martes, 1 de junio de 2010
Index of Lectures June 2010 - Indradyumna Swami
June 2010
2010 05 16 UKR Vyasa Puja Offering HHBBGS to Srila Gurudeva ORIG
2010 05 16 UKR Vyasa Puja Offering HHBBGS to Srila Gurudeva

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Radha Kunda and Syama Kunda
Radha Kunda and Syama Kunda This is a very tranquil and peaceful place. It is considered by Gaudiya Vaishnavas to be the most holy place in the Braja area. It is a very important place to visit. There are two holy tanks here, right next to each other. The town here is also known as Aristavan. In this village, the demon Aristasura was killed by Krishna. Radha Kunda is 26 km (16 miles) west of Mathura. For years Radha Kunda and Syama Kunda were lost and no one knew exactly where they were located. When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came to Vrindavana in 1515, He rediscovered these two important kundas. Part of the parikrama of Govardhana Hill is going around Radha and Syama Kunda. Radharani and Krishna have their midday pastimes at Radha Kunda. When Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami first stayed at Radha Kunda, Radha Kunda and Syama Kunda were only 4m (12 ft) by 4m (12 ft) in size. At that time one rich man named Sampanna went to Badrinath to offer Lord Narayana a large donation. In a dream, Lord Krishna told him to go to Radha Kunda and give the money to Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami to renovate the kundas, which he did. Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami and Jiva Gosvami supervised the expansion of the kundas around 1554. In the center of Radha Kunda is a small walled-in area called Kancana Kunda. This kunda is said to mark the location of the original kunda that Srimati Radharani and the gopis dug with their bangles. It is said that Vajranabha built a bathing tank at Syama Kunda to commemorate the place where Krishna killed Aristasura. When there is water in Syama Kunda this kunda cannot be seen. When Syama Kunda is empty, you can see a wall encircling a small deep kunda in the center of Syama Kunda. This kunda is called Vajranatha Kunda. Syama Kunda is also known as Arista Kunda or Krishna Kunda. In the eight directions surrounding Radha Kunda are the kunjas (garden groves) of Sri Radha’s asta-sakhis (eight main gopis). They are the kunjas of Lalita Devi, Vishakha Devi, Citra Devi, Indulekha Devi, Campakalata Devi, Ranga Devi, Tungavidya Devi, and Sudevi. Sri Ananga Manjari’s kunja is in the center of Radha Kunda. Radha Kunda appeared at 12 midnight on Bahulastami, the eighth day (astami) of the waning moon, in the month of Kartika (Oct-Nov). On that day, thousands of people come and bathe at 12 midnight in Radha Kunda. It is an ecstatic and exciting event “Mathura is superior to Vaikuntha because Lord Krishna appeared there. Vrindavana is superior to Mathura because Krishna performed His rasa-lila there. Govardhana Hill is superior to Vrindavana because Krishna lifted it and enacted many blissful pastimes there. But the superexcellent Radha Kunda stands supreme above all for it is overflowing with the ambrosial nectarean prema of Radha and Krishna. (Sri Upadesamrita, verse 9) “Great sages say that Radha Kunda is as dear to Krishna as Radha Herself. Indeed, Krishna’s love for Radha Kunda and Srimati Radharani is the same in all respects.” (Sri Upadesamrita verse 11 purport) In the Adi Varaha Purana it is said that by bathing in Radha Kunda the sin of killing a cow, man or a brahmana is immediately removed. According to the Adi Varaha Purana, by bathing in Radha Kunda and Syama Kunda one attains the result of performing a rajasuya and asvamedha yajna. “The bathing tank called Radha Kunda is as profoundly dear to Krishna as Radha Herself, who is the dearest gopi. Who then will not reside at Radha Kunda and, surcharged with ecstatic devotional feelings, render loving service to the divine couple Sri Sri Radha Govinda. Those who execute devotional service on the banks of Radha Kunda are the most fortunate people in the universe.” (Upadesamrita, verse 10) How To Get Here From Vrindavana you can get a motor rickshaw for Rs 350 or a taxi for Rs 550 round trip, which includes a two hours waiting time. It takes about forty-five minutes to get to Radha Kunda by taxi. From Vrindavana, the road to Radha Kunda is bumpy, and a motor rickshaw can be uncomfortable. So I would suggest taking a taxi. Radha Kunda is much too far to go by bike rickshaw. From Vrindavana the cheapest way to Radha Kunda is to take a tempo (many) to the end of Bhaktivedanta Swami Marg (Chatikara Road). From there you get another tempo to Radha Kunda. Some motor tempos go directly to Radha Kunda from the ISKCON temple. There are several direct buses to Radha Kunda that can be boarded in front of the ISKCON temple. One leaves around 6.10 am for about Rs 8. Killing of Aristasura Story of Radha Kunda Description of Radha Kunda in the Spiritual World Kunjas of Eight Sakhis 1. Sri Lalita Sakhi’s Kunja (north) is the largest kunja. There are platforms made of gold, sapphires, crystal and lapis lazuli. In the center of a courtyard is a golden temple called Ananga Rangambuja, which is in the shape of a 1,000-petal lotus. 2. Sri Visakha Devi’s Kunja (northeast). 3. Sri Citra Devi’s Kunja (east, multi-colored) has a wonderful variety of forms and colors. Citra means “variegated or wonderful.” 4. Sri Indulekha’s Devi’s Kunja (southeast, white). Everything is completely white in color, including the trees, thrones, cottages, etc. 5. Sri Campakalata Devi’s Kunja (south, gold). 6. Sri Ranga Devi’s Kunja (southwest, syama-blue) is Srimati Radharani’s favorite, because the dark blue color of everything reminds Her of Krishna. 7. Sri Tungavidya Devi’s Kunja (west, crimson). Everything is a crimson color in this kunja and the entire grove is inlaid with rubies. 8. Sri Sudevi Devi’s Kunja (northwest, green). Everything is green. It has emerald covered thrones. 9. Sri Ananga Manjari’s Kunja is in the center of Radha Kunda. It is connected to the north bank of Radha Kunda by a crystal bridge. The north bank is where Jahnava Devi’s sitting place is located. In the center of this kunja is a jeweled temple. Kunjas of the Eight Sakhas 1. Subala Kunja (northwest) is on the side of Syama Kunda where Manasa-pavana Ghata is located. It is managed by Radharani. Radharani and the rest of the sakhis bathe daily at 12 noon at Manasa-pavana Ghata. 2. Madhumangala’s Kunja (north) is managed by Lalita Devi. 3. Ujjvala’s Kunja (northwest) is managed by Visakha Devi. 4. Arjuna’s Kunja (east) is managed by Citra Devi. 5. Gandharva’s Kunja (southeast) is managed by Indulekha. 6. Vidagdha’s Kunja (south) is managed by Campakalata. 7. Kokeela’s Kunja (southwest) is managed by Ranga Devi. 8. Sanandananda’s Kunja (west) is managed by Tungavidya Devi. People Approaching You If you give some charity to the children here, you may attract an immediate crowd of twenty or thirty kids, who will not leave you alone. A good idea here is to not talk to anyone and to not even acknowledge their existence, if possible. People that walk up to you will usually quickly go away if you politely ignore them. Any donations given at temples will be politely accepted. If you would like to give a donation to anyone else, it is advised to give as you are leaving. Usually people will only walk up to you when you are around Radha Kunda. When you are around Syama Kunda, especially the far end, usually no one will come up to you. Usually a good place to spend some time is at Sri Caitanya’s sitting place. Radha Kunda Pratibhu Deities Radha Kunda Practicalities There are fairly decent rooms at the Manoranjan Dharamshala. To get there, you walk from where the bus or taxi lets you off near Radha Kunda. When you first see Radha Kunda there is a road that goes straight and one that goes right. You take the road to the right and walk a few minutes. The dharamshala is a yellow building on the right. During the month of Kartika this place will most likely be full. At Radha Kunda a taxi can be arranged through Mahesh, who has a cloth shop, which is just opposite the Hanuman temple near Radha Kunda. Tour of Radha Kunda Radha Gokulananda Temple This temple contains the pratibhu-murtis of Radha Gokulananda. The original Deities are at the Radha Gokulananda Temple in Vrindavana. They were worshipped by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakur. The puspa samadhis of Lokanatha Goswami and Narottama Dasa Thakur are next to this temple. There is also a cave (gupha) where Lokanatha Goswami stayed at while at Radha Kund. Sri Kundeswara Mahadeva Temple Jhulan Sthali The Jhulan Sthali marks the site of Radha’s and Krishna’s swing pastimes, in Their aprakata-lila, or unmanifested pastimes. In the spiritual world there is an incredible swing in the shape of a sixteen-petal lotus flower. On this swing Radha and Krishna sit in the middle facing each other. Also on the swing are the sakhis and manjaris, who sit facing Radha and Krishna. It appears to them that Radha and Krishna are directly facing each of them. The swing is being pushed by an assembly of sakhis. The ghat on this side of Radha Kund is known as Jhulan Ghat, after this pastime. Radha Krishna Temple and ISKCON Temple Next to this temple is a small ISKCON Temple, which has a good view of Radha Kunda from the roof. Gopala Manipur Mandir Maharaja Churachand, in which Gopala appeared to in a dream, told him to build a temple dedicated to Him at Radha Kund, which would give Him a view of Radha Kund and also Surya, the Sun-god, would get his darshan. The king built the temple so the first rays of the Sun would fall directly on the face of Gopala. From the Radha Krishna Temple, you then return to the parikrama path, turn left and walk 20m (60 ft). The next road you see is the Govardhana parikrama path. Just after this junction, on the left, is the red stone Gopala Manipur Mandir. Radha Kanta Temple There is a murti of Vakreswara Pandita and a puspa samadhi dedicated to him on the right side of the altar. Vakreswara Pandita is the sakhi Tungavidya in Krishna-lila. This place is built at the place where Tungavidya’s kunja is located in the aprakata-lila. Radha Kunja Bihari Gaudiya Math Temple Coming out of the Radha Kanta Temple you turn left, walk 7m (20 feet), and turn right going backwards on the Govardhana parikrama path. After a three-minute walk (100 metres) you come to the red stone Radha Kunja Bihari Temple. This temple is on the Govardhana parikrama path. Radha Syamasundara Temple Radha Damodara Temple Srinivasa Acarya Kunja Gopinatha Temple Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami’s Samadhi Jahnava Baithak Mahadeva Siva and Radha-Raman Temples Right next to this temple is the Radha-Raman Temple. In 1879 the Deities of Sri Radha-Raman and Sri Sri Revati-Balarama were installed in this temple. The original Radha-Raman temple in Vrindavana was established by Gopala Bhatta Goswami. In 1670 when the other main Deities of Vrindavana were moved to Jaipur in fear of an attack by Muslims, the deity of Radha-Raman stayed in Vrindavana and was not moved. In 1973, while visiting Radha Kund, Srila Prabhupada came to this temple. Radha Govinda Temple In the outer compound of this temple is the Tongue of Govardhana. Jihva Mandir (Tongue of Govardhana) Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami saw the need of a water source other than Radha Kunda, so he decided to have a well dug just opposite Madhavendra Puri’s Baithak (sitting place). As the workers dug down, they struck a rock and blood flowed from it. The workers then went to Raghunatha dasa Goswami and told him about it. He told them to stop digging because they may have committed an offence. That night in a dream it was revealed to Raghunatha Gosvami that the stone was the tongue of Govardhana and should be worshiped. Teen Samadhis It is believe that this is the actual cremation place of these three great souls. During their disappearance time there was a fear that the bodies of Vaishnava devotees would be dug up and desecrated. Therefore, their bodies were cremated under the instructions of Srila Jiva Goswami. Some of their ashes were kept at the Teen Gosvami Samadhi site, and part of their dust was enshrined elsewhere. The ashes of Raghunatha dasa Goswami were also placed next to the Radha Gopinatha Mandir next to Radha Kund. Some of the ashes of Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami were also placed in samadhi within the compound of the 64 Samadhi site. Some of the ashes of Krishnadasa Kaviraja were placed in samadhi at the Radha Damodara Temple in Vrindavana. Gopal Bhatta Goswami’s Bhajana Kutir Krishnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami’s Bhajana Kutir This is where he wrote the Caitanya Caritamrita, the biography of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Raghunatha dasa Goswami would talk daily in the afternoon for about three hours a day about the transcendental pastimes of Lord Caitanya and Krishnadasa Kaviraja would listen. A good part of the Caitanya Caritamrita is based on these accounts spoken by Raghunatha dasa Goswami. He also wrote Govinda-lilamrita, which describes the astakala-lila, or transcendental pastimes of Radha Krishna. Gadadhara Caitanya Temple After Raghunatha dasa Goswami’s disappearance, his Govardhana Shila was presented to Laksmipriya. After her disappearance the Shila was given to Krishnapriya Thakurani, and then later it was worshipped by Srila Viswanatha Cakravarti Thakura. Bhajana Kutirs of Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami & Visvanatha Cakravarti There is a painting inside his bhajana kutir, in which he is absorbed in thinking about Krishna, not realizing that there are two tigers near by drinking some water from Syama Kunda. Nor did he see Krishna standing near him, protecting him. Sri Sanatana Gosvami is standing in the left corner of the painting, observing what is happening. Pandava Trees Some local authorities say the Pandavas have left and only a dead tree (in front of the bhajana kutir of Raghunatha Dasa Goswami) marks the place of their previous residence. It is also believed by some authorities that the Pandava Arjuna tree is still alive and is located to the left of Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami’s bhajana kutir (if you are facing Syama Kunda), next to Syama Kunda. Manasa Pavan Ghata Bhajana Kutir of Bhaktivinoda Thakur and Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati (1874-1936) used this bhajana kutir from 1900 to 1936. Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati would come here during the month of Kartika (Oct/Nov). The puspa-samadhis of both Bhaktivinoda Thakur and Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati are located here. There are personal articles of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta in this house: his wooden shoes, walking stick, bed, chair, and table. Here at Radha Kunda in 1935, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati instructed Srila A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada during a morning walk around the kunds. “If you ever get money, print books.” Jagannatha Temple Lalita Kunda and Lalita Mohana Temple Next to Lalita Kunda is the Lalita Mohana Temple, where there are Deities of Krishna (on the left), Radha (in the middle) and Lalita Devi (on the right). Below them is a Deity of Gopal Krishna, and on the left is a deity of Hanuman. These Deities are the presiding Deities of this kunja (forest grove). This temple is managed by followers of the Nimbarka sampradaya. Jiva Goswami’s Bhajana Kutir Manipur Maharaja Mandir (Radha Govinda Temple) Radha-Vinoda Temple Gopi Kupa Srila Madhavendra Puri’s Baithak (Sitting Place) Madhavendra Puri is the spiritual master of Iswara Puri, who is the guru of Lord Caitanya. To get here you walk down the lane opposite the well and then you enter the gate on your left. There is a small raised shrine on the right of the courtyard. This place is known as Vyasa Ghera. Asta Sakhis Mandir Radha Madhava Temple Nitai Gaura Sitanatha Mandir Bankhandi Mahadeva Siva Temple About a kilometre past Narayana Sarovara is Lagamohan Kunda. It is said that Sankhacuda (Sankhasura) left Radha and the gopis at this place, after Krishna ruined his attempt to kidnap them. This is the place where Krishna killed the demon Sankhacuda. Krishna took the jewel from his head and gave it to Balarama. Balarama then gave the jewel to Radharani. Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami stayed here when he first came to Vrindavana. He was requested by Sanatana Gosvami to move to the bank of Syama Kunda. Not many people visit Lagamohan Kunda, so it is a peaceful place. Mahaprabhu’s Baithak (Tamala Tala) When Lord Caitanya came here, Radha Kunda and Syama Kunda were small ponds surrounded by forest and fields. All the buildings around Radha Kunda have been built since Lord Caitanya discovered Radha Kunda, almost 500 years ago. Lord Caitanya Discovers Radha Kunda “The Lord then understood the holy place called Radha Kunda was no longer visible. However, being the omniscient Supreme Personality of Godhead, He discovered Radha Kunda and Syama Kunda in two paddy fields. There was only a little water, but He took His bath there. “Of all the gopis, Radharani is the dear most. Similarly the lake known as Radha Kunda is very dear to the Lord because it is very dear to Srimati Radharani. “Srimati Radharani is most dear to Lord Krishna, and Her lake known as Radha Kunda is also very dear to Him. Of all the gopis, Srimati Radharani is certainly the most beloved. In that lake, Lord Krishna and Srimati Radharani used to sport daily in the water and have a rasa dance on the bank. “Indeed Lord Krishna gives ecstatic love like that of Srimati Radharani to whoever bathes in that lake even once in his life. The attraction of Radha Kunda is as sweet as that of Srimati Radharani. Similarly, the glories of the kunda are as glorious as Srimati Radharani. “Because of its wonderful transcendental qualities, Radha Kunda is as dear to Krishna as Srimati Radharani. It was in that lake that the all-opulent Lord Sri Krishna performed His pastimes with Srimati Radharani with great pleasure and transcendental bliss. Whoever bathes just once in Radha Kunda attains Srimati Radharani’s loving attraction for Sri Krishna. Who within this world can describe the glories and sweetness of Sri Radha Kunda?” (Caitanya Caritamrita Madhya 18.3-14) Pasa Khela Ghata and Vallabhacarya’s Baithak Govinda Lilamrita says that Radha and Krishna play dice in Sudevi’s kunja on the northwest side of Radha Kunda. Once time Radharani told Lalita Devi that Krishna has defeated them in various games, such as water sports. Now they should challenge them in a game that required brains. Radharani challenged Krishna to a game of pasha. Vrinda Devi acted as a witness to Sri Radha and Nandimukhi as a witness to Krishna. Radharani rolled the dice and got a pair of tens and twelves. He lost his famous Kaustubha gem to Radharani. Krishna then cheated to win and won the right to embrace Radharani. Radharani then won the bet of kisses. Krishna then killed Radharani near her lips and said, “I admit defeated and now you should obtain your prize.” Radharani and the gopis then laughed and covered their faces. In this compound is a temple that commemorates Vallabhacarya’s stay here. Vallabhacarya was a contemporary of Lord Caitanya, and has many followers in the Braja Mandal area. You then return to the parikrama path. About 30m down the path, on the left, is the Laksmi Narayana Temple, which is an old temple, about 500 years old. Madana Mohana Temple Next to this temple is Madana-Mohan Ghat, on the bank of Syama Kund. Sri Mahaprabhu Mandir The Sangam (Pathway Between Radha Kunda and Syama Kunda) The sangam (meeting place) of Radha Kunda and Syama Kunda is called Ratna-vedi (jeweled platform). In the spiritual world there is a bridge covered with gems going across the sangam. There are slits in the stone path between Radha Kunda and Syama Kunda, which allows mixing of the waters of these two kundas. The sangam is considered an extremely holy place. The bathing ghat here is called Yugala Sangam Ghat. Just past the Govardhana-shilas is a small open-air shrine honoring the lotus footprints of Srimati Radharani and Sri Krishna, called Sri Carana Cinha. Carana-cinha means footprints. The Banke Bihari Temple is an old temple on the right, just beyond Sri Carana Cinha. Located here is the seating place of Swami Haridas, who found the Deity of Banke-Bihari at Nidhivana, in Vrindavana. He is said to have sat here when he visited Radha Kund. There are some three interesting Govardhana-shilas in this temple. Govinda Ghat Radha Gopinatha Temple and Nityananda Baithak Braja Mohan Temple and Imli Tala One day Rupa Gosvami was sitting here and he looked over and say a beautiful swing. Just then Radha and Krishna arrived with Their sakhis and manjaris. Krishna requested Radharani to sit on the swing with her, but she refused because Krishna would make the swing go too high and she didn’t like that. Krishna asked Her again and promised he would not make it swing too high. The sakhis and manjaris also asked her to get on the swing with Krishna, and said they would push the swing themselves to keep it from going too high. At first the sakhis and manjaris gently pushed the swing, but then graduately Krishna started to moving his legs to make the swing go higher. After a short time the swing was going so high that it was above the heads of the sakhis and manjaris. Radharani then asked Krishna to stop going so high and to let Her get off the swing. Krishna just laughed and made the swing go higher, until it reached a level where it was almost going to go around. Radharani then screamed loudly and jumped into Krishna’s arms, and held Him firmly. Krishna was extremely happy to have Radharani holding Him. He then swung the swing so high that it made a complete circle. The sakhis and manjaris then sung the glories of Radha and Krishna. About 20 metres (60 ft) further down the path is a Deity of Hanuman, on the right side, in between some shops. This completes the parikrama of Radha Kunda and Syama Kunda. If you know of information that is not listed here, or if you would like to help update our listings, please e-mail us at: | NATURAL NIRVANA Buy Spiritual India, A Practical Guide Buy Braja Mandala & Vrindavana Practical Guide (This site with maps & practical information) by Jada Bharata Dasa
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Templos de los Goswamis en el Radha-Kunda ( - may 02
Rädhä-kuëòa - abr 23
Radha Kunda and Syama Kunda - jun 01
Map of Shri Radha Kunda and Shri Shyam Kunda - abr 23
Shri Rädhä-Kuïjabihäri ji - abr 04
Radharani, Gopi y Manjaris - abr 20
Shri Radhika and Her Sakhis - mar 22
Sri Radhika Stotra - The 108 Names of Radharani - mar 29 (35)
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jueves 11 de marzo de 2010
Correo Vaishnava
Mis Web Favoritas
- Adventistas del Séptimo Día
- Books Spirituals
- El Video y Su Mundo
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- Religión
- Spritual Masters
- Textos Sagrados Antiguos
- Virtual Istagosthi
Archivo del blog
- ► septiembre (167)
jun 01
- Sony Brasil - Você foi sorteado e já é um dos 10 f...
- Index of Lectures June 2010 - Indradyumna Swami
- Radha Kunda and Syama Kunda
- Pensamiento-del-dia - Junio 2010
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Subhag Maharaja Visits Melbo...
- mailing list memberships reminder
- Dandavats - Beautiful Game, Beautiful Festival
- [pensamiento-del-dia:754] Seminario sobre el servi...
- Index of Lectures June 2010 - Sankarshan das Adhikari
- Today's Thought - June 2010
- Planet ISKCON - 34 new articles
- Sambandha
- Sampradaya
- Le saint Nom.
jun 01
- ► septiembre (5)
- ► septiembre (3)
- ► septiembre (1)