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"Planet ISKCON" - 23 new articles
- H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Monday 14 February 2011--Our First Duty is to Find a Guru--and--Everyone Goes Back to Godhead?
- Australian News: Kirtan Magic: Sri Prahlada’s Kirtan Community Newsletter
- ISKCON Brampton, Canada: Lord Nityananda Prabhu's Appearance Day - Wednesday, February 16, 2011
- Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: More About The Transplant Games
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 10.1.20 Kalachandji Study Cards 12-13-2010 – Video
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
- Bhakti Vikasa Swami: crazy efforts in a lunatic asylum
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 220
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Poem, February 13
- David Haslam, UK: Initiation and Mental Health
- Japa Group: Japa - Kirtan Retreat Part 2
- ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Sunday Feast Live!
- Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: The Ramanuja mood and its reflections in today's ISKCON
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 219
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Poem, February 12
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 3, Chapter 25, Text 17
- Australian News: ISKCON Auckland Lord Nityananda’s appearance day
- Australian News: Upcoming Festivals in Canberra
- Australian News: ISKCON Health and Welfare Ministry web site
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructs Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami to care for his devotee parents and study Srimad Bhagavatam from a pure devotee
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: This is a slow kirtan from this morning, if you want to hear mrdangas and a fast pace it may not be for you
- Krishna Dharma dasa, UK: Stand up for your eternal rights
- Gouranga TV: M. Gopal & G. Priya kirtana
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H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Monday 14 February 2011--Our First Duty is to Find a Guru--and--Everyone Goes Back to Godhead?
A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course(tm) Monday 14 February 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. Today's Thought: Our First Duty is to Find a Guru Uploaded from Bhaktivedanta Ashram--Austin, Texas USA Srila Prabhupada explains that our first duty in life is to find a bona fide spiritual master because this is the only way that we can solve life's ultimate problem, death. Most people are too much preoccupied with solving the temporary problems such as making money and getting ahead in the material world. The majority of the population is so dull that practically no one is interested in solving the death problem. Those most fortunate rare souls who are inclined to solve the death problem are enjoined by the Vedic wisdom to seek out and take shelter of a bona fide spiritual master because he is the only one who can solve this death problem for us. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada Gives Immortality Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: Everyone Goes Back to Godhead? Will all living entities eventually make it back to Godhead? Is there a need of a material world eternally? D.P. Answer: Yes, But Others Will Still Come Here All the living entities who are currently in this material world will eventually return to their original positions in the spiritual world never to return again to this material world. However, there will still be a need for the existence of the material world in order to accommodate those living entities in the spiritual world who are for the first time misusing their independence and thus falling down into the material world. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011 Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at: Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address:
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Australian News: Kirtan Magic: Sri Prahlada’s Kirtan Community Newsletter
Notes from Sri Prahlada
January has been a wonderful month for kirtan in Sydney. On the 22nd and 23rd, we had a 40 hour kirtan celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Hare Krishna community in Sydney and Australia. One of the highlights was a performance by Swamis from Satyananda Yoga at Mangrove Mountain. Another highlight was the kirtans performed by Gaura Vani and his USA based group As Kindred Spirits. They are currently on tour in Australia and I had the fortune of attending each of the group’s six concerts in Sydney. I have a particular affection for these kirtan musicians as lead singer Gaura Vani and bass player Shree Shyam and I all went to school together in 1980s at an ashram in Vrindavan India.
n January we also had the opportunity to share kirtan on the Lily World stage for each of the two days of the ‘Big Day Out’ in Sydney. It was a different environment to that of a peaceful Yoga School, so we kept the tempo more upbeat. Despite the 40+ degree heat, hundreds of people danced in front of the stage. After the second day, I asked two girls who had been dancing ecstatically in front of the stage how they liked the kirtan. They replied they had never experienced anything so wonderful and blissful as kirtan. They said that although it was over 40 degrees, they had goose bumps all over the bodies from the chanting! So, just what happens to people in kirtan? This is the focus of this issue of Kirtan Magic, covered in our feature article entitled “What are the Benefits of Kirtan?”, as well as our feature Kirtan Quote by Swami Satyananda. Please enjoy and feel free to get involved by commenting on my blog and of course I hope to meet you soon at one of our upcoming kirtan events!
For more kirtan articles, music samples & downloads, event news, and short films and other kirtan resources visit and become a member of Sri Prahlada’s Kirtan Community for FREE. Aside from instant access to a lot of fantastic kirtan resources, you will also receive Sri Prahlada’s biweekly e-newsletter with news, realizations, and experiences with kirtan.
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ISKCON Brampton, Canada: Lord Nityananda Prabhu's Appearance Day - Wednesday, February 16, 2011
On Wed Feb 16th @ 7pm we are celebrating Sri Nityananda Prabhu's appearance...Nityananda Trayodasi.Sri Nityananda Prabhu traveled throughout Bengal making his humble appeal. Nityananda Prabhu would knock at the door and fall at the feet of his customers, crying, “Please accept this! Don’t dismiss me, don’t drive me away. Please do what I say. Give all your attention to Gauranga and you will be benefited beyond expectation. This is my request to you.” He would shed tears, roll at their door, and say, “You are reluctant to accept this, but have no doubts. I implore you—take it! Believe me, please accept Gauranga!” In this way, Nityananda Prabhu used to wander down both sides of the Ganges, roaming here and there and preaching about Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu...for more please visit ISKCON BRAMPTON on Wed Feb 16th @ 7pm
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Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: More About The Transplant Games
After I attended the National Kidney Foundation 2010 Transplant Games this past summer I intended to write about the experience in a way that would somehow communicate the emotional intensity and depth of the experience. Alas, I only managed to talk about sports, which was one aspect only of the event. I had done the 5 K, 20 K bike race (where I actually finished ahead of a few other racers) and the 800 meter run.
Anyway, now in the depths of winter I am doing some housecleaning and see some links I had gathered for doing a post so those will follow, though it is almost a random sampling of what I could have gotten.
If I were to pick one instance that would express the Transplant Games for me, it would have been the time I went into the Convention Center to avail myself of the facilities. Walking back out I found myself behind two young twenty somethings in business dress pushing a small cart.
I had noted earlier that on the schedule for that time was some events for donor families. That would be the families of deceased donors who had made the decision to donate their loved one’s organs.
The two young women were talking shop, and it seemed they had just met but were both employed in the same area — companies supporting organ donation. They were talking very matter of factly about what type of tissue paper was the best, and I noted that on the cart was two cases, not boxes, of tissue paper.
From which I surmised they were headed to one of the donor family events. A lot of closure goes on there and a lot of healing, and it is a whole other part of the Games I didn’t really experience as my donor is living, my son Marken.
Recipient, Donor’s Family Meet For First Time At Transplant Games
“It’s been three years since the lung from an 18-year-old boy from Michigan saved the life of a retired longshoreman in the Twin Cities. On Friday, organ recipient Vern Jackson and donor Tim Parker’s mother, Lynn, met for the first time…”
Yes, those kids are transplant recipients. LIke this one:
Here is the link to the what might be the official NKF video of the Games.
In the first part of the video they is some footage of a woman singing a song at the Opening Ceremonies. When they introduced her they told how she had a little baby that had some problems and was dying and how she had donated her baby’s heart. Earlier that day she had meet the family of the little baby who had gotten her baby’s heart.
After she sang her song, she broke down crying and walked off the stage to where the recipient family was sitting and took that baby in her arms, the whole family giving her a group hug. Holding the baby that has your baby’s heart beating in her, that is heavy.
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 10.1.20 Kalachandji Study Cards 12-13-2010 – Video
Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 10, Chapter 1, Text 20, titled “Kalachandji study cards”
Dallas, TX
2010-12-13Srimad Bhagavatam 10.1.20
After reaching the shore of the ocean of milk, the demigods worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Vishnu, the master of the whole universe, the supreme God of all gods, who provides for everyone and diminishes everyone’s suffering. With great attention, they worshiped Lord Vishnu, who lies on the ocean of milk, by reciting the Vedic mantras known as the Purusha-sukta.
The demigods, such as Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, King Indra, Candra and Surya, are all subordinate to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Aside from the demigods, even in human society there are many influential personalities supervising various businesses or establishments. Lord Vishnu, however, is the God of gods (paramesvara). He is parama-purusha, the Supreme Being, Paramatma. As confirmed in the Brahma-samhita (5.1), isvarah paramah krishnah sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah: “Krishna, known as Govinda, is the supreme controller. He has an eternal, blissful, spiritual body.” No one is equal to or greater than the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore He is described here by many words: jagannatha, deva-deva, vrishakapi and purusha. The supremacy of LordVishnu is also confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (10.12) in this statement by Arjuna:
“You are the Supreme Brahman, the ultimate, the supreme abode and purifier, the Absolute Truth and the eternal divine person. You are the primal God, transcendental and original, and You are the unborn and all-pervading beauty.” Krishna is adi-purusha, the original Personality of Godhead (govindamadi-purusham tam aham bhajami **). Vishnu is a plenary expansion of Lord Krishna, and all the vishnu-tattvas are paramesvara, deva-deva.
SB 10.01.20 Kalachandji Study Cards 2010-12-13• Email to a friend ••
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
First we would like to apologise for the delay in the upload of the darsana caused by some technical problems with the Flickr account.
The Deities are resplendent today after yesterday's Ratha Yatra blast. They are all smiling on the altar, from ear to ear and so are Their devotees around the temple and around Melbourne at large.
Here is the slideshow that probably all of you are waiting for.• Email to a friend •• Bhakti Vikasa Swami: crazy efforts in a lunatic asylum
For the proper pursuit of human happiness, there must be arrangements for the protection of cows. This means that there must be forests and adequate pasturing grounds full of grass and water. If the animals are happy, there will be an ample supply of milk, from which human beings will benefit by deriving many milk products with which to live happily. As enjoined in Bhagavad-gita (18.44), krsi-go-raksya-vanijyam vaisya-karma-svabhavajam. Without giving proper facilities to the animals, how can human society be happy? That people are raising cattle to send to the slaughterhouse is a great sin. By this demoniac enterprise, people are ruining their chance for a truly human life. Because they are not giving any importance to the instructions of Krsna, the advancement of their so-called civilization resembles the crazy efforts of men in a lunatic asylum.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 10.5.26
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H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 220
10:11 A.M.
At present I am working on an autobiographical project. The writing of this project goes slow, and I cannot write enough to print it every day. Therefore, I am posting daily a book called Every Day, Just Write. A book by that title was printed many years ago but it was heavily edited. I am now posting the unedited edition, which is fresh reading, and I am confident my readers will like it. So please note that this journal is telling of things that happened in 1996, and it is not a journal of my present day’s activities. Presently I am quietly writing my autobiographical text, and when it is finished I will print it.
Every Day, Just Write, Volume I: Welcome Home to the One Big Book of Your Life
November 20, 1996 2:40 P.M.
Shaven headed today. SP says a guru should chastise disciples but when they grow up (sixteen years old) he becomes their friend. If you try to chastise a grownup son or disciple, he will break. SP said he is an old man (1976) and for that reason also he cannot chastise. With folded hands he requested the men to shave their heads at least once a month on purnima. We are known all over the world as shaven headed, not long haired.
Sun right now over right shoulder, glancing off the window and off my eyeglasses. You are bundled up tightly but now you unbutton the neck clasps of your coat collar and take off your hat.
Hare Krishna. This morning the first brisk walk. Keep it up for exercise.
Shopping note to M. or others: tapioca for ekadasi.
Oh, today it was halava for dessert. I’m okay now, the one meal of the day. Sunshine glance, don’t care, don’t be pained by lack of story telling, essay building, devotee help-book making. Just write every day as sky goes blue clear then covers up, as day warms then chills over night.
And you are doing good things, even new things, with each day. It is eventful, exiting in its quiet way. Reading, drawing (a Jagannatha today) and writing.
Himalayas don’t move and so are greater than Meru which sometimes moves. Take it what he says. Gruff voice in last years due sometimes to colds or old age or transcendental anger. You have to take it as listeners and disciples. Don’t find fault now. It’s like dirty color of Ganges in rainy season. Bath there, confident it is clean. I am hearing the gruff voice. My soul rises and is dying. Oh, it can’t die I know but a mood, an emotion rises and feels sick at heart, weak hearted, he can’t keep up flight or march. But he stays and continues and a second wind comes. Adore master’s words, Krishna as supreme soul. Pray for Him to carry you to purport of yasya deve para bhaktir. Krishna Krishna Krishna.
I won’t fail, won’t eat meat. Tell me how it goes, the story.
Now in the pure blue sky and sunshine, the island trees are predominantly green. Picture postcard clarity and the brilliant water moving rippling but no white breakers. For sure.
“When somebody says something is good like this—
“The bathroom blond who
like a great many Scandinavians,
played some instruments in secondary school
whistles John Coltrane’s whole solo
from the Miles Davis “Dear Old Stockholm”
which had been an old Swedish folksong.”
—(Poem by Al Young)Then you think, “Yeah, I know that solo, I got the tape back in America. Should I ask for it?” This is called being influenced (by the modes?) and you can restrain from it. To cheat the people Rsabhadeva in his avadhuta stage lay on the ground like the way birds, deer or cows do. He showed that the body is the same among humans or animals.
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H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Poem, February 13
Reading E.E. Cummings hoping
some of his poetic skill
might rub off on me like touchstone.
he is excelling and incomprehensible
like a true lyric poet
but I am down-to-earth
with little skill saying
staunchly “I praise Krishna”.“He is altogether a queer fellow
as young as he is old.” Baladeva
has placed flowers in vases
on the altars and they are growing
old but he adds water and
they retain life. We used
to use Gatorade but it made a
bad effect. Now we grow
older and dedicate our
poem in love to Krishna
they all-encompassing.
The Sanskrit patterns
are like Braille to me
and I finger them like a man
with Alzheimer’s
who cannot remember his wife.
But sometimes he becomes
and sees her
with love of recognition.
yata-deve-tata-gurau.• Email to a friend ••
David Haslam, UK: Initiation and Mental Health
Aiming for initiation is something most individuals desire, for some they want it without any requirements of themselves, for others it’s a struggle that appears more like a mountain that one is unable to climb. Some make some progress towards initiation and then space out, or distracted by the needs of the body and mind; [...]
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Japa Group: Japa - Kirtan Retreat Part 2
In this next part of the retreat, Sacinandana Swami talks about establishing our relationship with the Holy names.
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ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Sunday Feast Live!
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Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: The Ramanuja mood and its reflections in today's ISKCON
Today's date on the vaisnava calendar marks the disappearance day of Sri Ramanujacarya. Yesterday's post glorified Madhvacharya and our sampradaya traces its direct lineage from Brahma Madhva Sampradaya, however we should be respectful and honoured by the influences of the Ramanuj sampradaya.
When Sri Chaitanaya Mahaprabhu appeared there were 4 major sampradayas and Lord Chaitanya wanted to unify all these lineages since His teachings and example were applicable to all. As such He took followers from all the sampradayas. Thus, Srila Gopala Bhatta Goswami, one of the six goswamis of Vrindavan was from the Ramanuj line. [see recent post from Gopala Bhatta Goswami's appearance day for more of his glories]
Srila Gopala Bhatta Goswami wrote significant texts outlining the process of deity worship which today is influential in ISKCON centres around the world.
Ramanujacarya was a Vaishnanva acarya as Srila Prabhupada conveyed in a room conversation.
Prabhupada: The who is acarya except the Vaishnava acarya? All loafer class. All loafer class. They're not acaryas. Except these Vaishnava acaryas, who is acarya? They're not acaryas. Acaryam mam vijaniyan [SB 11.17.27].
Dr. Patel: I read your Bhagavad-gita, and after that, I read Ramanuja's. They more or less the same...
Prabhupada: Same thing. There is no difference between the acaryas. Then how he becomes acarya if there is difference of opinion? They cannot be acarya.
Of course we must take Srila Prabhupada's instructions in context and this conversation does not permit us to jump our lineage and somehow take direct instructions or books from Ramanujacarya as a matter of disciplic principals.
Just as other great acharyas did, Ramanujacarya had great grasp on scriptures and in his vedanta was able to defeat impersonalists (mayavadis). However the more important similarity and reflection of the sankirtan movement is Ramanuj's widespread preaching of bhakti regardless of caste of creed. A great example of this is the following story:
Ramanuj's Guru gave him a Mantra, however he warned him, "Do not disclose the mantra to anyone or you will be damned"
"And what will happen to those who hear the Mantra" asked Ramanuja.
"The power of the Mantra would lead them to liberation" said the guru
Ramanuj said, "It would be better than thousands of people are liberated even if I will be damned," and in this way the great Ramanuja told all that would hear...Come listen to the mantra that will libeate you.
So instead of this day being a one liner on the vaishnava calendar it is nice to be able to read more about Ramanujacarya and in the process of blogging to learn more and share some of these thoughts. In this way we honour not only Ramanujacarya but also Gopala Bhatta Goswami and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His desires for His teachings to be thought to followers of all Sampradayas.• Email to a friend ••
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 219
At present I am working on an autobiographical project. The writing of this project goes slow, and I cannot write enough to print it every day. Therefore, I am posting daily a book called Every Day, Just Write. A book by that title was printed many years ago but it was heavily edited. I am now posting the unedited edition, which is fresh reading, and I am confident my readers will like it. So please note that this journal is telling of things that happened in 1996, and it is not a journal of my present day’s activities. Presently I am quietly writing my autobiographical text, and when it is finished I will print it.
Every Day, Just Write, Volume I: Welcome Home to the One Big Book of Your Life
November 20, 1996
8:29 A.M.Shed windows warming up but still frozen-sheeted. I’m in here cold but hope to warm up before I flee.
It’s important to me to write lines without pretension. That’s a key achievement. Non-pretension and KC content. Is it possible to make a pretentious presentation of KC? Yes, you might do it to show off your learning (Vallabhacarya’s pride). Or you might speak KC without full faith, or impersonally. So be honest in KC, as much as you can.
Sentences of immediate sense perception can have non-pretentious value—it’s just what is. Krishna tells of His manifestations in this world (Bhagavad-gita 10th chapter) so the common man can know Him. Gives only prominent features; His opulences are unlimited.
Krishna will tell us.
And I tell of my self and experiences. I identify with body and so “I” feel cold and fingers hurt with cold. I also have some indigestion. While feeling sleepy, I took one-third glass of pineapple juice around 4:30 A.M. but at once felt discomfort in stomach. We are fasting from breakfast, but I cannot enjoy the air in empty stomach—that juice somehow added to what was still in stomach from yesterday and makes me a bit uncomfortable.
Waiting for mail still, tracking down the packages that went to France and were poorly addressed for re-routing to Northern Ireland.
Asked Madhu to read me of Gaura-kisora dasa Babaji. He read for over half an hour and will do more today. He knew phonies among so-called tapasvis. His chief mood was separation from Krishna. Became blind, didn’t care if he was dressed or not. Spent twenty years as grhastha, thirty years as paramahamsa living in Vrndavana, associated with top Vaisnavas, then lived last of life in Navadvipa, associated with Bhaktivinode Thakura there and accepted Bhaktisiddhanta as disciple.
(Sun blazing up through cold air now.)
He chanted names of gopis in deep voice. Sometimes made sounds of disgust.
Tigerskin cap, basket with devotional items, gave ropes to Bhaktivinode Thakura for chanting nama. Fasted. Ate earth of Ganges sometimes. Reminded people of Raghunatha dasa Goswami’s austerities.
It’s freezing, but I have broken the freeze on my reading of Goswamis’ madhurya-lila books. Would like to tell Rama-raya, but it’s confidential; my letter might be read by someone else. Don’t binge on this. Therefore I am reading Srila Prabhupada. Kaliya-Krishna in the water jumps on the hoods of the serpent and breaks, breaks his head until he vomits blood and gives up the fight. Nagapatnis come out and say, “We don’t know how our husband got the fortune of being touched (kicked) by Your lotus feet.” They then speak philosophical praises of Supreme Lord. They want Him to save their husband, who is now becoming a devotee.
Gimme truth. Not all the truth about myself. Krishna tells some few chief opulences of Himself. I tell some few of my unlimited anarthas. I don’t even know them all, don’t care to know. I tell a little, then retreat and seek some goodness in me. Yeah, I want good self-esteem and seek assurance of forgiveness of Krishna, Christ, and Buddha and Srila Prabhupada.
Forgive me
I’ll be good
Don’t push me.
Pull me out gently from this morass. You write, you write your life. I could write Krishna’s life instead? I do tell. But got to include myself, it seems. Real. I have no time for extended memories or descripts. It’s too cold.Noon
Aniruddha comes over to put up the bulletin board and a picture of Radha-Krishna. I ask him what his project is now at the island. He says the temple is very cold, and so they have to fix the stoves and the radiators to distribute the heat. Heating is from the wood of the island’s trees.Haircut. Indigestion. I’m finished with Kerouac’s books. Took them off shelves in this room and into storage. About the only thing I was interested in was his talk of spontaneous prose method.
Water sheets rolling left to right. Copper tree on shore. No smoke from Abhaya-dasi’s chimney. No smoke from this house either. One bag of coal outside. Kids playing indoors. Irish more used to cold, ruddy. Palomino weeds.
Got no story, no axe to grind. Thinking how peaceful it was in Arabella. Guarded by vigilantes, no intruders allowed on property. Here it’s more peaceful, devotee island. Don’t think I’ll grow attached to here as my home as I did at Gita-nagari. Always a visitor/resident. Just stay cozy, and go in your own grooves.
Pretentious: making claims, explicit or implicit to some distinction, importance, dignity or excellence. Too effectively grand; ostentatious.
That’s a tall claim, to be free of pretension. You may be dignified, you may actually be important, but you don’t make claims for it. Don’t blow your own horn. Don’t try to make it that you’re a holy man, a serious writer and so on. Don’t make claims, just be. Every day, just write. Read Prabhupada’s books, and you make report that I’m reading more. But don’t try to make a claim that, “I’m a very good devotee, I’m a very good reader,” and so on. There’s no reason to do it factually because even if you increase a little, you’re still so low. So don’t be pretentions, it’s a good thing to work for.
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H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Poem, February 12
It’s been snowing a lot
in Tennessee and that’s
unusual, but the doctor
calls me on time and asks
me do I have headaches?
I say yes, he knows that
every day I do. He asks
me how is my appetite?
I say, “All right. I keep
getting fatter but I don’t
eat so much.” Today the
poor man’s feast, kitri
and kerela. We talk
only ten minutes but touch
on essentials. I didn’t
tell him that we are going
to ask the astrologer what
can I do to be proactive in my ketu.
Which states it is unlikely I
will survive the years 721/2 to 921/2. There are
things you can do like give
money to brahmanas which
will let you go unscathed
through difficult periods.
But astrologers can’t predict
or avert death. It is up to
Krishna when He decides.• Email to a friend ••
H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 3, Chapter 25, Text 17
FOLLOWING IS A LECTURE ON THE SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM CANTO 3, CHAPTER 25, TEXT 17 GIVEN BY HIS HOLINESS BHAKTI CARU SWAMI IN ISKCON UJJAIN, INDIA, ON 10 OCTOBER 2010 Transcription : His Grace Krishna Dasa Editing : Ramananda Raya Dasa Audio Version : Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Om Namo Bhagavate [...]
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Australian News: ISKCON Auckland Lord Nityananda’s appearance day
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Australian News: Upcoming Festivals in Canberra
Nityananda Trayodasi Festival 2011 – 16th Feb (Wednesday)
Program Outline
6.00 pm – Abhisekam & Mahamantra chanting
7.00 pm – Gaura Arati & Kirtan
7.20 pm – Lord Narasimha Prayer
7.30 pm – Bhajan & Reading
8.15 pm – Feast PrasadamGaura Vani Kirtan Program at InSync Institute – 18th Feb (Friday)
Program Outline
7.00 pm – 9.00 pm – Kirtan
9.00 pm – Light refreshmentEntry by ticket only ($25)
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Australian News: ISKCON Health and Welfare Ministry web site
In 1994 the GBC Body established the ISKCON Health and Welfare Ministry to assist members of ISKCON community to live a happy and healthy life.
The ministry has implemented a new web site presenting information to help ISKCON devotees to advance in Krishna consciousness and pure devotional service.
The site will present articles about health and well being for devotees. You can also download the newsletter of the ISKCON Health and Welfare Ministry.
The site has ony just got up and running so drop in regularly to see what’s new.
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H.H. Sivarama Swami: Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructs Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami to care for his devotee parents and study Srimad Bhagavatam from a pure devotee
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H.H. Sivarama Swami: This is a slow kirtan from this morning, if you want to hear mrdangas and a fast pace it may not be for you
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Krishna Dharma dasa, UK: Stand up for your eternal rights
In the wake of the recent furore in Egypt the Foreign Secretary William Hague did the diplomatic rounds of Arab nations. While there he made the usual Western calls for more human rights with some fine sounding rhetoric. “Freedom of assembly, the rule of law, freedom of speech, and free and fair elections - these are inalienable rights that are the building blocks of free and open societies.”
Well spoken sir. I guess we have all that here, although some may argue, and most of us would no doubt hold that it needs to be diffused more widely around the world, especially in certain eastern quarters.
I think I would also have to agree that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, based upon which such calls are made, could do with being a bit more universal. Especially when it comes for example to statements like the first article, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”
A spirit of brotherhood has been notably absent from too many places in recent years. Unless it means the kind of brothers who like to knock hell out of each other.
Which brings us to the next article. “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.” Fair enough, but what exactly does that mean? Is it ever really achievable? Preservation of the body, even in those states where it is taken seriously, is never guaranteed. Our right to life is somewhat tenuous, with death our constant companion.
As for liberty, what does that entail? We may be free to walk the streets and say our piece, and I for one am grateful for that, but are we liberated from the many miseries that afflict the body? We all face illness, anxiety, old age and all kinds of pain as we strive arduously to keep body and soul together. Okay, we have our health systems and hospitals and the like, but these are never going to eradicate all of the above.
Our security of person is subject to powers over which we have very little control. We want to peacefully get on with life and suddenly civil war erupts around us, or maybe a neighbouring state or different ethnic group decides it is time we ceased to exist, and we are plunged into a nightmare. Or perhaps an earthquake, tsunami or typhoon suddenly rears it awful head. Or a loved one dies, or maybe just good old cancer gets its malignant grip on us. We are surrounded by dark possibilities.
Hence we are forever plagued by anxiety – ‘what will happen?’ The Vedas say this is rooted in the fact that we are eternal beings in a temporary world. Everything is always changing and under threat. The very fact that we need a declaration of rights demonstrates that they are not assured; we have to fight for them. That may just be by going out to work every day to achieve some kind of secure existence, or it might mean a whole lot more, but without some kind of endeavour we will soon lose everything. But despite whatever we may attempt, lose it we must, sooner or later.
Unless that is, we discover the real meaning of our human rights. All of us have the intrinsic right to eternal life, freedom from death and suffering, and the everlasting security of Krishna’s loving shelter. This has been declared by Krishna himself in the Bhagavad-gita. “The living being in this world is my eternal servant, a part of me. Only due to illusion does he struggle in material existence.”
Really our demand for rights is about happiness. We don’t want anyone to impinge upon our ability to enjoy life. But the most serious impingement arises from our own ignorance, from not knowing who we really are, where we belong and how to get there. Even if we do finally succeed in establishing the ideal of fairness and universal rights throughout the globe we will still have to face the inherent sufferings of this mortal sphere.
We therefore have to fight for true liberty, for real liberation, which means freedom from material bondage, or in other words illusion. The pains of this world are no more real than those seen in a dream. Everyone has the right to realise this truth and should waste no time exercising it. That is freedom. Until we achieve pure transcendental consciousness, no longer identifying with the temporary body and all its attachments, we are not free. And that means reaching Krishna, as he declares in the Gita. “One who attains my immortal abode never again experiences suffering.”
Perhaps someone should tell Mr Hague.
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Gouranga TV: M. Gopal & G. Priya kirtana
M. Gopal & G. Priya kirtan
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