----- Original Message -----From: FeedBlitzTo:Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 7:58 AMSubject: Planet ISKCON - 26 new articles
Here are the latest updates for"Planet ISKCON" - 26 new articles
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Vaiyasaki Prabhu @ Urban Yoga
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Snana Yatra - Sunday 26 December
- Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Lecture - Radhanath Swami - Remembering Tamal Krishna Goswami & Bhakti Tirtha Swami
- Kripamoya dasa, UK: Announcing: The Vaishnava Arts Council
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Vaiyasaki Prabhu
- Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Philosophical camp, Baroda
- Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Children's camp in Lika
- Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: duty of the leaders to take sannyasa
- H.H. Sivarama Swami
- Japa Group: Without Absolute Faith
- Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: KulimeLA 2009: Bhajan Kutir – Listen & Download Digital Recordings
- Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: KulimeLA 2009: Main Video Released On YouTube
- Sita-pati dasa, AU: Kirtan with Vaiyasaki
- Dandavats.com: Students brave the snows to get their presents from the Santa clauses of Matchless Gifts!
- Dandavats.com: Open Top Harinam!
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Monday, December 20th, 2010
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Sunday, December 19th, 2010
- Dandavats.com: Bhaktivedanta College Launches a VTE Bhakti Sastri Course Online
- Dandavats.com: Bonafide Bhoga List/Prohibited food items for offering
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Vaisnavi devi dasi, (for a post graduate paper) asks a series of question on the use of imagination in writing Gaudiya literature
- Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: What Srila Prabhupada had to endure to deliver Krishna to us.
- Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: ISCOWP Update December 2010
- Madri dd, South Africa: Grains cooked by non devotees
- Japa Group: The Tongue Is Sevonmukha-Jihva
- Gouranga TV: Bhakti Marg Swami Jaya Radha Madhava Orlando 12/05/10
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Vaiyasaki Prabhu @ Urban Yoga
Here is a video of the first part of Vaiyasaki Prabhu's up-roaring performance at Urban Yoga; montage by Russell Prabhu.
The rest of the night's kirtan will be uploaded soon; so hang on to this website.
Pictures coming up soon.
Just as a kind reminder: Vaiyasaki Prabhu will be holding a seminar on:
"Take your chanting to a deeper level",
Tuesday 28th till Thursday 30th December,
in the Temple Room, from 10:30am to 12:30pm.
Please do not miss this golden opportunity to absorb his profound knowledge on the matter of Japa meditation.
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
Today's copper-coloured set brings to mind the verse stating that in this iron-age of Kali, by the mercy and compassion of Lord Caitanya, a blind man can see the luminaries in the sky, a dumb man can recite eloquent poetry and a lame man can cross mountains.
Here's a slideshow to increase our remembrance of Caitanya Deva's lotus feet, enchanting name, gracious form and incomparable pastimes.
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Snana Yatra - Sunday 26 December
This year's Snana Yatra will be celebrated once again on Boxing Day, Sunday 26 December.
The program will start at 10am, with arati and kirtana at 12.30pm and the highlight of the day:
Panihati auction at 2pm.
What is so special about this celebration is that SS Jaganatha, Baladeva and Subhadra Mayi mercifully come off the altar and allow all of Their devotees to perform abhishek to Them!
As a result of such an extended bathing session, They perform Their transcendental pastime of catching a cold and retrieve to Their private quarters to recuperate for 2 weeks.
The Snana Yatra program will conclude with the feast at 4pm which will then lead us into the Sunday Feast program to conclude this day of festivity with joy and laughter.
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Lecture - Radhanath Swami - Remembering Tamal Krishna Goswami & Bhakti Tirtha Swami
Radhanath Swami speaking about his memories of Tamal Krishna Goswami and Bhakti Tirtha Swami.
Dallas, TX
Kripamoya dasa, UK: Announcing: The Vaishnava Arts Council
Urban vaishnava art: Jagannatha in Brick Lane, London. A Swarovski crystal-encrusted 3D mural by cityzenkane
Here’s a new project from freezing, snow-bound England: The Vaishnava Arts Council.
Musicians, street artists, photographers, actors, stand-up comedians, web-designers and all who love their art – and love it for how they can give Krishna to the world – this will be of interest to you. Check out the new e-magazine now right here.
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Vaiyasaki Prabhu
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.28.19 - The Tear Weapon of Krsna could not subdue mother Yasoda. The Supreme Dominator wants to be dominated by His devotee's love.
Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Philosophical camp, Baroda
I will speak in English on various topics at a level suitable for devotees who are well versed in Srila Prabhupada's books. There will also be a presentation, in English, on vedapauruseyatva, by Vidvan Gauranga Prabhu.
hari-guru-vaisnava dasa, BVS
Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Children's camp in Lika
A report from Lika, Croatia, by Murari Gupta Prabhu. Hopefully this could inspire the organization of children's camps in other locations also.
The yearly summer camp in Lika got its competition, did you know? It's Lika children's camp! Contrary to the usually rainy summer camp this one had a nice late-autumn sunny weather!
We gathered for a weekend association, coinciding with go-puja, with a purpose to inspire our children on the path of Krsna consciousness. However, in the end we were the ones inspired by children! They led bhajans, aratis, kirtans and pujas, and we, adults, were awestruck observers in the background. Why? Because there are those among us who still don't know how to play harmonium, and there are children who do ... And because our first childhood steps at this age were connected to bhajans glorifying our Marshal Tito, however theirs are dedicated to ISKCON samsthapaka-acarya senapati. And there is a huge difference between being a Titonuga and being a Prabhupadanuga, isn't it?
They started with mangala-arati, Prabhupada-puja and chanting, then they took the first row seats in front of our "gurukula Maharaja" Tirtha Sevana prabhu who started teaching them the ABC's of the existence of the soul: - Has anyone ever seen a dead fly? "Yeeeeaaaaaahhhhh!" they all quacked like little ducks. - And what's the difference between a dead fly and a living fly? Little hands in the air in a cacophony of children voices - everyone tryiing to describe their experience of a dead fly. - A dead fly doesn't fly! - A dead fly is dead! - A dead fly doesn't bother us! - was the most pragmatic reply coming from the 'old wise' Vidvan. It provoked more laughter than Charlie Chaplin in his best days (it was easy for him being No.1 when Isodyansuta Vidvan wasn't around back then ...). And then, straight to the point and with a huge applause from the audience, we hear the reply of the miscevious Nandi, the son of Ananta-sesa - "a dead fly doesn't have a soul!"
After the basis was set, the teacher continued a step further and started explaining how there is food for the body. Again the competitive nature arose answering the question which food do you know and which one do you like the most. We heard a number of preparations being named, more even than in Bhaktivinoda's Bhoga-arati. And then we heard how there is food for the car and food for the driver, how there is care for the cage and care for the bird who'll die if we just clean the cage - followed by a bang question - what's food for the soul?! After a little help from the teacher the conclusion was that the cake for the soul is chanting Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
The following day the lecture was given on vegetarianism and why devotees don't eat meat. At the end, the question arose - and why don't we eat eggs? The teacher asked - where do the eggs come from? Since the children didn't get the point, we heard a number of replies - from crocodiles, to chicken - but then the teacher explained - which part of the chicken do the eggs come from? Well, from the bu.... Yes! From the butt! And we don't eat things that come from the butt, do we? Judging from children's laughter, this lecture was learnt fast and it was clear to all why eggs are not a part of our diet. In order to deepen this point the teacher explained that there are different ways how the living beings are born - from a womb, sweat and eggs - and that there is a tiny living being inside the egg who's potentially waiting to enter the world.
After the lecture a tiny volunteer would offer food to Krsna and then we would honor prasada. There was something to do for the adults as well - we had to serve prasada, of course!
Then the children made rotis for the cows - from mixing the dough to baking rotis - and carrying them alltogether to Srivan's cows. It was here that some of our city-dwelling little brothers realized that there are even cows who weren't blessed by Mother Nature to give milk and who are a lot bigger and are called - oxen! Huge giants with horns - we weren't afraid of them though - gladly ate our rotis and we decorated their horns with tiny flower garlands made by tiny big devotees.
After Go puja we had the Big Suprise - Bobo the Magician! He introduced himself as Madhucanda's brother (or with a hairstyle like that was he actually his twin sister?), and asked the children to simultaneously - all together - say what their names were. It was the fastest introduction we ever saw and the best connection of the small and the big one. Or maybe of the small and the small one, since even though being big, he behaves as a small one. When he asked for an assistant from the public - do we need to say how many hands appeared? Luckily, the program lasted for well over an hour so everybody got his chance to be the assistant, including our grandfather Bhisma - Bhavada prabhu. It seems that this Bobo was bhakta Bobo after all - he ended his show with a disco version of maha-mantra, followed by the legendary Moo Moo Moo song by our host Sundari, Narotam's mother. Next on the program was prasadam, culminated by a rectangle chestnut cake, honoring our host's Narotam's fifth birthday.
I think you won't mind, but after so much happening and after so much prasadam we all needed a little break in order to continue our festival in the afternoon. This part was of course dedicated to Krsna's dearmost devotee, Govardhan Prabhu. Our story-teller, Ayodyadeva prabhu, taught us about Govardhan, Indra, Krsna and Nanda Maharaja. Then the practical part followed - a halavite Govardhan, decorated with laddus and berfis. Sweet, sweeter, the sweetest ...
After we worshipped the Govardhana hill, we sang the song glorifying the little boy who was bound with a rope by His mother, we offered Him a lamp, and with a good night story off we went to taking rest, because another day like this was ahead of us.
So, with the blessings of this little boy, Damodara, we started our first children's camp, and now we're seeking the blessings of the devotees that this project would continue.
Lika children's camp ki, jaya!
You can ckeck the photos and a short movie report shortly on www.likakamp.net . Reservations are open, registrations for next year already accepted.
Your servant Murari Gupta das www.likakamp.net
Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: duty of the leaders to take sannyasa
...it is the duty of the leaders of the society, especially of the brahmanas and ksatriyas, to take sannyasa and preach Krsna consciousness to the mass of people.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Evening Lecture -- Bhuvanesvara, January 23, 1977
H.H. Sivarama Swami
The less one worths the less one values others.
- Anonymous
Japa Group: Without Absolute Faith
Those whose minds are absorbed in the spirit of enjoyment of matter, and who possess materialistic faith, can never experience the revelation of pure spiritual consciousness. Without absolute faith in the Lord's holy name, one's mundane mentality can never be cast off.
Prakrita Rasa Shata Dushini #70
A Hundred Warnings Against Mundane Mellows
by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: KulimeLA 2009: Bhajan Kutir – Listen & Download Digital Recordings
In anticipation of the upcoming Kulimela Australia festival, the KM09: Bhajan Kutir CDs – Volumes 1, 2 & 3 are now available for complimentary listening and downloading.
CLICK HERE to listen and download free MP3 digital copies. Add them to your playlist today!
This selection of heartfelt kirtans was recorded live in the KM09 Bhajan Kutir at the ISKCON New Dwarka Temple in Los Angeles CA, USA.
These volumes are lovingly presented by the following kirtaniyas:
Volume 1: Kishori Mohan, Sudevi Dasi, Gaura Mani, Ananta Vrindavan, Vijay Krsna, Rasika Dasi & more…
Volume 2: Kalindi Dasi, Arjuna Dasa, Abhay Dasa, Visvambhar Dasa (Mayapuris), Gaura Vani (As Kindred Spirits) & more…
Volume 3: Krishna Kishora (Mayapuris), Radhanath Swami, Bada Haridas, Aniruddha Dasa, Gopal Krishna Dasa & more…
In ancient Sanskrit, “Kirtan” is “The sacred, joyful, and spontaneous congregational singing and dancing for the glorification of God.”
A “Bhajan Kutir” is a special place dedicated to Kirtans.
“Kuli” refers to a member of a “Community” and “Mela” means “Festive Gathering.” Combined, “Kuli Mela” tranforms into “A Celebration of Community.”
Additional thanks and credits to: Vrindavan Favors as Bhajan Kutir organizer * Los Angeles ISKCON New Dwarka Community as gracious hosts * Szymon Potynski & Rasikananda Fitch for graphic designs * Jaya Balarama dasa as sound engineer * Rupa Schomaker for recording, editing and mastering the tracks * Kamal Vyas & Chaits Walker as producers.
The Kuli Mela Association is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to serving an international community by supporting and encouraging its members to come together in service, association and empowerment, with a strong emphasis on spirituality.
C + P 2009 Kuli Mela Association. All rights reserved.
Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: KulimeLA 2009: Main Video Released On YouTube
CLICK HERE to watch the much anticipated internet release of “KulimeLA 2009: The Video.”
The main theme for KulimeLA 2009 was to “Honor the Past, Celebrate the Present & Envision the Future.”
The year 2009 marked the 20th Anniversary of the Los Angeles Gurukuli Reunion, an annual gathering of second-generation Hare Krishnas, known informally as Gurukulis, or Kulis.
Throughout this five-day festival, over one thousand Vaishnavas from around the world came together in an amazing cultural experience – called KulimeLA – to share, reflect, and appreciate what the Gurukulis have accomplished over the past 20 years.
This 40 minute film offers an overview of the entire festival, including highlights from the performances at the Ford Theater, The Rose of Vidarbha play, Art Show, Fashion Show, Seminars, Workshops, Kid’s Camp, Bhajan Kutir, LA Ratha Yatra and more…
CLICK HERE to check out the growing video and audio selections at the Kuli Mela Outlet on Krishna.com.
PLEASE NOTE: The first 400 people who register for Kulimela Australia 2010/2011 will be getting a complimentary copy of the KM09 DVD at the event. CLICK HERE for more information about the upcoming festival. If you plan on going, we encourage you to take advantage of the early bird discounts and pre-register now!
In the ancient Sanskrit language, “Kuli” refers to a member of a “Community” and “Mela” means “Festive Gathering.” Combined, “Kuli Mela” transforms into “A Celebration of Community.”
The Kuli Mela Association is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to serving an international community by supporting and encouraging its members to come together in service, association and empowerment, with a strong emphasis on spirituality.
Sita-pati dasa, AU: Kirtan with Vaiyasaki
Last three weekends Vrajadhama and I have been away with Vaiyasaki, doing kirtan. First Sydney, then Canberra, then Melbourne. The video above is of a kirtan in Melbourne, at Urban Yoga.
While I was there Paul Fox, of Indie Masters, slipped me the mastered version of Amala Kirtan's Live in Australia album, recorded on tour in July of this year.
Kuli Mela is a little over a week away, with more kirtan than any festival has ever had in Australia.
Dandavats.com: Students brave the snows to get their presents from the Santa clauses of Matchless Gifts!
By Parasuram das
What is the best present that Santa Clause could ever give. Answer: Krishna in the form of His Holy name, books and prasad. Over 700 students get a full plate of Krishna prasad daily at two London Universities
Dandavats.com: Open Top Harinam!
By Parasuram das
Krishna consciousness is a process that can be practiced anywhere in the world. The programs are universal, except this one. This one can only be practiced in London because you need a big red bus without a roof.
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Monday, December 20th, 2010
Let's Shine Again!
Burnaby, British Columbia
I met a fellow today who was quoting Deepak Chopra on the topic of happiness. Apparently Deepak had visited Cuba and noted that the people appeared happier than their American counterparts. Even though many ex-residents of this island defected for the shores of Florida, and even though people have less, they appeared to be more happy.
In the world of freedom and high commercial enterprise like that of USA, the average person doesn't always have that contented look on their face. And like Elvis sings about a blue blue blue Christmas, you're going to find a lot of unhappy chappies. Why? Have we got too carried away with rules, red tape, greed and self-centeredness? A Newfoundlander might say to that, "Me thinks so!"
In the so called developed world, we are not scoring high in the relationship department. One of my assistants, Vrindavan, mentioned to me that the average relationship lasts for eighteen months. That doesn't sound too solid to the needs of the human being. Frankly, we are inclined to want a lasting partnership. Traditional values seem to have little bearing on folks today. Unfortunately there's an abundance of Scrooges and Grinches lurking about on their own and lacking love. We seem to have lost a grip on real pleasure.
If I may quote from the book that is so much selling like hotcakes this month, "The Science of Self Realization": "As far as the individual soul is concerned, it is originally a part and parcel of this pleasure potency, of the reservoir of pleasure Himself. However, due to contact with material nature, the soul has forgotten its actual position and has become trapped in the evolutionary process of transmigration from one body to another."
We don't need to keep returning to the world of unhappiness. Let's reawaken the naturalness within. Let pleasure shine again.
3 KM
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Sunday, December 19th, 2010
Passing on the Torches
Toronto, Ontario
With a several day visit from a lively-spirited person, Vaisesika, I see how he has an effect of boosting morales. His emphasis is on chanting, hearing, reading, building good relationships, eating great prasadam in good company. Equally important is his sharing of this beautiful lifestyle with others. He is contagious with this grassroots Krishna Consciousness.
For myself, it means taking a backseat, being less in the limelight and watching the magic take place. My visit to the Brampton Center allowed me to do the same thing. Now that I have a confirmed hernia challenge with my particular machinery, leading a chant becomes a strain on that body part. I had to refuse to lead and allow the privilege to someone else; again a backseat.
And for delivering a class on the Bhagavad-gita at the event, someone other than myself was slotted to do so. I enjoyed listening. It also gave me freedom to poke around a little and see what else was going on. I saw the Sunday school in full operation. Nice kids! Great teachers!
After a rousing evening program in the Toronto temple, when I sat myself on the back burner once again. Vaisesika asked, "How are you doing?" referring to the physical condition I'm going through.
"Well I'm seeing through a different perspective." I remarked. I suggested that if you play the role as a leader particularly as what's called a Governing Body Commissioner for our spiritual society, our beloved guru, Srila Prabhupada, asked those in the post to not always be in the forefront. He encouraged empowerment. Us big shots don't always need to monopolize the microphone.
When I saw a young, adorable boy of about seven sit on the vyasasan (the exalted chair for speakers), deliver a ten minute message on a preplanned arrangement in front of a huge audience, it was a clear confirmation. There must be succession arrangements for the younger blood to flow. That's being smart and progressive. We need, and the world needs, more of this type of sharing of responsibility and passing on of the torches.
Dandavats.com: Bhaktivedanta College Launches a VTE Bhakti Sastri Course Online
By Bhakti- vedanta College
Study Prabhupada's books online, guided by experienced teachers, in a virtual community of sincere devotees. The first module starts on January 17, 2011
Dandavats.com: Bonafide Bhoga List/Prohibited food items for offering
Sanjay Krishnachandra das: Bonafide Bhoga List/Prohibited food items for offering. ISKCON-Japan is in the process of opening Govinda's and this list would be very useful
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Vaisnavi devi dasi, (for a post graduate paper) asks a series of question on the use of imagination in writing Gaudiya literature
Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: What Srila Prabhupada had to endure to deliver Krishna to us.
I was watching one my dad's lectures from a couple of months back. I had my sis record it since there are 12 0f us in our family in Toronto we usually cannot all make it to each temple or program being conducted.
I am not in the habit of reposting my dad's lectures, however in this clip I could not help to notice that he got a bit emotional in describing what Srila Prabhupada had to endure when writing these books to deliver mankind.
On this important month of Prabhupada marathon I am hoping realizations of what Srila Prabhupada went through to deliver these most important books to us, provides some inspiration for all of us to take up the service and nectar of distributing these very books.
Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: ISCOWP Update December 2010
Click here for the latest from our friends at the International Society For Cow Protection (ISCOWP)
Madri dd, South Africa: Grains cooked by non devotees
The Hare Krishna Movement is sometimes called “the kitchen religion” because devotees place great importance on cooking for Krishna, honoring (eating) prasadam, His sanctified remnants, and distributing them to others. However sometimes as aspirant devotees and due to lack of preparation temptation is there to serve grains cooked by non devotees in devotee gatherings. Below are some interesting quotes I find inspiration from in my endeavors to eat and distribute only prasadam.
Grains cooked by nondevotees are particularly contaminated. The Kurma Purana says that all the sins of a man remain in the grain; therefore when one eats the foodstuff offered by another, he eats his sins as well. Once Srila Prabhupada was given bread cooked by nondevotees. Next day he requested, "Please do not give me bread cooked by nondevotees. It gave me nightmares. All the vibrations and thoughts of those who cook grains enter into it." When Srila Prabhupada was asked if sankirtana devotees in Germany could eat karmi bread, he replied that this is not permitted except in an emergency (TD 1 p.330.) This also applies to karmi biscuits, cakes and similar foods.
Other rules are that one should not offer foodstuff which is cooked by a non-Vaisnava, one should not worship the Deity before a nondevotee, and one should not engage himself in the worship of the Lord while seeing a nondevotee.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => NoD 8: Offenses to Be Avoided
Regarding the Christmas Day meal with your family, I do not think you should partake of the food prepared by non-devotees. Better you should prepare your own foodstuffs and offer to Krishna and then, if you like, you may offer these remnants to Lord Jesus. I think that Lord Jesus will also appreciate this. Of course you may sit down with your family and take fruits and milk which they offer but rather than taking the foods which they have prepared, you may prepare and offer your own prasadam for Lord Krishna, and then offer the same to Lord Jesus.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Letter to: Hrsikesa -- Los Angeles 26 November, 1968
In Bhagavad-gita Krsna describes eating unoffered food as tantamount to eating mouthfuls of sin. And in Caitanya-caritamrta Srila Prabhupada explains that especially contaminating to the consciousness are grains cooked by nondevotees. In fact, he says, you take on the sinful karma of the person who cooked the food. That's an extra burden we'd do well to avoid.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Purity On The Job
Manimanjari Dasi: "The next morning, while we were taking breakfast, Hamsaduta came to the prasadam room and told us that Srila Prabhupada had asked about the devotees' menu on sankirtana. When told that we bought rolls and bread from the bakeries, Prabhupada became concerned. He instructed Hamsaduta to tell us that under no circumstances should we eat grains prepared by nondevotees. Rather, the temple should bake bread or make capatis that the devotees can take with them.
"We didn't think about using yeast to raise the dough. Our first attempts at baking bread were unsuccessful. Because Germans can't live without their daily ration of fresh baked, crunchy bread, Srila Prabhupada was consulted about our using yeast. When he heard that yeast is the dried form of a single-celled fungus, he said it was all right, but that we shouldn't offer the bread to the Deities."
>>> Ref. VedaBase => SPDG 14: Prabhupada at Schloss Rettershof
Lord Caitanya warned that eating the food of materialistic people will pollute the mind; thus we will not be able to remember Krsna and our life will be spoiled. Grains cooked by nondevotees are especially contaminating. If we can take nice prasada, what is the need for anything else? Even when out traveling, we should take care not to sacrifice our standards for the sake of convenience. Srila Prabhupada: "Food prepared by an unclean, sinful man or woman is extremely infectious."
>>> Ref. VedaBase => BIKC 40: Giving Up Nondevotional Attachments
Food prepared by an unclean, sinful man or woman, especially a prostitute, is extremely infectious. Ajamila ate such food, and therefore he was subject to be punished by Yamaraja.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 6.1.67
Jihva-vegam- "The only way to a man's heart is through his stomach" is the old American quotation. The lusty desires of the cook are transferred through the food to the mind of the waiting recipient; the wicked desires of the hotel's cook are also readily available in the fancy prepared dishes. The heart is an open receptacle for the wicked and lusty desires of the cooks who prepare foodstuff's, which encourage sinful activities, save and except the foodstuffs prepared by the hands of the ardent devotee of the Lord for the exclusive pleasure of the Lord, the remnants of which are distributed and shared with great relish after being offered to the Lord by the devotee. One who can, with all the determination at his command, remove all desires for tasting anything but Sri Krsna's divine remnants can alone be called an acarya.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Bhuvanesvara
May you find inspiration in the above as I have. Hare Krishna.
Japa Group: The Tongue Is Sevonmukha-Jihva
If one chants and accepts the holy name as a material vibration, he falls down. One should worship and chant the holy name of the Lord by accepting it as the Lord Himself. During the chanting of the holy name, the tongue must work; the tongue is sevonmukha-jihva-it is controlled by service.
Gouranga TV: Bhakti Marg Swami Jaya Radha Madhava Orlando 12/05/10
Bhakti Marg Swami Jaya Radha Madhava Orlando 12/05/10
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- Giridhari das, Brasilia, Brazil (feed)
- Giriraj Gopal das, Bn Sara, and crew, USA (feed)
- (feed)
- Gopal Nandini, North Carolina, USA (feed)
- Gopala Guru dasa (feed)
- Gouranga TV (feed)
- (feed)
- H.G. Jagattarini dd (feed)
- H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA (feed)
- H.H. Bhakti Caitanya Swami (feed)
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami (feed)
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami (feed)
- H.H. Devamrita Swami (feed)
- H.H. Giriraj Swami (feed)
- (feed)
- H.H. Jayadvaita Swami (feed)
- H.H. Kavicandra Swami (feed)
- H.H. Mahavishnu Swami (feed)
- H.H. Mukunda Goswami (feed)
- H.H. Niranjana Swami Podcast (feed)
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami (feed)
- (feed)
- H.H. Umapati Swami (feed)
- Hanuman das, Croatia (feed)
- Hari Sauri das, Mayapura, IN (feed)
- (feed)
- ISKCON Canberra, AU (feed)
- ISKCON Communications, USA (feed)
- ISKCON Constitution.com (feed)
- ISKCON Dallas, USA (feed)
- ISKCON Education (feed)
- ISKCON Klang, Malaysia (feed)
- ISKCON Melbourne (feed)
- ISKCON New York, USA (feed)
- ISKCON News.com (feed)
- ISKCON Orlando, USA (feed)
- (feed)
- ISKCON Singapore (feed)
- ISKCON Tech (feed)
- ISKCON Toronto, Canada (feed)
- Jahnavi, UK (feed)
- Jai Nitai dasa (feed)
- Japa Group (feed)
- Jauvana Prabhu, ACBSP (feed)
- Jaya Kesava Das, USA (feed)
- Kaunteya das, Mayapura (feed)
- Kirtans in Oxford, UK (feed)
- Kosa Rupa dd, Alachua, USA (feed)
- Kripamoya dasa (feed)
- Krishna Camp (feed)
- Krishna Consciousness & Ecological Awareness (feed)
- Krishna Culture Festival Tour, USA (feed)
- Krishna Dharma dasa (feed)
- Krishna Food, Brisbane AU (feed)
- Krishna Geeks.com (feed)
- (feed)
- Krishna Ksetra Das (feed)
- Krishna kirti das, USA (feed)
- Krishna-kripa das, Mayapura (feed)
- Krishna.com (feed)
- (feed)
- Lilamayi Subhadra dd (feed)
- Maddy Jean-claude Durr, New Govardhana, AU (feed)
- Madhava Ghosh dasa (feed)
- Madhavananda das, Orissa, IN (feed)
- Madhavi Mangu, Toronto, Canada (feed)
- Malati dd, USA (feed)
- Mandakini dd, NC, USA (feed)
- Manoj, Melbourne, AU (feed)
- Manonatha dasa (feed)
- Manorama dasa (feed)
- Mayapur Katha Magazine (feed)
- Mayapur Online (feed)
- (feed)
- Mukunda Charan das, SA (feed)
- (feed)
- Nama Rasa das and Chaitanya das, New Jersey, USA (feed)
- Namahatta.org (feed)
- (feed)
- New Govardhana, Australia (feed)
- New Talavan Farm (feed)
- New Vrindavan Nectarflow (feed)
- New Vrndavan, USA (feed)
- (feed)
- Nitai Nam das, NZ (feed)
- Nitai das & Rasikananda das, USA (feed)
- Nityananda Sena, Melbourne, Australia (feed)
- On the Web (feed)
- Pandu das (feed)
- Parama Karuna dasa (feed)
- Partha-sarathi das, ISKCON Iraq (feed)
- Prahlad Wulf, Brisbane, AU (feed)
- Premavatar das (feed)
- Priya Gopal, USA (feed)
- Radha Priya dd, Austin, TX, USA (feed)
- Raivata das, Christchurch, NZ (feed)
- Ravindra Svarupa das, USA (feed)
- (feed)
- Rishi Shonpal (feed)
- (feed)
- Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA (feed)
- Sankirtana das, USA (feed)
- (feed)
- Shyam Pandey, USA (feed)
- Sita-pati das (feed)
- Sita-pati dasa (feed)
- Spiritual Scientist (feed)
- Sri Nandanandana das (feed)
- Srila Prabhupada QOTD (feed)
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters (feed)
- Subuddhi Krishna dasa, Chicago, USA (feed)
- Sutapa das, BV Manor, UK (feed)
- Suvilasa dd, Brisbane, AU (feed)
- Syamesvari dd (feed)
- The Loft, Auckland (feed)
- Tirtharaj dasa (feed)
- Tracey, USA (feed)
- Tri-yuga das, AU (feed)
- Tulasi Priya dd, Alachua, USA (feed)
- Utah Krishnas (feed)
- Vasu Murti, USA (feed)
- Vidyapati dasa (feed)
- (feed)
- Visnu-maya devi dasi (feed)
- Vraja Dhama dasa (feed)
- Vrndavana Vinodini dd, Toronto, Canada (feed)
- Vyenkata Bhatta dasa (feed)
- Yogesvara das, USA (feed)

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