Fotos de KRISHNA I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! - Fotos del muroOn an altar made of gems in the principal temple of Vrndavana, amidst a forest of desire trees, Lord Govinda, the son of the King of Vraja, sits upon a throne of gems and manifests His full glory and sweetness thus enchanting the enchanting the world "Chanting is a way of getting in touch with yourself. It's an opening of the heart and letting go of the mind and thoughts. It deepens the channel of grace, and it's a way of being present in the moment." Añadida el 15 de diciembre de 2009 treat your self as a servent and a true lover of lord krishna and do your every work for krishna than only perfection can be achieved.hari bol please bless us krishna. we can not survive without your mercy “A faithful man who is dedicated to transcendental knowledge and who subdues his senses is eligible to achieve such knowledge, and having achieved it he quickly attains the supreme spiritual peace.” What you feel spiritually. I think a lot of that has to do with it. If you have no spiritual life, chances are everything is going to aggravate you, you're going to fly off the handle at everything and that's what I did in the past. I've kind of got that under control now. a request to all krishna lovers........kindly suggest this page to your friends clicking (suggest to friends) link on the home page of krishna i love you..........this will help us all to grow as a family tree. thank you for your help.hari bol I AM 100% sure, there can be no one as beautiful, attractive , merciful,kind,powerful as our lord krishna is!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hari bol Krishna's youthful dalliances with the 'gopis' are interpreted as symbolic of the loving interplay between God and the human soul. Radha's utterly rapturous love for Krishna and their relationship is often interpreted as the quest for union with the divine. This kind of love is of the highest form of devotion in Vaishnavism, and is symbolically represented as the bond between the wife and husband or beloved and lover. Pasatiempo de la Pareja Trascedental!Srimati Radharani el jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2009 a las 22:59 por RADHA Y KRISHNA, LA PERFECCIÓN DEL AMOR: Cuando Srimati Radharani y el Señor Krishna se encontraban, Ellos disfrutaban cada uno de la Suprema bienaventuranza de la asociación del uno al otro. Pero a menudo Ellos se apartaban - cuando Krishna estaba en el bosque reuniendo las vacas con Sus amigos pastores, cuando El se marchó a Mathura para matar a Kamsa, y así sucesivamente. En la separación, Srimati Radharani sentía intenso amor por Krishna y, completamente absorta en pensamientos acerca de Su amado, Lo glorificaba incesantemente. Así Ella disfrutaba otro tipo de bienaventuranza. Un día, separada de Krishna, Srimati Radharani habló de la siguiente manera a Visakha: "Mi querida amiga, el esplendor del cuerpo de Krishna es más brillante que una nube recientemente formada, y Sus vestidos amarillos son más atractivos que un relámpago centelleante. Una pluma de pavo real decora Su cabeza, y de Su cuello cuelga un hermoso collar de perlas brillantes. Así Él sostiene Su encantadora flauta en Sus labios, Su rostro luce tan hermoso como la luna llena de otoño. Por semejante belleza Madana-mohana, el encantador de Cupido, se incrementa el deseo de Mis ojos por verLo." El Señor Caitanya, en el humor de amor en separación de Srimati Radharani, se extendió sobre el significado de Su declaración a Visakha: "La tez de Sri Krishna resplandece como ungüento pulverizado para ojos. Ella derrota la belleza de una nube recién formada y es tan suave que una loto azul. En verdad, Su tez es tan agradable que atrae los ojos y mentes de todos, y es tan poderosa que desafía toda comparación. Mi querida amiga, dígame por favor qué haré. Krishna es tan atractivo como una maravillosa nube, y Mis ojos son igual que pájaros cataka muriendo de sed porque ellos no pueden ver aquella nube. "Los vestidos amarillos de Krishna parecen relámpagos agitados en el cielo, y la perla del collar en Su cuello se parece a una fila de patos volando debajo de una nube. Tanto la pluma de pavo real como Su guirnalda vaijayanti se parecen a arcos iris". "El lustro del cuerpo de Krishna es tan hermoso como una inmaculada y recién asomada luna llena, y la vibración de Su flauta suena como el dulce trueno de una nube recién formada. Cuando los pavos en Vrndavana escuchan ésta vibración, empiezan todos a danzar". "La nube de los pasatiempos de Krishna está embebida de las catorce palabras con una abundancia de néctar. Desgraciadamente, cuando aquella nube apareció, un torbellino se levantó y sopló alejándola de Mí. Al no poder ver aquella nube, el pájaro cataka de Mis ojos está casi muerto de sed." RADHA AND KRISHNA, THE PERFECTON OF THE LOVE: When Srimati Radharani and the Gentleman Krishna were, They were enjoying each one the supreme beatitude of the association from one to other one. But often They were separating - when Krishna was in the forest assembling(bringing together) the cows with His friends shepherds, when he left to Mathura to kill Kamsa, and so on. In the separation, Srimati Radharani was feeling intense love for Krishna and, completely absorbed in thoughts she brings over of Her dear one, she was praising It incessantly. This way She was enjoying another type of beatitude. One day, separated from Krishna, Srimati Radharani spoke about the following way to Visakha: " My dear friend, the brilliance of Krishna's body is more brilliant than a recently formed cloud, and His yellow pants are more attractive than a gleaming lightning. A pen of royal turkey decorates His head, and of Hisneck he hangs a beautiful necklace of brilliant pearls. This way He supports His charming flute in His lips, His face seems so beautiful as the autumn full moon. For similar beauty Madana-mohana, the magician of Cupid, there is increased the desire of My eyes for seeing it. " The Gentleman Caitanya, in the humor of love in Srimati Radharani's separation, spread on the meaning of Her declaration to Visakha: " Sri Krishna's tez shines as salve pulverized for eyes. He defeats the beauty of a cloud newly formed and is so soft that one blue loto. Really, His tez is so agreeable that ihe attracts the eyes and minds of all, and is so powerful that he defies any comparison. My dear friend, say to me please what hare. Krishna is so attractive as a wonderful cloud, and My eyes are like birds cataka dying of be because they cannot see that cloud. " Krishna's yellow pants look like lightnings waved in the sky, and the pearl of the necklace in His neck looks like a row of ducks flying under a cloud. Both the pen(feather) of royal(real) turkey and His garland vaijayanti look like rainbows". "The period of Krishna's body is so beautiful as an Inmaculate Conception and newly put out full moon, and the vibration of His(Her,Your) flute sounds as the sweet thunder of a cloud newly formed. When the turkeys in Vrndavana listen this one to vibration, they start all dancing". "The cloud of Krishna's puzzles is absorbed of fourteen words by an abundance of nectar. Unfortunately, when that cloud appeared, a whirlwind got up and blew removing it from Me. On not having been able to see that cloud, the bird cataka of My eyes is almost died of thirst." 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