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- Gauranga Kishore das,USA: Brand Gets Spiritual with His Krishna Guru (From the Daily Mail)
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- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
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- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Wednesday, October 13th, 2010
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There's always an excuse, isn't there? Excuses abound for why we don't strive to restore a suffering relationship, expand into new markets, present new solutions to old problems, or go outside and get fit. Complacency is the course of least resistance.
Getting out of my comfortable routine may require change, and after all, isn't change painful?
The late business philosopher, Jim Rohn, said, "We must all suffer from one of two pains: The pain of discipline or the pain of regret." Change might often be painful, but there is usually a much more profound pain of regret associated with inaction.
- Todd Wangsgard Hare Krsna dear devotees, I hope your week has been blessed and your chanting with attention. This is a beautiful prayer to Lord Nityananda: I perpetually worship Sri Nityananda, the root of the tree of krishna-bhakti, who wandering around in Bengal approached the door of every home. With upraised arms he exclaimed: " O Brothers! Please constantly chant the holy names of Hari. If you do so, I will take the responsibility to deliver you from the ocean of material existence. Sri Nityanandastakam 5 by Srila Vrindavana dasa Thakura
I wish all of us can be blessed by the mercy of Lord Nityananda so we can chant the holy names with love and affection avoiding all offenses.
your servant,
Aruna devi (See the original article here.)
It is expected to be the celebrity wedding of the year when Katy Perry and Russell Brand tie the knot in India later this month.
So with all eyes on the couple in the run-up to the big day, it's little wonder that the comedian sought some spiritual guidance - and possibly wedding day advice - from his Krishna guru.
Brand, 35, was snapped outside NPR - National Public Radio - in Los Angeles yesterday with Gaudiya Vaishnava guru Radhanath Swami. The 49-year-old guru met up with Brand as he appeared on radio to talk about his book, The Journey Home: Autobiography of an American Swami, which has just been published as a paper back.
It certainly proved to be an interesting read for one man who was engrossed in the book as he, Radhanath Swami and Brand stood outside the station.
Radhanath Swami has been providing the star with spiritual guidance for the past two years.
Earlier this year, after a meeting with Swami, Brand gushed to The Times about his guru.
He said: 'He's a beautiful fellow. He's got the answer. I'm a spiritual gent and increasingly that's the level I want to vibrate on, were it not for my crazed lust for sex and glamour.'
On another occasion The Times reported him as saying: 'I met this swami, and I said, "I'm a bit ridden with egotism and ambition, I'm riddled with it, I'm alive with it, I'm crawling with the stuff."
He said, "Don't worry. It's a gift from God. Use it in the service of God." Except he said Krishna but I'm anglicising it to make it sound less oooooeeee.'
After his meeting with Swami, Brand headed to Los Angeles LAX Airport to catch a flight to London.
Brand, who was still wearing his Hawaiian lei round his neck, was headed to the UK to see fiancée Katy Perry perform on The X Factor tonight.
The couple are expected to wed at the Taj Rambagh Palace, the same romantic hotel where they got engaged on New Year's Eve.
Close friends of the couple, including Rihanna, Jonathan Ross, Noel Gallagher and David Walliams, are expected to make their way to India for the wedding ceremony on Saturday October 23. Srimad Bhagavatam 11.25.27-28 - Faith and food- material and spiritual. 1967 October 17 : "One who reads Brahma Samhita very scrutinizingly can understand everything of Krishna without any fault. I recommend all my students read Brahma Samhita very carefully." Prabhupada Letters :: 1967 1967 October 17 : "Simply by his sannyas dress he thought himself a liberated patient. Under the spell of maya, he deliberately disobeyed me & consequently his disease has relapsed." Prabhupada Letters :: 1967 1967 October 17 : "Instead of opening new centers he has begun to deliver his nonsense sermons. He is undoubtedly a good soul, but he thinks too much of himself - even at the risk of disobeying his Spiritual Master." Prabhupada Letters :: 1967 1971 October 17 : "I am very pleased that Indira Gandhi is now personally well known to you. For your presence only she has given special order for our devotees stay in Delhi. Certainly this is a good achievement." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 1971 October 17 : "The MPs, the leaders of the country, are all there. If they can be convinced of our movement then in India we shall have a very good holding." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 1972 October 17 : "Yesterday evening the Chief Minister of Assam came to see me and I have requested him to write a letter to the Chief Minister of Maharastra. I hope this will be advantageous for your purpose." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 1973 October 17 : "This is the deficiency of our movement. Only mediocre Indian men are joining and not the very intelligent class. The more we distribute books, the more we get solid ground of preaching work." Prabhupada Letters :: 1973 1973 October 17 : "How they could have left this place I cannot imagine. Let it go on for the time being, and we shall see later on. They cannot go outside the clutches of Krsna consciousness." Prabhupada Letters :: 1973 It is expected to be the celebrity wedding of the year when Katy Perry and Russell Brand tie the knot in India later this month. So with all eyes on the couple in the run-up to the big day, it's little wonder that the comedian sought some spiritual guidance – and possibly wedding day advice – from his Krishna guru. Read more: Filed under: News, Ramblings or Whatever
Ratna Radhika leading a Hare Krishna bhajan that turns into a fired up Kirtan at a Home Program. Dallas, TX 2010-07-10 Download: 2010-07-10 - 5 - Ratna Radhika dasi - Hare Krishna.mp3 3:37 A.M. Namamrta by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: "An advanced devotee (madhyama-bhagavata) is distinguished from a neophyte by his constant chanting of the holy name (and by his stressing the importance of chanting): "The inhabitant of Kulinagram said, 'Please let me know who is actually a Vaisnava and what his symptoms are.' Understanding his mind, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu smiled and gave the following reply. 'A person who is always chanting the holy name of the Lord is to be considered a first class Vaisnava and your duty is to serve his lotus feet.'" "Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura says that any Vaisnava who is constantly chanting the holy name of the Lord should be considered to have attained the second platform of Vaisnavism. Such is a devotee is superior to a neophyte Vaisnava who has just learned to chant the holy name of the Lord. A neophyte devotee simply tries to chant the holy name, whereas the advanced devotee is accustomed to chanting and takes pleasure in it. Such an advanced devotee is called madhyama-bhagavata, which indicates that he has attained the intermediate stage between the neophyte and the perfect devotee. An intermediate devotee is greatly attracted to chanting the holy name and by chanting he is elevated to the platform of love. If one chants the holy name of the Lord with great attachment, he can understand his position as an eternal servant of the spiritual master, of the Vaisnavas and of Krishna Himself. Thus the intermediate Vaisnava considers himself Krishna dasa, Krishna's servant. He therefore preaches Krishna consciousness to innocent neophytes and stresses the importance of chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra." (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila, 16.71-72) There is verse in which Srila Rupa Gosvami says a devotee should be very much careful to see whether his time is being spent unnecessarily. He should ask himself, "Am I now engaged in maya's service or Krishna's service." This is a symptom of an advanced devotee. Such a devotee is never tired of chanting, singing or dancing. Sadaruci means sada, always, and ruci, taste. A devotee always has a taste for chanting Hare Krishna. This takes time to awaken but when Rupa Gosvami was chanting he was thinking, "I have only one tongue and two ears, what can I appreciate of chanting? If I could have million of tongues and millions of ears then I could relish something by chanting or hearing." It is possible to always remember Vishnu by chanting the holy name. All the rules and regulations of the scriptures are servants of the two principles to always remember Lord Vishnu and never forget Him, and this is possible when one chants the Hare Krishna mantra. A madhyama-bhakta is distinguished by actually having a taste to regularly chant Hare Krishna and to work toward his further elevation. I woke at twelve o'clock A.M. and felt wide awake. My advisors tell me that I should stay in bed at this time and just rest and not get up so early. But once I am awake I just feel the inclination to get up and begin chanting. I sometimes feel sleepy on getting up so early, but I can't break the habit of early rising. This morning I was chanting by a few minutes after twelve. The chanting went slowly, and by 3:30 I had only chanted twelve rounds. I will have to consider whether getting up later is actually an advantage to my chanting more attentively and rapidly. If I could only rise early and chant rapidly that would be the best, but I have to be realistic with my bodily condition and my state of consciousness. I want to be like the madhyama-bhagavata mentioned in the Namamrta and have an actual taste for chanting and do it regularly. There are three stages in chanting and in the neophyte stage, the devotee only chants sometimes. The second-stage chanter likes to chant and keeps it up. He always remembers Krishna and never forgets Him by virtue of his constant chant. I strive for this taste but sometimes struggle and fall to inattention. I pray to the Lord to grant me more impetus, to rise at a reasonable hour and keep awake relishing the names and accumulating the quota at a rapid pace.  # 61 I didn't like to be with so many of his disciples. It was like a roller derby bumping against them for a space beside him. I was jostling along with them, a little skinnier than most but I had my own weapons, somehow got a place beside him and did my work. But after his disappearance many couldn't take it any more. Why eat that crap? Some felt wounded or didn't have taste any more for spiritual life. We were big disappointments and were ourselves disappointed. There is a lot of talk about bringing all his disciples back together for his Centennial. That would be nice. But what does it mean? Can you bring him back for his Centennial? Will we go on a morning walk and cluster around him? I don't think that's possible. I like to be here in Wicklow writing this and hearing him speak. It may be that I have fallen behind the pack, and they are still walking with him. Maybe. But I think I'm doing as well as the rest. I think we are each bereft of our spiritual guide. In the beginning he had to personally bring me to him. I'm going my own way, it's service to him in separation. If he wants me to be physically part of the pack he'll have to come back and put me in line. Otherwise I think I'm doing as well as they are. We are each bereft. And we have each found him in our own favorite way. At least that's how I feel, Prabhupada is mine. Baladeva wrote me some questions to go with my reading of poems on the video for remembering Prabhupada, 1969-70. He asked me if these supposedly conservative devotees on the East coast were put off by the success of the devotees in London. Did we think they were watering down the teachings? Did we think they were overly mesmerized by stardom? (Were we envious?) As I remember it from Boston we were thrilled. We played the tape of George Harrison singing in kirtana with the London devotees to our Sunday feast audience. We cheered them on and were awed by the magic. But when Prabhupada sent a letter to Tamal Krishna saying "Don't claim the Beatles are my disciples" we realized there was a limit to how we should deal with the reality of it all. I wrote a poem how Purusottama grew doubtful of Prabhupada when he said man didn't go to the moon. Baladeva asked whether there were others who got shaky. I remembered Jayadvaita Swami's memory that there were many. He said that every week another devotee would leave. But the rest of us believed our Swami and the Vedas, though in the face of so much enthusiasm and pride we didn't preach about it loudly. Prabhupada said book distribution was most important. So how did this affect the Deity worship and other temple services while he was here? For a while a clique was formed, that book distributors were like gopis, performing the highest work. Only one devotee could stay back to take care of the Deities. But when there were some protests Prabhupada wrote some tempered letters saying all services were equally important and we should not be childish. Baladeva asked when the Western devotees heard of Prabhupada's success in India with his band of dancing white elephants were the other devotees standing in line to go? For myself, I was temple president and rooted to Boston. I was thrilled and a little envious to see the photos of the devotees sitting down to eat a feast at a rich Indian life member's house and being worshiped when they did harinama in the streets of Surat. We knew India was austere, traveling without a temple, so not everyone was ready to jump. Prabhupada asked for devotees to join him, but the temple presidents were reluctant to let their workers go. Those who were a little independent and well-qualified were permitted to go. How did Giriraja join? Was he a good man right from the beginning? He attended a program by Prabhupada at his Brandeis University and rode back to the temple in our car. He was inquisitive, surrendered and austere from the very beginning. He got to go to India because Prabhupada asked us to send some men and he was our best brahmacari, eligible. Although I was attached I let him go and he was eager. "When the Press was in Boston it was the biggest temple. Could you tell the story of the exodus and the final blow in leaving you with a big hole in the wall and few devotees— How did you really feel?" It was the press manager's idea to move to Brooklyn. I was devastated. They even took my wife as part of the art department although I pleaded to be spared. They couldn't fit the press machines out of the room and so broke down the back wall leaving the building exposed to the weather. They were heartless. We shrunk from the biggest temple in the world to a small, dispirited group. The women asked me to insist on the return of my wife, because she was a good leader. But it was to no avail. She preferred the camaraderie of the artists to her husband. We gradually bounced back, emphasized book distribution and recruited some new devotees. In 1971 Prabhupada blessed us with another visit to Boston even without the Press, installed Radha-Krishna Deities and initiated many devotees.  I turned at random to Canto 5, Chapter 13, verse 22: "King Rahugana said: 'This birth as a human being is the best of all. Even birth among the demigods on the heavenly planets is not as glorious as birth as a human being on this earth. What is the use of the exalted position of a demigod? In the heavenly planets, due to profuse material comforts, there is no possibility of associating with devotees.'" Materially speaking, the earth planet is inferior to the heavenly planets. The life duration on earth is much shorter, there are more tribulations, and the standard of material enjoyment is much, much less than on the heavenly planets. The demigods have fabulously long lives, and they associate with very beautiful women who are beyond the attractive women on the earth. But King Rahugana has now come to realize "the birth as a human being is the best of all." Money and women are the basic principles of material attachment. In the higher planets one becomes attracted to these things and is not interested in self realization or devotional service for going back to Godhead. Similarly, life on the lower hellish planets is a great disadvantage for advancing in spiritual life. In those lower planets one is subjected to great painful tortures, and he doesn't have the presence of mind to practice sadhana-bhakti. The middle earthly planets are the best for spiritual advancement because one is not too carried away by heavenly sense gratification or too degraded by material suffering on the lower planets. There are many pure devotees on the earth planet, since Lord Caitanya inaugurated the sankirtana movement in Bharata-varsa and predicted it would spread to every town and village in the world. If one can contact a pure devotee in disciplic succession, he can very easily practice the method of chanting Hare Krishna and rendering service to the pure devotee. That is why the earth planet is the best shelter for conducting devotional service. We read about Lord Caitanya beating Devananda Pandit with the stick of words. Devananda Pandit was learned and lived like a sannyasi, but he did not teach devotional service in his classes of Srimad-Bhagavatam. Lord Caitanya was walking on the road with His assistants, and He overheard Devananda Pandit giving a class of Srimad-Bhagavatam in which he did not mention devotional service. The all-knowing Lord recalled a previous incident where Devananda Pandit and his students had mistreated Srivasa Pandit. Srivasa Pandit had attended one of Devananda Pandit's classes, and when he heard the verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam being read he began to cry in the ecstasy of love of Godhead. Devananda's students referred to Srivasa as "trash" and picked him up and threw him out of the classroom. They didn't understand his transcendental crying, and they offended him. When they threw him out, Devananda Pandit did nothing to stop them. Remembering this, Lord Caitanya became angry. He called out to Devananda and addressed him in sharp words. He told him he did not understand devotional service or Srimad-Bhagavatam and that he had offended Srinivasa Pandit. Devananda Pandit became very sorry to receive this chastisement from Nimai Pandit. The author of Caitanya-bhagavata then tells another instance of a devotee committing an offense. Once Lord Caitanya was revealing His form as the Personality of Godhead and awarding boons to whoever asked for something. One of the devotees asked Him to bestow ecstatic love of God on Mother Saci. Caitanya Mahaprabhu said He couldn't do that because she had offended a Vaisnava. When the devotees heard this they were shocked, and they asked Lord Caitanya to forgive Sacidevi, whom they considered the mother of the universe, the sacred mother of Lord Caitanya. The Lord said she had committed an offense to Advaita Acarya, and she would have to receive forgiveness from Him. The devotees ran to Advaita Acarya and told Him what Lord Caitanya had said. Advaita Acarya said he considered Mother Saci the mother of the universe, and He fainted unconscious. Mother Saci took this opportunity to run to Advaita Acarya and touch His lotus feet. She then fainted unconscious. The devotees cried out "Jaya!" to see the two great personalities fainted. Lord Caitanya heard what had happened, and He said that Mother Saci was forgiven and she could realize pure love of God. Persons whom Lord Caitanya punishes (like the demons he kills in krishna-lila) get awarded liberation. These are instances of two devotees whom the Lord treated with mercy.  Mayapur Online Education has launched a new course "Gita Sanskrit", teaching Sanskrit through the text of Bhagavad-gita. In a morning walk in Bombay in 1976, Srila Prabhupada recommended that Sanskrit be taught through the text of the Bhagavad-gita. In pursuance of his recommendation, Gita Sanskrit will introduce the student to Sanskrit grammar, vocabulary and usage through small steps as the teacher moves through the Gita, word by word, verse by verse. read more Pictures sent anonimously by Ashes to Water
Scarborough, Ontario
I love India. I will relish chanting on my meditational beads at Juhu Beach later this month, a residential spot in Mumbai when I will attend retreat sessions. There along the Arabian Sea as in the two previous years I will rise at 2 AM and hit that beach by 2:20 for a hard walk, barefoot on sand, one hour one direction and then turnback for the return. I'm usually there early enough to see the clean-up crew with tractor and hitched wagon picking up the debris created by the public from the day past.
Quite common is the usual beach type of trash but then you have that ritual waste material – coconut husks, flowers and plastic bags – remains of rites. This is one side of India that is less attractive.
My walk through Guyana opened my eyes in the same way. Along its north shore I saw the same litter. Why should religious functions entail disposing of each material in our benevolent bodies of water? The two week walk along Guyana's coast revealed to me a lot about neglect but I will admit that most of the debris was secular material (not religiously related). Empty plastic water bottles galore.
Don't get me wrong, I do love Guyana also. I came upon an article in the paper regarding the Hindu community in Canada setting their standard for the releasing of ashes for last rite ceremonies into nature's water. This has been an issue that concerns ecologically minded people because sometimes plastic flowers and other undesirables are also thrown in. The ashes may be less of an issue. Currently one of the larges lakes in the world, Lake Ontario, along with connecting rivers and creeks, is receiving some of those remnants.
I'm personally happy to know, from the article that a Pandit, Mr. Roopnath Sharma with the Canadian Hindu Federation is establishing guidelines to making the necessary events ecologically friendly and in seeking a location that government will agree to for the sacred discharge from mourners. This is progressive. Om tat sat!
8KM Judge for Yourself: Compare
Toronto, Ontario
I had walked down to a store, "Theatrics Plus" to shop for props for an upcoming play. I compared the excursion to the previous day when I rode the subway for some distance (had no choice, had to meet my appointment). The difference between the two modes of travel was like day and night. My observation was that those on foot moving to their destination were more animated, more friendly. People were paired up, engaged in conversation. The previous day on the subway I felt to have stepped into a zombie culture. I rarely take this mode of transport. Surely a good 25% were wired onto the I-Pod enwrapped in their own universe. The balance of people were not different. Quiet! Sleepy! Of course, who could blame them. Work doesn't stimulate most people. Many looked morose.
So did the TTC operators (TTC stands for Toronto Transit Commission). I asked one operator about the furthest east I could go. I felt sorry to have 'bothered him'. With the rumbling of the subway train on its tracks I could faintly hear him, "Take RT." Then he closed up. He was abrupt.
Now, I'm a monk who rises early and who gets up to attend what we call the arti (sounds like ARTEE). It's a beautiful service. When the operator said "RT", I kind of froze like everyone else on the train. Slightly culture shocked, I mustered up enough courage to 'bother' one of the solemn passenger for clarification, "What is meant by RT?"
"It means the rocket train. You pick it up at Kennedy Ave." he said.
Fortunately I met a male Bangladeshi who was pleasant in conversation. Relief!
Conclusion: people on foot are happier than the stoic passengers on the move either by subway (or car). Yes, it's as simple as that. I'm going to stick to the walking culture as much as I can and chant during the process.
Balagopal with HH Radhanatha Swami
My son Balagopal das age 9 has been attending the Sri Mayapur International School (SMIS) for almost three years now. Recently the source of funding for his schooling has been stopped. We are urgently seeking a new sponsor for his tuition. Despite the fact that SMIS offers fantastic opportunities for academic, spiritual and social growth the school's tuition is relatively inexpensive. Some of the subjects being taught are the standard three r's, mrdanga, harmonium, language classes, art, physical education and sastra classes
The total annual fee is RS30,000 which is about $680 plus a one time materials fee of RS3,230 or about $ 80. The tuition can also be paid in installments.
For information about the school you can go to
If you are interested and would be willing to help Balagopal das continue his education then you can contact me at or the school's office at .
A partial view of the campus Balagopal (front) in class
Holding the golden avatara murti in his hands ....and of course, studying.
Click on the pictures to watch the enlarged vision By His Grace Mukunda Prabhu Guru Maharaj arrives today from Mumbai in the afternoon specially to attend the Dussehra festival where he has been specially invited by the elders of Ujjain. Actually this is one day when almost the entire population of Ujjain assembles to watch [...] I am fervently appealing to you all not to create fracture in the solid body of the Society. Please work conjointly, without any personal ambition. That will help the cause… We are on the battlefield of Kuruksetra—one side Maya, the other side Krsna. So the regulative principles of a battlefield, namely to abide by the order of the commander, must be followed. Otherwise it is impossible to direct the fighting capacity of the soldiers and thus defeat the opposing elements. Let things be rightly done so that our mission may be correctly pushed forward to come out victorious. - Srila Prabhupada Today I was reminded about how we connect with the Lord through the spiritual master and the guru parampara by way of chanting of the Holy names of Krsna. Srila Prabhupada described once that chanting is how we keep connected with Krsna....if we are seriously taking to this chanting on our beads then our connection will be stronger - if our chanting is ritualistic or just something we do because we have to (and not because we want to) then that connection with Krsna will not be strong.
The ball is in our court....we have the choice each second of our Japa to focus on the sound of the Maha mantra (and not the sound of our mind) - if we make the choice to listen to the mantra, then we are assured of success.
Let us chant is such a way that we can experience the Lord's spiritual energy in our lives. 2010 Janmastami Newgoloka

By Yasoda Saci Devi Dasi — In the beginning of my devotional career, I did not have much devotee sanga, but for over nine years I read Prabhupada's books on my own— first as a student and then while working. Like most new devotees, the challenges the material energy would thrust into my life were often overwhelming. I had major breakthroughs in facing these challenges, however, in coming to Mayapur and enrolling in the Mayapur Institute's Bhakti-sastri Course. read more Regarding details of the universe, be satisfied by reading only Bhagavatam. Simply keep faith that whatever we describe, that is a fact. After all, we are an insignificant creature in the universe, so whether you take the modern scientists or Sukadeva Goswami, it is inconceivable. It is best to keep faith in Sukadeva Goswami, because actually our only business is to go back to home, back to Godhead. - Srila Prabhupada More Recent Articles |