percent less energy overall than conventional construction, say the lack of ambitious targets may actually be hindering the effort to address pressing problems like global warming. "If everybody keeps building to the Energy Star standard, just meeting that, we're not going to solve our global problems, and our buildings are not going to be ultimately reducing our impact on the environment," said Peter Schneider, a project manager with the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation, a nonprofit charged with administering the state's efficiency programs. Mr. Schneider was on hand to administer the preliminary blower-door test on the Landau house, the passive house that I profiled on Sunday. "What we need to be doing," Mr. Schneider said, "is what passive-house is doing." Brown Paper Packages Tied up With String… You're almost singing it aren't you? No? Well you must be less than 40 years old. I do get asked about my favourite things, food-wise, quite often. A nicely cooked khichari for breakfast would have to be one of them. A M wrote: "I came upon your nice web site while doing a Google search. One thing I cook up quite often when I'm tired, or just in the mood for simple, good food is khichari. I agree with what you say on your web site about it being one of the most economical, simple, and nutritious meals to prepare. But I am used to making khichari with rice and dal only. I have seen khichari made with lots of veggies. Could you send me a recipe?" My answer: Well you know you can just add any vegies you like to khichari and it really shines. My favourites are peas, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, tomato, sweet potato spinach and my favourite, broccoli. Here's a recipe of mine: Hearty One-pot Melange of Mung Beans, Rice & Vegetables (Khichari) Khichari (pronounced "kitch-eri") is such an important dish for vegetarians that I have included a different recipe for it in each of my cookbooks. The flavoursome, juicy stew of mung beans, rice and vegetables is both nutritious and sustaining. It can be served anytime a one-pot meal is required You can practically live on khichari, and in fact, some people do. I eat it accompanied by a little yogurt, some whole-wheat toast, lemon or lime wedges and topped with a drizzle of melted ghee. Bliss! Serves 4-6. ½ cup split mung beans, washed and drained 6 cups water 1 bay leaf 1.5cm (½-inch) chunk ginger, chopped fine 1 small green chili, seeded and chopped ½ teaspoon turmeric 2 teaspoons coriander powder 1 cup Thai rice, or other long grain rice of your choice 1 packed cup each broccoli, potato cubes and quartered Brussels sprouts, or vegetables of your choice 2 ripe tomatoes, chopped 1½ teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons ghee or oil 2 teaspoons cumin seeds small handful curry leaves ½ teaspoon yellow asafetida powder ½ cup chopped fresh coriander leaves wedges of lemon, some chilled yogurt, and extra ghee for serving Bring to a boil in a saucepan the mung beans, water, bay leaf, ginger, chili, turmeric and coriander, then reduce to a simmer, and cook, partially covered, for about 15 minutes, or until the beans start to break up. Add the rice, vegetables, tomatoes and salt, increase the heat, and stirring, bring to a boil, then return to a simmer, covered. Cook, stirring occasionally, for another 10-15 minutes, or until the rice is soft. Season: heat the ghee in a small saucepan over moderate heat. Sprinkle in the cumin seeds, fry until a few shades darker, and add the curry leaves – careful, they crackle. Sprinkle in the yellow asafetida powder, swirl the pan and empty the fried seasonings into the khichari. Stir the seasonings through, then return to a simmer and cook for another 5 minutes or so, or until the rice is fully swollen and soft. If you desire a moist khichari, add a little boiling water now. Serve: fold in the fresh coriander, and serve the khichari piping hot with a drizzle of warm ghee, a big bowl of karhi and/ or the accompaniments suggested above. Click here to see much, much, more at Kurma's blog. You will not be dissapointed. Share this story your way:         
 This is Srimati Radharani. She is living in somewhere in Australia. Who will be the first to guess what city or town? Where is Srimati Radharani. Let's hear from you. Be the first to leave a comment below… Share this story your way:         
2010 Janmastami Newgoloka
 Hahaha - by popular demand (Ekendra: I'm looking at you), and because I just found it: His Holiness Devamrita Swami leading Gurvastakam in Wellington, 1999. This was the day after a late night harinam and was at about 7am in the morning. Devamrita Swami is playing mrdanga - it's Josh 2's mrdanga, which was a wicked clay mrdanga. The recording was done using a single mic into a Sony MZ-R50 minidisc (it has a nice compressor in it). You can hear Dandakaranya's voice in the response (well, at least I can). The mrdanga drops out for a while where someone is adjusting the drum strap (which needed to be untied and retied) for Maharaja. What makes this recording especially entertaining is the more cowbell pastime going on (pre-SNL skit, which was in 2000). I had bought a cowbell for harinam (as one of my ongoing experiments in musical accompaniment). Anyway, I'm the protoype for Will Ferrel's SNL cowbell character, leading up to the point where Devamrita Swami says: "Play Vedic beats!". Check it out: Srimad Bhagavatam 11.25.30-32 - The glories of the devotional service mentioned in the scriptures are not exaggerations.
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