----- Original Message -----Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 7:53 AMSubject: Planet ISKCON - 40 new articles
"Planet ISKCON" - 40 new articles
- Australian News: Sunrise in Goloka: The Video
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Holy Cow!
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Bhakti Sara Dasa
- Gaura Yoga, NZ: Everyday Wisdom from the Bhagavad-Gita
- New Vrindavan, USA: Kartik 24 Hour Kirtan Recordings
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Astrologers' predictions of catastrophes
- David Haslam, UK: You can never forget Krishna
- Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Horton Brasses Oval Ring Pull Giveaway Winner
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Transcription Bhagavad-gita Day 2, US Retreat 2009.
- Gaura Vani, USA: 24 Hour Kirtan MP3s Are Here!
- Kurma dasa, AU: These are a Few of My Favourite Blogs - Part One
- Book distribution seminar: The 2010 Prabhupada Marathon and WED
- Book Distribution News: The 2010 Prabhupada Marathon and WED
- Giridhari das, Brasilia, Brazil: November Retreat In Pandavas Paradise
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 141
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: One Hundred Prabhupada Poems
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Disruptions
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: The Plot of Krishna
- Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: KuliMela 2006 - The Fews - Bomb - 10/14
- Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar in Korea!
- Atma Yoga, Brisbane, AU: Atma Yoga Retreat 2011!
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Divali Pictures
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Dayal Nitai dasa asks three questions
- Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: Take Back Control Of Your Food!
- The Loft, Auckland, NZ: A Case of Mistaken Identity
- Mayapur Online: Sri Ksetra Parikrama begins today!
- Mayapur Online: New Website for Online Flight Tickets launched
- Australian News: New Govardhana Farm Produces cruelty free milk
- Gouranga TV: Kirtan
- Australian News: This is Kulimela Australia – Don’t be the one saying “I wish I went”
- Australian News: Brisbane temple programs you won’t want to miss
- More Recent Articles
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- Prior Mailing Archive
Australian News: Sunrise in Goloka: The Video
The following video is made to encourage you to assist with cow protection. I you have ever considered that there is something you can do now is the time to act.
This video is made by who look after around 400 cows who would otherwise starve, die from disease or injuries received by collisions with cars on the streets of Vrindavan, India.
Care for Cows and other cow protection organisations need our help to keep on protecting and caring for cows around the world.
In Vrindavan many cows are kidnapped off the street and taken away in the night to be killed and cut up, and sold for people to eat.
The following video contains no violence, no gory pictures, nothing that will make you turn away. It merely shows you what cows are like when they are allowed to live a life without industrial scale exploitation. watch it to the end it will warm your heart
If you have ever felt like helping, please do it now. The organisatons listed below the video are calling for help.
Share this story your way:![]()
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Holy Cow!
Here's a very nice article about cow protection at New Govardhan farm, Murwillumbah.
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Bhakti Sara Dasa
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.27.19 - How to see Krsna face to face.
Gaura Yoga, NZ: Everyday Wisdom from the Bhagavad-Gita
Any questions contact Alternative payment options will be considered.New Vrindavan, USA: Kartik 24 Hour Kirtan Recordings
Dear Friends,We are very excited to release the Kartik 24 Hour Kirtan recordings for your listening pleasure.
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
It's Australia Day today on the altar!
Their Lordships are dressed in gold and green...
Once again the butterflies are out and about on SS Gaura Nitai's and Srimati Radhika's lotus heads.
This time Narasimha Deva is swimming in ocean of sweet-scented yellow roses.
Go Australia! Go Melbourne Book Marathon!... Go..loka!
Here's a slideshow.
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1965 November 23: "Start the centre and other things will automatically follow. And above all this is to satisfy the transcendental desire of Srila Prabhupada who desired very enthusiastically to start centres like this in the foreign countries."Prabhupada Letters :: 1965
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1967 November 23: "We should always be careful in the matter of being attacked by Maya's influence. We shall silently pray for them to Krishna and shed tears for them for our inability to save them."Prabhupada Letters :: 1967
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1969 November 23: "Your question is welcome. It is not outrageous. Any honest question is welcome. The Spiritual Master is meant for answering any honest question. Krishna has genitals certainly."Prabhupada Letters :: 1969
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1972 November 23: "Develop your program to perfection so simply by hearing and seeing you, students will want to come forward to join. And distribute many millions of books, that Krishna will help you do."Prabhupada Letters :: 1972
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1972 November 23: "So long you remain active only satisfying Krishna's senses, then this movement will be successful without any doubt. As soon as someone wants to satisfy his own senses, then everything fails."Prabhupada Letters :: 1972
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 November 23: "The independent cooking in the temple kitchen is not good. Any paid cook is not desirable. He is not initiated to cook in the temple. The right thing is only twice initiated brahmana disciples cook in the temple."Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 November 23: "How can we engage our godbrother as servant? Godbrothers are not meant for being servants. Without the Spiritual Master's order - nobody can utilize the service of a godbrother as one's personal servant."Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1975 November 23: "There are so many complaints. This is not good. GBC must mean that by his managing, there are no complaints so that I can be relieved in order to do my translation work."Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Astrologers' predictions of catastrophes
Rest assured that this nonsense idea of cataclysmic earthquakes will never take place. And even if it takes place, why should we be afraid of it? As soon as there is sign of such earthquake, we shall sit down together and chant Hare Krishna. So it will be a great opportunity of meeting death while chanting Hare Krishna... It is not good however unnecessarily risk my life, but I think the predictions given by so many astrologers are not very sound.>>> Ref. VedaBase => Letter to: Rayarama -- Los Angeles 19 November, 1968
David Haslam, UK: You can never forget Krishna
It’s interesting the people you meet or talk too that have had some contact with Krishna Consciousness either directly or indirectly and how a simple thing can spark a memory or thought; even if there path this life takes them away from devotee circles Krishna never let’s them go. Take for instance one of my [...]
Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Horton Brasses Oval Ring Pull Giveaway Winner
And the winner is….
H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Transcription Bhagavad-gita Day 2, US Retreat 2009.
Transcription : Syama Mohini Dasi, Prema Lila Dasi, Ashim Krishna Dasa. Editing : Ramananda Raya Dasa His Holiness Bhakti Caru Swami : Hare Krishna. Devotees : Hare Krishna His Holiness Bhakti Caru Swami : So should we start? Is everyone in? Ok. So now I will go to the sixth chapter and sixth chapter is [...]
Gaura Vani, USA: 24 Hour Kirtan MP3s Are Here!
Free MP3s from the Kartik 24 Hour Kirtan have been posted by Mantralogy. Get’em while they’re hot here:
Kurma dasa, AU: These are a Few of My Favourite Blogs - Part One
I became inspired by my own advice in the day before yesterday's blog and went dal recipe hunting in my archives via the special internet mantra. My electronic meanderings led me to this entry - nothing to do with dal - but certainly appetising. The photograph was taken by Narakeshvara, my Russian Correspondent.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009 "Time is passing us by. February has gone, Sydney's summer is over. While we merrily 'row, row, row our boats' gently down the stream of life, the dream-like time in this present body is ebbing.On a more practical note: Before this life is over, I suggest you try the recipe below, at least once.Stuart from Kent, United Kingdom wrote:"Hi Kurma, I saw one of your cookery shows many years ago and would be grateful if you could refresh my memory on how to cook the potato and cauliflower curry. You added cream and fried the potatos as i recall. My mouth is watering at the thought of tasting this dish again. A recipe would be wonderful! Thank you kindly Kurma."I replied: "Here it is!"Creamy Cauliflower and Potato Supreme (Gobi Alu Bhaji)For best results with this North Indian favourite, use pure ghee as the frying medium. Serve this tantalisingly rich vegetable dish for special occasions. Serves 5 or 6 persons.2 large baking potatoes peeled and cubed ghee or oil for deep frying 1 medium cauliflower cut into flowerets ¼ teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper ½ teaspoon ginger powder ½ teaspoon turmeric ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup plain yogurt or sour cream 1 tablespoon chopped fresh coriander or parsleyHeat the ghee to 190°C/375°F. Fry the potatoes until golden brown (8 - 10 minutes). You might need to fry in 2 batches. Remove and drain the potatoes. Deep-fry the cauliflowers until they're cooked but slightly firm. Remove and drain them.Combine all the spices, salt, yogurt or sour cream and fresh herbs in a large bowl.Gently fold in all the vegetables while they are still warm, and serve immediately. If not serving immediately, keep the vegetables in a low-heat oven and fold in all the remaining ingredients just before serving." Book distribution seminar: The 2010 Prabhupada Marathon and WED
Hare Krsna Prabhus,Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!How the Prabhupada Marathon evolved is interesting. The most successful three days in book distribution history up to 1972 took place at the end of that year in Los Angeles. Three days before Christmas, the Los Angeles devotees distributed more than 17,000 pieces of literature! Because they distributed the most books ever just before Christmas, it became known as the Christmas Marathon. The next year it became a ten-day marathon. Before too long it became a month-long marathon -- the December Marathon. Then some temples stretched it further so that it became a six-week marathon. To this day the length of the marathon varies from temple to temple. In LA it is still ten days, in some places it lasts a month, and some stalwart temples still go out for six weeks.Many years ago the GBC changed the name to "The Prabhupada Marathon." That was appropriate, since Srila Prabhupada was on a constant marathon to please Krsna and save us, literally sacrificing his life. We go on only a short marathon. What an example he set for us! This is a marathon to please Prabhupada, to show some gratitude for what he has done for us and for the world. He wanted everyone to hear about Krsna, and we want everyone to hear about Krsna and Srila Prabhupada. In the Bhagavad-gita (9.29) purport he says, "When a diamond is set in a golden ring, it looks very nice. The gold is glorified, and at the same time the diamond is glorified. The Lord and the living entity eternally glitter, and when a living entity becomes inclined to the service of the Supreme Lord he looks like gold. The Lord is a diamond, and so this combination is very nice."During this Prabhupada Marathon let's meditate on giving these valuable jewels to as many souls as we can so that they can also become golden and bright-faced. This is the Iron Age of Kali, but we are within Lord Caitanya's 10,000-year-long golden age.One devotee recently made a snide comment while we were honoring prasadam together: "This is supposed to be the golden age. I'm still waiting for it."I said, "The proof that this is the golden age is that we are chanting Hare Krsna and sitting here honoring Krsna-prasadam in Kali-yuga."We were born mlecchas. It's a miracle that we are part of the divine movement Srila Prabhupada established. Sometimes people would ask Prabhupada, "Can you perform miracles?" Prabhupada's response was, "I have turned mlecchas into Vaisnavas; that is my miracle." That there are thousands of devotees all around the world chanting Hare Krsna and distributing the message of Krsna is further proof of the golden age of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. We were all ironlike before coming in contact with Srila Prabhupada and Krsna, but now because of that contact devotees all around the world have become shining jewels .In a purport in Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.13.55) Srila Prabhupada says, " A pure devotee of the Lord does not live on any planet of the material sky, nor does he feel any contact with material elements. His so-called material body does not exist, being surcharged with the spiritual current of the Lord's identical interest. . . ." By distributing Prabhupada's books, we also become surcharged. In this connection Prabhupada gives the example of a copper wire conducting electricity. Anyone who touches such a live wire is shocked, and if that person happens to be touching a second person, he also gets shocked. The books we distribute are surcharged with the Krsna consciousness of Srila Prabhupada, and whoever receives one of those books is connected to the transcendental current of Krsna and Srila Prabhupada. We may not see the effect of that person's receiving a book, but the connection is made and there will be some transcendental result. Rest assured.I know there are many devotees on this BDN conference who aren't full-time book distributors, and maybe not even part-time. For this Prabhupada Marathon, I request those of you who are occasional book distributors to please distribute 31 books -- a book a day for the month of December. You will be happy you did. For those of you who are part-time distributors due to other services, try to do more. And for those who are full-time: no distractions, go for it, give it all you have.World Enlightenment Day is on Saturday December 11th. The goal: A million books in one day! I have heard from reliable sources that there are a million devotees in the Hare Krsna Movement; that's with congregation and temple devotees, most of the devotees are in our congregation of Vaisnavas. So if every one of us distribute just one book on that day, a million would be distributed. We just have to get the word out to everyone. At the Sunday Feast, announce World Enlightement Day and enthuse everyone to give a book to a friend or distribute one to an unknown friend—we're all friends on the spiritual platform. Every temple that has a congregational newsletter should advertise World Enlightenment Day. This is our family business so let's try to get the whole family into it. Prabhupada and Krsna will be very pleased.Your servant, Vijaya das
Book Distribution News: The 2010 Prabhupada Marathon and WED
Hare Krsna Prabhus,Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!How the Prabhupada Marathon evolved is interesting. The most successful three days in book distribution history up to 1972 took place at the end of that year in Los Angeles. Three days before Christmas, the Los Angeles devotees distributed more than 17,000 pieces of literature! Because they distributed the most books ever just before Christmas, it became known as the Christmas Marathon. The next year it became a ten-day marathon. Before too long it became a month-long marathon -- the December Marathon. Then some temples stretched it further so that it became a six-week marathon. To this day the length of the marathon varies from temple to temple. In LA it is still ten days, in some places it lasts a month, and some stalwart temples still go out for six weeks.Many years ago the GBC changed the name to "The Prabhupada Marathon." That was appropriate, since Srila Prabhupada was on a constant marathon to please Krsna and save us, literally sacrificing his life. We go on only a short marathon. What an example he set for us! This is a marathon to please Prabhupada, to show some gratitude for what he has done for us and for the world. He wanted everyone to hear about Krsna, and we want everyone to hear about Krsna and Srila Prabhupada. In the Bhagavad-gita (9.29) purport he says, "When a diamond is set in a golden ring, it looks very nice. The gold is glorified, and at the same time the diamond is glorified. The Lord and the living entity eternally glitter, and when a living entity becomes inclined to the service of the Supreme Lord he looks like gold. The Lord is a diamond, and so this combination is very nice."During this Prabhupada Marathon let's meditate on giving these valuable jewels to as many souls as we can so that they can also become golden and bright-faced. This is the Iron Age of Kali, but we are within Lord Caitanya's 10,000-year-long golden age.One devotee recently made a snide comment while we were honoring prasadam together: "This is supposed to be the golden age. I'm still waiting for it."I said, "The proof that this is the golden age is that we are chanting Hare Krsna and sitting here honoring Krsna-prasadam in Kali-yuga."We were born mlecchas. It's a miracle that we are part of the divine movement Srila Prabhupada established. Sometimes people would ask Prabhupada, "Can you perform miracles?" Prabhupada's response was, "I have turned mlecchas into Vaisnavas; that is my miracle." That there are thousands of devotees all around the world chanting Hare Krsna and distributing the message of Krsna is further proof of the golden age of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. We were all ironlike before coming in contact with Srila Prabhupada and Krsna, but now because of that contact devotees all around the world have become shining jewels .In a purport in Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.13.55) Srila Prabhupada says, " A pure devotee of the Lord does not live on any planet of the material sky, nor does he feel any contact with material elements. His so-called material body does not exist, being surcharged with the spiritual current of the Lord's identical interest. . . ." By distributing Prabhupada's books, we also become surcharged. In this connection Prabhupada gives the example of a copper wire conducting electricity. Anyone who touches such a live wire is shocked, and if that person happens to be touching a second person, he also gets shocked. The books we distribute are surcharged with the Krsna consciousness of Srila Prabhupada, and whoever receives one of those books is connected to the transcendental current of Krsna and Srila Prabhupada. We may not see the effect of that person's receiving a book, but the connection is made and there will be some transcendental result. Rest assured.I know there are many devotees on this BDN conference who aren't full-time book distributors, and maybe not even part-time. For this Prabhupada Marathon, I request those of you who are occasional book distributors to please distribute 31 books -- a book a day for the month of December. You will be happy you did. For those of you who are part-time distributors due to other services, try to do more. And for those who are full-time: no distractions, go for it, give it all you have.World Enlightenment Day is on Saturday December 11th. The goal: A million books in one day! I have heard from reliable sources that there are a million devotees in the Hare Krsna Movement; that's with congregation and temple devotees, most of the devotees are in our congregation of Vaisnavas. So if every one of us distribute just one book on that day, a million would be distributed. We just have to get the word out to everyone. At the Sunday Feast, announce World Enlightement Day and enthuse everyone to give a book to a friend or distribute one to an unknown friend—we're all friends on the spiritual platform. Every temple that has a congregational newsletter should advertise World Enlightenment Day. This is our family business so let's try to get the whole family into it. Prabhupada and Krsna will be very pleased.Your servant, Vijaya das
Giridhari das, Brasilia, Brazil: November Retreat In Pandavas Paradise
We were all jumping with joy by the end of the retreat!In November we held a 3 day retreat in Pandavas Paradise, from the 12-15th. Once again, it turned out to be an all-female retreat, as no men signed up for it!There are lots of birds at this time of the year...It was a small group of only 7 women, but from different parts of the country. One of them, from Fortaleza, travelled for 10 hours to get here!Every morning we had a 30 minute japa session...It was, however, one of those special retreats, where all the guests are openly desiring to hear more about spirituality, and half came specifically wanting Krishna Consciousness. Of these, only one had been to a Hare Krishna temple before. On our retreats we get a lot of people who would normally not be attracted to the usual Hare Krishna temple situation but are very attracted to our books, our philosophy and our practices.... and a 90 minute yoga class.These smaller groups have the advantage that the guests really bond. By the end, it was like they were all best friends. This helps create a very sweet atmosphere and spirits were very high.It is now the rainy season here in “Chapada dos Veadeiros”, but we still managed to go on two walks. Only on one of the days did it rain incessantly. But no one minded, as they all got a chance for massages, acupuncture, and other alternative therapies, as well as a trip to the local town to check out an Indian boutique owned by our friend Maharani Vrindadevi dd.A great asana photo-op.
Breathtaking view from the top!They especially appreciated the trip to our scenic lookout point, climbing up the steep trail to the see the breathtaking view.The food was amazing, too. My wife, Carana Renu, prepared Indian on the first day, Italian the second and Mexican on the third. Her hard work was compensated by the constant praise of the guests, enjoying every dish.The lecture was divided into two 90 minute sessions.At night I gave a new lecture in which I present Krishna consciousness in a very practical way, as a lifestyle choice, for the regular modern person, living in a big city, with their jobs, families, etc.Here are some of the comments we received after the retreat:“I’m very happy and grateful for the great opportunity I had to meet such wonderful and special people. This retreat was really blessed… unforgettable moments and a very special birthday for me. Such beautiful and friendly people, such a magical and welcoming place, the constant presence of the Divine and the joy of sharing… teachings, good company, nature, sacred food, inspiring music, and a respect for life and care for others. A big hug to all my fellow participants and a special thanks to Masters Giridhari Das and Charana.” – Leonice (Goiânia)“Thank you Krishna for having given me so much!” – Jocely (Fortaleza)“My deep thanks to you all. It was a wonderful experience. I’m already feeling withdrawal from everything there – the mantras, the collective japa session, the yoga classes, the walks, swimming in the waterfall and the food, teas… oh!” – Verônica (Campinas)“I also want to thank you all for the opportunities you have given me. With my eyes wide open now, I will never be the same! I’ll be eternally grateful to you for this. A loving hug to all of you and a special Jaya for masters Charana and Giridhari .” – Renata (São Paulo)
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 141
3:40 A.M.
Sri Harinama Cintamani spoken by Haridasa Thakura to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and written by Bhaktivinoda Thakura.Excerpt 8: When anarthas is destroyed the pure name appears. “Anyone wanting to attain the highest spiritual success of chanting purely must approach a bona fide spiritual master and serve him sincerely and with care. Gradually, as all the anarthas or unwanted desires in the heart are destroyed, the transcendental name of Krishna appears and dances on the tongue of the devotee. The devotee must relish the holy name, now nectarean in taste, at every moment. Thus spiritually intoxicated, the devotee always feels like dancing. As the holy name dances, the devotee likewise dances, and at that moment the ecstasy of love of Godhead also enters dancing into the devotee’s heart. The entire world falls at his feet and maya runs away.”So much ecstatic emotion and information is packed into this excerpt. First you have to chant under the direction of a bona fide spiritual master. It cannot be done alone, independent of the guru’s guidance. He must serve him sincerely and with care. If you do this, gradually the anarthas will disappear. Then what happens? The name of Krishna appears on the tongue and dances. There is emphasis on dancing and taste. The devotee actually dances (unless he has a broken foot and then he dances in the mind). The ecstasy of love of Godhead enters and is also dancing in the devotee’s heart.Excerpt 9: The holy name is omnipotent. “The Lord invested all his potencies in His transcendental name and offered it to the living entities. One who has sufficient faith in the holy name is eligible to chant it. One who chants the holy name is properly executing his prescribed duties. The holy name is so potent that chanting is not dependent on conditions of time, place, rules, cleanliness etc. Pious activities like giving in charity, performing sacrifices and ablutions, and chanting of Vedic mantras, are all regulated by stringent rules. But the only prerequisite for chanting the holy name is faith. One who takes shelter of the holy name with unflinching faith will attain all perfection. The jiva in Kali-yuga must become free from deceit, enroll himself as a member in Lord Krishna’s family of devotees, and continuously chant the holy name.”In this excerpt faith is the key. Chanting isn’t dependent on time, place, rules or cleanliness—which are ordinarily important brahminical requirements. Chanting is so perfect that only faith is required. Faith is the big “if”. If you have it you can attain all perfection. Chanting is continued, not that you just chant once but continuously.This morning I woke at 1:30 and began my chanting without impediment or pain. By 3:40 I have chanted about fourteen rounds and will complete the rest. I chanted quietly and methodically. I did not reach the stage of ecstatic “dancing” as mentioned in the Harinama Cintamani excerpt. The dancing occurs when all anarthas are removed by following the spiritual master. I have yet to complete my course. But I chant in faith. I do not observe all the Vedic rules and regulations but cling in faith to the process of japa as my main meditation. And there is no stoppage in this practice.When a chanter dissipates
his unwanted desires, the
holy name dances on his
tongue and he physically
dances in joy, not embarrassed
by others’ opinions. Love of
Godhead itself dances within him.
Everything is dependent on faith,
and nothing else is required.
There are no hard and fast
rules because Krishna has
placed all His potencies in
the mantra. He chants
without stoppage.
I sing in my chair and
keep time with the karatalas or just with clapping hands.
This is my dancing and my
heart begins dancing too.
I join the family of
the maha-mantra and
go on chanting every day.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: One Hundred Prabhupada Poems
# 98ThanksgivingThank you Srila Prabhupada for giving us Bhagavad-gita As It Is and Srimad-Bhagavatam, NOD, TLC, Krishna book, all your little books and Caitanya-caritamrta with its advanced ecstasies of Lord Caitanya.
Thank you for teaching us the art and practice of honoring prasadam. It’s a miracle you teach, and we can be the miracle makers. One takes simple ingredients, gets them in the food store, cleans and cooks and prepares them on the plate. When offered on the altar of guru and Gauranga with the prayers Srila Prabhupada gave us, the food becomes prasadam. Krishna eats it. He eats spiritually and leaves spiritually. It tastes good, and we are saved from eating lumps of sin.
Thank you for engaging us in Krishna consciousness all the years you were here. You sent me the tapes in the mail, your dictations of TLC and Krishna book. I typed them as soon as I could, my prime personal assignment from you. If you want to make more tapes, dear master, know that I am ready to type them. I will eagerly type up a new book by you with all enthusiasm just as I had in the old days. Thank you for the enthusiasm.
Thank you for making me a man. They think a man has to have a wife or sex partner, it’s not so. One can be heroic by controlling the senses and then he can make disciples all over the world. A man lives by a code of truth and you gave us the initiation vows. Thank you.Thank you for Deity worship, for reminding us not to sleep so much, for reminding always to chant Hare Krishna and to preach Krishna consciousness. Your reminders are challenges. You certainly challenge our complacent attitudes. You break up licentiousness, sensuality, speculation, the posing habit, the do-nothing stance, you come to us and expel the bored yawn, the foolish “I am God” or “I am gopi.”
Thank you for bringing us down to earth, teaching the basics and making Goloka real to us—when we are ready for it.
Thank you for being who you are. I hope to walk the beach with you again and hear you speak and this time with rapt attention.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Disruptions
There are disruptions in chanting,
varna-vyadadhara is when you mix
up the syllables like a drunken man,
or a newcomer hearing the mantra
for the first time. And tattva-
vyadadhara is called heinous because
it’s the mayavadi’s conception that
God and His name are different.And there are other disruptions
when you think of Mark Sanchez’s
touchdown pass in the last seconds
of the game, giving the
Jets the victory. That’s a
disruption to chanting and hearing
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare.And when you can’t account
for it but the chanting moves
slower than it should you’re
in some kind of void. This
prevents you from
krisna-prema.But a jazz band helps.
It moves you into the
sound and rhythm of
the maha-mantra. I
believe it even if you
It takes me into the
center of the mood,
the desire to write
a poem about Krishna.Disruptions are of
two kinds and right
now I’m not suffering
from either. I am
with Krishna in the
sound and rhythm of His
holy name.Yesterday Baladeva
played Cannonball Adderley’s
”Mercy, Mercy, Mercy”
while we were beginning to
eat lunch. Adderley introduced
it by saying sometimes
we meet with adversities in life,
and we don’t know what to do.
It’s at times like this we
should sing “Mercy, Mercy, Mercy”.Then we read Caitanya Bhagavata
about the names of Lord
Nityananda’s associates.
He named many of them and
gave brief sketches of their
activities but then said
there were so many of them
he couldn’t mention them all
even if he had a hundred heads
and each devotee is capable
of delivering the world.When you are not suffering
the disruptions you are
actually chanting. It may
not be krishna-prema,
it may be namabhasa,
but it’s still very good
and elevated. It’s the
clearing stage where
sins are vanquished.Can I claim I chant so
well? I’m lucky to complete
my quota and not commit
varna-vyadadhara. Get
it straight. Sing the names
in order and believe they
are actually Krishna Himself.
Don’t be a heinous
mayavadi.I play, I pray
I silently pass
them through my mind
because I’m afraid of
exertion headaches. Are they
inferior? Is it the best I can do?
Will I end my days in
silent mantras? Will
Krishna hear me and be pleased?Sometimes I deliberately disrupt
a Gayatri mantra. I don’t
want to do that. They should
be done in perfect attention
of the mind. At least these
two vyadadharas I don’t commit.I pay attention
I listen for loving ballad
in my mind. It’s called
Hare Krishna mantra. It
can be done fast or slow.
Just pray it without disruption.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: The Plot of Krishna
Free Write
I turned at random to Canto 3, Chapter 29, text 19: “When one is fully qualified with all these transcendental attitudes and his consciousness is thus completely purified, he is immediately attracted simply by hearing My name or hearing of My transcendental quality.”In the conditioned state our mind is filled with many distracting, contaminated thoughts. At that stage when we hear Krishna’s name or qualities we don’t fully benefit. Our hearing and perception are not clear but clouded over. This is the unfortunate result of mixing with the material modes and with people who are enamored or covered by these modes. When by practice of bhakti-yoga, under the direction of the spiritual master, one develops transcendental attributes—by always hearing about spiritual matters and using his time in chanting the holy name and being straight forward and simple and avoiding people who are not spiritually advanced—then he is immediately attracted by hearing Krishna’s name and His transcendental qualities.After Krishna killed Aghasura, He took the gopas to a nice spot by the Yamuna where they honored the lunch prasadam that their mothers had prepared for them. The boys sat in a circle around Krishna and each gopa had the impression that Krishna was looking at him directly. They engaged themselves eating and joking and did not notice that the calves had wandered off in search of new grass. The boys became alarmed but Krishna is the Lord of fear personified. That is, fear personified, Yamaraja, is afraid of Him. So He told the boys to be calm and just remain in their places. He would go off by Himself and find the calves and bring them back. With these words, Krishna left the boys and went looking for the calves. But what had happened was that lord Brahma had come on his swan carrier and stole the calves. Brahma knew that Krishna was his Lord, but he was suffering from a case of pride just as Indra had done when he became angry that Krishna stopped the indra-yajna. Brahma was thinking that Krishna was playing like a little boy within Brahma’s universe, and he wanted to test His mystic potency. Krishna knew everything, but He could not find the calves. Brahma then kidnapped the boys who were waiting for Krishna and kept them all in a cave. When Krishna returned to the lunch spot He found the boys missing. He then enacted a pastime for the pleasure of the Vrajavasis. He expanded His own personal form into thousands of individual gopas, assuming forms identical to theirs in every individual way. He also expanded Himself into the many calves and proceeded home to Vrndavana. The mothers were all delighted to see their children—who were actually Krishna—and found their love for their children had increased. Krishna was giving a chance to all the mothers to breastfeed Him and treat Him as their sons which had always been their innermost desires. When the cows greeted their calves they felt an increase in their affection for them. All of Vrndavana immersed in loving feelings, and Krishna let this continue for a year. Then after a moment of Brahma’s time had passed (which is a year of earth time) Brahma panicked and thought he had done something very wrong—he had been playing with fire—in kidnapping Krishna’s dear ones. He returned to the spot to see what had happened. He found that all the kidnapped boys and calves were where he had left them in a mystic sleep in a cave, but all of Krishna’s friends and calves were simultaneously present and happy living with their parents and Krishna in Vrndavana. Brahma was bewildered!I have heard that direct followers of Madhvacarya, who is a follower of Lord Brahma, do not like commenting on this pastime of Brahma stealing the calves and gopas, because it puts their founder-acarya in such a bad light. So they are silent about it. But Sukadeva Gosvami and Vyasadeva don’t keep it secret from the pages of Srimad-Bhagavatam where it appears in the 13th chapter of the 10th Canto. The true commentators see it as a delightful pastime where Krishna expands His loving dealings personally with the parents and calves.Day’s end scribble:It gets dark earlier and it gets chillier, gradually. A sweatshirt and light jacket is still enough. Light yogi pants and silk long johns. When you walk you sweat up, you return to the house and your face is wet. You drink lemonade, not cold but not warm. You don’t chant more than sixteen rounds. Baladeva’s computer has a virus. Giriraja Swami sent me a picture of Ghanasyama distributing a book in 1973 and wants me to identify it. But we can’t pull up the picture. Jaya Govinda and Maddalena had a baby girl born on Sri Krishna Rasayatra, named Mikhaela Maria Jayanti. Two children now. The grand parents help out. It’s a spiritual occasion. Narayana is quite ill, he’s struggling to recover from his operation. He stayed in bed all day. A picture of a pen filled with turkeys, all gathered for slaughter. No sensitivity for the crime. We will have a vegetarian feast, offered to Gaura-Nitai and chanting of the holy names. The devotee dances, this one dances in his chair. But he can limp around in a circle for a while. Steve Kowit wrote a prefatory note to his “translations” of the love poems of Vidyapati, Candidasa, Jayadeva and other Bengalis, and he stated something to the effect that the poets were not mundane sensualists, but writing of the divine pastimes of Radha and Krishna and he hoped his poetic renditions caught a hint of Krishna’s flute. Haridasa and I were pleased with Steve’s recognition of the transcendental nature of the amours. Day’s end scribble promises to be a regular feature of my journal, writing while I’m winding down and allowing myself more freedom than any other section of the journal.Freedom is the main pivot. A kind of dessert. I have a cup of yogurt with a scent of either peach or pear for a 6 P.M. snack. The plot of Krishna living as the expanded calves and boys gets complicated and reaches a climax when the cows break away from the men at the top of Govardhana Hill and run down to the older “Krishna” calves and start licking them while the calves (who are really old enough to be weaned) suck milk from their mothers. The men come down from the hill angry, but when they see their young sons who are actually Krishna they feel an expansion of love for them and start embracing them. At this point the mystery becomes clear to Balarama that Krishna has actually expanded into all the boys and calves, and He tells His younger brother, “I know what You are doing.”
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: KuliMela 2006 - The Fews - Bomb - 10/14
The Fews performing the song "Bomb" at KuliMela 2006 at New Vrindavan. You'll recognize Gaura Vani singing...
Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar in Korea!
The name of our Deities are Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar, so when I did a search on You Tube of course I found some of our posts but I found this video from Seoul, South Korea as well. It shows what a great gift Srila Prabhupada has given us and it is because of Srila Prabhupada's purity, vani and strength that his message has reached every continent around the world. Just think that around the world there is kirtan, puja, preaching, prasadam and book distribution going on every minute of the day in different time zones, languages and political climates, all because of this great gift that Srila Prabhupada has given us. Srila Prabhupada's gift is unique in that it keeps giving and giving and in fact the more you give it out the bigger the gift gets.
Jaya Srila Prabhupada!
Jaya Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar (In Vrindavan, Alachua, Seoul, Richmond Hill, etc. )!
Obeisances to all of His devotees in Korea!
Atma Yoga, Brisbane, AU: Atma Yoga Retreat 2011!
From Wednesday the 26th of January until Sunday the 30th of January Atma Yoga will be holding its annual Yoga Retreat at the Theosophical Society Retreat Centre in the beautiful rainforest of Springbrook, nestled atop the Gold Coast Hinterland.There we will spend our days practicing yoga, meditation, bushwalking, swimming, and feasting on sumptuous vegetarian fare, and our nights singing and dancing to soul stirring mantras and music (with special guest Gauravani).We extend an invitation for everyone to go further on their yogic journey – to practice more, to meditate more and connect with others more than ever before in a serene and energizing natural environment.The cost for the retreat will be $750, or $650 for those who pay the $250 deposit in full before the 26th of December 2010 (Full payment required before 20th January 2011).Cost includes accommodation (private single rooms with shared bathrooms) and all meals.Please contact Atma Yoga on 0450738971, or email us at atmayoga@sapwell.netto reserve a place or to get more information.
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Divali Pictures
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Dayal Nitai dasa asks three questions
How would cursed devotees counteract their curses, who do the Vraja-vasis think is God, and if all jivas become Brahma, where does our sadhana come in when Brahmas automatically go back to Godhead?
Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: Take Back Control Of Your Food!
Click here to learn more!
There are 2 million farmers and 300 million eaters in the United States. Between them stand a handful of corporations who control how food gets from one side to the other.December 8 is the last of five public workshops held by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the USDA to examine whether a handful of food and farming companies may be exercising illegal monopoly control over the food system. You’re probably well aware that corporations have far too much control over what we eat, how it’s grown, where it’s available, what it costs, and so much else. Most of what matters about why our food isn’t healthier and safer is the direct result of the stranglehold that just a few corporations have on every link of the food chain.So, this government investigation is a really big deal for the future of what and how we eat — and you can be a part of the outcome. We need to show USDA and DOJ that all of us working for food justice — and all of us who eat! — reject big business’ control of our food system and that we demand strong action from the investigation.Ready to take action?! Go to DC on December 8 and speak out to DOJ about justice in the food system! If you’re too far away, submit an online comment! Use the resources on this site to help.We’ll be updating and adding new info and pages regularly in the next couple of weeks, so check back often! Make a comment about what other info would be useful!
The Loft, Auckland, NZ: A Case of Mistaken Identity
Beginning this Tuesday, 6pm in the comfy Loft lounge, there will be a special four-week seminar series entitled, “A Case of Mistaken Identity.”These seminars, given by Dina Dayala (yoga teacher and life coach), are sure to challenge our current conceptions, refresh the mind, & bring about a better connection with ourselves.Based on Yoga Psychology (of which Dina Dayala is currently doing her PHD) these seminars are ultimately aimed
at improving our relationships.Topics through the weeks will be:Week 1 (Tues 23rd Nov): The Modern Culture of EnjoymentWeek 2 (Tues 30th Nov): The Cheaters & the CheatedWeek 3 (Tues 7th Dec): The Empowerment of IndependenceWeek 4 (Tues 14th Dec): Essence of Human PersonalityEach seminar will be followed by dinner—a great time to discus more or just let your head unravel
& give in to the gorgeous tastes of the Loft cuisine.$8 (includes dinner)If you have any questions about this series email
Mayapur Online: Sri Ksetra Parikrama begins today!
Devotees have started arriving in Puri dhama to participate in the Sri Ksetra Parikrama. Today the parikrama inauguration will take place and in the evening, there will be Maha Sagara Arati at sea beach. HH Jayapataka Swami has arrived at Puri and will be delighting the audience with the pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Jagannatha. We request the support of worldwide devotees for this event.
Mayapur Online: New Website for Online Flight Tickets launched
In a humble attempt to reach out to ISKCON’s worldwide devotee community and congregation members who are able to get cheap air fares on the internet Mayapur Travel Seva has put up a simple website where you can buy online flight tickets the way you could be buying on any other websites like makemytrip,yatra, etc.
Australian News: New Govardhana Farm Produces cruelty free milk
A FARM south of the Gold Coast is laying claim to producing Australia’s only non-violent milk.Workers on New Govardhana farm do not use dogs to round up cattle, machines for milking or send cows to slaughter.In fact, when Vrindavana Sevika Devi Dasi calls her herd, they come running.Vrindavana said their milk, known as ahimsa milk, was much creamier and sweeter than normal milk because of the treatment of the cows.
Have your say on the feedback form belowHer work starts at 4.30am with a spiritual program in the farm’s temple, followed by hand-milking at 5am.Only six of the farm’s 70 cows are milked but the 80 Hare Krishna devotees who live on the farm do not believe in killing them.Vrindavana said the Hare Krishna wanted to make a stand against violence and show the dairy industry a positive alternative.New Gokula Farm at Millfield also produce cruelty free milk.
Gouranga TV: Kirtan
Australian News: This is Kulimela Australia – Don’t be the one saying “I wish I went”
Subject: 5 weeks away!!!
ONLY 5 WEEK LEFT!!!It is really time to start getting over excited as things are heating up!!!Remember to register before 30th of Nov to save $$$ on Pre-Registration and if you want to take part in the jet-lag recovery/sightseeing week you only have 3 weeks to RSVP and register to let us know or the buses will be filled with people that aren’t you!Encase you have been a sleep for a little while, here is just a small reminder of some of the festivities:-7days of ecstatic Kirtan from the best on the planet! (Gauravani, Mayapuris, Sri P… etc)-Amazing Prasadam including Kurma’s final feast and 3days of workshops.-Daily japa walks, relaxation and Yoga workshops-4 nights of entertainment (music, comedy..etc all the good stuff)- Seminars and workshops on everything from the Holy name to Out door survival…-sports, incl. wrestling & soccer tournaments- The association of Hundreds of Kulis (my favourite
- The list never ends….Seriously, don’t be the one saying “I wish I went”I can’t wait to see you all
Don’t forget to spread the word!Your Servant & Friend,
Australian News: Brisbane temple programs you won’t want to miss
The Brisbane temple is situated on the Brisbane river with terraced gardens leading down to the water. Palm trees and a Macadamia nut tree shade the area, where numerous Frangi Pani (Campak) trees bloom flowers for the Deities.
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