This is the temple of Partha-Sarathi in the suburb of Triplicane, Chennai (Madras) Some years ago I was told by an astrologer in India that I would get through a difficult patch in my life if I chanted regularly the Prayers of Gajendra. These prayers are to be found in the eighth canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam, in the section known, appropriately enough, as Gajendra Mokshana or ‘Gajendra’s Liberation.’ Gajendra was an elephant and his struggles with a crocodile in the water are analogous to our struggles with our earthly attachments. After much bloody struggling, crocodile firmly gripping his leg, Gajendra comes to the point of desperation, then surrender, and offers his famous prayers to the Lord. Even though he doesn’t really know who that Lord is, still the Lord hears his prayers and appears to him, relieving Gajendra of all his problems. One of the many shrines within this 8th century temple is dedicated to this story, and the Lord can be worshipped here, exactly as He appeared to the elephant. He flies to him on the back of his winged carrier Garuda, and in this particular temple Lord Vishnu is known as Varadaraja – the ‘King of all givers of boons.’ Gajendra is often depicted with a pink lotus flower in his trunk, raised to the sky as he offers his desperate prayers. So I thought it would be good for the whole family to recite some of the prayers of Gajendra before that shrine – and we did. After I offered my own pink lotus flower (conveniently available just outside the temple) we sat there in the early morning and chanted together. The Parthasarathi temple in Chennai (Madras) was built in the Pallava dynasty period by King Narasimhavarman in the AD 700s and has many shrines within its precincts. There is a beautiful Rama, Varaha, and a stunning Narasimha. Of course the temple takes its name from the main deity: Lord Krishna in His role of the Charioteer of Arjuna. The Lord promised that He would not take up arms during the famous Battle of Kurukshetra, but He did drive the chariot each day, and cared for the injured horses at the close of the day. When Sri Krishna speaks His song to His friend Arjuna just before the battle begins, only a few were privileged to hear. Now the entire world hears and honours that immortal conversation. It seemed a fitting place for us to begin our south India pilgrimage. Below: Lord Krishna as the Charioteer of Arjuna
The Rise of the Power Vegans Bloomberg Businessweek, November 8, 2010 "It used to be easy for moguls to flaunt their power. All they had to do was renovate the chalet in St. Moritz, buy the latest Gulfstream Jet, lay off 5,000 employees, or marry a much younger Asian woman. By now, though, they've used up all the easy ways to distinguish themselves from the rest of us — which may be why a growing number of America's most powerful bosses have become vegan. Steve Wynn, Mort Zuckerman, Russell Simmons, and Bill Clinton are now using tempeh to assert their superiority..."read more...
Well it has been a while but I've got a very good reason as you can see from the pictures below.  


She was born on October 31st at 6:08 in the morning. It was quite a long labor and then immediately she had to be transferred to the hospital as she was having some trouble breathing, it cleared up pretty quickly but they kept her there for five whole days just to be sure. Since then we've been enjoying our time at home together. As you can see from the pictures she is very beautiful. Although we've had a lot of people tell us she is the most beautiful baby they've ever seen but I suspect people might say that a lot when they see newborn babies. Taking care of a newborn child is quite the challenge, but also a wonderful opportunity to learn how to serve unconditionally. One person said to me that raising his children was the most Krishna conscious (ie. spiritual) thing he had ever done, and I think that is quite true for many people.
Above are some pictures of us at the hospital, at home and of Rati Keli's first trip to the temple on Srila Prabhupada's disappearance day.
I think that will have to be it for now, as things are obviously very crazy these days with trying to take care of a baby and all my school stuff as well. I'd like to post more regularly but definitely no promises at this point.
Franklin D Roosevelt at his first inaugural speech made the statement: “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself!” Although he used it when speaking of the depression and the prospect of turning the U.S. economy around the same statement has been used for many other reasons Surprisingly it was actually Francis Bacon [...]
I was advised by a health specialist to go to a sauna and sweat, so I went to a pool near the Los Angeles temple, where I reside. I was sitting in the sauna with a friend; it was full. All of a sudden an African-American man in his late 40's addressed me: "Excuse me. Can I ask you a question? Do you know Sanskrit?" "I don't speak it," I replied, "but I'm learning." I asked him his name and he told me it was Matt, and then I asked him why he cares about Sanskrit. "I'm reading the Bhagavad-gita," he repleid, "and there are many words I can't pronounce, so I'm asking any Indian I come across if they can help me with my pronunciation " I said, "I teach the Bhagavad-gita at the Hare Krishna temple, and I can surely help you with your pronunciation." Matt was sooo happy to hear that. I couldn't believe I had met him and he couldn't believe he'd met me. We were both in ecstasy. Then Matt started saying names from the Gita -- Kuruksetra, Sanjaya, Madhusudana, etc. "Your pronunciation is great," I told him. "You're a natural. Must be from your past lives." We both laughed. When I asked him whose Gita he was reading, he told me Paramahamsa Yogananda's. So I explained to him who Srila Prabhupada was and how his amazing commentary on the Gita explains that we are individual souls, that Krishna is also an individual, and that Krishna is after our love, nothing else. By now everyone in the sauna was listening to our conversation. All of a sudden a man asked, "What's the main religion in India?" I told him it was the Hindu religion, and then he asked, "What's the name of God in India?" I told him "Krishna." Another guy said, "I just became vegetarian and I love Indian food." So I told him about our Govinda's Buffet at the temple. Another guy asked me if I teach yoga. I told him I teach bhakti-yoga and that others in our community teach hatha-yoga and I could introduce him to them. In this way everyone was so enthusiastic to find out about Krishna! It was amazing. I was feeling dehydrated and exhausted from the heat, but the questions were so good that I prayed to Krishna for more energy. Matt asked me if I could introduce him to a guru, so I told how my gurudev would be visiting LA in a few weeks and I could arrange a meeting with him. Matt was so happy to hear that. Finally, with great enthusiasm Matt asked me where he could find Srila Prabhupada's books. I told him I had some in my car that I could give him right away. So I ran to my car and got him a "Science of Self-Realization" and we exchanged emails and phone numbers. Matt was so happy that he gave me a big bear hug and said, "My friend, you have no idea how much our meeting and this book ["The Science of Self-realization"] mean to me at this point in my life. I'm so grateful, so grateful." He was speaking so loud that the whole section of the gym was looking at me. Jai!! brahmanda bhramite kona bhagyavan jiva guru-krsna-prasade paya bhakti-lata-bija After wandering throughout the universe, by the mercy of both Krsna and the spiritual master a fortunate person receives the seed of the creeper of devotional service. Shastra-krit das Los Angeles (Text D:3892888) ------------------------------------------- ------- End of Forwarded Message ------
By Madhava Smullen for ISKCON News on 15 Nov 2010
 | A new book self-published this March by former gurukula student Daniel Lutz, entitled “My Karma, My Fault,” tells a sobering tale of neglect and abuse suffered in ISKCON boarding schools from 1983 to 1994.
I was trying this today....visualising a button that represents the mind, then switching off the mind by pressing the button and it worked! I was able to focus only on the mantra and the mind literally switched off inside my head and there were no thoughts other than the words of the Maha mantra.
Sometimes we need a tool to help us focus and long as it doesn't become a distraction in itself, a simple and quick thing that helps us to be with the Lord during Japa.
3:38 A.M.Namamrta by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: ‘It is our misfortune that although Krishna makes Himself so available through His name, we have no attachment for chanting.’
“The Krishna consciousness movement is giving all facilities so that people may come here, chant, dance, live very peacefully, take krishna-prasada, and be happy, but people will not accept it. That is called misfortune. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, portraying the people of this age, therefore said, “I am so unfortunate that I have no attachment for chanting Hare Krishna.” Lord Caitanya prayed: “Krishna the transcendental holy name of God has all potencies,” Lord Caitanya said. Krishna has unlimited potencies and similarly in the holy name of Krishna there are unlimited potencies. Krishna has thousands and thousands of names, of which the name Krishna is the chief and there are no hard and fast rules for chanting…We can chant at any time and immediately get Krishna. Just see the mercy of Krishna! “Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, “My dear Lord, You have given me such general facilities by which to contact You, but I am so unfortunate that I have no attachment for these things. I have attachments for so many other things but I have no attachment for chanting Hare Krishna. This is My misfortune.” Krishna is so magnanimous that He is present before us by the transcendental vibration of His name, which has all the potencies of Krishna Himself and if we remain in contact with that name we shall get all the benefits of Krishna’s benedictions. But still we are not inclined to chant the Hare Krishna mantra. This is our misfortune.” (Teachings of Queen Kunti) In the Caitanya Caritamrta Adi-lila 20.16 Lord Caitanya explains the reason why one has no attachment to chanting: “[Lord Caitanya to Svarupa Damodara and Ramananda Raya]: …My dear Lord, although You bestow such mercy upon the fallen conditioned souls by liberally teaching Your holy names, I am so unfortunate that I commit offenses while chanting the holy name, and therefore I do not achieve attachment for chanting.” Specifically the misfortune is the committing of the ten offenses in the holy names of the Lord. One has to gradually overcome all of the ten offenses before he can become fortunate in his chanting and taste the glories of the holy name. I woke up at 11:30 last night and decided to try to go back to sleep. I fell asleep and woke up at the new setting of the alarm clock, 1:30 A.M. I felt I was a little behind in keeping up the quota although I chanted rapidly the whole time. By 2:30 when Narayana came up I had eight rounds chanted but when he came up again at 3:30 I had all sixteen chanted. This morning’s session was a bit rushed with emphasis on catching up to the quota rather than emphasis on meditating on the meaning of the mantra. Nevertheless I am glad that I have finished sixteen rounds early in the morning and that I don’t have to chant them later at a time when they will not be as advantageous or generally attentive for chanting. To the very end of the sixteen rounds my rounds began to grow heavy, but I kept up the pace. I had no pain during the chanting session. Krishna has given all His
potencies in the holy name
and is personally present
in the sound vibration.
He has made it as easy
as possible, but unfortunate
souls in Kali-yuga feel
no taste in chanting. They
invest their taste and
attachment in many frivolous
and wasteful things and
neglect the simple and empowered
process. This is due to
committing the ten offenses
in chanting. With so much
opportunity given and so
much leniency, he misses
the chance. This is the
meaning of misfortune.
# 90
“I am so strong”
Prabhupada says. “I kick on their faces!”
He’s talking about the Mayavadis.
Dr. Patel is disturbed to hear it.
“You are a guru,” the doctor says, meaning
he wants to protest but he doesn’t dare.
He mumbles a defense
of faith in Mayavadi leaders,
and Prabhupada comes on stronger,
“I have to speak the truth
it doesn’t matter if you don’t like it.” A little later down the beach
Dr. Patel tries again,
Ramakrishna was a saint.
“He worshiped Kali,” Prabhupada replied,
“and claimed to have become God.
But in Bhagavad-gita Krishna says
that if one worships a demigod
his intelligence is gone. How
can such a person become God?”
The doctor can’t accept it,
he sees them all as saints.
“This mentality has ruined India,”
Prabhupada says.
We listen, we agree.
Even to this day and until we die,
we will never accept the Mayavadis.
He was so strong.
Krishna, we can write You poems
paraphrasing the great prayers
of the Bhagavatam—I read one
today that said Krishna is everyone’s
friend and all attempts at friendship
trying in humanitarianism efforts are useless.
And we can write you prayers from our
little life, saying I was tired when
I chanted my japa and only did twelve
in the time I should do sixteen rounds. The poems from the sastra are
a kind of plagiarizing, the ones from
the little life are pitiful but
sometimes original. I’d like
to write a cheerful poem
full of hope for my
progress, based on
actual experiences. Say you
were thrilled by hearing
the pastimes of Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu, or
you remembered something
wonderful that Prabhupada
did. I’d like to become an authentic
devotee, making progress
out of preaching experiences,
telling us obstacles
met while on a mission
for his spiritual master.
But the poems mustn’t
come out like bragging. When the thugs invaded
the Boston temple, I
threatened them with a
two-by-four and chanted
Hare Krishna mantra in fear
and trying to scare them
and it worked. When
I picked up a steam
iron and threatened
another guy he wrestled
it out of my hand, and
I really didn’t want
to hit him on the head
with the iron. They said
they would come back the
next night and I got in
a car to go to New York,
but then I asked to be taken back
and returned to Boston, and I
stood up all night watching
by a window with a two-by-
four. They threw a Molotov cocktail against
the side of the house, and
I went out with a blanket
and put the fire out.
I went to the court
hearing and was disappointed
when the judge didn’t
punish them. But
Prabhupada wrote that the judge
was an intelligent man because he
said the case was closed,
but if any incidents happened
at the house he would reopen the case.
They came back
a few times and broke windows,
but we stood our ground. That’s our little life in
Krishna consciousness, and I
gave lots of lectures and
I always live in the
temple and did the basic
duties. Now it’s harder
to get through the day.
I’m tired and weak,
but I try to water
my bhakti-lata-bija.
Free WriteI turned at random to Canto 3, Chapter 27, text 25: “In the dreaming state one’s consciousness is almost covered, and one sees many inauspicious things, but when he is awaken and fully conscious, such inauspicious things cannot bewilder him.” Similar to the dreaming and waking state, the position of self-realization or understanding one’s real relationship with the Supreme Lord, makes one completely satisfied and the three modes of nature, which are the cause of all disturbances, cannot affect him. In contaminated consciousness one sees everything to be for enjoyment, but in pure consciousness or Krishna consciousness he sees that everything exists for the enjoyment of the supreme enjoyer. That is the difference between the dream state and the awakened state. One who can understand that Krishna is the proprietor of all the worlds and that He is the friend of everyone is peaceful and independent. If one wishes to benefit his fellow brothers, he must awaken his lost Krishna consciousness. The Krishna conscious position is that of pure consciousness. Vasudeva met with Nanda Maharaja when Nanda was in Mathura paying tax. Vasudeva warned Nanda that after their talk he should go home to Gokula because there might be some trouble there. Nanda Maharaja knew Vasudeva was a wise man, and so he took his warning seriously. On the way back he made prayers for his family’s safety. A devotee always takes shelter of Krishna when there is trouble just as children takes shelter of their parents. But when the Supreme Lord is residing in your town there can be no trouble. Kamsa had sent one of his powerful witches, Putana, to the countryside to kill babies. She arrived in Gokula and was transformed into such a beautiful woman that almost everyone thought she was the goddess of fortune, and Yasoda allowed her to approach Krishna. Putana had smeared a deadly poison on the nipple on her breast, and she planned to kill Krishna by giving Him her breast to suck. When she put Krishna on her lap He closed His eyes. The commentators of Srimad-Bhagavatam give different interpretations why Krishna closed His eyes. One said it was because she was a witch. Another said He didn’t want her to know that He was going to kill her, another said it was because He saw her as His nurse. When Krishna grabbed Putana He was angry, and He sucked out the poison and her life air. She fell down screaming “Leave me, child! Leave me!” And she changed into a huge body in the shape of a hideous witch. She was twelve miles long and fell to the ground breaking many trees. When she landed Krishna played on her belly, but Yasoda pulled Him off and said prayers for His safety. To purify Him she then bathed Him in the dung of a cow and in its urine. Then the ladies recited names of Vishnu to protect His different parts. Krishna didn’t need any protection, but just to show the Vedic culture of protecting a child by the products of the cow and the names of Vishnu the inhabitants practiced these methods. When Nanda and the men arrived they saw that the body of Putana had been chopped up in its limbs and set to fire. A very nice aroma was emanating from the fire. This indicated that the body of Putana was liberated. Krishna is so kind that although Putana came to kill Him, He saw the bright side of it, namely that she approached Him as a nurse and that He took her breast milk. He granted her liberation as a nurse in Vaikuntha. Nanda Maharaja immediately smelled the head of his young son to make sure He was alright, and he was assured that Krishna was unharmed.
I guess I brought it on myself when I suggested to my readers that they could twist my arm for the recipe for my laksa. After a good deal of cyber-twisting, here it is. There's a bit of work involved, and a lot of the success in this dish is the presentation. There are three distinct layers: the noodles, then the juicy, chunky fragrant broth, then the lovely toppings, all carefully piled up as high as you can. You'll need deep laksa bowls to serve it in, to get the "meal in a bowl" look, not miserly little soup bowls. By the way, if you have a copy of 'Cooking with Kurma', you'll find the recipe there in full technicolor. And if you are reading this on Facebook, you might find it easier to follow on my blog, where there are better line breaks. It seems Facebook is a bit stingy on proper page layout. Curried Malay Noodles (Laksa) Laksa is a taste sensation—a delicious one-pot soupy combination of mild, chili-hot, rich, aromatic and delicate flavours, and a tantalising combination of crunchy, soft and milky textures. There are many versions of laksa served throughout the Malaysian peninsula. This is my hearty vegetarian version. Serves 6-8 persons. The curry 1 cup liquid tamarind puree, 1 cup stringless beans, or snake beans, cut 2.5cm, 400g fried small tofu pouches (or tofu puffs, as they are called - spongy and full of holes to soak up the juices. I like to cut them in triangles), 1 tablespoon cumin seeds, 1 tablespoon coriander seeds, 5 or 6 large dried red chilies, 3 tablespoons oil, one 5cm cube fresh peeled ginger, one 2.5cm cube fresh peeled galangal, white inner stems 2 or 3 stalks fresh lemongrass, finely sliced, 1½ teaspoons yellow asafetida powder, 5-6 medium tomatoes, peeled and chopped, 2 tablespoons Malay curry powder (Babas brand is my favourite), 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, 2 cups potatoes, cubed, 1½ cups carrots, sliced, 2 cups rich vegetable stock (the most important part of the broth), 2-3 tablespoons palm sugar (my favourites are the dark, caramelised varieties like gula jawa, gula aren or gula melaka), 2 teaspoons salt, 4 cups coconut milk, or better still, coconut cream. The noodles 1kg fresh wheat or rice noodles (my favourite is udon), The garnish 2 cups bean sprouts (trim off the sprout ends for pristine presentation), 2 small seedless green cucumbers, unpeeled, cut into long matchstick strips, 1 small bunch laksa leaves (Vietnamese mint) whole or chopped , coarsely ground black pepper, lime or lemon wedges, on the side, sambal oelek (optional) To prepare the curry: Place the beans and a little water in a small saucepan and steam the beans for 10 minutes or until tender. Drain and set the beans aside. Dry-roast the cumin seeds, coriander seeds and dried chilies in a small saucepan or non-stick frying pan over moderately low heat for 5 minutes or until fragrant and slightly dark. Place the spices in a spice mill or coffee grinder and grind them to a powder. Set the powder aside. Heat the oil in a large heavy-based saucepan over moderate heat. When hot, add the shredded ginger and galangal. Fry for 2 to 3 minutes or until opaque and fragrant. Add the sliced lemon grass, fry for another minute, or until fragrant. Sprinkle in the yellow asafetida powder, fry momentarily then add the tomatoes. Stirring occasionally, cook the tomatoes for 5 to 10 minutes, or until they are soft and broken down, and the oil is visible. Add the dry-roasted powdered spices, the curry powder, black pepper, potato, carrot and vegetable stock. Stir to combine. Cover with the lid, bring to the boil, reduce the heat, and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender. While the curry is cooking, cook the noodles briefly in lightly salted boiling water, or according to directions. Drain and keep hot. Add the tamarind puree to the simmering curry, then add the cooked beans, the sugar, salt, fried tofu, and the coconut milk. Allow the mixture to almost return to the boil, then remove the saucepan from the heat. To assemble the laksa: Scoop a large handful of hot noodles into each individual pre-warmed serving bowl. Ladle on the curry. Garnish with bean sprouts, cucumber, shredded laksa leaves, and black pepper. Serve with wedges of lime and optional sambal oelek. Individual diners can squeeze over the fresh lime juice.
By Ramananda Raya Dasa From a new book “BIOCENTRISM, How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to understand the true Nature of the Universe” written by Robert Lanza, MD with Bob Berman. Excerpts from the Introduction : We have accepted the Big Bang Theory, despite the increasingly greater need to jury-rig it to fit our [...]
“Deep down, beneath all our insecurities, beneath all our hopes for and beliefs in equality, each of us believes we're better than anyone else. Because it's our beliefs that are right, our doubts that are allowable ones, our fears which are legitimate” - Audrey Beth Stein
Do you believe the above statement? What's your take on the meaning of equality? It's in our constitution, but do we see it applied in the practical situations of our daily social and economic lives? Do we demonstrate in our own lives the principle of equality towards others? Is it a practical way to live, considering all of our obvious differences? On what level are we actually equal? These were a few of the intriguing questions tossed around during our most recent Reflections, as we ventured to find the thread that ties all of us together as living beings.
“The demand for equal rights in every vocation of life is just and fair; but, after all, the most vital right is the right to love and be loved.” -Emma Goldmas
Check out the website below to see and hear about the guest speaker we had at out Tuesday cooking classes. It wasn't about cooking, but it did provide food for the , explaining how by diving deeper into the river of life and discovering our inner essence, we can unearth the happiness, fulfillment, and compassion that is inherent to each of us.
Oh Lord, I see a theological fallacy in your divine philosophy. It is said that Vaisnavas never actively seek out the five kinds of liberation (salokya, samipya, sarupya,sarsti and syujya) but are simply content on serving Your lotus feet. This is all well and nice but how can this be true? It seems that the obvious fact that You and Your name are the same has been neglected. The first two of the nine processes of Bhakti are to associate with Your name. You must be present on the same planet or else You could not be present in Your name at all (salokya); by chanting and hearing we are closely associating with Your name, this is equal to having the liberation of close association with You (samipya); if we are associating with You in Your name then how can we claim to be in the materially conditioned state and therefore have material bodies, surely these bodies are then spiritual, like Your own (sarupya); if we have You in Your name, which we may wilfully chant at our desire then surely Your unlimited opulence is also present, under our will (sarsti); and if we are merged in the ecstasy of chanting Your holy name then surely this defeats liberation of merging directly into Your existence (sayujya). This is my theology, although some may see some fallacy in it, but I have personally only understood it as a theology. I have no great realization of this matter and therefore I am saddened. I beg to ask You that I may taste the holy name in it’s pure form but now I fear to even ask that, for to me this is like begging for all kinds of liberation.
Your fallen servant, Madhavendra Puri Dasa.
To watch the pictures please click here Nectar Pictures with Guru Maharaja cooking in the kitchen of Priti and Deepak Khullar Prabhus during Guru Maharaja’s stay from 6 till Saturday 13 November 2010 and at the Bhaktivedanta Manor on the recent Disappearance Day of Srila Prabhupada. Extatic picture also of the Bhaktivedanta Players who performed [...]
bh. Tibor:Two evenings a choir with a lot of members performed of Jayadeva Prabhu Budapest for the second weekend in November
A symptom of spiritual advancement is we really want to help others rather than others wanting to help us. It is easy to criticize and easy to find faults. Anybody can do that. You don’t have to be sincere to do that but you have to be very sincere to see whatever opportunity there is to solve the problem. We may see some problems; I don’t want to associate, what am I getting out of it? I am not enlivened. Forget about your enlivenment, more important is how can you enliven others. If you earnestly and sincerely desire to help others then God will empower you to do higher and bigger things in this world. When the devotees are unified in a common spirit to glorify Krishna and serve their Guru and fulfill his desires then there is no power on earth that can impede the progress of this movement. Maya creates disunity. Unity means every single individual must take it his life’s responsibility to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. There are million reasons to not want to associate. There are million faults you can find. But all is necessary is one reason to associate - To serve Guru - To fulfill the desires of Krishna. This is the great sacrifice.
There are so many personality conflicts; there are so many people we don’t like; there are so many things we don’t like; there are so many people who don’t care about me but the question is not how many people care about me but the question is how much I care about them. Saint Francis said seek not to take but to give; seek not to be consoled but to console. We have to give up our selfishness. The tendency is to feel sorry for ourselves but we should learn to feel sorry for others. Why don’t we feel sorry for others and help them rather than feel sorry for us and expect everyone to help us. That is the difference between a sincere devotee and insincere devotee. Every one of us has the capacity to be sincere and hear from the proper sources and accept and follow. That’s all. It takes any fool on the street to find fault in others any fool in the street can talk about his own glories but it takes a great man to see whatever little good quality is in another and not worry about whatever faults may be there.
- H.H.Radhanath Swami
1967 November 15: "A slight insult to Krishna or His Representative should at once be taken seriously. But we have to act cautiously. Anyway, forget the chapter. If thousands of Kirtananandas come and go, we have to prosecute our real program - being sincere to Krishna and Krishna-Chaitanya."Prabhupada Letters :: 1967
1969 November 15: "We have captured the strong chain of disciplic succession coming down from the highest platform, Krishna. We must capture it very tightly. Then our deliverance is assured."Prabhupada Letters :: 1969
1969 November 15: "My disciples who are cooperating with me in rendering service to my Spiritual Master, if they are not delivered along with me, for them I am always ready to come back from Goloka Vrindaban. So don't be worried about the clutches of Maya."Prabhupada Letters :: 1969
1970 November 15: "It is no use to learn Hindi or any other languages, just try to learn to speak our Krishna Consciousness language very nicely. If you follow the regulative regulations and always remain neat and clean, very soon everything obscure will become clear."Prabhupada Letters :: 1970
1974 November 15: "When Krishna gives, you get. Don't be disappointed if you do not get. Whatever money sent it is all the hand of Krishna. Always depend on Krishna, then everything will be all right."Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
1974 November 15: "Yes you are all fools. When you can understand that you are a fool that means that you are a little intelligent. The more we remain foolish - seriously not artificially - the more we remain eager for spiritual advancement."Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
1974 November 15: "You should repeatedly offer obeisances to your Spiritual Master. This is very important. A disciple should offer dandabats, not namaskara. The more one becomes fixed up in guru obeisances, the more one advances in spiritual progress."Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
1975 November 15: "If you are strong enough to preach Krishna consciousness, that is very good. Do not adulterate or change anything. The process is to memorize the purports of my books and then speak them in your own words. Then you will be the perfect preacher."Prabhupada Letters :: 1975
"Oh, Supreme Goddess of the Vrndavana forest. Your lotus feet are brimming full of flowing rasa extract, the essential honey of full-blown love nectars. Holding such feet to His chest, Madhupati (Krsna), the Lord of all sweetness, extinguishes the burning fever of Cupid. So supremely cooling, I now take shelter of them.
Yesterday was one of the most looked-forward to festivals of the year – Gopastami, the day we get to see the transcendental lotus feet of Srimati Radharani and the Gopis. And by the wonders of modern technology, devotees all over the world can too. The pujaris covered them with flowers but you can still see them if you look closely And Giriraja was enjoying the view of the carana-padmas of His most ardent devotees The altar was nicely decorated to represent the Vrndavana mood with cows and pots A couple of old timers were there to relish the event And Lord Nrsimhadeva was decked out in His usual glorious manner At home my wife Sitala and daughter Rasarani-priya (who loves having her photo taken and posted on my blog) offered a beautiful new outfit from Vrndavana along with jewelry, crowns and flute to our family Deities Sri Sri Radha Madhava More on my next posting about the worship of the cows at the Mayapur goshalla
Photos taken by Thageesan Thanabalasingam
And as a devotee he wants to know what kind of plans he should make and what kind of karma is he carying.
Seminar on Vaisnava Culture and Trust given by HH Hridayananda Das Goswami at ISKCON Alachua in 2007. ISKCON exists to facilitate loving exchanges!
That’s my theme here. So thank you all for coming. After travelling to many countries and going to India and coming back recently I hope I can remember what I said in that seminar … So this topic arose because the Mayapur administration wanted to base this year’s seminars at the Mayapur Festival on the Sri Upadeshamrita specifically I think the verse “dadati pratigrihnati guhyam akhyati pricchati bhunktebhojayate caiva shad-vidham pritilakshanam” roughly translated as follows: offering gifts in charity, accepting charitable gifts, revealing one’s mind in confidence, inquiring confidentially, accepting prasada, and offering prasada – these are the six symptoms of love shared by one devotee and another. Then, in his purport – I’ll read a little bit of Prabhupada’s purport – he says even in ordinary social activities, these six types of dealings between two loving friends are absolutely necessary. For instance, when one businessman wishes to contact another, he arranges a feast in a hotel… read full story
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The chanting of the holy names of Kṛṣṇa is so sublime that if one chants the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra offenselessly, carefully avoiding the ten offenses, he can certainly be gradually elevated to the point of understanding that there is no difference between the holy name of the Lord and the Lord Himself.
Varshana Swami kirtan

Image by -RejiK via Flickr Five Blockades to Fixed Devotional Practice -
Drowsiness – laya
Distraction – vikṣepa
Disinterest – apratipatti
Deep desires – kaṣāya
Enjoyment / No Enjoyment – rasāsvāda
Drowsiness makes me literally fall asleep during my devotional practices. Distraction makes me concentrate on other things while externally going through the motions of my devotional practices. Disinterest in loving Krsna is why my practices have no depth, even when not afflicted by sleepiness or distraction. Deep desires manifest as pride, anger and greed. Even when I can overcome disinterest in devotion, emotions connected to pride, anger and greed soon draw my interest away again, absorbing me once again in mundane selfish concerns. Material enjoyment cooperates with deep desires to pull my attention away from devotional practices soon after I manage to fix it there, by reminding me of my desire to enjoying some specific experience. Another way I look at this is that material enjoyment can only exist when there is a lack of spiritual enjoyment. Perhaps that is why the Sanskrit word for this obstacle, rasāsvāda, simultaneously indicates the desire to enjoy and the inability to enjoy. I desire to enjoy the mundane, and simultaneously am unable to enjoy the divine. This means that even when I am not sleepy, not distracted… even when I am interested in developing devotion and am not being swept away by deep rooted desires… still it is not easy to be very deep and fixed in my devotional practices because I am only qualified to enjoy life in a mundane way, I have no qualification yet to enjoy real rasa – divine pleasure.
By Srila Viswanath Chakravarti ThakurAmahat has the ability to see some good in everyone. They also perceive faults in others, but they consider that those faults can be eventually transformed by certain methods into good qualities
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