----- Original Message -----From: FeedBlitzTo:Sent: Monday, December 06, 2010 7:51 AMSubject: Planet ISKCON - 40 new articles
Here are the latest updates for"Planet ISKCON" - 40 new articles
- ISKCON Orlando, USA: Bhakti Marg Swami Jaya Radha Madhava Orlando 12/05/10
- Kurma dasa, AU: Last Tango in Canberra
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: GENTLEMAN
- ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Deity Darshan: Sunday,Secember 5, 2010
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
- Japa Group: How Can We Keep That Spark Bright?
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Silpa Karini dd asks
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Silpa Karini dd. asks
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Vraja Kumara asks what it takes to go back to Godhead
- Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: the force of literary influence
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Rasamrta dd asked me to speak about Radha Damodara
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Wikileaks
- Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Baklava Made from Homemade Spelt Phyllo Dough
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Gaura Nitai asks questions about Nava Vraja Mahima and succession
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Tejasri dd, Madhusudana Sharma and Nirmala Candra ask
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: If you are not empowered like Prahlada Maharaja, don’t drink poison offered to the Lord
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Nagy Arnold István asks about Nanda-village started by H.H. B.A. Narayana Swami
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Dayal Nitai dasa asks three questions
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Minimuni quotes from Bg 2.29
- Bhakti Lata, Alachua, USA: An Unexpected Guru
- Kurma dasa, AU: Christmas Recipes from Kurma's Kitchen #2 - Polenta
- Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Bhajan - The Mayapuris - Invocation - 1/4
- Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: Photovoltaic Art
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 153
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Prabhupada Meditations
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Krishna’s Greatest Pleasure
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Free Write
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Prabhupada Smaranam
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 153
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Friday, December 3rd, 2010
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Saturday, December 4th, 2010
- Hari Sauri das, Mayapura, IN: TOVP update: last pile done
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: My experiences and associations with Prabhupada.
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Pictures From The Vraj Mandal Parikrama
- Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Madhurastakam: The Lord of Sweetness!
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Update on Cancun climate change talks
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: After yesterday’s Gita-jayanti readings I reflect upon how accommodating Krsna is to seekers of the Truth and how reassuring He is, especially to His devotees
- Japa Group: One Should Constantly Chant
- Gouranga TV: Visvambar das kirtana
- H.H. Sivarama Swami
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ISKCON Orlando, USA: Bhakti Marg Swami Jaya Radha Madhava Orlando 12/05/10
Kurma dasa, AU: Last Tango in Canberra
Here's our crew from last Saturday's cookery class in Australia's National capital Canberra. The event: a birthday bash for Nicola, in red-dotted apron.
It was a very character-driven culinary adventure. The men, headed by Dave (front, in black) husband of Nicola were super-enthusiastic.
The ebullient Kara, sister of Nicola in pink apron with white dots, added extreme comedy relief of top-quality quirky-sitcom standard. All meant in the nicest possible way, Kara.
The home kitchen and lovely aromatic patio garden bedecked with heavenly star jasmine was courtesy of Dave's Dad Jim (back left).
The food we cooked was tasty and plentiful, the company cordial, the weather conducive. What more could you ask for my last cookery event for 2010. What a year! Adios amigos.
Akrura das, Gita Coaching: GENTLEMAN
A gentleman is one who always gives at least a little more than he receives.
ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Deity Darshan: Sunday,Secember 5, 2010
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
Deena Bandhu Prabhu will be conducting his last seminar in Melbourne tonight:
"The Glories of Sri Vrindavana Dhama",
7.30 till 9pm in the Temple Room.
Until then, here is today's glorious darsana of the Melbourne yatra's Istadevas.
Japa Group: How Can We Keep That Spark Bright?
Hare Krsna dear devotees, below is a very nice preaching by H.H. Radhanath Swami, I hope you can learn a lot from it.
Question: When we meet great souls the fire of bhakti is bright and clear in our hearts. But how can we keep that spark bright even when we are in the real world?
Radhanath Swami: We eat to gain strength. And it’s not that you just eat on Monday and comeback the next Sunday to eat again. You have to regularly nourish yourself, or else you get weak. Similarly, regular association with people who uplift us is all important, and regular connection with the Lord of our heart is very important for maintaining our spiritual strength.
Chanting God’s names everyday, reading through the scriptures everyday, offering sincere prayers regularly, associating with people who inspire us regularly—if we make these our priorities—spiritual life becomes very simple and very happy. Otherwise, it’s very difficult, because there is a lot of opposition to leading a pure life in this world.
That's a very bright and beautiful teaching from Maharaja to us, may all of us understand and put into practice his wise words.
your servant,
Aruna deviH.H. Sivarama Swami: Silpa Karini dd asks
In “Talks between Lord Caitanya and Ramananda Raya” in the purport 8.246 Lord Siva said that Prahlada is the topmost devotee, then Srila Prabhpada wrote that more advance are Pandavas, then Yadus, Uddhava and gopis and Srimati Radharani. According to what is this selection done?
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Silpa Karini dd. asks
“The Goswamis introduced worship of Radha and Krsna. Can you please say something more from a historical and devotional point of view about introducing Radha-Krsna worship and how it was before in our devotinal line?”
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Vraja Kumara asks what it takes to go back to Godhead
Chanting namabhasa gives only this material existence, but Srila Prabhupada said that, “If you simply can understand what is Krsna and what is your relationship with Krsna, that is sufficient to take you back to home, back to Godhead. ” Please could you comment on this.
Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: the force of literary influence
In a recently discovered unpublished letter to Hayagriva Prabhu, dated March 22, 1972, Srila Prabhupada wrote:
I am now translating nightly, and each day Shyamasundar types the tape and Pradyumna is editing Sanskrit, so we shall be sending more and more material because you say that you can edit any amount we can supply, so I take that as a challenge and I shall try to see if you can keep up with me. Yes, you are correct to say that "It is all nectar,¨ everything having relation with Krsna or Lord Chaitanya is nectarine, and our literature in our line of Vaisnava acharyas is so nice that there is no comparison anywhere in the world for it, so I want that my disciples like you and others should take this task very seriously to give the world the access to this great treasure of Vaishnava literature by producing innumerable books and small booklets, and that the force of literary influence will change everything and save the people from their miserable condition and corrupt status of life.
Quoted in Malati d.d. offering in Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa-puja book 2010.
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Rasamrta dd asked me to speak about Radha Damodara
So here is a little about Them.
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Wikileaks
A real confirmation that Democracy degrades into what Srila Prabhupada called it “Demon crazy.”
Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Baklava Made from Homemade Spelt Phyllo Dough
Remember the laminated pie dough? Yes, well, there was leftover dough so I promptly wrapped and froze it. I let it thaw in my fridge overnite and today thought I would try my hands at making my own phyllo dough. Especially after my husband looked at me like I was a loon. Ahem.
Initially, I thought to use the pasta maker. The dough was very delicate going through the machine. There was no way I was able to crank it past the 4 setting. The dough just got all wholly and a mess.
This was a lucky roll through 5. As Kate Moss said, "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels." Okay, I think she used the word skinny, but who cares about Kate Moss anyway.
Eventually, I abandoned the pasta maker and just went for rolling it out by hand. Lots and lots of flour was needed to keep the delicate dough from tearing. Flour, roll, flip, repeat. I ended up with papery thin, translucent dough--pretty similar to store bought.
Here are my layers of buttered dough laid out in the baking dish. The filling is ground almonds, cinnamon, cardamom and sucanat.
Syrup was made from orange juice, water, turbinado sugar and honey. The baklava needs alone time to soak up the syrup overnite, but I took pictures today because, well, tomorrow I am moving on to cooking other things. So...spelt flour baklava looks good enough to me.
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Gaura Nitai asks questions about Nava Vraja Mahima and succession
Madhupati about praying for better health, Vrsnabhanu about what/who the dust of devotees feet is/are and Payonidhi about harmonizing devotees’ two opinions of other religions.
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Tejasri dd, Madhusudana Sharma and Nirmala Candra ask
“Are the two souls of Radha and Krsna in Lord Caitanya”, “How to change when one discontinues service for lack of appreciation”, “What is mercy, and what do we mean by ‘Please be merciful to me?”
H.H. Sivarama Swami: If you are not empowered like Prahlada Maharaja, don’t drink poison offered to the Lord
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Nagy Arnold István asks about Nanda-village started by H.H. B.A. Narayana Swami
And why it separated from ISKCON and is it and it’s practitioners bonafide.
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Dayal Nitai dasa asks three questions
How would cursed devotees counteract their curses, who do the Vraja-vasis think is God, and if all jivas become Brahma, where does our sadhana come in when Brahmas automatically go back to Godhead?
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Minimuni quotes from Bg 2.29
And asks who is Brahma’s teacher and how could the oldest being have a teacher at all.
Bhakti Lata, Alachua, USA: An Unexpected Guru
The bench in front of Turlington Hall
This afternoon on a break between classes, I sat down on the big circular bench in front of Turlington to eat some pretzels. Just around the curve of the bench, I saw a young man absorbed in a small black book with gold on the edges of the paper. I felt washed with curiosity.
For several minutes, I debated whether I should begin a conversation. The young man closed his book and sat back to gaze at the sky with a ponderous tone. Finally I thought, What do I have to lose?
So I picked up my backpack and sat 3 or 4 feet away from him. "Excuse me," I said. "May I ask a personal question?"
He turned his gentle brown eyes to me. "Yes," he said.
"Why do you read the Bible?"
The young man's balance and grasp of the Bible and Christianity was like clear, clean water. And yet he maintained that he still has many questions, like "Why would God allow suffering in the world?" "Is there any second chance at salvation?" "Why are we here?" I believe that Krishna Consciousness answers those questions, but I never replied.
I simply inquired. I simply listened.
I never brought up my religion, or that my views of love and faith come from Krishna consciousness. Even when he asked me if I was interested in reading the Bible, I kept out any mention of the scriptures follow. I inquired purely as a seeker.
I'm not sure how long we sat there beneath the giant oak tree in the midst of the whorls of students all rushing to their business. Time seemed to suspend in the presence of such a timeless conversation.
But the most timeless moment came when the young man said, "The Bible describes a standard, and I strive to live by that standard every day. But... I fail. Every day, I fail. And yet God loves me anyway. To me... that is how God becomes more and more beautiful, every day."
We were silent for several moments. Then he asked me, "What are your thoughts on all this?"
I collected my thoughts and said, "It almost brings tears to my eyes..." and then tears stung my eyes, "... that we are so undeserving, but God loves us anyway. That if we surrender, the Lord can become more and more beautiful every day." I wiped away my tears.
The young man asked, "What is your name?"
"Bhakti," I replied.
"Yes. It means 'devotion'." I said. "What is your name?"
"Cory. I don't know its meaning, though." He smiled.
"Thank you for sharing, Cory," and with that I packed up my things and we said goodbye.
That may be the last time I ever speak with or even see Cory again.
Of course I did not agree with a lot of the Christian philosophy we discussed. But I did not ask questions to find out what I disagreed on. I asked questions to seek the essence, to inquire into the beauty of his faith.
And I truly feel that I found it, I found a drop of essence.
I just did a Google search on the meaning of the name Cory, and it means "God's peace." So thank you, Cory. Today you gave me a sense of peace that God is present in every faith. Today you were my guru.![]()
Kurma dasa, AU: Christmas Recipes from Kurma's Kitchen #2 - Polenta
Want another Christmas lunch idea? Try using polenta, a very versatile grain. It can be used in many ways, it's hearty and filling, and easy to handle. If you haven't used it before, here's a delicious recipe from my first cookbook, Great Vegetarian Dishes, now enjoying its 20th Birthday.
Italian Fried Corn-Bread (Polenta)
Polenta is a yellow maize or cornmeal popular in northern Italy. Regarded there as a staple food, it can be used in many ways after it has been prepared as a rather thick porridge. Here in Australia, polenta is prepared from a special strain of corn grown in Queensland known as Yellow Dent.
Plain boiled polenta can be grilled, baked, or, as in this recipe, fried. Served with a homemade tomato sauce and sprinkled with parmesan cheese, it makes a delicious side dish. Serves 6-8 persons.
2 litres water, 2 teaspoons salt, 3½ cups cornmeal (polenta), 90g butter, 3 tablespoons olive oil, fresh, herbed tomato puree to serve, parmesan cheese to serve.
Bring to the boil the water and salt in a 6-litre/quart saucepan over full heat. Gradually sprinkle the cornmeal over the water, stirring constantly with a wire whisk. Make sure that there are no lumps of cornmeal. Reduce the heat to low. Continue to stir the polenta mixture until it is very thick (approximately 10 minutes).
Leave the polenta over low heat for about another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. It will be ready to remove from the heat when a wooden spoon will stand upright in the centre of the mixture and not drop to the side of the pan.
Spoon the mixture into an oiled 28 cm x 18 cm dish. Smooth out the mixture and leave to cool at room temperature for at least 4 hours.
Carefully turn out the slab of polenta from the tin and cut it in half lengthways. Cut each half into seven slices crossways, each one 4 cm wide.
Heat the butter and oil together in a heavy frying pan. When hot, add about 6 slabs of polenta to the frying pan and reduce the heat to low. Fry gently until the polenta is dark golden brown on each side.
Serve the polenta on a serving dish topped with fresh tomato sauce and gratings of Parmesan cheese.
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Bhajan - The Mayapuris - Invocation - 1/4
The Mayapuris performed at the Dallas temple for Radhastami. This is the "Invocation" of that performance where they say the prayers to the guru and other prayers.
Dallas, TX
Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: Photovoltaic Art
I have been working on getting a solar photovoltaic (PV) installation put in on the garden shed in the temple garden by the state road. It will be a 2.6 kilowatt size that will provide all the electric for the garden, house, tool shed, and repair activities that go on there.
I am also looking at several other locations around New Vrindaban.
While I think PV in and of itself is attractive looking, considering the past history of art in New Vrindaban and the normal inclusion of art in Vedic culture, I have found some applications of PV that are more than simply utilitarian.
Here is one example:
It is a ventialtion tower for an underground building. Here is another example of mixed stained glass and PV from the same artist, Sarah Hall.
Here are several artists who integrate PV into their works. I hope somebody reading this “gets it” as I hope someday to have artistic PV installations in New Vrindaban.
I like this guy’s stuff.
Imagine the possibilities using Krishna centric themes for art and in architectural new construction and retrofits.
There are flexible plastic substrate PV cells so we aren’t limited to flat surfaces.
Even just for roof top applications, there are more substrate colors than just the normal blue. I have seen pictures of red PV panels, which could be integrated with the blue ones to create a pattern or picture.
Here is a company making ceramic substrate PV roof tiles in a variety of colors.
Freedom from fossil fuels for energy AND aesthetics? Feel the hairs of your arms standing on end? Then start thinking about how we can utilize this in New Vrindaban or any ISKCON project (or nonISKCON project as far as that goes).
Filed under: Cows and Environment![]()
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 153
4:39 A.M.
Excerpts from Sri Harinama Cintamani (spoken by Haridasa Thakura to Lord Caitanya and written by Bhaktivinoda Thakura):
Same Basic Quality in Householder and Renunciant:
“The svarupa-laksana, or principle symptom (i.e. surrender to Lord Krishna), must prevail in a sadhu, regardless of his varna and asrama. The tathasta-laksana, or marginal symptoms, will certainly vary according to the varnas and asramas. Nondeviating surrender to Lord Krishna is the svarupa-laksana of devotional service.
“Whoever possesses this quality will soon find that the other marginal symptoms have come to him unfailingly. But if perchance the marginal symptoms have not reached full maturity in a surrendered sadhu, and instead some serious discrepancies in character are visible in him, then he is still to be respected as a sadhu or saintly soul. This is the verdict of the scriptures, as expressed in Lord Krishna’s own words in the Bhagavad-gita. A profound philosophical truth is revealed by this verse, and we are aware of it only due to Your mercy.
One shouldn’t think a grhastha devotee is inferior to a sannyasi. Of the Panca-tattva, the majority are householders. Householders have access to worshiping the Lord in their home just like devotees do in the temple who live in the Math.
“It is offensive to criticize a sadhu for past sins
“When one has developed a real taste for chanting, then a single utterance of the holy name can eradicate all previous sins. Some vestiges of sinful reaction may still remain in a particular individual, but these also are gradually removed by the process of chanting. As these last traces of sin disappear, he emerges a pure devotee. Of course, the lingering traces of sin are seen by the common man as sins; but if a saintly person is criticized because of the traces of almost-extirpated sin in his character, that is a grievous offense. If criticism is made against a sadhu for sins committed prior to his surrendering to Krishna, that is likewise another serious offense; such a fault finder surely invites the wrath of Lord Krishna.”
In his purport to the verse api cet sudaracaro, Srila Prabhupada gives stern warning to persons who criticize persons for their previous offenses. A person who is rightly resolved in his Krishna consciousness is a saintly person, regardless of his previous sinful activities.
Following my new schedule, I have my alarm set at 2:30 A.M. But when I woke up at 1:00 I took preventative headache medicine. I should not have done this. When the alarm went off at 2:30, I took the medicine again. I should only have taken it once. As a result, I was very sleepy during the chanting and could not maintain my regular consciousness as to what I was doing. By 4:45 A.M. I had not chanted twelve rounds. It is something of a disaster. I am taking precautions not to take the medicine twice again when rising early in the morning.
A person’s present Krishna
consciousness eradicates his
previous sinful life. The chanting
of Hare Krishna has cleansed
away his demoniac attitude.
This, of course, does not
refer to a person who
repeatedly commits sins
and makes them up by chanting.
But to find fault
with a genuine repentant,
a resolved devotee,
is a serious offense,
a gross ignorance of the
process of devotional service.
The fault-finder falls
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Prabhupada Meditations
“It’s natural that you want to meditate on being with him. And you’d like to convey some of this to others also. You want to honestly say, ‘I have such a great spiritual master. Come and meet him.’
“There are different levels of Prabhupada consciousness. Devotees have even spoken of ‘an illusory Prabhupada,’ meaning a Prabhupada whom they imagine. When one is deviating, one can rationalize that Prabhupada won’t mind—an illusory Prabhupada. And there is an official Prabhupada, and a superficially-worshiped Prabhupada, and so on. There’s a Prabhupada of nectarean anecdotes whom the Western theologian would refer to as ‘the historical Prabhupada.’ And there’s the all-pervading Prabhupada. As Suta Goswami said about Sukadeva: ‘I offer my obeisances to my spiritual master, who enters into the heart of everyone.’ Similarly, Vyasadeva praised his spiritual master, Narada: ‘Like the sun, your goodness can travel everywhere in the three worlds, and like the air you can penetrate the internal region of everyone. As such, you are as good as the all-pervading Supersoul.’ (Bhag. 1.5.7)
“Unfortunately, one may live many years in contact with one of the lesser versions of Prabhupada. Also, one can bully others with a heavy-handed use of quotes from Prabhupada’s letters, and one can misuse Prabhupada’s authority in various ways. Therefore, it’s important to discover and remain aware of the most basic understanding one has of His Divine Grace. Remember that you promised him you would chant sixteen rounds every day and follow the four rules. Remember the day that you took the beads from him and made that vow in his presence? Feel the weight of it.“By Prabhupada’s grace he lives with me. Our communication in separation depends on the purity of the disciple. But whether pure or impure, the favorable remembrance of him can bring us immediately to our constitutional position. I may sometimes think that I have to go on my own, taking help from other spiritual masters, or daring to go directly to Krishna, yet the Vedic scriptures remind me and bring me back to my senses. Only if I please the spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, will Krishna be pleased with me.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Krishna’s Greatest Pleasure
Krishna is the best nomenclature,
He’s the greatest power,
the most playful, heroic
leader of the Vrajavasis, who
are the best folks in all
the worlds.He told the gopis to go home,
and they became angry with Him.
Then when He surrendered
they became proud.
Krishna doesn’t like a devotee
to feel he or she is better
than someone else,
and He changes His attitude
toward them.He plays with their emotions
wants them to be humble
and not superior to others.Teach us, Lord, how we
should be to please You.
I know you want us to
work hard to bring souls back
to You. You were
very pleased with Lord Nityananda sending jivas
in Your kirtanas. You
liked it when I lectured
in the colleges
and now on cyberspace.
This is Your greatest pleasure
to see us go up to someone
and ask them to
take a book.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Free Write
I turned at random to Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 3, Chapter 28, text 20:
“In fixing his mind on the eternal form of the Lord, the yogi should not take a collective view of all His limbs, but should fix the mind on each individual limb of the Lord.
“In order to convince the yogi that the Absolute Truth, or Supreme Personality of Godhead, is never impersonal at any time, the following verses prescribe observing the Lord in His personal form, limb after limb. To think of the Lord as a whole may sometimes be impersonal; therefore, it is recommended here that one first think of His lotus feet, then His ankles, then His thighs, then the waist, then the chest, then the neck, then the face and so on. One should begin from the lotus feet and gradually rise to the upper limbs of the transcendental body of the Lord.”
The gopis went searching for Krishna. They asked the tulasi plants and other creepers, and they asked the trees if they had seen Krishna passing through the forest. They smelled the odor of His garland with kumkum powder and strongly suspected that He had come by. The gopis looked at the earth and saw the grass was standing on end and experiencing ecstatic symptoms. They remembered that the earth planet had been picked up by Krishna on His tusk in His incarnation as Varaha the Boar. The gopis became a little mad and began imitating the pastimes of Krishna. One gopi pretended she was Putana, and when another gopi played Krishna, she sucked her breast. Another gopi said, “Just see my strength,” and, covering the upper portion of her cloth, she pretended to be lifting Govardhana Hill. They were not just playing games, but they were transformed into states of madness while acting out the pastimes of Krishna and the demons.
The gopis then saw the symbol-marks on the soles of Krishna’s feet imprinted on the earth. They began to follow the marks, such as the flag, the lotus flower, etc. They saw that besides Krishna’s footprints there were other footprints. The gopis who were Radha’s party were very happy because they recognized these footprints as Radha’s. But the gopis who were Candravali’s party became very sorry. The gopis conjectured that this gopi must be sharing Krishna’s association. At one particular spot, the gopi’s footprints were missing, and the gopis guessed that pebbles from the dry grass had pricked Her feet. When they saw some spot above that appeared to be Krishna standing on His tiptoes, they thought that He was picking flowers for His beloved. Then they saw a spot where the Couple must be sitting together making garlands. The party that was a rival to Radha began to find faults with Her. They speculated that Radha told Krishna, “I am very tired. I cannot go any further. You can take me if You want.” When She spoke to Krishna like this, they thought that Krishna told Her to get on His shoulder, but then He must have disappeared to stop Her pride. Actually they found Radha alone, and She was weeping in separation from Krishna. The gopis then became sympathetic. Srila Prabhupada writes, “This is the test of Krishna consciousness. In the beginning they were a little envious that Krishna had taken Radha alone, leaving aside all the other gopis, but as soon as they knew that Krishna had also left Radharani, and that She was alone lamenting for Him, they became more sympathetic to Her.” The gopis gathered together and searched for Krishna. But it became very dark, and they could not go further. They sat on the bank of the Yamuna and chanted Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.
The last entry in A Walk Between Heaven and Earth is a little poem:
“One day
I walked on a mountain
and a flute-song
went through me.
That’s all.
I became the reed
and the wind went through
and I wrote it down
in my journal.”It is nice that she mentioned a flute song. And the desire to write the wind of the song “down in my journal.” It was a helpful book to my journal, and I will look for more.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Prabhupada Smaranam
From Prabhupada Meditations, Volume I (1.15):
“It’s natural that you want to meditate on being with him. And you’d like to convey some of this to others also. You want to honestly say, ‘I have such a great spiritual master. Come and meet him.’
“There are different levels of Prabhupada consciousness. Devotees have even spoken of ‘an illusory Prabhupada,’ meaning a Prabhupada whom they imagine. When one is deviating, one can rationalize that Prabhupada won’t mind—an illusory Prabhupada. And there is an official Prabhupada, and a superficially-worshiped Prabhupada, and so on. There’s a Prabhupada of nectarean anecdotes whom the Western theologian would refer to as ‘the historical Prabhupada.’ And there’s the all-pervading Prabhupada. As Suta Goswami said about Sukadeva: ‘I offer my obeisances to my spiritual master, who enters into the heart of everyone.’ Similarly, Vyasadeva praised his spiritual master, Narada: ‘Like the sun, your goodness can travel everywhere in the three worlds, and like the air you can penetrate the internal region of everyone. As such, you are as good as the all-pervading Supersoul.’ (Bhag. 1.5.7)
“Unfortunately, one may live many years in contact with one of the lesser versions of Prabhupada. Also, one can bully others with a heavy-handed use of quotes from Prabhupada’s letters, and one can misuse Prabhupada’s authority in various ways. Therefore, it’s important to discover and remain aware of the most basic understanding one has of His Divine Grace. Remember that you promised him you would chant sixteen rounds every day and follow the four rules. Remember the day that you took the beads from him and made that vow in his presence? Feel the weight of it.“By Prabhupada’s grace he lives with me. Our communication in separation depends on the purity of the disciple. But whether pure or impure, the favorable remembrance of him can bring us immediately to our constitutional position. I may sometimes think that I have to go on my own, taking help from other spiritual masters, or daring to go directly to Krishna, yet the Vedic scriptures remind me and bring me back to my senses. Only if I please the spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, will Krishna be pleased with me.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 153
4:39 A.M.
Excerpts from Sri Harinama Cintamani (spoken by Haridasa Thakura to Lord Caitanya and written by Bhaktivinode Thakura):
Same Basic Quality in Householder and Renunciant:
“The svarupa-laksana, or principle symptom (i.e. surrender to Lord Krishna), must prevail in a sadhu, regardless of his varna and asrama. The tathasta-laksana, or marginal symptoms, will certainly vary according to the varnas and asramas. Nondeviating surrender to Lord Krishna is the svarupa-laksana of devotional service.
“Whoever possesses this quality will soon find that the other marginal symptoms have come to him unfailingly. But if perchance the marginal symptoms have not reached full maturity in a surrendered sadhu, and instead some serious discrepancies in character are visible in him, then he is still to be respected as a sadhu or saintly soul. This is the verdict of the scriptures, as expressed in Lord Krsna’s own words in the Bhagavad-gita. A profound philosophical truth is revealed by this verse, and we are aware of it only due to Your mercy.
One shouldn’t think a grhastha devotee is inferior to a sannyasi. Of the Panca-tattva, the majority are householders. Householders have access to worshiping the Lord in their home just like devotees do in the temple who live in the Math.
“It is offensive to criticize a sadhu for past sins
“When one has developed a real taste for chanting, then a single utterance of the holy name can eradicate all previous sins. Some vestiges of sinful reaction may still remain in a particular individual, but these also are gradually removed by the process of chanting. As these last traces of sin disappear, he emerges a pure devotee. Of course, the lingering traces of sin are seen by the common man as sins; but if a saintly person is criticized because of the traces of almost-extirpated sin in his character, that is a grievous offense. If criticism is made against a sadhu for sins committed prior to his surrendering to Krsna, that is likewise another serious offense; such a fault finder surely invites the wrath of Lord Krsna.”
In his purport to the verse api cet sudaracaro, Srila Prabhupada gives stern warning to persons who criticize persons for their previous offenses. A person who is rightly resolved in his Krishna consciousness is a saintly person, regardless of his previous sinful activities.
Following my new schedule, I have my alarm set at 2:30 A.M. But when I woke up at 1:00 I took preventative headache medicine. I should not have done this. When the alarm went off at 2:30, I took the medicine again. I should only have taken it once. As a result, I was very sleepy during the chanting and could not maintain my regular consciousness as to what I was doing. By 4:45 A.M. I had not chanted twelve rounds. It is something of a disaster. I am taking precautions not to take the medicine twice again when rising early in the morning.
A person’s present Krishna
consciousness eradicates his
previous sinful life. The chanting
of Hare Krishna has cleansed
away his demoniac attitude.
This of course does not
refer to a person who
repeatedly commits sins
and makes them up by chanting.
But to find fault
with a genuine repentant,
a resolved devotee,
is a serious offense
a gross ignorance of the
process of devotional service.
The fault-finder falls
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Friday, December 3rd, 2010
Gainesville, Florida
Before the world arose I was alone, or seemingly so. 3:30 AM is a pin drop silence time for this university town. At least in the area where I walked for my own purposeful end- chant some mantras, lose pounds and karma- I passed by not one single soul. The odd car whizzed by on University Ave. That was before darshan (viewing of the Krishna Deity). A second trek, led by dear Godbrother Kalakantha, took us into campus grounds. This was a mix of mantras and tour-guiding. He showed me the outdoor sculpture piece known as “French Fries”, then a second one called “Potato”. More than anything I see a greater allegiance here to football than to spuds. Signs for cheering the Gators football team are everywhere.
After the walk I was introduced to John's parents, Rod and Pat from Miami, and then to Vicki's parents, Hank and Pat, of West Palm Beach. John and Vicki were to be initiated into the mission of Krishna Consciousness. It is somewhat of a rarity to have full parental participation at such a ceremony. I was moved by their presence. When Caturatma finished the priestly duty with the fire ceremony, parents were touched and expressed appreciation. John accepted an additional name of Jahnudvipa, a sacred place in India. Vicki accepted the name Vaikuntha Lila, in reference to the spiritual world.
Steps such as receiving initiation are steps toward going back home, back to the spiritual realm, the place from which we all hail from.
In the evening, the Gainesville Krishna House filled up with students. We relayed stories of walking on the road as was done the previous night. My anticipation with all of this is to promote pilgrimage. I hope it's working.
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Saturday, December 4th, 2010
Sweet and Sticky
Lacrosse, Florida
A sugar cane stick is something that is sweet wherever you bite. So is literature sweet when virtuous or meant for the soul.
Saturday mornings in the community, Alachua, is the time to read and comment on the relishable pastimes of Sri Chaitanya, father of the holy name. I read and remarked on the relationship between two outstanding saints, Nityananda and Advaita. It was very personal and sweet.
To roll on the theme of “anti-sour” I was whisked away with the Gainesville group to a Sugar Festival after the class. Someone had told me that entertainer Madonna had a tour called “Sweet and Sticky”. Frankly, for a monk, her concerts hold no interest for me and honestly I would opine that there is nothing sweet but only bitter about that type of showgirlship. The Sugar Festival is something very different.
A local couple, Radha Gopinath and Tapasvini, run an organic farm and their sugar cane harvest is on. I was an invitee; I noticed the volunteers for cane chopping were down to the last plants. The last three stalks were left when I was handed a machete. It was a flashback from my tobacco chopping days. (No, I never got into smoking.) Anyways, down they came. “Timber!”
The sweetness, however, came from the tasting. The cane stalks were juiced, then boiled to a molasses texture. Once exposed to the dry, sunny air, it turned into a type of toffee. These various stages of operation offered something for the tongue that was absolutely delicious.
Soup with garden greens and home baked biscuits was also the reward for coming. Some of that cane syrup was spread over the biscuit. What do they say? “Mama Mia!” It all went down so well.
The sweetest and stickiest aspect of the day, however, was not the substances that trailed down to the stomach. It was the sanga. Sanga refers to the food down-to-earth and up-in-heaven company. Saintly association!
Hari Sauri das, Mayapura, IN: TOVP update: last pile done
Exciting times in Mayapur! December 1st 2010 – note it! The day the last of 2332 foundation piles was rammed into the sacred earth of Mayapur-dhama. No more banging and crashing and trembling of the earth from morning till night. After ten months the last of the five pile drivers was deconstructed today, December 5 and their job is done. They will be trucked out to their new assignment.
Now another more impressive structure dominates the landscape. With the underground work complete, the above ground work beings in earnest. As the support columns continue to rise all over the site,
the first of two tower cranes has gradually made its appearance.
The like of which has never before seen in these parts, the crane stands at 150 feet (45 meters) high, and will gradually rise with the building to almost its full capacity of 400 feet (121 meters).
This one is in the south-west corner nearest to the Puspa Samadhi and was commissioned today. It already challenges the height of the Puspa Samadhi.
to get an idea of the height, look at the top center just left of where the cab is-you can see a man standing against the rail and another man is kneeling on the platform half way up.
The second crane will stand in the north-east corner between the Lotus and Long buildings. Their booms will arc across the building site from either side to cover every corner of the building as it rises.
This is it folks, Srila Prabhupada’s dream and the vision of Srila Bhaktivinoda is rapidly manifesting before our eyes!
H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: My experiences and associations with Prabhupada.
HH Bhakti Caru Swami Maharaj – Sunday Morning, 10 Jan 2010 South African Retreat, Drakensberg, Transcribed by Haripriya Devi Dasi Editing : Ramananda Raya Dasa Hare Krsna, So we were discussing about Srila Prabhupada, my experiences and associations with Prabhupada. So from Mayapur Srila Prabhupada went to Bombay. The main reason for Prabhupada’s going to [...]
H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Pictures From The Vraj Mandal Parikrama
Sent by His Grace Subhananda Prabhu Dear Devotees, Please accept my humble obeisances All glories to Srila Prabhupada All glories to Srila Gurumaharaja. Hare Krishna. Last month I was lucky to do Vraj Mandal Parikrama . I like to share some nice pictures from Vraj Mandal. Please click below to view the pictures . Click [...]
Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Madhurastakam: The Lord of Sweetness!
adharam madhuram vadanam madhuram
nayanam madhuram hasitam madhuram
hridayam madhuram gamanam madhuram
madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram
His lips are sweet, His face is sweet,
His eyes are sweet, His smile is sweet,
His loving heart is sweet, His gait (walk) is sweet,
Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.
vachanam madhuram charitam madhuram
vasanam madhuram valitam madhuram
chalitam madhuram bhramitam madhuram
madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram
His words are sweet, His character is sweet,
His dress (garment) is sweet, His posture is sweet,
His movements are sweet, His wandering (roaming) is sweet,
Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.
venur madhuro renur madhurah
panir madhurah padau madhurau
nrityam madhuram shakhyam madhuram
madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram
His flute-playing is sweet, His foot-dust is sweet,
His hands are sweet, His feet are sweet,
His dancing is sweet, His friendship is sweet,
Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.
gitam madhuram pitam madhuram
bhuktam madhuram suptam madhuram
rupam madhuram tilakam madhuram
madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram
His song is sweet, His drinking is sweet,
His eating is sweet, His sleeping is sweet,
His beautiful form is sweet, His Tilaka (mark on the forehead) is sweet,
Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.
karanam madhuram taranam madhuram
haranam madhuram ramanam madhuram
vamitam madhuram shamitam madhuram
madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram
His deeds (activities) are sweet, His conquest (liberating) is sweet,
His thieving (stealing) is sweet, His love-sports are sweet,
His oblations (offerings) are sweet, His countenance is sweet,
Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.
gunja madhura mala madhuram
yamuna madhura vici madhuram
salilam madhuram kamalam madhuram
madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram
His gunja-berry necklace is sweet, His flower garland is sweet,
Sweet is the Yamuna river, and sweet are her rippling waves,
Her water is sweet, and sweet are the lotus flowers also,
Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.
gopi madhura lila madhuram
yuktam madhuram muktam madhuram
dhristam madhuram shistam madhuram
madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram
His gopis (cowherd girlfriends) are sweet, His pastimes (plays) are sweet,
His union (meeting him) is sweet, His deliverance (rescue) is sweet,
His sidelong glances are sweet, His courtesy (etiquette) is sweet,
Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.
gopa madhura gavo madhuram
yastir madhura shristhir madhuram
dalitam madhuram phalitam madhuram
madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram
His gopas (cowherd boyfriends) are sweet, His cows are sweet,
His cane (herding-stick) is sweet, His creation is sweet,
His victory (trampling) is sweet, His accomplishment (fruition) is sweet,
Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.
by Sripad Vallabha Acharya
And Chant:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
and you shall reach the abode of the Sweet Lord!
Credits to Kurma das (master chef in Australia) where I "borrowed" the idea and inserted nice pictures which of course are primarily from BBT (Bhaktivedanta Book Trust).
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Update on Cancun climate change talks
H.H. Sivarama Swami: After yesterday’s Gita-jayanti readings I reflect upon how accommodating Krsna is to seekers of the Truth and how reassuring He is, especially to His devotees
Japa Group: One Should Constantly Chant
Being always ready to offer respects to others, demanding no respect for oneself, one should constantly chant the holy name. One should render intimate service to Sri Radha and Krishna in the mood of the residents of Vraja.
Sri Harinama Cintamani
Haridasa Thakura to Lord Caitanya
Gouranga TV: Visvambar das kirtana
H.H. Sivarama Swami
Without hearing and chanting, to become leader, it is impossible. You can become leader in the material world, but not in the spiritual world.
- Srila Prabhupada
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