----- Original Message -----Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2010 8:42 AMSubject: Planet ISKCON - 39 new articles
"Planet ISKCON" - 39 new articles
- Dandavats.com: Vrindavan Apartment Sale
- Dandavats.com: A Prayer
- Hari Sauri das, Mayapura, IN: TOVP update: 100 and going down fast
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: "HELP ME"
- Bhakta Chuck, CT, USA: Friday Night Oxen #30
- Australian News: Hare Krishna! Welcome to ISKCON Sydney’s e-newsletter
- Australian News: Godfather of Kirtan makes you an offer you can’t refuse
- Australian News: Govardhan Puja 2010… Canberra Australia
- Australian News: Gardening for Krishna
- Australian News: Vedic Astrology Retreat… at Hare Krishna Valley
- Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: I'm challenging you. Because I know Krsna.
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Govardhana Puja In Iskcon Ujjain
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 130
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: One Hundred Prabhupada Poems
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Bhagavata Purana
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Random Mercy
- Japa Group: Do You Realize This Fact?
- David Haslam, UK: Bhakta Caru Swami, Srila Prabhupada’s last days
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: LIST OF REASONS
- Subject: The Time of India Article of November 7, 1976 concerning your paper on the Puranic theory of evolution.
- Tema: El artículo de la India del 7 de noviembre de 1976 referente a su documento sobre la Teoría de la Evolución de los Puranas
- Subhvavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Thoughts on this blog and my trip to the Hospital.
- ISKCON News.com: Farewell To Purnacandra Goswami
- ISKCON News.com: Udder Madness! Pampered Cattle Produce Britain's Most Expensive Pint Of Milk... At A Staggering £1.70
- H.H. Bhakti Caitanya Swami: Pictures from Govardhana puja in Durban
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Sacinandana Swami requested that I prepare something on organizing kirtana for a compilation he is preparing to print
- ISKCON News.com: Grand Opening Of The Five Star Hilton For Krishna Cows
- Dandavats.com: An intimation regarding 15th Jagannath Rathyatra @ Ludhiana
- Dandavats.com: The Passing of His Grace Srikanta Prabhu
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Pics taken on 5th of November in Prabhupad Headquarters at Radha Rasbihari Temple in Juhu, Mumbai.
- Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: Industrial Ag & Globalization Are Destroying Rural Communities Worldwide
- Gouranga TV: Vrindavan kirtan!
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Dandavats.com: Vrindavan Apartment Sale
Amol: aprox 350 sq.ft carpet area. Its single room apartment which has been partitioned to make 2 small room & lobby room using removable plywood partitions. Attached toilet & shower. Small kitchen setup. Nice temple (next door Sri Rama Temple) view monkey-proof Balcony
Dandavats.com: A Prayer
Giribaradhari das: A king I was, feeling proud. Subjects and land, So much to reign. Taking that gold, that night with stealth. Killing my mother, Thus grew my wealth. Oh my Lord, I promise, I'll never do it again.
Hari Sauri das, Mayapura, IN: TOVP update: 100 and going down fast
According to Pundarika Govinda prabhu, who supervises the building progress, there are now only about 100 piles left to implant to complete the foundation work. The total of 2,600+ piles should be finished before the end of this month. Already one of the five pile drivers has been de-commissioned, lying like a fallen sentinel waiting for deconstruction.
Above ground foundations are rapidly being completed, and support columns are sprouting like bamboo shoots all around the site.
Silt from the Ganga river bed is being pumped directly into the site
and the whole base of the temple is being raised by nine feet (2.5 meters)
which is about level with the first floor of the Long Building. That means it will be above all but the very worst of floods. The construction team is hopeful that the first plinth will be cast before Gaura Purnima festival begins so that we can erect the main festival pandal on it. Should be exciting!Planetary chandelier model chosenOther exciting news is that the chandelier model which will hang from the main dome and depict the movements of the major planets has been chosen.This chandelier-style model was described in detail by Srila Prabhupada in a letter to Mr. S. L. Dhani on November 14 1976:
Subject: The Time of India Article of November 7, 1976 concerning your paper on the Puranic theory of evolution.
Dear Sir,
The abovementioned International Society for Krishna Consciousness has published within the last ten years English translations of the Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam (Maha Purana), Caitanya Caritamrta, Isopanisad and many other volues of India’s most ancient Vedic cultural heritage, which are no translated into French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Italian, Chinese etc. and which are being purchased by the millions all over the world.
Now, here in India we are planning construction of a very large “Vedic Planetarium” or “Temple of Understanding”. Within the planetarium we will construct a huge, detailed model of the universe as described in the text of the fifth canto of Srimad Bhagavatam. Within the planetarium the model will be studied by onlookers from different levels by use of escalators. Detailed information will be given on open verandas at the different levels by means of dioramas, charts, films, etc.The planetarium is planned to be apporxiamately 400 fett high and will have floor space ofapproximately 90,000 sq. ft. The model will depict: (from bottom to top)1) The lower planetary system (pataladi-saptaloka)2) The earthly system (bhu mandala) with Sumeru in center, seven islands (saptadvipa), seven oceans (sapta samudra), Manasottara Parvata, Lokaloka Parvata, Alokavarsa3) The Bhuvarloka (Siddha-caranadi-loka)4) The upper planetary system (Svarga loka) beginning from the Sun, showing with electrical apparatus both its horizontal and vertical rotations, Rahu, the Moon, the Naksatras, the other seven planets ending with Saturn (Saniscara), the Saptarisis, and Dhruvaloka with Ksiradakasayi Visnu on the Ksiradaka ocean.5) Maharloka6) Janaloka7) Tapoloka8) Satyaloka9) Garbhodakasayi Visnu lying on the Sesanaga on the Garbhodaka ocean10) The seven coverings of the universe11) Sivaloka12) Karanarnavasayi Visnu lying on the Karana-samudra13) Impersonal brahmajoyti14) Vaikuntha loka with the various Visnumurtis15) Goloka Vrndavana
This model (approximately 200 feet high and 100 feet wide) will be engineered to suspend from the structure of the dome and rotate according to the real movement of the planets. The plans for this very large project are being taken solely from the references found in fifth canto Srimad Bhagavatam and its authoritative commentaries by important acaryas, along with outher Puranas and Samhitas like Brahma-samhita etc.
As you can appreciate, the work involved in this project will be gigantic and the advice of many experts from all fields will be needed to make it come out successful. It will be a glorious exhibition of India’s Vedic culture that will attract visitors from all over the world. I am inquisitive to know how you can help us with this project, as I know you are an expert in the field of Puranic astronomy. Hoping to hear from you in the near future.
Faithfully yours,
AC Bhaktivedanta Swami
Two models were presented to the TOVP cosmology committee, one by Antardwipa dasa, a devotee from Australia now resident in Mayapur, and the other by Smt. Carana Renu dasi, a Phd. in astro-physics who is currently residing and preaching in Brazil. Of the two, the judging panel felt that Antardwipa’s model best represents the intent of Srila Prabhupada in displaying the cosmography of the Srimad Bhagavatam 5th Canto.
The basic model is like an inverted orrery. An orrery is a mechanical moving model of the major planets.
Such things were popular about 200 years ago in Europe. Ours of course will not be heliocentric but geocentric. It will feature the planets rotating on a central stem hanging down from the main dome about 30 feet above the Deity chambers.
Each planet will be on a telescopic arm and the whole thing will rotate in real time and it also can be moved on special occasions such as Janmastami so that the planets are in the appropriate alignment for that particular event. The detailed depictions described by Srila Prabhupada in his letter will be presented on three levels of galleries going around the interior of the dome.
At least that’s the plan. Now they have to work out the actual engineering…
Tema: El artículo de la India del 7 de noviembre de 1976 referente a su documento sobre la Teoría de la Evolución de los Puranas
Estimado sir, La Sociedad Internacional para la Conciencia de Krishna ha publicado en el plazo de los pasados diez años en traducciones inglesas sobre La Bhagavad Gita, El Srimad Bhagavatam (Maha Purana), El Caitanya Caritamrta, El Isopanisad y muchos otros volúmenes del patrimonio cultural védico más antiguo de la India, que han sido traducidos al francés, al alemán, al español, al portugués, al holandés, al italiano, al chino y que están siendo comprados por millones por todo el mundo. Ahora, aquí en la India estamos construyendo un “planetario védico muy grande” o “templo de la comprensión”. Dentro del planetario construiremos un modelo enorme, detallado del universo según lo descrito en el texto del 5º Canto del Srimad Bhagavatam. Dentro del planetario el modelo será estudiado por los espectadores de diversos niveles por medio de escaleras móviles (escaleras mecánicas). La información detallada será dada en los miradores abiertos en los diversos niveles por medio de las dioramas, de las cartas, en películas, etc. El planetario se planea que será de aproximadamente 400 pies de alto y tendrá espacio de aproximadamente 90.000 pies cuadrados. El modelo representará: (desde la planta baja)
1) El sistema planetario más bajo (pataladi-saptaloka)
2) El sistema terrenal (Sistema Terrestre) (bhu mandala) con el Monte Sumeru en el Centro, las Siete Islas (saptadvipa), los Siete Océanos (sapta samudra) del Manasottara Parvata, Lokaloka Parvata, Alokavarsa
3) El Bhuvarloka (Siddha-caranadi-loka)
4) El principio superior del Sol, demostración del Sistema Planetario (Svarga loka) con los aparatos eléctricos necesarios para que hagan las rotaciones horizontales y verticales, Rahu, la Luna, los Naksatras que son 27 o 28 en número, y los otros siete planetas que terminan con Saturno (Saniscara), los Saptarisis (las Siete Estrellas), y Dhruvaloka (la Estrella Polar) con Ksiradakasayi Visnu en el Océano de Ksirodaka.
5) Maharloka
6) Janaloka
7) Tapoloka
8) Satyaloka
9) Garbhodakasayi Visnu que reposa en Sesanaga en el Océano de Garbhodaka
10) Las siete cubiertas del universo
11) Sivaloka
12) Karanarnavasayi Visnu que reposa en el Océano Karana-samudra
13) Brahmajoyti impersonal
14) Vaikuntha Loka con los variados Visnumurtis
15) Goloka VrndavanaEste modelo (aproximadamente de 200 pies de alto y 100 pies de ancho) será colocado suspendido de la estructura de la bóveda y podrá girar según el movimiento verdadero de los planetas. Los planes para este proyecto tan grande se están tomando solamente de las referencias encontradas en el 5º Canto Srimad Bhagavatam y sus comentarios autoritarios de los grandes acaryas, junto con los otros Puranas y Las Samhitas como El Brahma-samhita etc. Como usted puede apreciar, el trabajo implicado en este proyecto será gigantesco y el consejo de muchos expertos de todos los campos será necesario para que salga tod según lo planeado. Será una gloriosa exposición de la cultura védica de la India que atraerá a millones de visitantes de todo el mundo. Deseo saber si usted puede ayudarnos en este proyecto, ya que sabemos que usted es un experto en la materia de la astronomía de los Puranas. Espero su respuesta muy pronto. Atentamente, AC Bhaktivedanta Swami
Dos modelos ahora fueron presentados al comité del cosmología de TOVP, uno por Antardwipa dasa, un devoto residente en el templo de Mayapur en Australia, y otro por Smt. de Carana Renu Dasi, un Phd. en astrofísica que está actualmente viviendo y predicando en Brasil. De los dos, el mejor modelo de Antardwipa dasa representa el intento de Srila Prabhupada para la exhibición de la cosmografía del 5to Canto de Srimad Bhagavatam. El modelo básico es como un planetario invertido. Un planetario es un modelo mecánico del movimiento de los planetas principales. Tales cosas eran populares en Europa, hace aproximadamente 200 años. Los nuestros por supuesto no serán heliocéntricos sino geocéntricos. Ofrecerá los planetas que giran en un vástago central que cuelga bajo la bóveda principal cerca de 30 pies sobre los compartimientos de la deidad. Cada planeta estará en un brazo telescópico y el asunto girará en tiempo real y también puede ser movido en ocasiones especiales tales como Janmastami de modo que los planetas estén en la alineación apropiada para ese acontecimiento particular. Las pinturas detalladas descritas por Srila Prabhupada en sus escritos serán presentadas en tres niveles de galerías que circundan el interior de la bóveda. Por lo menos ése es el plan. Ahora tienen que resolverlo los ingenieros en la práctica…
Los 28 Nashastras
- Ashwini
- Bharani
- Krittika
- Rohini
- Mrigasira
- Arudra
- Punarvasu
- Pushyami
- Aslesha
- Magha
- Purvaphalguni
- Uttaraphalguni
- Hasta
- Chitra
- Swati
- Visakha
- Anuradha
- Jyestha
- Moola
- Poorvashadha
- Uttarashadha
- Shravana
- Dhanistha
- Shatabhistha
- Purvabhadra
- Uttarabhadra
- Revati
- abhijit
Nashastras y deidades regentes
1. krittikA - agni; 2. rohiNI - prajApati; 3. mRgazIrSa - soma; 4. ArdrA - rudra; 5. punarvasU - aditi; 6. tiSya - bRhaspati; 7. AzreSA - sarpa; 8. maghA - pitR; 9. phalgunI - aryamA; 10. phalgunI - bhaga; 11. hasta - savitA; 12. citrA - indra; 13. svAtI - vAyu; 14. vizAkhe - ndrAgni; 15. anUrAdhA - mitra; 16. rohiNI - indra; 17. vicRtau - pitR; 18. ASADhA - ApaH; 19. ASADhA - vizvedeva; 20. zroNA - viSNu; 21. zraviSThA - vasu; 22. zatabhiSaj - indra; 23 proSThapada - ajaekapAt; 24. proSThapada - ahirbudhniya; 25. revatI - pUSA; 26. azvayujau - azvin; 27. apabharaNI - yama;
Los Nashastras:
Nakshatras en el Atharvaveda
In the Atharvaveda (Shaunakiya recension, hymn 19.7) a list of 28 stars or asterisms is given, many of them corresponding to the later nakshatras:
En el Atharvaveda (Sección Shaunakya, Himno 19.7) da una lista de las 28 estrellas o asterismos muchos de ellos corresponden a los antiguos nakshastras:
(1) Kṛttikā (las Pleyades), (2) Rohinī, (3) Mrigashīrsha, (4) Ārdrā, (5) Punarvasu, (6) Sūnritā, (7) Pushya, (8) Bhanu (el Sol), (9) Asleshā, (10) Maghā, (11) Svāti (Arcturus), (12) Chitrā (Spica), (13) Phalgunis, (14) Hasta, (15) Rādhas, (16) Vishākhā, (17) Anurādhā, (18) Jyeshthā, (19) Mūla, (20) Ashādhas, (21) Abhijit, (22) Sravana, (23) Sravishthās, (24) Satabhishak, (25) Proshtha-padas, (26) Revati, (27) Asvayujas, (28) Bharani. [2]
[edit] List of Nakshatras
The classical list of 27 nakshatras is first found in the Vedanga Jyotisha, a text dated to the final centuries BCE.[citation needed].
In Hindu astrology, there are various systems of enumerating 27 or 28 nakshatras[3]. The following list of nakshatras gives the corresponding regions of sky, following Basham.[4]
No. Name Associated stars Description Image 1 Ashvini
"wife of the Ashvins"β and γ Arietis
- Lord: Ketu (South lunar node)
- Symbol : Horse's head
- Deity : Ashvins, the horse-headed twins who are physicians to the gods
- Indian zodiac: 0° - 13°20' Mesha
- Western zodiac 26° Aries - 9°20' Taurus
2; 7 Bharani
"the bearer"35, 39, and 41 Arietis
- Lord: Shukra (Venus)
- Symbol: Yoni, the female organ of reproduction
- Deity: Yama, god of death or Dharma
- Indian zodiac: 13° 20' - 26°40' Mesha
- Western zodiac 9° 20' - 22° 40' Taurus
3 Krittika
an old name of the Pleiades; personified as the nurses of Kārttikeya, a son of Shiva.Pleiades 4; 9 Rohini
"the red one", a name of Aldebaran. Also known as brāhmīAldebaran
- Lord: Chandra (Moon)
- Symbol: Cart or chariot, temple, banyan tree
- Deity : Brahma or Prajapati, the Creator
- Indian zodiac: 10° - 23°20' Vrishabha
- Western zodiac 6° - 19°20' Gemini
5; 3 Mrigashīrsha
"the deer's head". Also known as āgrahāyaṇīλ, φ Orionis 6; 4 Ardra
"the moist one"Betelgeuse
- Lord: Rahu (North lunar node)
- Symbol: Teardrop, diamond, a human head
- Deity : Rudra, the storm god
- Indian zodiac: 6° 40' - 20° Mithuna
- Western zodiac: 2° 40' - 16° Cancer
7; 5 Punarvasu (dual)
"the two restorers of goods", also known as yamakau "the two chariots"Castor and Pollux
- Lord: Guru (Jupiter)
- Symbol : Bow and quiver
- Deity : Aditi, mother of the gods
- Indian zodiac: 20° Mithuna - 3°20' Karka
- Western zodiac 16° - 29°20' Cancer
8; 6 Pushya
"the nourisher", also known as sidhya or tiṣyaγ, δ and θ Cancri 9; 7 Āshleshā
"the embrace"δ, ε, η, ρ, and σ Hydrae
- Lord: Budh (Mercury)
- Symbol: Serpent
- Deity : Sarpas or Nagas, deified snakes
- Indian zodiac: 16°40' - 30° Karka
- Western zodiac 12°40' - 26° Leo
10; 15 Maghā
"the bountiful"Regulus
- Lord: Ketu (south lunar node)
- Symbol : Royal Throne
- Deity : Pitrs, 'The Fathers', family ancestors
- Indian zodiac: 0° - 13°20' Simha
- Western zodiac 26° Leo - 9°20' Virgo
11 Pūrva Phalgunī
"first reddish one"δ and θ Leonis
- Lord: Shukra (Venus)
- Symbol : Front legs of bed, hammock, fig tree
- Deity : Bhaga, god of marital bliss and prosperity
- Indian zodiac: 13°20' - 26°40' Simha
- Western zodiac 9°20' - 22°40' Virgo
12 Uttara Phalgunī
"second reddish one"Denebola
- Lord: Surya (Sun)
- Symbol: Four legs of bed, hammock
- Deity : Aryaman, god of patronage and favours
- Indian zodiac: 26°40' Simha- 10° Kanya
- Western zodiac 22°40' Virgo - 6° Libra
13 Hasta
"the hand"α, β, γ, δ and ε Corvi 14 Chitra
"the bright one", a name of SpicaSpica
- Lord: Mangala (Mars)
- Symbol: Bright jewel or pearl
- Deity : Tvastar or Vishvakarman, the celestial architect
- Indian zodiac: 23°20' Kanya - 6°40' Tula
- Western zodiac: 19°20' Libra - 2°40' Scorpio
15 Svāti
name of Arcturus (of unknown derivation)Arcturus
- Lord: Rahu (north lunar node)
- Symbol: Shoot of plant, coral
- Deity : Vayu, the Wind god
- Indian zodiac: 6°40' - 20° Tula
- Western zodiac 2°40' - 16° Scorpio
16; 14 Viśākhā
"forked, having branches"; also known as rādhā "the gift"α, β, γ and ι Librae 17 Anuradha
"following rādhā"β, δ and π Scorpionis
- Lord: Shani (Saturn)
- Symbol : Triumphal archway, lotus
- Deity : Mitra, one of Adityas of friendship and partnership
- Indian zodiac: 3°20' - 16°40' Vrishchika
- Western zodiac 29°20' Scorpio - 12°40' Sagittarius
18; 16 Jyeshtha
"the eldest, most excellent"α, σ, and τ Scorpionis
- Lord: Budh (Mercury)
- Symbol : circular amulet, umbrella, earring
- Deity : Indra, chief of the gods
- Indian zodiac: 16°40' - 30° Vrishchika
- Western zodiac 12°40' - 26° Sagittarius
19; 17 Mula
"the root"ε, ζ, η, θ, ι, κ, λ, μ and ν Scorpionis
- Lord: Ketu (south lunar node)
- Symbol : Bunch of roots tied together, elephant goad
- Deity : Nirrti, goddess of dissolution and destruction
- Indian zodiac: 0° - 13°20' Dhanus
- Western zodiac 26° Sagittarius - 9°20' Capricorn
20; 18 Purva Ashadha
"first of the aṣāḍhā", aṣāḍhā "the invincible one" being the name of a constellationδ and ε Sagittarii
- Lord: Shukra (Venus)
- Symbol: Elephant tusk, fan, winnowing basket
- Deity : Apah, god of Water
- Indian zodiac: 13°20' - 26°40' Dhanus
- Western zodiac 9°20' - 22°40' Capricorn
21 Uttara Ashadha
"second of the aṣāḍhā"ζ and σ Sagittarii
- Lord: Surya (Sun)
- Symbol : Elephant tusk, small bed
- Deity : Visvedevas, universal gods
- Indian zodiac: 26°40' Dhanus - 10° Makara
- Western zodiac 22°40' Capricorn - 6° Aquarius
22; 20 Abhijit
"victorious"[5]α, ε and ζ Lyrae - Vega Lord: Brahma 23; 20 Shravana α, β and γ Aquilae
- Lord: Chandra (Moon)
- Symbol : Ear or Three Footprints
- Deity : Vishnu, preserver of universe
- Indian zodiac: 10° - 23°20' Makara
- Western zodiac 6° - 19°20' Aquarius
24; 21; 23 Shravishthā
"most famous", also Dhanishta "swiftest"α to δ Delphini
- Lord: Mangala (Mars)
- Symbol : Drum or flute
- Deity : Eight vasus, deities of earthly abundance
- Indian zodiac: 23°20' Makara - 6°40' Kumbha
- Western zodiac 19°20' Aquarius - 2°40' Pisces
25; 22 Shatabhishaj
"requiring a hundred physicians"γ Aquarii
- Lord: Rahu (north lunar node)
- Symbol : Empty circle, 1,000 flowers or stars
- Deity : Varuna, god of cosmic waters, sky and earth
- Indian zodiac: 6°40' - 20° Kumbha ; Western zodiac 2°40' - 16° Pisces
26; 3 Purva Bhadrapada
"the first of the blessed feet"α and β Pegasi
- Lord: Guru (Jupiter)
- Symbol : Swords or two front legs of funeral cot, man with two faces
- Deity : Ajikapada, an ancient fire dragon
- Indian zodiac: 20° Kumbha - 3°20' Meena ; Western zodiac 16° - 29°20' Pisces
27; 4 Uttara Bhādrapadā
"the second of the blessed feet"γ Pegasi and α Andromedae
- Lord: Shani (Saturn)
- Symbol : Twins, back legs of funeral cot, snake in the water
- Deity : Ahir Budhyana, serpent or dragon of the deep
- Indian zodiac: 3°20' - 16°40' Meena ; Western zodiac 29°20' Pisces - 12°40' Aries
28; 5 Revati
"prosperous"ζ Piscium
- Lord: Budh (Mercury)
- Symbol : Fish or a pair of fish, drum
- Deity : Pushan, nourisher, the protective deity
- Indian zodiac: 16°40' - 30° Meena
- Western zodiac 12°40' - 26° Aries
[edit] Padas (quarters)
The 27 Nakshatras cover 13°20’ of the ecliptic each. Each Nakshatra is also divided into quarters or padas of 3°20’, and the below table lists the appropriate starting sound to name the child. The 27 nakshatras, each with 4 padas, give 108, which is the number of beads in a japa mala, indicating all the elements (ansh) of Vishnu:
# Name Pada 1 Pada 2 Pada 3 Pada 4 1 Aśvini (अश्विनि)) चु Chu चे Che चो Cho ला La 2 Bharaṇī (भरणी) ली Li लू Lu ले Le पो Lo 3 Kṛttikā (कृत्तिका) अ A ई I उ U ए E 4 Rohini(रोहिणी) ओ O वा Va/Ba वी Vi/Bi वु Vu/Bu 5 Mṛgaśīrsha (म्रृगशीर्षा) वे Ve/Be वो Vo/Bo का Ka की Ke 6 Ārdrā (आर्द्रा) कु Ku घ Gha ङ Ng/Na छ Chha 7 Punarvasu (पुनर्वसु) के Ke को Ko हा Ha ही Hi 8 Puṣya (पुष्य) हु Hu हे He हो Ho ड Da 9 Āshleṣā (आश्लेषा) डी Di डू Du डे De डो Do 10 Maghā (मघा) मा Ma मी Mi मू Mu मे Me 11 Pūrva or Pūrva Phalgunī (पूर्व फाल्गुनी) नो Mo टा Ta टी Ti टू Tu 12 Uttara or Uttara Phalgunī (उत्तर फाल्गुनी) टे Te टो To पा Pa पी Pi 13 Hasta (हस्त) पू Pu ष Sha ण Na ठ Tha 14 Citrā (चित्रा) पे Pe पो Po रा Ra री Ri 15 Svātī (स्वाति) रू Ru रे Re रो Ro ता Ta 16 Viśākhā (विशाखा) ती Ti तू Tu ते Te तो To 17 Anurādhā (अनुराधा) ना Na नी Ni नू Nu ने Ne 18 Jyeṣṭha (ज्येष्ठा) नो No या Ya यी Yi यू Yu 19 Mūla (मूल) ये Ye यो Yo भा Bha भी Bhi 20 Pūrva Ashādhā (पूर्वाषाढ़ा) भू Bhu धा Dha फा Bha/Pha ढा Dha 21 Uttara Aṣāḍhā (उत्तराषाढ़ा) भे Bhe भो Bho जा Ja जी Ji 22 Śrāvaṇa (श्रावण) खी Ju/Khi खू Je/Khu खे Jo/Khe खो Gha/Kho 23 Śrāviṣṭha (श्रविष्ठा) or Dhaniṣṭha गा Ga गी Gi गु Gu गे Ge 24 Śatabhiṣā (शतभिषा)or Śatataraka गो Go सा Sa सी Si सू Su 25 Pūrva Bhādrapadā (पूर्वभाद्रपदा) से Se सो So दा Da दी Di 26 Uttara Bhādrapadā (उत्तरभाद्रपदा) दू Du थ Tha झ Jha ञ Da/Tra 27 Revatī (nakṣatra) (रेवती) दे De दो Do च Cha ची Chi
Akrura das, Gita Coaching: "HELP ME"
Once I had a lunch with a young but quite respected ISKCON leader in a major European city.
He said to me soberly: "Please help me become a devotee people think I am."
His sincerity moved me.
I thought Krsna is teaching me through his mouth how to think myself and what to ask of others.
Bhakta Chuck, CT, USA: Friday Night Oxen #30
Hello Everyone,
Have a nice weekend, in service to the Oxen,
Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare
Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare
Australian News: Hare Krishna! Welcome to ISKCON Sydney’s e-newsletter
Hare Krishna!
Welcome to ISKCON Sydney’s e-newsletter.
This Saturday 6th November we are celebrating Diwali – the festival of the lamps, which commemorates Lord Rama’s return from exile in the forest, and the whole temple is lit by candlelight whilst kirtan is sung and other events are held in memory of the Supreme Lord’s transcendentally sweet pastimes. The program begins at 4pm and consists of bhajans, ‘Glories of Lord Rama’ presentation, arati & kirtan, Sita-Rama Pushpa Abhishek (flower petal bathing) and a prasadam feast.The following day is Govardhana-Puja, which celebrates Krishna’s amazing pastime of lifting Govardhana Hill for 7 days to protect His devotees from the rains of the angry Indra. There will be a special Govardhana Puja Parikrama with Sri Prahlada which is the circumambulation of a replica hill made entirely of sweets, which are later distributed to all as Maha-prasadam or the great mercy of the Lord. This begins at 4:30pm and replaces the usual Sunday Program with an extra special celebration so please come and experience a slice of Krishna’s personal abode of Vrindavana right here in Sydney!We are currently in The Month of Damodara, or Kartikka Masa, which runs until November 21st. This month is the most auspicious period in which Krishna displayed His sweet pastime of being bound with ropes by Mother Yasoda, and each evening the Damodarastakam prayers are sung which tell the whole story of transendental trickery which Krishna becomes endearing to everyone by performing like nodody else can. Each evening after 7 o’clock arati lamps are offered by all to Sri Sri Radha-Gopinatha, and in addition to the temple programs this year devotees are visitng peoples homes to bring the auspicious ceremony there so see the flyer below and website www.celebratekrishna.com to book your program.On Wednesday November 10th we are celebrating Srila Prabhupada’s Disappearance Day with a special festival from 4pm onwards, consisting of Arati, ‘Following Srila Prabhupada’ film show, kirtan, remembering Srila Prabhupada, Gaura-arati and kirtan, candlelight arati to Srila Prabhupada and a special prasadam feast. Prabhupada left the planet on November 14th 1977 after spreading Krishna consciousness worldwide in the previous 12 years, which was a miraculous task which on this day we remember and appreciate what he did for the world in this troubled age.We are celebrating Radha Gopinatha’s 40th Anniversary next May 2011 and here’s your chance to be published in Radha Gopinatha’s Anniversary magazine! This magazine is going to be professionally published and will portray the history of Radha Gopinatha’s 40 years in Sydney. This landmark and inspirational publication will consist of articles by many authors, previously unpublished photographs of Radha Gopinatha andmuch more. Put your artistic hat on and take this exciting opportunity to glorify Sri Sri Radha Gopinath. It’s a once in 40-year chance to be presented in this historical presentation. In no more than 400 words, create a poem that glorifies our beautiful Deities and what They meant to you and how They inspire you to serve Them. There are two categories: adult category and child 5-14 years old category. Submit your poem to Krsnarupa Mataji at: Carol_d_costa@hotmail.com no later than 1st of December.Harinama Sankirtana in the city centre has started again. Each Thursday evening from 7pm devotees are going out to distribute the Holy Names of the Maha-mantra to thousands of people in the city streets accompanied by music and dancing. This is the Yuga-dharma or process of self realisation for this age, and is an unforgettable experience. The meeting place is opposite the cinemas on George Street – anyone wishing to join in please see details below and help spread peace and love in this quarrelsome and dark industrial age.Every 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month a ‘Krishna Evening’ hall program is held in Westmead. This consists of a discussion on Bhagavad-gita, arati & kirtan, children’s program and prasadam. The program is free and everyone is welcome to attend. Please join us at Westmead Progress Hall at 43 Hassall Street for an enlightening program every fortnight – more details of programs around Sydney in the regular programs section below.Term 3 of the temple Sunday School classes commenced on Sunday 1st August and continue fortnightly until the next school holidays. Please register your child by emailing Vilasa Manjari dasi: vilas@pacific.net.auWe recently had His Holiness Kadamba-Kanana Swami with us this month. During his stay he gave classes and kirtans at the temple, a program at Govindas Lotus Room, led the Maha-Harinama on Thursday evening in Sydney CBD, a home program near Hornsby on Friday evening, and held the ‘Sadhana’ retreat over last weekend in Turramurra. He also gave a discourse on Sunday evening in the temple which was especially inspiring. Maharaja then performed an initiation ceremony at Govinda Valley, concluding his visit to Sydney for this year. We thank Maharaja for his visit which was very enlivening and we hope he visits again in the near future. Thanks also to everyone who organised and attended the various programs. Please view some of the photos below.As usual the Sunday Program runs each week from 4.30pm with arati and kirtans, prasadam available from 5.30pm and discourse at 6.15pm.Below are listed all our donors for last month. Anyone wishing to contribute money can click the PayPal logo to donate online.Thank you for your support.Hope to see you all soon!
Click here to see the full newsletter and photos
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Australian News: Godfather of Kirtan makes you an offer you can’t refuse
Don’t miss out on your turn to feel the beat with the help of KIRTAN AUSTRALIA. Insert some of this into your diary right now.
Fri 12 Nov – Brisbane
Atma Yoga
99 Elizabeth St, Brisbane
7pm, $20 www.atmayoga.com.au
Sat 13 Nov – Brisbane
ISKCON Brisbane
95 Bank Rd, Brisbane
5pm, by donation www.iskcon.org.au
Mon 14 Nov – Tue 15 Nov – Brisbane
ISKCON Brisbane
95 Bank Rd, Brisbane
7pm, by donation www.iskcon.org.au
Wed 16 Nov – Gold Coast
Bhakti Centre
Surfers Paradise
Suite 1c, Trust House
3070 Gold Coast Highway
6pm, $10
Thu 17 Nov – Gold Coast
Bhakti Centre
Surfers Paradise
Suite 1c, Trust House
3070 Gold Coast Highway
6pm, $10 www.bhakticentregoldcoast.com.au
Sun 21 Nov – New Govardhana
New Govardhana Farm Community
525 Tyalgum Road
Eungella, New South Wales
5pm, by donation www.krishnafarm.com
Wed 24 Nov – Mullumbimby
Mullum Civic Memorial Hall
55 Dalley Street
NSW 2482
7pm, $15
Fri 26 Nov – Byron Bay
Lotus Temple
Unit 1/5 Wollongbar St. Byron Bay Arts and Industry Estate
7pm, $15
Lotus temple website
Sat 27 Nov – Byron Bay
Kirtan Workshop
Lotus Temple
Unit 1/5 Wollongbar St. Byron Bay Arts and Industry Estate
12pm, $40
Sat 4 Dec – Sydney
24 hour kirtan, w/ Sri Prahlad and others
ISKCON North Sydney
cnr Falcon St and Miller St
North Sydney
Sat 4pm – Sun 4pm www.iskcon.com.au
Fri 10 Dec – Canberra
Insync Yoga Institute
Level 1
Griffith Shopping Centre
14 Barker Street, Griffith
6pm www.insync.com.au
Thu 16 Dec – Melbourne
Gertrude St Yoga
Levels 1 & 2
202 Gertrude Street, Fitzroy www.gertrudestreetyoga.com.au
Sat 18 Dec – Melbourne
Level 3, 123 Swanston Walk www.urbanyoga.com.au
Sun 19 Dec – Melbourne
12 hour kirtan
ISKCON Melbourne
197 Danks St
Albert Park www.iskcon.net.au
Wed 22 Dec – Thu 23 Dec
Kirtan seminar
ISKCON Melbourne
197 Danks St
Albert Park www.iskcon.net.au
Sat 25 Dec – Sun 2 Jan
New Zealand
Details TBA
Mon 3 Jan – Sun 9 Jan
Kuli Mela Festival
w/ Gaura Vani & As Kindred Spirits, The Mayapuris, Sri Prahlad, and others
New Govardhana Farm Community
525 Tyalgum Road
Eungella, New South Wales www.kulimela.com.au
Click here to visit Kirtan Australia for more kirtan information and kirtan radio
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Australian News: Govardhan Puja 2010… Canberra Australia
Click on play to see Krishna lifting Govardhana Hill in Canberra Australia. See the devotees stunned at His appearance and shocked by His hill lifting ability. If you find yourself wishing you were here, make a plan to visit soon. Click on the link below the slifeshow for more details at the web site of Canberra Hare Krishna
Click here to visit the web site and plan your visit.
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Australian News: Gardening for Krishna
Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita (10.35), that of the four seasons He is flower-bearing spring. Our green-hand treasurer is here to remind us to see Krishna in and behind everything.
Indeed, Prabhu Dasa’s second main, if not his foremost service is his dedication to the temple’s garden which is very dear to him.
We all find solace and enlivenment from the garden, especially around meal times. The children love it too; that is where they enact their favorite pastime of picking the flowers and throwing them in the fish pond!
Click here to see more pictures of the beauriful gardens in the slideshow from Melbourne Temple
Today there’s a bit of an overcast so the colours on the slideshow are not as bright as they actually are.
Well, that is another good reason to come down to the temple and experience the true vibrancy of our courtyard.
Click here to visit the temple website
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Australian News: Vedic Astrology Retreat… at Hare Krishna Valley
This week at Hare Krishna Valley we prepared for and hosted a Vedic Astrology Retreat with Internationally renouned astrologer Bhanu Swami. Vedic astrology is the oldest branch of astrology in the world, based upon the Vedic texts of ancient India. Bhanu Swami explained the science in detail over the weekend, and the guests also enjoyed karma free vegetarian meals and bush walking in between the rain showers. In total 17 guests attended, and found Bhanu Swami’s presentation to be most enlightening. By the end of the weekend everyone was beginning to interpret their own charts with deeper clarity.
We also laid the concrete slab for our new pump to extract the water from our newly dug bore, which should be in operation in the next few months.
We look forward to speaking to you again next week.
Until then, I remain yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada.
Keshava Dasa.
Click here to check out the blog at Hare Krishna Valley
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Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: I'm challenging you. Because I know Krsna.
Srila Prabhupada to Bhakti Svarupa Damodara Maharaja (at that time Svarupa Damodara Prabhu) and others:
...you scientists, you are all rascals. You do not know anything. Punah punas carvita-carvananam [SB 7.5.30], chewing the chewed, making research. What research you can do? You do not know anything. What research you can do? And Vedic injunction is: yasmin vijnate sarvam evam vijnatam bhavati (Mundaka Upanisad 1.3). If you know the Absolute Truth, then all other things become known. But you do not know what is Absolute Truth. Therefore you are in ignorance. If you know one thing, then you... Just like you are talking. We are not official scientists or philosopher or anything. But why you are challenging, you are talking so boldly? Because we know one thing, Krsna. Therefore we can say so boldly and challenge anyone. I'm not a D.A.C. like you. How I can challenge you? I'm challenging you. How? Because I know Krsna. That's all. That is the statement of Veda. Yasmin vijnate sarvam evam vijnatam bhavati. If you know Krsna, the Absolute Truth, then all other things will be known automatically. It is such a thing. We are preaching Krsna consciousness, challenging all kinds of men in the society, so many scientists are coming, so many psychologists coming. So how we are confident to talk with him? Because we have learned little about Krsna. That's all. Is it not? You are a qualified scientist. Why I challenge you? Not that because you are my disciple, you are accepting all my challenges. You have got your reasons. You are not a fool. So how it is possible? Practically, how it is possible? Because we are trying to know little about Krsna. That's all. Therefore this Vedic injunction, yasmin vijnate sarvam evam vijnatam bhavati, yam labdhva caparam labham manyate nadhikam tatah. These statements are there. If you get Krsna, then you will not hanker after any more profit. Bas. All profit is there. Yam labdhva caparam labham. If you get Krsna, then all other kinds of profit, you'll not hanker after. And what kind of profit this is? Yasmin sthito na duhkhena gurunapi vicalyate [Bg. 6.20-23]. If one is situated in Krsna consciousness, in the greatest calamity of this world, he'll not be disturbed. This is the greatest profit. Just like Prahlada Maharaja. A big giant, Hiranyakasipu, is putting him always in difficulty, but he's confident: "Yes, there is Krsna." A five years old boy. He's not at all disturbed. Father is giving poison. "All right, give me poison." And throwing him from the hill on down. But he is steady. How it is possible? Na duhkhena gurunapi vicalyate. Guru. Guru means heavy, very heavy difficulties. But na vicalyate. He's not perturbed, not disturbed. How it is possible? It is such a thing, that if you know Krsna, you know everything. If you are in Krsna consciousness, then you are not disturbed in the heaviest type of calamity. So these things should be given to the human society. One thing. That will make his life perfect.>>> Ref. VedaBase => Morning Walk -- April 28, 1973, Los Angeles
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
The Deities take us on a walk through autumn today with the flamboyant hues of Their Janmastami set that looks like crispy red and orange leaves on a forest path.
They warm up our hearts on this rainy day!
And if you look closely, it seems that Srimati Radharani adorns a pearl tear...
Here's the slideshow.
H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Govardhana Puja In Iskcon Ujjain
Article By Her Grace Sarada Dasi An expert shop keeper in order to sell his goods will advertise publicly a sale, which will naturally attract and draw in customers into his shop. Through this advertising his sales are boosted and awareness is arisen when his shop becomes quite popular. Similarly Lord Krsna also canvasses for [...]
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 130
3:41 A.M.
From Namamrta by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada:
“One chants the holy name due to devotional service performed in previous lives:
“In the Padma Purana it is stated: ‘The chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra is present only on the lips of a person who has for many births worshiped Vasudeva.’” (The Nectar of Devotion)In the Srimad-Bhagavatam there’s the story of the fight between the elephant and the crocodile in the water. The elephant was stronger, but the crocodile was stronger in the fight because he was in the water. But because the elephant was a great devotee of the Lord in his previous birth, he was able to chant the holy name of the Lord by dint of his past good deeds. Every living entity is always distressed in this material world, because this place is such that at every step one has to meet with some kind of distress. But one who is supported by his past good deeds engages himself in the devotional service of the Lord. The Personality of Godhead Hari appeared at once on the back of His eternal bearer Garuda and delivered the elephant.And so by scriptural authority we accept the fact that one who chants does so because he has previously performed devotional service. One who is in the category of impious or sinful persons with no past devotional credit cannot chant the holy names. Those who in this life may be engaged in sense gratification but have past credit of devotional service can revive their devotional service by contacting the pure devotee who chants the holy name. Prabhupada’s followers were engaged in many sinful activities, but we must conclude they had previous contact with devotional service and therefore were able to take up the chanting and relieve themselves from sinful activities.I woke at 12:30 A.M. and did not try chanting in bed but got up right away. My chanting was inexplicably slow. I was feeling awake but could not get much speed in the japa. But I proceeded steadily and with decent concentration. I was not thinking of other activities or frivolous thoughts. I was accumulating the rounds and watching the quota rise as the clock ticked away. In the end it turned out all right because by 3:40 I had chanted all sixteen rounds, and they were done with decent attention. It was not the best of days, but it was not a terrible day either.You are able to chant
in this lifetime because
in previous lives you performed
devotional service. If you had
no stock of bhakti you would
not be able to utter the holy
names. Your past bhakti
may be covered by lifetimes
of neglect, and so you need
to contact the pure devotee
and chanters of sankirtana.
They can revive in you your
tendency for taking up again
what you have lost: the
greatest gift, the chanting
of Hare Krishna, which you
earned the right to do
by previous pious acts.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: One Hundred Prabhupada Poems
“You can be sure he won’t reject you.
That’s an important thing.
At worst he may hold up my books—
say they are stacked on his desk,
and say, ‘This is a waste of time.’
But he wouldn’t say that.
Some of them are good.
But say he said it, and then he says,
‘Now go and work with Brahmananda,’
or something impossible like that
and I say, ‘Yes, Prabhupada,’ and I go out of the room
and at least try it.
“Then later in the day he sees me
and revises something. ‘The books are
not all so bad.’ He might name one he liked.
And he says, ‘What about you and Brahmananda?’
I say, ‘It doesn’t look like it will work.’
So he says, ‘All right, try this.
This is also something I want.
Since you like to write, why not
write a book…’
He tells me something I can get into,
a direct order.
“These are fantasies, but I think I am all right with him.
If I take a walk without him, it’s not without him.
The book Japa Walks, Japa Talks is also for him.
And the crazy free write is written
with worry that he may not approve.
‘Daring’ means you take a chance
he may not like something you do.
But it’s always in relation to him,
your bad thoughts and good thoughts.
“Steve Kowit said, ‘Can’t you ever do
a single thing that Prabhupada doesn’t approve?’
I say to myself, “Yes, I could do it,”
and I do it all the time.
But I don’t want to die a rascal.
“I read how Indra disrespected
his guru and grew weak.
Prabhupada says the guru should never be disrespected.
Bow to him every day
whenever you see him.
I like that.
I like the Prabhupada murti.
“Say I went into his room and he has
a stack of four volumes of Prabhupada Meditations.
He says, ‘From the looks of these books,
you seem to be always thinking
of your spiritual master. Now
go bring me some lunch.’”
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Bhagavata Purana
I am empty of devotion just
now, having come from my
shower and tilaka sitting
at the desk, waiting for a
Devotional service is the beginning
middle and end of Srimad-Bhagavatam,
said the Lord in Caitanya Bhagavata.
Hearing this, Baladeva suggested we
make the Bhagavatam our next reading
and use the 1960s
edition printed in India,
start from the very beginning.
That’s fine with me, I said.
I remember I bought those
three volumes from the
Swami in the summer of 1966.
I was wearing my striped
sport jacket, white shirt
and tie, just stopped during
my lunch hour. When
he said, “Sit down,” I
had to refuse and get back
to the welfare office.
But he knew I would be
back. The Bhagavatam would hook me.
I’d be back.
The Bhagavatam has that
power. It’s bhakti like
no other scripture. In
the beginning, middle and
end, devotional service
is the only subject.
If someone teaches the Srimad-
Bhagavatam and doesn’t teach
bhakti to Krishna, he’s worse
than a fool. And not just
the Tenth Canto. He’s there
behind all the prayers
and incarnations, krishnas tu
bhagavan svayam—that’s
Krishna son of Nanda
and Yasoda as
Bhagavan Himself
the cause of all causes.
Sometimes He appears as the captain
of the aircraft carrier U.S.S. George Bush,
sometimes He appears as Siva,
Matsya, Vyasa or Sukadeva,
but in His original form He is
full and most
famous and
Prabhupada composed ten cantos
using gallons of blood,
rising at 1:00 A.M. after three or four hours
of sleep. He dictated in quiet
rooms all over the world,
Roman transliteration, English
translation, and
after consulting the
acaryas, the Bhaktivedanta purports.
His disciples finished the Eleventh
and Twelfth Cantos, not the same
as Prabhupada but adequate,
scholarly and parampara.
We have the whole Bhagavatam by
the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust,
Prabhupada’s work,
Vyasa’s spotless Purana,
people can be purified
by reading this Purana
which has arisen like the sun.
I’m glad we’re starting it again.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Random Mercy
I turned at random to Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 3, chapter 31, text 35:
“The infatuation and bondage which accrue to a man from attachment to any other object is not as complete as that resulting from attachment to a woman or to the fellowship of men who are fond of women.”Statements about women in Prabhupada’s books are very touchy. He does not say women are inferior. He especially says devotee women are as good as their brothers. But association of men and women for illicit sex is forbidden and very dangerous. There are many reasons for our conditioned life in the material world, but the topmost of all such causes is sex attachment. Even if one is not himself or herself attached to sex enjoyment, if he associates with a person who is, he gets contaminated. Anyone interested in being free from this condition of life must detach himself or herself from sex enjoyment.Lord Krishna appeared in Kamsa’s prison house in His four-armed Visnu form, wearing the Kaustubha gem and the Srivatsa marking on His chest. He was flashing His effulgence in the room, and Vasudeva and Devaki recognized Him as the Supreme Person. Vasudeva offered prayers of awe and reverence. He raised the doubt how Krishna could appear in the material world but answered it with examples and faithful logic. He said just as Garbhodaksayi Visnu enters the material world and then expands to Ksirodakasayi Visnu into everyone’s heart, so it is not difficult for Him to enter into the womb of Devaki and then expand into everything, including every atom. The Mayavadi philosophy says if Krishna enters into the material world He must come under the influence of matter, but this is not so. As stated in the Brahma-samhita, the impersonal brahmajyoti emanates from His personal form, and when that form enters the material world He maintains His spiritual nature. Vasudeva’s prayers are quite formal, and although they are full of respect and reverence, they do not project fatherly affection to the degree that Nanda Maharaja feels for his child. Vasudeva ends his prayers with statements that Krishna has come to kill the demons, yet he feels fear that when Kamsa finds out, he will come with weapons. Devaki begins her prayers with unavoidable fear that Kamsa will come at once and attempt to kill Krishna.I am grabbing my ample sikha in my left hand and pulling it down the back of my neck. It is thick and unruly, and I cannot tie it into a knot. I think maybe I should trim it, but I prefer it thick and wild. Lord Caitanya was chanting and dancing wildly in a town which was located near a Mohammedan king. His name was Hussein Shah, and he was infamous for breaking many temple Deities and desecrating the Vaisnava temples and harassing the Vaisnavas. When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came near the King’s house, hundreds and millions of people gathered there to chant with Him. The Lord was entirely in an inner consciousness, with no awareness of the outer world. The Muslim king asked his minister about Lord Caitanya. The minister minimized the Lord and said that He was just a poor mendicant who wandered from place to place. The king said, “Do not call Him poor. Look at the influence He has. He is the Supreme Person. Let Him freely preach His religion.” But the Lord’s associates were worried that the Muslim king might change his mind and cause trouble for Lord Caitanya. Lord Caitanya assured them that He was the Supreme Lord and that the Muslim king could not harm Him. Nevertheless, He left that place and traveled south to Jagannatha Puri.Lord Caitanya didn’t speak with His associates; He just shouted “Hari Bol!” and chanted the holy names of God. He went to the house of Advaitacarya and met Advaitacarya’s wonderful five-year-old son Acyutananda. A sannyasi came to the house of Advaitacarya and asked Him what was the relationship between Kesava Bharati and Lord Caitanya. Advaitacarya gave the external explanation and said Kesava Bharati was Lord Caitanya’s spiritual master. Little Acyutananda ran into the room angry and said, “Lord Caitanya is God, no one is His spiritual master. Whoever says so is speaking under the illusory energy. Everyone was amazed at the wisdom of the five-year-old child. But how messy he was! Advaitacarya had to clean up after him. (That last sentence I wrote is just whimsical. But it’s true, Acyutananda was naked and coverd with dust.) The devotees praise Acyutananda’s great fortune. Whoever has faith in Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda is very blessed.
Japa Group: Do You Realize This Fact?
Satsvarupa dasa asked Srila Prabhupada, “Now, when you are here, we can ask you our questions. But later, after you are gone, how will we get answers?” And Srila Prabhupada replied, “The holy name of Krishna is not different from Krishna. Do you realize this fact?”
Giriraj Swami
David Haslam, UK: Bhakta Caru Swami, Srila Prabhupada’s last days
It was a very intimate class despite the large number of devotee’s present by HH Bhakta Caru Swami who spoke about the last days of Srila Prabhupada’s time here in the material world. I’ve tried to clean up the recording taken on my iPhone to aid hearing as it was some distance away, I’ve also [...]
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1967 November 12: "Follow my example as I did in the beginning. That is preaching - cooking, writing, talking, chanting - everything a one man show. Be advised that thousands of centers may be started if we find out one sincere soul for each & every center."Prabhupada Letters :: 1967
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1968 November 12: "We have no qualification of our own; it is simply by the merciful glance of this Most Munificent Appearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, that we have been given the chance to serve Radha and Krishna."Prabhupada Letters :: 1968
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1968 November 12: "If someone is fortunate enough to find out a bona fide Spiritual Master, his life is successful. And to be fortunate, there must be sincerity, then Krishna will lead him to a bona fide Spiritual Master."Prabhupada Letters :: 1968
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1971 November 12: "One must accept a bona fide spiritual master in order to achieve the ultimate goal of life, love of God. I promise that I will take you back to home, back to Godhead. Now try to preach this Krishna Consciousness Movement all over the world."Prabhupada Letters :: 1971
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1973 November 12: "Now introduce Ratha Yatra. That was my childhood activity. I want to see my disciples all over the world introduce two items, opening Radha-Krishna temples and Ratha-yatra festivals. Do this under the protection of Guru-Gauranga."Prabhupada Letters :: 1973
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1975 November 12: "The jiva-atma is the superior particle and these other particles are all inferior. So this is their business, to discover the inferior particles and neither have they discovered the superior particle which is one ten-thousandth the tip of a hair. Simply they are wasting their time."Prabhupada Letters :: 1975
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1975 November 12: "They had a big, big meeting with big, big professors but was there any conclusion? No. So therefore these kinds of meetings are all useless. Unless there is some conclusion, it is simply a waste of time."Prabhupada Letters :: 1975
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1975 November 12: "This preaching and managing of the sankirtana parties is our real business. I have personally trained you in so many things, so now it is your responsibility to train others. Otherwise what is the meaning of my training you?"Prabhupada Letters :: 1975
Akrura das, Gita Coaching: LIST OF REASONS
Make a complete list of ALL reasons why something you want to do cannot be done or you cannot do it.
Then for each reason ask yourself this question: Am I convinced that this thing (or person) can stop me?
If the answer is yes, write down an explanation why. Then ask yourself again: Am I convinced?
If the answer is no, write down an explanation why, and a plan of action.
Then take action!
Subhvavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Thoughts on this blog and my trip to the Hospital.
So by now you may have figured out I have a bit more time on my hands then I used to. Well, I have finally pretty much fully retired and want to spend as much time as possible absorbed in this gift of Krishna Conciousness so gracefully given to us by Srila Prabhupada.
I started writing a few weeks ago and this is more like a personal journal. I am taxing my son Indresh to edit my rough notes and in some case dictating it to him but I am finding this therapeutic, so bear with me. Also, the fact that I just had surgery means that I can only chant, read, think and write. All my service to Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar has been spread around for the next couple of weeks.
So the topic of today's personal journal entry is my hospital visit on Monday for surgery. I had met the main doctor and surgeon a few weeks before who happened to be of Indian origin and gave him a Bhagavad Gita.
They were very confident and I was perfectly okay with it all, since Krishna is the controller, so what is the use of being worried. The only thing I did not like is that they made me take my Tulsi beads off, no exceptions. Just before going in, I asked the doctor to take Krishna's name before starting the surgery and he readily agreed saying he will take Krishna and Rama's name. As they poked me for the IV in prep to go "under", the last thing I remember is I was chanting and heard the nurse asking "what is he saying" and the doctor saying "he is taking God's name."
I guess it took longer than my kids expected and at some point they posted and called the temple and asked for some prayers to Lord Damodar, Sri Sri Radha Gopinatha and Srila Prabhupada. I believe this was done by my Godsister, Mother Subudhi and a young devotee we all call little Keshav and I thank them for this. There was nothing to panic about but it never hurts to get this insignificant servant's name heard by Krishna. It is good that instinct makes you reach out to Guru and Gauranga and the Guru's family (ISKCON devotees.)
So I am out of commission for a few weeks and my reward is that I have nothing but time for reading and rounds. Indresh said when he was praying he kept thinking of Lord Jaganatha so I have asked him to attach a picture of the Smiling Lord of the Universe.
Jaya Prabhupada!
Jaya Radha Shyam!
Sincere thank you for the prayers and thoughts.
Your servant,
Subhavilasa das
ISKCON News.com: Farewell To Purnacandra Goswami
In the hall of goodbyes of the crematorium they started a kirtan that has never been heard in that place before. Srimati Gauri amazed with her singing the workers of the crematorium whose hearts have hardened with the everyday sight of death.
ISKCON News.com: Udder Madness! Pampered Cattle Produce Britain's Most Expensive Pint Of Milk... At A Staggering £1.70
Milked only by hand to the sound of sacred mantras, these garland-wearing cows could be the most pampered in the UK. But they are producing the most expensive milk in the land, costing £1.70 per pint - nearly four times more than usual.
H.H. Bhakti Caitanya Swami: Pictures from Govardhana puja in Durban
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Sacinandana Swami requested that I prepare something on organizing kirtana for a compilation he is preparing to print
These are a few of my thoughts.
ISKCON News.com: Grand Opening Of The Five Star Hilton For Krishna Cows
Hailed as a blue-print for the future of farming, The Independent and the Daily Telegraph described the New Gokul project as being the “Hilton of farms”. The care received by the 44 cows and bulls is unparalleled. Relaxing music is played to the cows as they are hand-milked, and they are allowed to live their full natural life-span.
Dandavats.com: An intimation regarding 15th Jagannath Rathyatra @ Ludhiana
Rajsuyadas Adhikari: This is to kindly inform you all that by the mercy of Lord Jagannath, Baladev and Subhadra and special blessings of Srila Prabhupada, His Holiness Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj (GBC) & H. G. Mahamandas Adhikari Prabhu (ACBSP) [Co-Zonal Secretariat], we feel great pleasure to announce the date of the historic & universally renowned 15th annual Lord Jagannath Ratha Yatra (Festival of Chariot) in Ludhiana
Dandavats.com: The Passing of His Grace Srikanta Prabhu
Your servants, NY ISKCON: We regret to inform you that His Grace Srikanta Das passed away into the arms of Lord Krishna, on November 10, 2010 @ approximately 7:20pm at Brooklyn Methodist Hospital.
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Pics taken on 5th of November in Prabhupad Headquarters at Radha Rasbihari Temple in Juhu, Mumbai.
Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: Industrial Ag & Globalization Are Destroying Rural Communities Worldwide
Click here to read the full lecture from the Organic Consumers Association
By Vandana Shiva
Recently, I was visiting Bhatinda in Punjab because of an epidemic ofAnd Punjab is not alone in experiencing this ecological and social disaster.
farmers suicides. Punjab used to be the most prosperous agricultural region
in India. Today every farmer is in debt and despair. Vast stretches of land
have become water-logged desert. And as an old farmer pointed out, even the
trees have stopped bearing fruit because heavy use of pesticides have killed
the pollinators - the bees and butterflies.
Last year I was in Warangal, Andhra Pradesh where farmers have also been
committing suicide. Farmers who traditionally grew pulses and millets and
paddy have been lured by seed companies to buy hybrid cotton seeds referred
to by the seed merchants as "white gold", which were supposed to make them
millionaires. Instead they became paupers.
Their native seeds have been displaced with new hybrids which cannot be
saved and need to be purchased every year at high cost. Hybrids are also
very vulnerable to pest attacks. Spending on pesticides in Warangal has shot
up 2000 per cent from $2.5 million in the 1980s to $50 million in 1997. Now
farmers are consuming the same pesticides as a way of killing themselves so
that they can escape permanently from unpayable debt.
The corporations are now trying to introduce genetically engineered seed
which will further increase costs and ecological risks. That is why farmers
like Malla Reddy of the Andhra Pradesh Farmers' Union had uprooted
Monsanto's genetically engineered Bollgard cotton in Warangal.
On March 27th, 25 year old Betavati Ratan took his life because he could not
pay pack debts for drilling a deep tube well on his two-acre farm. The wells
are now dry, as are the wells in Gujarat and Rajasthan where more than 50
million people face a water famine.
The drought is not a "natural disaster". It is "man-made". It is the result
of mining of scarce ground water in arid regions to grow thirsty cash crops
for exports instead of water prudent food crops for local needs.
It is experiences such as these which tell me that we are so wrong to be
smug about the new global economy. I will argue in this lecture that it is
time to stop and think about the impact of globalisation on the lives of
ordinary people. This is vital to achieve sustainability.
Seattle and the World Trade Organisation protests last year have forced
everyone to think again. Throughout this lecture series people have referred
to different aspects of sustainable development taking globalisation for
granted. For me it is now time radically to re-evaluate what we are doing.
For what we are doing in the name of globalisation to the poor is brutal and
unforgivable. This is specially evident in India as we witness the unfolding
disasters of globalisation, especially in food and agriculture.
Who feeds the world? My answer is very different to that given by most
Gouranga TV: Vrindavan kirtan!
Vrindavan kirtan!
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