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Srimad Bhagavatam 11.27.24 - Deity worship is our internal affair.
In Japanese, this means music: 音楽 – the first symbol means “sound” – but music is not just any sound, the second symbol means “fun”. Music is enjoyable sound. But the letter for fun, is also the base of the letter for “medicine” (薬)! Japanese considers “fun” to be the foundation of health – so it is not talking about superficial fun or sense gratification – but substantial inner joy. What Sanskrit would call अानन्द, ananda. So the conception of music encoded into the japanese language is that it is sound which causes the joy that is the basis of healthy life. Through music, the ills of life can be cured. Japanese culture is exceedingly influenced by Chinese, which itself is very strongly influenced by Indian culture. The Indian idea of मन्त्र (mantra), a sound which frees the mind from grief/ignorance – is quite in harmony with this japanese idea of music: 音楽 – don’t you think?

This is a video clip featuring Mark Levy, the author of Accidental Genius, a book on freewriting.
Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtana Army did big;
it's only the first week and
872 books have been distributed already:
352 small,
58 medium,
134 big and
328 MAHA-BIG!!!
A big round of applause to the temple devotees and congregational members who stepped out of their comfort zones to spread the glories of Lord Caitanya.
Our Founder-Acharya is surely greatly pleased with them and with all those who have assisted the Sankirtan devotees in some way or the other.
It was certainly for the pleasure of the Deities too.
Here's a slideshow of Their smiling faces on hearing the book scores this morning.
No wonder it has been raining so much for the past few days:
Sankirtana yajna ki, Jaya!!!
Fortunate person means he must be sincere, serious to know about Krsna.
Our misfortune has begun by forgetting Krsna.
When we desire to enjoy this material world, forgetting service of Krsna, that is the beginning of our misfortune.
In order to become again fortunate, I have to become Krsna conscious. That is the way.
Unfortunate because we are, even we have got this opportunity of remembering Krsna, we are trying to avoid Him. We are bringing so many nonsense things: "Why not this? Why not that?
Krsna is offering the fortune. Sarva-dharman parityaja mam ekam saranam vraja. This is fortune. But I'll not take that. Krsna says, "Get up. Give up all other engagements. Simply take shelter of Me. I shall give you all protection." But I don't believe Krsna; therefore it is my misfortune.
Just like in English word, "Man is the architect of his own fortune." But as you are architect of your own fortune, you are architect of your own misfortune also. So if you don't accept Krsna's advice, then you must consider yourself unfortunate.
We should be cautious: "Why shall I become unfortunate? I must become fortunate."
To become fortunate, is not very difficult thing. All these Krsna consciousness people, they are fortunate. They have taken Krsna's advice as it is, without any change.
When the intelligence is used for material fortune, that is unfortunate. When intelligence is used for developing Krsna consciousness, that is fortune. So we can set up our own fortune or misfortune.
The fortune means that we must be serious after hearing about Krsna.
- Srila Prabhupada, The Nectar of Devotion lecture - Vrndavana, October 31, 1972
Our philosophy cannot be challenged or defeated by any mundane philosophy, and on this basis alone we stand substantial and certain of victory over all others. - Srila Prabhupada
Madhupati about praying for better health, Vrsnabhanu about what/who the dust of devotees feet is/are and Payonidhi about harmonizing devotees’ two opinions of other religions.
Discussion about book distribution by the devotee community during the upcoming Prabhupada Marathon.
While talking to the sankirtana devotees this morning we discuss the proper attitude towards appealing to the Lord.
My family and I will be moving house soon and I would like to know if there are any special rituals that we need to perform when we move? I will cleanse and purify the house with cow dung but is there anything beyond that? And Vraja-kumara aks: Prabhupada said that one should aspire to live in Vrndavana, but to live there one must be a pure devotee. Until we still have anarthas is it better to live in a distant place from Vrndavana, or should we just go to Vrindavana anyway and suffer more intensely sinful activities and become more quickly purified?
 Okay, before everyone freaks out and thinks that Subhavilasa has fallen down...this is another blog post by his son Indresh. And yes, I ate a Philly Cheese Steak. Okay...let me explain.
I recalled a trip to Philadelphia as I was writing the blog post yesterday about WWPSP (check it out:
I had a tradeshow to exhibit at in downtown Philadelphia and since my kids were off on extended March break I decided to take them (and Kishori) with me. Now all of us that travel on business realize that food becomes an issue while you try to balance sadana/Vaishnava standards and hunger and this multiplies when you have a wife plus a 6, 4 and 3 year old with you.
It so happened that during our trip to Philadelphia in March there was a flurry of posts on the net about ISKCON Philly, "issues", as well as a restaurant complex run by devotees guessed it....Govinda's! In my past travels to Philadelphia and the ISKCON temple there, I never realized there was a Govinda's and since we staying downtown it was a Eureka moment of discovery and all thanks to posts meant to discourage devotees from these venues.
Yes, I said Eureka moment since you need to know two things about me. First, I am a vegetarian that does not like fruit and salads meant for bunny rabbits. My well toned physique will attest to this :). I am the first one to shelve the fruit, granola bars and pre-packed bags of healthy stuff so lovingly put together by my mom and wife. The second is that I have always been taught to think for myself and judge accordingly, which comes in handy in material and spirtual life.
So off we went to Govinda's! We did a double take when we saw the menu with "chicken" and "philly cheese steak", etc. but the person behind the counter reassured us. After a few orders which were polished off by cheesecake, they figured out we were devotees. A few gurukulis/2nd gens came in as well and we were talking about the usual who knows who.
As we were leaving they introduced us to Haryasva Prabhu, who runs the place. He had us check out the temple upstairs and talked to us about their preaching efforts. He told us about how they are very involved in the community and plans for expansion. He reminisced about his visits to Toronto, book distribution down Yonge Street and of course our very own Bhaktimarga Maharaj.
After all of that, I told him how we found him. Of course, he was not happy with all the "posts", but we all had a good laugh that if it was not for those posts we would not have found Govinda's. Haryasva Prabhu who is already a jovial type of devotee loved it and wanted to tell others. So instead of driving people away it actually brought us in and allowed for a peaceful night without the kids whining over dinner.
So that is the story of how I had my first Philly Chease Steak loaded with cheese and fries on the side!
And with that, there will be a new column every so often, called Diary of a Travelling Businessman talking about how every so often one of my trips in Europe, Asia/India, North America or South America has inadvertantly turned into a humorous Krishna Conscious adventure.
~ Indresh 
I was listening to a morning walk with Srila Prabhupada...his disciples were asking him about how to chant within their busy devotional schedule. Srila Prabhupada replied that 2 hours out of the day is not alot of time, and that we should make all endeavor to fit our Japa into our day, preferably in the early morning.Whatever our daily schedule is....we must make our Japa a priority in the day and chant as many or all of our rounds before our other activities begin.
Balai Mataji remembers: It was one time in 26 Second Avenue, Srila Prabhupada was in his quarters and my husband went in there, Advaita das went in and he said "Srila Prabhupada, sometimes I think I love my wife and I love my daughter--what is that?" And Srila Prabhupada explained that one hand cannot love the other hand. It has to go through the stomach. Food has to go through the stomach so one person cannot love another person without having Krishna as a center. >From Memories of Srila Prabhupada DVD #48
Think of the symptoms of false pride that you see in others?
Write them down and read them again.
Think of the symptoms of false pride that you see in yourself?
Write them down and read them again.
What have you learned from this exercise?
How can you use your insights to your success?
Sent by Mukunda Prabhu It is quite unusual this time of the year that we are getting heavy rains every day. This is very beneficial for the winter crops but excessive rains could spoil the harvest. On 14th November Sunday we celebrated Gopastami and hundreds of devotees came to the temple to have darshan of [...]
Festival of the Holy NameHere are some thoughts, feelings and expressions from the first day of amazing 12 hours of Kirtan! Radha Dainton What a nite. AMAZING BHAJANS AND KIRTAN. I LOVE BEING A HARE KRISHNA. WHAT AN AMAZING BEAUTIFUL LIFE WE HAVE. Yadu Rico Had a great day with friends and family and amazing kirtan all day. Had a wonderful day. Rowita Ori What a day….Priceless….! Kirtaniya Sada Hari!! Chakrini The waves of Kirtan are crashing, the sound of drums thundering in our hearts… and the demigods have responded with cooling showers… It’s ALL happening in Alachua!! 12 hours in… 12 hours to go… this is turning out to be maha magic! Lali Shyam Bliss! I am thankful for my beautiful family of kirtaniyas. Thank you Nitai Gaura Chandra! Govinda Cordua What an amazing day at the Festival of the Holy Name! Tomorrow we continue with another 12 hours of amazing kirtan. ____________________________________ The LIVE webcast continues at 9:00 AM Saturday, November 27th (EST USA) and will continue until 9:00 PM and beyond. Please visit the Festival Website for today’s line-up of Kirtaniyas including the Mayapuris, Chakrini, Madhava, Ananta-Vrindavan, Manu, Bada Haridas prabhu, Karnamrita and many, many more… Brought to you by the Kuli Mela Association and ISKCON of Alachua. Live video webcast courtesy of
By Madhava Smullen for ISKCON News on 26 Nov 2010
 | A new residential and educational ashram for women, called the Bhakti Bhavan—or “House of Devotion”—was launched at the ISKCON community in Alachua, Florida this October, and is currently offering its first “Bhakti-Sastri” study course.
By Vineet Chander (Venkata Bhatta Das) for on 25 Nov 2010
 | What do Diwali, Holi, Shiva Ratri, and Thanksgiving all have in common? Give up? They're all originally Hindu holidays, of course! Really? Well, sort of.
By Madhava Smullen for ISKCON News on 26 Nov 2010
 | Representatives of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness recently attended Generations of Faith, an event sponsored by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops which reached out to religious leaders from the Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, and Sikh traditions.
By Madhava Smullen for ISKCON News on 26 Nov 2010
 | Over 500 people—including students, faculty, their friends and family, and members of the local community—attended Princeton University’s third annual Diwali celebration on Saturday November 13th.
“Are the two souls of Radha and Krsna in Lord Caitanya”, “How to change when one discontinues service for lack of appreciation”, “What is mercy, and what do we mean by ‘Please be merciful to me?”
By Mukunda Goswami for ISKCON News on 26 Nov 2010
 | Like everything else in the material world, books have only transitory value. Even the so-called great classics will one day be reduced to footnotes and ultimately disappear from view.
By Maharani Dasi for ISKCON News on 27 Nov 2010
| On November 18th, the state-accredited Bhaktivedanta Theological Collage of ISKCON Hungary held its sixth annual academic conference. The topic of this year`s discussion was `Religion: War, or Peace`? |
1968 November 27: "You may sit down with your family for Christmas Day meal and take fruits and milk which they offer. But rather than taking the foods they have prepared, prepare and offer your own prasadam for Lord Krishna, and offer the same to Lord Jesus."Prabhupada Letters :: 1968
1970 November 27: "Checks should be drawn by two signatures and one of the signatures must be mine. Please send a list of the Members you have made and how the collection is dispersed: 50% for Temple Construction and 50% for Book Fund."Prabhupada Letters :: 1970
1970 November 27: "Your title is actually Tridandi Swami or Tridandi Bhiksu, which is the first stage of sannyasa life. Tridandi Goswami is for one in the fourth stage of sannyasa life which is paramahamsa stage."Prabhupada Letters :: 1970
1971 November 27: "If your child requires medical attention for serving Krishna, then it is only practical to get it. Why not? The governing principle for all our activity should be to do what is favorable for pleasing Krishna."Prabhupada Letters :: 1971
1971 November 27: "If the government is willing to give us food and money, then why not use it for Krishna? But we must avoid cheating and falsely claiming something to get money. Then we are risking our high reputation as pious people."Prabhupada Letters :: 1971
1975 November 27: "Standing orders by the head of the Mormon church is very encouraging. Practically speaking, there is no religion in the world today. The only true religion is Bhagavata Dharma, that is the original religion of human society."Prabhupada Letters :: 1975
1975 November 27: "The whole world is in darkness, so we are bringing light in the shape of Srimad Bhagavatam. Every time I see a new publication it gives me so much enthusiasm that my life is increased by 100 years."Prabhupada Letters :: 1975
By Daily HeraldShould a turkey have attended dinner at the Krishna temple on Thursday, it would have been as an honored guest. All guests are welcome by Krishna devotees who celebrated the holiday with a vegetarian feast
By Anandini Padayachee They [the masses] must have their illusions at all costs; they turn instinctively, as the insect seeks the light, to the rhetoricians who accord them what they want. No truth, but error has always been the chief factor in the evolution of nations….
Gopimata dd: A Bhakti - infused yoga teacher training intensive will be ofered in Kansas this Spring. This unique course ofers a holistc, in - depth overview of hatha yoga infused with the mood of devotonal love.
Julie: Every month in Salt Lake City and around, ISKCON has at least one home program. Somehow for the past several months we have been attending one or the other. I am not sure what draws me there: to listen to an interesting presentation or to be a part of the invigorating Hare Krishna kirtan or simple amazement at non-Indian people being such ardent lovers of Krishna
Dr Prayag Narayan Misra: Among Very Important Persons (VIP) were Christine McKay, Director, Economic Development Department who was responsible for bringing more business to the city in past several years, joined by her husband Bill McKay
Visvambhara das: The Bhaktivedanta Academy, a Krishna-centered Pre-K thru 6th grade school located in the Alachua, Florida devotee community, is seeking applicants for the position of Teacher's Assistant
Akrura Das: HG Dadhiharta Prabhu was an excellent devotee and a great friend. He was an absolute 'papa bear', a bundle of joy. Crying face He will surely be missed for a long long time... I am sure he is in the shelter of Srila Prabhupada wherever he's gone.
By The Staff for The Hindu on 23 Nov 2010
 | A five-day inter-collegiate cultural event, ‘Rasa Fest', organized by ISKCON, Hubli-Dharwad, India, started on Monday, the 23rd of November. It was inaugurated by astrologer Shymrao Ramrao Jumnalkar on the ISKCON premises.
| Last month a cover of New Scientist had emblazoned on its cover, “Move over nature, we’re taking control” Interesting, I thought. Have they discovered some way of checking the force of hurricanes? Could it be that we will no longer have to fear earthquakes and floods? Alas no, the article in question spoke only about that other great evil faced by man: sleep. |
By Jagadananda das for on 20 Nov 2010
 | `Vrindavan Today` is a new website that offers daily news of Braj and Vrindavan Dhams — the temple and ashram life, special events, and environmental and heritage protection.
By ISKCON News Staff for ISKCON News on 27 Nov 2010
| Dadhiharta Das left his body at the Sharanagati Farm near Vancouver, Canada. Devotees who met him knew him as someone who had firm faith in Srila Prabhupada`s instructions, and excellent devotee and a great friend |
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.27.22-24 - Learn how to come out of routine mechanical sadhana which can become like poison to the ecstatic mood of serving Krsna spontaneously.
Bhagavatam class given on Friday, 26th November 2010
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.27.21 - The Deity incarnation of Krsna allows us to worship Him easily.

Once the cloud and mist are dispelled, the sun of the holy name shines brilliantly once more and enlightens the devotee with love of Godhead.
Harinama Cintamani - Haridasa Thakura to Lord Caitanya
Wonderful kirtan by Sri Prahlad prabhu

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