"Planet ISKCON" - 37 new articles
Australian News: Sri Jagannatha Ashramn – Bidwill NSW BHAKTI YOGA MEDITATION
EVERY FRIDAY FROM 6PM TO 8PM CHANTING, DANCING, MANTRA MEDITATION AND A FREE FEAST If you are in need for transport please call us, we will arrange for you. Thank you very much. Sri Jagannatha Ashram
Every day morning program also being conducted. Devotees who attend for mangala arati can help in preparation for ‘greeting the deities’ such as picking flowers, making garlands and dressing the Lordships. 4.30am – mangala arati
Australian News: 24 Hour Kirtan will change your life – don’t miss it, we’re not joking.
Location New Gokula Farm, Lewis Lane Millfield NSW On the final day of World Holy Name Festival, coinciding with HG Aindra Prabhu’s 108 hour memorial Kirtan, we will be holding a Maha 24 Hour Kirtan at New Gokula Farm. The event is also held over a long weekend and in uni/school spring holidays Check out the website for more details. Here’s the facebook page, let them know your coming! Share this story your way:
Australian News: ISKCON Sydney – the newsletter…. Dare to read it.Hare Krishna!
Next Saturday and Sunday October 2nd & 3rd there is a special 24 Hour Kirtan at New Gokula Farm for World Holy Name Day in memory of His Grace Aindra Prabhu who passed away in Vrindavana, India, a few weeks ago. Beginning at 6pm on Saturday the kirtan will go continuously until 6pm on Sunday. Anyone wishing to take part can contact Nimai at the email address below or visit www.newgokula.com for more info. The farm has also recently acquired 10 more cows which are safe from the hands of slaughterers, and people can support the farm by sponsoring cows or purchasing milk curd which is available at the table in the North Sydney temple foyer each Sunday evening during the program. From 2-5 October we will have Special Guest His Grace Devaki Nandana Prabhu from Singapore visiting Sydney. Devaki is renowned for his lively soul touching kirtans and enlivening and realised discourses. You are personally invited to attend the Krishna Conscious Programs that Devaki Nandana Prabhuji will be presiding over – please see the full schedule below. We will have His Holiness Kadamba-Kanana Swami with us next month from October 12th to 22nd, including a special retreat program on the 16th and 17th in North Turramurra, NSW, entitled ‘Sadhana’ about the art of chanting and tasting the holy names of the Lord. Details below of the retreat so please book and get in early as there are limited spaces. More details of Maharaja’s programs will be given soon… Harinama Sankirtana in the city centre has started again. Each Thursday evening from 7pm devotees are going out to distribute the Holy Names of the Maha-mantra to thousands of people in the city streets accompanied by music and dancing. This is the Yuga-dharma or process of self realisation for this age, and is an unforgettable experience. The meeting place is opposite the cinemas on George Street – anyone wishing to join in please see details below and help spread peace and love in this quarrelsome and dark industrial age.
Last Sunday September 12th there was a Palanquin Ratha-Yatra in Wollongong. The palanquin was carried with Lord Jagannatha, Lord Baladeva and Lady Subhadra as part of the annual Spring into Corrimal parade there. Thousands of people lined the streets so the mercy of the Lord’s darshan and the chanting of the Maha-mantra was experienced by all. Many thanks to Ananda-moya and the other organisers of the event and everyone who assisted and took part in the festival. Anyone with photos of the event please get in touch so we can share with everyone. On Wednesday 15th September we celebrated the divine appearance of Srimati Radharani, known as Radhastami. The festival is a very special one for Gaudiya Vaishnavas as the glorification of the feminine divine who is the personification of Sri Krishna’s internal pleasure potency and His eternal consort and topmost devotee. The festival began at 6pm with a discourse by Sri-Prahlada Prabhu and then arati and kirtan led by Tribuvaneshwara Prabhu, followed by Abhiseka Deity bathing of the small Deities of Sri Sri Radha-Gopinatha accompanied by a wonderful kirtan by Sri-Prahlada. Then a transcendental feast was be served to all outside. Many thanks to everyone who worked hard to make the festival a great success again this year, and thank you to everyone who came to experience the joyous occasion of Radharani’s most auspicious appearance. On Friday 17th September we celebrated Srila Prabhupada’s Arrival in the USA as well as the Vyasa-Puja of His Holiness Bhakti-Charu Swami. Prabhupada set sail from Calcutta in India in July 1965 and arrived in Boston and New York after a gruelling journey suffering two heart attacks. Bhakti-Charu Swami is a close disciple of Prabhupada whose desire on his appearance day each year is to firstly glorify his spiritual master. The program in the temple included arati and kirtan, many devotees reading offerings to Prabhupada, a video of Bhakti-Charu Swami talking about Prabhupada’s unique position as Founder-Acharya of ISKCON, Pushpanjali and Guru-puja, and finally a sumptuous prasadam feast. Many thanks to Rajashekar and Bharat-shresta Prabhu’s and everyone else who helped organise the event in glorification of two great personalities. Every 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month a ‘Krishna Evening’ hall program is held in Westmead. This consists of a discussion on Bhagavad-gita, arati & kirtan, children’s program and prasadam. The program is free and everyone is welcome to attend. Please join us at Westmead Progress Hall at 43 Hassall Street for an enlightening program every fortnight – more details of programs around Sydney in the regular programs section below. Term 3 of the temple Sunday School classes commenced on Sunday 1st August and continue fortnightly until the next school holidays. Please register your child by emailing Vilasa Manjari dasi: vilas@pacific.net.au As usual the Sunday Program runs each week from 4.30pm with arati and kirtans, prasadam available from 5.30pm and discourse at 6.15pm. Thank you for your support. Hope to see you all soon! That’s is not all folks read the rest of the newsletter by clicking here (Then scroll down the bottom an subscribe If you have a newsletter about your temple or program you wish to share with all the assembled devotees in and around Australia and the world please click on CONTACT on the menu bar above and let us know about it. Share this story your way:Australian News: All aboard the Kirtan Bus with Sri Prahlada and Madhava!Recently devotees from Australia travelled to Peru. Some are visiting home to for a while and others visiting this ancient country and it’s culture for the first time, and all joining in a kirtan tour of a lifetime with Sri Prahlad and Madhava, the crowned kings of kirtan. In a wonderful turn of events the bus top Rata Yatra was born when Their Lordships Jaganatha, Baladeva, and Lady Subhadra joined fifty devotees to ride on a double decker bus through downtown Lima. “It’s a great way to do Ratha-yatra.” Says Sri Prahlada. “No special permissions required!” The double decker bus toured the main streets of Lima and went on to Barranco, where everyone came off the bus and joined in with Sri Harinam Sankirtan. After the Harinam there was a public talk. Sri Prahlada also addressed the attentive crowd. There was Ratha-yatra by night ending in Chosica with a great big concert. “The kirtan by Madava was ecstatic,” says Sri Prahlada. “The famous Peruvian Jaganatha reggae band drew lots of fans. The band also practiced some Village of Peace songs which we played together. Sri Krishna Sankirtana ki Jay!” Then it’s back on the bus for more bus top Kirtan. All glories to the service of Peruvian devotees. Al glories to Sri Harinam Sankirtan. Thanks to Jitendria and Vraja for the photo’s Share this story your way:H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 2.9.41-42 Hear & ExperienceSB 02.09.41-42_Hear & Experience_2001-08-02 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 2.9.41-42 Hear & Experience 2001-08-02 Radhadesh Akrura das, Gita Coaching: 3 QUICK POWER QUESTIONS1. What do you really, really want? Akrura das, Gita Coaching: NON ENVIOUSSpiritual advancement, Srimad Bhagavatam and the Krsna consciousness movement are meant for those who are not envious. H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 2.9.40 Distributing Lord Caitanya’s MadnessSB 02.09.40_Distributing Lord Caitanya’s Madness_2001-07-31 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 2.9.40 Distributing Lord Caitanya’s Madness 2001-07-31 H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 2.8.22 Finger Liberation 2001-05-25SB 02.08.22_Finger Liberation_2001-05-25 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 2.8.22 Finger Liberation 2001-05-25 Radhadesh H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 2.7.42 Appreciating Krsna As The Controller Of The UniverseSB 02.07.42_Appreciating Krsna As The Controller Of The Universe_2001-04-17 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 2.7.42 Appreciating Krsna As The Controller Of The Universe 2001-04-17 Radhadesh H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 2.7.36 The Unfortunate Souls Of Kali YugaSB 02.07.36_The Unfortunate Souls Of Kali Yuga_2001-04-11 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 2.7.36 The Unfortunate Souls Of Kali Yuga 2001-04-11 Radhadesh H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 2.7.31 Super Asses SuccessSB 02.07.31_Super Asses Success_2001-04-05 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 2.7.31 Super Asses Success 2001-04-05 Radhadesh Bhakti Lata, Alachua, USA: The Champion of Logic"Okay professor," I said during break in my Bioethics class. "We're discussing the philosophy of animal rights, sure, but it has to have practical implications. This subject demands that you take a stance." I paused a moment, then challenged, "So what's yours?"
Professor Butchard laughed dryly. "Actually, I find it one of my failings in life to not be a vegetarian," "Seriously?" "Yeah. It's just not practical. And I like meat." Then he added, "But I've decreased how much I eat." When class convened again, I raised my hand and declared, "Look, all the arguments that it's okay to eat animals could be defeated in like, 20 seconds." I gave example after example of my own life. "So ultimately, the only reason anyone still eats meat is because it tastes good." Even the most adamant students against vegetarianism remained quiet after my speech. Even Jake. The following class, a snag in the logic of the philosopher who was arguing for animal rights caught my attention. After class was dismissed, I approached the professor. I systematically demolished the logic of the philosopher while my professor nodded and prompted me on. It was weird to argue for the devil. At the conclusion, the professor only nodded in agreement, and then said, "Hm, e-mail me with more ideas," I turned to leave. Jake was sitting there, waiting to speak to the professor. He grinned and raised his hand. A little baffled, I high-fived him. He declared, "That was awesome," "Oh whatever!" I laughed and scaled the auditorium stairs. "Of course I'm still a vegetarian." Then I remembered how Lord Chaitanya as Nimai Pandit used to debate with the most esteemed scholars in all of India - and he would demolish the logic of each and every one. He would argue for one side, then defeat it, then argue again, then defeat it... And in the end, it was to show the world that logic was pretty much word jugglery. Pretty much useless. The only logic that works is spiritual logic. I'm not a vegetarian for health, economic, social, or convenience reasons. I'm a vegetarian because hey, God likes vegetarian food, and I can offer it to Him. Can't beat that. Bharatavarsa.net: Book distribution seminar: Another soul on his way to Krsna.....We had just gotten back to New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, Canada, where the Halifax brahmacaris are based while traveling around the province with His Holiness Bhaktimarga Swami. We were in Halifax for the first time in two months to have a Sunday Feast with the devotees and friends of Krishna. When we arrived for the program, there was a young man whom I had met on the street some months back. The day I met him, as he recalled, he was in a particularly good mood and decided to stop and talk with me to see what I was doing and to be a nice stranger. We had a friendly conversation, and he eventually left with a Bhagavad-gita. So, tonight when we reunited he approached me and asked if I remembered him and our conversation. A lot had happened since we met, and I definitely didn't remember any details, but I tried to remember his name and guessed, "Yeah . . . Andrew, right?" As I said it, I closed my eyes and prayed. Krishna reciprocated and Andrew said, "Yeah! Wow, you've got a good memory!" So, the program went on and we listened to Maharaja's kirtans and lecture. Andrew sat with rapt attention and asked Maharaja a nice question and was satisfied by the answer. As we were getting ready to take prasadam, Andrew came up to me and we began to talk. Our conversation lasted almost two hours. He devoured every bit of Krsna conscious philosophy I gave him in the natural flow of our conversation. He was very open and very favorable. Later I remarked to Gauracandra Prabhu from Toronto that I could never even conceive of praying for such reciprocation while preaching. Obviously, Andrew's enthusiasm is the spark of his previous devotional service getting ready to reignite. During my conversation with Andrew I cited the Isopanisad in support of the idea that material knowledge and spiritual knowledge must be cultivated simultaneously. I used an analogy I heard from Bhaktimarga Swami -- that a train needs both tracks to go anywhere. Similarly, we need to be spiritual and practical. Andrew soaked it up and relished his ability to understand some spiritual philosophy. I told him I would give him the Isopanisad as a gift, and if he wanted he could make a donation before leaving. We talked for a while longer amidst a few other devotees who were inspired to hear Andrew express his enthusiasm for Krsna consciousness and his intention to take up spiritual life and chant the maha-mantra more seriously. When he left, I walked him to the door as he put the Isopanisad in his pocket and walked out. I followed him because our conversation was still going on. It was like I had met a friend from the spiritual world and we had so much to catch up on. It was just really natural that way. As he was preparing to leave for the night, Andrew said, "I'll leave you with one question: Could God create a stone that was too heavy for him to lift?" Quoting Srila Prabhupada's answer to a similar question, I said, "Yes . . . but then He would lift it!" Andrew was amazed at this answer and had to pace around the parking lot for a minute or two, putting his mind back together. Then I remembered that Gauracandra Prabhu had a Krsna book on the table. So I ran and got it from him so I could show Andrew the picture of Krsna lifting Govardhana Hill. I explained what I knew about the pastime and he said he would love to have the Krsna book sometime. He said, "Next Sunday I will bring $20.00." But because of his sincerity, which I had seen throughout the evening, I said, "I can't let you go home without this book. Is there a bank machine nearby that you can go to? I'll come with you." Andrew told me he had left his wallet in his car and had me follow him there. I wasn't wearing shoes, and although Andrew was, he took them off "to be like the monk." At the car I reiterated that I was glad he was taking the book because I couldn't let him go without it! He handed me twenty dollars, then another twenty. He said, "Bills are tight, but if you want to get, you've got to give." He was referring to the financial situation of his business (he is only 23 and owns a computer service and web-design company). Then Krishna inspired him to give another twenty dollars. For a total of $60.00, he took a Krsna book and Sri Isopanisad home with him. He also said that he would be trying this Krsna consciousness out for the next few months because he can see there is something to it. We will be seeing him next week at the Sunday Feast. Sutapa das, BV Manor, UK: FAQ's
Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Missing Krsna means missing one's selfMissing Krsna means missing one's self also. Real self-realization and realization of Krsna go together simultaneously. For example, seeing oneself in the morning means seeing the sunrise also; without seeing the sunshine no one can see himself. Similarly, unless one has realized Krsna there is no question of self-realization. >>> Ref. VedaBase => NoD Preface Book Distribution News: Another soul on his way to Krsna.....We had just gotten back to New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, Canada, where the Halifax brahmacaris are based while traveling around the province with His Holiness Bhaktimarga Swami. We were in Halifax for the first time in two months to have a Sunday Feast with the devotees and friends of Krishna. When we arrived for the program, there was a young man whom I had met on the street some months back. The day I met him, as he recalled, he was in a particularly good mood and decided to stop and talk with me to see what I was doing and to be a nice stranger. We had a friendly conversation, and he eventually left with a Bhagavad-gita. So, tonight when we reunited he approached me and asked if I remembered him and our conversation. A lot had happened since we met, and I definitely didn't remember any details, but I tried to remember his name and guessed, "Yeah . . . Andrew, right?" As I said it, I closed my eyes and prayed. Krishna reciprocated and Andrew said, "Yeah! Wow, you've got a good memory!" So, the program went on and we listened to Maharaja's kirtans and lecture. Andrew sat with rapt attention and asked Maharaja a nice question and was satisfied by the answer. As we were getting ready to take prasadam, Andrew came up to me and we began to talk. Our conversation lasted almost two hours. He devoured every bit of Krsna conscious philosophy I gave him in the natural flow of our conversation. He was very open and very favorable. Later I remarked to Gauracandra Prabhu from Toronto that I could never even conceive of praying for such reciprocation while preaching. Obviously, Andrew's enthusiasm is the spark of his previous devotional service getting ready to reignite. During my conversation with Andrew I cited the Isopanisad in support of the idea that material knowledge and spiritual knowledge must be cultivated simultaneously. I used an analogy I heard from Bhaktimarga Swami -- that a train needs both tracks to go anywhere. Similarly, we need to be spiritual and practical. Andrew soaked it up and relished his ability to understand some spiritual philosophy. I told him I would give him the Isopanisad as a gift, and if he wanted he could make a donation before leaving. We talked for a while longer amidst a few other devotees who were inspired to hear Andrew express his enthusiasm for Krsna consciousness and his intention to take up spiritual life and chant the maha-mantra more seriously. When he left, I walked him to the door as he put the Isopanisad in his pocket and walked out. I followed him because our conversation was still going on. It was like I had met a friend from the spiritual world and we had so much to catch up on. It was just really natural that way. As he was preparing to leave for the night, Andrew said, "I'll leave you with one question: Could God create a stone that was too heavy for him to lift?" Quoting Srila Prabhupada's answer to a similar question, I said, "Yes . . . but then He would lift it!" Andrew was amazed at this answer and had to pace around the parking lot for a minute or two, putting his mind back together. Then I remembered that Gauracandra Prabhu had a Krsna book on the table. So I ran and got it from him so I could show Andrew the picture of Krsna lifting Govardhana Hill. I explained what I knew about the pastime and he said he would love to have the Krsna book sometime. He said, "Next Sunday I will bring $20.00." But because of his sincerity, which I had seen throughout the evening, I said, "I can't let you go home without this book. Is there a bank machine nearby that you can go to? I'll come with you." Andrew told me he had left his wallet in his car and had me follow him there. I wasn't wearing shoes, and although Andrew was, he took them off "to be like the monk." At the car I reiterated that I was glad he was taking the book because I couldn't let him go without it! He handed me twenty dollars, then another twenty. He said, "Bills are tight, but if you want to get, you've got to give." He was referring to the financial situation of his business (he is only 23 and owns a computer service and web-design company). Then Krishna inspired him to give another twenty dollars. For a total of $60.00, he took a Krsna book and Sri Isopanisad home with him. He also said that he would be trying this Krsna consciousness out for the next few months because he can see there is something to it. We will be seeing him next week at the Sunday Feast. H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Vyasa-Puja Celebration In Marburg, GermanySent by Sacikumara Prabhu All glories to Guru Maharaja! ISKCON Orlando, USA: Bhakti Vikasa Swami Orlando lecture 09/22/2010
Kurma dasa, AU: Yamuna Devi Recipe # 7 : Toasted Coconut Rice (Nariyal-Ki Chaval)We continue our serialising of recipes by my cooking guru, Yamuna Devi. Before attempting to cook any of her recipes, make sure you are aware of the difference between US measures and Australian/metric measures. See below*
If you have a piece of fresh coconut in your refrigerator, try this recipe. It is quick, easy and delightful. The rice is cooked with whole sweet spices, and golden-fried coconut strips are folded in along with the chaunk (spices cooked in ghee or coconut oil), which adds to the flavor. Finally, the dish is garnished with more coconut strips. This is a most attractive rice dish, with a slightly crunchy texture and faintly sweet, toasty flavor. It can be served on any menu in any season. Preparation time (after assembling ingredients): 5 minutes,
1 cup basmati or other long-grain white rice,
If basmati rice is used, clean, wash, soak and drain. Bring the water to a boil in a heavy 1½-quart/liter nonstick saucepan over high heat. Stir in the rice, salt, cinnamon stick and cloves. When the boiling resumes, reduce the heat to very low, cover with a tight-fitting lid and gently simmer without stirring for 20-25 minutes or until the rice is tender and fluffy and the water is absorbed. (You may wish to cook your rice in lots of water and drain it - your choice, says Kurma). Remove from the heat and let the rice sit, covered for 5 minutes to allow the fragile grains to firm up. In the meantime, heat the ghee or oil in a small frying pan over moderate heat. Stir-fry the coconut strips until golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon. Toss in the cumin seeds and black mustard seeds and fry until the mustard seeds turn gray and sputter and pop. Pour this seasoning into the rice, add two-thirds of the fried coconut, gently mix and remove the whole cloves and cinnamon stick. Serve: spoon the rice onto a serving platter and garnish with the remaining fried coconut. *Note that since Yamuna wrote her recipes using US measurements, the weights are in US with metric in brackets. More importantly, her tablespoons are US (15ml) whereas Australian/metric tablespoons are 20ml. So if you follow these recipes using metric measures, your tablespoons should be scant. Similarly, the US cup is 240ml as distinct from the Australian/metric 250ml cup. The same scant measuring should thus apply to Australian/metric cup users. The teaspoon is a universal 5ml. H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 823:37 A.M.From Namamrta by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: “Chanting of the holy name in the state of ecstasy: [Kavi to Maharaja Nimi]: “When a person is actually advanced and takes pleasure in chanting the holy name of the Lord, who is very dear to him, he is agitated and loudly chants the holy name. He also laughs, cries, becomes agitated and chants just like a madman, not caring for outsiders.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam 11.2.40) Actual love of Godhead is the prime object of life, and it is symptomized by bodily trembling, tears in the eyes, chanting and dancing. This is a very advanced stage of harinama, when there are bodily symptoms and the sweetness of the holy name is chanted and tasted in the extreme. When a person is turned toward the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he loses his external consciousness and chants without concern for social conventions. In Siksastakam, Lord Caitanya yearns for this day, and He says, “When will the day come when tears will flow from My eyes, My voice will be choked up and I will chant Hare Krishna in love of God.” It is a most desirable state and comes at the culmination of perfection. I cannot expect to chant like that in my present state of mind, but I am content with chanting Hare Krishna as best I can. I slept with some interruption during the night and got up at 1:30 A.M. I have chanted 12 rounds. They were not chanting in the stage of Krishna prema or ecstatic chanting. I chanted them quietly, fixing my attention on the syllables and emphasizing the count, the accumulation of numerical strength up to the quota. I was somewhat tired but persisted in chanting without falling into drowsiness. Today there will be more chance for chanting harinama out loud at the Ratha-yatra, and I look forward to that. But my japa in the morning comes first. Chanting in a somewhat
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Prabhupada SmaranamOne Hundred Prabhupada Poems, #39 Prabhupada is moving toward the front gate
He is a lion-tamer,
In the distance the Bengali gurukula boys
There are controversies brewing
But he is master. H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Poem from Under Dark Stars1. I defend against those
Here’s the poem from Under Dark Stars: 2.
Had a private mind, things
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Application of PhilosophyFree WriteI turned at random to Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto One, Chapter Nine, verse 16: “O King, no one can know the plan of the Lord (Sri Krishna). Even though great philosophers inquire exhaustively, they are bewildered. Maharaja Yudhisthira was feeling guilty and aggrieved. He felt all the killing at Kuruksetra was due to his being placed on the throne, so he was personally to blame. No one, not even Lord Krishna, could offer him solace. But he went to Bhismadeva, who was lying on his deathbed of arrows. He said the war was not explainable by ordinary means but it only be explained as due to the influence to kala, inevitable time. Kala is identical with the Lord Himself, and therefore its influence indicates the inexplicable will of the Lord. There is no use In this verse it says even philosophers are bewildered to understand the plan of the Lord, so what can an ordinary man expect to make of it? Srila Prabhupada writes in the purport, “It is useless also to inquire about it.” I remember one of my Godbrothers quoting this verse in a practical situation. It was Jagadisa Prabhu when he was headmaster of gurukula. The devotees were running the gurukula at Dallas but the local government was giving them lots of trouble. The government said thousands of dollars had to be spent to improve the building. The feeling was they really wanted to shut us down. Jagadisa wrote Prabhupada about the situation, and Prabhupada wrote back a surprising letter that the gurukula should be immediately moved to Krishna-Balarama mandira in Vrndavana. The Dallas gurukula staff was stunned. They were attached to staying in Dallas. Jagadisa Prabhu held a meeting and read Prabhupada’s letter, then he quoted this verse from the Bhagavatam. His point was that we should just accept Prabhupada’s order and the fate of what had happened in not being able to stay in Dallas. Accept it as Krishna’s plan, even if we couldn’t understand it. I thought it was a good application of the philosophy. Dandavats.com: Your Name Will Be There
My dear godbrother Sridhar Maharaja, numerous godbrothers, disciples, friends and well-wishers have gathered around the world and are enjoying sweet memories of your glorious activities in spreading the samkirtan mission of Lord Caitanya |
domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010
H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Vyasa-Puja Celebration In Marburg, Germany
planet iskcon
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