Recently, a friendly reporter from the Toronto Star visited our temple in search of "what ever happened to the Hare Krishnas?" After speaking to a few devotees in our community, we are happy to see that we have landed on the front page of the GTA Section of the Toronto Star, Canada's largest and most widely-circulated newspaper!
The overall article is certainly positive, though we very humbly would take exception to a few minor points made in the piece. However, we are excited to see our temple splashed across the front page of the section of the newspaper and certainly hope that it results in some more friendly and curious faces making their way to our warm temple!
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.26.6-7 -Maya's nature is to get in like a pin and get out like a plough.
Public program, Melbourne, April 1972:
Suddenly, the audience became restless. The devotees looked to see a tall bearded man striding confidently down the aisle towards the microphone. A familiar sight around Melbourne, he was dressed as Merlin the Magician, complete with pointed black hat adorned with silver moon and stars, leotards and a flowing black cape. It was The Wizard! A deregistered sociology student, and somewhat of a despot-cum-lunatic, he had been proclaimed the official wizard of the University of New South Wales. Specialising in clever public word jugglery and buffoonery, he claimed to be researching "Tension Resolution Through Absurd Behaviour". The devotees had encountered The Wizard on numerous occasions ever since they arrived in Melbourne. He had sometimes attempted to publicly humiliate them in the City Square. Although basically harmless, they found him at best a nuisance -- and often an annoying disturbance. Now his brash, uninhibited behaviour had led him to approach Srila Prabhupada. The devotees wondered how Prabhupada would deal with him. True to form, The Wizard took the microphone and, much to the outrage of older members of the audience and to the delight of his hippy following, spoke out in his usual loud, affected voice: "I would like to ask his Divine Grace a question, or I'd like to phrase my thinking at the moment. I know that I am a FOOL and a RASCAL, but I am thinking ‘Am I the centre of the universe?' I think that I AM the centre of the universe! I think I must prove it some time next year ..." He rambled on pompously, his voice rising dramatically, until Hanuman Prasada Goswami unceremoniously wrenched the microphone from his hand. Srila Prabhupada turned to Syamasundara, "What is he saying?" "He says he's the centre of the universe, Srila Prabhupada." The hall was quiet. Prabhupada smiled and spoke calmly into the microphone. "So, everyone is thinking like that. Everyone has the concept that ‘I am the supreme enjoyer and everything is there for my pleasure'. So you are not different from anyone else ... Actually, Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and He is the centre of the universe, so your imitation will not last long." The audience laughed, then stood up and applauded -- a standing ovation, accompanied by whistles and cheers. Srila Prabhupada had exposed him as just another materialistic fool. The Wizard had met his match!
>From The Great Transcendental Adventure by Kurma Prabhu
(Click on the picture to see them enlarged ) By Her Grace Rasada Devi Dasi on first day of Kartik Cooling and refreshing rain palliated the rather hard caked ground of Ujjain, bringing great relief to everyone. In the morning, the next day sweet, variegated fragrance greeted the nostrils of everyone. Beautiful budding flowers greeted [...]
It was the coldest winter ever; many animals died because of the cold. The porcupines, realizing the situation, decided to group together. This way they covered and protected themselves; but the quills of each one wounded their closest companions even though they gave off heat to each other.
After a while they decided to distance themselves from each other and they began to die, alone and frozen. So they had to make a choice: either accept the quills of their companions or disappear from the Earth.
Wisely, they decided to go back to being together. This way they learned to live with the little wounds that were caused by the close relationship with their companion. The most important part of it was the heat that came from the others. This way they were able to survive.
Moral of the story: The best relationship is not the one that brings together perfect people, but when each individual learns to live with the imperfections of others and can admire the other person's good qualities.
October 25 3:38 A.M.Namamrta by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada:
“One must have faith in the holy name:
“While giving instructions to Sanatana Gosvami, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu divided devotional service into three categories. “A person whose conclusive knowledge of the sastras is not very strong but who has developed firm faith in chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra and who is also undeterred in the execution of his prescribed devotional service should be considered a madhyama-adhikari. Such a person is very fortunate.” (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila 22.67)
“A madhyama-adhikari is a sraddhavan, a staunchly faithful person, and he is actually a candidate for further advancement of devotional service.” (The Nectar of Instruction, text 5)
The householder devotee Satyaraja Khan asked Lord Caitanya, “How can I recognize a Vaisnava? Please let me know what a Vaisnava is. What are his common symptoms?” Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, “Whoever chants the holy name of Krishna just once is worshipable, and he is the topmost human being.” With such faith and belief one may begin a life of Krishna consciousness, but an ordinary person cannot chant the holy name of Krishna with such faith. One should understand that the name Krishna and Krishna are identical. Having such faith, one must continue to chant the holy name. When one is situated on the neophyte platform, one cannot understand the devotional ingredients of a pure unalloyed devotee. However when the novice engages in devotional service and follows the order of a bona fide spiritual master, he becomes a pure devotee. A devotee who believes that the holy name of the Lord is identical with the Lord is a pure devotee, even though he may be in the neophyte stage. By his association others may also become Vaisnavas. Even a neophyte devotee is superior to the karmis and jnanis because he has full faith in chanting the holy name of the Lord. There are so many offenses and so many obstacles to overcome to reach offenseless chanting. But if one can chant with conviction that Krishna’s name and Krishna Himself are the same, then he is a person who is faithfully chanting and he is very fortunate. This is what we should strive for, and this is faithful chanting.
I got up from bed at one o’clock A.M. and did not have pain. But I chanted my japa very slowly at first. The first four rounds took a long time. Then Narayana came up at 2:30 and we discussed. Afterwards I felt more alert and my chanting came quicker. By 3:30 I had chanted twelve rounds and could have continued at a rapid pace except that it was time to do writing. I have faith that I will chant my remaining quota quickly and alertly. There is no need to let the mind wander to other subjects but to chant and let the chanting pass thoroughly into the mind. Be confident that you are chanting nicely and don’t berate yourself. You have to take advantage of the great mercy that Lord Caitanya is giving. It is like the sunshine, which is brilliantly available to everyone. But if one hides in a cave, then he cannot get the benefit of the chanting. I have to come out of low esteem concepts and negative thoughts and embrace the chanting and have confidence in my ability to do it.
Chanting the holy names
even one time with faith
puts you on the path
to perfection. You go on from
there and chant constantly.
Faith is the belief that
Krishna and the sound
vibration “Krishna” are
one and the same. He
has made Himself accessible
in this way. Have faith
in myself as a decent
chanter, don’t think
you can’t do it.
Krishna has empowered you
by Prabhupada’s grace.
You are the most fortunate
person in the world:
a chanter of the Hare Krishna mantra.
# 69
Prabhupada is teaching the world
what it has forgotten. That is, God.
He wrote the purports, but people
don’t read them.
He challenged, but they didn’t take it.
He walked the beach, in the park, and they could
have come too but they were too busy.
Prabhupada taught what he made sound simple—
the body is the outer covering,
there’s a subtle body within that,
and the spirit soul is the real mover.
The supreme soul is Krishna.
Prabhupada had a lot to say against the Mayavadis
to people who didn’t think it was relevant.
They thought Prabhupada was abstract
whereas the problems of the world
are real and multifarious.
But he rejected that and said
the one common disease is material identification
and we all suffer from it.
Just chant Hare Krishna and be cured.
But they laughed. He knew they laughed.
He was disgusted with them,
but didn’t give up on them.
A relatively few came to him,
his boys and girls.
On them he lavished affection
gave knowledge to stand strong
and he chastised them too,
but that was also instruction, a sharp word
to wake you up to the responsibility
of being Krishna’s representative in this world.
Prabhupada left his books
and his followers,
and he has gone.
We still can’t understand it.
We are only trying to understand
“I’m not this body. Krishna is God.”
How can we expect to know
where the pure devotee lives now?
Don’t bother about it, he said,
it will come in due course. Just
try to serve Krishna. Tell everyone you meet
to please surrender to God.
Prabhupada has left us
plenty to do
to get back to him.
Krishna is black and Radha
is golden, that’s perfect.
Little Radha-Kalacandji are
perfect Deities, and They
stand before me on the desk.
I don’t have to go to Dallas to
see Them, it wouldn’t be
as good, I could only stay
in darsana a few moments
and I’d have to move on.
This way I can sit and look
at Them as long as I
like. And They are not
any less real or
Krishna is holding His flute,
Radha is holding her basket,
and I’m so tired I can barely keep awake.
But I sit looking at
Them, and They look back at me.
I’ve been awake since 1 A.M.,
and my rounds were slow.
It’s now 5:30 A.M.,
and I have no creative
energy to write a poem.
My eyes are blinking tears
and I remember standing
before Radha-Kalacandji
at Gita-nagari. They
were always dressed so
beautifully and so
charming. After seeing
Them I take
the walk with my
disciples. Sometimes
there was snow on
the ground. I answered
their questions…
But now many years
have passed. So much has
gone down. So many
changes, and I don’t
live in the commune
I’m too tired to write a
poem about Radha-Kalacandji,
but I can gaze at Them
in my last moments before
taking a nap.
I can wait for the headache to
come. I can blow
my nose and go on
gazing at Their Lordships
surrounded with flowers,
decorated with jari,
standing for a worshiper
who can’t tear himself
away from Them.
 I turned at random to Canto 3, Chapter 20, verse 4: “Vidura was purified of all passion by wandering in sacred places, and at last he reached Hardwar, where he met the great sage who knew the science of spiritual life, and he inquired from him. Saunaka Rsi therefore asked: What more did Vidura inquire from Maitreya?”
Vidura was cleansed of all contamination by traveling to places of pilgrimage. This is especially true of Vrndavana. But another point is that one must go to the holy places not only to take bath there but to search out great sages and take instruction from them. If one does not do so, his traveling to places of pilgrimage is simply a waste of time. Narottama dasa Thakura has at present forbidden us to go to such places of pilgrimage because in this age the times have so changed, a sincere person may have a different impression on seeing the behavior of the present residents of the pilgrimage site. He has recommended that instead of taking the trouble to travel to such places, one should concentrate his mind on Govinda, and that will help him. Of course to concentrate one’s mind on Govinda in any place is a path open to those who are the most spiritually advanced; it is not for ordinary persons. Ordinary persons may still benefit from traveling to holy places like Prayaga, Mathura, Vrndavana and Hardwar. If one sincerely searches for spiritual salvation, then Krishna being situated in everyone’s heart, gives him the intelligence to find a spiritual master.
Lord Caitanya was in the mood of the gopis. He was chanting “Vrndavana!” and “Gopi! Gopi!” A student approached Him and said why are You chanting the name of the gopis? You are a Vaisnava, You should chant the name of Krishna. The Lord replied, “Krishna is a cheat and a debauchee. Why should I chant His name? He killed Vali in the back, and Vali did nothing wrong to Him. He cut off a woman’s nose and ears. He cast Bali Maharaja down to the Patala planet.” The Lord picked up a stick and chased the student. The student ran for his life while the Lord’s associates calmed Him down. The student went to a place where other students had gathered, and he told them what had happened. They protested against Nimai Pandit. They said who does He think He is? He is the son of a brahmana, but we are also sons of brahmanas. Why should He chant the names of the gopis? If He tries to hit one of us again, we will retaliate. Meanwhile, aware of the students’ offensive attitude, Lord Caitanya sat thoughtfully with His students. He said something that was mysterious to them. He said, “I prepared a medicine for the disease, but it has made the disease worse.” No one could understand what He meant except Lord Nityananda. Lord Nityananda understood the statement meant Lord Caitanya would soon leave home and take sannyasa. This greatly saddened Lord Nityananda.
Previously, another wonderful pastime took place. After the Lord and His associates enjoyed the wonderful meal cooked by Suklambara, they all rested and took a nap. Vijaya was lying beside Lord Caitanya. Vijaya had beautiful handwriting, and he had copied out many manuscripts for Lord Caitanya. He was known as “the pen man,” but no one knew his inner state. While lying beside Lord Caitanya he touched the Lord’s hand. Then Vijaya saw wonderful visions. He saw the Lord’s body like a tall pillar. Then he saw the body decorated with beautiful spiritual jewels. He saw the Lord’s hand expand all the way up to Brahma-loka. Lord Caitanya put His hand over Vijaya’s mouth and told him not to tell anyone what he had seen. But Vijaya let out a loud scream. Everyone awoke. Vijaya became like a madman and began wandering throughout Navadvipa without eating or talking. For seven days he behaved like this, like one possessed. Finally he returned to normal consciousness. Amazing pastimes were happening every day in the company of Lord Caitanya.
In the preface to The Nectar of Devotion there are key Sanskrit terms and explanations. Bhoga and tyaga are described. A conditioned soul goes back and forth between enjoyment and austerity. He works hard all week at his job and then when the weekend comes he relaxes and enjoys. When the weekend is over he goes back to the austerity of his job. Bhoga-tyaga. Another term is capala-sukha. This is called “flickering happiness,” and it is the temporary, on-and-off nature of enjoyment in the material world. People are seeking for the rasa or taste by which they can enjoy. Some people seek it just for themselves, some seek happiness for others, some for their family members, for society and some seek it for all humanity. But they can’t find that taste which satisfies everyone and everything. The actual taste is bhakti-rasa or pleasing Krishna, which brings happiness to all living beings. It is hard to believe bhakti-rasa is so powerful. But this is the version of the sadhus, sastra and gurus. Krishna is the one thing we are all missing by which we can attain universal peace and happiness. Prabhupada wrote that The Nectar of Devotion is a book for members of the Krishna consciousness movement to teach them the complete science of bhakti. I want to read it carefully and with faith. Pick up Prabhupada’s conviction for what he is saying. Don’t think it is a dry book you have read many times and which you can’t believe. Become a student of bhakti-yoga.
By Devaki Prana Dasa
We are requesting you all to please come to Sri Radha Kunda on the 30th of October, Saturday around 5.30pm onwards and have the darshana of Radha Kunda, Shyama Kunda and Lalita Kunda which will be decorated with 4500 ghee lamps and then take a Holy bath at midnight
Indistinct chanting means you are not chanting with devotion. If you chant distinctly during your life, it is quite possible that even at the time of death you’ll be able to chant with faith and love. While the body is fit, one should chant the holy name of the Lord loudly and distinctly. If one does so then at the time of death, which is so difficult for the body, he will be properly able to chant the holy name of the Lord with love and faith.
From Viraha Bhavan #109
Holy name weekend.
Click on the title to access an article.
"Krishna is attracted to a humble heart, not a heart filled with pride. To suspend thoughts of our daily dramas while chanting is a challenge, but it's required. The more we can simplify our lives and center our activities on Krishna, the easier it is to put aside plan-making and worry while chanting. Krishna will reveal Himself more and more, and we will see how He is our maintainer and protector."
"...if we want to become good at something, then we must find people who are already good at it."
"I've found that focused, attentive chanting benefits all my other activities. I can be more present and attuned to my environment and feel Krishna’s presence more acutely than before."
By Arcana Siddhi devi dasi There is a new trend in coaching set up by the Inquiry Institute (
Coaches usually say, "We have questions, you have answers."
In this new trend instead of a coaching asking expert questions client himself finds his own best questions and, of course, his answers, and the Inquiry Coach facilitates the process.
It is called Q-Storming, or finding your own best questions to help you succeed.
I used to do a similar thing with few of my clients.
Before a session I would ask them what questions they want me to ask them in a session and they would email them to me in advance.
In a session I would ask those questions, and some sub-questions if needed, which would help them think deeply about their issues.
These were some of the best coaching sessions I had.
Семинар по Вайшнава этикету и культуре данной Его Святейшеством Bhaktividya-Purna Swami, 1998 года
Итак, главное, что мы собираемся обсудить, с благословения старших преданных и Махараджа, это то, что, рассматривая вопрос о понимании Садханы или культуры Сознания Кришны, можно увидеть несколько основных философских моментов, на чем все основывается и, поняв эти принципы, все остальное становиться довольно простым. Поняв суть этих принципов, можно легко понять их и в более детальном рассмотрении и таким образом увидеть насколько они просты и действенны на практике. В противном случае, ставя детали на первое место, можно запутаться в мелочах. Конечно, детали важны. Но на самом деле важно уметь применить ту деталь, которая наиболее важна в данной ситуации. Таким образом, мы узнаем, как применять тот или иной принцип во многих различных ситуациях. Иначе может оказаться так, что в одной ситуации этот принцип сработает, а в другой нет. И все это из-за того, что неправильно понят сам принцип. Если мы поймем принципы, сами детали будет легко применить на практике. Итак, мы будем рассматривать этот вопрос с разных углов видения. И сейчас попробуем рассмотреть один из них. read full story
Harinama October 23 2010

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