Here are the latest updates for - A Tribute to Tribhuvannatha Prabhu and the HKF Uk South West Festivals 2010
- Mayapur Realizations
- Misconception about Jayananda Prabhu, he also distributed Srila Prabhupadas books
- India's Biggest Cow Protection Campaign - "SAVE OUR MOTHER COW"
- Vraj Parikrama 2010
- security alert - Please Read
- Room for rent in San Diego 10 min from the temple
- Doyal Gauranga dasa & Gadadhar Pandit dasa, NYC: Vegetarian Chili
- Doyal Gauranga dasa & Gadadhar Pandit dasa, NYC: The Middle Path
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 3.5.12 Assimilating The Meaning Of The Scriptures
- New Vrndavan, USA: Burning Of Ravana and Special Program
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Adi Purusa Prabhu
- Australian News: Rain Hail or Shine Brisbane Grassroots Harinama Revolution Rock on and on
- Bhakta Chuck, CT, USA: Friday Night Oxen #26
- ISKCON Alachua's Bhakti Bhavan for Women Offers Bhakti-Sastri Course
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Thursday, October 14th, 2010
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 3.5.10 Get Out Of The Bathroom
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Tuesday, October 12th, 2010
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: More Pics from Agawa Canyon, Sault Ste. Marie
- Australian News: Australian Kuli "Dovetails" his Rapping Talents
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Monday, October 11th, 2010
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Sunday, October 10th, 2010
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Pictures from recent trip to Sault Ste. Marie
- ISKCON Australian Kuli "Dovetails" his Rapping Talents
- Japa Group: You Chant Also Along With Me
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 3.5.5 Krsna Is The Superspy
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 3.4.35 Developing An Attitude For Serving & Remembering Krsna
- ISKCON Orillia Beatles Festival – A Unique Sankirtan Experience
- Australian News: ISKCON Bali Installs Prabhupada Murti During 24-Hour Kirtan
- ISKCON Camden Council Accused of Targeting Hare Krishna Charity
- Australian News: Warts and All
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 3.4.34 Not Vindictively But Scientific
- ISKCON ISKCON Bali Installs Prabhupada Murti During 24-Hour Kirtan
- ISKCON Vrindavana Awaits!
- Kurma dasa, AU: Kurma in Queensland
- David Haslam, UK: Health Care Professional or Devotee or Both?
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 102
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: One Hundred Prabhupada Poems
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Prabhupada
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Pyrrhic Victory
- ISKCON ISKCON Houston Still Positive in the Face of Tough Challenges
- ISKCON ISKCON Leadership Course Completes Its Trial Run
- ISKCON Warts and All
- ISKCON Mayapur Realizations
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 9.11.27-36 & Ch 12 Summary – Nothing New – Video
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- ISKCON India Is Home to 42% of the World's Underweight Children
- ISKCON Man Arrested for Assaulting Hare Krishna after UF Game
- ISKCON Breast Cancer Month Overshadowed by 'Pinkwashing'
- ISKCON Here Comes the Sun: White House to Go Solar
- ISKCON In Arabian Desert, a Sustainable City Rises
- Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: Heard Across The Hallway
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Skype conference questions and answers on chanting Hare Krsna
- Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: The Wheels Of Progress Roll Along At Hare Krsna Valley
- Hari Sauri das, Mayapura, IN: Omananda 4
- Maddy Jean-claude Durr, New Govardhana, AU: Trying With Time
- Gouranga TV: 2010 Janmastami Newgoloka
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- Japa Group: If Krishna Entered This Storefront
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By Bhakta Shailend
In Sanskrit it is said 'Utsav priya khalu manava', which means, all people love festivals because the celebrations enable them to forget their miseries and enmity and build new bridges of love and friendship
By Yasoda Saci Devi Dasi
In the beginning of my devotional career, I did not have much devotee sanga, but for over nine years I read Prabhupada's books on my own -- first as a student and then while working
Payonidhi das: I recall having read Jayananda Prabhu giving Srila Prabhupadas money for printing,or it could have been from the many remembrances I have heard by various Prabhupada disciples
Kalpavriksha Foundation: Inviting all ISKCON Devotees to actively participate in this campaign to save our Mother Cow. This campaign is not only an awareness campaign, but it will also provide a facilitation platform to all cow lovers for the protection of cows from different perspective
Lakshman (das) Vrindavan (IN): With the blessing of Radha Shyamsundar, ISKCON's 24th Vraja Parikrama 2010 will be held this year from Oct 23 till Nov 21. The Parikrama will start on Saturday 23rd October after mangal-arati at 5:00 am. Priyavrata das: Over the last few months the FFL. org site has been hacked and recently the hacks have been happening every day. Even after changing the password and deleting bogus files, within a day, the same files and code is appearing on our site causing bogus promotions of pharmaceuticals Guru Krsna das: Rooms for rent in Beautiful San Diego w/ sunset & bay views,10 minutes away from the temple and beaches and 2 minutes from the Bay(perfect for Japa walk).Male devotees Last Tuesday The Bhakti Club became a part of Latino Heritage Month with a joint-club event. Rice pudding and vegetarian chili made it on the menu along with some mild Spanish rice.....Mmmmm. Feel free to give the chili a try for yourself.
Vegetarian Chili Prep/cook time approx. 40 min. serves 6-8 persons
2 tbsp olive oil 2 hot green chilies, minced ź tsp asafoetida powder ˝ cup diced green peppers ˝ cup diced celery ˝ cup cooked corn pieces 3 cups tomatoes, chopped ž cup tomato paste 3 cups cooked kidney beans 1 cup frozen tofu (frozen, thawed & crumbled) 1 tsp ground cumin 1 ˝ tsp salt ź tsp ground black pepper 1 tsp cayenne pepper 1 tbsp brown sugar 2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1) Heat the oil in a heavy saucepan over moderate heat. 2) When the oil is hot, add the minced green chili and sauté for 1 minute. 3) Add the asafoetida powder and sauté momentarily. Add the diced pepper and celery. 4) Saute, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes or until the vegetables are soft. 5) Add the cooked corn and the chopped tomato and cook, stirring occasionally, for another 10 minutes. 6) Add all the remaining ingredients and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. 7) If the chili is too thick, add some reserved bean liquid. Serve hot. This week we really began to see that the wisdom of the Gita can have a real practical effect on our everyday consciousness. Consider this: everyday we have some kind of success, and some kind of failure. That's not news to any of us, but we considered something perhaps new and fresh; a different kind of reaction to the waves and oscillations of our daily experiences. The Gita teaches us to abandon all attachment to success and failure, and to remain equipoised. We discusses how this seemingly complex instruction from Krishna is something we can perhaps easily grasp. We don't want to dive into our failures of course, but we also don't want to dive too far into our successes. There is no doubt success and failure will come, and there's no doubt we'll have some definite feelings to these experiences, but the wisdom of the Gita helps us to find a deeper perspective on it all. To begin to live as a spiritual person, we have to learn to see the deeper side of things, and keeping an equal mentality, knowing that our successes and failures aren't permanent, is a wonderful initial way to begin to see yourself as something more than just a temporary body and mind.
Ultimately, dwelling too much on success and failure creates a selfish mentality, which prevents us from finding the selfless mentality that leads to a real spiritual sense of who we are. Actually, by working towards the spiritual platform, we find real success, and transcend mundane failure, by beginning to work on the deeper, eternal platform. SB 03.05.12_Assimilating The Meaning Of The Scriptures_2002-04-20 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 3.5.12 Assimilating The Meaning Of The Scriptures 2002-04-20 Radhadesh Saturday 16th OCT: Kirtan at 7:00 PM and 7:30 pm – A discussion on Lord Ramachandra Killing the bad element in Ravana 8:30 PM – Burning of Ravana on the bank of our Swan Lake
Sunday 17th OCT: 12:30 PM Pushpanjali for HIS HOLINESS BHAKTISVARUPA DAMODAR SWAMI, who was Srila Prabhupada's first scientist disciple. Srila Prabhupada Asked his disciple Svarup Damodar to start Bhaktivedanta Institute and begin preaching to the scientists, Philosophers and all other scholars. Also Srila Prabhupada asked BBT to pay $10,000 every month for his Bhaktivedanta Institute preaching mission. He departed to the spiritual world on the auspicious day evening of Rama Vijyotsav of 2006. That day was also Srila Madhava Acharya's appearance day. His Holiness Bhaktisvarupa Damodar Swami Srila Sripada ki Jai!!! Also, honoring Premabhakti's mother who passed away on 12 noon, 4th October, Indira Ekadasi day. Her Name was Meru Devi. In Srimad Bhagavatam Lord Rsabha dev's wife's name was Meru Devi too. She had been chanting the Holly name for last 20 years and Lord Krishna reciprocated her by taking her on the auspicious INDIRA EKADASI day. She left the world right after her lunch. After lunch she washed her hands and fell back to the hand of her daughter in Law who was assisting her from behind in washing her hand. Honoring our dear Spiritual Master and my saintly mother, we decided to give a nice Lunch Prasadam on Sunday afternoon to all our community member devotees. We request all community devotees to take part in the pushpanjali, organized for our Divine Holiness Srila Bhaktisvarupa Damodar Swami and bless the occasion by honoring the prasadam. Thank you Yours in the service of the Lord Premabhakti das Srimad Bhagavatam 11.25.25 - Three divisions according to the modes of nature. And the fourth, or transcendental, division is Krishna consciousness.  There is no stopping the devotees in Brisbane. Week after week they are in full distribution mode handing out the names of Krishna to everyone with in earshot. Here again is another trend setting video showing the devotees there strutting their sankirtan stuff. The revolution has arrived and Brisbane devotees are riding the waves on the long board of the Yuga Dharma. The city comes alive and the passers by jump and jive. The beat goes on. Brisbane Yatra KI JAY. Crank up the video below and melt the maya around your spirit soul.  Share this story your way:         
Hello Everyone, please visit the FNO blog The Ox Yoke Each week on Friday Night Oxen we see the teams-of-two bound together by the rustic, wooden fixture know as the yoke. The yoke has fascinated me on many levels for a long time. For me, the yoke is the very symbol of Oxen. Functionally, it tethers the two individuals together, harnessing their energy, so that they become one. It provides safety and security for the team and without it, there is little discipline and no productive task accomplished. Once shouldered, the team takes on a different mood, the symbolic quality of the yoke and the animals themselves become non-different, the one dutifully fulfilling the destiny of the other. The yoke in the first picture is an example of those in common usage in North America since the early settlement days. Contemporary yokes in this style are often beautifully crafted (more on resources for these to follow soon). Antique yokes can still be found, are quite functional and very satisfying to use. The next two are just amazing to me because of their sheer breadth and simplicity of design. In future posts, I hope to explore these designs in more detail to see if we can better understand the purposes and uses for these different types.    Best Wishes, in service to the Oxen, Chuck Chant Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare
By Vinode Vani Dasi on 15 Oct 2010
| Bhakti Bhavan for Women, Located at New Raman Reti in Alachua Florida, is now offering a Bhakti Sastri Course.
| Full and Rich
Toronto, Ontario
It was a hard, but full and rich day. Many things got done at the temple/ashram. At the tail end of the day I spent time with a reporter from the Toronto Star. He took photos of the placed and asked questions of me and Keshav, an outstanding member of the next generation. When all was done I realized I put no time into trekking for the day. The earlier rain of the day was a deterrent as it sometimes is. Not always.
Now at 9:30 PM the stars in the sky were visible and so I decided to take, as I should religiously, to power walking. Yonge Street sidewalks were clean from the morning moisture and I was set to rain-with-the-Name my heart as I stepped.
A rickshaw runner pulled up beside me to stop for the red light. "I have ridden on plenty of those cycle rickshaws in India," I remarked. He wasn't too much of a conversationalist. He was more keen on customers it seemed.
Further on southbound towards Dundas Square I found myself pacing behind a threesome, a man and two younger women. One of the women turned around, stopped and looked with interest from my head to toe.
"I'm a monk!" I volunteered to say.
"What kind of a monk?" she asked amicably.
"A Hare Krishna monk."
"A Christian monk?" she queried.
Then I went on to explain. That was done. Then I took a 180 degree turn for the northern direction. A homeless person, an Ojibway man was my guess, wanted a handshake. I complied with a pranams (palms together gesture). He addressed me as a monk, but he was drunk. I knew he wanted my coins, of which I had none. I moved on when a young black dude was not abreast with me, also walking. We both had a chuckle knowing what he really wanted.
Because it was Thursday night the mood of people was generally upbeat. Shops are open later than normal. Consumers were having that feel good feeling about spending. I came back to the ashram and then the office to read the latest issue, Nov/Dec of "Back to Godhead" magazine. I especially loved the article, "Becoming Wealthy on $2 a Day" by Dhanesvara. The thrust of the article was about simple living and high thinking (check
It was 11:30 PM and tie to retire. It was a hard, but full and rich day.
7KM SB 03.05.10_Get Out Of The Bathroom_2002-04-18 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 3.5.10 Get Out Of The Bathroom 2002-04-18 Radhadesh Trying to Cure
Markham, Ontario
I pulled off the sock of my right foot when out came,
"Sock fuzz!" said the dermatologist.
Some clumps of sock material fell to the floor. With foot exposed I explained my dilemma, "I acquired my first plantor's wart in '96. A doctor froze it. We thought it might die but it came back. And as of the last three years more warts have been sprouting up," I told him of my predicament.
Dr. Gupta, a young specialist, had greeted me with a "Hare Krishna" with palms held together. He spoke perfect English and verified it by saying he was raised here. He observed about 10 nasty guys. I told him about the different techniques I used to combat them but they weren't going away. Hence, I decided to see a specialist with the skin issues.
"There are two methods I can apply right now – a gel or this liquid nitrogen," he said and warned that the latter could mean that it may be hard to walk for the day.
I took a serious eye to him saying I wanted the warrior method. So he consented. Nitrogen it was. It hurt. I had to brace with both hands that aggravated right foot. I gripped my teeth and took the tough stance which is supposed to go with the monk territory. I actually felt good being given the attention. These feet deserved it. They have done some hard walking. Flashbacks came of the romanticized free life on the road.
And as I did walk part way to the clinic before meeting Dr. Gupta – a good 8 km stretch I became reminded of the theme song from a TV show aired when I was a kid. It was about a roaming German Sheppard and the heroic adventures he experienced. The words for the show "The Littlest Hobo" went like this:
There's a voice that keeps on calling me Down the road, that's where I'll always be. Every stop I make, I make a new friend, Can't stay for long, just turn around and I'm gone again
Maybe tomorrow, I'll want to settle down,
Until tomorrow, I'll just keep moving on.
Down this road that never seems to end, Where new adventure lies just around the bend
So if you want to join me for a while, Just grab your hat, come travel light, that's hobo style.
Maybe tomorrow I'll want to settle down
Until tomorrow, the whole world is my home.
There's a world that's waiting to unfold, A brand new tale no-one has ever told. We've journeyed far and now it wont be long; We're almost there, and we've paid our fare with our hobo song.
So if you want to join me for a while, Just grab your hat, come travel light, that's hobo style.
Maybe tomorrow, I'll want to settle down,
Until tomorrow, I'll just keep moving on.
Maybe tomorrow, I'll find what I call home.
By Antony Brennan for ISKCON News: Dhruvananda Dasa is an Australian Gurukuli who has found his voice as a musician rapping out the rhythm of Krishna consciousness, inspired by Srila Prabhupada's instruction to dove-tail everything with the will of the supreme. Dhruvananda was born in a devotee family and had the "most awesome fun" being raised amongst the devotees at the New Govardhana farm in New South Wales, Australia. "The artist name I have chosen is "Dovetales," says Dhruvananda. "It is something that will hopefully sit well with the masses. I am hoping that there are others who want to join presenting Krishna consciousness in new and innovative ways." Currently, Dovetales is a solo act, with Dhruvananda both writing the lyrics and creating the beats. "I am trying to express that Krishna is with me in the heart, He is the ultimate doer," he says. "All I'm doing is trying to put Prabhupada's books, Lord Gauranga's message, mixed with my little tiny realisations and life story into rhymes to reach the younger generations and anyone else who will listen." He continues: "All our abilities are given by Krishna so it's only proper to use them for His pleasure right? It's also more fun and meaningful. So Dovetales is a play on words—Prabhupada was good at that." As a teenager Dhruvananda spent time living away from the devotee community. "I saw a lot of things and realized people are really suffering. I tried to do revolutionary music out there, but I was drowning also," he says. "Fortunately my Lord Krishna was always with me watching over me, just waiting for me to wake up and return. So one day I did. I've being doing book distribution and harinam for the last four years in Melbourne, Sydney and now Brisbane. Now I have an urge to speak, but also I have Prabhupada's boat of transcendental knowledge." Dhruvananda says he is inspired to present the teachings in rhyme and put them to a beat. "If others are inspired by it also then that inspires me even more," he explains. "It just seems like the natural thing to do. Once my spiritual master, Devamrita Swami, told me to make music for Krishna. So I'm just doing that." As for musical inspiration, Dhruvananda points to Srila Prabhuapada and all the devotees. "My hip-hop influences are mostly conditioned souls who have forgotten Krishna and therefore have wasted their talent," he says. "But I've recently discovered another devotee rapper, 'Atma.' He is a truly empowered artist." The mission statement for Dovetales is to inspire and engage the younger generations of this planet in the excitement of Krishna consciousness; to present the teaching of Krishna with modern music and therefore targeting a large audience with tasty spiritual medicine; and to purify our conditioning by engaging everything in Krishna's service and praying for His mercy to accept us back at His lotus feet. Check out the You Tube clips for Dovetales: Click here to read more at ISKCON News Share this story your way:         
Getting Found
Brampton, Ontario
What a clever idea!
It's common practice, tradition, habit, whatever to acknowledge the special days on the Vedic calendar which are holy and happy. Someone came up with the concept to honour Thanksgiving Day in a temple setting. Like the first feast of good cheer that historically took place somewhere near Plymouth; a congenial eating event of thanks between the ostracized pilgrims of Britain and the homegrown natives (Wampanoag) of Virginia, a beautiful meal was prepared at the Iskcon Brampton Centre.
Over the microphone, by name, participants of the last year were recognized. It was appropriately an occasion of gratitude. It was a feel good program – and taste good. Mind you, history tells of a non-veg program that natives and colonists collaborated on. Let us consider tha spirit behind the event. Karmically I would perceive those who indulged as innocent by-standers.
But back to bhakti. Bhakti means gratitude. I was touched by the Brampton experience today as a dinner with the larger family. It was an expression of thanks. In all frankness, Thanksgiving should be an every day occasion.
At 'my' moment (on the mic) I shared my feelings about thanks to our guru, Srila Prabhupada. We honourifically title him as the founder of the Hare Krishna movement (in 1966 we became registered as a society in New York City). I would like to make mention that he is also the founder of us. We were drowning in an ocean of turmoil. We were lost in the forest of excessive life. We were 'found'. We began to discover ourelves, to find out who we really are.
So, thanks to the Founder.
1KM Angles to Help
Niagara Falls, New York State
After a brief walk through Toronto's Roseday I ventured by wheels to the Falls on the U.S. side to assist a family going through some healing. The setting, the Falls itself, was a perfect backdrop for the curing of some fragmented hearts. Problems came about in the first placed through lack of listening and the ability to see things from different perspectives. The water helped me to see a parallel.
I usually see the majestic movement of water from the Canadian angle. From the U.S. side the view is quite different. You can walk a choice of bridges to Goat's Island and relish the rush of water under your feet; what might be level 4 for white water rafters. Surely rafting is forbidden here. Daredevils have come up with their own mode of travel such as going over the Falls in a barrel. But speaking more specifically about the white water, it is a real close-up experience more so than when you cross the Canadian border.
On the return journey on Queen Elizabeth Way back to Toronto the three of us visitors with passports in our pockets took a sudden swing over to a service road where lies this rustic old sail vessel formerly sunk and now surfaced at the east harbour of Lake Ontario. It was fascinating. We took photo shots of the ancient ship from various angles. We just wanted to understand it better. Our speculation was that this boat was either downed by storm or by foe (remember the Americans and the British had multiple battles in this area).
We were also left to wonder its approximate days of sailing glory; likely two centuries old.
What I learned from the visuals of today was to always study from various angles an object, and event, a concept, a person, before laying down conclusions and passing judgments. You have to look at the bow the stern, the crow's nest (and whatever other boat parlance is there), before you really appreciate a boat's beauty.
9 KM

By Antony Brennan on 15 Oct 2010  | Dhruvananda Dasa is an Australian Gurukuli who has found his voice as a musician rapping out the rhythm of Krishna consciousness, inspired by Srila Prabhupada's instruction to dove-tail everything with the will of the supreme.
You are chanting. I am very much pleased. That's all. I came to your country to chant, that 'You chant also along with me.' So you are helping me by chanting. So I am pleased. Srila Prabhupada Lecture; July 16, 1971 SB 03.05.05_Krsna Is The Superspy_2002-04-11 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 3.5.5 Krishna Is The Superspy 2002-04-11 Radhadesh SB 03.04.35_Developing An Attitude For Serving & Remembering Krsna_2002-04-04 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 3.4.35 Developing An Attitude For Serving & Remembering Krsna 2002-04-04 Radhadesh By Radhamohan Dasa on 15 Oct 2010  | Three enthusiastic devotees from the city of Orillia (a small tourist town along a lake about 250 kilometers north of Toronto) contacted the Toronto Sankirtan Team to organize another 'sankirtan' outing at one of Orillia's famous summer festivals.
|  By Antony Brennan for ISKCON News: Sri Sri Jagannath Gauranga Ashram is an ISKCON temple in Denpasar, on the Island of Bali, Indonesia. The temple recently celebrated a 24-Hour Kirtan, which also included a ceremony for the installation of Srila Prabhupada's Murti form. ISKCON gurus Kavicandra Swami and Ramai Swami attended the festival, along with Purnaprjna Dasa and many local devotees as well as others from across Bali. During the course of the event hundreds of Balinese devotees took advantage of the opportunity to join in the kirtan and to officially welcome Srila Prabhupada to Bali. "All the local ISKCON leaders where there," says Kavicandra Swami. "Our local priests, headed by Sukadeva Dasa, carried out the installation ceremony." Talks were given during the festival to motivate the devotees in their spiritual practice. "Ramai Swami, myself and Purnaprajna Prabhu spoke," Kavicandra Swami says. "The topics were about service to Srila Prabhupada, especially by reading his books." "There has previously been a small murti of Srila Prabhupada at the temple but the new life-size version makes a stunning difference," says Kavicandra Swami. "We have to thank Balaram Dasa, of ISKCON Honolulu, for arranging the donation of the beautiful murti of Srila Prabhupada." In describing the event Kavicandra Swami says all the devotees were very blissful throughout. "It was a wonderful event and very well organized," he says. When the murti installation began, the mood turned to ecstasy, as up to 1,000 devotees crowded into the temple, dancing and chanting the names of Krishna in a kirtan lead by Ramai Swami. The 24-Hour Kirtan started at 6pm on Saturday, October 10th. Haricharan Dasa, one of the devotees attending the festival, says, "The Kirtaniyas played all through the night. There was a roster, a list of who would sing and who would play." "The devotees are very happy about having Prabhupada present in his murti," Haricharan continues. "It was actually a suggestion from our GBC Kavicandra Swami to hold Srila Prabhupada's installation during the 24-Hour kirtan. There were many flowers, many devotees, and much, much chanting of the Holy Names." "Sri Sri Jagannath Gauranga Ashram is a combination of Balinese and modern styles," Kavicandra Swami says. "It is very beautiful." Situated about twenty-five minutes from Bali's international airport, the temple was opened in June, 2009. Click here to read more at ISKCON News Share this story your way:         
 | Parking wardens have been accused of waging a campaign against homeless people after claims that a van that gives food handouts was ticketed for the fifth time in two months.
| By Antony Brennan for ISKCON News: Amongst the things the animal flesh industry would prefer you didn't know about are viral infections contracted by workers in the meat industry. Fresh meat is so laden with viruses that there is a well-defined medical condition colloquially known as "butcher's warts," affecting the hands of those who handle the flesh of dead cows, poultry and fish. Not only do the people who handle the flesh of dead creatures contract a virus that causes warts, but so also do those who work with them, and their families. According to a paper called Treatment of Warts by Steven and Joshua Pray, although warts can affect anyone, people who work with raw meat are at "particularly high risk of butcher's warts." The International Journal of Epidemiology published an article called: The Aetiology and Risk Factors for Warts among Poultry Processing Workers. Researchers conducted an investigation at a poultry processing plant in New Zealand to study the prevalence of warts among workers and the risk of developing warts. The study found that "Almost half had developed wart-like lesions on their arms or hands after they began working at the plant." People working in areas where they often handled dead, raw, unfrozen chickens were three times more likely to have developed warts. Another report published by the Journal of Clinical Microbiology reveals that even the wives of butchers seem to be "at higher risk of cervical cancer," which is associated with exposure to the wart virus. The report also says "concerns about viral infection have led to recommendations that pregnant women and people with AIDS not work on the slaughter lines." The report "Mortality in the Baltimore Union Poultry Cohort: Non-Malignant Diseases," paints a darker picture by concluding that "Poultry workers may have excess occurrence of disease affecting several organs and systems, probably originating from widespread infection with a variety of micro-organisms." The report also concludes, "Poultry workers as a group had an overall excess of deaths" from a variety of diseases. An update to the union poultry cohort report says, "Compared to the US general population, an excess of cancers of the buccal and nasal cavities and pharynx, esophagus, recto-sigmoid/rectum/anus, liver and intrabiliary system, myelofibrosis, lymphoid leukemia and multiple myeloma was observed in particular subgroups or in the entire poultry cohort." There is already a great deal of clinical evidence that eating the flesh of dead creatures causes disease amongst humans. Now we know that even touching the flesh of dead creatures may not only cause warts, but increased mortality. The weight of evidence for vegetarianism continues to grow. In his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 4, chapter 25, verse 8, Srila Prabhupada tells us "When animals are killed in a slaughterhouse, six people connected with the killing are responsible for the murder. The person who gives permission for the killing, the person who kills, the person who helps, the person who purchases the meat, the person who cooks the flesh and the person who eats it, all become entangled in the killing." Scientists and researchers are continuing to provide the evidence to support the karmic consequences of the desire to kill and eat other creatures. Tell your friends. Click here to read more at ISKCON News Share this story your way:         
SB 03.04.34_Not Vindictively But Scientific_2002-04-01 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 3.4.34 Not Vindictively But Scientific 2002-04-01 Radhadesh By Antony Brennan on 15 Oct 2010  | ISKCON gurus Kavicandra Swami and Ramai Swami attended the festival, along with Purnaprjna Dasa and many local devotees as well as others from across Bali.
| By Gaura Hari Dasa on 15 Oct 2010  | As the sacred month of Kartika fast approaches, devotees around the world make their travel arrangements for the long journey to Vrindavana. The sacred land of Radha and Krishna's eternal pastimes is the holiest of pilgrimage places for Gaudia Vaishnavas.
| By Her Grace Citrangada Dasi I observed that since the first celebrations of Srila Prabhupada's Memorial Festival, the Ujjain Temple Management team has become well organized in preparing for these huge festivals under the expert guidance of Guru Maharaja and the able leadership of our Temple President, HG. Ganganarayan prabhu. In every department I noticed [...] This is a reminder that I'm returning to sunny Queensland to teach a cookery class in a couple of weeks, and that it's not too late to secure a seat at my evening demonstration and generous tastings.
Kurma classes in Queensland are rare these days, so don't miss out. Here are the details: Black Pearl Epicure, Fortitude Valley, Queensland, Evening Cookery Demonstration, Saturday October 30, enquiries and bookings 07 3257 2144.
"Vegetarian World Food" Kurma's vegetarian cuisine continues to attract food-lovers from all cultures with its exotic flavours, delicate spices, superb nutrition and positively addictive taste. This international selection features: Pan-seared Chili- and Tamari-glazed Fresh Panir Cheese Steaks served with BBQ Asparagus, Balsamic-infused Macadamia and Semi-dried Tomato Pesto on a bed of Sweet Potato Mash with Rocket Salad, Soft, Cashew-studded Steamed Semolina Breads (Rawa Idli) served with Hot-and-sour Toor Dal (Sambar) & Fresh Coconut Chutney, Moghul-inspired Saffron Spicy Rice served with Saudi Baharat-scented Chickpeas & Mixed Greens (Hoummos bi Sabanik), Creamy Cardamom- and Rose-infused Condensed Yogurt Dessert with Pistachios and Saffron Syrup (Shrikhand).
All details and booking here. How accountable or responsible are we for individuals? Are we responsible only for ourselves or for others? Where does the health care professional end and the devotee begins? This is some of the questions I have been pondering or have been asked recently, and so is there an easy answer to any of them? My [...] 3:37 A.M. From Namamrta by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: "One can chant anywhere and anytime: "Krishna consciousness can be cultivated anywhere and everywhere by chanting the maha-mantra: "It may be questioned herein how the child can be fully Krishna conscious within the womb of the mother without any paraphernalia with which to execute Krishna consciousness. It is not necessary to arrange for paraphernalia to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vishnu…One does not need any material arrangement to cultivate Krishna consciousness. One can cultivate Krishna consciousness anywhere and everywhere, provided he can always think of Krishna. The maha-mantra, Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, can be chanted even within the abdomen of one's mother. One can chant while sleeping, while working, while imprisoned in the womb or while outside. This Krishna consciousness cannot be checked in any circumstance." Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.31.21 "One can chant Hare Krishna anywhere: "We have only to chant Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare twenty-four hours daily. There is no fast rule and regulation. We can chant in the street, on the subway, or in our home or our office." (The Path of Perfection) Once, in the welfare office, I was on the telephone talking to another worker. While he had me hold the line, I began chanting. Then I heard his voice: "What the hell are you doing?" and I had to stop chanting. So sometimes it is not possible to chant in the office or perhaps on the subway. That is, one cannot chant out loud. But I asked Prabhupada if I could chant in the office in my mind to avoid the nonsense that everyone else was talking. He said that not only were they talking nonsense in my office, even the greatest philosophers were talking nonsense, so he approved that I chant within my mind to avoid the prajalpa. If you can chant out loud, that is better. There may be some circumstances, however, where it is not appropriate or allowed. Then one can chant in the mind. But there is no rule or regulation that a certain circumstance forbids chanting. A child can chant when he's in the embryo state in the womb of his mother. And it is mentioned that one can chant in prison. We should always be thinking of Krishna and chanting Hare Krishna. The chanting can't be contaminated or barred. You can chant in the bathroom, and you can chant in between bites while eating. It is good to have this kind of attitude towards chanting, that one should do it as much as possible. Not just during the prescribed time of sixteen rounds. Prabhupada used to say that one should chant sixteen rounds on the beads and innumerable chanting off the beads. To do this one has to have a taste, but it can be developed by practice. The chanting has the potency, and we just have to chant in a humble state of mind. Then we can do it constantly in any situation, even while sleeping or working. For sankirtana it is best to have karatalas and mrdanga, and one even likes to bring in a harmonium and other instruments. But none of this is necessary in chanting japa. You don't even need a voice. And so the chanting of Hare Krishna should go on nonstop by a dedicated chanter who doesn't see any time as a time which he cannot be with Krishna in His holy names. I did not wake this morning until the alarm clock went off, so I got up later than I usually desire and by 3:30 A.M. I've only finished twelve rounds. I concentrated on accumulating the number, and this was more emphatic for me than meditation on the meaning. I want to come up to the standard, numerical strength, as soon as possible. I was awake and moving quickly through the mantras without neglecting to hear them. But I like it better when I get up earlier and don't feel rushed to get them done. One can chant Hare Krishna anywhere, even before one is born, when he is in his mother's womb. Once outside the womb, as a baby, he or she has to learn the presence of mind to chant God's names. Good parents will surround their child with the transcendental sounds. He will soon pick it up and chant on his own. Once initiated, one takes it as a solemn duty to complete a fixed number, at least sixteen. It takes only two hours and beyond that one can go on calling to Krishna. Some of the associates of Lord Caitanya let no other sound pass through their lips, and they kept their mouths shut except for uttering Hare Krishna. All glories to the sankirtana! It cleanses the mirror of the mind and gives us a taste of the nectar for which we are always anxious.  #59 "Every day you have to come to Prabhupada anew, the sound of his voice . . . you have to overcome thoughts that you've heard it all before and the ways you find fault with him. Every day you manage. He comes through to you by the force of his intelligent sayings, by the authority of Sri Krishna. It comes through in his conviction. "He's condemning all the mudhas . . . They don't know the soul in the body. And what else did he say? You find something he said, you read something he wrote, you agree to follow. He orders and you obey. Every day this happens. "He is in his pictures, yet not in them. In his lectures, for sure. Hari Sauri's diary gives us an accurate picture of living with him when he got onto the airplane and in answering the mail. He was annoyed, happy, looked tired, said something private and his servant noted it. And now in this room, his picture over the desk, his joined palms, eyes closed and serene, saffron cotton kurta, tulasi neck beads. That's our uniform too. "Every day every hour, Srila Prabhupada, When I most seem to be alone when writing the writing session, you are with me then. I offer it to you. I'll be a good writer and knock down the nondevotees. I'll do it for you." I wrote yesterday that I was "an insignificant hippie writer," a sinful person, until Prabhupada came and put me on the path of pure devotional service. Then I thought, "I wasn't that bad. I was trying to be good. I was trying to be a creative artist." But it's true, I was pitiful, I had nothing but a dream. I really was saved by the Swami, and I should never forget it or minimize it. I wasn't eating properly, I was impoverished, I took dope. I didn't know if there was God. He had the Vedioc knowledge and a personal kindness in giving it out. He loved the boys and girls who came to him. He had a great mission, but he took the time to cultivate each soul. It's been so long since his disappearance, I forget something of what he was like. It's important to try to remember. The Swami was golden. He spoke of Krishna with great conviction and ecstatic connection. He was deeply committed to the order of his guru maharaja, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati. Srutakirti has so many memories. And Hari Sauri. I should listen to them. And of course I read his books. Jagattarini-ma says she plays his lecture tapes all night even while she sleeps and it helps her significantly. Can I listen too? He's my master. I should work for him. Do all my acts as service to the guru. I've disobeyed him. I'm repentant. I pray he takes me back. Soon it's the anniversary of his disappearance. I'll be expected to say something. What is there to say about Prabhupada? He's the greatest guru. He just wants to see everyone engaged in Krishna's service—in the way he instructed. Read his books and preach. "How can we please you, Prabhupada?" "If you love Krishna." Your love for him will be shown by how you cooperate to maintain the movement. I've written many books about him. Now stay true to his vani. He's the Lord and master. We can rejoin him if we are sincere and desire it with all our hearts. Free write  I turned at random to Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto Five, Chapter 13, Verse 22: "It is not at all wonderful that simply by being covered by the dust of your lotus feet, one immediately attains the platform of pure devotional service to Adhokṣaja, which is not available even to great demigods like Brahma. By associating with you just for a moment, I am now freed from all argument, false prestige and lack of discrimination, which are the roots of entanglement in the material world. Now I am free from all these problems." King Rahugana was an arrogant king thinking himself superior to others, engaging them in his service and not taking the responsibility for true kingship. He was wasting his human form of life and exploiting others. He offended brahmanas, and in particular he offended the great devotee Jada Bharata. But just by associating with the pure devotee, the king's life became all-auspicious. He gave up all the misgivings of material association. He states in this verse that he has given up his false prestige, lack of discrimination and false arguments. Although the king was very puffed-up and cruel, he had the great quality of becoming submissive to a saintly person. He surrendered to Jada Bharata and sincerely inquired from him. Jada Bharata took the time to thoroughly explain self-realization and spiritual life to the king. He gave up his false, materialistic opinions and became repentant. In my own life, prior to meeting Srila Prabhupada, I was thoroughly misled. I maintained material desires and committed sinful activities. I was certainly not on the path of pure devotional service but lived with false ego, entangled in the modes of nature. I was unhappy. When I met Srila Prabhupada, I was quickly able to throw off the shackles of bad habits and take to spiritual life under the direction of a highly qualified spiritual master. Thus I became happy. I was not a great king like Rahugana, I was just a poor, insignificant hippie writer. But the principle of my conversion was the same as the king's. Prabhupada broke my wrong arguments and put me on the path of pure Krishna consciousness. This morning we read about the eccentric maha-bhagavata Kalidasa. He would say only "Hare Krishna," and he would say it even while throwing dice in jest. He would go to the homes of Vaisnavas and beg remnants of their food. He made no distinction as to their caste, as long as they were Vaisnavas. If they wouldn't give him remnants, he would hide outside their house, and when they threw the leaf plates out he would go and take them and lick the remnants off them. He had great faith in the prasadam of Vaisnavas. We are reading now of his meeting with Jadu Thakura, a great Vaisnava of a lower caste who refused to give his foot dust to Kalidasa, who begged for it. Jadu Thakura refused to give the foot dust but walked with Kalidasa some distance from his home and then left him. Kalidasa retraced their steps and pushed his face into the footprints of Jadu Thakura. He then hid outside the Thakura's house and watched him eat the mangoes he had brought him. When the Thakura finished eating, his wife ate the remnants and then threw the seeds on a leaf into a pit where refuse was kept. Kalidasa went there and licked the mango plate. As he did so, he felt ecstasy. This same Kalidasa later went to Jagannatha Puri and received unusual mercy from Lord Caitanya. Lord Caitanya forbade anyone to take the water that washed His feet, but He allowed Kalidasa to take three handfuls. The Lord then indicated to His servant Govinda that he should give the remnants of his food to Kalidasa. Thus the omniscient Lord rewarded Kalidasa for his great faith in the foot dust, foot water and prasadam of Vaisnavas. You die within, and you see a mortal being. Today you wrote a poem about Prabhupada. You didn't tell any anecdotal pastimes but praised him and the need to obey him and remember him. And it contains a statement that Prabhupada consciousness requires active cultivation because he disappeared many years ago, and the tendency may be to forget him. You don't want that to happen. You said you were "an insignificant hippie writer," but then you thought back and had fondness and pity for who you were. Despite your weakness, you were writing religiously and trying to improve your consciousness. I used to say writing was more important to me than living. A Lower East Side acquaintance said that was a "Pyrrhic victory." A Pyrrhic refers historically to a battle that was technically won, but the victor suffered such great losses that it was actually like a defeat. But that is how I thought, I was so dedicated to writing. I kept Franz Kafka as a model in that regard. He had a full-time job but he wrote at night, two big novels and many stories and a diary. He hated that his job drained his creative energy. I also didn't like working in the welfare office for the time it took from my writing. How Krishna conscious are you? How much? You could do better. You could chant japa better and do more lecturing. Read more in your spiritual master's books or other translations from Vaisnava books. Yes, you could do more. The writing session burrows underground like a mole. It has an underground passage. It talks of the inside man, or aspires to. He doesn't lament, doesn't cry tears of separation. You don't want to do anything artificially. Transcription: His Grace Sacikumara Dasa, Her Grace Ranga Radhika Dasi Editing : Her Grace Hemavati Radhika Dasi THE FOLLOWING IS A CLASS GIVEN BY HIS HOLINESS BHAKTI CHARU SWAMI ON SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 12TH 2010, AT ISKCON UJJAIN – SARANAGATI DAY 1 Hare Krishna. So today we will discuss from Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's "Saranagati". The essence [...] By Madhava Smullen on 15 Oct 2010  | Within the span of just a few days, ISKCON Houston's opening date for its new Vedic-style temple was postponed, then, shockingly, its small presiding deities, Radha-Giridhari, were stolen.
| By Madhava Smullen on 15 Oct 2010  | An international leadership training course for ISKCON devotees has just wrapped its two-year trial run in Washington D.C., North America.
| By Antony Brennan on 15 Oct 2010  | Amongst the things the animal flesh industry would prefer you didn't know about are viral infections contracted by workers in the meat industry.
| By Yasoda Saci Dasi on 15 Oct 2010 | I had major breakthroughs in facing challenges to my spiritual life in coming to Mayapur, and enrolling in the Mayapur Institute's Bhakti-sastri Course. The course facilitators placed a high priority upon applying our philosophy in our day-to-day living, which helped me learn how to see Krishna's loving hand behind every event, even in times of difficulty.
|  Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 9, Chapter 11, Texts 27-36 and Chapter 12 Summary through Text 6x`. Titled "Nothing new." Dallas, TX 2010-07-09 Bhaktivedanta VedaBase Canto 9: Liberation | Chapter 11: Lord Ramacandra Rules the World | SB 9.11.27: The palaces, the palace gates, the assembly houses, the platforms for meeting places, the temples and all such places were decorated with golden waterpots and bedecked with various types of flags. SB 9.11.28: Wherever Lord Ramacandra visited, auspicious welcome gates were constructed, with banana trees and betel nut trees, full of flowers and fruits. The gates were decorated with various flags made of colorful cloth and with tapestries, mirrors and garlands. SB 9.11.29: Wherever Lord Ramacandra visited, the people approached Him with paraphernalia of worship and begged the Lord's blessings. "O Lord," they said, "as You rescued the earth from the bottom of the sea in Your incarnation as a boar, may You now maintain it. Thus we beg Your blessings." SB 9.11.30: Thereafter, not having seen the Lord for a long time, the citizens, both men and women, being very eager to see Him, left their homes and got up on the roofs of the palaces. Being incompletely satiated with seeing the face of the lotus-eyed Lord Ramacandra, they showered flowers upon Him. SB 9.11.31-34: Thereafter, Lord Ramacandra entered the palace of His forefathers. Within the palace were various treasures and valuable wardrobes. The sitting places on the two sides of the entrance door were made of coral, the yards were surrounded by pillars of vaidurya-mani, the floor was made of highly polished marakata-mani, and the foundation was made of marble. The entire palace was decorated with flags and garlands and bedecked with valuable stones, shining with a celestial effulgence. The palace was fully decorated with pearls and surrounded by lamps and incense. The men and women within the palace all resembled demigods and were decorated with various ornaments, which seemed beautiful because of being placed on their bodies. SB 9.11.35: Lord Ramacandra, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, chief of the best learned scholars, resided in that palace with His pleasure potency, mother Sita, and enjoyed complete peace. SB 9.11.36: Without transgressing the religious principles, Lord Ramacandra, whose lotus feet are worshiped by devotees in meditation, enjoyed with all the paraphernalia of transcendental pleasure for as long as needed. SB 9.12 Summary Chapter 12: The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord Ramacandra This chapter describes the dynasty of Kusa, the son of Lord Ramacandra. The members of this dynasty are descendants of Sasada, the son of MaharajaIksvaku. Following in the genealogical table of Lord Ramacandra's dynasty, Kusa, the Lord's son, was followed consecutively by Atithi, Nisadha, Nabha, Pundarika,Ksemadhanva, Devanika, Aniha, Pariyatra, Balasthala, Vajranabha, Sagana and Vidhrti. These personalities ruled the world. From Vidhrti came Hiranyanabha, who later became the disciple of Jaimini and propounded the system of mystic yoga in which Yajnavalkya was initiated. Following in this dynasty were Puspa, Dhruvasandhi, Sudarsana, Agnivarna, Sighra and Maru. Maru attained full perfection in the practice of yoga, and he still lives in the village of Kalapa. At the end of this age of Kali, he will revive the dynasty of the sun-god. Next in the dynasty were Prasusruta, Sandhi, Amarsana, Mahasvan, Visvabahu, Prasenajit, Taksaka and Brhadbala, who was later killed by Abhimanyu. Sukadeva Gosvami said that these were all kings who had passed away. The future descendants of Brhadbala will be Brhadrana, Urukriya, Vatsavrddha, Prativyoma, Bhanu, Divaka, Sahadeva, Brhadasva, Bhanuman, Pratikasva, Supratika, Marudeva, Sunaksatra, Puskara, Antariksa, Sutapa, Amitrajit, Brhadraja, Barhi, Krtanjaya, Rananjaya, Sanjaya, Sakya, Suddhoda, Langala, Prasenajit, Ksudraka, Ranaka, Suratha and Sumitra. All of them will become kings one after another. Sumitra, coming in this age of Kali, will be the last king in the Iksvaku dynasty; after him, the dynasty will be extinguished. SB 9.12.1: Sukadeva Gosvami said: The son of Ramacandra was Kusa, the son of Kusa was Atithi, the son of Atithi was Nisadha, and the son of Nisadha wasNabha. The son of Nabha was Pundarika, and from Pundarika came a son named Ksemadhanva. SB 9.12.2: The son of Ksemadhanva was Devanika, Devanika's son was Aniha, Aniha's son was Pariyatra, and Pariyatra's son was Balasthala. The son of Balasthala was Vajranabha, who was said to have been born from the effulgence of the sun-god. SB 9.12.3-4: The son of Vajranabha was Sagana, and his son was Vidhrti. The son of Vidhrti was Hiranyanabha, who became a disciple of Jaimini and became a great acarya of mystic yoga. It is from Hiranyanabha that the great saint Yajnavalkya learned the highly elevated system of mystic yoga known asadhyatma-yoga, which can loosen the knots of material attachment in the heart. SB 9.12.5: The son of Hiranyanabha was Puspa, and the son of Puspa was Dhruvasandhi. The son of Dhruvasandhi was Sudarsana, whose son was Agnivarna. The son of Agnivarna was named Sighra, and his son was Maru. SB 9.12.6: Having achieved perfection in the power of mystic yoga, Maru still lives in a place known as Kalapa-grama. At the end of Kali-yuga, he will revive the lost Surya dynasty by begetting a son. PURPORT At least five thousand years ago, Srila Sukadeva Gosvami ascertained the existence of Maru in Kalapa-grama and said that Maru, having achieved ayoga-siddha body, would continue to exist until the end of Kali-yuga, which is calculated to continue for 432,000 years. Such is the perfection of mystic power. By controlling the breath, the perfect yogi can continue his life for as long as he likes. Sometimes we hear from the Vedic literature that some personalities from the Vedic age, such as Vyasadeva and Asvatthama, are still living. Here we understand that Maru is also still living. We are sometimes surprised that a mortal body can live for such a long time. The explanation of this longevity is given here by the word yoga-siddha. If one becomes perfect in the practice of yoga, he can live as long as he likes. The demonstration of some trifling yoga-siddha does not constitute perfection. Here is a factual example of perfection: a yoga-siddha can live as long as he likes. SB 09.11.27-36 – CH12.SUM-6_Nothing New_2010-07-09 1968 October 15: "How many rascals and fools are employed in the government service who deride at Krishna, because they think that He was black, therefore low-born. In this way, how much they have become degraded. If you try to criticize, do it very carefully. But you must speak the right thing." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 1968 October 15: "Keeping some spiritual master or instructor means they keep him as pet dog or cat. He is misguided and without any knowledge in our line neither he is ready to accept any bona fide instructor. But our mission is to preach Krishna Consciousness so let us try to help him as far as possible." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 1968 October 15: "Let us grow slowly but surely. Let us try our best to spread this Krishna Consciousness movement with sincerity. And Krishna will give us all facilities. After all, it is Krishna's business. We are simply servitors. Our sincere desire is to serve Him and this is our bona fide position." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 1968 October 15: "How can we become as good as Krishna? But we sincerely serve Krishna, we are sincere servants, and we present things as presented by Krishna, and that is the test of our bona fide position and our bona fide presentation." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 1973 October 15: "You have been in charge and now you have taken it as your personal property and you have demanded the temple? Please do not make this mistake. Please do not leave Krishna. You will not be happy. That is my request." Prabhupada Letters :: 1973 1974 October 15: "How long do I have to bring devotees from abroad for preaching? You must recruit local devotees. That is wanted. So you cannot create? One experienced man must go and create local man anywhere; that is real preaching." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 1974 October 15: "So work diligently. It is a good place, organize it nicely. You are an old, experienced worker, and I have full confidence in you. Krishna will bless you in this attempt. Next time I return that way I may go there, so please arrange." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 1974 October 15: "Yasya prasadad bhagavata prasado. This is the motto of our spiritual life. My other godbrothers they are concerned with litigations, politics, and diplomacy, so what is the pracara? I have the blessings of my Guru Maharaj. I do not need anything else. This is how I went to your country and by his blessings it has come out successful." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974  | According to a new report by the IFPRI, India is home to many of the world's hungriest children, ranking 67th in the world, as measured by the global hunger index.
|  | A Trenton man was arrested outside Ben Hill Griffin Stadium for assaulting two Hare Krishna devotee
| | Every October, stores become a sea of pink as shelves fill with products adorned with pink ribbons or altogether repackaged in pink, as part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
| By Dina Cappiello for AFP on 5 Oct 2010  | Solar power is coming to President Barack Obama's house. The most famous residence in America plans to install solar panels atop the White House's living quarters.
| | Back in 2007, when the United Arab Emirates announced its plan for "the world's first zero-carbon city" on the outskirts of Abu Dhabi, many Westerners dismissed it as a gimmick. But now, Masdar is here.
| "Ever worked in a box factory?" "No, I never have." "I did, for ten cents an hour." "Before you told me it was thirty three cents an hour." "That's now, when I started it was ten cents an hour." The orderly says something neutral and pleasant and walks away. From other overheard snatches of conversation I know she is 90 years old and in the Emergency Room because she fell and hurt her leg. Later she gets a visitor whom she asks if her husband is there and is informed that he died 11 years ago. "No, he did not!" She immediately goes into denial, the first stage of grief. She demands to see her daughter and the visitor tells her that she is her daughter. I am imaging living a life where over and over you are hearing your spouse died for the first time. At least the way things are going for me, I wouldn't have to worry about living long enough to get Alzheimer's. That is a plus. I was in the ER getting blood glucose flushed from my system because it was critically high. (I have diabetes as a side effect of the immune suppressor pharmaceutical, Prograf, that I take so my liver doesn't get rejected.) On one of my previous monthly lab tests I had hit 475 and my post transplant coordinator had called me and told me to go to the ER to get flushed out with an IV. I was actually not feeling that bad relative to my norm and accomplishing some things in the garden that day. We also had an out of town guest I hadn't seen in a couple of years so really didn't want to go. My coordinator was freaking out a bit and even called back a second time so I stipulated to her I was not going Against Medical Advice. The day I went to the ER my glucose was at 511 and I was feeling even crappier than usual so I decided to go, though even after all these years under the thumb of the pharmafia and doctors my first instinct is to deal with it myself. Going to the ER is such a hassle because I have to deal with so many new people I don't know which is not an easy or natural thing for me as it is for most. It is draining when I am in good energy but when I am down it becomes almost intolerable. Plus the inevitable multiple needle sticks and tests. On top of that is the boredom of just lying there in a cold alien place under fluorescent lights which, like many autistics, I find to be very stressful. I would turn them off when the latest in the revolving and seemingly endless cast of characters paraded through, each probing either verbally or with some paraphernalia but each would turn them back on. Good thing about hearing from Srila Prabhupada is that in any circumstance one can chant the Holy Names, a mantra form of prayer. Other than that though, eavesdropping on your thrown together like straws on the ocean ER neighbors is the only entertainment. They ran some IVs through me and got the blood glucose level under the releaseable level so I did get out after some hours. Always more pleasant to suffer at home than away. "Actually, pure happiness cannot be had within this material world. If we wish to enjoy something, we must suffer for something else. On the whole, suffering is the nature of this material world, and whatever enjoyment we are trying to achieve is simply illusion. After all, we have to suffer the miseries of birth, old age, disease and death. We may discover many fine medicines, but it is not possible to stop the sufferings of disease or death. Actually, medicine is not the counteracting agent for either disease or death. On the whole there is no happiness in this material world, but an illusioned person works very hard for so-called happiness. Indeed, this process of working hard is actually taken for happiness. This is called illusion." Srimad Bhagavatam 4.25.4 Filed under: Liver Transplant The mood of the gopis, accepting food from non-devotees and so on. From our friends at
 This week at Hare Krishna Valley there was a lot happening. The house which my wife and I are living in is off the grid, not being connected to mains electricity or gas. In order to generate more power to run a 12 volt fridge, four more solar panels were installed on the roof to supply the necessary energy. This keeps in line with our philosophy at Hare Krishna Valley to explore and employ alternative energy resources.  Work was also begun on our water bore, which is being dug to supply high quality water for our agricultural pursuits and domestic uses. The people who were digging the bore found water between 31-37 meters underground, and they feel that there will be a sufficient supply for our needs.  On the weekend we were the main caterers at the Birregurra Festival, which attracts over 10,000 people. Hundreds of people enjoyed the taste of Krishna prasadam, food offered to Krishna with love and devotion. Some people told us that they had waited the whole year to come and taste the halva (sweet semolina pudding) which we were serving. We look forward to speaking to you again next week. Until then, I remain yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada. Keshava Dasa. Find out even more at Hare Krishna Valley web site September 23. My last day in Oman proved to be a bonus. I was supposed to leave at 8.30 AM but when we arrived there were a lot of passengers hanging around the check in, and finally we were told the flight was  I have had some slightly off travel karma this year and this was simply a continuance. Fortunately the devotees had come into the airport with me so I wasn't stranded. They re-booked me on a different airline for the afternoon (after finding out that another airline with a flight leaving at 8.30AM was charging four times the regular price for the extra customers from our cancelled flight). Mukunda Murari, Braja Prana and I decided to spend the morning visiting one of the Sultan's palaces. It was around the bay from Muttrah and also the site of the Sultan's royal yacht club.  I liked a display of an old style sailing ship mounted in a pond in the middle of a traffic roundabout with water bubbling up from its keel to give the impression it was moving.  We weren't allowed into the grounds but we took a few photos from the outside.   Apparently the Sultan never announces where he will be, so each palace has a full staff and they prepare each day as if the Sultan is in residence. That means they cook full meals; if he turns up, they are ready with full service. If he doesn't, they eat it themselves. Oman is built into the mountains and dotted on small peaks all around Muscat and the bays there are small fortresses, most now renovated for tourist interest rather than function.   But I guess the threat from over the water (Iran is directly opposite the Omani shoreline) means they are always on alert for potential threats, as several battery guns mounted along the shoreline of the palace testified. Such is the life of a ruler.  There was a restricted area for the Sultan's personal yacht    and while the guards were friendly, they would only allow us to take photos from the gate.   Going back from the palace we went back around Muttrah bay, passing a new amusement park with this rather odd looking edifice. It looks like an alien space ship but apparently its supposed to represent a frankincense burner.  That brought my brief but blissful trip to Om-ananda to and end, at least for this year. The friendly reception of the devotees and their eager sravanam of Srila Prabhupada's katha mean more trips in the future inshaallah. 
Dear Lord,All obeisances to you! All glories to Srila Prabhupada, by who's mercy I can write such offerings. Your time element is always acting. Indeed none of the elements work without being agitated by this time element. But I am always feeling that I am at the back of the race, where the wheel of time is emanating its flames. I feel the heat licking at my heals and I am distressed. I want to be engaged in your service, twenty four hours a day but I do not know how to engage myself within this time element. It seems it is ultimately to frustrate us living entities and for us to realize that you are far superior. Indeed you control this time element and we simply, in our perverted position, attempt to take up this control. Please be kind, remove this anxiety. I want to always find the time to serve you but never find a chance to idol by. Your slow servant, Madhavendra Puri Dasa (Written: 14/09/2010) Read original post: [] Subscribe: [] 2010 Janmastami Newgoloka
 Our friends in Hungary have a very succesful eco-village called Krishna Valley. Recently they received an invitation from the United Nations this September 20th for the COP16 Climate Summit from November 29th to December 10th in Cancun, Mexico. The COP summit—the largest meeting of the Conference of the Parties, the supreme body of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change—is held once a year. COP16 is, of course, the sixteenth annual meeting—the summits have been held since before the Kyoto Protocol came into effect in 1997, establishing legally binding obligations for developed countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Read more here. 
I remember something Prabhupada said when he visited Boston in 1968. He was speak ing in our humble lit tle store front and he said, "Just imagine how special it would be if Krishna entered this storefront. How much attention you would give Him." So similarly, one should be attentive to the holy names which are non different than Krishna. From Viraha Bhavan #99 More Recent Articles |