Srila Prabhupada’s beloved daughter Yamuna Devi Dasi
Srila Prabhupada’s beloved daughter Yamuna Devi Dasi
Srila Prabhupada’s beloved daughter Yamuna Devi Dasi
Yamuna devi dasi, beloved daughter of Srila Prabhupada, departed Dec. 20th on morning of Saphala Ekadasi
4,282 Views / EMail This Post / Print This Post / Home » Yamuna devi dasi, beloved daughter of Srila Prabhupada, departed Dec. 20th on morning of Saphala Ekadasiin Srila Prabhupada’s service, malati dd
Hari-sauri dasa: Dear Maharajas and Prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisances _/\ò_. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
I just heard from Abhiram prabhu that Srimate Yamuna devi dasi, Srila Prabhupada’s beloved daughter, has passed away from apparent heart attack in Melbourne Florida USA. He heard this directly from Dina Tarini dasi about two hours ago. (time of writing this is 7.45PM India time).
Briefly it seems she was experiencing some angina attack late last night USA east coast time (Dec. 19). The two of them had kirtan together and Yamuna went to bed around midnight.
Dina Tarini woke early in the morning and discovered Yamuna sitting in a chair with her hand in her bead bag but she had already left.
May Srila Prabhupada and her beloved Sri Sri Bana Bihari take her back to Their eternal abode. We have suffered a great great loss.
Your humble servant, Hari-sauri dasa
Malati Devi Dasi: Actually, they shared a wonderful kirtan with “Khar” & Radha then retired. Between 9 & 10 pm, Yamuna complained of chest pains and pressure to the head. Dina asked what she wanted to do and Yamuna preferred to sit and chant. She took one over-the-counter head ache relief. At 12:30 am, Dina checked and she was sleeping with her oxygen machine. At 6:30, she checked again but this time, she had removed the machine, was lying on the bed, looking peaceful with her hand in her bead bag.
I spent last Wed with them. I had a sense that we might not meet again in this life time…. although we spoke about me coming back and spending some time together…
yrs, malati dd
Giriraj Swami: As we lament the departure of our dear godsister and Srila Prabhupada’s beloved daughter Yamuna-devi—and rejoice in her reunion with him—I quote from a letter she wrote me some years ago: “I remember when Dina and I visited you in your house in Vrindavan. We asked you one question, and you took three hours to answer it: ‘How has your relationship with Srila Prabhupada changed since his departure?’ The departure of loved ones helps us to change, to go deeper. Surely this will happen . . .”
Mother Yamuna at Saranagati
Memories of Srila Prabhupada by Yamuna Devi Dasi
She contributed to ISKCON in numerous ways, including her famous cookbooks, being one of the original six devotees who started ISKCON London, and of course as the beautiful voice singing the Govindam prayers at the greeting of the Deities in all ISKCON temples every morning.
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Tags: Devotee, Govindam Adipurusam, HG Yamuna Devi Dasi, ISKCON, ISKCON Devotee, Krishna, Malati Mataji, Offering, Offering to Yamuna Devi Dasi, Prabhupada, More…
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Comment by Mahavisnupriya Cranmer 2 hours ago
She actually left her body on the auspicious day of Saphala Ekadasi, which was June 20, 2011 in Florida and not June 21 as is shown on Desire Tree. She left during brahma muhurta and everything about her was auspicious her entire life! She was found in the early morning, seated with her hand in her bead bag. What a glorious passing! How great is our loss! Jaya Yamuna devi!
Comment by arup choudhury yesterday
Your Devotional Spirit will continue to inspire downfallen like us....
Hari Bol
Comment by Haricharan Das yesterday
so sad... a vaishnavi left for the transcendental abode...
Comment by sarika dasi yesterday
- Harekrishna mataji, u are so exalted devotee,so krishna accepted u to enter his kingdom,u please shower ur blessings on all of us,so that we may attain krishna prem for ever and ever
Comment by Vinay Chadha yesterday
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A message to all devotees of ISKCON Desire Tree - Devotee Network
Hare Krishna Respected Devotees With immense sorrow and deep regret, I beg to report the departure of Her Grace Yamuna devi dasi, premier disciple of Srila Prabhupada, known for her deeply spiritual qualities and connection with His Divine Grace, for her glorious offering of the Govindam prayers that we hear and chant daily, for her love of pure kirtan, for her ecstatic attractive cook books which were infused with spiritual anecdotes, for greatly inspiring and encouraging the younger generation of ISKCON devotees in their KC, on this morning of Saphala Ekadasi, in her Melborne Beach Florida ashram-kutir .... In Srila Prabhupada's service,
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Your servant Sailendriya dd
Thank you so much Yamuna devi for the wonderful ccokbooks that you have compiled. Your beautiful bhajans.
You are always so Krishna Conscious, in a very meticulous way.
your servant, Trishakti dasi
Dear Mother Yamuna, thank you so much for everything you have given us. Even though I only had your sanga a few times, your association penetrated my hard heart. Thank you for all of your encouragement. You are a great example for all of us.
thank you very much yamuna devi dasi for your devotion to srila prabhupada .
thank you for giving delicious receipies .you are very dear to Prabhupada.
your servant gaura bhakta das
I was a new brahmachary. I had travelled to Dacca, E. Pakistan with Gargamuni Swami, and when the Bangladesh war broke out after some time we got out and finally landed in Bombay. Srila Prabhupad had brought the first wave of western devotees with him and had a large pandal festival there. I met Srila Prabhupad for the first time there, and I met Jamuna devi dasi as well. Amidst the chaos and hustle and bustle of the activities, there was Jamuna dd, caring peacefully for the Dieties in the highrise apartment temple. She would sing soulfully what few bhajans we knew at that time in early 1971. She was a sober and deep devotee. She was an example of tranquility amongst the others. It gave me a sense of hope as a new devotee. Later, I always associated her with my friend Gurudas, a sweet kind and gentle soul. By the influence of time, they went separate ways with their separate but shared destinies…shared because they both loved Srila Prabhupad very much. It will be difficult to find such personable devotees nowadays who are free from fault-finding, and who see the good in others exclusively. Such bhaktas have a place in Srila Prabhupad’s heart and so are always with Krishna, just as Srila Prabhupad is always with Krishna. Param gati, the Supreme Destination, assured. Pusta Krishna das
Dear Mother Yamuna. Hare Krishna. I suddenly realise that I shall never be able to have your darshan. It’s like a big chunk of the history of ISKCON that has gone out of our vision. Remembering Krishna also means to remember His devotees. We shall strive to remember you each time we hear the Govindam prayers. your servant Harideva das