miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010
A view of Bhojana-Thäli Temple from Krishna-Kunda
The deities at the temple of Shri Gopinätha ji
Näbhä ji
Near Sunaharä-gaon, to the south-west, is a vast grove of kadamb trees (a kadamba-khandi). This is the location of a räsa mandala and of Ratna-Kund. In the month of Bhädra on the Caturdasi of the bright moon, Räsa-lilä is enacted here according to büdhi-lilä.
Näbhä ji’s place of bhajana is also in the kadamba-khandi. Näbhä ji’s previous name was Catura-Cintämani, and he was born in Paya- gaon in Vraja. From childhood, he performed bhajana in an isolated grove of kadamba trees, being detached from the material world. He was a great renunciant. It is said that he would remain absorbed in meditation on different pastimes.
Once, while being thus absorbed, he began to pick flowers for the service of Priyä- Priyatama (Rädhä-Krishna). He had very long matted hair, which on this occasion became entangled in a thorny bush. He remained standing in that same position for three days. Kisora and Kisori (Rädhä-Krishna) appeared there and started disentangling his hair from the bush.
“Who are you?” Näbhä ji asked.
Kisori ji smiled, indicating with Her eyes that Syämasundara Himself was disentangling his matted locks. Then, suddenly, They both disappeared.
Näbhä ji’s life had become blessed. He rolled about on the ground, weeping. He later came to Vrinndävana to reside at Vihära-ghät.
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
This village, situated three miles east of Sunerä-gaon and one mile west of Varsänä, is the village of Shri Lalitä. Vraja-bhakti-Viläsa quotes Vishnu-Rahasya, which describes this place as follows:
“Nearby is Sakhigiri-Parvata, on which Phisalani-Silä (a stone slide), Lalitä viväha-mandap (the wedding pavilion of Lalitä) and Sakhi-Küpa are situated. Also nearby are Triveni-Küpa, a Räsa-Mandal, a deity of Däü ji in a kunja of thorny bushes, Gopi-Puskarni, Deha-Kund, and other pastime places.”
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Lalitä and other sakhi, being attracted and enamoured by Vrajendra-nandana Shri Krishna's qualities as a hero, such as dhira-lalita, enjoyed räsa and various other pastimes with Him around and on top of this hill.
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
The Phisalani-Silä (top) and a Citra-Silä (lower) on Sakhigiri-Parvata
This (Phisalani-Silä ) stone slide is situated on Sakhigiri-Parvata, and is adjacent to Lalitä-Viväha-Sthala. Lalitä and other sakhis used to slide here. Even today, one can see the mark of the slide on the hill,as well as the markings of red lac (altä) from the gopis’ feet.
Nearby, on the northern part of the hilltop, are some astonishing Siläs that appear multicoloured when the sun’s rays shine on them. The gopis would also paint wonderful pictures (Citra) on these Siläs, and therefore these Siläs are called Citra-Siläs. One who faithfully searches and prays on this hilltop can sometimes even see the gopi's footprints there.
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
This is Lalitä’s wedding pavilion. The gopis performed Lalitä’s wedding ceremony with seven-year-old Shri Krishna here. One day, Lalitä and the sakhis were sitting with rasika Krishna and talking sweetly with Him. Upon the indication of Shri Rädhikä, Visäkhä and some other sakhis tied Shri0 Syämasundara’s yellow cloth to the corner of Shri Lalitä’s veil. Rangadevi and other sakhis started to sing wedding songs while Tungavidyä and others uttered the wedding mantras. The remaining sakhis showered flowers on Shri Krishna and Lalitä. Becoming somewhat suspicious, Lalitä quickly stood up and went to run away, but she was unable to do so because of the knot. The gopis surrounded the couple and with great celebration held a big festival. This place was named Lalitä Viväha-sthala after this pastime.
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Däü ji Temple
A large deity of Däü ji resides nearby, to the east of Triveni-Küp, in the middle of dense thorny hinsa bushes. This temple was built by Räjä Todaramala on the order of Shri Näräyana Bhatta.
Shri Näräyana Bhatta was a Gaudiya Vaisñava ächärya. He took birth in the state of Madhuräpattana in South India. His father, Shri Bhatta ji of the Bhattabhäskara Tailanga brähmana-paramparä of that place, was famous for his erudition. Shri Näräyana Bhatta became detached from the material world at the age of fourteen and came to Vraja around 1546 AD. He was especially dedicated to Shri Rädhikä. It is well known that the present deity in the Shri ji Temple in Varsänä manifested as a result of the special prayers of Shri Näräyana Bhatta. These deities manifested on the second day of the bright moon in the month of Äsädha (July) in 1570 AD. Shri Näräyana Bhatta had undivided faith in Vraja. In his famous work, Vraja-bhakti-viläsa, he describes all the pastime places of Krishna in Vraja in great detail.
Shri Näräyana Bhatta inaugurated the enactment of räsa-lilä, which is still being carried out today. The priests and brähmanas of the Shri ji Temple, Varsänä, take initiation from the descendants of Näräyana Bhatta Gosvämi. Bhatta ji’s main engagement was serving in the Däü ji Temple in Üncägaon.
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Shri Lalitä-Sthala (Atorä-Parvata)
This hill is situated east of Deha-Kund, and adjacent to and west of the Däü ji Temple. Üncägaon is established on this hill, and there one will find the balcony (atori) of Lalitä ji and other places of her childhood pastimes.
Lalitä Sakhi’s parents are Visobha Gopa and Säradi Gopi. She was married in Jävata; her husband is Bhairon Gopa. Lalitä is the foremost of Shri Rädhikä’s asta-sakhis and the main leader of Her three groups of sakhis, maidservants (däsis) and messengers (dütis).
Lalitä is also known as Anurädhä because she possesses all the moods and qualities of Shri Rädhikä. Her nature is leftist and harsh vämä-prakharä) and she is expert in all varieties of services to Rädhä and Krishna, such as dressing, decorating, performing magic, making Their bed, and arranging meetings between Them. Even Shri Krishna and Shri Rädhikä Themselves cannot overrule her.
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
This Kunda is situated to the west just below Lalitä-Sthala. Once, Shri Rädhä and Shri Krishna together with the sakhis were bathing here during a festival. As they were dressing themselves after bathing, a poor brähmana came there and in a piteous voice addressed Shri Krishna, “I have a daughter of marriageable age, but due to lack of money, I cannot offer her to a suitable husband. Therefore, please give me some wealth.”
Shri Krishana thought, “Rädhä is My only and entire wealth. But for Her, I possess nothing else of value.” So He told the brähmana, “I want to give you My entire fortune, not just a little money.” He then pointed towards Shri Rädhä and said, “She is My entire property and wealth. Please accept Her.”
When the poor brähmana heard this, he began to beat his head in sadness. He said, “O Vrajendraa-Nandana, I could not even arrange a suitable husband for my one daughter; how will I ever be able to marry off two? This is disastrous for me. What should I do now?”
The brähmana only wanted gold. Understanding this, Shri Krishna put Priyä ji on one side of a scale and Her weight in gold on the other. He then gave all this gold to the brähmana. Shri radha Ji also became pleased with this arrangement, which relieved Her of much trouble. The brähmana was given an abundance of gold and very happily returned to his home, where he completed the marriage of his daughter with a grand celebration.
It is also said that once a wealthy person was suffering severely from leprosy. He came here, bathed in this kunda, and donated ten karña (160 grams) of gold to qualified brähmanas. After some time, his disease left him.
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Venishankara Mahädeva
On the bank of Deha-Kunda is Venishankara Mahädeva, whom the gopis installed with their own hands. He who bathes in this kunda with faith and takes darsana of Venishankara Mahädeva gets the same result as that of bathing in the confluence at Triveni. All his problems are eliminated and he attains pure bhakti for Krishna.
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Varsänä is the pastime place of Sri Krishna’s beloved Shri Rädhikä. Lying at the heart of this village is a multitude of the Divine Couple’s sweet and secret amorous pastimes, together with Their transcendental moods and desires. The Vaisñava community reveres Varsänä.
This venerable land with its lakes, ponds, gardens and forests – such as Gahvaravana, Sänkari-khor and other pastime places – reminds one of Rädhä and Krishna’s different pastimes. In Vraja, the grass, small shrubs, creepers, trees, animals, birds, insects, snakes and so forth are all composed of sac-cid-änanda; or eternality, spiritual consciousness and full transcendental bliss. They assist Rädhä and Krishna in Their pastimes, and are very dear to Them. It is said in the scriptures that even eminent realised souls, like Brahmä and Shankar, repeatedly pray to attain a birth like theirs so that they too may be able to serve Rädhä and Krishna.
For instance, Shrila Raghunätha däsa Gosvämi says in Shri Vraja viläsa- Stava (verse 102) :
“All the grass, shrubs, insects and other creatures found in Vraja are very dear to He who is the very embodiment of all transcendental bliss, Shri Mukunda, and they assist in His pastimes. All the scriptures have repeatedly established this fact, and devotees ranging from Brahmä to Uddhava have expressed a desire to take birth in Vraja amongst these species. For these reasons, I worship all the creatures who reside in Vraja.”
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Map of Varsana
Varsänä’s original name is Vrishbhänupura. Vrishabhänu Mahäräja, the father of Shri Rädhikä, lived here with his family. Varsänä is situated fourteen miles west of Govardhana and six miles east of Kämyavana.
According to the Varäha and Padma Puräns, Brahmä pleased Shri Hari at the end of Satya-yuga by performing arduous worship. Brahmä then asked for the following boon: “Please perform Your sweet pastimes with the Vraja-gopis on my very form and allow me to behold these liläs. Please make my life blessed, by especially performing swing pastimes in the rainy season and by performing Holi in spring.”
Pleased with Brahmä, Shri Hari instructed him, “Go to Vrishbhänupura and take the form of a hill there. In that form you will be able to behold all Our sweet pastimes.”
And so it happened that Brahmä assumed the form of a hill at this place in Vraja and fulfilled his cherished desire.
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
The Parikramä of Varsänä is four miles long. Vraja-bhaktiviläsa,
The Parikramä of Varsänä is four miles long. Vraja-bhaktiviläsa, quoting Padma Purän, describes the characteristics of Vrishbhänupura as follows:
“According to the Padma Purän, two hills face each other here –one is Vishnu-Parvata and the other is Brahma-parvata. Vishnu-parvata is on the left and Brahma-parvata is on the right. On top of Brahma- Parvata is a temple of Shri Rädhä-Krishna. Close by to the north, on the lower side of this hill, is the palace of Mahäräja Vrishbhänu, where one can have darsana of Shri Vrishbhänu Mahäräja, Shri Kirtidä Mahäräni, Sridäma and Shrimati Rädhikä. Nearby is a templeof Shri Lalitä, in which one can have darsana of Rädhikä along with nine sakhis.
“Also on top of Brahma-parvata are Däna Mandira, the place of a swing (hindolä), Mayüra-kuti, a räsa-mandal and a temple of Shri Rädhä. Further on between the two hills is Sankari-khor. Near Sänkari-Khor is Viläsa Mandira, and next to Viläsa Mandira is Gahvaravana. Within Gahvaravana are Rädhä-sarovara and a Räsa-Mandal, and nearby is Dohani-Kunda. Very close to this kund is Mayüra-sarovara, which was constructed by Citralekhä”. Bhänu-sarovara is also nearby, and on its bank is Vrajesvara, a deity of Mahärudra. On its left side is Kirti-Sarovara.
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Shri Vrishbhänu-Kunda
Vrishbhänu-Kunda is situated east of the village of Varsänä. Mahäräja Vrishbhänu bathed in this Kunda every morning. He would also chant his daily mantras and perform other morning duties here. It is well known that in a different era Mahäräja Vrishabhänu found Rädhikä in this Kunda while bathing. She was a newly-born baby girl playing on a lotus flower in the water.
This charming Kunda is surrounded on all sides by jiyala trees. Sometimes, Shri Rädhikä would bathe here and enjoy water sports together with Her sakhis. Rasika Vrajendra-Nandana Shri Krishna would also bathe here, but at another ghat. He would then dive under the water, catch hold of the gopis’ feet, and again emerge on His side of the pond. Sometimes, Nanda-Nandana Shri Krishna would also sport with these gopis in the water and also play hide and seek. This kunda is named after Mahäräja Vrishbhänu.
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
This narrow passage-way lies between Brahma-parvata and Vishnu-parvata, and both gopas and gopis would make their way along it. After milking the cows, the gopas would carry the milk on kämvars, which is a bamboo stick with ropes attached to each end for carrying loads. They used this pathway to cross from one side of the hills to the other. Frolicsome Krishna would plunder the milk, yoghurt and butter of the jovial gopis here. Every year in the month of Bhädra on Suklä-trayodasi (the thirteenth day of the bright moon), büdhi-lilä is enacted here, as inaugurated by Shri Näräyana Bhatta. Today this pastime is also enacted here annually on the occasion of Rädhästmi, the appearance day of Shrimati Rädhikä.
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Dana Garh
This beautiful place is on top of Brahmäcala-parvata (Brahma- parvata). One day, Shri Krishna and Subala Sakhä were sitting here as tax collectors, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Shrimati Rädhikä and Her friends, who were to pass this way carrying various articles of worship on the pretext of going to worship the Sungod. Upon seeing Her, Shri Krishna obstructed Her path and rebuked Her, saying, “Who are You? And where are You going?”
Shri Rädhikä answered, “Don’t You know who we are?” and She fearlessly continued forward.
Krishna and Subala Sakhä again obstructed Her way. Krishna said, “Don’t You know that I have been appointed by the king of this state to collect taxes here? You cannot pass without paying tax. Every day, You carelessly strut through here carrying a variety of valuable items, and You never pay tax. Halt! Pay the tax and then You may pass.”
Visäkhä then spoke in a stern voice: “This is Rädhikä’s kingdom. Vrishabhänu-nandini Shri Rädhikä is Vrindävanesvari, not anyone else. How have You become the tax collector here without receiving Her permission? Your offence is inexcusable and for it, You must suffer.”
Shri Krishna replied, “Don’t talk so impudently. Kandarpadeva (Cupid) is the king of this place. Every day you come and go through here, secretly carrying various expensive items, but you never pay any tax. This has angered Mahäräja Kandarpa, who has sent Me here. If you refuse to pay tax, then I will arrest you all and bring you before the king. You will have to suffer whatever punishment he hands down to you.”
Hearing Krishn’s words, Visäkhä replied, “What can Your king do? Our queen is Vrindävanesvari, the queen of Vrindävana. In Her presence we fear no one. We are well acquainted with the prowess of Your king, whose pride is shattered to pieces by the arrow-like side-long glances of Shri Rädhikä.” Having said this, all the sakhis moved forward, keeping Shri Rädhikä up front.
Krishana stepped forward and stood in the middle of the narrow path of Sankari-Khor. “O impertinent women of Vraja, you fearlessly cross this place daily, hiding various kinds of jewels. Today, without fail, you must pay the tax on these jewels.”
After such joking words and much laughter, Kisora-Kisori enjoyed various amorous pastimes in a solitary grove, and all the sakhis became filled with bliss. The temple here is called Däna Mandira.
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Mana Garh
Mäna-garh is a very attractive place on top of Brahmä parvata. Shri Rädhikä displayed mäna, or a sulky mood, here, but Krishana very skilfully broke it.
One day, Shri Krishna sent a message to Shri Rädhikä through Subala, who is one of His priya-narma-sakhäs, and through Vrindädevi that They should meet at a certain time. Krishna was on His way when He suddenly met Padmä, Candrävali’s friend. Padmä described Shri Candrävali’s state of separation from Him and repeatedly requested Him to meet with her. Shri Krishna could not ignore her plea, and went to Candrävali’s kunja for what He intended to be a short time.
However, He became so absorbed in sweet talks and playful pastimes with Candrävali that He forgot everything else, and the time for the arranged meeting with Shri Rädhikä elapsed. Meanwhile, one of Shri Rädhikä’s well-trained female parrots (säris) arrived on a tree in the same kunja. The parrot returned to Shri Rädhikä and told Her all the details of Shri Krishna and Candrävali’s sweet conversations and playful pastimes. Rädhikä became deeply distressed and went into a mäna that was very difficult to break.
Within Her heart, She firmly resolved that She had no need for such an insolent Krishna; so when Shri Krishna finally arrived, long after
the appointed meeting time, Shri Radha turned Her face away from Him. Seeing Her unwavering mäna, Shri Krishna tried to appease Her through all kinds of means and tricks, but Her mäna would not break. Becoming hopeless and feeling sad, Krisna left that place. On the road He met Visäkhä, who advised Him to disguise Himself as a new sakhi playing a vina. He went to Shri Rädhikä together with Visäkhä, who introduced this new sakhi as Syämä Sakhi.
Visäkhä profusely praised Syämä Sakhs’s ability to play the vina and sing, as well as all Her other skills. Shri Rädhikä seated this new Sakhi next to Her with great honour and respect. Upon hearing Her exceptional singing, She became filled with delight and embraced Her. Shri Rädhikä recognised Her beloved merely by His touch; and as soon as She had done so, Her mäna was broken. Surrounded by Her friends, She now became absorbed in beautiful pastimes with the beloved of Her life.
In Mäna-garh, one can also have darsana of Mäna Mandira, a swing, a Räsa-Mandal and Ratnäkara-Sarovara. Just near Mänagarh to the south is the village of Mänapurä, which reminds one of all these pastimes.
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Dandavats - 2 new articles
"Dandavats" - 2 new articles
ISKCON Utsav at VishakapatnamBy Vrajendranandan Das Below is a report on the recently concluded ISKCON Ustav held at Vishakapatnam. It was a wonderful program and a great team work was at display. I thank H. G. Samba Prabhu, his good wife Nitai Sevani Devi Dasi, all the temple and congregation devotees for organizing such a wonderful program |
Mayur Kuti
Mayur Kuti is situated on the top of Brahmäcala-parvata. Here, one can have darsana of the Räsa-Mandal where Shri Radhika and Shri Shyamsundar danced in the form of a peacock (mayura) and peahen.
Once, Shri Radhika and Shri Shyamsundar came to this place together with the sakhis. Upon seeing them, the peacocks became overjoyed with ecstasy and began to dance. Clouds gathered in the sky, and a light shower of rain fell. Nature had decorated herself fully, as if she was a beautiful and charming young woman. Radha and Shyamsundar could not check Their feelings. Taking the form of a peacock and peahen, They danced in an astonishing way along with the circle of peacocks and peahens. All the sakhis were astounded to see Their skilful dancing. They began to sing different kinds of ragas, like malhara, which increased Radha and Shyamsundara’s pleasure.
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Viläsa-garh a top Vishñu-parvata
This place is situated on Vishñu-parvata. Rädhä and Krishna performed many playful pastimes (viläsa) here. Nearby is where Shri Rädhä used to play in the dust together with Her sakhis.
One day, when Rädhikä was a child, She was playing in the dust with Her sakhis when mischievous Krishna suddenly arrived. The sakhis forbade Him to come inside the kunja, but why would Shri Krishna obey them? He entered by force.
At that moment, a duststorm fell upon them by providence, and the entire sky became covered with dust. Nothing could be seen anywhere, and the sakhis fearfully covered their eyes with their hands. Krishna took this opportunity to embrace the youthful Rädhikä and kiss Her face. This pastime took place at the time of vayah-sandhi, or the period between childhood and youth.
Today, Viläsa Mandira is situated where this pastime took place.
The Ädi-varäha Puräëa states:
“I offer my obeisances to Shri Krishna in the form of He who plays lovely pastimes. He performs these pastimes simply to give pleasure to the sakhis.”
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Ciksauli is situated below Brahmä-parvata and between Sankari-Khor and Gahvaravana. It is the birthplace of Citrä Sakhi, one of the eight main sakhis. Citrä Sakhi’s parents are Catura Gopa and Carcitä Gopi. She is married to Pithara Gopa in Jävata. She is very expert at decorating and dressing Shri Rädhikä in a variety of wonderful dresses and ornaments. She is also skilled in many arts, such as painting and understanding the language of animals and birds.
Once, Rädhikä, the young daughter of Vrishbhänu Mahäräja, was playing here with Her girlfriends when She heard the very sweet and alluring sound of Shri Krishn’s flute in the distance. She became so enchanted by that sound that She offered Her mind, body and everything to the person playing this sweet flute, and became desirous to meet Him. Rädhikä then saw an amazingly beautiful painting of Shri Krishna that Citrä Sakhi had made. She forgot all else and offered Her everything to this astonishingly beautiful person.
At this time, Shri Krishna and the sakhäs were leaving to herd the cows. Upon seeing His supremely heart-stealing threefold-bending form (tribhanga-lalita), Rädhä could not control Her feelings and offered Herself to this handsome young man. Meanwhile Shri Krishna wandered off into the distance to graze His cows.
Now in a state of great restlessness, Shri radha ji began to relate what was on Her mind to Her Sakhis. She told Lalitä, “O Sakhi, I do not want to remain alive for a moment longer. Honourable women dedicate their hearts to one man only. When a young girl is engaged to someone, she considers him to be her husband and thinks of no one else. But today, I have become attached to three men – the flute player, the young man in Citrä’s painting and the beautiful young man taking the cows out to graze. My righteous conduct has been destroyed. What is the use of My remaining alive now?”
Hearing this, Shri Lalitä burst into peels of laughter and said, “O bewildered one, there is no need for You to die. These three are not different people; they are one and the same person. The man playing the sweet flute is none other than Nanda-nandana Shri Krishna. He is also the one in the painting and the one who went cow herding, so what need is there for You to give up Your life?”
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Planet ISKCON - 31 new articles
"Planet ISKCON" - 31 new articles
H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Wednesday 5 May 2010--Transforming Selfishness into Selflessness--and--Should I Go to Meet ...The default consciousness of this material world is selfishness. In fact it is selfishness which is the very cause of our being here in the first place. Just as selfishness was our ticket for originally coming to this material world, selflessness will be our ticket out of here. Selflessness does not mean denial of the self's existence, which is the... ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Gopa-Vrndesa PrabhuSrimad Bhagavatam 11.20.10 - Seeing everything as Krishna's mercy, one achieves real liberation. Sutapa das, BV Manor, UK: All your eggs in one basket...
Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: just read this one bookSrutakirti das: It happened on three different occasions. I went in and Prabhupada was reading Krsna Book and he said, "If you just read this one book, you can be Krishna conscious." He said, "You don't have to read hundreds of books. Just this one book." He had his glasses on, and I was sitting in front of him. Then he just looked at me and he said, "You don't even have to read the whole book, just one chapter. If you just read one chapter of this book, you can be Krishna conscious," and I'm nodding my head, "Yes, Prabhupada." But he just kept staring. And then he said, "You don't even have to read the whole chapter, just one page," and he just ran his finger down the page. Then he's looking and he said, "You don't even have to read the whole page, just one line," and he ran his finger across the line of the Krsna Book. And I said, "Yes, Prabhupada." And he's still looking and he said, "You don't even have to read a whole line, just one word," and he pointed to a word in the book. He said, "Just one word of this book if you read you can become Krishna conscious because Krishna is in every word." And then he put his head back down into the book, and I offered obeisances and I left. But he said that about three different books to me over a year. "If you just read this one book." Once it was Nectar of Devotion, once it was Bhagavad-gita, once it was Krsna Book. But he said, "Any one of these, if you just read this one book, you can be Krishna conscious." He can understand Krishna is in every word, and this is what Prabhupada gave us. Nobody else has given us this, this direct connection to Krishna through His pure devotee. >From Following Srila Prabhupada DVD Dandavats.com: ISKCON Utsav at VishakapatnamBy Vrajendranandan Das Below is a report on the recently concluded ISKCON Ustav held at Vishakapatnam. It was a wonderful program and a great team work was at display. I thank H. G. Samba Prabhu, his good wife Nitai Sevani Devi Dasi, all the temple and congregation devotees for organizing such a wonderful program |
Gahvaravana Parikramä Path
Gahvara means “deep”, “dense”, “inaccessible” and “secret”. True to its name, this place is a dense forest thick with trees, creepers, groves (keli-kunjas) and Priyä-Priyatama’s sweet and intimate pastimes. It is shaped like a conch. Situated here is a sitting-place (baithaka) of Vallabhäcärya, where he recited Shrimad-Bhägavatam, Rädhä-sarovara and a Räsa-Mandal. Here, one can also see the places where many bhaktas performed their bhajana.
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
[pensamiento-del-dia:724] Conectarse con la misericordia ilimitada
Martes, 04 de mayo del 2010
PENSAMIENTO DEL DÍA: Conectarse con la misericordia ilimitada
Enviado desde el Ashram Bhaktivedanta en Austin, Texas, EE.UU.
El maestro espiritual es el canal a través del cual fluye la misericordia ilimitada de Krishna. Si deseamos conectarnos con esa misericordia ilimitada, debemos conocer el arte. Krishna nos revela en el Bhagavad-gita exactamente qué hacer para conseguir la conexión apropiada:
tad viddhi praṇipātena
paripraśnena sevayā
upadekṣyanti te jñānaṁ
jñāninas tattva-darśinaḥ
"Tan sólo trata de aprender la verdad acudiendo a un maestro espiritual. Hazle preguntas de un modo sumiso y préstale servicio. Las almas autorrealizadas pueden impartirte conocimiento, porque han visto la verdad".
Si nos acercamos al maestro espiritual en un humor discutidor o en un humor desafiante, no conseguiremos el mismo beneficio. Por supuesto, esto no significa que deberíamos aceptar ciegamente lo que nos dice. Deberíamos usar nuestra inteligencia para tratar de entender las verdades lógicas y autoritativas de la sabiduría Védica que él presenta. Si algo no está claro, deberíamos preguntar para clarificar o aclarar nuestro entendimiento.
Por seguir el sistema de arriba mencionado de acercarnos apropiadamente al maestro espiritual, nuestro sendero hacia la perfección espiritual llegará a ser claro y fácil. Entonces ¿Por qué no hacerte un favor y conectarte hoy con el océano ilimitado de la misericordia de Krishna?
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Discípulos conectándose con la misericordia ilimitada
Pregunta: La vida arrebatada sin piedad
Querido Maharajá,
Realmente no entiendo lo que usted dijo en su "Pensamiento del Día" del 03 de abril del 2010 que un devoto nunca sufre. ¿Qué respuesta convincente tiene para un devoto sincero cuya vida es arrebatada sin piedad?
Debido a esto mi fe es débil y aun empiezo a dudar de la misma existencia de Dios.
Krishna dice en el Gita que Él da a uno lo que merece y protege lo que tiene.
Saludos cordiales,
Respuesta: Aun la muerte es beneficiosa
En este mundo tarde o temprano todo es arrebatado sin piedad por la muerte. A pesar de todo el avance de la ciencia moderna la mortalidad es todavía del 100%. Entonces cuando por arreglo del Señor es el momento para un devoto dejar su cuerpo, él no llega a ser disturbado o perturbado. Simplemente piensa que el Señor está ahora llamándolo para servir en un lugar diferente, y felizmente se rinde para ejecutar su nuevo deber.
Es un hecho que para el devoto que esta 100% rendido al Señor, el Señor personalmente toma cuidado de todas sus necesidades. Pero esto no significa que el cuerpo material del devoto se vuelve eterno. Lo que significa es que cuando es el momento de la muerte para el devoto, deja su cuerpo y acepta uno nuevo, el Señor personalmente arregla el cambio de cuerpo para el beneficio más grande del devoto.
Derecho de propiedad literaria 2005-2007 por www.UltimateSelfRealization.Com
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Traducción del inglés por cortesía de:
Wilmer Alberto Estrada Morales
Redacción y gramática revisadas por:
Caitanyadeva das
San José, Costa Rica
Ceremonia de iniciación en Lituania
(durante la celebración de Nrisimha Chaturdasi)
VISITE LA SECCIÓN: Curso de la Máxima Autorrealización
Esta semana -
Clase del Bhagavad-gita: Lección 127
Nuevo nombre del sitio de Sankarshan Das Adhikari en Español
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Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Por Devadeva Das
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Sankarshan Das Adhikari - ANUAL
Español | 2006 • 2007 • 2008 • 2009 • 2010 • 2011 |
English | 2010 • 2011 |
Français | 2011 |
Ruso | 2011 LINKS: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/Lectures/andromeda.php http://archive.aweber.com/usr_course/10sG6/h/Tuesday_29_March_2011_Back_to.htm http://www.backtohome.com/ AUDIO http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/Lectures/andromeda.php http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/Lectures/andromeda.php?q=t&t=ES http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/Lectures/Songs/andromeda.php (ingles) http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/Lectures/Songs/andromeda.php?q=t&t=ES (español) http://spiritual-revolutionary.com/Audio/Peru/Lima07/2007.07.19_BG.18.21 _Lima_Peru.MP3 lecturas EN ESPAÑOL, INGLES, RUSO, FRANCES http://spiritual-revolutionary.com/ |
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