----- Original Message -----Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 8:46 AMSubject: Planet ISKCON - 47 new articles
"Planet ISKCON" - 47 new articles
- H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Thursday 18 November 2010--The Kingdom of God Without God--and--When We Die in Krishna ...
- Doyal Gauranga dasa & Gadadhar Pandit dasa, NYC: South Indian Lemon Rice
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: More photos from recent trip to Israel - walking along the Mediterranean sea
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Philly Ratha Yatra
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Pictures from walking along the Mediterranean sea
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Monday November 15th, 2010
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Saturday, November 13th, 2010
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Gangesvara Prabhu
- Bhakti Vikasa Swami: artistic presentation of Krishna Kirtana
- HH Purnacandra Maharaja
- Vraj Parikrama 2010 (11th to 13th day) Vraj Badrinath & Kedarnath
- Pure Bliss employment opportunity
- Festival of the Holy Name in Alachua
- Bhaktivedanta Manor volunteers takes a leading local role for National Seva Day
- Varnashrama College 2011 In South India
- Kurma dasa, AU: Even Falafels Get the Blues
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 135
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: One Hundred Prabhupada Poems
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: What To Do?
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Birth of the Child
- ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Birthday Gifts for Shrimati Radharani
- Japa Group: The One Who Tastes The Nectar
- Japa Group: Please Join The Japa Group
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Hari Sauri das, Mayapura, IN: Gopastami Mayapur – part two
- Maddy Jean-claude Durr, New Govardhana, AU: Govardhana Puja In Radhadesh
- Australian News: Sydney Temple Newsletter touching down in an email inbox near you
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Transcription Disappearance Day Lecture HH Tamal Krishna Maharaja (Sridhama Mayapur February 2010)
- Subhvavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: The glories of Karttika-sukla Ekadasi
- H.H. Sivarama Swami
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Singing and talk at the Marcali Music school
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Devamrta Swami speaks on the 10 offenses to the holy name at the initiation ceremony on Radhastami 2010
- Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: Surfing
- Australian News: The Mercy of a Kind Hearted Sadhu
- Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: Animal Rights, Vegetariaism, and Karma-Free Living
- Mayapur Online: Srila Gaura-Kisora Dasa Babaji Disappearance Day
- Gouranga TV: Vrndavani devi dasi kirtan
- H.H. Sivarama Swami
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H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Thursday 18 November 2010--The Kingdom of God Without God--and--When We Die in Krishna ...Thought for the Day--Thursday 18 November 2010 Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and to you, our treasured readers. Our purpose is to help everyone awaken...
Doyal Gauranga dasa & Gadadhar Pandit dasa, NYC: South Indian Lemon Rice
South Indian Lemon Rice
Category Main course accompaniment
Region Southern India
Served Hot, accompanied with curry or vegetables
Serves 3
Cooking Time 25 minutes
This is a highly aromatic rice preparation with a distinct lemony flavor. Lemon rice is easy to whip up when you are short on time.
1 1/2 cups of rice (the Indian variety, like basmati)
1/2 teaspoon salt (or as per taste)
2 tablespoons cooking oil
A pinch of asafetida
2 dried red chili peppers
1 tablespoon urad dal (split black gram)
1 tablespoon chana dal (split gram)
1/2 teaspoon methi (fenugreek) seeds
1/2 cup peanuts
1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds (optional)
12 curry leaves
1/2 teaspoon haldi (turmeric) powder
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon freshly grated coconut (optional)
- Clean and soak the rice for about thirty minutes. Drain the water and boil the rice in salted water (3 pinches of salt) until almost done. Rice gets cooked in its own steam when left covered. So it is best to leave it slightly uncooked. Drain and keep aside.
- Heat some oil in a nonstick pan and throw in the asafetida. Break the red chili peppers into large pieces and toss them in the pan along with the urad dal, chana dal, and methi seeds. Fry for about thirty seconds till the lentils turn light brown.
- Toss in the peanuts and mustard seeds. When you hear the mustard seeds crackle, throw in the curry leaves and stir in the turmeric powder. Stir-fry for another thirty seconds. Now you can add the cooked rice. Toss the rice in the pan so that the spices mix evenly in the rice. Ensure that the rice is evenly yellow. Now add salt and lemon juice and toss the rice again. As a finishing touch, garnish with grated coconut.
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: More photos from recent trip to Israel - walking along the Mediterranean sea
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Philly Ratha Yatra
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Pictures from walking along the Mediterranean sea
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Monday November 15th, 2010
Sweetness from Dawn to Dusk
North York, Ontario
Students at York University seemed to have really enjoyed the chanting. It was their anticipation to hear about the topic “The Yoga of Sound”. I was the guest speaker at the Krishna Club gathering and decided to be less theoretical and less rhetorical. I opted for the practical approach and just let attendees experience chanting for themselves. They required little convincing. Most of them were primed for hearing sound as opposed to talking about it. We stretched the kirtan session to the point of moving the body as well. Most students here already had happy encounters with kirtan and yoga poses. Tonight we combined both. We were bathing in ‘hot honey’.
And speaking of sweetness, I had a real great time with Godbrother Devamrta Swami conversing over a great meal. He had just returned from a retreat at a resort on Georgian Bay. For the first time his local and faithful following had come to experience the early morning monk program.
Henry David Thoreau speaks about the benefits of the morning. “In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal philosophy of the ‘Bhagavad-gita’”. So morning and evening the sincere seeker of truth will take advantage of the opening and closing to a day and press or squeeze the day’s passion in between with all the spiritual walls of fortification.
As usual my day began early, on foot, while chanting, and while doing so a woman rolled down the window of her vehicle (while it was her night) and said to me, “I love the peach.” That was a sweet remark, no doubt, which made no reference to fruit but rather the colour of the robes. I suppose she makes a spiritual jump for saying this.
6 KM
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Saturday, November 13th, 2010
Zero Kilometres
Tariq is a Welshman, a young father who has come to see his three year old son living in Canada. Tariq was in the seat next to me on Flight 141, Etihad Airways. He’s a smoker and a drinker (my assumption is he’s moderate in both cases). He boasted about his love for the pub. I felt I couldn’t go too deep with him in spiritual dialogue but I really appreciated his friendship, warmth and easy-going nature. It certainly beats sitting next to a religious zealot who can be cold and hard and ready to release holy venom. It sounds like a paradox but the world is made up of different types.
I’m back home and for two days I had no opportunity to touch real ground. Now after some rest I'll be able to kick some dry leaves lying about into the air and hear them rustle as I tread over grass in the city parks. It’s a distinct difference from the sands graced over in Israel and Juhu.
My monk assistant, Dhruva, helped me with massage on the legs and noticed scars on the right limb. These were a result of a slip in the mud at the Dead Sea. Salt rocks mixed in the mud scraped along the leg leaving scars. It’s not hard to convince anyone that these feet are not lotus-like, especially given that planter’s warts exist, however, slowly they are vanishing. Thanks to liquid nitrogen for the cure and perhaps some credit goes to the cow’s urine application while in Mumbai. I will not cancel out natural remedies as effective cures just like the last time I contacted poison ivy and the best remedy ever was a concoction – an application of mud better known as tilak. That’s sacred mud, if you will. It did the trick.
Now I rest and will wake up and address the infection within. I will chant as offenselessly as possible and try to placate the heart. One day I hope to be strong enough to be able to feel a compassion for the zealots mentioned above in an effort to be helpful.
0 KM
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
SS Jaganatha and Baladeva are blessing us with a phenomenal darsana.
Their nose-rings somehow resemble Ananta Sesa's hoods.
SS Radha Ballabha look breath-takingly beautiful.
Srimati Radhika has a outstanding flower ring mounted on Her delicate fingers.
Her beloved is decorated with elaborate jewelry around His lotus ankles.
Chota Radha Krishna are displaying Their fish-shaped earrings.
SS Gaura Nitai seem to be in the mood of Easter in that canary-yellow and Cadbury-purple set and those silver love-hearts hanging from Their turbans that remind one of wrapped Easter chocolates.
Even little Prabhupada is seated on his assorted purple vyasasana!
Here's the slideshow.
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Gangesvara Prabhu
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.27.8 - True vaisnavas by default have all the brahminical qualities. Bhakti Vikasa Swami: artistic presentation of Krishna Kirtana
I understand also, there was a Kirtana performance given by Sri Purna das. You have rightly remarked whether they are devotees. You are right. These people are professional singers. Krishna Kirtana is not for earning livelihood. Krishna Kirtana is not meant for entertaining the public for demonstration of arts. It is dynamic service to the Lord. We do not therefore mind so much about the artistic presentation of Krishna Kirtana but we want to see how much a devotee is satisfying the Supreme Will.(Letter to Jadurani - December 12, 1967) HH Purnacandra Maharaja
By the GBC Executive Committee
Maharaja was a dedicated disciple of Srila Prabhupada, and he had worked hard to spread Prabhupada's message in different parts of the world, in a number of services. He was a dedicated ISKCON sannyasi, preaching enthusiastically and effectively, particularly in the former Soviet Union. Vraj Parikrama 2010 (11th to 13th day) Vraj Badrinath & Kedarnath
By Lakshman das
Vraja Badrinath stying: Today 2nd November, It was a very wonderful event ( Mahamillan of the devotees); more than 300 devotees came from Vrindavan headed by HG Deena Bandhu Prabhu and HH Subhaga Swami Maharaja Pure Bliss employment opportunity
Jaya Govardhana das: Pure Bliss Organics is a business dedicated to Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan movement through prasadam distribution. We manufacture granola, energy bars, and gourmet nuts and sell direct to stores all over the U.S Festival of the Holy Name in Alachua
Raghunandini: Alachua's first 24-hour kirtan festival! Join together in celebration and immerse yourself in transcendental sound vibration. Chant and be happy! Featuring Madhava dasa, Bada Haridas, the Mayapuris, Chakrini and other kirtaniyas Bhaktivedanta Manor volunteers takes a leading local role for National Seva Day
Radha Mohan das:On Sunday 21st November Bhaktivedana Manor is expecting hundreds of volunteers to come together for National Seva Day (Service - Good deeds for others) Varnashrama College 2011 In South India
Bharat Chandra Das: ISKCON Daiva Varnasrama Ministry (India), pioneering the Varnasrama mission announces the third term of Varnasrama College course, entitled "Land, Cows, and Krishna"
Kurma dasa, AU: Even Falafels Get the Blues
I'm often asked about Falafel that turn rogue. Has it happened to you?
Lee from Melbourne wrote:'Hi Kurma, I would really appreciate some advice on how to prevent my falafels disintegrating to almost nothing when I deep-fry them. The same thing happens to my chickpea cutlets.'My reply:'Hi Lee, The answer is quite simple and you will kick yourself when you hear why: You are using cooked chickpeas, maybe from a can.Falafel are made from RAW chickpeas. Cooked chickpeas will always make your falafel disintegrate.You must not buy cooked ones, or cook raw ones. You must buy raw, dry chickpeas from a grocer, soak them, drain them, grind them, then proceed with the salt and herbs and spices, roll into balls and deep-fry.Same with the chickpea cutlets. You can make chickpea cutlets from cooked chickpeas, but if you do that you must pan-fry them in a little oil, not deep-fry them. Hope this sheds light. Best wishes, Kurma'Lee replied:'Yes I have been using organic canned chick peas. One kick for me. Thank you so much for such a prompt reply. Warm regards, Lee.'
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 135
3:39 A.M.
Namamrta by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada:‘The process of chanting continues even after the bhakti-yoga creeper reaches the lotus feet of Krishna in Goloka Vrndavana”“The primary practice of bhakti-yoga will cause the seed already sowed in the heart to sprout, and by a regular watering process, as mentioned above, the bhakti-yoga creeper will begin to grow. By systematic nurturing, the creeper will grow to such an extent that it will penetrate the coverings of the universe, as we have heard in the previous verses, reach the effulgent sky, the brahmajyoti, and go farther and farther and reach the spiritual sky, where there are innumerable spiritual planets called Vaikunthalokas. Above all of them is Krishnaloka, or Goloka Vrndavana, wherein the growing creeper enters and takes repose at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Krishna, the original Personality of Godhead. When one reaches the lotus feet of Krishna at Goloka Vrndavana, the watering process of hearing and reading, as also chanting of the holy name in the pure devotional stage, fructifies, and the fruits grown there in the form of love of God are tangibly tasted by the devotee, even though he is here in this material world.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.2.30, purport)The chanting of Hare Krishna is continued even in paramahamsa stage. Haridasa Thakura and the Gosvamis were all engaged in chanting a fixed number of rounds, therefore chanting on beads is very important for everyone, even though one may become a paramahamsa. A paramahamsa devotee is always engaged in chanting and rendering loving service to the Lord. In Vaikuntha, the spiritual world, there is no anxiety. Vaikuntha means “freedom from anxiety,” and in Vaikuntha the liberated souls are always dancing, chanting, and taking prasadam.Chanting Hare Krishna is not something that is just done in the sadhana-bhakti stage, it continues in raganuga-sadhana bhakti and then continues in the completely liberated stage when one resides in Krishnaloka. Chanting Hare Krishna is the activity of the liberated souls, the residents of Vrndavana. When liberated souls are still in this material world they also continue chanting, and when they go to the spiritual world they go on chanting.This morning I got up from bed at about 12:15 A.M. I had no pain and I began chanting. The chanting went on alright, but at 1:00 A.M. a headache began. I took medicine for it and began chanting although with an impaired condition. I kept up the pace and reached sixteen rounds by about 3:30 A.M. I was mostly chanting to reach the quota, but that is always a good accomplishment. I await the higher stages of chanting, when I will not just count to reach my quota, but will reach with devotion. This morning quotations from the Namamrta indicate that chanting is the spontaneous loving stage that never stops even when one is liberated paramahamsa whether living in this world or residing in the spiritual world. I have so far to go before I reach that stage.Chanting Hare Krishna
is not a process that
stops at a certain stage.
It is not that you pass
an examination and chant no
more or go beyond the
chanting and become silent.
It begins at the neophyte stage
when you first learn the syllables
of the maha-mantra, and it
grows and matures as the
bhakti plant. That bhakti
lata pierces the coverings of
the universes and reaches
Goloka Vrndavana. In that
topmost spiritual abode
you blissfully continue
chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama
Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
In the highest stage the chanting
is accompanied with bodily
symptoms of ecstasy, and
you chant in the presence
of Radha and Krishna.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: One Hundred Prabhupada Poems
#92I heard the beginning of Prabhupada’s
“Varnasrama College Talks,”
on a morning walk, Vrndavana 1974.
Devotees are still discussing what he wanted.
He had a clear vision and threw out lots
of ideas like sparks. Now see what you
can manage.
There should be a college
and they can teach asramas, brahmana,
ksatriya—who will learn how to kill—
vaisyas protect cows
and sudras go to school to learn
obedience.It should be a boarding school.
Hrdayananda Maharaja asked the most questions
because he was actually interested in doing it.
Prabhupada had much to say, not just
a curriculum from a dean of studies—
he said the Western world has no philosophers
and so Freud becomes a philosopher.
“Don’t mind” (that he is lambasting Western culture)
“But they’re all no better than animals.”I want to hear you and appreciate,
that’s my main business.
I can tell others what you said,
Prabhupada, because I took the time
to hear it clearly.
Maybe I can be a teacher of Prabhupada-katha
in the varnasrama college.
Tell them, “Just remember that he spoke
all this in Vrndavana, while walking,
he wanted us to start a new chapter
of human life in the Western world.
He called us all mlecchas,
but said we could be reclaimed.”
I want to go hear some more
and tell what he said.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: What To Do?
I wrote down a shortened
version of what Krishna did.
No one can tell it all.
Then I wrote something He
didn’t do, something I
just made up. Something
mixed with Krishna. Why
do you do that? To have
some fun. To make a
creative line. To do something
read more from SDGonline - daily updates Viraha Bhavan journal
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Birth of the Child
Free Write
I turned at random to Canto 3, Chapter 31, text 2: “On the first night, the sperm and ovum mix, and on the fifth night the mixture ferments into a bubble. On the tenth night it develops into a form like a plum, and after that, it gradually turns into a lump of flesh or an egg, as the case may be.”From purport: The body of the soul develops in four different ways according to its different sources. One kind of body, that of the trees and plants, sprouts from the earth; the second kind of body grows from perspiration, as with flies, germs and bugs; the third kind of body develops from eggs; and the fourth develops from an embryo. This verse indicates that after emulsification of the ovum and sperm, the body gradually develops either into a lump of flesh or into an egg, as the case may be. In the case of birds it develops into an egg, and in the case of animals and human beings it develops into a lump of flesh. According to this Vedic version the soul enters the body in the first night. Therefore to abort the growth of the body even from the early stage is an act of violence or murder. The soul is forced to leave the body and take another birth. Abortion is the sin against the natural order arranged by the Supreme. It is punishable. The one who commits or allows abortion may be forced to be aborted in the womb, and repeatedly kept aborted and not be born.Gargamuni came to Nanda Maharaja’s house for a name-giving ceremony. But He was very cautious because he didn’t want Kamsa to find out that Krishna was the son of Vasudeva. He didn’t want to do the name-giving ceremony. But Nanda Maharaja was so eager to take advantage of the great sage’s presence that he suggested they do the name-giving ceremony in secret, in the goshala, with no pomp or many guests. Gargamuni agreed to this. He was the priest of the Yadu family so it was his responsibility. He named Rohini’s son, Bala, because he was so strong and he named Him Rama. Because of his attachment and attraction to Krishna’s family he also named Rama, Sankarasana. The other boy he named Krishna, the all-attractive one. He told Nanda that Krishna appeared in each yuga in different colors and with different names. He actually had many names according to His activities. Gargamuni knew past present and future, he knew for example that Krishna would also be known as Giridhari, because of His future connection with Govardhana Hill. But he didn’t reveal all these things.I do not know if Gargamuni has a connection with Krishna in His madhurya pastimes, but he is very influential in His babyhood lila. He instructed Nanda Maharaja to protect Krishna very carefully and always watch over Him. But he said Krishna was very powerful, and he was as good as Narayana, Lord Visnu. Nanda Maharaja was delighted to hear that his son was like Narayana and yet he was determined to protect Him from evil influences. The common understanding that Krishna is the son of Vasudeva and Devaki, but the confidential fact is that he was born of Yasoda and Nanda Maharaja. Yasoda gave birth to a boy, Krishna, and to a girl, Yogamaya. A Vishnu form appeared to Vasudeva and Devaki and that child was merged into Nanda’s son, when Vasudeva came to exchange the babies. This was not known to Nanda and Yasoda, but they loved Krishna as if he were their own son. That is the special charm of Vrndavana: everyone loves Krishna, not out of duty or sense of the familiar relationship, but out of spontaneous attraction and love. As Krishna grew older, all living entities, including plants and rivers and stones—and all animals, especially cows—and all human beings loved and befriended Him. Only demons were inimical to Him, especially Kamsa, who feared that Krishna would one day kill him. So Kamsa sent a continual stream of demons to Vrndavana, to attempt to kill Krishna. The story of Krishna is not anthropomorphic or mythology. It is born out by authoritative scriptures like Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, Brahma-samhita, Caitanya-caritamrta and many of the Puranas, and understood by the sages in the disciplic succession, who support Krishna, and by many saintly persons who have had His direct darsana and been enlightened about the position of Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead.I also believe in Krishna and support Him with my tiny testimony, which is added to the rest. I have written about it in books and lectured with reason and logic many times. Krishna will sift through the evidence and decide whether I’m a stalwart devotee worth joining with Him or continuing to preach His message in this world or whether I have to drop back and be punished for misdeeds in the lower form of life.
ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Birthday Gifts for Shrimati Radharani
The Hare Krishna Temple warmly invites you and your family to join us on Wednesday, September 15th for Radhastami celebrations - celebrating the appearance of Srimati Radharani! Festivities will commence at 6:00pm and will include wonderful kirtan, bhajans, a discourse about Srimati Radharani and delicious prasadam. As an annual tradition, the highlight of the evening will be when we open gifts for Srimati Radharani that have been brought by the assembled devotees.
If you and your family feel inclined, you are welcome to bring a gift for Their Lordships. Some humble suggestions from our beloved pujari department for gifts for the Deities include jewelry (necklaces, earrings, hair ornaments, tiaras, rings, and bracelets), bindi sets, pure sandalwood oil, cleaning supplies for the altar (marble cleaner, wood polish, brass and silver polish, laundry soap), as well as utensels for Radharani's Kitchen. Gifts can be placed on the altar and will be unwrapped and shown to the Deities during the program. Of course donations of any kind are always warmly accepted!
6:00- 6:30pm Arati
6:30- 6:40pm Welcome and Announcements
6:40- 6:50pm Qualities of Srimati Radharani
6:50- 7:20pm Class by Subhavilasa das
7:20- 8:00pm Gift Giving Ceremony
8:00 - 8:30 Arati
8:30 Prasadam (free vegetarian feast)
Japa Group: The One Who Tastes The Nectar
In Caitanya-caritamrta it is stated, “A devotee who believes that the holy name of the Lord is identical with the Lord is a pure devotee, even though he may be in the neophyte stage. By his association, others may also become Vaisnavas.” Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila 15.106
Realizing that the sound vibration is identical with the form of Krishna is a crucial realization and puts one at a top most position. For attaining that realization he should be respected. He can create an influence in convert ing others into devotees. The evidence of that stage is that he loves to chant and chants regularly in the company of devotees and alone. He tastes the nectar of the holy name simply by making the sound vibration wherever he maybe, and for him Krishna’s name is as good as Krishna’s form.
From Bhajan Kutir 132
Japa Group: Please Join The Japa Group
Please share your realisations with other devotees from around the world...simply send me an introduction email and I will be happy to make you a member:
Rasa Rasika dasa
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1970 November 17: "We shall not misrepresent ourselves by making a show of devotional service simply to fill our bellies. Our only intention is to spread Krishna consciousness to all the persons of the world for their complete spiritual and material benefit."Prabhupada Letters :: 1970
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1970 November 17: "If our programs are kept pure according to my many instructions, this will give you the reputation of being the topmost members of society. That is very much wanted if we hope to change society as a whole."Prabhupada Letters :: 1970
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1971 November 17: "Especially I am encouraged by your programs in the schools and colleges. Only the most intelligent people can understand our philosophy, so it is very important that we spread this message to the intelligent class of men. Kindly push on this program."Prabhupada Letters :: 1971
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1972 November 17: "A child must have love and education. But if there is beating, that will be difficult to accept in loving spirit, and when he is old enough he will go away. If a child is trained properly in Krishna Consciousness, he will never go away."Prabhupada Letters :: 1972
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1972 November 17: "If we fall down in rising before 4 AM, chanting 16 rounds, like that, if these things are not strictly observed then maya will enter and spoil everything. We must exist on cooperation, otherwise the whole thing is doomed."Prabhupada Letters :: 1972
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 November 17: "I am not very much enthusiastic for the charitable dispensary enterprise because I have heard from the Rama Krishna Mission that they are mostly run by paid men."Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 November 17: "If you are inclined to retire, you are welcome to live with us. You can live with your good wife as vanaprastha. We have got three very nice places in India and in any one of them, you are welcome."Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1975 November 17: "I met a very major car accident in Mauritius, and still there is some little sore on my knees. So I shall go back to Vrindaban via Delhi and from there I shall go to South India to Nellore, and then to Calcutta. Surely at that time we shall meet."Prabhupada Letters :: 1975
Hari Sauri das, Mayapura, IN: Gopastami Mayapur – part two
The second half of the festival was held over at the goshala.A special pandal was erected and a few hundred devotees gathered (the brahmacaris were noticably absent – over 100 of them, including twins Jananivas and Pankajanghri prabhus are on the Vrajmandala parikrama) to worship the cows and hear about the glories of cow protection from senior devotees.Some of the speakers were Sauri prabhu, who revealed he was brought up on a farm in Colorado where they milked the cows by handKavicandra Maharaja,Suresvara prabhuand of course, Mayapur’s animal protection society matriarch, Hrmati matajiOur young brahmanas were all on hand to do a special yajnaand of course, go-matas in abundance were curious onlookers.Excuse me! Never interupt a lady while she’s eating!especially since she’s likely to take a fancy to your camera
Better than cameras though, were the tasty snacks the devotees were able to feed our bovine friendsCows apparently like bananasalmost as much as the cowherd boysJust in case you were wondering what those big horns were forhere’s your answerEverything was topped off nicely with some famous Mayapur kicheri and halavaGopastami ki jaya!
Maddy Jean-claude Durr, New Govardhana, AU: Govardhana Puja In Radhadesh
It was the holy day of Govardhana Puja, the day where the residents of Gokula offered various preparations to the mighty Hill of Govardhana. It was a chilly morning as usual in our neck of the woods (ie Belgium). I quickly descended the spiralling stairs into the Castle kitchen. The flames bellowed as the water boiled, which simultaneously acted as our personal heating system. All the supply stores were locked but we plotted along nonetheless, faithful that Radharani was ruling over the kitchen.I went to morning darsana and was blown away. There the Deities stood, in pink and black, their brand new outfits and an alter decorated to suit. I caught a short glimpse before locating a key for the bhoga room and jumping back into seva. I was pleased to be able to cook for the assembled Vaisnavas, especially on this holy day.I chanted some rounds, looking at the autumn brown, before the Go puja started. We made our way out to the tent (where we used to eat our summer luncheons) and the tables acted as fences for the cows. We all gleefully approached the cows, feeding them and entertaining them. Young Bhumi kept coming around and butting all the devotees but I soon gave her a match for her money. The kirtana went on and we all decorated the cows with turmeric handprints.We found our way to the temple and there was a massive kirtana. We had an abhisekha of Giriraja. The pujari was throwing maha garlands all over the temple room. I was so close to the alter that I was being soaked in yogurt and other substances, as they fell off the flying garlands. The kirtana soon rose up and we started circling around Govardhana Hill. Bhakta Rick Prabhu had recently polished the kartalas so I was constantly looking down, after every kirtana, at my black hands, after playing away in bliss.I washed off the polish and helped the devotees carry the buckets of Prasadam from the kitchen. The preparations were endless. The only thing that matched the line of devotees moving the Prasadam was the line to honour Prasadam. Bhakta Rick Prabhu asked me to help out with serving so I made my way to the back of the counter but simply couldn’t fit. I found myself back in the line of honouring instead of serving and decided Krsna would not give me the seva until I really hankered for it (like all those who beat me to it).After Prasadam, I bumped into Lalita Krsna Prabhu. He was heading off and was bidding me farewell. I was sad to see him go, who had touched mine and many other’s hearts, through his association, classes and chapattis. He had even given me the opportunity to give Bhagavatam class one evening. I sadly said goodbye and hoped to see him soon in the future.In the evening there were dramas from the students - students from the children’s Sunday school and students from the college. The boys gathered with me, sitting on the chairs in the reception area. Mahendra Prabhu approached us. Mahendra’s tithi birthday was on Govardhana Puja day, so we were going to be celebrating it the following day. He officially invited us all to a sanga at his house. After this, the festival dissipated and Radhadesh lulled off to bed. Our Govardhana celebrations were to be followed be four days of feasting and the festive spirit never seemed to die off since then.
Australian News: Sydney Temple Newsletter touching down in an email inbox near you
Hare Krishna!Welcome to ISKCON Sydney’s e-newsletter.We currently have His Holiness Janananda das Goswami with us this week and also returning next Thursday November 25th for the Maha-Harinama in the city in which Maharaja will lead the public chanting of the holy names through the city streets. He will also host other programs which are listed below, as well as morning classes on Srimad-Bhagavatam. Maharaja initiated a local devotee on Sunday morning and led kirtan and gave discourse during the Sunday program. Maharaja is a direct disciple of Srila Prabhupada originally from the UK, and travels widely to spread the sankirtana movement of Lord Caitanya, and is well known for his enthusiasm for kirtans and humility in his often humourous discourses. Please come and take full advantage of his association during this visit.We have special guest Vaiyasaki Prabhu coming soon and hosting the 24 Hour Kirtan on the weekend of December 4th and 5th. From 4pm on Saturday evening through the night and next day devotees will chant continuously, with Sri-Prahlada from 6pm and Vaiyasaki 7pm till late on the first evening. Many other kirtaneers will sing so please come for as long as you can – the schedule will be online soon. Vaiyasaki is a direct disciple of Srila Prabhupada and a senior devotee from the USA, reknowned worldwide for his wonderful kirtans. The weekend promises to be a most enlivening experience with advanced devotees of Sri Krishna who will touch your hearts with their sweet chanting… don’t miss out!!On Saturday December 11th we have a special program ‘The Market Place of the Holy Name’ with guest His Grace Deena Bandhu Prabhu. From 3pm until 9pm he will speak on the works of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur’s as described by Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda. This event is for all devotees who would like to learn more about practicing Krishna Consciousness and at the same time develop ability to help others. We would like to invite all existing leaders and members of Nama Hatta groups in Sydney as well as everyone who wishes to attend. Please invite your friends and reserve time in your own calendar for this extraordinary event. Deena Bandhu Prabhu is also a direct disciple of Srila Prabhupada from the USA and lives in Sri Vrindavana Dhama where he knows extensively about the pastimes of Radha and Krishna in that transcendental abode.We are currently in the last week of The Month of Damodara, or Kartikka Masa, which runs until November 21st. This month is the most auspicious period in which Krishna displayed His sweet pastime of being bound with ropes by Mother Yasoda, and each evening the Damodarastakam prayers are sung which tell the whole story of transendental trickery which Krishna becomes endearing to everyone by performing like nodody else can. Each evening after 7 o’clock arati lamps are offered by all to Sri Sri Radha-Gopinatha, and in addition to the temple programs this year devotees are visitng peoples homes to bring the auspicious ceremony there so see the flyer below and website to book your program.We are celebrating Radha Gopinatha’s 40th Anniversary next May 2011 and here’s your chance to be published in Radha Gopinatha’s Anniversary magazine! This magazine is going to be professionally published and will portray the history of Radha Gopinatha’s 40 years in Sydney. This landmark and inspirational publication will consist of articles by many authors, previously unpublished photographs of Radha Gopinatha andmuch more. Put your artistic hat on and take this exciting opportunity to glorify Sri Sri Radha Gopinath. It’s a once in 40-year chance to be presented in this historical presentation. In no more than 400 words, create a poem that glorifies our beautiful Deities and what They meant to you and how They inspire you to serve Them. There are two categories: adult category and child 5-14 years old category. Submit your poem to Krsnarupa Mataji at: no later than 1st of December.Harinama Sankirtana in the city centre has started again. Each Thursday evening from 7pm devotees are going out to distribute the Holy Names of the Maha-mantra to thousands of people in the city streets accompanied by music and dancing. This is the Yuga-dharma or process of self realisation for this age, and is an unforgettable experience. The meeting place is opposite the cinemas on George Street – anyone wishing to join in please see details below and help spread peace and love in this quarrelsome and dark industrial age. A special Harinama wil be held on Thursday November 25th with His Holiness Janananda das Goswami so don’t miss out!Recently we celebrated Srila Prabhupada’s Disappearance Day with a special festival consisting of Arati, ‘Following Srila Prabhupada’ film show, kirtan, devotees remembrances of Srila Prabhupada, Gaura-arati and kirtan, candlelight arati to Srila Prabhupada and a special prasadam feast. We had many special guests on the evening including some of Prabhupada’s direct disciples, and the whole evening was endearing to Srila Prabhupada. Thanks to everyone who organised the program and all those who attended.We also celebrated Diwali – the festival of the lamps, which commemorates Lord Rama’s return from exile in the forest, and Govardhana-Puja, which celebrates Krishna’s amazing pastime of lifting Govardhana Hill for 7 days to protect His devotees from the rains of the angry Indra. Sri-Prahlada sang beautiful kirtans and spoke at length of the pastimes of Govardhana Hill as devotees circumambulated the amazing hill made entirely from sweets! The weekends events were very enlivening and we thank everyone involved in the programs this year.Every 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month a ‘Krishna Evening’ hall program is held in Westmead. This consists of a discussion on Bhagavad-gita, arati & kirtan, children’s program and prasadam. The program is free and everyone is welcome to attend. Please join us at Westmead Progress Hall at 43 Hassall Street for an enlightening program every fortnight – more details of programs around Sydney in the regular programs section below.Term 3 of the temple Sunday School classes commenced on Sunday 1st August and continue fortnightly until the next school holidays. Please register your child by emailing Vilasa Manjari dasi: recently had His Holiness Kadamba-Kanana Swami with us this month. During his stay he gave classes and kirtans at the temple, a program at Govindas Lotus Room, led the Maha-Harinama on Thursday evening in Sydney CBD, a home program near Hornsby on Friday evening, and held the ‘Sadhana’ retreat over last weekend in Turramurra. He also gave a discourse on Sunday evening in the temple which was especially inspiring. Maharaja then performed an initiation ceremony at Govinda Valley, concluding his visit to Sydney for this year. We thank Maharaja for his visit which was very enlivening and we hope he visits again in the near future. Thanks also to everyone who organised and attended the various programs. Please view some of the photos below.Every 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month a ‘Krishna Evening’ hall program is held in Westmead. This consists of a discussion on Bhagavad-gita, arati & kirtan, children’s program and prasadam. The program is free and everyone is welcome to attend. Please join us at Westmead Progress Hall at 43 Hassall Street for an enlightening program every fortnight – more details of programs around Sydney in the regular programs section below.Term 3 of the temple Sunday School classes commenced on Sunday 1st August and continue fortnightly until the next school holidays. Please register your child by emailing Vilasa Manjari dasi: are listed all our donors for last month. Anyone wishing to contribute money can click the PayPal logo to donate online.Click here to read the rest of latest newsletter, and don’t forget to subscribe whilst you are there
H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Transcription Disappearance Day Lecture HH Tamal Krishna Maharaja (Sridhama Mayapur February 2010)
Transcription: Godavari Dasi, Nimesh, Premalila Dasi, Kalindi Dasi, Ranga Radhika Dasi, Madanmohan Krishna Dasa, Kartik Agarwal. Editing: Ramananda Raya Dasa His Holiness Bhakti Caru Swami: For this occasion we are going to sing a very special song which actually expresses the lamentation due to separation from the Lord and His assoociates. It’s written by Srila [...]
SRILA GAURA KISORA DAS BABAJI MAHARAJ’S BHAJAN KUTIR AT “SVANANDA SUKHADA KUNJA”, THE HOUSE OF SRILA BHAKTIVINODA THAKURA at Godrumadvipa, Navadvipa-MayapurBy Chandan Bhatia Published in Mayapur.TV timesSrila Gaura-kisora dasa Babaji Maharaj is the spiritual master of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. He was born in a vaisya family in a small village beside Padma River in Bangladesh. Following his father, he earned his livelihood by selling grains. He was devotionally inclined from childhood and spent many hours singing bhajans and hearing Krishna-katha. He was married very young but when his wife died in 1849, he immediately left home and went to Vrindavan. For the next 30 years he lived in Vrindavan wandering around the forests and pastime places of Srimati Radharani and Lord Sri Krishna while absorbed in chanting Holy Names: HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE/ HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE. He would lie prostrate, offering his humble obeisances to the residents of Vraja, considering them as embodiments of Lord Krishna. During this time he took babaji initiation from Bhagavata dasa, a disciple of Srila Jagannatha dasa Babaji Maharaj.![]()
SAMADHI TEMPLE OF HIS DIVINE GRACE GAURA-KISORA DASA BABAJI MAHARAJ AT SRI CAITANYA MATH ON “SRI ANTARDVIPA” ISLAND OF NAVADVIPA-MAYAPUR DHAMAGaura-kisora dasa Babaji Maharaj was a renunciation personified. He chanted 200,000 names of Lord each day and stayed in isolated places, eating only what would come of its own accord and sleeping wherever he found himself at night time. He had very few possessions: Tulasi-mala (Tulasi beads) around his neck; another Tulasi-mala on which he chanted; and a few books such as Narottama Dasa Thakura’s Prarthana and Prema Bhakti Chandrika. He refused service from anyone and would not let anyone serve him, though many tried. In 1894, he heard that Lord Caitanya’s birthplace has been discovered and so he came to Navadvipa-Mayapur Dham, knowing the two Dhamas are non-different. In Navadvipa-Mayapur, he again wandered around the places of the Lord’s pastimes absorbed in ecstasy of separation. His renunciation was intense and genuine. He would dress himself in the discarded cloth used to dress corpses, beg rice from householders, and cook with discarded earthen pots. He would dance on the banks of the Ganges chanting the Holy Names of Krishna; at other times he would lie on the ground unconscious. Others tried to imitate Gaura-kisora dasa Babaji’s renunciation wanting to gain fame for themselves, but they all fell away into disgrace.Babaji Maharaj encountered many disturbances to his Hari-bhajana from the materialists who sought benedictions from him. They all received heavy instructions from Babaji Maharaj, but very few were able to understand that these instructions were actually for their eternal benefit. In 1908 Gaura Kisora Dasa Babaji Maharaja lost his sight. He refused attempts to take him to an eye specialist, preferring instead to chant and worship Lord Krishna. He stopped travelling at this point. He would sit in his bhajana-kutir deeply absorbed in Krishna’s pastimes.THE DISAPPEARANCE OF SRILS GAURA-KISORA BABAJIOn 17 Nov 1915, on Utthana Ekadasi in the Kartika-vrata, Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji Maharaja re-entered into his eternal loving pastimes with the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. After Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Maharaja had heard of his disappearance, he went to the place where Srila Gaura-kisora lived. At that time different persons from different temples in the area began to fiercely argued to claim the spiritual body of Srila Babaji Maharaja. But Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Maharaja obstructed them from doing so. The inspector of the police of Navadvipa arrived at the scene.Srila Bhaktisiddhanta in a voice as deep as thunder said, “I am the only disciple of Paramahamsa Babaji Maharaja. Even though I have not accepted sannyasa, I am a celibate brahmacari and by the grace of Babaji Maharaja I am not secretly addicted to abominable habits or involved in fornication as some monkey-like people are. If there is someone amongst the people here present who is a renunciate of stainless character, then he can have Babaji Maharaja’s samadhi. We have no objection to that. He, who within the last year, or the last six months, three months, one month or at least within the last three days, has not had illicit connection with a woman will be able to touch this spiritual blissful body. If anyone else touches it he will be completely ruined.”Hearing this, the superintendent of police said, “How is it that he can prove this?”Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Thakura replied, “I have faith in their word”.At this, one-by-one all the bogus babajis slipped away without a word. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati then claimed the samadhi.After this, several persons approached Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Maharaja and said, “Before Srila Gaura-kisora disappeared, he requested that his body be bound with ropes and be dragged through the streets of Navadvipa Dham, and thus, be bathed in the dust of the Dham. Therefore, we should follow these instructions of Srila Babaji Maharaja.”Then Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Maharaja spoke up and said, “My spiritual master, on whose shoulders reside the Supreme Lord Krishnacandra, has said this in a very, very deep mood of humility in order to destroy the pride of those persons who are opposing the Supreme Lord. Even though we are inexperienced, foolish and offensive, still, I will not let his instruction be misinterpreted. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took the spiritual body of Srila Haridasa Thakura, when he disappeared, on His lap and began to dance. Just see how his glories have been described. So therefore, we are also following in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya. Place the transcendental body of Srila Gaura-kisora above our heads.”According to the regulations from the Samakara Dipika, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Maharaja with his own hands prepared the samadhi of his spiritual master. Later on, by the desire of Srila Gaura-kisora dasa Babaji Maharaja, the place of his samadhi gradually became engulfed by the changing current of the Ganga. When the samadhi was within very close proximity to Ganga Devi, in 1932, his samadhi was moved under the instructions of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Maharaja, from that place to a place in Sri Mayapur Dham where the Caitanya Math is presently situated.Directions:#1) Srila Gaura-kisora dasa Babaji Maharaj’s Samadhi is at Caitanya Math on Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Marg, which is about 3kms from ISKCON Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Temple or ½ km from Srivasa Angan (the house of Srivasa Pandita).#2) Sri Caitanya Math is a stopover during “Navadvipa-Mandala Parikrama” which is organized every year about 10 days before Guara-Purnima Festival at Sridham Mayapur. One can visit this transcendental place by attending Navadvipa-Mandala Parikrama.Lamps Offering at Damodara Aroti: TV: http://Mayapur.tvHARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE |HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE ||
Subhvavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: The glories of Karttika-sukla Ekadasi
Today marks Karttika-sukla Ekadasi also known as Haribodhini Ekadasi, Utthana Ekadasi or Devotthaani Ekadasi. This is one of the best Ekadasis for extra fasting and service since it brings immense benefit as is outlined below.
The original source is from the Skanda Purana and the following excerpt has been taken from and excellent book called "Ekadasi: The Day of Lord Hari" by His Holiness Krishna Balaram Swami.
"This Ekadasi, which occurs during the light fortnight of the month of Kartika, is much more purifying than a bath in the ocean, at a place of pilgrimage, or in a lake. This sacred Ekadasi is more powerful in nullifying sin than one thousand Asvamedha sacrifices and one hundred Rajasuya sacrifices."
Narada Muni inquired, "O father, please describe the relative merits of fasting completely on Ekadasi, eating supper (without grains or beans), or eating once at midday (without grains or beans)."
Lord Brahma replied, "If a person eats once at midday on Ekadasi, the sins of his previous birth are erased, if he eats supper, the sins acquired during his previous two births are removed, and if he fasts completely, the sins accumulated during his pervious seven births are eradicated.
"O son, whatever is only rarely achieved within the three worlds is obtained by him who strictly observes Haribodhini Ekadasi. A person whose sins equal Mount Sumeru in volume sees them all reduced to nothing if he simply fasts on Papaharini Ekadasi (another name for Haribodhini Ekadasi). The sins a person has accumulated over a thousand previous births are burned to ashes if he not only fasts but also remains awake throughout Ekadasi night, just as a mountain of cotton can be burned to ashes if one lights a small fire in it.
H.H. Sivarama Swami
Persons who are very expert and most intelligent in understanding things as they are engage in hearing narrations of the auspicious activities and pastimes of the Lord, which are worth chanting and worth hearing. Such persons do not care even for the highest material benediction, namely liberation, to say nothing of other less important benedictions like the
material happiness of the heavenly kingdom.- the Kumaras
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Singing and talk at the Marcali Music school
The talks are both in English and Hungarian. (May 14th, 2010)
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Devamrta Swami speaks on the 10 offenses to the holy name at the initiation ceremony on Radhastami 2010
Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: Surfing
Prabhupada: This morning we were talking about the sufferers, what is called? The sea suffers?
Devotees: Surfers.
Prabhupada: Surfer, yes. (devotees laugh) Surfer. I call "sufferer." "Sea-sufferer." (laughter) Sea-surfer, it is practical because we are creating a situation by which we shall become a fish. Yes. Contamination. Just like if you purposely contaminate some disease you must suffer from that disease. Karanam guna-sango 'sya sad-asad janma-yoniSu [Bg. 13.22], in the Bhagavad-gita. Why there are different varieties of life? What is the reason? That reason means karanam. Krsna says in the Bhagavad..., karanam guna-sango 'sya sad-asad janma-yonisu. Prakrteh kriyamanani prakrti-stho 'pi purusah bhujjante tad-gunan. So the reason is as we are infecting. The nature's law is so perfect that you infect something, some disease, some contamination, then you must suffer. This is nature's law, automatically going on. Karanam guna-sango 'sya.
- Srila Prabhupada May 8 1976 Honolulu
Orcas, or killer whales, positioned themselves prominently and made it clear they were the real experts -- and that no mere human on a surfboard was going to deny them whatever waves they wanted. "They knew what they were doing," Michael Cunningham, a Northern Advocate photographer and witness, told the newspaper. "They looked like they'd done it before."
- Michael Cunningham (Surfer and Professional Photographer) November 13 2010 New Zealand
Australian News: The Mercy of a Kind Hearted Sadhu
Posted on Facebook, by Indradyumna Swami Maharaj, on WednesdayYesterday, while doing Vrindavan parikrama with a number of devotees, I noticed a sadhu sitting on the side of the road begging alms. It was unusual because he didn’t appear to be in want of anything. He looked bright and healthy, and his clothes were neatly pressed. He was immaculately clean. His upper chest was decorated with many sets of beautiful old wooden beads of all different shapes and sizes. Later in the day I sent my disciple, Narottam das Thakur das, back to give the sadhu a donation.
Narottam first took the sadhus photo. When he engaged in discussion with him he was surprised to find out that the holy man was actually the head of a Matha ( temple ) in Vrindavan and had many disciples. But one day a year, the sadhu explained, he left it all behind and came down to the parikrama path to beg alms. When Narottam asked him why, he replied “To remain humble.”
The sadhu then inquired about Narottam’s devotional life and was himself impressed to hear about ISKCON and how Srila Prabhupada had spread Krsna consciousness all over the world. When Narottam explained how he was assisting me in my preaching in Poland and other countries, the sadhu closed his eyes for a long time in meditation, and when he finally opened them he took off a set of beads from around his chest.
”Please give these to your spiritual master,” he said.
Narottam was stunned.
“My mother put these around my neck when I was 5-years old,” the sadhu continued, ”and I haven’t taken them off since.”
Narottom was speechless.
A minute later the sadhu said, “Tell me more about how Westerners are becoming Krsna bhaktas.”
As Narottam told him how ISKCON devotees were distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books all over the world the sadhu continued to listen with his eyes closed. Narottam went on to tell him about our Festival of India in Poland, where 750,000 people attend each year. After awhile the holy man opened his eyes again and took off yet another set of beads, slightly larger than the first, and said, “Present these to your spiritual master as well – and give him my blessings. These beads were given to me by my guru when I was eleven. I’m 70 years old now. I’ve worn them most of my life.” Then with a smile he concluded, “And many, many people have asked for them.”
Then he went back to his begging.
Narottam respectively paid his obeisances and left.
That evening Narottam presented the beads to me as I was putting my deities to sleep. I was stunned by their beauty. The wood was a darkesh color and polished due to being worn for so many years. They had a slight scent of sandalwood oil. As I put them around my neck, I felt a special potency surge throughout my entire body. I wore the beads to bed that night, and the next day I felt especially enlivened in my services by the mercy of that kind hearted sadhu.
All glories to Sri Vrindavan Dhama! All glories to all the devotees of Lord!
“O handsome, fragrant tamala desire tree, blooming in Vrindavana forest and embraced by the madhavi vine of the goddess ruling this forest, O tree the shade of whose glories protects the world from a host of burning sufferings, what wonderful fruits do the people find at Your lotus feet?” [ Srila Rupa Goswami, Utkalika-vallari, verse 66 ]
Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: Animal Rights, Vegetariaism, and Karma-Free Living
A great interview from our friend, the world-renowned vegetarian chef extraordinare Kurma Dasa.
Click here for Kurma's website, Cooking With Kurma, featuring tons of great and transcendentally delicious recipes.
Claudette Vaughan recently interviewed me for the excellent website Abolitionist-Online - a Voice for Animal RightsHere's the interview, serialised.Transcendental Higher Life: Kurma Dasa from the Hare Krishna’s Interviewed on animal rights, vegetarianism and karma-free livingKurma Dasa is one of the world’s leading proponents of pure vegetarian cuisine. Dubbed “Australia’s Vegetarian Guru,” Kurma has been writing cookbooks, teaching students and hosting internationally broadcast TV shows for over thirty-five years. Kurma’s innovative cooking continues to shake off the outdated notion that vegetarian food is lackluster.We at the Abolitionist are great fans of his because every recipe book works – like magic! Even some of the supposedly complicated recipes like breads are easy to follow with Kurma’s recipes and every recipe is a success.All Kurma’s dishes are consistent with the concept of Indian Ayurveda – this means no meat derived products, no fish, eggs, garlic, onions or mushrooms. Vegan soy milk can easily be substituted when required by a recipe. His cookbooks won’t let you down!Claudette: "What is the Hare Krishna’s contribution to animal rights?"The Hare Krishnas have contributed enormously to the rights of animals ever since the inception of the Krishna Consciousness Movement over 40 years ago, specifically in the following ways: distributing literally millions of books in over 38 languages, encouraging people to become vegetarians; establishing farming communities all over the world where animals are allowed to peacefully live out their natural lives; and cooking and distributing tens of millions of plates of pure vegetarian food in all our restaurants, temples and festivals.Claudette: "We fight for one right for God’s animals and that is: Animals have a natural lifespan that should not be truncated by humans and they have a right to live. What’s a Hare Krishna’s understanding Kurma das?"We agree. All creatures are sons and daughters of God. So the animals are our brothers and sisters. We have no right to kill and eat our brothers and sisters.Claudette: "I think a Hare Krishna devotee believes fully that animals have souls. There’s no argument there – is that correct?"Correct. All living things that exhibit the six symptoms of life - birth, growth, development, reproduction, dwindling and death - are alive. Life is the symptom that the soul, the living force, is present, in all these varieties of life. It is more accurate to say they ARE souls, living out their lifespan in the dress of whatever body they may inhabite this time around, whether it be plant, insect, bird, aquatic, beast or human form.Claudette: "Tell us about your cooking books because they are all veg, very easily adaptable to vegan, no eggs etc."I have written four cookbooks. My first, Great Vegetarian Dishes, was written in 1989 and is a bit of a classic, having been re-printed seven times, and still in the shops. My next book was Cooking with Kurma, then came Quick Vegetarian Dishes, and lastly (for now) Vegetarian World Food. The recipes are all strictly vegetarian. There are now close to 1 million of my books in print.Vegans, who don't indulge in any dairy or animal-origin food find the recipes very easy to adapt, almost without exception.Claudette: "Did your cooking talents emerge out of all those wonderful Hare Krishna Sunday feasts?"Yes, and also my 10-year stint in the kitchen at Gopal's Restaurant in Swanston Street, Melbourne, where I started cooking seriously for 500 patrons a day throughout the 1980's.Claudette: "What’s your latest work called and how did it come about?"My latest work is a new version of a classic Hare Krishna Cookbook and guide to Karma-free living entitled "The Higher Taste".We distributed over 3.7 million copies of the first edition. The new version not only has over 50 of my recipes, but also has the latest information on important subjects as health and a meatless diet, the hidden cost of meat on the environment, factory farming and compassion.Claudette: "What animals are you particularly close to?"I am particularly fond of cows. I regard the cow as my mother, and feel very blessed when I can have her company.Claudette: "Tell us about your Vegi-Cards".The Vegi-Cards are two sets of 52 gorgeous, laminated recipe cards with full-colour photos in sturdy boxes. One set is a selection of quick recipes, and the other is a selection from my second book 'Cooking with Kurma'Claudette: "Many animal rights people eat at the Hare Krishnas ‘Food For Life’ van especially here in Sydney where the devotees are sensitive and cook with vegetable oil for us to eat. What’s the philosophy behind feeding humans veg food."'Food' infers vegetarian food. Partaking of body parts and organs hardly qualifies as food for humans. Specifically, non-vegetarian animals like dogs and cats and tigers are equipped physiologically to eat meat, they require it, and they accrue no karma in eating it.Humans, however, are designed to be vegetarian. We can live long, natural healthy lifes eating vegetarian food. Eating animal food leads to disease, shortens our life and pollutes our bodies. As a direct result it dulls our finer perceptions and leads to a cruel mentality. Furthermore, eating animals is bad karma. Those that regularly eat animals will have to become animals in future lives and be eaten themselves.
Mayapur Online: Srila Gaura-Kisora Dasa Babaji Disappearance Day
Renunciation Personified - Srila Gaura-Kisora dasa Babaji Maharaj is the spiritual master of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. He was born in a vaisya family in a small village beside Padma River in Bangladesh. Following his father, he earned his livelihood by selling grains. He was devotionally inclined from childhood and spent many hours singing bhajans and hearing Krishna-katha. He was married very young but when his wife died in 1849, he immediately left home and went to Vrindavan.
Gouranga TV: Vrndavani devi dasi kirtan
H.H. Sivarama Swami
The most formidable serpent is this tongue. If you simply talk of Krsna and if you simply eat Krsna prasadam, oh, the poisonous effect of tongue will be broken. You’ll have no opportunity to talk nonsense or to eat nonsense. Then your life becomes advanced immediately fifty percent. If you can control the tongue, then you control all the senses. If you cannot control the tongue, then you cannot control other senses.- Srila Prabhupada
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