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Ratha Yatra
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"Dandavats" - 2 new articles
Celebrating 40 years of ISKCON in LondonRadha Mohan Das: In attendance will be over 1300 prominent and over 200 volunteers of the faith community, various politicians and many VIP's from business, industry, entertainment and inter‐faith leaders. Speakers will include friends of George Harrison who will be sharing rare stories of the Beatles and Hare Krishnas during the early years, as well as other notable figures associated with ISKCON |
Guru-krpa: Srila Prabhupada, for the abhiseka, do we require cow urine and cow dung and tail of cow? Is it... Prabhupada: If available, not? Devotee (1): Yes, we can get it. Guru-krpa: It's available. Pusta Krsna: They're feeling threatened by our kirtana parties. Prabhupada: Who? Pusta Krsna: He said that some of the town councils are trying to pass laws against our chanting in the streets. Devotee (2): The Christians are behind it in Whangarei. Prabhupada: So, can they pass such law? Devotee (2): I don't think so. We're having.... Some of our men are going to meet with the council the day after tomorrow at the meeting. They're open to our side. The reason is that the businessmen have complained, some of the businessmen have complained. Prabhupada: Not all of them. You take some signature from other businessmen. Devotee (2): Yes, all right. Prabhupada: You present that. Devotee (2): Yes. The men who are going to speak are businessmen, devotees. One is an architect. Prabhupada: Then he can organize so many signatures. Devotee (2): One is a restaurant owner, and one has a hairdressing salon. And they're going to speak... Prabhupada: Everyone likes; that's a fact. Guru-krpa: We gave the argument before that they say it is a disturbance, but there are so many cars and airplanes which are making disturbance. They should also be stopped. Devotee (2): Last week we wrote letters to the newspaper, and they published them, showing our view. And in Whangarei.... It's another city, a hundred miles from here. It's near the farm up north, and the devotees chant there. And the businessmen complained. And the devotees wrote a letter criticizing the materialistic businessmen, and that they didn't care for the people, only they wanted money. And they printed it this big in the newspaper, completely criticizing, and the people liked it. They put it in everything, word for word what the devotees said. So it was good. Prabhupada: So there is agitation against chanting. That is also good. Yes, "Hare Krsna is bad." (laughs) Pusta Krsna: They don't want to be bothered with Hare Krsna. Prabhupada: Huh? Pusta Krsna: They don't want to be bothered with Hare Krsna. Go on with their hellish life. Prabhupada: So we want that. Let them chant Hare Krsna somehow or other. (devotees laugh) "We don't want to be bothered by Hare Krsna." That means chanting Hare Krsna. Devotee (2): Because our kirtana party now, we have, we go on kirtana, eighty men. We go two nights a week with eighty men. Huge kirtana with five mrdangas and guitars, and we get huge crowd from the whole street. Prabhupada: That will make you triumphant. Go on kirtana. That is very nice. Kirtana, and book distribution. This is also kirtana. Guru-krpa: This is brhad mrdanga. Prabhupada: Yes. So do it enthusiastically. Keep yourself pure. Nobody will be able to do any harm to you. Krsna will give you protection. So? [break] Devotee (2): Eight crores. Hari-sauri: Didn't he say eighty crores? Prabhupada: One crore means ten million. Hari-sauri: Rupees. Prabhupada: Such eight. Devotee (2): Eighty million rupees. Prabhupada: Yes. Devotee (2): That's a million dollars. Prabhupada: Yes. Pusta Krsna: Eight million dollars. Prabhupada: Now it will be tested how much money we have got. (Pusta Krsna laughs) Guru-krpa: Ghee is cheaper in New Zealand than in Australia. Prabhupada: Anyway, first of all arrange for selling. Guru-krpa: I've already sent off the letter. Prabhupada: And you can disvertise(?) it from New Zealand or from Australia. There can be very peaceful condition of the whole world. Simply mismanaged by the rascal leaders. Otherwise, people can live very peacefully, eat sumptuously, save time, and there is no necessity of stopping the bare necessities of life. There is arrangement for eating, sleeping, sex life also. But not like fools and rascals. Like sane man. But this modern civilization, it is insane, crazy civilization. There is a little pleasure in sex life -- simply sex life, increase sex life, spoiling everything. That is crazy. Eating-eat anything, any nonsense thing, and become a hog. Sleeping-oh, there is no limit, twenty-four hours sleeping if it is possible. Go on, this is going on. Eating, sleeping, mating. And defense -- and discover atomic weapon, this weapon, that weapon, and kill innocent persons, unnecessarily, defense. This is going on. But everything can be used properly for peaceful condition, and when you become peaceful, no disturbance, then you can very happily chant Hare Krsna and your life becomes successful. This is our program. We don't want to stop anything. How it can be stopped? Whatever is the bare neces.... Just like we have taken sannyasa. What is that? "Oh, we have no sex life only. Otherwise, we are also eating, we are also sleeping." So that is also stopped in good old age. In old age, if a person like me, at the age of eighty years, if I would have shopped for sex life, does it look very good? Young men, they are allowed. That's all right. But a young..., old man is going to the club and spending for sex life so much money. Therefore younger generation, they're allowed grhastha life from twenty-five years to fifty years. That's all. After that, stop sex life. Actually, they want to stop population. Then why it, sex, then? No, they'll have sex life, at the same time, no population, kill the children. What is that? Simply sinful life. They will suffer, continue to suffer. So we want to stop that suffering. These rascals, they do not understand. They think, "Hare Krsna movement is disturbing." A rascal civilization. So let us try our best. What can be done? You also helping in this movement. So don't spoil the movement by manufacturing ideas. Don't do that. Go on in the standard way, keep yourself pure; then movement is sure to be successful. But if you want to spoil it by whimsical, then what can be done? It will be spoiled. If you manufacture whims and disagree and fight amongst yourself, then it will be another edition of these so-called movements. It will lose the spiritual strength. Always remember it. You cannot.... Now, actually, people are surprised: "What this Hare Krsna mantra has got power that it is changing so quickly?" And on the other hand, it is to be admitted, unless it has got power, how it is changing? So we have to keep that power. Don't make it an ordinary musical vibration. It is a different thing, spiritual. Although it seems like musical vibration, but it is spiritual, completely. Mantrausadhi-vasa. Even, by mantra, the snakes can be charmed. So mantra is not ordinary sound vibration. So we have to keep the mantra in potency, potent, by offenseless chanting, by remaining pure. If you pollute the mantra, then it will lose its effect. (devotees discuss some money matters in background) Devotee (2): So concerning the temple, Srila Prabhupada, I talked to some boys, and the one boy, Dhumra(?), he used to be in Australia, he made a fifteen-foot-high Lord Caitanya. Do you remember at the Ratha-yatra? Prabhupada: Hmm. Hmm. Devotee (2): And we're going to build a temple with nice domes, Indian style, and with sculpture like the elephant heads... Prabhupada: Make in Vrndavana style. Devotee (2): Yes. I'll get pictures of the different... Prabhupada: There is that big dome and.... You have seen Vrndavana? Devotee (2): I have seen it just before it was finished, not since it was completed. Prabhupada: Oh. Devotee (2): But I've seen pictures. Prabhupada: I think we have got pictures. Devotee (2): And the place where we're going to put it, you'll be able to see it for miles. It'll be a landmark. Prabhupada: That's nice. Devotee (2): You can see it for many miles. Prabhupada: Not only one, you hundreds of temples construct. Village to village, town to.... At the same time, man. And it will revolutionize the whole rascal situation. At the present moment, it is rascal situation. They're simply satisfied by driving the motor.... putputputputputputputputput! (Prabhupada makes the sound of a roaring motor). They are thinking, "Oh, how highly I am situated." All crazy. But this has been taught to them that "This is civilization. If you have got a motorcycle and you can come like the wild cat, (all laugh) then you are civilized." They are thinking how great civilized they are; we are thinking how wild cat he is. And what is the difference between wild cat and running dog and this motorcycle? Put-put? What is the difference? Devotee (2): Nothing. Prabhupada: And they're taking it, highly civilized way of life. Where you are going? You cannot go beyond this earth. You attempted so much to go to the moon planet, you failed. And where you can go, put-put-put-put? You'll have to stay here. But that rascal does not understand. He thinks, "I am going very fast." Where you are going? You are destined to stay here. That he does not understand. Not only this put-put motorcycle, the put-put airplane also. They're also trying to go to this planet around, round. That sputnik, first sputnik, eighteen thousand miles, and they simply rounded over the world in one hour and twenty-five minutes. And where did you go? And when he's tired, then come down again. They cannot understand, these so-called scientists, that we cannot go in this way. There is higher authority. Why it will allow us to go anywhere? Just like the horse running fast, but within the race course. That's all. It cannot go beyond the race course. And similarly, however heroic expedition we may show, you are, what is called, baddha-jiva, conditioned. You cannot cross the condition, that is not possible. Ahankara-vimudhatma kartaham iti manyate [Bg. 3.27]. A rascal, on account of his false prestige, he is thinking, "Oh, I am independent. I can do whatever I like." Vimudhatma, foolish, rascal. Mudha, not. Vimudhatma, "especially the rascal, a special rascal." Ordinary rascal is better than the special rascal. (laughs) So all these scientists, philosophers, and political leaders, they're all special rascal, they are. Devotee (2): Vimudha. Prabhupada: Ordinary man, they're simply rascal, and these rascals are special rascals. Guru-krpa: Vimudha nanupasyanti pasyanti jnana-caksusah. Prabhupada: Hmm. Hmm. So don't be vimudhas. Better remain mudha. Not special rascal. (end) >>> Ref. VedaBase => Room Conversation -- April 27, 1976, Auckland, New Zealand
Página PRINCIPAL OBRAS y AUTORES CLÁSICOS Agradecimientos Cuadro General Disculpen las Molestias
pragosha das
[pensamiento-del-dia:542] ¿Fenomenal o tonto?![]() Fotos de vijay Janamashtmi 2008 Martes, 10 de noviembre del 2009
Si no veo las cosas como son y simplemente acepto ciegamente la visión de la realidad que me ha sido repartido por los tontos ciegos que guían al mundo más y más al caos, ¿qué dice esto de mi? Simplemente que soy otro tonto. Tal como se dice, cuando un ciego conduce a otro ciego ambos terminan en la zanja. Por lo tanto, los grandes maestros iluminados nos han aconsejado dar un paso fuera de nuestro condicionamiento y mirar la realidad pensativamente con un cerebro sereno. Si tenemos voluntad para tomar el tiempo y el esfuerzo para hacer esto, seremos fenomenales en vez de tontos. Sankarshan Das Adhikari RESPUESTAS DE ACUERDO A LA VERSIÓN VÉDICA: Desafío: No estoy convencido de la inmortalidad ¿Inmortalidad? Eso es lo que prometen. De cualquier manera no estoy convencido. Es la así llamada verdad por la fe solamente. Heather
¿Estás bromeando? Nada es conocido por fe solamente, excepto la tontería. Un seguimiento ciego de este proceso de auto realización es condenado. La inmortalidad puede solamente ser conocida por aquellos que están experimentándola de primera mano, tal como algunas veces se dice que la prueba del budín está en el comerlo. Si te gustaría saborearlo, estamos dispuestos a darte una cuchara. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Derecho de propiedad literaria 2005-2007 por www.UltimateSelfRealization.Com Estás autorizado para distribuir libremente este conocimiento alrededor del mundo con tal de que des a conocer su fuente dando el link para mencionar nuestra página señalada en: www.backhome.com. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Traducción del inglés por cortesía de: Wilmer Alberto Estrada Morales Sullana-Piura-Perú
Redacción y gramática revisadas por: Caitanyadeva das San José, Costa Rica
(durante la celebración de Nrisimha Chaturdasi)
VISITE LA SECCIÓN: Curso de la Máxima Autorrealización------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Esta semana -
"MÁS ALLÁ DE LO AGRADABLE Y DESAGREABLE" http://www.spiritual-revolutionary.com/Espanol/Curso/LeccionBG119.htm
Nuevo nombre del sitio de Sankarshan Das Adhikari en Español -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASES CON TRADUCCIÓN AL ESPAÑOL Las clases que Srila Sankarshan ha dado en Perú y México están disponibles en el enlace siguiente: http://www.spiritual-revolutionary.com/Espanol/Clases.htm --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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