Sri Navadvipa Sataka by Srila Prabhodananda Sarasvati Text 1 navadvîpe kèëòaê puraùa-ruciraê bhâva-valitaê mèdaôgâdyair yantraiì svajana-sahitaê kîrtana-param sadopâsyaê sarvaiì kali-mala-haraê bhakta-sukha-daê bhajâmas taê nityaê äravaëa-mananâdyârcana-vidhau navadvîpe-in Navadvîpa; kèëòam-Kèëòa; puraùa-as gold; ruciram-splendid; bhâva-valitam-overcome with ecstatic love; mèdaôga-âdyair-beginning with mèdaôgas; yantraiì-with musical instruments; svajana-sahitam-with His associates; kîrtana-param-engaged in kîrtana; sadâ-eternally; upâsyam-to be worshiped; sarvaiì-by all; kali-of Kali-yuga; mala-the impurities; haram-removing; bhakta-to the devotees; sukha-happiness; dam-giving; bhajâmas-we worship; tam-Him; nityam-eternally; äravaëa-hearing; manana-and meditating; âdya-beginning with; ârcana-vidhau-in the process of worship. By hearing of Him, meditating on Him, and performing many other activities, let us worship Lord Kèëòa who, His complexion now splendid as gold, overcome with ecstatic love, intently engaged in kîrtana, surrounded by His associates playing mèdaôgas and other musical instruments, worshiped by all, removing the contamination of Kali-yuga, and giving happiness to the devotees, has now appeared in Navadvîpa. Text 2 ärutiä cândogyâkhyâ vadati paramaê brahma-purakaê smètir vaikuòùhâkhyaê vadati kila yad viëòu-sadanam sita-dvîpaê cânye virala-rasiko 'yaê vrajavanaê navadvîpaê vande parama-sukhadaê tam cid-uditam ärutiä-Äruti; cândogya-âkhyâ-Chândogya Upaniëad; vadati-says; paramaê-supreme; brahma-purakaê-spiritual city; smètir-Ñmèti; vaikuòùha-âkhyaê-named Vaikuòùha; vadati-says; kila-certainly; yad-which; viëòu-sadanam-the abode of Lord Viëòu; sita-dvîpaê-Ävetadvîpa; ca-and; anye-others; virala-rasiko-expert at relishing the mellows of devotional service; ayaê-this; vrajavanaê-the forest of Vraja; navadvîpaê-Navadvîpa; vande-I offer respects; parama-sukhadaê-giving supreme happiness; tam-that; cid-uditam-spiritual. I offer my respectful obeisances to Navadvîpa, the blissful spiritual abode the Chândogya Upaniëad says is a spiritual city, the Smèti-sâstra says is the abode of Lord Viëòu, others say is Ävetadvîpa, a devotee expert at tasting transcendental nectar is the forest of Vraja. Text 3 (Antardvîpa) kadâ navadvîpa-vanântareëv ahaê paribhraman gaura-kiäoram adbhutam mudâ naùantaê nitaram sa-pârëadaê parisphuran vîkëya patâmi mûrcchitaì kadâ-when?; navadvîpa-of Navadvîpa; vana-forests; antareëu-in; ahaê-I; paribhraman-wandering; gaura-kiäoram-youthful Lord Gaura; adbhutam-wonderful; mudâ-happily; naùantaê-dancing; nitarâm-greatly; sa-pârëadaê-with His associates; parisphuran-manifesting; vîkëya-seeing; patâmi-I will fall down; mûrcchitaì-unconscious. When, as I wander in Navadvîpa's forests, will I fall uncosnscious as I suddenly see wonderful, youthful Lord Gaura jubilantly dancing with His associates? Text 4 tac châstraê mama karëa-mûlam api na svapne 'pi yâyâd aho ärî-gaurâôga-purasya yatra mahimâ nâty-adbhutaì srûyate te me dèëti-pathaê na yântu nitarâê sambhâëyatâm âpnuyur ye mâyâpura-vaibhave äruti-gate 'py ullâsino no khalâì tat-that; äâstraê-scripture; mama-my; karëa-mûlam-ear; api-even; na-not; svapne-in dream; api-even; yâyâd-may go; aho-oh; ärî-gaurâôga-purasya-of Lord Caitanya's city; yatra-where; mahimâ-the glory; na-not; ati-very; adbhutaì-wonderful; srûyate-is heard; te-they; me-my; dèëti-of the eyes; pathaê-the pathway; na-not; yântu-may go; nitarâê-at all; sambhâëyatâm-speaking; âpnuyur-may attain; ye-who; mâyâpura-of Mâyâpura; vaibhave-in the glory; äruti-to the Vedas; gato-gone; api-even; ullâsino-jubilant; na-not; u-indeed; khalâì-demons. May scriptures where the very wonderful glory of Lord Gaurâôga's city is not heard never enter my ears. May wretched people who do not become joyful when Mâyâpura's glory enters their ears never come to speak to me or even enter the path of my eyes. Text 5 alam alam iha yosid-gardabhî-saôga-raôgair alam alam iha vittâpatya-vidyâ-yaäobhiì alam alam iha nânâ-sâdhanâyâsa-duìkhair bhavatu bhavatu cântardvîpam âäritya dhanyâì alam-enough!; alam-enough!; iha-here; yosid-of women; gardabhî-of the she-asses; saôga-of the company; raôgair-with the happinesses; alam-enough!; alam-enough!; iha-here; vitta-with wealth; âpatya-children; vidyâ-knowledge; yaäobhiì-and fame; alam-enough!; alam-enough!; iha-here; nânâ-with various; sâdhana-of spiritual practicies; âyâsa-of the endeavors; duìkhair-with the sufferings; bhavatu-become; bhavatu-become; ca-and; antardvîpam-of Antardvîpa; âäritya-having taken shelter; dhanyâì-fortunate. Enough! Enough with the happiness of staying among women she-asses! Enough! Enough with wealth, children, scholarship, and fame! Enough! Enough with the troubles of many kinds of spiritual practice! Take shelter of Antardvîpa and become fortunate! Text 6 bhûmir yatra su-komalâ bahu-vidha-pradyoti-ratna-cchaùâ nânâ-citra-manoharaê khaga-mègâdy-âäcarya-râgânvitam vallî-bhûruha-jâtayo 'dbhutatamâ yatra prasûnâdibhis tan me gaura-kiäora-keli-bhavanaê mâyâpuraê jîvanam bhûmir-the ground; yatra-where; su-very; komalâ-soft; bahu-many; vidha-kinds; pradyoti-splendid; ratna-jewels; chaùâ-splendor; nânâ-various; citra-wonderful; manoharaê-charming; khaga-birds; mèga-animals; âdy-beginning with; âäcarya-wonderful; râga-love; anvitam-with; vallî-vines; bhûruha-jâtayo-trees; adbhutatamâ-very wonderful; yatra-where; prasûna-flowers; âdibhis-beginning with; tat-this; me-of me; gaura-of Lord Gaura; kiäora-youthful; keli-of pastimes; bhavanaê-the home; mâyâpuraê-Mâyâpura; jîvanam-life and soul. The home of Lord Gaura's youthful pastimes, Ärî Mâyâpura, where the ground is soft, there is a great splendor of many jewels, there are wonderful sounds of many birds and animals, and there are wonderful trees and vines with many flowers, is my life and soul. Text 7 (Godrumadvîpa) milantu cintâmaòi-koùi-koùayaì svayaê bahir dèëùim upaitu vâ hariì tathâpi tad godruma-dhûli-dhûsaraê na deham anyatra kadâpi yâtu me Millions on millions of cintâmaòi jewels may meet together in some other place. Lord Hari may personally appear in some other place before everyone's eyes. Still, my body darkened with Godruma's dust will never go to any other place. Text 8 (Madhyadvîpa) kèpayatu mayi madhyadvîpa-lîlâ vicitrâ kèpayatu mayi mûòhe brahma-kuòàâdi-tîrtham phalatu tad-anukampâ kalpa-vallî tathaiva viharati jana-bandhur yatra madhyâhna-kâle kèpayatu-may be merciful; mayi-to me; madhyadvîpa-in Madhyadvîpa; lîlâ-pastimes; vicitrâ-wonderful; kèpayatu-may be kind; mayi-to me; mûòhe-foolish; brahma-kuòàa-âdi-tîrtham-the holy places beginning with Brahma-kuòàa; phalatu-may become fruitful; tad-anukampâ-His mercy; kalpa-vallî-kalpa-valli vines; tathâ-so; eva-indeed; eva-indeed; viharati-enjoys pastimes; jana-bandhur-the friend of all living entities; yatra-where; madhyâhna-kâle-at midday. May the Lord's wonderful pastimes in Madhyadvîpa be kind to me. May Brahma-kuòàa and the other sacred places there be kind to me, a fool. May the kalpa-valli vine of the kindness of He who is everyone's friend and who plays in Madhyadvîpa at midday, bear its fruits. Text 9 (Koladvîpa) jayati jayati koladvîpa-kântâra-râjî surasarid-upakaòùhe deva-deva-praëamyâ khaga-mèga-taru-vallî-kuëja-vâpî-taòâga- sthala-giri-hradinînâm adbhutaiì saubhagâdyaiì jayati-all glories; jayati-all glories; koladvîpa-of Koladvîpa; kântâra-râjî-to the forests; surasarid-the Ganges; upakaòùhe-near; deva-deva-by the leaders of the demigods; praëamyâ-offered respectful obeisances; khaga-birds; mèga-beasts; taru-trees; vallî-vines; kuëja-forest groves; vâpî-ponds; taòâga-lakes; sthala-land; giri-hills; hradinînâm-and rivers; adbhutaiì-with wonderful; saubhaga-aâdyaiì-opulences. All glories, all glories to Koladvîpa's forests, which stand by the Ganges' shore, which are worshiped by the leaders of the demigods and which are filled with the wonderful opulences of many birds, beasts, trees, vines, groves, lakes, ponds, open land, hills, and flowing streams! Text 10 (Rudradvîpa and Modadrumadvîpa) rudradvîpe cara caraòa dèk paäya modadruma-ärîr jihve gaura-sthala-guòa-gaòân kîrtaya ärotra-gèhyân gaurâùavyâ bhaja parimalaê ghrâòa gâtra tvam asmin gaurâraòye luùha pulakitaê gaura-keli-sthalîëu rudradvîpe-in Rudradvîpa; cara-walk; caraëa-O feet; dèk-O eyes; paäya-gaze; modadruma-of Modadrumadvîpa; ärîr-at the beauty; jihve-O tongue; gaura-of Lord Gaura; sthala-of the places; guòa-of virtues; gaòân-the multitudes; kîrtaya-glorify; ärotra-by the ears; gèhyân-taken; gaura-aùavyâ-of Lord Gaura's forest; bhaja-accept; parimalaê-the sweet fragrance; ghrâòa-O nose; gâtra-O limbs; tvam-you; asmin-here; gaura-araëye-in Lord Gaura's forest; luùha-roll about on the ground; pulakitaê-with hairs erect in ecstatic joy; gaura-of Lord Gaura; keli-of the pastimes; sthalîëu-in the places. O feet, please walk in Rudradvîpa! O eyes, please gaze at Modadrumadvîpa's beauty! O tongue, please chant what the ears have heard of the glories of Lord Gaura's sacred places! O tongue, please smell the sweet fragrance of Lord Gaura's forest! O limbs, your hairs erect in ecstatic joy, please roll on the ground in the places of Lord Gaura's transcendental pastimes! Text 11 iha bhrâmaê bhrâmaê jagati na hi gandho 'pi kalito yadîyas tatraivâkhila-nigama-durlakëya-saraëau navadvîpâraëye bata mahima-pîyûëa-jaladhau mahâäcaryonmîlan-madhurimaòi cittaê lagatu me iha-here; bhrâmaê-wandering; bhrâmaê-and wandering; jagati-in the world; na-not; hi-indeed; gandho-at the slightest scent; api-even; kalito-is perceived; yadîyas-of which; tatra-there; eva-indeed; akhila-all; nigama-by the Vedas; durlakëya-invisible; saraëau-on the pathway; navadvîpa-of Navadvîpa; araëyein-the forest; bata-indeed; mahima-of glory; pîyuëa-of the nectar; jaladhau-in the ocean; mahâ-very; âäcarya-wonderful; unmîlan-rising; madhurimaòi-in the sweetness; cittaê-heart; lagatu-may cling; me-of me. May my heart cling to the wonderfully sweet ocean of nectar in Navadvîpa forest, the path to which the Vedas together cannot find, and the slightest scent of which cannot be found even by wandering again and again through the length and breath of the universe. Text 12 mahojjvala-rasonmada-praëaya-sindhu-nisyandinî mahâ-madhura-râdhikâramaëa-khelanânandinî rasena samadhiëùhitâ bhuvana-vandhyayâ râdhayâ cakâstu hèdi me hareì parama-dhâma gauòâùavî mahâ-great; ujjvala-splendor; rasa-nectar; unmada-intoxicated; praëaya-of love; sindhu-ocean; nisyandinî-flowing; mahâ-very; madhura-sweet; râdhikâ-of; ramaëa-of the lover; khelana-pastimes; ânandinî-joy; rasena-with nectar; samadhiëùhitâ-established; bhuvana-by the worlds; vandhyayâ-worshiped; râdhayâ-by; cakâstu-may shine; hèdi-in the heart; me-my; hareì-of Lord Hari; parama-transcendental; dhâma-abode; gauòa-of Gauòa; âùavî-the forest. May the Gauòa forest, which is Lord Hari's supreme abode, which is filled with surging currents from the ocean of splendid and passionate transcendental love, which is filled with the bliss of Lord Râdhikâramaëa's sweet pastimes, and which was sweetly founded by Ärî Râdhâ, who is worshiped by all the worlds, shine in my heart. Text 13 (Jahnudvîpa) janmani janmani jahnvâ- ärama-bhuvi vèndârakendra-vandyâyâm api tèëa-gulmaka-bhâve bhavatu mamâäâ samullâsam janmani janmani-birth after birth; jahnvâärama-in Jahnudvîpa; bhuvi-in the land; vèndâraka-of the demigods; indra-by the king; vandyâyâm-worshiped; api-even; tèëa-gulmaka-as a clump of grass; bhâve-in the condition; bhavatu-may be; mama-my; âäâ-desire; samullâsam-joy. I pray that birth after birth I may be a clump of grass in the land of Jahnudvîpa, which is worshiped even by the king of the demigods. That would be my joy. Text 14 (Sîmantadvîpa) râdhâ-vallabha-pâda-pallava-juëâê sad-dharma-nîtâyuëâê nityaê sevita-vaiëòavâôghri-rajasâê vairâgya-sîma-spèäâm hantaikânta-rasa-praviëùa-manasâm apy asti yad dûratas tad râdhâ-karuëâvalokam acirâd vindantu sîmantake râdhâ-of Râdhâ; vallabha-of the beloved; pâda-feet; pallava-flower; juëâê-devoted; sat-dharma-tranbscendental religious principles; nîta-spent; âyuëâê-whose lives; nityaê-eternally; sevita-served; vaiëòava-of the Vaiëòavas; aôghri-of the feet; rajasâê-the dust; vairâgya-of renunciation; sîma-the apex; spèäâm-touching; hanta-indeed; ekânta-single-pointed; rasa-nectar; praviëùa-entered; manasâm-whose hearts; api-even; asti-is; yad-what; dûratas-from far away; tad-that; râdhâ-of Ärî Râdhâ; karuëâ-of mercy; avalokam-glance; acirâd-at once; vindantu-find; sîmantake-in Sîmantadvîpa. They who are ardently devoted to the flower-petal feet of Ärî Râdhâ's beloved, whose entire lives are spent in carefully following transcendental religious principles, who always serve the dust of the Vaiëòavs' feet, who touch the highest point of renunciation, and whose hearts are plunged in the nectar of divine love, find very far away Ärî Râdhâ's merciful glance, which is very quickly and easily found at Sîmantadvîpa. Text 15 viäuddhâdvaitaika-praëaya-rasa-pîyûëa-jaladau äacî-sûnor dvîpe samudayati vèndâvanam aho mithaì premodghûrëad rasika-mithunâkrîòam aniäaê tad evâdhyâsînaê praviäati pade kvâpi madhure viäuddha-pure; advaita-eka-unalloyed; praëaya-love; rasa-sweet; pîyûëa-of nectar; jaladau-in the ocean; äacî-sûnoì-of Lord Caitanya; dvîpe-on the island; samudayati-rise; vèndâvana-of Vèndâvana; maho-splendor; mithaì-mutual; prema-with love; udghûrëâd-tossed; rasika-expert at enjoying nectar; mithuna-couple; âkrîòam-pastimes; aniäaê-day and night; tad-that; eva-indeed; adhyâsînam-seated; praviäati-enters; pade-in the status; kva api-somewhere; madhure-sweet. In the sweet nectar ocean of pure, undivided love, on an island of the Lord who is Äacî's son, Vèndâvana is manifest. There, tossed by pure love for each other, the sweet divine couple enjoys transcendental pastimes day and night. One who stays there enters a condition of life that is full of of nectar. Text 16 nâhaê vedmi kathaê nu mâdhava-padâmbhoja-dvayî dyâyate kâ vâ ärî-äuka-nâradâdya-kalite mârge 'sti me yogyatâ tasmâd bhadram abhadram eva yadi nâmâstâê mamaikaê paraê râdhâ-keli-nikuja-maïjulataraì ärî-godrumo jîvanam na-not; ahaê-I; vedmi-know; kathaê-whether?; nu-indeed; mâdhava-of Mâdhava; pada-feet; ambhoja-lotus; dvayîê-two; dyâyati-meditates; kâ-what?; vâ-or; ärî-äuka-Ärî Äukadeva Gosvâmî; nârada-Ärî Nârada Muni; âdya-beginning with; kalite-seen; mârge-on the path; asti-is; me-for me; yogyatâ-suitablness; tasmâd-therefore; bhadram-auspiciousness; abhadram-inauspiciousness; eva-indeed; yadi-if; nâma-indeed; âstâê-may be; mama-my; ekaê-sole; paraê-great; râdhâ-of Râdhâ; keli-pastimes; nikuja-forest groves; maïjulataraê-most beautiful; ärî-godrumaì-Godruma; jîvanam-life. I do not know whether I shall be able to meditate on Lord Mâdhava's two lotus feet. Am I qualified to follow the path of Ärî Äukadeva Gosvâmî, Ärî Nârada Muni, and the other great saints? Still, whether I meet good or ill, the beautiful forest of Godruma, where Ärîmatî Râdhâ enjoys transcendental pastimes, is my life and soul. Text 17 yat-sîmânam api spèäen na nigamo dûrât paraê lakëyate kiïcid gûòhatayâ yad eva paramânandotsavaikâvadhi yan mâdhurya-kaëo 'py avedi na äiva-svâyambhuvâdyair ahaê tac chrîman-nava-khaòàa-dhâma-rasadaê vindâmi râdhâ-pateì yat-of which; sîmânam-the boundary; api-even; spèäet-may touch; na-not; nigamo-the Vedas; dûrât-from far away; paraê-great; lakëyate-is percieved; kim-whether?; cit-spiritual; gûòhatayâ-secretly; yad-which; eva-indeed; parama-supreme; ânanda-bliss; utsava-festival; eka-sole; avadhi-limit; yat-which; mâdhurya-of the sweetness; kaëo-a drop; api-even; avedi-know; na-not; äiva-Äiva; svâyambhuva-Brahmâ; âdyair-beginning with; ahaê-I; tad-that; ärîmat-nava-khaòàa- Ärî Navadvîpa; dhâma-abode; rasadaê-sweet; vindâmi-I find; râdhâ-of Râdhâ; pateì-of the Lord. Will I attain Lord Râdhâpati's sweet abode named Navadvîpa? Its boundary the Vedas cannot touch. It is a secret festival of the greatest transcendental bliss. Äiva, Brahmâ, and the other demigods do not know even a single drop of its nectar. Text 18 chidyeta khaòàaäa idaê yadi me äarîraê ghora-vipad-vitatayo yadi vâ patanti hâ hanta hanta na tathâpi kadâpi bhûyâd ärî-godrumâd itara-tuccha-pade pipâsâ chidyeta-may be cut; khaëdâäaì-into pieces; idaê-this; yadi-if; me-my; äarîraê-body; ghora-horrible; vipad-calamities; vitatayo-multitudes; yadi-if; vâ-or; patanti-fall; hâ-Oh; hanta-Oh; hanta-Oh; na-not; tathâpi-nevertheless; kadâpi-sometime; bhûyâd-may be; ärî-godrumât-from Ärî Godruma; itara-other; tuccha-insignificant; pade-for a place; pipâsâ-thirst. If my body is torn to pieces, or if hosts of terrible calamities fall on me, Oh! Oh! Oh! Still I will never thirst to a leave Ärî Godruma and go to those other, insignificant places. Text 19 svayaê patita-patrakâny amètavat këudhâ bhakëayan tèëâ tridivavandinî äuci-payo-'ïjalîbhiì piban kadâ madhura-râdhikâramaëa-râsa-keli-sthalî vilokya rasa-magna-dhîr adhivasâni gaurâùavîm svayaê-spontaneously; patita-fallen; patrakâni-leaves; amètavat-like nectar; këudhâ-hungrily; bhakëayan-eating; tèëâ-thirst; tridivavandinî-of the Ganges; äuci-pure; payo-of water; aïjalîbhiì-with handsful; piban-drinking; kadâ-when?; madhura-sweet; râdhikâramaëa-of Lord Kèëòa, the lover of Ärî Râdhâ; râsa-of the râsa-dance; keli-of the pastime; sthalî-the place; vilokya-seeing; rasa-into nectar; magna-plunged; dhîr-heart; adhivasâni-I will reside; gaurâùavîm-in Lord Gaura's forest. When, hungrily eating naturally fallen leaves as if they were ambrosia, thirstily drinking handsfull of the Ganges' pure water, and my heart plunged in nectar as I gaze at the place where sweet Lord Râdhikâramaëa enjoyed the pastime of the râsa dance, will I reside in Lord Gaura's forest? Text 20 tenâkâri samasta eva bhagavad-dharmo 'pi tenâdbhutaì sarvasmât puruëârthato 'pi paramaì kaäcit kara-sthî-kètaì tenâdhâyi samasta-mûrdhani padaê brahmâdayas taê namanty â-dehântam adhâri yena vasatau khaòàe nave niäcayam tena-by Him; âkâri-done; samastaì-all; eva-indeed; bhagavad-dharmo-religion; api-also; tena-by him; adbhutaì-wonderful; sarvasmât-than all; puruëa-arthato-goals of life; api-even; paramaì-greater; kaäcit-something; kara-in the hand; sthî-kètaì-standing; tena-by him; âdhâyi-placed; samasta-of all; mûrdhani-on the head; padaê-the foot; brahma-âdayas-they who are headed by Brahmâ; taê-him; namanti-offer obeisances; â-undtil; deha-of the body; antam-the end; adhâri-held; yena-by whom; vasatau-in the residence; vèndâvane-in Vèndâvana; niäcayam-determination. One who is firmly determined to stay in Navadvîpa until the end of his body, has already performed all kinds of devotional service. The greatest and most wonderful of all goals of life rests in his hand. His feet are on everyone's head. Brahmâ and the demigods bow down before him. Text 21 khaga-vèndâê paäu-vèndâê druma-valli-vèndam unmada-premëaì prîëayad amèta-rasair navadvîpâkhyaê vanaê namata khaga-vèndâê-birds; paäu-vèndâê-beasts; druma-valli-vèndân-trees and vines; unmada-premëaì-with wild love; prîëayad-pleasing; amèta-rasaih-with sweet nectar; navadvîpa-akhyam vanam-the forest of Navadvîpa; namata-please offer respectful obeisances. Offer your respectful obeisances to the forest of Navadvîpa which, by giving them the sweet nectar of wild spiritual love, delights its birds, beasts, trees, and vines. Text 22 bhaktyaikayânyatra kètâ- rtha-mânino dhîrâs tad etan na vayaê tu vidmaì ärî-râdhikâ-mâdhava- vallabhaê naì sadâ navadvîpa-vanaê tu saêärayaì bhaktyâ-by devotion; ekayâ-sole; anyatra-anywhere else; kètârtha-successful; mânino-proud; dhîrâs-saintly; tad etat-that; na-no; vayaê-we; vidâmaì-know; ärî-râdhikâ-mâdhava-to Ärî Ärî Râdhâ-Kèëòa; vallabhaê-dear; naì-for us; sadâ-always; tu-indeed; navadvîpavanam-the forest of Navadvîpa; tu-indeed; saêärayaì-shelter. A devotee may be proud to become successful by practicing pure devotional service in some other place. We do not think he is successful. We shall always take shelter of Vèndâvana, which is very dear to Ärî Ärî Râdhikâ-Mâdhava. Text 23 doëâkâro 'haê guòa- leäa-hînaì sarvâdhamo durlabha-vastu-kaìkëî gaurâùavîm ujjvala- bhakti-sâra-bîjaê kadâ prâpya bhavâmi pûrëaì doëa-of faults; âkâro- a mine; ahaê-I; guòa-virtue; leäa-of the slightest; hînaì-devoid; sarva-of all; adhamo-the lowest; durlabha-difficult to attain; vastu-thing; kaìkëî-desiring; gaurâùavîm-Lord Gaura's forest; ujjvala-splendid; bhakti-devotional service; sâra-best; bîjam-the seed; kadâ-when?; prâpya-attaining; bhavâmi-will become; pûrëaì-fulfilled. Now that I, who am a reservoir of faults, who have not the slightest virtue, and who am the lowest of all but who still hankers for what is very difficult to attain, have come to Lord Gaura's forest, the seed from which the most splendid devotional service grows, will I become successful? Text 24 äuddhojjvala-prema-rasâmètâbdher ananta-pârasya kim apy udâram râdhâ-pradattaê yad apûrva-sâraê tad eva gaurâôga-vanaê gatir me äuddha-pure; ujjvala-splendid; prema-of love; rasa-of sweet; amèta-nectar; abdher-of the ocean; ananta-pârasya-which has not farther shore; kim api-something; udâram-noble; râdhâ-Râdhâ; abhidhaê-named; yatra-where; cakâsti-is splendidly manifest; sâram-essence; tad-that; eva-indeed; gaurâôga-vanam-Lord Gaurâôga's forest; gatir-the goal; me-of me. Lord Gaurâôga's forest, where the name "Râdhâ", the sweetest part of shoreless nectar ocean of pure and splendid divine love, shines, is the only goal of my life. Text 25 sarva-sâdhana-hîno 'pi navadvîpaika-saêärayaì yaì ko 'pi prâpnûyâd eva râdhâ-priya-rasotsavam sarva-of all; sâdhana-spiritual practices; hîno-devoid; api-although; navadvîpa-Navadvîpa; eka-only; saêärayaì-shelter; yaì-who; kaì api-somene; prâpnûyâd-may attain; eva-certainly; râdhâ-of Râdhâ; priya-of the beloved; rasa-of nectar; utsavam-the festival. One who never performs any spiritual activities, but who has wholeheartedly taken shelter of Navadvîpa, will attain the great festival of the nectar of pure love for Ärî Râdhâ's beloved. Text 26 tyajantu sva-janâì kâmaê deha-vèttiä ca mâstu vâ na navadvîpa-sîmâtaì padaê me calatu kvacit tyajantu-may abandon; sva-janâì-my own people; kâmaê-as they like; deha-for the body; vèttiä-activity; ca-and; mâ-not; astu-may be; vâ-or; na-not; navadvîpa-Navadvîpa; sîmâtaì-from the border; padaê-one step; me-of me; calatu-take; kvacit-anywhere. My own people may leave me. My body may collapse. Still, I will not take a single step beyond the border of Navadvîpa. Text 27 sâ me na mâtâ sa ca me pitâ na sa me na bandhuì sa ca me sakhâ na sa me na mitraê sa ca me gurur na yo me na râdhâvana-vâsam icchet sâ-she; me-my; na-not; mâtâ-mother; saì-he; ca-and; me-my; pitâ-father; na-not; saì-he; me-my; na-not; bandhuì-relative; saì-he; ca-and; me-my; sakhâ-friend; na-not; saì-he; me-he; na-not; mitraê-well-wisher; saì-he; ca-and; me-my; gurur-guru; na-not; yo-who; me-of me; na-not; râdhâvana-in Râdhâvana; vâsam-residence; icchet-desires. She is not my mother, he is not my father, he is not my relative, he is not my friend, he is not my well-wisher, and he is not my guru, who does not wish me to reside in Ärîmatî Râdhâ's forest of Navadvîpa. Text 28 kim etadèg-bhâgyaê mama kaluëa-mûrter api bhaven nivâso dehântâvadhir yad iha tad godruma-bhuvi tayoì ärî-dampatyor nava-nava-vilâsair viharatoì pada-jyotiì-pûrer api tu mama saôgo 'nubhavitâ kim-what?; etadèg-like this; bhâgyaê-good fortune; mama-my; kaluëa-sinful; mûrter-body; api-even; bhavet-may be; nivâso-residence; deha-of the body; anta-the end; avadhi-until; yad-what; iha-here; tad godruma-bhuvi-in the land of Godruma; tayoì-of Them; ärî-dampatyor-the beautiful divine couple; nava-nava-vilâsair-with newer and newer pastimes; viharatoì-play; pada-of Their feet; jyotiì-of splendor; pûrer-flood; api-even; tu-certainly; mama-of me; saôgo-the contact; anubhavitâ-will be experienced. For sinful me what is as auspicious as staying in the land of Godruma until this body ends? Will I then touch the flood of splendor flowing from the feet of the beautiful divine couple that enjoys newer and newer transcendental pastimes? Text 29 bhûtaê sthâvara-jaôgamâtmakam aho yatra praviëùaê kim apy ânandaika-ghanâkèti-sva-mahasâ nityotsavaê bhâsate mâyândhî-kèta-dèëùibhis tu kalitaê nânâ-vikalpâtmanâ tad gaurâôga-puraê kadâdhivasataì syân me tanuä cinmayî bhûtaê-manifested; sthâvara-stationary; jaôgama-and moving; âtmakam-living entities; aho-oh; yatra-where; praviëùaê-entered; kim api-something; ânanda-of bliss; eka-ghana-intense; âkèti-form; sva-mahasâ-with His own splendor; nitya-eternal; utsavaê-splendor; bhâsate-shines; mâyâ-by the illusory potency; andhî-kèta-blinded; dèëùibhis-with eyes; tu-indeed; kalitaê-seen; nânâ-various; vikalpa-misconceptions; âtmanâ-by the heart; tat gaurâôga-puram-Lord Gaurâôga's city; kadâ-when?; adhivasataì-residing; äyât-may be; me-of me; tanus-form; cinmayî-spiritual. When, manifesting a spiritual body, will I reside in Lord Gaurâôga's city, where all the moving and stationary living entities eternally shine with the splendor of intensely blissful spiritual forms, and which they, whose eyes are blinded by mâyâ, misunderstand with a host of faulty ideas? Text 30 yatra praviëùaì sakalo 'pi jantuì sarvaì padârtho 'py abudhair adèäya sânanda-sac-cid-ghanatâm upaiti tad eva gaurâôga-puraê ärayâmi yatra-where; praviëùaì-entered; sakalo-all; api-even; jantuì-living entities; sarvaì-all; padârtho-things; api-even; abudhair-by the unintelligent; adèäya-not being able to see; sa-with; ânanda-bliss; sat-eternal; cit-spiritual and full of knowledge; ghanatâm-intensity; upaiti-attains; tad-that; eva-indeed; gaurâôga-puram-of Lord Gaurâôga's city; ärayâmi-I take shelter. Take shelter of Lord Gaurâôga's city where, unseen by the unintelligent, all living entities and even all things are blissful, eternal, spiritual, and full of knowledge. Text 31 ye ärî-navadvîpa-gateëu doëân âropayanti sthira-jaôgameëu ânanda-mûrtiëv aparâdhinas te ärî-râdhikâ-mâdhavayoì kathaê syuì vèndâvana-stheëu-among they who stay in Vèndâvana; api-even; ye-they who; atra-here; doëân-faults; âropayanti-attribute; sthira-stationary; jaôgameëu-and moving living entities; ânanda-of bliss; mûrtiëu-in forms; aparâdhinas-offenders; te-they; ärî-râdhikâ-mâdhavayoì-of Ärî Ärî Râdhâ-Kèëòa; kathaê-how?; syuì-will be. They who attribute faults to the blissful moving and stationary living entities in Navadvîpa are offenders. How can they attain Ärî Ärî Râdhâ-Mâdhava? Text 32 ye gaura-sthala-vâsi-nindana-ratâ ye vâ na mâyâpuraê älâghante tulayanti ye ca kudhiyo kenâpi taê godrumam ye modadrumam atra nitya-sukha-cid-rûpaê sahante na vâ taiì pâpiëùha-narâdhamair bhavatu svapne 'pi me saôgatiì ye-they who; gaura-sthala-in Lord Gaura's sacred place; vâsi-of they who reside; nindana-to offenses; ratâs-are inclined; ye-who; vâ-or; na-not; mâyâpuram-Mâyâpura; älâghante-glorify; tulayanti-become equal; ye-who; ca-and; kudhiyo-unintelligent; kenâpi-somehow; tam-that; godrumam-Godruma; ye-who; modadrumam-Modadruma; atra-here; nitya-eternal; sukha-happiness; cit-spiritual; rûpaê-form; sahante-are able; na-not; vâ-or; taiì-by them; pâpiëùha-sinful; nara-of men; adhamair-the lowest; bhavatu-may be; svapne-in dream; api-even; me-of me; saôgatiì-association. They who relish blaspheming the residents of Lord Gaura's sacred place, they who will not glorify Godadruma, and the fools that somehow think Godruma like other places, cannot attain eternal, blissful spiritual forms in Modadruma. I pray that even in dreams I may never come near these sinful people, the lowest of men. Text 33 para-dhâna-para-dâra-dveëa-mâtasrya-lobhâ- nèta-paruëa-parâbhidroha-mithyâbhilâpân tyajati ya iha bhaktaì ärî-navadvîpa-dhâmni na khalu bhavati vandhyâ tasya vèndâvanâäâ para-of others; dhâna-the wealth; para-of others; dâra-the wives; dveëa-hatred; mâtasrya-envy; lobha-greed; anèta-lying; paruëa-cruelty; para-of others; abhidroha-harmful; mithyâ-falsely; abhilâpân-speaking; tyajati-abandons; yaì-one who; iha-here; bhakto-devoted; sri-navadvîpa-dhâmni-in the holy abode of Navadvîpa; na-not; khalu-indeed; bhavati-is; vandhyâ-fruitless; tasya-his; vèndâvana-in Vèndâvana; âäâ-desire. He who, rejecting others' wealth, others' wives, hatred, envy, greed, dishonesty, cruelty, violence, and lying words, becomes devoted to the holy abode of Navadvîpa, will not be frustrated in his desire to stay in Vèndâvana. Text 34 kuru sakalam adharmaê muïca sarvaê svadharmaê tyaja gurum api gauòâraëya-vâsânurodhât sa tava parama-dharmaì sâ ca bhaktir gurûnâê sa kila kaluëa-râäir yad dhi vâsântarâyaì kuru-do; sakalam-everything; adharmaê-irreligious; muïca-abandon; sarvaê-all; svadharmaê-religious duties; tyaja-abandon; gurum-your guru; api-even; gauòâraëya-in Gauòâraëya forest; vâsa-for residence; anurodhât-in consideration; sas-he; tava-your; parama-dharmaì-supreme religious principle; sâ-that; ca-also; bhaktir-devotion; gurûnâê-to the spiritual masters; sas-that; kila-indeed; kaluëa-of sins; râäir-a heap; yad-which; hi-indeed; vâsa-residence; antarâyaì-impediment. Do everything that opposes religious principles, reject all religious duties, and abandon your guru in order to reside in Gauòâraëya. That is your supreme religious duty. That is devotion to your guru. Your sins are whatever stops you from residing in Gauòâraëya. Text 35 nirmaryâdâäcarya-kâruëya-pûrëaê gaurâraëye yan navadvîpa-dhâma yaì ko 'py asmin yâdèäas tâdèäo vâ dehasyânte prâpnuyâd eva siddhim nirmaryâda-limitless; âäcarya-wonderful; kâruëya-with mercy; pûrëau-filled; râdhâ-kèëòau-Râdhâ-Kèëòa; paäyataä-seeing; cet-if; kadâcit-sometimes; yaì-who; kaì api-someone; asmin-here; yâdèäas-like this; tâdèäo-like that; vâ-or; dehasya-of the body; ante-at the end; prâpnuyâd-may attain; eva-indeed; siddhim-perfection. When his body ends, he who stays in Gauòâraëya's abode of Navadvîpa, which is filled with wonderful, limitless mercy, will attain perfection. Text 36 na loka-vedoddhèta-mârga-bhedair âviäya saìkliëyata re vimûòâì haùhena sarvaê parihètya gauòe ärî-godrume parëa-kuùîê kurudhvam na-not; loka-of the world; veda-and of the Vedas; uddhèta-mârga-bhedair-by the paths; âviäya-entering; saìkliëyata-distressed; re-O; vimûòâì-bewildered; haùhena-forcibly; sarvaê-everything; parihètya-renouncing; gauòe-in Gauòa; ärî-godrume-in Ärî Godruma; parëa-of leaves; kuùîê-a hut; kurudhvam-make. Fools, the paths of the world and the Vedas will bring you only trouble! Give up everything and make yourself a leaf-hut in Ärî Godruma in Gauòa-deäa! Text 37 yat taj jalpantu äâstrâëy ahaha janatayâ gèhyatâê yat tad eva svaê svaê yat tan mataê sthâpayatu laghu-matis tarka-mâtre pravîëaì asmâkâê tûjjvalaikonmada-vimala-rasa-prema-pîyûëa-mûrteì râdhâ-bhâvâpta-lîlâùavim iha na vinânyatra niryâti cetaì yat-what; tad-that; japlantu-may talk; äâstrâòi-the scriptures; ahaha-aha!; janatayâ-by the people; gèhyatâê-accepted; yat-what; tad-that; eva-indeed; svaê-own; svaê-own; yat-what; tat-that; mataê-considered; sthâpayatu-may establish; laghu-light; matis-thought; tarka-logic; mâtra-only; pravîëaì-expert; asmâkâê-of us; tu-indeed; ujjvala-splendid; eka-sole; unmada-wild; vimala-pure; rasa-nectar; prema-of love; pîyûëa-nectar; mûrteì-form; râdhâ-bhâva-âpta-lîlâ-aùavim-the forest where the Lord enjoyed pastimes of Râdhâ's love; iha-here; na-not; vinâ-without; anyatra-in another place; niryâti-may go; cetaì-heart. The Vedas may talk as they like, the people may think whatever they like, and the unintelligent logicians may establish whatever theories they like, but our heart will never leave the forest where Lord Kèëòa, His form filled with the sweet nectar of splendid, pure, passionate spiritual love, enjoyed the pastimes of Ärî Râdhâ. Text 38 apâra-karuëâkâraê vraja-vilâsinî-nâgaraê muhuì subahu-kâkubhir natibhir etad abhyarthaye anargala-vahan-mahâ-praëaya-sîdhu-sindhau mama kvacij januëi jâyatâê ratir ihaiva khaòàe nave apâra-limitless; karuëa-of mercy; âkâraê-reservoir; vraja-in Vèndâvana; vilâsinî-the playful girl; nâgaraê-the hero; muhuì-at every moment; subahu-with many; kâkubhir-plaintive words; natibhir-bowing down; etad-this; abhyarthaye-I pray; anargala-unrestrained; vahat-carrying; mahâ-great; praëaya-love; sîdhu-nectar; sindhau-in the ocean; mama-of me; kvacit-in some; januëi-birth; jâyatâê-may be born; ratir-love; iha-here; eva-indeed; khaòàe nave-in Navadvîpa. Bowing down again and again and begging with many plaintive words, to the shoreless ocean of mercy that is the hero of Vraja's playful girls I pray: In one birth allow me to find my happiness in Navadvîpa, which is a shoreless ocean of passionate transcendental love. Text 39 nânâ-mârga-rato 'pi durmatir api tyakta-svadharmo 'pi hi svacchanda-carito 'pi dûra-bhagavat-sambandha-gandho 'pi ca kurvan yatra ca kâma-lobha-vaäato vâsaê samastottamaê yâ yad eva rasâtmakaê padam ahaê tan naumi mâyâpuram nânâ-various; mârga-to paths; rato-attached; api-although; durmatir-foolish; api-even; tyakta-rejected; svadharmo-my own religious duty; api-even; hi-indeed; svacchanda-independent; carito-activities; api-even; dûra-far away; bhagavat-of the Lord; sambandha-touch; gandho-the scent; api-even; ca-also; kurvan-doing; yatra-where; ca-and; kâma-lust; lobha-greed; vaäato-under the control; vâsaê-residence; samasta-of all; uttamaê-the best; yâ-which; yad-which; eva-indeed; rasa-nectar; âtmakaê-self; padam-place; ahaê-I; tat-that; naumi-I glorify; mâyâpuram-Mâyâpura. I praise sweet Mâyâpura, where a dabbler who walks down many paths at once, a fool, one who has rejected his proper religious duty, an independent person who will not follow the rules of the scriptures, a person who has not the slightest scent of the touch of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and who lives there only out of lust and greed, all attain the supreme destination. Text 40 iha sakala-sukhebhyaì sûttamaê bhakti-saukhyaê tad api parama-kâëùhâê samyag âpnoti yatra tad iha parama-puêso ärî-navadvîpa-dhâma nikhila-nigama-gûòhaê mûòha-buddhir na veda iha-here; sakala-of all; sukhebhyaì-happiness; su-uttamaê-the ultimate; bhakti-of devotional service; saukhyaê-the happiness; tad-that; api-even; parama-kâëùhâê-the ultimate; samyak-completely; âpnoti-attains; yatra-where; tad-that; iha-here; parama-puêso-of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; ärî-navadvîpa-dhâma-the abode of Navadvîpa; nikhila-all; nigama-scriptures; gûòhaê-hidden; mûòha-bewildered; buddhir-intelligence; na-not; veda-knows. A bewildered fool cannot understand Ärî Navadvîpa-dhâma, which is hidden from all the Vedas, and which is the place where one may attain the ultimate happiness of devotional service, the highest of all happinesses in this world. Text 41 bhajantam api devatântaram athâkëare brahmaòi sthitaê paäuvad eva vâ viëaya-bhoga-mâtre ratam acintya-nija-äaktitaì svagata-râdhikâ-mâdhava- pragûòha-rasa-durgamaê kuruta eva kolâùavî bhajantam-worshiping; api-even; devatâ-demigod; antaraê-another; yathâ-as; akëare-in the imperishable; brahmaòi-Brahman; sthitaê-situated; paäuvad-like an animal; eva-indeed; vâ-or; viëaya-of the senses; bhoga-happiness; mâtre-only; ratam-devoted; acintya-inconceivable; nija-own; äaktitaì-from the potency; svagata-arrived; râdhikâ-mâdhava-of Ärî Ärî Râdhâ-Kèëòa; pragûòha-secret; rasa-nectar; durgamaê-rare; kurute-does; eva-indeed; kolâùavî-Kolâùavî. To demigod-worshipers, to those rapt in the imperishable impersonal Brahman, and even to animal-like persons intent only on enjoying their senses, by its own inconceivable powers the forest of Koladvîpa gives the rare and secret nectar of love for Ärî Ärî Râdhikâ-Mâdhava. Text 42 yat-koùy-aêäam api spèäen na nigamo yan no vidur yoginaì ärîäa-brahma-äukârjunoddava-mukhâì paäyanti yan na kvacit anyat kiê vraja-vâsinâm api na yad-dèäyaê kadâlokaye tac chrî-godruma-rûpam adbhutam ahaê râdhâ-padaikâärayaì yat-koùi-millionth; aêäam-part; api-even; spèäet-may touch; na-not; nigamo-the Vedas; yat-which; na-not; u-indeed; vidur-know; yoginaì-the yogîs; ärî-Lakëmî; îäa-Äiva; brahma-Brahmâ; äuka-Äuka; arjuna-Arjuna; uddava-and Uddhava; mukhâì-headed by; paäyanti-see; yat-which; na-not; kvacit-ever; anyat-other; kiê-what?; vraja-vâsinâm-of the residents of Vraja; api-even; na-not; yad-which; dèäyaê-visible; kadâ-when?; âlokaye-will I see; tat ärî-godrumas-Ärî Godruma; rûpam-the form; adbhutam-wonderful; ahaê-I; râdhâ-of Ärî Râdhâ; pada-feet; eka-sole; âärayaì-the shelter. When, taking shelter of Ärîmatî Râdhârâëî's feet, will I see Ärî Godruma's wonderful form, a millionth part of which the Vedas cannot touch, the yogîs cannot understand, the great souls headed by Lakëmî, Äiva, Brahmâ, Äukadeva, Arjuna, and Uddhava cannot see and, what to speak of others, even the Vrajavâsîs cannot see? Text 43 durvâsanâ-su-dèòha-rajju-äatair nibaddham âkèëya sarvata idaê sva-balena gaura râdhâvane viharataì saha râdhayâ te pâdâravinda-savidhaê naya mânasê me durvâsanâ-wicked desires; su-dèòha-very firm; rajju-ropes; äatair-with hundreds; nibaddham-bound; âkèëya-dragging; sarvataì-everywhere; idaê-this; sva-balena-forcibly; kèëòa-O Kèëòa; vèndâvane-in Vèndâvana; viharataì-enjoying pastimes; saha râdhayâ-with Râdhâ; te-of You; pâda-feet; aravinda-lotus; savidhaê-near; naya-please bring; mânasê-heart; me-my. O Gaura, O Lord who enjoys pastimes with Ärî Râdhâ in Râdhâvana, please forcibly drag my heart, now tightly bound with hundreds of ropes of wicked desires, to Your lotus feet. Text 44 vaäî-kartuê äakyo na hi na hi manâg indriya-gaòo guòo 'bhûn naiko 'pi praviäati sadâ doëa-nicayaì kva yâmaì kiê kurmo hari hari mayi so 'py akaruòaì navadvîpe vâsaê bata vitara mânanya-gatikam vaäî-kartuê-to subdue; äakyo-able; na-not; hi-indeed; na-not; hi-indeed; manâk-slightly; indriya-gaëo-the senses; guòo-virtue; abhût-was; na-not; eko-one; api-even; praviäati-enters; sadâ-eternally; doëa-nicayaì-faults; kva-where?; yâmaì-will we go; kiê-what?; kurmo-will we do; hari-alas!; hari-alas!; mayi-in me; saì api-someone; akaruëaì-merciless; sva-vâsaê-own home; ärî-vèndâvana-O Ärî Vèndâvana; vitara-please extend; mâ-to me; ananya-without another; gatikam-goal. I cannot subdue my senses at all. I have no virtues. A host of faults always enters me. Where shall I go? What shall I do? Alas! Alas! No mercy is shown to me! O Lord, please give me residence in Navadvîpa, my only home. Text 45 jâti-prâëa-dhanâni yântu su-yaäo-râäiì parikëîyatâê sad-dharmâ vilayaê prayântu satataê sarvaiä ca nirbhartsyatâm âdhi-vyâdhi-äatena jîryatu vapur lupta-pratîkârataì ärî-gaurâôga-puraê tathâpi na manâk tyaktuê mamâstâê matiì jâti-noble birth; prâëa-life; dhanâni-and wealth; yântu-may go; su-yaäo-râäiì-great fame; parikëîyatâê-may perish; sad-dharmâ-religious principles; vilayaê-to destruction; prayântu-may go; satataê-always; sarvais-by all; ca-and; nirbhartsyatâm-may be rebuked; âdhi-vyâdhi-of physical and mental distresses; äatena-by hundreds; jîryatu-may grow old; vapur-body; lupta-lost; pratîkârataì-remedy; ärî-gaurâôga-puram-Lord Gaura's city; tathâpi-nevertheless; na-not; manâk-at all; tyaktuê-to abandon; mama-my; âstâê-may be; matiì-thought. My noble birth, wealth, and even my life-breath, may all perish. My good reputation may wither and die. My religious principles may run to destruction. Everyone may always mistreat me. My body may wither away with hundreds of incurable diseases. Still, my heart will never leave Lord Gaurânga's city. Text 46 gaurâraëyâd anyat prakèter antar bahir vâpi naivâsti madhura-vastv ity avakalitaê yair namas tebhyaì gaurâraëyâd-than Gauravana; anyat-another; prakèter-of nature; antar-within; bahir-without; vâ-or; api-and; na-not; eva-indeed; asti-is; madhura-sweet; vastu-thing; iti-thus; avakalitaê-known; yair-by whom; namas-obeisances; tebhyaì-to them. I bow down to offer my respects to they who know that within or without the material world there is nothing as sweet as Lord Gaura's forest. Text 47 vibhrâjat-tilakâ girîndratanayâ-nîraugha-äuklâmbaro- daïcat-kâïcana-campaka-cchavir aho nânâ-rasollâsinî kèëòa-prema-payo-dhareëa rasadenâtyanta-sammohinî ärî-miärâtmaja-vallabhâ vijayate gauòe tu gaurâùavî vibhrâjat-shining; tilaka-tilaka; girîndratanayâ-of the Ganges; nîra-augha- water; äukla-white; ambara-garments; udacat-rising; kâïcana-golden; campaka-campaka flower; chavir-splendor; aho-oh; nânâ-various; rasa-nectars; ullâsinî-splendid; kèëòa-for Lord Kèëòa; prema-of love; payo-dhareëa-with the waters; rasadena-nectarean; atyanta-very; sammohinî-charming; ärî-miära-of Jagannâtha Miära; âtmaja-to the son; vallabhâ-dear; vijayate-all glories; gauòe-in Gauòa-deäa; tu-indeed; gaura-âùavî-Lord Gaura's forest. All glories to Lord Gaura's Gauòa-deäa forest which, splendid with tilaka decorations, clothed in white garments of the Ganges' waters, splendid with the glory of blossoming campaka flowers, glorious with many kinds of nectar, and charming with the sweet nectar of pure love for Lord Kèëòa, is very dear to Ärî Jaganntha-miära's son! Text 48 yasmin koùi-suradru-vaibhava-yutâ bhûmiruhâì poëakâì bhaktiì sad-vanitâ-mahâ-rasamayî yatra svayaê äliëyati yatra brahma-purâdi-tîrtha-nicayâ bhrâjanti nânâ-sthale tad dvîpaê nava-saìkhyakaê sukhamayaê ko nâma nâlambhate yasmin-in which; koùi-millions; suradru-of suradruma trees; vaibhava-glory; yutâ-endowed; bhûmiruhâì-trees; poëakâì-nourishing; bhaktiì-devotional service; sad-vanitâ-pious girls; mahâ-rasamayî-very sweet; yatra-where; svayaê-personally; äliëyati-embraces; yatra-where; brahma-pura-âdi-beginning with Brahma-pura; tîrtha-of holy places; nicayâì-multitudes; bhrâjanti-shine; nânâ-sthale-in various places; tad-that; tad dvîpaê nava-saìkhyakaê-Navadvîpa; adbhutaê-wonderful; sukhamayaê-blissful; ko-who?; nâma-indeed; na-not; âlambhate-will take shelter. Who will not take shelter of wonderful, blissful Navadvîpa, where millions of glorious kalpavèkëa trees are embraced by the sweet vines of pure bhakti that are their wives, and where Brahmapura and all other holy places shine with great splendor? Text 49 nindanti yâvan nava-khaòà-vâsaê vèndâvane prema-vilâsa-kande tâvan na govinda-padâravinde svacchanda-sad-bhakti-rahasya-lâbhaì nindanti-insult; yâvat-as much as; nava-khaòà-vâsaê-residence in Navadvîpa; vèndâvane-in Vèndâvana; prema-of love; vilâsa-of transcendental pastimes; kande-the root; tâvat-so; na-not; govinda-of Lord Kèëòa; pada-feet; aravinde-lotus; svacchanda-spontaneous; sad-transcendental; bhakti-of devotional service; rahasya-of the secret; lâbhaì-attainment. As much as they speak ill of residing in Navadvîpa, to that extent they will not understand the secret of pure spontaneous love for Lord Govinda's lotus feet in Vèndâvana, the root from which the Lord's pastimes of love sprout. Text 50 smâraê smâraê nava-jaladhara-äyâmalaê dhâma-vidyut- koùi-jyotis-tanu-latikayâ râdhayâ äliëyamânam uccair uccaiì sarasa-sarasaê kâkubhir jèmbhamâëa- premâviëùo bhramati sukètî ko 'pi gaura-sthalîëu smâraê-remembering; smâraê-and remembering; nava-new; jaladhara-monsoon cloud; äyâmalaê-dark; dhâma-splendor; vidyut-lightning flashes; koùi-millions; jyotis-splendor; tanu-of the body; latikayâ-with the vine; râdhayâ-with Ärî Râdhâ; äliëyamânam-embraced; uccair uccaiì-greatly; sarasa-sweet; sarasaê-sweet; kâkubhiì-with plaintive words; jèmbhamâëa-opening; prema-love; âviëùo-entered; bhramati-wanders; sukètî-pious; kaì api-someone; gaura-sthalîëu-in Lord Gaura's places. Again and again remembering the person dark as a new monsoon cloud who is embraced by Ärî Râdhâ, Her transcendental form like a vine splendid as millions of lightning flashes, a certain saintly devotee, his mouth fill with loud, urgent, very sweet prayers, and pure devotional love rising within him, wanders in Lord Gaura's sacred places. Text 51 viävambharasya pâda- sarojopeta-sthalîëu nirbhara-premëâ hari hari kadâ luùhâmi pratipada- galad-aärur ullasat-pulakaì viävambharasya-of Lord Caitanya; pâda-saroja-upeta-sthalîëu-in the places where He placed His lotus feet; nirbhara-great; premëâ-with love; hari-oh!; hari-Oh!; kadâ-when?; luùhâmi-will I roll about on the ground; pratipada-at every step; galad-flowing; aärur-tears; ullasat-pulakaì-hairs standing erect with joy. When, at every moment shedding tears of deep love, and the hairs of my body erect with joy, will I roll upon the ground where Lord Gaura placed His feet? Text 52 pûrëojjvalat-prema-rasaika-mûrtir yatraiva râdhâ-valito harir me tad eva gaura-sthalam âäritânâê bhavet paraê bhakti-rahasya-lâbhaì pûrëa-full; ujjvala-splendor; prema-love; rasa-nectar; eka-sole; mûrtir-form; yatra-where; eva-indeed; râdhâ-Râdhâ; valitaì-in the ecstasy of love; hari-Kèëòa; me-my; tad-that; eva-indeed; gaura-sthalam-in the place sacred to Lord Gaura; âäritânâê-of they who have taken shelter; bhavet-may be; paraê-greatly; bhakti-of devotional service; rahasya-of the secret; lâbhaì-attainment. The secret of pure devotional service rests in they who take shelter of Lord Gaura's sacred place, where my Lord Hari, His transcendental form filled with the nectar of splendid divine love, assumes the role of Ärî Râdhâ. Text 53 caòàâla-äva-kharâdi-vad yadi janâì kurvanti sarve tiras- kâraê durviëahaê ca tena na hi me kheda-stanîyân api ärî-kèëòa-äravaëâdikâ tu navadhâ râgânugâ câtmadâ bhaktir yad graha-saìkhyake vijayate tatraiva khaòàe sthitiì caòàâla-an outcaste; äva-a dog; khara-an ass; âdi-beginning; vad-like; yadi-if; janâì-the people; kurvanti-do; sarve-all; tiraskâraê-insults; durviëahaê-unbearable; ca-and; tena-by that; na-not; hi-indeed; me-of me; kheda-stanîyân-suffering; api-also; ärî-kèëòa-of Lord Kèëòa; äravaëa-hearing; âdikâ-beginning with; tu-indeed; navadhâ-nine kinds; râga-anugâ-spontaneous; cad-and; âtmadâ-giving the self; bhaktir-devotional service; yad-which; graha-saìkhyake-nine; vijayate-all glories; tatra-there; eva-indeed; khaòàe-in the islands; sthitiì-standing. If the people speak unbearable insults to me as if I were a caòàâla or a dog or an ass, then I do not feel unhappy as I stay in the nine islands of Navadvîpa, where the nine proccesses of loving devotional service, beginning with hearing about Lord Kèëòa and culminating in surrendering one's life and heart to Him, shine with great glory. Text 54 bhrâtaì samastâny api sâdhanâni vihâya gaura-sthalam âärayasva yathâ tathâ prâktana-vâsanâtaì äarîra-vâëî-hèdayâni kuryuì bhrâtaì-O brother; samastâni-all; api-even; sâdhanâni-spiritual practicies; vihâya-abandoning; gaura-sthalam-Lord Gaura's sacred place; âärayasva-take shelter; yathâ-as; tathâ-so; prâktana-former; vâsanâtaì-from desires; äarîra-the body; vâëî-the words; hèdayâni-the heart; kuryuì-act. O brother, give up all your spiritual practices and take shelter of Lord Gaura's sacred place. As you desire, so your body, words, and heart will act. Text 55 navadvîpe ramye varam iha kare kharpara-bhèto bhramâmo bhaikëyârthaê svapaca-gèha-vîthiëu dinaäaì tathâpi prâcînaiì parama-sukètair atra militaê na neëyâmy 'nyatra kvacid api kathaïcid vapur idam navadvîpe-in Navadvîpa; ramye-beautiful; varaê-benediction; iha-here; kare-in the hand; kharpara-a beggars bowl; bhèto-holding; bhramâmo-we wander; bhaikëya-begging; arthaê-for the purpose; svapaca-of dogeaters; gèha-to the houses; vîthiëu-on the paths; dinaäaì-day after day; tathâpi-still; prâcînaiì-with old; parama-sukètair-pious deeds; atra-here; militaê-met; na-not; neëyâmo-we will carry; anyatra-somewhere else; kvacid-anywhere; api-even; kathacid-under any circumstance; vapur-body; idam-this. With a bowl in hand we go begging even on the paths to the houses of the dogeaters in beautiful Navadvîpa. We pray that we will never take this body, attained by many past pious deeds, to any other place. Text 56 jarat-kanthâm ekâê dadhad api ca kaupînam aniäaê pragâyan ärî-râdhâ-madhupati-rahaì-keli-laharîm phalaê vâ mûlaê vâ kim api divasânte kavalayan navadvîpe neëye vana-bhuvi kadâ jîvanam idam jarat-old; kanthâm-cloth; ekâê-one; dadhad-placing; api-and; ca-and; kaupînam-kaupîna; aniäaê-day and night; pragâyan-singing; ärî-râdhâ-madhupati-of Ärî Râdhâ-Kèëòa; rahaì-confidential; keli-of pastimes; laharîm-waves; phalaê-fruit; vâ-or; mûlaê-roots; vâ-or; kim api-something; divasa-of the day; ante-at the end; kavalayan-eating a mouthful; navadvîpe-in Navadvîpa; neëye-I will pass; vana-bhuvi-in the forest; jîvanam-life; idam-this. When, wearing a kaupîna and one old cloth, day and night singing of the waves of Ärî Ärî Râdhâ-Madhupati's confidential pastimes, and at the end of the day eating a fruit or a root, will I spend this lifetime in the forest of Navadvîpa? Text 57 prakèty-upari kevale sukha-nidhau para-brahmaòi äruti-prathita-vaibhavaê para-padaê para-vyomakam tad-antar-akhilojjvalaê jayati gauòa-bhû-maòàalaê mahâ-rasa-mayaê ca tat kalaya tatra vèndâvanam prakèti-the material nature; upari-above; kevale-in the spiritual world; sukha-of happiness; nidhau-in the ocean; para-brahmaòi-in the Supreme Brahman; äruti-in the Vedas; prathita-celebrated; vaibhavaê-glory; para-padaê-the Supreme Abode; para-vyomakam-the spiritual sky; tad-antar-in that; akhila-all; ujjvalaê-splendid; jayati-all glories; gauòa-of Gauòa; bhû-the land; maòàalaê-the circle; mahâ-rasa-mayaê-filled with sweet nectar; ca-and; tat-that; kalaya-see; tatra-there; vèndâvanam-Vèndâvana. Above the material nature, in the ocean of happiness that is the Supreme Brahman splendor, is the Spiritual Sky, the Supreme Abode glorified in the Vedas. Within the Spiritual Sky the circle of Gauòa-bhûmi is glorious with all splendor. There gaze on the forest of Vèndâvana. Text 58 svânanda-sac-cid-ghana-rûpatâ-matir yâvan na gaura-sthala-vâsi-jantuëu tâvat praviëùho 'pi na tatra vindate tato 'parâdhât padavîê parât parâm sva-own; ânanda-bliss; sat-eternal; cit-knowledge; ghana-intense; rûpatâ-form; matir-conception; yâvat-as; na-not; gauar-sthala-in Lord Gaura's sacred place; vâsi-residing; jantuëu-to the living entities; tâvat-so; praviëùho-entered; api-even; na-not; tatra-there; vindate-finds; tato-then; aparâdhât-from the offense; padaviê-the path; parât-than the highest; parâm-higher. Even though staying there himself, he who commits the offense of thinking that the residents of Gaura-sthala do not have spiritual forms of eternity, bliss, and knowledge, will not attain the supreme abode. Text 59 yadaiva sac-cid-rasa-rûpa-buddhi- dvipe nave 'smin sthira-jaôgameëu syân nirvyalîkaê puruëas tadaiva cakâsti râdhâ-priya-sevi-rûpaì yadâ-when; eva-indeed; sat-eternal; cit-spiritual; rasa-nectar; rûpa-forms; buddhi-concept; vèndâvana-in Vèndâvana; stha-staying; sthira-unmoving; jaôgameëu-and moving living entities; syât-may be; nirvyalîkaê-honest; puruëas-person; tadâ-then; eva-indeed; cakâsti-is splendidly manifested; râdhâ-of Ärî Râdhâ; priya-of the beloved; sevi-of the servant; rûpaì-the form. When one understands that the moving and unmoving residents of Navadvîpa have forms of eternal spiritual nectar, then he becomes a genuine servant of Ärî Râdhâ's beloved. Text 60 sakala-vibhava-sâraê sarva-dharmaika-sâraê sakala-bhajana-sâraê sarva-siddhyaika-sâram sakala-mahima-sâraê vastu khaòàe navâkhye sakala-madhurimâmbho-râäi-sâraê vihâraì sakala-of all; vibhava-of opulences; sâraê-the best; sarva-of all; dharma-religious principles; eka-sâraê-the best; sakala-of all; bhajana-methods of worship; sâraê-the best; sarva-of all; siddha-perfections; sâreka-am-the best; sakala-of all; mahima-glories; sâraê-the best; vastu-thing; khaòàe navâkhye-in Navadvîpa; antaì-in; sakala-of all; madhurima-of sweetness; ambho-râäi-of oceans; sâraê-the best; vihâraì-wandering. Wandering in Navadvîpa is the best of all opulences, the best of all religious principles, the best of all kinds of worship, the best of all perfections, the best of all glories, and the best of all oceans of sweetness. Text 61 pragâyan naùann udhasan vâ luùhan vâ pradhâvan rudan sampatan mûrcchito vâ kadâ vâ mahâ-prema-mâdhvî-madândhaä cariëyâmi khaòàe nave loka-bahyaì pragâyan-singing; naùann-dancing; udhasan-laughing; vâ-or; luùhan-rolling on the ground; vâ-or; pradhâvan-running; rudan-crying; sampatan-falling; mûrcchito-unconscious; vâ-or; kadâ-when?; vâ-or; mahâ-great; prema-of love; mâdhvî-nectar; mada-intoxication; andhas-blind; cariëyâmi-will I walk; khaòàe nave-in Navadvîpa; loka-bahyaì-oblivious to the world. When, singing, dancing, laughing, rolling about on the ground, running, crying, or falling down unconscious, will I, blind with intoxication by drinking the nectar of great spiritual love, and oblivious to the world, wander in Navadvîpa? Text 62 na lokaê na dharmaê na gehaê na dehaê na nindâê stutiê nâpi saukhyaê na duìkham vijânan kim apy unmadaì prema-mâdhvyâ graha-grasta-vat karhi gaura-sthale syâm na-not; lokaê-the world; na-not; dharmaê-religion; na-not; gehaê-home; na-not; dehaê-body; na-not; nindâê-insults; stutiê-praises; na-not; api-also; saukhyaê-happiness; na-not; duìkham-pain; vijânan-knowing; kim api-something; unmadaì-mad; prema-of love; mâdhvyâ-by the nectar; graha-grasta-vat-as one in the grip of an evil planet; karhi-when?; gaura-sthale-in Gaura-sthala; syâm-will I become. When, oblivious to the world, religious duties, home, body, insults, praise, pleasure, and pain, and intoxicated with the nectar of pure spiritual love, will I become like a madman in Lord Gaura's sacred abode? Text 63 hare kèëòa râmeti kèëòeti mukhyân mahâäcarya-nâmâvalî-siddha-mantrân tathâcaëùa-kâle vraja-dvandva-sevâê kadâbhyasya gaura-sthale syâê kètârthaì hare kèëòa kèëòa-Hare Kèëòa, Kèëòa; iti-thus; kèëòa-Kèëòa; iti-thus; mukhyât-from the mouth; mahâ-very; âäcarya-wonderful; nâma-of names; âvalî-series; siddha-perfection; mantrân-from the mantra; tatha-in that way; ca-and; aëùa-kâle-at the eight times; vraja-of Vraka; dvandva-of the divine couple; sevâm-devotional service; kadâ-when?; abhyasya-acting; gaura-sthale-in Gaura-sthala; syâê-I will become; kètârthaì-successful. When, chanting the siddha-mantra of very wonderful names beginning "Hare, Kèëòa, and Râma" will I, serving Vraja's divine couple day and night in Lord Gaura's sacred abode, attain the success of my life? Text 64 hema-sphâùika-padmarâga-racitair mahendranîla-drumair nânâ-ratnamaya-sthalîbhir ali-jhaìkâraih sphuùad-vallibhiì citraiì kîra-mayûra-kokila-mukhair nânâ-vihaôgair lasat padmâdyais ca sarobhir adbhutam ahaê dhyayâmi gaura-sthalam hema-gold; sphâùika-crystal; padmarâga-and rubies; racitair-made; mahâ-great; indranîla-sapphires; drumair-with trees; nânâ-various; ratnamaya-jeweled; sthalîbhir-with places; ali-of bumblebees; jhaìkâraiì-with buzzing; sphuùad-blossoming; vallibhiì-with vines; citraiì-wonderful; kîra-parrots; mayûra-peacocks; kokila-and cuckoos; mukhair-headed by; nânâ- various; vihaôgair-with birds; lasat-shining; padma-with lotuses; âdyais-beginning with; ca-also; sarobhir-with lakes; adbhutam-wonderful; ahaê-I; dhyayâmi-meditate; gaura-sthalam-on Gaura-sthala. I meditate on wonderful Gaura-sthala splendid with gold, crystal, and rubies, with great sapphire trees, with courtyards made of many kinds of jewels, with buzzing bees, with blossoming vines, with wonderful parrots, peacocks, cuckoos, and other birds, and with lakes filled with lotuses and other flowers. Text 65 madhya-dvîpa-vane sphuùat-këitidharasyopatyakâsu sphuran nânâ-keli-nikuïja-vîthiëu navonmîlat-kadambâdiëu bhrâmaê bhrâmam ahar-niäam nanu paraê ärî-râsa-keli-sthalî- ramyâsv eva kadâ prakâäita-rahaì-premâ bhaveyaê kètî madhya-dvîpa-vane-in the forest of Madhyadvîpa; sphuùat-manifest; këiti-dharasya-of the hill; upatyakâsu-in the valleys; sphurat-splendidly manifest; nânâ-various; keli-pastimes; nikuja-groves; vîthiëu-on the pathways; nava-new; unmîlat-blossoming; kadamba-âliëu-among the kadamba trees; bhrâmaê-wandering; bhrâmaê-and wandering; ahar-day; niäam-and night; nanu-certainly; paraê-great; ärî-râsa-keli-of the râsa-dance pastime; sthalî-place; ramyâsu-beautiful; eva-certainly; kadâ-when?; prakâäita-manifested; rahaì-secret; premâ-love; bhaveyaê-I will become; kètî-pious. When, wandering day and night through the valleys of Madhyadvîpa, on the pathways through the various pastime forest-groves, through groves of newly-blossoming kadamba trees, and through the beautiful places where of the râsa-dance pastimes, will I become fortunate, intimate spiritual love for the divine couple shining within me? Text 66 alaê këayi-sukha-pradair yuvati-putra-vittâdikair vimukti-kathayâpy alaê mama namo vikuòùha-äriye paraê tv iha bhave bhave bhavatu râdhikâ-kântitaì vrajendra-tanayo vane lasati yatra tasmin ratiì alaê-what is the use?; këayi-temporary; sukha-happiness; pradair-giving; yuvati-beautiful young wife; putra-children; vitta-wealth; âdikair-beginning with; vimukti-of impersonal liberation; kathayâ-of talk; api-also; alaê-what is the use?; mama-of me; namo-obeisances; vikuòùha-in Vaikuòùha; äriye-to the beauty; paraê-greatly; tu-indeed; iha-here; bhave bhave-in birth after birth; bhavatu-may be; râdhikâ-kântitaì-in the comlextion of Ärî Râdhikâ; vrajendra-tanayo-the son of the king of Vraja; vane-in the forest; lasati-shines; yatra-where; tasmin-there; rataì-devoted. What is the use of a beautiful young wife, children, and wealth, which give only temporary happiness? I offer my respectful obeisances to the beauty of Vaikuòùha. I pray that birth after birth I may be devoted to the forest where Vrajendra's son, who has now assumed the complexion of Ärî Râdhikâ, enjoys splendid transcendental pastimes. Text 67 namâmi tad godrumam eva murdhnâ vadâmi tad godrumam eva vâcâ smarâmi tad godrumam eva buddhyâ ärî-godrumâd anyam ahaê na jâne namâmi-I bow; tat godrumam-Godruma; eva-indeed; murdhnâ-with my head; vadâmi-I speak; tat godrumam-Godruma; eva-indeed; vâcâ-with my words; smarâmi-I remember; tat godrumam-Godruma; eva-indeed; buddhyâ-with my intelligence; ärî-godrumât-than Ärî Godruma; anyam-other; ahaê-I; na-not; jâne-know. With my head I bow down before Godruma. With my words I speak about Godruma. With my intelligence I remember Godruma. I do not know anything but Ärî Godruma. Text 68 râdhâpati-rati-kandaê gaura-sthalam eva jîvanaê yeëâm tac-caraëâmbuja-reëor âäâm evâham aäâse râdhâpati-of Lord Kèëòa, the Lord of Râdhâ; rati-off love; kandaê-the root; gaura-sthalam-Lord Gaura's abode; eva-indeed; jîvanaê-life and soul; yeëâm-of whom; tat-of them; caraëâmbuja-of the lotus feet; reëor-of the dust; âäâm-the hope; eva-indeed; aham-I; aäâse-desire. I long for the pollen of the lotus feet of they whose life and soul is Ärî Gaura-sthala, the root that sprouts love for Lord Râdhâpati. Text 69 nânâ-keli-nikuëja-maòàapa-yute nânâ-saro-vâpikâ- ramye gulma-latâ-drumaiä ca parito nânâ-vidhaiì äobhite nânâ-jâti-samullasat-khaga-mègair nânâ-vilâsa-sthalî- pradyota-dyuti-rociëi priya kadâ dhyeyo 'si gaura-sthale nânâ-various; keli-pastimes; nikuëja-groves; maòàapa-pavilions; yute-endowed; nânâ-various; saro-lakes; vâpikâ-and ponds; ramye-beautiful; gulma-bushes; latâ-vines; drumaiä-trees; ca-and; parito-everywhere; nânâ-various; vidhaiì-kinds; äobhite-splendid;nânâ-various;-jâti- species; samullasat-jubilant; khaga-birds; mègair-and animals; nânâ-various; vilâsa-of pastimes; sthalî-places; pradyota-dyuti-rociëi-splendid; priya-dear; kadâ-when?; dhyeyo-to be meditated on; asi-You are; gaura-sthale-in Lord Gaura's transcendental abode. O beloved, when will I meditate on You in Gaura-sthala, which is filled with many pastime forest pavilions, delightful with many lakes and ponds, beautiful with trees, vines, and bushes everywhere and with many kinds of joyful birds and beasts, and is glorious with many splendid pastime-places? Text 70 vâëyâ gadgadayâ kadâ madhupater nâmâni saìkîrtaye dhârâbhir nayanâmbhasâê taru-tale këauëîê kadâ paìkaye dèëùyâ bhâvanayâ puro milad aho gaura-sthalîyaê maho- dvandva-hema-harinmaòi-cchavi kadâlambe muhur vihvalaì vâëyâ-with words; gadgadayâ-faltering; madhupater-of Lord Kèëòa; nâmâni-names; saìkîrtaye-I glorify; dhârâbhir-with flooding streams; nayana-from the eyes; ambhasâê-of water; taru-tale-at the base of a tree; këauëîê-the ground; kadâ-when?; paìkaye-will I muddy; dèëùyâ-with sight; bhâvanayâ-with the conception; puro-before me; milad-meeting; aho-oh; gaura-sthalîyaê-in Gaura-sthalî; maho-of splendors; dvandva-pair; hema-gold; harinmaòi-and sapphires; chavi-effulgence; kadâ-when?; âlambe-will I take shelter; muhur-at every moment; vihvalaì-overcome. When, with a faltering voice, will I glorify Lord Mâdhava's holy names? When will I muddy the ground under a tree with streams of tears flowing from my eyes? When, excited at heart, will I take shelter of the two golden and sapphire splendors that have become one before my eyes in Gaura-sthala? Text 71 nânyad vadâmi na äèëomi na cintayâmi nânyad vrajâmi na bhajâmi na câärayâmi paäyâmi jâgrati tathâ svapane 'pi nânyat ärî-râdhikâ-ruci-vinoda-vanaê vinâham na-not; anyad-another; vadâmi-I speak; na-not; äèëomi-I hear; na-not; cintayâmi-I meditate; na-not; anyad-another; vrajâmi-I go; na-not; bhajâmi-I worship; na-not; ca-and; âärayâmi-I take shelter; paäyâmi-I see; jâgrati-awake; tathâ-in the same way; svapane-in a dream; api-even; na-not; anyat-another; ärî-râdhikâ-of Ärî Râdhâ; ruci-of the splendor; vinoda-of the pastimes; vanaê-the forest; vinâ-without; aham-I. I will not talk of anything else. I will not hear of anything else. I will not meditate on anything else. I will not go anywhere else. I will not worship anything else. I will not take shelter of anything else. In dream or awake I will not see anything but the forest where He who accepted Ärî Râdhikâ's splendor enjoyed pastimes. Text 72 na satyâkhye loke spèhayati mano brahma-padavîê na vaikuòùhe viëòor api mègayate pârëada-tanum navadvîpe äuddhe madhura-rasa-bhârotsavavatâê nivâse dhanyânâê su-bahu kèmi-janmâpi manute na-not; satya-Satya; aâkhye-named; loke-in the planet; spèhayati-desires; mano-my heart; brahma-padavîê-the post of Brahmâ; na-not; vaikuòùhe-in Vaikuòùha; viëòor-of Lord Viëòu; api-even; mègayate-seeks; pârëada-of an associate; tanum-the body; navadvîpe-in Navadvîpa; äuddhe-pure; madhura-sweet; rasa-nectar; bhâra-abundance; utsava-vatâê-enjoying festivals; nivâse-in the home; dhanyânâê-of the fortunate souls; su-bahu-very highly; kèmi-of an insect; janma-the birth; api-even; manute-thinks. My heart does not yearn to become a Lord Brahmâ on Satyaloka, nor does it seek the body of an associate of Lord Viëòu in Vaikuòùha, but it does think very highly of any birth, even as a tiny insect, in the home of the fortunate souls that enjoy festivals of sweet nectar in the pure realm of Navadvîpa. Text 73 mamâpi syâd etâdèäam api dinaê kiê nu paramaê navadvîpe yasmin katham api kèta-sparäanam api aho dehaê dûrâd api samavalokyâpi januëâ muhur dhanyaê manye dharaòi-patitaê syâê kèta-natiì mama-of me; api-even; syâd-may be; etâdèäam-like this; api-also; dinaê-day; kiê-whether?; nu-indeed; paramaê-transcendental; navadvîpe-in Navadvîpa; yasmin-in which; katham api-somehow; kèta-done; sparäanam-touch; api-also; aho-oh; dehaê-body; dûrâd-from far away; api-even; samavalokya-seeing; api-even; januëâ-with a birth; muhur-at every moment; dhanyaê-fortunate; manye-I think; dharaòi-to the ground; patitaê-fallen; syâê-I may be; kèta-natiì-bowing down. I think any birth where, even from a distance, I may gaze at Navadvîpa, touch it, and fall down on the ground to offer respects to it, is very fortunate. Will the fortunate day that I take such a birth ever come? Text 74 yad api ca mama nâsti ärî-navadvîpa-dhâma- mahimani na samordhve hanta viävag-agandhaì yad api mama na tasmin nâsti vâsaiëaëâpi prasaratu mama tâdèäy eva vâëî tathâpi yad api-although; ca-and; mama-my; na-not; asti-is; ärî-navadvîpa-dhâma-of Ärî Navadvîpa-dhâma; mahimani-in the glory; na-not; samordhve-great; hanta-indeed; viävak-of faith; agandhaì-the slightest scent; yad api-although; mama-of me; na-not; tasmin-in that; na-not; asti-is; vâsa-residence; aiëaëâ-with the desire; api-even; prasaratu-goes; mama-my; tâdèäi-like this; eva-indeed; vâëî-words; tathâpi-still. Although I have not the slightest fragrance of faith in the exalted glory of Ärî Navadvîpa-dhâma, and although I do not sincerely yearn to live there, nevertheless words like that flow from me. Text 75 acaitanya-prâyaê jagad idam aho sarva-vid api navadvîpasyâsya prabhavati na vai tattva-kathane harau su-pracchanne hari-puram aho guptam abhavat su-bhaktas tat tattvaê sva-guru-kèpayâ karëati kila acaitanya-unconscious with Lord Caitanya; prâyaê-for the most part; jagad-material universe; idam-this; aho-oh; sarva-vid-who knows everything; api-even; navadvîpasya-of Navadvîpa; asya-of that; prabhavati-manifests; na-not; vai-indeed; tattva-of the truth; kathane-in discussion; harau-of Lord Kèëòa; su-pracchanne-carefully hidden; hari-of Lord Hari; puram-the city; aho-oh; guptam-hidden; abhavat-was; su-bhaktas-great devotee; tat-that; tattvaê-truth; sva-guru-kèpayâ-by the mercy of the guru; karëati-pulls; kila-indeed. This mostly unconscious world and even they who think they know everything cannot know the truth about Navadvîpa. When carefully concealed Lord Hari appears, then His concealed abode also appears. Only a sincere devotee, by his guru's mercy, can know the truth of Navadvîpa. Text 76 kadâ navadvîpa-vanântareëv ahaê paribhraman saikata-pûrëa-catvare harîti râmeti harîti kîrtane vilokya gauraê prapatâmi vihvalaì kadâ-when?; navadvîpa-vanântareëu-in the forests of Navadvîpa; ahaê-I; paribhraman-wandering; saikata-sandy; pûrëa-filled; catvare-in a courtyard; hari-O Hari!; iti-thus; râma-O Râma!; iti-thus; hari-O Hari!; iti-thus; kîrtane-in glorification; vilokya-seeing; gauraê-Lord Gaura; prapatâmi-I will fall down; vihvalaì-overwhelmed. When, as I wander in Navadvîpa's forests, will I fall unconscious, suddenly seeing Lord Gaura chanting Hari! Râma! Hari! in a kîrtana in a sandy courtyard? Text 77 puline puline girîndrajâyâ vicariëyâmi kadâ tale tarûëâm patitaê galitaê phalaê ca bhuktvâ lalitaê taùinî-jalaê pibâmi puline puline-along the shores; girîndrajâyâì-of the Ganges; vicariëyâmi-will I wander; kadâ-when?; tale tarûëâm-underneath the trees; patitaê-fallen; galitaê-ripe; phalaê-fruit; ca-and; bhuktvâ-eating; lalitaê-delicious; taùinî-from the river; jalaê-water; pibâmi-will I drink. When, eating ripe fruits fallen to the ground and drinking the delicious river-water, will I wander in the forests by the Ganges' shore? Text 78 ârâdhitaê nava-vanaê vraja-kânanaê te nârâdhitaê nava-vanaê vraja eva dûre ârâdhito dvija-suto vraja-nâgaras te nârâdhito dvija-suto na taveha kèëòaì ârâdhitaê-worshiped; nava-vanaê-Navadvîpa; vraja-kânanaê-the forest of Vraja; te-by you; na-not; ârâdhitaê-worshiped; nava-vanaê-Navadvîpa; vrajaì-Vraja; eva-indeed; dûre-far away; ârâdhito-worshiped; dvija-suto-the brâhmaëa's son (Lord Caitanya); vraja-nâgaras-the hero of Vraja; te-by you; na-not; ârâdhito-worshiped; dvija-suto-Lord Caitanya; na-not; tava-by you; iha-here; kèëòaì-Lord Kèëòa. If you worship Navadvîpa, then you also worship the forest of Vraja. If you don't worship Navadvîpa, then the forest of Vraja is far away. If you worship Lord Caitanya, then you also worship the hero of Vraja. If you don't worship Lord Caitanya, then you cannot worship Lord Kèëòa. Text 79 navadvîpaì sâkëâd vraja-puram aho gauòa-paridhau äacî-putraì sâkëâd vraja-pati-suto nâgara-varaì sa vai râdhâ-bhâva-dyuti-su-valitaì kâëcana-cchato navadvîpe lîlâê vrajapura-durâpâê vitanute navadvîpaì-Navadvîpa; sâkëâd-directly; vraja-puram-Vrajapura; aho-oh; gauòa-paridhau-in the land of Bengal; äacî-putraì-the son of Äacî; sâkëâd-directly; vraja-pati-suto-the son of Vraja's king; nâgara-varaì-the best of heroes; saì-He; vai-indeed; râdhâ-of; bhâva-nature; dyuti-splendor; su-valitaì-covered; kâëcana-cchato-with a golden splendor; navadvîpe-in Navadvîpa; lîlâê-pastimes; vrajapura-by Vrajapura; durâpâê-difficult to attain; vitanute-manifests. Navadvîpa is Vèndâvana manifested in the land of Bengal. Lord Caitanya, the son of Äacî, is Lord Kèëòa, the greatest hero, the son of Vraja's king. His complexion now golden with Râdhâ's splendor, He performs in Navadvîpa pastimes that even Vèndâvana cannot attain. Text 80 aho vèndâraëye hari hari harîti prajapatâê vraja-dvandvâvâptir ghaùata aparâdhâtyaya iha navadvîpe gauraì kaluëa-nicayaê këâmyati sadâ vrajânandaê sâkëât parama-rasadaê hanta tanute aho-oh; vèndâraëye-in Vèndâvana; hari-Hari; hari-Hari; hari-Hari; iti-thus; prajapatâê-chanting; vraja-of Vraja; dvandva-of the divine couple; avâptir-attainment; ghaùate-is; aparâdha-offenses; atyayaì-destruction; iha-here; navadvîpe-in Navadvîpa; gauraì-Lord Caitanya; kaluëa-of sins; nicayaê-a multitude; këâmyati-forgives; sadâ-always; vraja-of Vraka; ânandaê-the bliss; sâkëât-directly; parama-supreme; rasa-nectar; daê-giving; hanta-indeed; tanute-gives. They who chant Hari! Hari! Hari! in Vèndâvana become free from all offenses and attain Vraja's divine couple. In Navadvîpa Lord Gaura forgives multitudes of sins and freely gives the sweet nectar of the bliss of Vraja. Text 81 navadvîpe vased yas tu kare tasya vraja-sthitiì marîcikâvad anyatra dûre vèndâvanam dhruvam navadvîpe-in Navadvîpa; vased-resides; yas-who; tu-certainly; kare-in the hand; tasya-of him; vraja-in Vraja; sthitiì-resience; marîcikâ-a mirage; vad-like; anyatra-in another place; dûre-far away; vèndâvanam-Vèndâvana; dhruvam-certainly. One who lives in Navadvîpa holds Vraja in his hand. In any other place Vèndâvana is like a far-away mirage. Text 82 vanaê copavanaê sarvaê ärîmad-vèndâvana-sthitam kroòî-kètaê navadvîpe kèëòa-lîlâ-su-siddhaye vanaê-forests; ca-and; upavanaê-gardens; sarvaê-all; ärîmad-beautiful; vèndâvana-in Vrndavana; sthitam-sitauted; kroòî-kètaê-resting on the chest; navadvîpe-in Navadvîpa; kèëòa-of Lord Kèëòa; lîlâ-pastimes; su-siddhaye-for the perfection. To make Lord Kèëòa's pastimes perfect, Navadvîpa embraces to its chest all of beautiful Vèndâvana's forests and gardens.. Text 83 namâmi tad godrumacandra-lîlâê namâmi gaura-sthala-cid-vibhûtim namâmi gaurâôga-padâäritân tân namâmi gauraê karuëâvatâram namâmi-I offer my respectful obeisances; tad-that; godrumacandra-of the moon of Godruma; lîlâê-to the pastimes; namâmi-I offer my respectful obeisances; gaura-of Lord Gaura; sthala-of the holy abode; cit-spiritual; vibhûtim-opulences; namâmi-I offer my respectful obeisances; gaurâôga-of Lord Caitanya; pada-of the feet; âäritân-have taken shelter; tân-to they; namâmi-I offer my respectful obeisances; gauraê-to Lord Gaura; karuëâ-of mercy; avatâram-the incarnation. I offer my respectful obeisances to the pastimes of Lord Godrumacandra. I offer my respectful obeisances to the spiritual opulences of Gaura-sthala. I offer my respectful obeisances to they who have taken shelter of Lord Gaurâôga's feet. I offer my respectful obeisances to Lord Gaura, the incarnation of mercy. Text 84 hâ viävambhara hâ mahâ-rasamaya premaika-sampan-nidhe hâ padmâ-suta hâ dayaèdra-hèdaya bhraëùaika-bandhûttama hâ sîteävara hâ carâcara-pate gaurâvatîrëa-këama hâ ärîvâsa-gadâdhareëùa-viëaya tvaê me gatis tvam gatiì hâ-O!; viävambhara-Viävambhara; hâ-O!; mahâ-rasamaya-sweet Lord; prema-eka-sampan-nidhe-ocean of love; hâ-O!; padmâ-suta-son of Padmâ; hâ-O!; daya-ardra-melting with mercy; hèdaya-whose heart; bhraëùa-broken; eka-bandhu-uttama-great friend; hâ-O!; sîtâ-of Sîtâ; îävara-husband; hâ-O!; cara-of moving; acara-and unmoving entities; pate-O Lord; gaura-Lord Gaura; avatîrëa-descended; këama-able; hâ-O!; ärîvâsa-Ärîvâsa; gadâdhara-and Gadâdhara; iëùa-viëaya-worshiped; tvaê-You; me-my; gatis-goal; tvam-You; gatiì-the goal. O Lord Viävambhara, O sweet Lord, O ocean of the treasure of divine love, O Nityânanda, O son of Padmavatî, O Lord whose heart melts with compassion, O best friend of the fallen, O Advaita, O husband of Sîtâ, O master of all living entities moving and inert, O Lord who made Lord Gaura descend to this world, O Lord worshiped by Ärîvâsa and Gadâdhara, You are the goal of my life! You are the goal of my life! Text 85 stumas taê caitanyâkètim ati-vimaryâda-pramadâd- bhutaudaryaê varyaê vraja-pati-kumâraê rasayitum viäuddha-sva-premonmada-madhura-pîyûëa-laharîê pradâtuê cânyebhyaì para-pada-navadvîpa-prakaùam stumas-we glorify; taê-Him; caitanya-âkètim-the form of Lord Caitanya; ati-vimaryâda-without limits; parama-great; abhuta-wonderful; audaryaê-generosity; varyaê-best; vraja-pati-kumâraê-the prince of Vraja; rasayitum-to taste; viäuddha-pure; sva-prema-own love; unmada-mad; madhura-sweet; pîyûëa-of nectar; laharîê-waves; pradâtuê-to give; ca-and; anyebhyaì-to others; para-pada-the supreme abode; navadvîpa-in Navadvîpa; prakaùam-manifest. Let us glorify the boundlessly merciful Supreme Personality of Godhead, the prince of Vraja. To taste the intoxicating sweet waves of the nectar of transcendental love for Kèëòa, as well as to give that nectar to others, He has now appeared in the transcendental abode of Navadvîpa as Lord Caitanya Mahâprabhu. Text 86 alaê äâstrâbhyâsair alam ahaha tîrthâùanikayâ sadâ yoëid-vyâghrâs trasata vitathâê thût-kuru divam tèëam-manyâ dhanyâì ärayata kila sannyâsika-paùaê navadvîpe gauram nija-rasa-madât gaôgâ-pulinam alaê-what is the use?; äâstra-scriptures; abhyâsair-of stuying; alam-what is the use?; ahaha-Oh; tîrtha-to holy places; âùanikayâ-of travelling; sadâ-always; yoëid-women; vyâghrâs-tigers; trasata-fear; vitathâê-illusory; thût-kuru-spit; divam-on the upper material planets; tèëam-a blade of grass; manyâ-consider; dhanyâì-O fortunate people; ärayata-take shelter; kila-indeed; sannyâsika-of a sannyâsî; paùaê-in the garments; navadvîpe-in Navadvîpa; gauram-Lord Gaura; nija-rasa-madât-by the maddeness opf tasting His own nectar; gaôgâ-of the Ganges; pulinam-on the shore. What is the use of studying many scriptures? What is the use of going on pilgrimage to holy places? Fear women who are like tigers! Spit on the opulences of Svargaloka! Know that all material benefits are as worthless as a handful of straw! Instead of chasing after them please take sheletr of Lord Gaurâôga, who is dressed in the garments of a sannyâsî, and who, intoxicated by tasting the nectar of Kèëòa-prema, dances on the Ganges' shore. Text 87 saêsâra-sindhu-taraëe hèdayaê yadi syât saìkîrtanâmèta-rase ramate manaä cet premâmbudhau viharaëe yadi citta-vrttir mâyâpurâkhya-nagare vasatiê kurusva saêsâra-of repeated birth and death; sindhu-of the ocean; taraëe-in crossing; hèdayaê-the heart; yadi-if; syât-is; saìkîrtana-of saìkîrtana; amèta-rase-in the sweet nectar; ramate-enjoys; manaä-the heart; cet-if; prema-of pure love; ambudhau-in the ocean; viharaëe-in playing; yadi-if; citta-of the heart; vrttir-activity; mâyâpura-Mâyâpura; âkhya-named; nagare-in the town; vasatiê-residence; kurusva-please do. If your heart is set on crossing beyond the ocean of repeated birth and death, if your heart relishes the sweet nectar of Kèëòa-saìkîrtana, and if your heart yearns to swim and sport in the ocean of pure love of Kèëòa, then please reside in Mâyâpura City. Text 88 saiveyaê bhuvi dhanya-gauòa-nagarî gaôgâpi tan-madhyagâ jîvâs te ca vasanti ye ca kètino gaurâôga-pâdâäritâì no kutrâpi nirîkëyate hari hari premotsavas tâdèäo hâ caitanya kèpâ-nidhâna tava kiê vîkëye punar vaibhavam sâ-it; eva-indeed; ayam-this; bhuvi-on the earth; dhanya-fortunate; gauòa-of Bengal; nagarî-the town; gaôgâ-the Ganges; api-also; tat-that; madhyagâ-going in the middle; jîvâs-living entities; te-they; ca-and; vasanti-reside; ye-who; ca-and; kètino-pious; gaurâôga-of Lord Gaura; pâda-of the feet; âäritâì-taken shelter; na-not; u-indeed; kutrâpi-anywhere; nirîkëyate-is seen; hari-O Hari; hari-O Hari; prema-of pure love; utsavas-the festival; tâdèäo-like this; hâ-O; caitanya-Lord Caitanya; kèpâ-of mercy; nidhâna-O ocean; tava-of You; kiê-whether?; vîkëye-I will see; punar-again; vaibhavam-glory. The fortunate town of Navadvîpa remains on the earth. The Ganges remains. The same people still live here. The saintly devotees who have taken shelter of Lord Gaurâôga's feet remain. Alas! Alas! I do not see anywhere the same kind of festival of pure love for Lord Hari. O Lord Caitanya, O ocean of mercy, will I ever see Your transcendental glory again? Text 89 dèëùaì spèëùaì kîrtitaì saêsmèto vâ dûra-sthair apy ânato vâdèto vâ premëaì sâraê dâtum îäo ya ekaä cid-rûpaê taê gaura-pîùhaê namâmi dèëùaì-seen; spèëùaì-touched; kîrtitaì-glorified; saêsmèto-remembered; vâ-or; dûra-sthair-far away; api-even; ânato-offered respectful obeisances; vâ-or; âdèto-worshiped; vâ-or; premëaì-of love; sâraê-the essence; dâtum-to give; îäo-able; yaì-which; ekaä-alone; cid-spiritual; rûpaê-form; taê-that; gaura-of Lord Gaura; pîùhaê-the sacred abode; namâmi-I offer my respectful obeisances. Let me offer my respectful obeisances to Lord Gaura's transcendental abode which, whether seen, touched, glorified, remembered, bowed down to from afar, or worshiped, gives the nectar of pure love for Lord Kèëòa. Text 90 âcarya dharmaê paricarya devân vicarya tîrthâni vicarya vedân vinâ na gaura-priya-dhâma-vâsaê vedâdi-duëprâpya-padaê vidanti âcarya-having performed; dharmaê-religious duties; paricarya-worshiping; devân-the Deities; vicarya-done; tîrthâni-pilgrimages; vicarya-done; vedân-Vedic study; vinâ-without; na-not; gaura-to Lord Gaura; priya-dear; dhâma-in the abode; vâsaê-residence; veda-the Vedas; âdi-beginning with; duëprâpya-difficult to attain; padaê-abode; vidanti-find. They who follow the rules of varëâärama-dharma, worship the Deities, visit holy pilgrimage places, and study the Vedas, but do not reside in Lord Gaura's dear abode, cannot understand the abode of Vèndâvana, which is beyond the reach of the four Vedas. Text 91 tèëâd api ca nîcatâ sahaja-saumya-mugdhâkètiì sudhâ-madhura-bhâëitâ viëaya-gandha-thûthû-kètiì hari-praëaya-vihvalâ kim api dhîr anâlambitâ bhavanti kila sad-guòâ jagati gaura-dhâmârcane tèëâd-than a blade of grass; api-even; ca-also; nîcatâ-the state of being lower; sahaja-natural; saumya-gentle; mugdha-charming; âkètiì-form; sudhâ-nectar; madhura-sweet; bhâëitâ-words; viëaya-of material sense-gratifcation; gandha-the scent; thûthû-kètiì-spitting; hari-for Lord Hari; praëaya-with love; vihvalâ-agitated; kim api-something; dhîr-intelligence; anâlambitâ-unconcerned about external events; bhavanti-become; kila-indeed; sad-transcendental; guòâì-virtues; jagati-in the world; gaura-of Lord Gaura; dhâma-of the holy abode; ârcane-in the worship. Humbly thinking oneself lower than a blade of grass, natural gentleness and charm, speaking words sweet as nectar, spitting at the insignificant sense-gratifcation of this world, disinterest in the affairs of this world, and overwhelming love for Lord Hari are the transcendental virtues obtained by worshiping Lord Gaura's transcendental abode in this world. Text 92 upâsatâê vâ guru-varya-koùir adhîyatâê vâ äruti-äâstra-koùiì caitanyacandrasya purotsukânâê sadyaì paraê syâd dhi rahasya-lâbhaì upâsatâê-may worship; vâ-or; guru-of teachers; varya-the best; koùir-millions; adhîyatâê-may study; vâ-or; äruti-äâstra-of scriptures; koùiì-millions; caitanyacandrasya-of Lord Caitanyacandra; pura-of the city; utsukânâê-of they who are eager; sadyaì-at once; paraê-supreme; syâd-may be; hi-indeed; rahasya-of the secret; lâbhaì-attainment. Worship millions of the most exalted spiritual masters if you wish! Study millions of Vedic scriptures if you wish! But know that it is they who yearn to reside in Lord Caitanyacandra's transcendental city who will understand the great secret that is pure love for Lord Kèëòa. Text 93 kâlaì kalir balina indriya-vairi-vargâì ärî-bhakti-mârga iha kaòùhaka-koùi-ruddhaì hâ hâ kva yâmi vikalaì kim ahaê karomi caitanya-pîùha yadi nâdya kèpâê karoëi kâlaì-the time; kalir-is the age of Kali; balinaì-strong; indriya-vairi-vargâì-the enimical senses; ärî-bhakti-mârgaì-the path of devotional service; iha-here; kaòùhaka-koùi-ruddhaì-filled with millions of thorns; hâ hâ-Oh! Oh!; kva-where?; yâmi-will I go; vikalaì-agitated; kim-what?; ahaê-I; karomi-will do; caitanya-pîùha-O abode of Lord Caitanya; yadi-if; na-not; adya-now; kèpâê-mercy; karoëi-you do. Now it is the age of Kali. My enemies, the senses, have become very strong. The splendid path of pure devotional service is blocked by millions of brambles. I am weak and agitated. Alas! Alas! Where can I go? O abode of Lord Caitanya, if now you will not give me your mercy, what shall I do? Text 94 duëkarma-koùi-niratasya duranta-ghora- durvâsanâ-nigaòa-äèìkhalitasya gâòham kliäyan mateì kumati-koùi-kadarthitasya gauòaê vinâdya mama ko bhaviteha bandhuì duëkarma-wicked deed; koùi-millions; niratasya-intent; duranta-endless and impassable; ghora-horrible; durvâsanâ-wicked thoughts and desires; nigaòa-äèìkhalitasya-chained; gâòham-tightly; kliäyat-suffering; mateì-of the mind; kumati-of wicked-minded materialists; koùi-by millions; kadarthitasya-misled; gauòaê-the sacred place of Gauòa-maòàala; vinâ-except for; adya-today; mama-of me; ko-who?; bhavitâ-is; iha-here; bandhuì-the friend. I am tightly bound by chains of limitless horrible desires. I am addicted to millions of sins. My mind is filled with pain. Millions of wicked men mislead me. They are not my friends. Except for the holy abode of Gauòa-maòàala, who is my friend in this world? Text 95 hâ hanta citta-bhuvi me paramoëarâyâê sad-bhakti-kalpa-latikâìkuritâ kathaê syât hèdy ekam eva param âävasanîyam asti gaurâôga-dhâma nivasan na kadâpi äocyaì hâ-Oh!; hanta-Oh!; citta-of the heart; bhuvi-in the land; me-my; parama-great; uëarâyâê-in the desert; sad-transcendental; bhakti-of devotional service; kalpa-desire; latikâ-vinme; aìkuritâ-sprouted; kathaê-how?; syât-will be; hèdi-in the heart; ekam-one; eva-indeed; param-great; âävasanîyam-hope; asti-is; gaurâôga-of Lord Caitanya; dhâma-in the abode; nivasan-residing; na-not; kadâpi-ever; äocyaì-will lament. Alas! Alas! How will the desire creeper of pure devotional service sprout in the desert of my heart? In my heart there is only one hope. I shall reside in Lord Gaurâôga's holy abode. Then I shall never again lament. Text 96 saêsâra-duìkha-jaladhau patitasya kâma- krodhâdi-nakra-makaraiì kavalî-kètasya durvâsanâ-nigaòitasya nirâärayasya gaurâôga-pîùha mama dehi kèpâvalambam saêsâra-of repeated birth and death; duìkha-of the sufferings; jaladhau-in the ocean; patitasya-fallen; kâma-lust; krodha-and anger; âdi-beginning; nakra-crocodiles; makaraiì-and sharks; kavalî-a mouthful; kètasya-being made; durvâsanâ-by wicked desires; nigaòitasya-chained; nirâärayasya-without any shelter; gaurâôga-of Lord Caitanya; pîùha-O sacred abode; mama-to me; dehi-please give; kèpâ-of mercy; avalambam-the gift. I am chained by sinful desires. I have fallen into the painful ocean of repeated birth and death. The sharks and crocodiles of lust and anger are devouring me alive. I have no shelter. O holy abode of Lord Gaurâôga, please be merciful to me! Text 97 svayaê devo yatra druta-kanaka-gauraì karuëayâ mahâ-premânandojjvala-rasa-vapuì prâdhurabhavat navadvîpe tasmin pratibhavana-bhakty-utsavamaye mano me vaikuòùhâd api ca madhure dhâmni ramate svayaê-personally; devo-the Lord; yatra-where; druta-molten; kanaka-gold; gauraì-fair; karuëayâ-mercifully; mahâ-great; prema-love; ânanda-bliss; ujjvala-splendid; rasa-nectar; vapuì-whose form; prâdhurabhavat-manifested; navadvîpe-in Navadvîpa; tasmin-there; pratibhavana-in each home; bhakti-of pure devbotion; utsavamaye-with festivals; mano-heart; me-my; vaikuòùhâd-than Vaikuòùha; api-even; ca-and; madhure-sweeter; dhâmni-in the abode; ramate-enjoys. His complexion as fair as molten gold, and His form filled with the splendid and blissful nectar of pure transcendental love, the Supreme Personality of Godhead has mercifully appeared in the town of Navadvîpa. In Navadvîpa every home celebrates great festivals in honor of Bhakti-devî, the goddess of devotion. Navadvîpa is sweeter than Vaikuòùha. My heart finds its happiness in the transcendental abode of Navadvîpa. Text 98 navadvîpaikâêäe kèta-nivasatiì äânta-hèdayaì äacî-sûnor bhâvotthita-yugala-lîlâ vraja-vane smaran yâme yâme sva-samucita-sevâ-sukhamayaì kadâ vèndâraëyaê sakalam api paäyâmi sarasam navadvîpa-of Navadvîpa; ekâêäe-in one part; kèta-made; nivasatiì-residence; äânta-peaceful; hèdayaì-heart; äacî-sûnor-of the son of Äacî; bhâva-ecstatic love; utthita-risen; yugala-of the divine couple; lîlâ-transcendental pastimes; vraja-of Vraja; vane-in the forest; smaran-remembering; yâme yâme-at the different times of the day; sva-own; samucita-appropriate; sevâ-service; sukhamayaì-blissful; kadâ-when?; vèndâraëyaê-Vèndâvana; sakalam-all; api-even; paäyâmi-I will see; sarasam-sweet. When, residing somewhere in Navadvîpa, my heart peaceful, filled with ecstatic love for the son of Äacî, meditating moment after moment on the transcendental pastimes of the divine couple in Vrajavana, and happy with the devotional service proper for me, will I see sweet Vèndâvana forest everywhere? Text 99 kadâ bhrâmaê bhrâmaê lasad-alakanandâ-taùa-bhuvi jagannâthâvâsaê jagad-atula-dèäyaê dyutimayam parânandaê sac-cid-ghana-su-ruciraê durlabhataraê äacî-sûnoì sthânaê pulina-bhuvi paäyâmi sahasâ kadâ-when?; bhrâmaê-wandering; bhrâmaê-and wandering; lasad-splendid; alakanandâ-of the Ganges; taùa-bhuvi-on the shore; jagannâtha-of Jagannâtha Miära; âvâsaê-the residence; jagad-in the world; atula-incomparable; dèäyaê-sight; dyutimayam-splendid; para-supremely; ânandaê-blissful; sat-eternal; cit-spiritual; ghana-intense; su-ruciraê-very charming; durlabhataraê-very rare; äacî-sûnoì-of the son of Äacî; sthânaê-the abode; pulina-bhuvi-on the shore; paäyâmi-I will see; sahasâ-suddenly. When, wandering on the splendid Ganges' shore, will I suddenly see the peerless, splendid, blissful, eternal, spiritual, beautiful, rare home of Jagannâtha Miära, Lord Äacisûnu's abode? Text 100 kâäî-vâsîn api na gaëaye kiê gayâê mârgyamâno muktiì äuktî-bhavati yadi me kaì parârtha-prasaôgaì trâsâbhâsaì sphurati na mahâ-raurave 'pi kva bhîtiì strî-putrâdau yadi bhavati me godrumâdau nivâsaì kâäî-of Vârâëasî; vâsîn-the residents; api-even; na-not; gaëaye-I consider important; kiê-why?; gayâê-to Gayâ; mârgyamâno-should we take the path; muktiì-liberation; äuktî-bhavati-becomes a fraction of an ounce; yadi-if; me-for me; kaì-what?; parârtha-the benefits of this life; prasaôgaì-the touch; trâsa-of fear; âbhâsaì-the reflection; sphurati-is manifest; na-not; mahâ-raurave-in hell; api-even; kva-where?; bhîtiì-fear; strî-for wife; putra-and children; âdau-beginning; yadi-if; bhavati-is; me-of me; godruma-with Godruma; âdau-beginning; nivâsaì-residence. If I may reside in Godruma and the other places of Navadvîpa, and for this reason I consider the impersonalists of Vârâëasî to be very unimportant, then why should I go on a pilgrimage ot Gayâ to offer piòàâ to the anscestors? If I live in Navadvîpa, and my personal liberation does not weigh even as heavily as a fraction of an ounce to me, then why should I be interested in material piety, economic development, and sense gratification? If I live in Navadvîpa and I have not the slightest fear of hell, then why should I be filled with anxiety over the well-being of my wife, children, friends, and relatives? Text 101 are mûòhâ gûòhâê vicinuta harer bhakti-padavîê davîyasyâ dèëùyâpy aparicita-pûrvaê muni-gaëaiì na viärambhaä citte yadi yadi ca daurlabhyam iva tat parityajyâäeëaê vrajata äaraëaê gaura-nagaram are-O; mûòhâì-fools; gûòhâê-secret; vicinuta-seek; harer-of Lord hari; bhakti-of devotional service; padavîê-the path; davîyasyâ-with the longest; dèëùyâ-glance; api-even; aparicita-not found; pûrvaê-previously; muni-gaëaiì-by the sages; na-not; viärambhaä-faith; citte-in the heart; yadi-if; yadi-if; ca-and; daurlabhyam-difficult to attain; iva-as if; tat-that; parityajya-abandoning; aäeëaê-everything; vrajata-go; äaraëaê-to the shelter; gaura-nagaram-of Lord Gaura's city. O foolish people, please seek the path of pure hari-bhakti, which even th great sages in ancient times could not find after long searching. If in your heart there is no faith, and if you think it is too difficult to attain, then please abandon all these misconceptions and take shelter of Lord Gaura's city. Text 102 dhâmnor abhedâc chakataê pèthak pèthak kètvâpi bhâëâ samatâ samîhitâ gaurâôga-dhâmno mahimâ viäeëataì atraiva vâëî vihitâ kvacit pèthak dhâmnor-of the two abodes; abhedât-because of non-difference; chakataê-100 verses; pèthak pèthak-separately; kètvâ-having done; api-even; bhâëâ-words; samatâ-sameness; samîhitâ-desired; gaurâôga-dhâmno-of Lord Gaurâôga's abode; mahimâ-the glory; viäeëataì-specifically; atra-here; eva-indeed; vâëî-words; vihitâ-placed; kvacit-somewhere; pèthak-specifically. Because the two abodes (Navadvîpa and Vèndâvana) are not different, in some of these 100 verses I have said that they are the same place. Still, in other verses I have specifically described the glories of Lord Gaurâôga's transcendental abode. Prabodhananda Sarasvati After associating with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Sri Rangam, Sri Prabodhananda Sarasvati converted from Sri to Gaudiya Vaisnavism. Empowered by Sri Caitanya, he taught Srimad Bhagavatam and other devotional works to Gopala Bhatta Gosvami, his nephew. His eloquent speech would gladden everyone. Good qualities and pure devotion to the Supreme Personality of Godhead ornamented his life. Even while sleeping he would remember Lord Caitanya. Prabodhananda Sarasvati was an extremely enthusiastic exponent of Sri Caitanya's doctrine and divinity. parama-vairagya-sneha murti manoram maha-kavi gita vadya-nrtye anupam "Very austere and renounced, Prabodhananda Sarasvati overflowed with love for the devotees. His handsome form pleased the eyes. He was a learned poet and scholar. No one could compare with him in the arts of singing, dancing, and playing musical instruments." (Bhakti-ratnakar) Leaving Sri Rangam, he lived a detached life in Sri Vrndavana as a fully dedicated servant of Radha-Govinda. He was a rasika acarya, perfect in describing the nikunja-lilas of Gandharvika-Giridhari. He glorifies Lord Caitanya, Radha-Krishna, Navadvipa, and Vrndavana with enlightened devotion. Prabodhananda Sarasvati's writings bless the beginner with bhakti and shower rasika Vaisnavas with pure nectar. Sangita Madhava, Navadvipa-sataka, Caitanya-candramrta, Radha-rasa-sudhanidhi, Vmdavana-mahimamrta are some of his books. Prabodhananda Sarasvati serves Sri Radha in Goloka Vrndavana as Tungavidya-gopi, one of Her asta-sakhis. His sama-hi is behind Kaliya-ghat near the Kadamba tree of Krishna lila.[Available from:] Navadvîpa - abr 27 Las glorias de Navadvipa - parte 1 - mar 20 audio Las glorias de Navadvipa - parte 2 - mar 20 audio Las glorias de Navadvipa - parte 3 - mar 20 audio Navadvîpa-maòàala - abr 27 Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama 2010 - mar 29 Sri Navadvipa Sataka by Srila Prabhodananda Sarasv... - jul 25 Nabadwip-Dham-Mahatmya Fuentes - FontsSOUV2P.TTF - 57 KB SOUV2I.TTF - 59 KB SOUV2B.TTF - 56 KB bai_____.ttf - 46 KB babi____.ttf - 47 KB bab_____.ttf - 45 KB SOUV2T.TTF - 56 KB inbenr11.ttf - 64 KB inbeno11.ttf - 12 KB inbeni11.ttf - 12 KB inbenb11.ttf - 66 KB Souv2_.ttf - 45 KB indevr20.ttf - 53 KB Disculpen las Molestias