----- Original Message -----Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 8:01 AMSubject: Planet ISKCON - 36 new articles
"Planet ISKCON" - 36 new articles
- Australian News:
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily class - Gopa-vrndesa Prabhu
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Gangesvara Prabhu
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
- Bhakti Vikasa Swami: surrender cannot be withdrawn
- Kurma dasa, AU: Diddly About Dal, and the Magic Mantra
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 139
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: One Hundred Prabhupada Poems
- David Haslam, UK: Am I just too Old?
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Worship
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Krishna-write
- Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: Festival of the Holy Name: First Evening Audio Recordings
- Book distribution seminar: Mauna Vrata Ki Jaya!
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Swarupa Sakti Mataji
- Japa Group: Prime Religious Activity Of A Vaisnava
- Book Distribution News: Mauna Vrata Ki Jaya!
- Subhvavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: 495 years ago... The Glories of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
- Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: Festival of the Holy Name: 24 Hours Is Not Enough!
- Deva Gaura Hari, AU: Timeless kirtana at Radha Kunda, Vrindavan
- Maddy Jean-claude Durr, New Govardhana, AU: Partha's Panic and A Second Sankirtana Saturday
- Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: Police officer helps find home for dog
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Deva Gaura Hari, AU: Guidance at Radha Kund
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Sunday morning kirtana
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Remembering the disappearance of Bhugarbha Goswami and Kasisvara Pandita
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Saturday evening in Budapest
- Australian News: On Pilgrimage… from Hare Krishna Valley
- Gouranga TV: Gopal prabhu, kirtan
- Australian News: Devotees Caught on Video
- More Recent Articles
- Search Planet ISKCON
- Prior Mailing Archive
Australian News:
Our friends at are out to pour some more nectar into your ears and eyes. All you have to do is click on the link at the bottom of this story and navigate to their page.Devotees in Canberra recently received a visit by Dina-Anukampana Das, author of “Srimad Bhagvad-gita Slokas.” For your eternal benefit provide links to a variety of tracks featuring the sloka chanting of Dina-Anukampana.When you’re there click on the DOWNLOAD link on the task bar and dive right in.Share this story your way:![]()
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily class - Gopa-vrndesa Prabhu
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.27.15 - Devotees should not become attached to the nice facilities meant for the Deities' pleasure.
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Gangesvara Prabhu
Bhagavatam class given on Sunday, 21st November 2010
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.27.14 - Devotees worship the Deity of the Personality of Godhead according to their various stages of faith.
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
Today is the first day of Srila Prabhupada's Book Marathon in Melbourne.
May the darsana of our beautiful Deities inspire us all to spread the divine mercy that our founder Acarya was so eager to distribute throughout the whole universe.
Giriraja Maharaja looks particularly merciful today; so we can all pray to Him and Srimati Radharani to be make us sankirtan devotees according to own capacities... and beyond!
Here's the slideshow. Bhakti Vikasa Swami: surrender cannot be withdrawn
Your resignation will be placed before the GBC meeting at Mayapur and a decision will be taken at that time. I hope in the meantime you will come to your real condition of mind. Your duty is to carry out my orders. There cannot be any question of resignation. If anyone surrenders to Krishna wholeheartedly and engages in His service he cannot say later on I resign. It is not something like material service. Once surrendered, it cannot be withdrawn.>>> Ref. VedaBase => Letter to: Ramesvara: — Vrindaban 19 September, 1974
Kurma dasa, AU: Diddly About Dal, and the Magic Mantra
AD writes: "...Any chance you could give a devotee some pointers on how to prepare a tasty moong/channa/urad dal? I can make rajma (kidney bean) and also channa (chickpeas) well, plus I turn out tasty subjis & sweets, but I don't know diddly about dal. My dal repertoire is non-existent. Can you please help? Thank you, AD.
My reply: Here's a little secret in searching all things Kurma on the internet. It was pointed out to me by my blog technician a few weeks ago. If you want to find anything that was ever published on my blog or website, there is a 'mantra'.To find out anything I have written about dal, go to google search and key in " inurl:kurma dal"If you want to find anything I have published online about, say cheesecake, then you key in:" inurl:kurma cheesecake"You get the drift. So don't forget, search in google, leave out the "quote" marks, obviously, and insert any topic after the word 'kurma'.Keep the magic mantra on your desktop, and use it whenever you want to find anything from my 3800 pages of archives."
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 139
3:38 A.M.
Excerpts from Sri Harinama Cintamani spoken by Haridasa Thakura to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and written by Bhaktivinoda Thakura.Excerpt # 6: The pure name and namabhasa. “If the holy name is chanted just once, although impurely, or if it is simply heard, the sound penetrating within, then the living entity is immediately liberated, regardless of his high or low caste. This is a scriptural fact. And beyond this, when the holy name is chanted in the clearing stage (namabhasa—the stage when impurities are swept from the heart of the chanter), then the highest goal is attained after some delay. All the other auspicious and pious results, including liberation, can be quite easily achieved, but the attainment of love of Godhead is suspended for a while. In the clearing stage of chanting the jiva is absolved from all sins, and by following this path he gradually reaches the highest stage of chanting: suddhanama or the pure stage. One obtains love of Krishna only after reaching this stage of pure chanting. When namabhasa is complete, all sins and anarthas (unwanted desires in the heart) are dissipated, and the devotee chants purely. Then suddhanama offers the devotee the highest spiritual success: love of Krishna.”The pure name and namabhasa are two different stages. The lowest stage is namaparada, but namabhasa is above that. It is called the clearing stage or sometimes the shadow stage. In namabhasa even liberation from birth and death can be attained. But love of God is not yet attained. Gradually, by following the path of chanting one may go beyond namabhasa to suddhanama. I would be fortunate to have the anarthas swept from my heart. I wait for the day when I can go beyond namabhasa and attain love of Krishna.Today I did not fall into much difficulty although it could have been better. I woke at 1:30 with the alarm clock and began chanting soon thereafter. By 3:30 I had completed about thirteen rounds. I chanted them quietly and with concentration on accumulating numerical strength. I climbed in the number of rounds steadily. Was I chanting namaparada or namabhasa? I think I had some inattention. But mostly I was not thinking of other subjects deliberately. So that is more like namabhasa than namaparada. Suddhanama eluded me. For that you have to go to the highest stage after patiently clearing the heart of all anarthas. Maharaja Bharata almost reached the bhava stage in his spiritual life, but his case showed that suddhanama is not yet attained until one is freed from all possible distractions. Maharaja Bharata became attracted to taking care of a deer fawn and died thinking of the deer which caused him to take his next body as that of a stag. Only in his third life did he attain pure love of God. So even after reaching the clearing stage one has to be very careful and not fall back. Steady namabhasa, staying on the path of concentrated chanting will lead you eventually to suddhanama, the rare gem that is attainable by regular chanting.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: One Hundred Prabhupada Poems
# 96Dear Srila Prabhupada,
Thank you—please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. Thank you for letting me write to you. Thank you for being everyone’s spiritual master. Thank you for giving us the chance to embrace Krishna consciousness. Thank you…
Prabhupada, I just finished writing something called Japa Walks, Japa Talks for the devotees and for me too. I hope you like…the fact that I did it in your service.I see him walking in my mind’s eye with cane, striding, elderly but never bent over…let’s keep away the demons from this vision—while he smashes their notions.
He’s the guru of thousands, not cheap initiations but one has to follow the four rules and chant sixteen rounds—and give a whole life. Consider the books that he wrote and the temples he constructed, the movement he established.
My Prabhupada. I walked and talked with him. My favorite photos contain me beside him. I can’t help it, it’s part of my love for him—that I love him saving me, bringing me along. Now dear Lord, please make my words true: I will never forget what Srila Prabhupada did for me or be untrue to it.
He calls me to be with him.
David Haslam, UK: Am I just too Old?
It is interesting that during a recent morning class the question asked about around the age we were before coming into Krishna Consciousness; the question was in three phases those who came before they were 20, those who came in there 20′s and those who came in there 30′s or over. So most were in [...]
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Worship
A poem for Krishna,
offered as a bouquet
on a tombstone or
put into the hand of a
young woman he loves.We use flowers that way.
But it’s better to put them
in water in vases, one
on each side of the two
Deities, the last roses
of autumn, unusual that
they lasted this long.Place them in the vases
to honor Radha and Krishna
and Gaura-Nitai,
blossoming flowers we
got from our garden
and from the market.In winter will you
find any flowers?
Can you afford to buy
them from the florist?All spring and summer
we had flowers from our
front yard, now they are
all gone.We have an evergreen
bush that grows in the
earth in a pot. It
promises to stay all
winter if you keep it
indoors and water it.
For Christmas you can
decorate it with lights.We need some
flowers for Gaura-Nitai
and Radha-Govinda,
but I don’t know if we
can get them.2.
At least we are getting
some new dresses.
Yugala-kisora promises a
new one for Radha-Govinda
every month, better
fitting than the ones
we have now.The picture of Radha-Kalacandji
never changes. Always blue
blouses and lots of flowers.
It’s a photo, and it stands
before me on my desk.The Deities are to look at
and to worship. They don’t
move but They move you.
You gaze upon Them fondly.Krishna has His foot arch
on the altar, He stands in
threefold bending form.Radha stands straight,
Her back is straight,
Her right arm is extended
to Krishna offering Him a
betel, in Her other hand
She holds a basket of
flowers. That’s
Kalacandji. The other
Deities have no flowers
unless we can afford some
from the florist.
If not, we will worship Them
with love.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Krishna-write
I turned at random to Canto 3, Chapter 29, text 18. “A devotee should always try to hear about spiritual matters and should always utilize his time in chanting the holy name of the Lord. His behavior should always be straightforward and simple, and although he is not envious but friendly to everyone, he should avoid the company of others who are not spiritually advanced.” There are eighteen qualifications mentioned in Bhagavad-gita, among which is simplicity. One should be without pride; one should not demand unnecessary respect from others, and one should be nonviolent. One should be very tolerant and simple, one should accept a spiritual master, and one should control the senses. These are mentioned here and in the Bhagavad-gita as well. One should hear from authentic sources how to advance in spiritual life; such instructions should be taken from the acarya and should be assimilated.It is especially mentioned here that one should chant the holy names of the Lord—Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare—either individually or with others.These are specific items of behavior and they should all be followed. There are many other specific qualities and activities of a devotee mentioned in Srimad-Bhagavatam. The Bhagavata Purana is a compendium for Vaisnava behavior, Prabhupada elaborates on the items in his purports. For example in this verse it is stated that one should be simple. Prabhupada elaborates and says all the Vaisnavas have taught us by example to be humble. He quotes particularly from the Siksastakam stating that we should be humbler than the grass on the street and more tolerant than the tree. “One should not be proud or foolishly puffed up. In this way one will surely advance in spiritual life.”Lord Nityananda wandered around Navadvipa very opulently dressed. A leader of a gang of thieves planned to steal all his ornaments. By Lord Nityananda’s mystic potency the thieves fell asleep all night and couldn’t carry out their plans. They decided it was because they didn’t worship goddess Durga. On the second night they worshiped Durga with meat and wine and carried weapons to the house where Lord Nityananda was staying. They saw giant, tall men guarding all the entrances and chanting “Krishna!” The giants frightened the thieves, and they went home and decided to wait ten days. On their third attempt they met with disaster. They were blinded. One thief fell into a pit and was bitten by mosquitoes. Another fell into a canal and broke his bones, another fell into a pit and was bitten by scorpions. Then Indra became angry with them for attacking Lord Nityananda, and he sent a violent hail storm. The thieves were all blind, pained and crying out. The head of the thieves finally came to his senses and decided Lord Nityananda must be the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He sincerely repented, and he and all the other thieves were delivered by Lord Nityananda.When they were still young boys, Krishna, Balarama and the other boys their age were put in charge of the calves. They herded them and pastured them during the day and brought them home at night. One morning Krishna started out with thousands of boys and calves, all playing on their horns and flutes. The boys sported by stealing each other’s lunches and not returning them until the boys chases after each other. While they were sitting on the bank of the Yamuna they saw a huge animal that appeared something like a duck and whose top was as powerful as a thunderbolt. The duck was named Bakasura and he was a friend of Kamsa’s. Bakasura grabbed Krishna between his beaks and immediately swallowed him. Balarama and the other boys fainted at the sight. But the effulgence of Krishna’s body was so hot that it burned Bakasura’s throat, and he had to spit out Krishna. The duck then tried to kill Krishna by pinching Him with his beaks. Krishna easily grabbed the duck’s beaks and broke them in half as easily as a boy splits a blade of grass. The duck died and fell to the ground while all the demigods cried out, “Well done!” When they went home that night the boys told their parents what had happened and they were all amazed. It appears that the parents had begun to believe the boys’ accounts of Krishna’s killing demons because it was happening so often and they had seen some of it themselves. They also believed what Nanda Maharaja had told them about Gargamuni saying Krishna would kill many demons effortlessly. Although these were fearful accounts the parents felt joyful and talking about Krishna and gave up their fear. Even today, 5,000 years later, if devotees talk of Krishna’s pastimes, they can be free of the fears and difficulties of the material world.Saci-suta and his whole family are taking a week’s vacation for Thanksgiving time. They are going to Arizona for a triathlon race and then to the Grand Canyon. Keli wants to be far away from her parents who live in New York because they indulge in the talk, smells and eating of the slaughtered turkey. I asked Saci if he was going to climb all the way down the Grand Canyon to the Colorado River. He said he wanted to and his children Subhadra and Laksmana said they wanted too. But it would be up to his sister-in-law, Samantha, whether they do it or not. If I went I would have to just stay at the top of the cliff and look down.I wrote a short piece from the Krishna book about the liberation of Bakasura. Krishna committed violence on him, breaking his beaks the way a boy splits a blade of grass. Krishna is the most powerful personality, and no one can harm Him. There is no one who can out-hit Him or grab Him or shoot Him with bullets. He is omnipotent. Krishna says in Bhagavad-gita, “Tell it boldly, Arjuna, My devotee will never be vanquished.” When Krishna wants to kill, no one can save, and whoever Krishna wants to save, no one can kill. You have to take shelter of Him. Don’t desert Him. Don’t think evil is more powerful than Krishna’s goodness. You may lose a battle, but you won’t lose the war. Your soul has to leave the body so there is no ultimate protection to keep life in the body. But if you think of Krishna favorably at the time of death, you will go to Him and not have to come back to this material world. Whoever knows the birth and activities of Krishna does not, at the time of death, come back to this material world, but goes to Krishna in the eternal world. Going to Krishna means eternity, bliss and knowledge in a personal body. We cannot imagine the bliss we will experience in Goloka Vrndavana with Radha-Krishna and the Vrajavasis. It is the summit of happiness in many varieties. Sometimes it takes the form of separation from Krishna but that is also an emotional ecstacy of viraha. Separation and union are both forms of spiritual ananda. Being at the lotus feet of Krishna is the sweetest taste. One has to know Krishna in truth, to experience the bliss of Krishna consciousness. There is no fear, there is no termination, there is no boredom or depression.
Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: Festival of the Holy Name: First Evening Audio Recordings
Festival of the Holy NameFrom Night 1, Saturday November 20th:Upcoming Night 2, Sunday November 21st:For night 2, the last day of Kartik, please join the live kirtan webcast starting at 4:15 pm and again at 6:00 pm EST on Book distribution seminar: Mauna Vrata Ki Jaya!
Badrinarayan Prabhu recalls a pastime with Prabhupada about mauna vrata:> We were invited to the Kumbha Abhisekam ceremony in a Vishnu Temple in > Tamil Nadu, South India. After smarta brahmanas had recited various > suktas and performed some yajnas, we were invited on the stage to > perform kirtan and speak from the Bhagavad-gita. I spoke about fifteen > minutes and introduced the "Bhagavad-gita As It Is" and Back to Godhead > magazine in Tamil. > > We were well into a second kirtan when all of a sudden people became a > little excited and began looking behind us. We turned around and saw a > Mayavadi sannyasi with an eka-danda walking up on the stage. He gestured > with approval toward our kirtan party, so all the people begin to again > enthusiastically chant Hare Krishna with us. I didn't want to stop > chanting, for I knew that as soon we stopped they would ask him to > speak. But eventually we had to stop. I offered him pranams with folded > hands, and the host immediately announced that we were very fortunate > that His Holiness Sahajananda Swami from the Kancheepuram Sankaracarya > Matha was with us and that he would enlighten us with a half-hour > spiritual message. (All of us thought, "O, no!! Now some Mayavada > rubbish will come out.") > > Surprisingly, instead of speaking the Swami started gesturing with his > hand, and someone figured out that he was performing Caturmasya Mauna > Vrata (no speaking for four months). The host requested us to speak > instead of > the Swami. Our Madhavananda Prabhu enthusiastically took up > the mike and started glorifying the supremacy of Lord Krishna and the > greatness of the Vaishnava acharyas, all the while quoting various > slokas. Then we all took Bhagavad-gitas and BTGs and announced the day's > special offer. Finally we rushed into the crowd for distribution while > the brahmanas continued with their Vastu Homam. > > The Mayavadi Swami just continued sitting silently like a statue while > the devotees blissfully ran around for two hours, distributing Srila > Prabhupada's books. Most of the people took at least one copy of BTG, > and some took Gitas and SSRs. Swamiji will surely receive a lot of > bhakti-sukriti for his silent evening! :)Very blissful. Srila Prabhupada must be laughing. I remember being at a darshan at which a man was saying "One who speaks, does not know. One who knows, does not speak". Srila Prabhupada asked the man 'Do you believe that someone should practice their philosophy?" The man said "Of course".Srila Prabhupada then told him that the man's philosophy believed that the realized should be silent. Srila Prabhupada said that Vaisnava philosophy that real silence means to speak only about Krishna. So Srila Prabhupada told the man "You should be quiet and we should speak".Your servant, Badrinarayan dasa
The world becomes a bit more interesting each day as we realize that people exist on so many levels and dimensions. Life facilitates as many types and kinds of consciousnesses as there are elements- and then some.
Some like water, go with the flow, others dance around as the wind blows. But the most interesting thing I find lately is that everyone has a place. Or as one monk told me a few years ago, water rises to its own level.
So then how does one know his level? From religious points of view, the principle of humility advices to keep your head low until a helping hand reaches out to you. Some say you'll naturally flow to your circle. Others say its written in the stars.
As a monk I try to find my place in a special circle (doesn't monastic life come with its own circle?), but even around here, circles create. I find that I don't fit anywhere, but flow everywhere, hoping to take the essence of our culture from great ones, and give it as well to others.
But as I go on, I also find that its not easy to just walk into other people's world; they have to let you in. I had the fortune of being let into a very high circle of monks earlier this year, and as I reflect on the quality of association, the culture and the type of discussion, I realize that its a long way to go, but the fruit is very sweet.
My experience was like a person walking through a mall food court and getting samples of various foodstuff sold there. Well, I really liked this dish, but am very poor to afford it.
As I listened to a lecture today by a monk who passed away some years ago, he mentioned something that re-awakened my question, and also gave me an answer that is the key for being allowed again and again into any circle. He said, "we cannot enter into higher circles unless we are invited in by members of that circle,after they have observed and seen that we can add to or enhance the quality of that circle." And then came an amazing answer too: " and the way to remain in their favor is to have an attitude of gratitude."
There are people with deep spiritual culture who want to pass it on as they prepare to move to the next realm, and all we really need to receive their gifts is a little attitude adjustment...
No one goes back to the Spiritual Sky without being invited back by one of the residents there.I can say, with some conviction, that the legacy Krsna talks about in Bhagavad-gita when he tells Arjuna that " this knowledge was received through a chain of disciplic succession...", is one of simply having the attitude that I am supposed to preserve this legacy for the next person, absorb it within myself, perfect my life, and pass it on to another person unspoiled.
Or as Srila Prabhupada writes, " the intelligent disciple take what the Spiritual Master gives him as sufficient for his spiritual life..."
Such a culture of just taking the essence, I find, in a world where we practically detest being simple, is the hardest pill to swallow.
that's that for now :)
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Swarupa Sakti Mataji
Bhagavatam class given on Saturday, 20th November 2010
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.27.13 - The permanent and temporary Deity forms.
Japa Group: Prime Religious Activity Of A Vaisnava
Therefore chanting the holy name is the prime religious activity of a Vaisnava. From the holy name gradually blossom the Lord’s form, qualities and pastimes. The entire panorama of Lord Krishna’s pastimes is present in the holy name.
From Sri Harinama Cintamani - Haridasa Thakura to Lord Caitanya
Book Distribution News: Mauna Vrata Ki Jaya!
Badrinarayan Prabhu recalls a pastime with Prabhupada about mauna vrata:> We were invited to the Kumbha Abhisekam ceremony in a Vishnu Temple in > Tamil Nadu, South India. After smarta brahmanas had recited various > suktas and performed some yajnas, we were invited on the stage to > perform kirtan and speak from the Bhagavad-gita. I spoke about fifteen > minutes and introduced the "Bhagavad-gita As It Is" and Back to Godhead > magazine in Tamil. > > We were well into a second kirtan when all of a sudden people became a > little excited and began looking behind us. We turned around and saw a > Mayavadi sannyasi with an eka-danda walking up on the stage. He gestured > with approval toward our kirtan party, so all the people begin to again > enthusiastically chant Hare Krishna with us. I didn't want to stop > chanting, for I knew that as soon we stopped they would ask him to > speak. But eventually we had to stop. I offered him pranams with folded > hands, and the host immediately announced that we were very fortunate > that His Holiness Sahajananda Swami from the Kancheepuram Sankaracarya > Matha was with us and that he would enlighten us with a half-hour > spiritual message. (All of us thought, "O, no!! Now some Mayavada > rubbish will come out.") > > Surprisingly, instead of speaking the Swami started gesturing with his > hand, and someone figured out that he was performing Caturmasya Mauna > Vrata (no speaking for four months). The host requested us to speak > instead of > the Swami. Our Madhavananda Prabhu enthusiastically took up > the mike and started glorifying the supremacy of Lord Krishna and the > greatness of the Vaishnava acharyas, all the while quoting various > slokas. Then we all took Bhagavad-gitas and BTGs and announced the day's > special offer. Finally we rushed into the crowd for distribution while > the brahmanas continued with their Vastu Homam. > > The Mayavadi Swami just continued sitting silently like a statue while > the devotees blissfully ran around for two hours, distributing Srila > Prabhupada's books. Most of the people took at least one copy of BTG, > and some took Gitas and SSRs. Swamiji will surely receive a lot of > bhakti-sukriti for his silent evening! :)Very blissful. Srila Prabhupada must be laughing. I remember being at a darshan at which a man was saying "One who speaks, does not know. One who knows, does not speak". Srila Prabhupada asked the man 'Do you believe that someone should practice their philosophy?" The man said "Of course".Srila Prabhupada then told him that the man's philosophy believed that the realized should be silent. Srila Prabhupada said that Vaisnava philosophy that real silence means to speak only about Krishna. So Srila Prabhupada told the man "You should be quiet and we should speak".Your servant, Badrinarayan dasa
Subhvavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: 495 years ago... The Glories of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
On this day 495 years ago, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu entered Vrindavan and showed the places of Lord Krishna's transcedental pastimes including the places where Krishna performs His Rasa dance.
Lord Chaitanya wandered through the different sacred forests of Vrindavana in a spiritual trance of divine love, sometimes laughing, sometimes crying, sometimes dancing in ecstasy constantly chanting the holy names of Krishna. He would dance with His arms raised with tears of ecstasy and sometime rolling in the land of Vrindavan dham. In a trance of love He would embrace long lost trees and holy places where He roamed when He performed His pastimes as Lord Krishna Himself.
By His divine spiritual power, He was able locate all the important places of Lord Krishna's pastimes in and around Vrindavana.
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ki Jaya!
Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: Festival of the Holy Name: 24 Hours Is Not Enough!
Festival of the Holy Name: 24 hours of kirtan is not enough! Dedicated Kirtaniyas are coming from all over the world and we won’t have the capacity to feature them in only 24 hours. But don’t despair! We have other evenings of kirtan planned with kirtan leaders such as Bada Haridas, Madhava dasa, Chakrini devi, Karnamrita dasi, the Mayapuris, and many more…
Below are some scheduling details:
Saturday, Nov. 20th: Kartik celebration and Bhajans at Ragunath and Yamuna’s house (possible bonfire).
Sunday, Nov. 21st: Last day of Kartik with Bhajans at the Alachua Temple.Monday, Nov. 22nd: Bhajans at Nalinikantha and Ratnesvari’s house (Sri Sri Radha Govinda Mandir).Tuesday, Nov. 23rd: Bhajans at Toshan Krishna’s and Govinda Syer’s properties, with a bonfire.Wednesday, Nov. 24th: Gurukuli Bhajans at Govinda Romero’s house (previously the Girl’s Ashram).Thursday, Nov. 25th: Bhajans at the Temple for Thanksgiving (possible, not confirmed).Then of course the actual Festival of the Holy Name event with 24 hours of kirtan on Friday and Saturday, November 26th & 27th!For night 2, please join the live Kirtan webcast starting at 4:15 pm and 6:00 pm EST on Sunday, November 21st, the last day of Kartik! There will be a live chat accompanying the webcast on
Deva Gaura Hari, AU: Timeless kirtana at Radha Kunda, Vrindavan
Taken on 14 November, 2010.
Maddy Jean-claude Durr, New Govardhana, AU: Partha's Panic and A Second Sankirtana Saturday
It was all happening at once on Thursday night. HH Yadunandana Swami and Jaya Krsna Prabhu were arriving back from their big global trip, and Partha Sarathi Prabhu was rolling in to inaugurate a second Sankirtana Saturday. Partha came the earliest of the lot and I found myself bouncing around the castle with him, just after the day’s Bhakti Sastri class. He was going from one person and one place to the next, checking books, touching base and just generally keeping busy. The day ended with the greeting of Giriraja into our room - I now had Partha Sarathi and God as roommates.
In the morning I had Partha distracting me from my philosophy homework with Krsna katha and book distribution nectar. Unfortunately I had to reciprocate later in the day, having my philosophy class on at the same time as a book distribution seminar. We rejoined at lunch, to continue our katha, just as we had done for many days in the past, before Partha had left to Dutch-land (my name for Holland). Partha was telling me how busy he had been in the day, running around chasing books and loose ends. It seemed the whole day had been a panic for him, but it was all in the name of sankirtana.I was off in the library, catching up on study, until Partha messaged me from the reception. It was time for the sankirtana seminar. I skipped down to the Castle and met Partha, while he waited for the crowd to manifest. He gave a super interactive and lively class. He told some amazing sankirtana stories and some far out stories from his army days. He quoted all sorts of verses from so many different scriptures, relating Krsna’s pastimes in the transcendental realm of Vrndavana with the mood of book distribution. Partha also told some highlights from our last Sankirtana Saturday: our flute playing, giving a book to a terminal cancer patient and a lady who we all crowded with all our books at once. He told how the very same lady had recently visited a preaching centre in Holland. It was very enthusing to hear how the souls were making their way back to Krsna through Srila Prabhupada’s books.Partha sent me to the restaurant in the evening to get ourselves some French fries. Sunandana Prabhu at the restaurant asked who the fries were for. When he found out that they were for Partha and myself he was touched. “That boy is doing so much to inspire sankirtana” he said. I sat and waited for my order and Bhakta Rick Prabhu came in, ordering the same as us. The two them began talking and Sunandana Prabhu mentioned that he had done two years of travelling sankirtana in his early days, in the bitter cold of Europe. “Those were the worst years of my life” he said, “but they really fixed me in Krsna consciousness. Without them I wouldn’t be here today.” He gave me some drinks to go with the fries and said the whole thing was on the house. It was inspiring to see how much sankirtana meant to the devotees of Radhadesh.
I came into the temple for morning darsana and was blown away. Who was this golden cowherd boy standing next to Krsna? I soon realized that today was Gopastami. I thought how much of auspicious day it was to go out and distribute Krsna conscious literature. I was so enthused to go to the sankirtana seminar in the morning that I almost forgot I was cooking breakfast! Krsna Dasa and I rushed down and put the pots on the boil. We turned on the temple radio and heard the class from downstairs while we cooked. Partha Sarathi was talking how Radharani wanted so much to go out with Krsna on His first day with the cows and that she will be just as enthused to go out with us on book distribution today.I went up to the boys room. Krsna Dasa was on his Vedabase, researching the books in a little more detail for the day coming. We convinced Manoj to come back out for his second Sankirtana Saturday, which was a bit of a struggle. He was really busy with study but we told him to put it aside no matter the consequences and distribute books instead. Bhakta Guy really wanted to come also but he had to move from one ashram room to another and it was all supposed to happen today. Partha and I leant him some space in our room so he could move his stuff on time and come with us on Sankirtana Saturday (also his second Sankirtana Saturday). We all gathered in the back tent, where the temple used to dish out Prasadam in the summer time, and dished out books to all the distributors.The rain began to pour down like the waters of devastation. The air was cold and the devotees were all huddling together. We felt a little heroic, going out against all odds. We all jumped into the cars, over twenty devotees, and preferred to squash up rather than spread out, just so we could keep warm. The roads were slippery on the way to Maastricht, as the rains came down from the heavens but our drivers were diligent and safe.We quickly found a parking spot and then the boys took care of some important business - the snack packs. Maha Laksmi mataji and a team of fired up youths made us mighty lunch packs for the day; we systematically located the vehicle they were in and hijacked them as soon as we had arrived. With our stomachs warm, we marched into battle. There was a downpour so our distribution locations were seemingly limited. It really seemed like the battle was between us and the weather, what to speak of the battle of book distribution in itself.We all sorted ourselves into teams, which was not such a watertight arrangement, mixing and matching throughout the day. I grouped up with Krsna Dasa and we tried to stop a few people in the neighbouring section of the mall. Krsna Dasa would approach people and I would try to catch passer-bys, trying to show Krsna Dasa how to do the leg work (as if I knew myself). Finally I stopped one man and who told me “you are the sixth person who has stopped me.” I made some jokes with him, leaving him with a smile but we decided that the team had better search for higher grounds beyond the monsoon rains or else we might choke out our potential devotees.We grouped up again with a few stray book distributors. We decided that we were not fairing so well in our current location, looking like a bunch of loitering college students, so we decided to look for greener grass. We marched out into the thick of the drizzle. Everyone was passing fast with umbrellas but we were moving along at whatever pace we could manage in the cold winds. Lucky for us, our books were all shrink wrapped, so they could withstand the bitter cold rains. It almost seemed to be a lost endeavour, as we passed through the square and into the streets, but then we spotted another large, walkthrough mall. We took shelter and started another chapter of distribution.We soon found that some other groups were in the same mall. Some of the matajis were distributing a level above us and another group had taken another entrance. We were trying harder and harder to distribute now and I even felt like I was coming back into the groove of it. A few books were trickling out but our hearts were flooded. Soon our group split up and we did some lone wolf missions. I had a whole big stretch to myself and I was hailing any group or individual who dared pass. All the old lines were being dusted off and dazzling the confused European folk.We darted around again at the end of the day. We had infiltrated the whole city it seemed. At one point the police came, because we accidentally distributed in the wrong area. They spoke to Partha and I in Dutch. We both looked at each other, pulled a face and then turned back to the officer in a chorus: “we only speak English.” The man was quite friendly and Partha even exchanged some jokes. We curtained off the area in our mind but continued in the green zones for a little bit longer.With great effort, we dragged the distributors off the streets. We all gathered in the car park and exchanged tales before heading back home. Kumari snapped a golden shot of the group just before we departed. When we arrived back at the temple, the restaurant was open for a free feast for all the book distributors. The conversations and book stories continued out into the night, as the devotees sat with their complementary Prasadam, big smiles on their dials. I left after some time and joined Partha Sarathi in the reception. We had some nectar conversation, the kind you get after churning all day on sankirtana.
I spent some time in the morning with Partha as he packed (although he didn’t really have much). I waved goodbye to him and went for a mrdanga class with Krsna Dasa. We met up later in the morning while he was still around and then I saw him off to his car, still chatting away as Dharmaketu Prabhu closed the door. It had been an amazing panic stricken couple of days with Partha and his Second Sankirtana Saturday. There were already so many talks about the next coming trip for Gita Jayanti weekend and I could see that everyone was so content for more book distribution nectar on the streets in this crazy Euro-land.
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Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: Police officer helps find home for dog
(M. Meberg = my son Madhu, born and raised in NewVrindaban)November 12, 2010
JOHNS CREEK – Johns Creek Police Officer M. Meberg was driving on Medlock Bridge Road, heading to police headquarters on Aug. 25 when a civilian flagged him down.The resident pointed out what seemed like a lifeless dog lying in the roadway and asked Meberg for help.“The dog wouldn’t move,” said Meberg. “When I touched him, he yelled…you could see his whole body was in pain…but finally, he jumped up on me.”Meberg put the dog – which had a collar without identification – in the back of the patrol car and went to police headquarters to wait for animal control to pick him up.“As an animal lover, I couldn’t let the dog sit there in the road,” said Meberg.And after arriving at headquarters, city officials and Meberg decided they would help find the dog a home. Officials contacted Jones Bridge Animal Hospital in Johns Creek, where Dr. John Neiland treated the 50-pound, 2-year-old dog for non-contagious mange –while forgoing all medical costs.Back at City Hall, communications manager Doug Nurse was working on finding the dog a home when he an idea: why not take the dog, now called “Ajax,” home to live with his own family.“I went and met the dog, and he was such a sweet guy, it was hard to resist,” said Nurse, who also has a 6-year-old dog named Gaia. “I took him home, and he’s fit in really well. At first, there was the get-to-know-you period…but now he wakes me up in the morning by licking my face.”Nurse said he also refers to Ajax as “The Great Sharpitador” – as he looks like he could be part Great Dane, pit bull, Labrador and part Shar Pei.City staff were discussing Ajax’s story, and decided it was the kind of act that needed to be recognized – and appreciated. At the Oct. 25 city council meeting, Neiland and Meberg were honored with a privileged resolution from council.“I appreciated (the resolution),” said Meberg. “I would hope that all of us have the compassion to do the right thing in a situation like this.”
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1956 November 21: "When you will see the papers and programme, I am sure your excellency will be interested in co-operating with me. I am crying alone in the wilderness at the present moment. So please help me in this noble cause."Prabhupada Letters :: 1947-64
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1967 November 21: "I am pleased to learn of your spirit of protest but killing proposal is not good. We have to kill with arguments and reasons not with sticks and weapons. Sometimes we have to tolerate."Prabhupada Letters :: 1967
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1971 November 21: "This is a revolutionary thought. The old system of gurukula should be revived as the perfect example of a system designed to produce great men who know what is the real welfare of the citizens."Prabhupada Letters :: 1971
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1972 November 21: "As there are in Vrindaban some residents like monkeys and hogs, similarly there are many rascals in the name of Vaisnavas, be careful of them. And do not dare to question impudently before your Spiritual Master."Prabhupada Letters :: 1972
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 November 21: "This will deteriorate from the standard. Every picture is with the gopis. They are not meant for the common man but for advanced devotees. If we would distribute them, they would misuse it."Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 November 21: "They criticize how we can create brahmanas. They think brahmanas are born like horses and asses are born. The training of brahmanas should be so nice that by guna and karma people will be forced to accept them."Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1975 November 21: "That you have been victorious in preaching to the big Mayavadis, that is the mercy of Krsna. The process is simply to read my books and learn the purports and then speak to them in your own words."Prabhupada Letters :: 1975
Deva Gaura Hari, AU: Guidance at Radha Kund
It's common knowledge that the guides - "pandas" - at Radha Kunda are quite
enthusiastic to engage you in seva, sometimes even when you just want to
have some quiet time there alone. So when one local devotee called out
"Raghunatha Das Goswami Samadhi", and pointed across the Kund, I avoided
making eye contact and poli...tely continued my business. He must have
understood my intention, because he said quite forcefully, "I am not
panda, I am not guide, I am Brajabasi!", as he walked by. I smiled.He was my guide, however, because later I took his advice and sought out
Raghunatha Das Goswami's samadhi, and it was well worth the effort.
Such a sweet place, with nice timeless kirtana going on, and a beautiful
samdhi with amazing pictures of Srila Raghunatha performing his bhajan
while Krishna stood guard nearby to protect him from the tigers that
came to drink from Radha Kunda.
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Sunday morning kirtana
Intro to our Prabhupada marathon that starts tomorrow.
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Remembering the disappearance of Bhugarbha Goswami and Kasisvara Pandita
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Saturday evening in Budapest
Damodarastakam and kirtana.
Australian News: On Pilgrimage… from Hare Krishna Valley
On Pilgrimage…
November 19th, 2010Sorry I haven’t written for a few weeks, but I have been in India on my annual pilgrimage, and have been too absorbed in the holy land to post anything on the blog.We arrived in Mayapura, our world headquarters, which is about 100kms north of Kolkata on the bank of the river Ganges, and spent a week visiting various holy sights related to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Our society has begun construction of a huge temple here, which will be one of the largest religious structures on the planet.We then travelled to Vrindavana, the home of Lord Krishna when he appeared on the earth 5,000 years ago. Vrindavana is situated between Delhi and Agra, the home of the Taja Mahal. We will spend ten days here visiting places of significance, and then meet up with 120 devotees from around the world for a two week retreat next to Govardhana hill, India’s most sacred mountain. There we will spend our days hearing classes from some of our gurus.I’ll try to write again soon and will begin regular posts when I return in the beginning of December.Until then, I remain yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada.
Keshava Dasa.
Gouranga TV: Gopal prabhu, kirtan
Australian News: Devotees Caught on Video
Harinam Sankirtan Party caught on video as they rip it up in Sydney Australia. Thousands of people hear the names of Krishna as the Harinam party cruise the city chanting, dancing and distributing mercy.Starting at the corner of George and Bathurst streets in the centre of the city the Harinam party trace a golden thread through the streets enlivening the large throng who gather in the city on Thursday night.Everyone smiles and waves as the devotees move along through the crowd. People join in the dancing and singing. Some passers by come and dance like wild things.Right a the start two young men came up and said do you remember us from a few weeks ago. They had previously asked could they dance along, and they did gain this time.![]()
Who said devotees can’t jump?![]()
and whi says devotees can’t play air guitar.
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