----- Original Message -----To:Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 7:08 AMSubject: Planet ISKCON - 40 new articles
"Planet ISKCON" - 40 new articles
- H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Saturday 30 October 2010--Relishing Hare Krishna Kirtan--and--How Are Souls Formed?
- Australian News: An Experience of Mayapur Dhama – Back to Godhead Magazine
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Melbourne-Cup-Eve Harinama
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Melbourne-Cup-Day Harinama
- Bhakta Chuck, CT, USA: Friday Night Oxen #28
- Sita-pati dasa, AU: Grassroots Harinam Brisbane Oct 29, 2010
- Australian News: Go-Run-Ga Productions push sonic boundaries to breaking point
- Australian News: Shining light in Brisbane Yatra seen from the International Space Station
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Damodarastakam Roster
- Bhakti Vikasa Swami: thirty key verses
- Kurma dasa, AU: A Kurma Christmas
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 116
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: One Hundred Prabhupada Poems
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Kardama Leaves Home
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Random
- Japa Group: The Panca-Tattva Mantra
- Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: KuliMela 2006 - Bhaktikalalayam - Dance - 6/14
- H.H. Sivarama Swami
- Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: Peonies Come, Peonies Go
- An Appeal for Photographs
- ISKCON Akhilananda Dasa: Doing the Lord’s Work
- Australian News: Thunderbolts strike in the heart of Sydney
- ISKCON Moscow`s Mayor Wants Hearings on Religious Construction
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- David Haslam, UK: Relationships a desire is it worth it?
- H.H. Sivarama Swami
- ISKCON Saudi Prince Says Moving N.Y. Mosque Would Respect 9/11 'Wounds'
- ISKCON Italy: 'First Icons' Of Apostles Found In Rome
- ISKCON Study Highlights German Foreign Ministry's Role in Holocaust
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Please can you give your understanding, about the bold claim of the scientists, who have now created life in the lab
- H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Last Chance to Include an Offering in the Vyas Puja book for Sankarshan Das Adhikari
- Gouranga TV: An incredible Kirtan at ISKCON Toronto temple of HH Indradyumna Swami
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Transcribers needed!
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Lord Ramacandra’s victory over Ravana – Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.25.46
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Complete cessation of suffering – Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.25.44
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Origin of the living entity – Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.25.33
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H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Saturday 30 October 2010--Relishing Hare Krishna Kirtan--and--How Are Souls Formed?
Thought for the Day--Saturday 30 October 2010
Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and to you, our treasured readers. Our purpose is to help everyone awaken...
Australian News: An Experience of Mayapur Dhama – Back to Godhead Magazine
By N. Swaminathan, Ph.D.
September/October 2010
A pilgrimage to ISKCON’s grand complex in Lord Chaitanya’s land provides indelible inspiration for an engineer and his family.When I entered the spacious temple and looked to the right, I was stunned on seeing the huge and extremely beautiful deities of Radha-Madhava, with four sakhis on each side gazing at the perfect beauty of Lord Madhava and Srimati Radharani and very eager to serve Them. The temple was full of devotees offering ghee lamps, an act that symbolizes how our heart burns in separation from Krishna. My family and I also got ghee lamps and offered them to Radha-Madhava and the eight sakhis.We then went to the adjoining hall, also spacious. When I saw the huge golden Panca Tattva deities, I couldn’t imagine ever having to leave Mayapur. The devotees’ graceful dancing and the beautiful kirtana enchanted me. And before I could recover, I was in front of the deity of Nrisimha. Dressed in silver, He looked like silver fire. He was so ferocious, and yet so assuring. I don’t remember how many times I offered obeisances to Him, or maybe I didn’t at all.Thank you, Srila Prabhupada. Even though you were satisfied with whatever Krishna provided to you, you undertook great hardships to create such a beautiful place and a real society of devotees so that people like me would be attracted to spiritual life.I work in an engineering software company, and I had been attending a Bhagavad-gita class conducted by ISKCON for four months when our teacher invited my family and me for a four-day pilgrimage to Mayapur during the auspicious month of Damodara (Karttika). Mayapur is the birthplace of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who in the sixteenth century propagated the chanting of the holy names of Krishna, the recommended spiritual practice for Kali-yuga, the current age.Our reception at ISKCON Mayapur’s Gada Bhavan was most magnificent. We were garlanded with flowers, and cool sandalwood paste was applied to our foreheads. This is how guests are received in the Vaishnava tradition, said our hosts.The next day we got up really early and bathed in unheated water. We attended mangala-arati at Prabhupada’s Pushpa Samadhi and then at the Radha-Madhava temple. I completed sixteen rounds of chanting before 7:00 A.M., and I had a full day ahead of me.While walking to the goshala, we were shown the grihastha quarters and a building that’s home to brahmacharis two months a year. The rest of the year they are out traveling in buses and distributing Prabhupada’s books. We also were told about four schools: one with the CBSE pattern, one with the Cambridge Board, one a girls’ school, and one a Vedic gurukula. The first three have a mixed curriculum, modern with Vedic, but the last is purely Vedic. We were surprised. What about the future of these boys? We learned the answer, a very instructive one, when we went to the gurukula in the evening.Read the rest at Back to Godhead Magazine
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Melbourne-Cup-Eve Harinama
Monday 1st November will give everyone the opportunity to prepare the grounds for the Melbourne Cup Maha-Harinama.
Come and join the Sankirtan Party in preparation to the following day's big outing.
Details about the meeting point are on the poster attached.
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Melbourne-Cup-Day Harinama
This the D-Day for all Harinama adepts:
Our fervent Harinama-organiser asks all the participants to come in Vaisnava attire only and we are invited to look "quite fancy because its Melbourne Cup after all...!"
The underlying message is for us to look our best so that we can project an impecable image of Srila Prabhupada's mission.
Therefore, as far as possible, please avoid wearing any cardigans, jackets etc bearing other brands or logos.
For further details about the harinama itself please click on the poster.
Bhakta Chuck, CT, USA: Friday Night Oxen #28
Hello Everyone,
More on Scout from FNO #27 soon…
…at the roof of the world…
If you would like to add a friend to the FNO list,please email me their address.
Have a nice weekend, in service to the Oxen,
Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare
Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare
Sita-pati dasa, AU: Grassroots Harinam Brisbane Oct 29, 2010
31 devotees, 90 minutes, 2 videos. The first one shot with KP's iPod Nano, the second Prahlad shooting with my Flip HD.
Australian News: Go-Run-Ga Productions push sonic boundaries to breaking point
If you don’t have a face book login here is one good reason to get one right now. Go-Run-Ga Productions are loading facebook full to the brim with the sonic forms of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Once you start listening you can’t stop. Don’t worry it doesn’t stop at listening, you can download everything you hear and listen over and over at your leisure.If you listening make sure there is somewhere to dance because the sounds will drag your body upright and you will find yourself clapping and dancing and singing. I am doing that right now and it is making it very hard to type let me tell you.
Get there now and get high before the Kali Yuga brings you down
Click on this link and dip your ears in the nectar
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Australian News: Shining light in Brisbane Yatra seen from the International Space Station
Brisbane truly lived up to its “Brisvegas” monikor on Friday night when 31 chanting, dancing, devotees took time out from their mundane activities to distribute Prasadam and Srila Prabhupada’s books along with the Holy Names on the streets of the city. See the video below.The crowd of onlookers were stunned and overjoyed to to see them. The astonauts on the International Space Station, floating in the outer edges of the earths atmosphere, reported a divine light emananting from the Brisvegas vicinity.All glories to the assembled Brisbane devotees. Thanks for inspiring us all.Grass Roots Harinama Revolution! – Brisvegas style. Param Vijayate Sri Krishna Sankirtanam!
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Damodarastakam Roster
Attached is the singing roster for the Damodar prayers at 7am and 7pm till 20th November.
Please click on the image for a bigger view. Bhakti Vikasa Swami: thirty key verses
I once heard a sannyasi disciple ask Srila Prabhupada for advice for preaching in the south of India, which is well known for its panditas learned in the scriptures. Srila Prabhupada said that if the sannyasi disciple could learn only thirty key verses in the Bhagavad-gita, that would be enough for meeting any challenges from the South India panditas. Such is the conclusive strength of the Bhagavad-gita.SDG, LS 13: Verses as Weapons
Kurma dasa, AU: A Kurma Christmas
Only eight shopping weeks to Christmas!
Why not gift your loved ones a Kurma cookbook or two!
Or an 11-disc 20-hour Kurma TV cookery show DVD compendium.
Contact me now:
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 116![]()
3:58 A.M.
From Namamrta by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada:
“One who feels he cannot live in the temple can practice Krishna consciousness at home by chanting the maha-mantra:“Lord Caitanya requested them all to return home and begin chanting the holy name congregationally. He also requested them to worship Krishna, chant His holy names and discuss His holy pastimes.“PURPORT: The cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Hare Krishna movement, is very nicely explained by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu authoritatively. It is not that everyone has to take sannyasa like Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Everyone can execute the cult of Krishna consciousness at home, as ordered by the Lord. Everyone can congregationally chant the holy name of Krishna, the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. One can also discuss the subject matter of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam and install Deities of Radha-Krishna or Gaura-Nitai or both and worship Them very carefully in one’s home. It is not that we have to open different centers all over the world. Whoever cares for the Krishna consciousness movement can install Deities at home and, under superior guidance, worship the Deity regularly, chanting the maha-mantra and discussing Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. We are actually teaching in our classes how to go about this. One who feels that he is not ready to live in a temple and undergo strict regulative principles in the temple—especially householders who live with wife and children—can start a center at home by installing the Deity, worshiping the Lord morning and evening, chanting Hare Krishna, and discussing Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. Anyone can do this without difficulty, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu requested all the devotees present there to do so.” (Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila 3.190)When Lord Caitanya visited the Kurma brahmana, the brahmana was well situated in household life. But when the Lord left him from His visit, the brahmana said he wanted to give up his family life and follow Lord Caitanya. Lord Caitanya said to him, “Don’t speak like that again. Better to remain at home and chant the holy name of Krishna always. Instruct everyone to follow the orders of Lord Krishna as they are given in the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. In this way become a spiritual master and try to liberate everyone in this land.” If one simply follows the instructions of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu under the guidance of His representative and chants the Hare Krishna mantra, teaching everyone as far as possible the same example, the contamination of the materialistic way of life will not even touch him. It does not matter whether one lives in a holy place like Vrndavana, Mayapur or Jagannatha Puri or in the midst of European cities where the materialistic way of life is very prominent. If a devotee follows the instructions of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he is in the company of the Lord. Wherever he lives, he converts that place into Vrndavana and Navadvipa. That means that materialism cannot touch him. This is the secret of success for advancing in Krishna consciousness.I woke up around 1:30 A.M. and was a little anxious about my starting to chant. I had no pain, but I was lethargic and couldn’t get a good rhythm going. I was spaced-out and not fully present in the holy names. Gradually I improved, but time was wasted. The chanting is always absolute and so you can be sure of that, but to get full benefit you must be aware of what you’re doing and give it your full mind and heart.You don’t have to live in
the temple. Lord Caitanya
and Prabhupada say so.
Make your home like
the temple by always chanting
there. Then it doesn’t
matter where you are in
the world. You don’t have to
live at Puri, Vrndavana
or Mayapur. This is
the secret of success.
But you have to hear, to chant
in a reverent atmosphere, very
alive and alert and crying
out to the Lord. Chanting
must be favorable, with
concentration, wide awake,
thinking of Radha and Krishna.
A mechanical, bland
utterance will not please
Nama Prabhu. If your
home is to be a temple
you must truly worship there.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: One Hundred Prabhupada Poems![]()
I heard you talk this morning while I
shaved my face and bathed and
yes, as I sat on the toilet.
You said we need milk
to understand God. Not too much,
a pound or half a pound a day.
Milk gives us the brain to understand
transmigration of the soul.
Krishna is very fond of the cows,
as in His picture in the temple.
He is the patron of brahmanas and cows.
I rewound the tape and took it out to play
for Madhu, because I want him to give me
milk every day and fear he may have some
prejudice against it.
He heard Prabhupada’s words
and we agreed.
I said some people speak against milk
purchased from stores. They say it’s supporting
cow slaughter. But Prabhupada took it.
He wanted people to drink milk, and then
when they were convinced it was good,
they’d stop killing cows.
He said, “Take her blood as milk, but don’t kill her.”
“Just that one reason is enough,” said Madhu,
“Prabhupada did it.”
Yes, that one word.
Will the world come to accept, and widely?
Will we see it in our lifetime?
ISKCON has to get itself together first
before we can hope to unite the world.
Let’s appreciate everyone’s efforts for Prabhupada,
at least appreciate Satsvarupa
and give him a cup of hot milk daily.
Prabhupada took it—at night with sugar.
I served him milk in a silver cup.
He will always be dear to Krishna
and tell intelligent people on this earth.
As Caitanya-caritamrta says,
only those who are intelligent
can practice Krishna consciousness.
And they will love Srila Prabhupada.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Kardama Leaves Home![]()
Kardama left home to search
out God, although God was
living in his home as his son.
Why did he go?
Because the Vedas say at 50
you should leave home and
take sannyasa and live a
life of austerity.
It seems absurd. He
could have inquired from
his son and served Him,
chanted His names and
played catch with Him
if that’s what Kapila
He led a good religious
life as a brahmana and grhastha, satisfied
his wife Devahuti
in all respects, so why
not stay home as a holy family?
But the Lord actually
wanted him to go. He
wanted to be alone with
Devahuti and teach
her sankhya-yoga.
He wanted to teach all
the world by his
solitary lessons
to Devahuti, and Kardama
could go and chant
the holy names
and reach the same
They were showing the ideal
Vedic social life,
that the father leaves home,
and the son instructs the mother.
And the father serves the
larger family by preaching
wherever he goes.
But in this case it’s just so odd,
and I hope it never happens
to me that I leave God
in my home and go out
wandering in search.
As long as we meet again
it would be all right,
and it’s nice that my
wife gets such great instruction. She deserves
it and the whole
world learns of
sankhya through her.
Kardama can read
the Srimad Bhagavatam and learn about the Lord.
That’s almost as good.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Random![]()
Free write
I turned at random to Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto Three, Chapter 24, text 35:
“The Personality of Godhead Kapila said: Whatever I speak, whether directly or in the scriptures, is authoritative in all respects for the people of the world. O Muni, because I told you before that I would be your son, I have descended to fulfill this truth.“Kardama Muni was to leave his family life to completely engage in the service of the Lord. But since he knew that the Lord Himself, as Kapila, had taken birth in his home as his son, why was he preparing to leave home to search out self-realization or God realization? God Himself was present in his home—why should he leave home?”It is said that whatever is spoken in the Vedas is to be accepted as authoritative for society. Vedic authority says a householder should leave home after 50 years. Although he had the Supreme Personality of Godhead as his son, he had to respect the authority of the Vedas. It is so stated, mahajano yena gatah sa panthah: one should traverse the path that is followed by great personalities.Actually, in Kali-yuga the injunction is that no one should accept sannyasa. Of course, those who actually follow the rules and regulations must take sannyasa. Generally, people are not able to accept sannyasa life, and therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu stressed that in this age there is no alternative than to chant the holy name of the Lord. The main purpose of sannyasa is to be in constant companionship with the Lord, either by thinking of Him in the heart or hearing of Him through aural reception. In this age, hearing is more important than thinking, and therefore Lord Caitanya preached chanting so nicely for the benefit of all humanity.While the yajnic brahmanas were performing their sacrifice, Krishna saw another saw another sacrifice being performed by the cowherdsmen of Govardhana Hill. It was a yajna for Indra. Krishna asked them what was the purpose of the sacrifice and who it was for. At first Nanda Maharaja didn’t answer his son, thinking that He was too young to understand the intricacies of the sacrifice. But Krishna insisted. He said, “You should not keep secrets from your own relatives.” So Nanda told Him, “We are pacifying King Indra because he is in charge of sending rain, and without rain we cannot have agriculture.” Krishna wanted them to stop the sacrifice. He had to reasons: one was He wanted to show that demigod worship was not necessary. And He wanted to show that if the gopas just worshiped Him exclusively, all their needs would be met. In order to make His argument, Krishna took the position of a karma-kandiya philosopher. These people believe there is no God, or if there is one, He is bound to give the results of people’s karma. Krishna asked the gopas to stop the sacrifice for Indra and just worship the local brahmanas and cows. The gopas were hesitant to follow Krishna, but He made them stop it. He wanted them to do it, and so they agreed because He requested it. The cowherd men decorated the cows and garlanded them and made a big procession around Govardhan Hill.Nimai Pandita played a trick on Kesava Bharati. He said to him, “I had a dream in which a mantra appeared to Me. Let me tell you it, and you can say whether it’s correct.” He whispered the mantra to Kesava Bharati and in this way He initiated him as His disciple. Kesava Bharati became wild in ecstatic love and they danced together. Then the Lord asked His sannyasa guru to give Him His name. Kesava Bharati thought to himself, “I can’t call You Bharati, that would not be correct.” He said, “You are always saying the word ‘Krishna,’ so You should be named Krishna. And You are the eternal force, so You should be called Caitanya. Your name shall be Krishna Caitanya.” The people all cheered when they heard this name. Lord Caitanya said that He would enter the forest and live alone, and all the devotees should return to their homes. When they heard this, the devotees began to weep. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu, accompanied by only Kesava Bharati, Lord Nityananda and Mukunda, entered the forest. When the devotees returned to Navadvipa and told the other devotees that Lord Caitanya had entered the forest, they were plunged into grief. Advaitacarya said He would drown Himself in the Ganges. If anyone tried to stop Him in the day, He would drown Himself at night. Soon all the devotees said they would commit suicide. Mother Saci stood frozen like a puppet. Then a voice spoke to them from the sky. It said, “In two or four days I will return and be with you again. No one should commit suicide.” The people were relieved and got back their lives.Meanwhile Lord Caitanya was walking to the west to a place called Radhadesa. He found it very charming there, but no one was chanting Hare Krishna. On His arrival the people began chanting and dancing. After a while He changed His direction and started walking west. He went to other places where people had never chanted, but on seeing Him they began sankirtana. In this way He reached the Ganges.
Japa Group: The Panca-Tattva Mantra
The Panca-tattva mantra
should be chanted first
before singing in a Hare
Krishna kirtana. Lord
Caitanya’s lenient mercy
introduces us into the Hare
Krishna mantra without
fear of offense.
Once you are
chanting Hare Krishna, your
mind should be fixed
on the transcendental
sound vibration without
wandering to something else.
Mantra meditation is very
easy, but it must be
seriously performed. The
Panca-tattva mantra
is like a river that
leads us into the sea
of Hare Krishna mantras,
where we endlessly float in bliss.
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: KuliMela 2006 - Bhaktikalalayam - Dance - 6/14
Bharatnatyam Dance performed at KuliMela 2006 in New Vrindavan.
H.H. Sivarama Swami
Preach only what you have heard from Krsna and guru, that’s all. Don’t add and subtract. Then you are secure.
- Srila Prabhupada
Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: Peonies Come, Peonies Go
“So Krsna says, punyo gandhah prthivyam ca. When you smell something very fragrant… Just like in the flower. There are different varieties of flower, and they are exacting different varieties of aroma from the earth. So the good smell of the flower… In some other place it is said in the Bhagavatam that the…, when you see flower, you see Krsna smiling. That is the seeing of Krsna smiling. Therefore the flower should be utilized for Krsna’s service. Because these flowers, everything, is Krsna’s energy.”Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.26.44 — Bombay, January 19, 1975Earlier in the year I was hunting for some plant I wanted and stumbled unto a nursery that specializes in peonies and has over 600 varieties. The choices were bewildering so I asked the owner to make recommendations based on the parameters of being early and late bloomers, to spread the season, and being very fragrant. Based on that I ended up buying 3 new varieties.Chestine Gowdy: Aahh! What a wonderfully fragrant, late, full double. With a bright rose pink center and guard petals separated by a collar of cream colored petals it creates a unique effect. 26″ tall. In a bouquet this is just heavenly for the fragrance. Use it generously along a fence for a plentiful supply of blooms to share with friends and family. Plant in full sun.Burma Ruby: APS Gold Medal and 2009 APS Award of Landscape Merit Winner! A single, bright red hybrid with a little purple in the background that gives it an extra brilliance, very early blooming. A generous bloomer with large petals forming a cup shape set off by the deep green foliage. The added bonus is it has a pleasant fragrance too! Plant in full sun in well drained soil.Pink Hawaiian Coral: Semi-double, fragrant salmon-pink to coral with a cupped shape bloom. 34″ stems. A late-mid-season bloomer. This hybrid peony won the APS Gold Medal in 2000 and received the Award of Landscape Merit in 2009.Peonies are great because they have tremendous flowers early in the year long before the annuals make a show. Deer don’t bother them, which is a major consideration here in West Virginia, so they can be planted without being fenced. Peonies, along with iris and day lilies, are sometimes referred to as the ironclads — relatively easy to grow, long lasting and reliable flowering. Once planted in rich, well drained soil, the only care peonies need is removal of the foliage in the fall to prevent disease incubation. I do top dress with compost in years I have the energy to do so.I already had a row of about 14 peonies and am happy with that amount. I have a few of a white variety the name of which is lost in the sands of time, but it is very fragrant. The rest came from divisions that my sister-in-law sent me from my mother’s garden where they have been happily pumping it out for more than 50 years.I dug three of my mother’s peony progeny and divided them into about 40. I was a little surprised how dense the root structure was as they had only been planted 4-5 years ago. I split them using the criterion of 3-6 “eyes” per division. Then I got on the phone list calling everyone I knew that does some gardening until I found homes for them all.While it will be a few years until the new peonies mature enough to divide, I do hope to expand their numbers if they are as brilliant as their descriptions promise. As with most perennials, it is “first year sleeping, second year creeping, third year leaping” and apparently 5th year plenty of divisions to propagate. Not that I have any surety of living that long, but just in case I do I will have something to do.
Filed under: Cows and Environment![]()
![]() An Appeal for Photographs
Atmananda dasa: Would it be at all possible to supply me with some photographs of your temple. The reason I am asking is that I am going to put a slide show together for Srila Prabhupada's next Vyasa-puja (2011)
ISKCON Akhilananda Dasa: Doing the Lord’s Work
Growing up in the small town of Salem, Ohio, Alfred Fitch was always tinkering; practicing, although he didn’t know it yet, for his future self’s unique profession—building beautiful altars for homes and temples all over the USA and the world.
Australian News: Thunderbolts strike in the heart of Sydney
Two lone thunderbolts struck deep into the heart of Sydney City this week. Passers by were enthralled by the two-man hainam sankirtan band calling out the names of Krishna. Some stood and watched for ages and others clapped and danced to the rhythmic mrdanga.Two lone voices cut the veil of maya and bringing the sweet sound of Krishna’s names to the river of people on the streets of Sydney. In the photo above you can see how we do the needful when there are few to do it with you.
The stangest people wander by when you are out on the street and you will see what I mean by that in the next photo… This hairy guy came up and wanted to dance with us so we encouraged him to do it. I have to stop and take a photo so we could share the event with you. It’s so nice to see the smiling faces of those who are attracted by the sonic reverberberation of Harinam. Next Thursday we will be back at our launch pad at the corner of George and Bathurt streets in the City of Sydney. We hope you can join us. Not inly is it great fun, but it is for the eternal spiritual benefit of all those who hear and see. Be there or be square. Share this story your way: ISKCON Moscow`s Mayor Wants Hearings on Religious Construction
Srila Prabhupada's Letters1967 October 23: "Your child should be named Subhadra, the name that you have already chosen, this is nice. Regarding the horoscope, it is a nice idea and if I meet a good astrologer I shall try to get one for your little child."Prabhupada Letters :: 1967 Srila Prabhupada's Letters1967 October 23: "When coming from San Francisco I promisedthat this time when I come back I shall first come to San Francisco. So I shall return by Pacific route. Please convey my greetings to Janaki's Aunt Edna. She may remain there with you till my return."Prabhupada Letters :: 1967 Srila Prabhupada's Letters1970 October 23: "I have safely arrived in Amritsar and we are being very well cared for at the Vedant Niketan. The people and also the Sannyasis here are very much liking our Sankirtana Movement, so things are going on nicely."Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 Srila Prabhupada's Letters1970 October 23: "I am so much pleased that you are carrying on the Street Sankirtana Party even though you have sometimes only one companion. This spirit is most satisfactory so please go on and you may rest assured that Krsna will always help you in any difficulty."Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 October 23: "You are feeling some discomfort in your life in Krishna Consciousness, but I can assure you that this is only temporary condition of little importance, because main thing is that somehow or other you have got a little attraction for Krishna."Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 David Haslam, UK: Relationships a desire is it worth it?The other day I received a text message from an ex-work college that ended up in a long protracted text conversation followed by a long phone call. I was left wondering however if she had rang for my approval, yes, yes you’ve met a wonderful guy on the internet, you’ve dated sort of for the [...] H.H. Sivarama SwamiKrishna’s plan becomes very easy for us when we follow Krishna’s orders, otherwise, we are following Maya’s plan and become frustrated at every step. Following Krishna’s orders means chanting daily 16 rounds, following the four rules and regulations, rising early, associating with devotees, like that. Unless these principles are followed, we cannot expect Krishna’s protection. - Srila Prabhupada ISKCON Saudi Prince Says Moving N.Y. Mosque Would Respect 9/11 'Wounds'
ISKCON Italy: 'First Icons' Of Apostles Found In Rome
ISKCON Study Highlights German Foreign Ministry's Role in Holocaust
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Please can you give your understanding, about the bold claim of the scientists, who have now created life in the labFrom this point onwards and in the future men will be created according to specifications. No need for God anymore. H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Last Chance to Include an Offering in the Vyas Puja book for Sankarshan Das AdhikariMy Dear Godbrothers, Godsisters and Friends, Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to his Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. All Glories to his Divine Grace Srila Gurudeva. I want to thank everyone for the numerous offering that have come in so far. For those who still want to send, I will try and accommodate your offering in to the Vyasa... Gouranga TV: An incredible Kirtan at ISKCON Toronto temple of HH Indradyumna SwamiAn incredible Kirtan at ISKCON Toronto temple of HH Indradyumna SwamiH.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Transcribers needed!By His Grace Ramananda Raya Prabhu Some time ago we started to transcribe Guru Maharaja’s lectures in a small team of Guru Maharaja’s disciples and aspiring enthusiastics. By now we realize that it is not at all difficult to organize and to execute this service. All participants feel utter bliss in contributing to this most [...] H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Lord Ramacandra’s victory over Ravana – Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.25.46The following lecture was given by H.H. Bhakti Caru Swami Maharaja on October 17th, 2010, in ISKCON Juhu-Mumbai. Thanks go to ISKCON Desire Tree for recording / distributing. Śrīmad Bhāgavatam Canto 4: Creation of the Fourth Order Chapter 25: The Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Purañjana: Text 46 H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Complete cessation of suffering – Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.25.44The following lecture was given by H.H. Bhakti Caru Swami Maharaja on October 15th, 2010, in ISKCON Juhu-Mumbai. Thanks go to ISKCON Desire Tree for recording / distributing. Śrīmad Bhāgavatam Canto 4: Creation of the Fourth Order Chapter 25: The Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Purañjana: Text 44 H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Origin of the living entity – Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.25.33The following lecture was given by H.H. Bhakti Caru Swami Maharaja on October 1st, 2010, in ISKCON Juhu-Mumbai. Thanks go to ISKCON Desire Tree for recording / distributing. Śrīmad Bhāgavatam Canto 4: Creation of the Fourth Order Chapter 25: The Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Purañjana: Text 33 More Recent Articles |
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