Yâga - offering oblations; any ceremony in which offerings or oblations are presented.
Yajña - a sacrifice in which a deity is propitiated by the chanting of prayers and mantras and the offering of ghee into the sacred fire.
Yati - an ascetic; one who has restrained his passions and abandoned his involvement with material civilization.
Yavana - a barbarian, a Muslim, i.e. one who does not follow äuddhâcâra, (pure lifestyle), one who eats flesh, takes intoxicants and does other degraded activities. This term sometimes refers to any foreigner or to those excluded from varòâärama society.
Yoga - (1) union, meeting, connection, combination. (2) a spiritual discipline aiming at establishing one’s connection with the Supreme.
There are many different branches of yoga such as karma-yoga, jñânayoga, and bhakti-yoga. Unless specified as such, the word yoga usually refers to the aëùâòga-yoga system of Patañjali (see aëùâòga-yoga).
Yogî - one who practices the yoga system with the goal of realization of the Paramâtmâ or of merging into the Lord’s personal body.
Yuga - an age of the world. Four ages are described in the Vedas: Kèta or Satya, Tretâ, Dvâpara, and Kali. The duration of each yuga is said to be respectively 1,728,000; 1,296,000; 864,000; and 432,000 years. The descending numbers represent a corresponding physical and moral deterioration of mankind in each age. The four yugas comprise an aggregate of 4,320,000 years and constitute a mahâ-yuga, or great yuga.
Yugala - a couple or pair.
Yugala-kiäora - the divine youthful couple, Ärî Ärî Râdhâ-Kèëòa.
Yukta-vairâgya - appropriate renunciation; renunciation which is suitable for entrance into bhakti. This is defined in Bhakti-rasâmètasindhu(1.2.255): “When one is detached from material sense enjoyment, but accepts in appropriate proportion objects which are favorable to one’s bhakti, and shows special inclination toward things which are directly related to Kèëòa, such as mahâprâsada, his renunciation is known as yukta-vairâgya.” (See phalgu-vairâgya with which this is contrasted.)
Zamindar - a landowner, landlord (responsible for property taxes to the government).
आहट सी कोई आए तो लगता है कि तुम हो साया कोई लहराए तो लगता है कि तुम हो जब शाख़ कोई हाथ लगाते ही चमन मेंशर्माए लचक जाए तो लगता है कि तुम हो संदल सी महकती हुई पुरकैफ़ हवा का झोंका कोई टकराए तो लगता है कि तुम हो ओढ़े हुए तारों की चमकती हुई चादर नदी कोई बल खाये तो लगता है कि तुम हो.....
आप अपने से हमसुखन रहना हमनशीं सांस फूल जाती है आज एक बात तो बताओ मुझे ज़िन्दगी खाब क्यों दिखाती है क्या सितम है कि अब तेरी सूरत गौर करने पे याद आती है कौन इस घर की देखभाल करे रोज़ एक चीज़ टूट जाती है .......
Ekchakra Garvabas - Lugar de Nacimiento de Sri Nityananda Prabhu
Ekchakra Garvabas:(sáns. vaiëòava). is an obscure village of Bengal, tucked away in a remote corner between Rampurhat and Sainthia on Eastern Railway. The village is about ten minutes walk from Birchandrapur bus stop. The ADVENT PLACE OF NITYANANDA is at the end of the village, aside unique natural beauty. Opinions are contradictory on the exact Birthplace of even Lord SRI CHAITANYA. It is indeed surprising that there is no doubt or suspicion regarding the Birthplace of NITYANANDA, as if the LORD himself kept it free from any skeptical question. It is a matter of great pride for all of us. This association again glorifies Birbhum, the holy place that united the SHAKTA, SHAIVA and VAISHNAVAS.
NITYANANDA was born on Shukla Trayodashi, in the month of Magha, in the year 1473 A.D.12th Feb. (Shakabda – 1395). Like the Sun that enlightens the world from his chariot ‘The Ekchakra’, NITYANANDA filled the world with His fountain of love and benevolence from this Ekchakra. Ishan Nagar in his book ‘Adwaita Prakasha’, Narahari Chakrabarty in ‘Bhakti Ratnakara’, Nityananda Das in ‘Prem Bilasa’, Brindaban Das in ‘Sree Chaitanya Bhagbata', Abhiram Das in ‘Pat Paryatana’ have glorified the place. In modern times, Subal Chandra’s ‘Saral Bangla Abhidhana’,Sri Haridas Das’s ‘Gaudiya Baishnava Abhidhana’, a research work like ‘Birbhum Bibaran’, Rasik Mohan Vidyabhusan’s ‘Nityananda Charit’, magazines like GOURANGA MADHURI, GAUDIYA, BHAKTI, NITAI SUNDAR etc. eulogize the holy place and bring it to the notice of commons. The film NITYANANDA MAHAPRABHU presented by Sulata pictures has also brought the place in focus. The arrival of a number of great men, their ideas and opinions, culminated in a program held on All India Radio on 25th December 1974 based on their conversation. The sanctity of the place has been well established.
The significance of the place is not widely known. Most people believe that both Sri Chaitanya and Nityananda (Gour and Nitai) are originally from Nabadwip, but this is a misconception. We can point out a series of facts that mark the identity of this place. As in Nabadwip and Brindaban, Ekchakra also has its own ‘Yogapitha’ a spot sanctified by its connection with the Lord, who used to meditate here so often.
ISKCON desire tree - Sri Krishna Kathamrita - Bindu 41
This ebook is compiled by ISKCON desire tree for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada and the devotee vaishnava community. Media - ebooks derived from vedic or hindu teachings. For morevisit http://www.iskcondesiretree.com