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Here are the latest updates for"Planet ISKCON" - 49 new articles
- Dandavats.com: WSN November 2010 - World Sankirtan Newsletter
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Vraja Krsna Prabhu
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Book Distribution Seminar - Vijay Prabhu
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Darsana
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 6.2.26 Krishna Please Take My Blind Cow 12-30-2010
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: SOMEHOW ONE MUST REMAIN ALOOF
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: PRAY FOR WHAT?
- ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Come Out to Celebrate the One-Year Anniversary of CDM (Temple Clean-Up)!!!
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: ONLY
- Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Orders from Srila Prabhupada to Rupanuga dasa
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: FEW QUESTIONS FOR A NEW YEAR
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
- Japa Group: Please Join The Japa Group
- Dandavats.com: Opening of the new building of the Budapest Bhaktivedanta College
- Dandavats.com: Phoenix, Arizona Temple Chants 1 Million, 415 Thousand Names Of Krishna On New Year’S Day
- Dandavats.com: Gemini Rising
- Dandavats.com: Srila Prabhupada May Be Correct Although He Seems to Contradict Empirical Data
- Dandavats.com: Spanish Inmates Eat Prasadam!
- Dandavats.com: Temple President Wanted for Columbus Krishna House
- Dandavats.com: Request for Photographs
- Dandavats.com: Video
- Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: Kulimela Australia: Friday Night Entertainment Schedule
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Skype discussion with disciples on the subject of gurukula and education for children
- Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Honouring Srila Jiva Goswami
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Srila Prabhupada said: The Deity should have a new dress every day or twice or four times a day – as many times as possible
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 182
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: When Poets
- Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: 24 Hour Kirtan coming to Toronto!
- Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Janmastami Bhajan - Karnamrita - Krishna Jinika Namahe - 5/7
- Manoj, Melbourne, AU: 200. Writing in 2011
- Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: Kulimela Australia: Live Webcast from the Evening Entertainment!
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Quote Of Guru Maharaja
- Sutapa das, BV Manor, UK: Spirit + Ritual = Spiritual
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Skype discussion with disciples on the subject of gurukula and education for children
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Tuesday, January 4th, 2011
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Monday, January 3rd, 2011
- ISKCON Toronto, Canada: A Drama Presented by the Halifax Brahmacaris!
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Vijay Prabhu
- Gouranga TV: Bhakti Charu Swami Evening Bhajan
- Japa Group: Japa Workshop #3 of 6
- More Recent Articles
- Search Planet ISKCON
- Prior Mailing Archive
Dandavats.com: WSN November 2010 - World Sankirtan Newsletter
By Vijaya das
I want to thank everyone for participating in the Prabhupada Marathon I have heard that there was great success throughout the world, we'll see the results in three weeks or so
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Vraja Krsna Prabhu
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.28.38 - Do what is right and what is best.
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Book Distribution Seminar - Vijay Prabhu
Part 1 - Why to distribute books
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Darsana
The Deities are smiling on Their squeaky clean altar while Srila Prabhupada sits, satisfied and approving the efforts of the brahmanas who have cleaned Their transcendental house.
The Gundica marjanam pastime is very instructive in many respects; we can absorb ourselves in this lila by reading Madhya lila, Chapter 12 of Sri Caitanya-Caritamrta.
A drop of nectar from the first verse:
"Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu washed and cleansed the Gundica temple with His devotees and associates.
In this way He made the temple as cool and bright as His own heart, and thus He made the place befitting for Lord Sri Krishna to sit."
Here's a slideshow of what one can see in the sparkling hearts of the devotees.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 6.2.26 Krishna Please Take My Blind Cow 12-30-2010
SB 06.02.26 Krishna Please Take My Blind Cow 2010-12-30
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 6.2.26 Krishna Please Take My Blind Cow 12-30-2010 Los Angeles (Astrology)
Akrura das, Gita Coaching: SOMEHOW ONE MUST REMAIN ALOOF
He who is in Krsna consciousness does not care for material distress, insult or honor because he is aloof from all these.
He knows well that distress, honor and insult pertain to the body only and that he is not the body.
Socrates, for instance, who believed in the immortality of the soul, was condemned to death, and upon being asked how he would like to be buried, replied, "First of all you may have to catch me."
So one who knows that he is not the body is not disturbed, for he knows the soul cannot be caught, tortured, killed or buried.
He who is conversant with the science of Krsna knows perfectly well that he is not the body, that he is part and parcel of Krsna, that his real relationship is with Krsna, and that somehow or other, although he has been put in the material body, he must remain aloof from the three qualities of material nature.
He is not concerned with the modes of goodness, passion or ignorance, but with Krsna.
One who understands this is a jnani, a wise man, and he is very much dear to Krsna.
A distressed man, when he is put into opulence, may forget God, but a jnani, who knows the real position of God, will never forget Him.
- On the Way to Krsna 4: The Roads of the Foolish and the Wise
Akrura das, Gita Coaching: PRAY FOR WHAT?
No one has to pray to God to ask for anything, and he who does so is foolish because he does not know that the all-knowing God is within his heart and is well aware when he is in distress or in need of money.
The wise man realizes this and does not pray for relief from material miseries.
Rather, he prays to glorify God and inform others how great He is.
He doesn't pray for his personal interest, for bread, dress or shelter.
The pure devotee, when he is distressed, says, "Dear Lord, this is Your kindness. You have put me into distress just to rectify me.
I should be put in much greater distress, but out of Your mercy You have minimized this."
This is the vision of a pure devotee who is not disturbed.
He who is in Krsna consciousness does not care for material distress, insult or honor because he is aloof from all these.
- On the Way to Krsna 4: The Roads of the Foolish and the Wise
ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Come Out to Celebrate the One-Year Anniversary of CDM (Temple Clean-Up)!!!
Are you ready for it?
Next Saturday, January 15th, we are celebrating the one-year anniversary of the Cheto Darpana Marjanam (CDM) program in our temple, also known as the monthly temple clean-up. This project entails organized cleaning of one part of our beautiful temple as a group. This time, CDM will feature the presence of some special devotees from the Krsna Kathamrtam organizing and coaching teams.
To recognize our hard work throughout the year, we are going to have pizza (of course) and some dessert with a bunch of surprises waiting for you! We will have a short presentation and bhajans after clean-up!
Let's take full advantage of this opportunity to cleanse our hearts and have lots of fun together! What can be better than doing service together in a fun way, associating with devotees, having an incredible prasadam, inspiring each other for the year ahead of us and chanting together for our beloved Deities?
Here is a quote by Srila Prabhupada to inspire us even more:
"Everything within the temple should be kept very, very neat and clean. And the more you keep the temple neat and clean, you will be neat and clean within your heart. And then your understanding will be very easy. We cannot understand Krsna because our heart is piled up with many garbages. That we have to cleanse."-- Srila Prabhupada Melbourne, May 22, 1975
We need your help and support! Everyone counts!
Akrura das, Gita Coaching: ONLY
One who hears the unheard, sees the invisible and believes in unbelievable, he can achieve the impossible.
Only open mind receives wisdom. Only open arms receive gifts. Only pure heart receives love.
And only dear persons receive this message.
Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Orders from Srila Prabhupada to Rupanuga dasa
Teach by ideal character; contribute this son to Krsna; guard the spiritual standards; see that our men are adored as honest; carefully study your books; develop New Hastinapur; write a book entitled Intellectual Animalism; develop the farm communities as far as possible; every center must have a farm; arrange for dioramas; begin a higher school of theology; never use this artificial fertilizer; preach to the students; keep a Sunday school for the Indian children; establish varnasrama and varnasrama colleges; open restaurants with reading rooms; see that our books are distributed;
and so on.
Vyasa-puja book, 1988.
Akrura das, Gita Coaching: FEW QUESTIONS FOR A NEW YEAR
* What’s possible for me beyond where I’ve dared to dream before?
* How can I keep the big picture in mind during day to day challenges?
* Inspired by chanting the holy name, what world-altering questions can I ask about my relationships, career, and future?
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
To all those earnestly awaiting the daily darsana:
Please note that due to our Melbourne Gundica marjanam (maha-clean of the temple) the daily morning schedule is somewhat delayed.
So the upload of the darsana will come about later than usual.
It will give us some time to do some personal ceto darpana marjanam in the temple of our consciousness:
a big spring-cleaning of the inner chambers of our heart to make everything spotless before we take darsana of Their Lordships.
Also, regarding the many inquiries about the small Ratha Yatra that usually marks the return of Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra Mayi on the altar:
we would like to inform everyone that it will NOT take place this coming Saturday.
We would like to invite you to the Big Ratha Yatra instead that will be held on the 13th February, in conjunction with the St Kilda Festival.
More information will be forwarded soon.
Japa Group: Please Join The Japa Group
Please share your realisations with other devotees from around the world...simply send me an introduction email and I will be happy to make you a member:
Rasa Rasika dasa
Dandavats.com: Opening of the new building of the Budapest Bhaktivedanta College
Bh. Tibor: Opening of the new building of the Budapest Bhaktivedanta College was 5Th. January 2011 The speech at the gala opening of the college
Dandavats.com: Phoenix, Arizona Temple Chants 1 Million, 415 Thousand Names Of Krishna On New Year’S Day
Cakri das: The devotees and members of the Phoenix, Arizona temple held a Harinam mantra group meditation on New Year's day. This auspicious event began at 5am, with the participants attending the Mangal Arotik ceremony. After Tulasi Puja, all the assembled vaisnavas began to chant the Mahamantra on their japa beads. The original goal was to chant at least 500,000 names of the Lord
Dandavats.com: Gemini Rising
Giribaradhari das: Cursed or blessed, I don't really know, Born under a strange constellation. The ways of the stars I can't understand. That's the cause of my consternation
Dandavats.com: Srila Prabhupada May Be Correct Although He Seems to Contradict Empirical Data
By Sita Rama das
Krishna Consciousness is a science. In the B.G. Krishna gives the qualities of a self realized soul. There is a logical connection between these observable qualities and ones internal realization. We can see that Srila Prabhupada exhibits the qualities of a self realized soul
Dandavats.com: Spanish Inmates Eat Prasadam!
By Krishna Kripa Dasa
Once again, and for second consecutive year, we did the prasadam distribution in the Prison of Ceuta, Spain. Still the only prison in all Spain and European Union, who serves at least once in a year a full vegetarian menu (mainly Hindu dishes) to all the inmates
Dandavats.com: Temple President Wanted for Columbus Krishna House
Malati devi: Columbus Krishna House has been in existence since 1967. Its current location is directly across the street from one of the largest universities in USA (Ohio State University). There are other smaller colleges in the area
Dandavats.com: Request for Photographs
Atmananda dasa: Late 2010 I sent a request out to a lot of Iskcon Temples requesting photographs to help me prepare for my Sri Vyasa-puja offering in 2011. Maybe I sent my request too early (Srila Prabhupada's Sri Vyasa-puja is in August 2011) or too late in the year (2010)
Dandavats.com: Video
Aprakrita dasa: A new video is now available at Cinema Hare Krishna, the online devotee theater. Entitled: “HAPPY NEW YEAR.”
Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: Kulimela Australia: Friday Night Entertainment Schedule
Kulimela Australia 2011
January 7th (8 pm to 1 am, Brisbane time).
CLICK HERE To view tonight’s evening performances webcast LIVE on Ustream.
Tentative Schedule for Evening Entertainment:
6:45 pm – Junior Natya Shakti – dance performance
7:00 pm: Gitanjali Carmella – bhajans
7:30 pm: Chaytanya Nitai Dasi – bhajans
8:00 pm: Mothership Intergalactic and Vaiyasaki Dasa – kirtan and bhajans
8:45 pm: Gaura Vani, As Kindred Spirits & the Mayapuris – kirtan and bhajans
9:45 pm: AZitiZ – Hip Hop kirtan
10:00 – Nimai – kirtan
Times are local to Brisbane, Australia.
To convert the time difference to your location, CLICK HERE.
Schedule is subject to change.
Please send prayers to Krishna that He instruct the internet gods to provide a good internet connection.
Thanks to Sitapati and his crew for doing their best to make the live video feed happen.
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1969 January 6: "Your proposal to become an Ayurvedic physician is not very good. The first medicine you should be concerned with is to chant Hare Krishna and become increasingly steady in Krishna Consciousness. This will be the most successful and appreciated endeavor."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1969
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1970 January 6: "I am so glad to learn that Sriman George Harrison is making good advancement in Krishna consciousness. He is a good soul and I am praying for him to Krishna, so surely he will make advancement. His book, KRSNA, is already ready for being sent to the press."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1970
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1971 January 6: "Distribution of books means propagation of our mission. If we can distribute KRSNA Book in thousands upon thousands, automatically the Krsna Consciousness Movement will be spread up. This kind of transcendental enthusiasm is the basic impetus for Krsna Consciousness."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1971
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1972 January 6: "Japa should be done early with full concentration during Brahma Muhurta. Do not worry much about chanting fast, most important is hearing. Be grave and silent, only discusses topics relating to Krishna Consciousness."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 January 6: "Purchase land as much bighas as possible. But don't purchase more land than we can utilize. My only desire is that our temples must be a living temples by chanting Hare Krsna and by distributing prasadam and books to the intelligent class of men."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 January 6: "I am glad you are learning laboriously how to make diorama models. Keep materials like bamboo, thatch and tarpolin in stock. If Tirtha Maharaja is having a big showing then we have to show more and let everyone see what the American model makers can do."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 January 6: "I am working on Caitanya Caritamrta continually. This time we shall have the first part published 400 pages. So by the time I reach India I hope my quarters will be completely open for use without any difficulty."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1975 January 6: "This has caused havoc. It should be stopped immediately. Book distribution is our real business, not other things. Stop record selling completely. This is my order."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1975
Transcription : Chitrangada Devi Dasi On the 24th morning, everyone gathered at the garden of Totta Gopinath at 6.30am as scheduled. Devotees were trickling in all the time, trying to find space to sit. The crowd consisted mainly of the Oriya and Bengali devotees whose enthusiasm and devotion never fails to inspire me. We, the [...]
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Skype discussion with disciples on the subject of gurukula and education for children
(English only)
Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Honouring Srila Jiva Goswami
Today marks the disappearance day of Srila Jiva Goswami. Srila Jiva Goswami was a prolific writer and he wrote 25 works in sanskrit with a total of over 400,000 sanskrit verses! He became a great preceptor of the Gaudiya Sampradaya, as blessed and predicted by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
Srila Jiva Goswami is one of the revered Six Goswamis of Vrindavan and the nephew of Srila Rupa and Sanatana Goswami. He is credited for establishing the prominent Radha Damodara temple which is so dear to Srila Prabhupada and his followers. Srila Jiva Goswami personally managed this temple as well as Govindaji, Madana Mohana and Gopinatha temples and also assisted Raghunatha Dasa Goswami in the excavation of Radha Kunda.
In 1573 the Moghul Emperor, Akbar came to see the Goswamis of Vrindavan and after meeting Srila Jiva Goswami he became enthralled with them.
Our Srila Prabhupada stated, "The Vaishnavas are by far the greatest philosophers in the world, and the greatest among them was Srila Jiva Goswami".
Srila Jiva Goswami's glories go on and on and I have simply provide the above summary.
However, we have also cut and paste some more information below.
How fortunate we are to be part of this parampara!
Jaya Srila Jiva Goswami!Srila Jiva Goswami Prabhu (1511-1596) was the nephew of Srila Rupa Goswami, the son of his brother Sri Vallabha (Anupama). In his infancy he had the great fortune of seeing Sri Caitanya and Mahaprabhu placed His lotus feet upon the child's head exclaiming that the boy would grow up to be a great preceptor in the Gaudiya sampradaya. In his studies the young Jiva excelled in all subjects, especially Sanskrit grammar, poetry and rhetoric.
When he learned that his two uncles had taken to the path of renunciation and that his father had passed away, Sri Jiva journeyed to Navadvipa in order to get the mercy of Lord Nityananda. When he arrived in Navadvipa Lord Nityanananda introduced Jiva to all the associates of Mahaprabhu including Saci-devi and Srivasa Thakura and proceeded to take him on parikrama of Navadvipa-dhama. On the order of Nityananda, Sri Jiva went on to Varanasi to study Vedanta from Madhusudana Vacaspati, a disciple of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya who had heard from his guru the divine explanations of Srimad Bhagavatam that he had received from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Jiva mastered the same conclusions and then set out for Vrndavana to join his uncles Sri Rupa and Sri Sanatana.
Sri Jiva took diksa from Srila Rupa Goswami and remained under his shelter and guidance until Rupa Goswami entered into samadhi in 1564. Srila Jiva Goswami was proclaimed as the leader of the Gaudiya Vaisnavas. He established the 'Visva Vaisnava Rajya Sabha' and taught Sanskrit and Gaudiya Vaisnava philosophy to eminent devotees such as Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura, Srila Syamananda Pandita and Srila Srinivasa Acarya. By his vast erudition, he attracted scholars throughout India to study in Vraja. Thus, Vrndavana became the headquarters of the Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradya.
Some of the books that he has written are the Sat-sandarbhas, Harinamarta-vyakharana, Sri Madhava-mahotsava, Brahma-samhita Tika, Goplala-campu, Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu Tika, Ujjvala-nilamani Tika, Laghu-vaisnava Tosani, Srimad Bhagavata Tika, Sarva-samvadina Tika, Gopala-tapani Tika, Gayatri-vyakhya Vivrtti, Padma Puranastha-yogasara-stotra Tika, Radha-Krsna Arcana-candrika, Dhatu-samgraha, Govinda-virudhavali, Sankalpa-kalpadhruma, Bhavarthasucaka-campu and Sri Radha-Krsna karapada.
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Srila Prabhupada said: The Deity should have a new dress every day or twice or four times a day – as many times as possible
The more we dress Krsna, the more satisfied we become.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 182
5:27 A.M.
I woke up by mistake, reading the clock wrong. At 1:00 A.M., I put the light on, boosted the pillows up and began chanting. It wasn’t until 3:00 A.M. that I noticed the actual time. I had chanted eight rounds. I turned the light off and went back to sleep. Since coming out of the hospital it’s been hard to keep a regulated schedule of waking up in the morning. But I slept until 5:45 and completed my sixteen rounds quietly and comfortably. Last night T.J. gave me a Tao massage, which has its roots in Ayur-veda. He massaged my legs, knees, kneecaps, and lower legs. He stretched the legs, and it felt good. I hope I’ll be able to get some more sessions from him, as there’s a hope it may strengthen up the muscles in my weakened legs, which it seems to me became weakened by lying in bed without movement for three and a half days in the hospital. Of course, I had weakened legs before that too, but it wasn’t that bad.
Bhakti-rasa read to me from the fourth and final section of Aindra’s book. It’s getting stronger, with more humility and no criticism of others. He is reaching the sterling climax.
In the Krishna book, Maharaja Pariksit asks, “Who is the man who burnt up Kalayavana when Kalayavana kicked him?” Sukadeva Gosvami tells the story. He said the man was a great king known as King Mucukunda, and he was very truthful to his promise. He was so powerful that even demigods like Indra, and others, used to ask him to help with fighting of the demons, and as such he often fought against the demons to protect the demigods. The commander in chief of the demigods, known as Kartikeya, was satisfied with the fighting of King Mucukunda, but once he asked that the king, having taken so much trouble in fighting the demons, retire from fighting and take rest. Kartikeya asked the king to take any boon that he desired except for liberation, which can only be granted by Vishnu. King Mucukunda had not slept for many years, and he was very tired. So when the demigod offered benediction, Mucukunda simply thought of sleeping. He said, “I want to sleep now. Grant me the power to burn, by my mere glance, anyone to ashes who tries to disturb my sleeping and awakes me untimely.” The demigod agreed and also gave him the benediction that he would be able to take complete rest. Then Mucukunda entered the cave of the mountain. On the strength of the benediction of Kartikeya, Kalayavana was burnt into ashes by Mucukunda’s glancing at him. When the incident was over, Krishna came before Mucukunda. Krishna had actually entered the cave to deliver Mucukunda from his austerity, but He had not first appeared before him; He arranged that first Kalayavana appear before him. That is the way of the activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead—He does one thing in such a way that many other purposes are served. When the Lord appeared before Mucukunda, the king saw Him dressed in a yellow garment, His chest marked with the symbol of Srivatsa and bearing four hands as Vishnu-murti. When King Mucukunda saw Krishna’s magnificent features, he wondered about His identity, and with great humility he began to inquire from the Lord: “My dear Lord, may I inquire how it is that You have happened to be in the cave of this mountain? Who are You? I can see that Your feet are just like lotus flowers. How can You walk in this forest full of thorns and hedges? I am simply surprised to see this. Are You not, therefore, the Supreme Personality of Godhead who is the most powerful among the powerful?” King Mucukunda thought it would be best to introduce himself first as the inferior person and then ask about Krishna’s identity. He told about his fighting career and then asked about Krishna. Lord Krishna began to answer smilingly and said, “It is practically impossible to tell about My birth, appearance, disappearance and activities. Therefore it is not possible to know how many names and forms I possess. But since you are so anxious to know about Me, I may inform you that I have presently appeared on this planet to annihilate the demoniac principles of the people in general and to reestablish the religious principles enjoined in the Vedas. I have been invited for this purpose by Brahma, the superintendent deity of this universe. Mucukunda admits that he has wasted his life trying to act like a puffed up king in control of the world. But he had the fortune once to meet the pure devotee Gargamuni, who by slight contact enlightened him as to the position of Krishna. This information now came back to Mucukunda, and he fell at the Lord’s feet and asked forgiveness. Krishna was very pleased with Mucukunda and granted him a boon that in his next life he would become a pure Vaisnava and engage himself in welfare activities for all living entities. That highest welfare activity is the preaching of Krishna consciousness. And that was the boon that was awarded to Mucukunda.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: When Poets
When poets write poems back and
forth it’s a nice kind of communication
especially if they both like each other’s work.
The same thing is true for music if
they like the same tunes
it’s a very nice strength
but you should stop at a certain point.As I write this, T.J. and Bryan are making a railing with their drills on the stairway. They’re putting in a railing on the stair-railing (it is too loud for me to spell it right). It’s hellish. It’s too cold for me to go outside. I’m enduring it for 40 more minutes. But it’s going to be worth it because I’ll have a railing that I can walk with safely. At least that’s the idea. R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R, R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R. It’s like a racket from outside and a racket from inside my head.
Aindra Prabhu’s book The Heart of Transcendental Book Distribution ends with sensational triumph. He praises the holy name and urges us all to chant together if we want the Hare Krishna movement to realize its potential. If we want to reach the raganuga platform of Krishna consciousness, we must chant Hare Krishna in congregational chanting. Aindra says Prabhupada appeared to him in a dream and told him to write the book, and appears inspired. Although I made some criticisms for his heavy criticisms of devotees in the beginning of the book, I have evolved in my reading to honor his book as a very important contribution to the Krishna consciousness movement, touching on its most essential aspect, the order of Lord Caitanya that everyone chant Hare Krishna in congregational sankirtana. Bravo, Aindra Prabhu! It is a transcendental mystery that you finished your book just a few months before you left your body. One doesn’t know why Krishna does these things, but now we have the book and we should follow it.
Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: 24 Hour Kirtan coming to Toronto!
Ashtaprahar 2011. 1st annual 24 hour kirtan is coming to Toronto!
Just heard it will be over the Family day long weekend! February 19th to 20th, 2011...
Check out the excellent video with His Grace Aindra Prabhu's voice.
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Janmastami Bhajan - Karnamrita - Krishna Jinika Namahe - 5/7
Karnamrita singing the bhajan "Krishna Jinika Namahe" on Janmastami.
Karnamrita (lead vocals), Amala Kirtan (backup vocals), Gopi Gita (backupvocals), Kapil (drum), Kalindi (drum), Bhakta Alan (Violin), Arpita (Kartals)
Dallas, TX
Manoj, Melbourne, AU: 200. Writing in 2011
3 months of no writing, bucket loads of work later and just returning from a very cold second trip to Mayapur later, I am hoping to write every week in 2011. But first, wishing all my devotee friends and readers, a very happy new year ! May our devotional service increase even more over the next 12 months. And oh, this post makes it to 200 articles from me. Woohoo ! Hari Bol !
Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: Kulimela Australia: Live Webcast from the Evening Entertainment!
Kulimela Australia 2010/2011:
CLICK HERE To view tonight’s LIVE EVENING CONCERT January 6th (9 pm to 1 am, Brisbane time).
Featuring: Chaytanya Nitai, Cupid’s Bullet, The Ghost Brothers, Dovetail, AZitiZ, Gaura Vani & As Kindred Spirits, Mayapuris Kirtan and more…
H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Quote Of Guru Maharaja
Sent by Bhakta Kartik Agarwal
Sutapa das, BV Manor, UK: Spirit + Ritual = Spiritual
Some 4,000 miles away from London, I am currently in the ancient and holy town of Vrindavana. Krishna, the speaker of Bhagavad-gita, roamed these lands over 5000 years ago. From the external point of view there seems to be widespread poverty and decrepit infrastructure, but from the spiritual point of view this town is thriving. Crowds of pilgrims, bustling temples, lavish worship and constant devotional chanting fills the air at all hours. I was, however, challenged with a thought-provoking inquiry. Why spend so much money on flowers, dresses and golden ornaments for elaborate temple worship? Wouldn’t God be happier if we spent that money on helping the poverty stricken? Is God pleased when we offer Him sumptuous feasts while thousands of malnutritioned individuals lie on the temple doorstep? Are we satisfied in building huge ornate marble temples while orphaned children suffer in makeshift shanty towns? Have we become so interested in our own spiritual wellbeing that we’ve lost touch with the ‘real’ world?
Religious worship is aimed at reviving our dormant relationship with the Divine. These acts of worship are not simply token deeds, but thoughtful activities meant to invoke a sense of awareness and personal relationship with God. While we are impersonal and insensitive toward the Divine, it is very difficult to be personal and sensitive toward the multitude of living beings around us. Scriptures do state that one who simply performs ritual worship, but does not work to alleviate the sufferings of others is a neophyte and elementary practitioner. However, that does not deem ritual worship void. Performed in the proper spirit, such rituals invoke a deep spiritual vision, where one becomes sensitive to everything in the universe, seeing different creations as part of the Divine. On that level, the spiritualist feels the sufferings of others as his own suffering, and dedicates his life for their upliftment.
The ultimate welfare work is to reconnect people back to their spiritual nature. It is this disconnect which is the root problem in our modern civilisation. A spiritually ‘connected’ individual can effectively benefit humanity by simultaneously serving the needs of the body, mind and soul. We may serve others without seeing any need for a God in the picture, but such efforts may not be as comprehensive and lasting as we would like. Time, energy and resource spent in strengthening our personal connection with the Divine will ultimately benefit the entire world in a very tangible and practical way.
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Skype discussion with disciples on the subject of gurukula and education for children
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Tuesday, January 4th, 2011
It Started With White
Toronto, Ontario
Snow had snuk in with its silence changing the dynamics of things. I had completed a second trek for the previous day, then lay down to rest at midnight when all was dark and grey. At a 4 AM rising, nature's white sprinkle moved in to provide that new world of surprise. Weather gave fascination to the day. It gives an impetus to live and love life.
Each morning is like that for the spiritual practitioner. When you open the door to be hit softly or harshly by the atmospheric conditions it comes like that when you arise to a day of devotional wonder. There's adventure.
When the gates and doors to the vigraha (Krishna deity) opens to expose us to a fresh look our optimism escaltes. Our kid-in-the-candy-shop mood becomes ignited. Their smiles radiate a warmth that stokes your devotional energy permitting you to bear up against the day's onslaught.
I didn't have the opportunity to push a leg after that rising, I only had the fine memory of doing so before it struck midnight. Issues came at me from different parts of the continent either electronically, telephonically or personally. It took a stressful toll on me although I felt sustained because of the morning pull - seeing the most beautiful forms of Radha Gopinath (Krishna's sacred images). They stand there confident in pose and curvy like poetry or prose.
My day began before those buoyant forms and it ended that way as well. Before them, at evening arati (service), I picked up a drum and let fingers walk on its ends while Keshav, an always zestful one, gravitated to the same space. His fingers walked over the harmonium's teeth. We played and sang. It was a perfect day, as usual, except for the lack of trek.
0 KM
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Monday, January 3rd, 2011
"Devotional Milestones for 2010"
Toronto, Ontario
A wrap up or review of the past year would look something like the following with regards to my feet and heart at home or other territory.
1. Early in February a sweaty walk got me through the nation of Trinidad.
2. Along the Mediterranean bare foot I went in October covering half of Israel.
3. Prem Kishor aka Dr. Jani, dear friend and devotee, hosted the first Festival of India in Thunder Bay at the shore of the world's largest lake, Lake Superior, in July. It was a grand success.
4. Montreal ISKCON launched its first devotional talent show called Natakam featuring dance, drama, and music of a unique kind.
5. The brahmacaris (monks) from Halifax purchased a bus, compliments of kind donors, for the purpose of travelling Canada throughout the year.
6. A Tamil gang leader turned pious and joined our Scarborough ISKCON centre. He now chants mantras on japa meditation beads.
7. Devotees of Brampton cooked up a storm serving thousands at the India Panorama.
8. Saskatoon is the latest city to open Krishna Consciousness programs led by team Kasyapa and Pancomi.
9. Ottawa ISKCON celebrated the 35th Anniversary of Guara-Nitai deity installation in August.
10. Vancouver ISKCON has finalized drawings for a new temple, a unique monolithic domed structure.
11. The village of Saranagati, an eco-friendly rural and devotional community, hosted a grand Balarama Festival in the summer, fusing indigenous and Vedic culturals. A huge teepee was erected to symbolize unity.
12. The Krishna Youth Bus Tour drove into Regina for its fifth year of devotional talents. Regina was the first city to host indoor stage events with the tour.
13. The Toronto Star, Canada's most widely read major city newspaper featured an article "Hare Krishnas Go Mainstream," a favourable update on the city's Krishna community. It was sourced to other papers nation wide.
14. Sunday school (Krishna Conscious style) is increasing in Calgary at the Radha Madhava Cultural Centre in age group up to age 21, thanks to co-ordinators Twani and Gopika.
15. Toronto's downtown Urban Edge Yoga Centre is enjoying its second year of operation catering to U of T spiritual seekers.
16. Alas this humble self, the Walking Monk, travelled in addition to Canada, to the USA, Guyana, Trinidad, Cuba, Italy, Argentina, South Africa, India and Dubai.
ISKCON Toronto, Canada: A Drama Presented by the Halifax Brahmacaris!
During our Prabhupada Festival on January 1st, the brahmacaris (student-monks) visiting from the east coast treated the crowd to a wonderful little comedic drama. It was centred on fun (and maybe slightly-exaggerated) stories of adventures while distributing books. The brahmacaris performed the same drama the next day at ISKCON Scarborough and we found the video online. Enjoy!
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Vijay Prabhu
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.28.37 - A man amidst great material sufferings with death approaching slowly, under the influence of illusion, thinks that "life is after all not that bad".
Gouranga TV: Bhakti Charu Swami Evening Bhajan
Bhakti Charu Swami Evening Bhajan
Japa Group: Japa Workshop #3 of 6
In this third episode of the Japa Workshop, Mahatma dasa encourages feedback from participants as well as emphasizes the principle of having goals in Krsna Consciousness.
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