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14 Feb 11 Ekadashi
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----- Original Message -----From: FeedBlitzTo:Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 7:55 AMSubject: Planet ISKCON - 41 new articles
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"Planet ISKCON" - 41 new articles
- H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Corrected Version--Sunday 13 February 2011--Smooth Running Bhakti Express--Can Krishna Trace When We Fell?
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Sri Ramanuja's foremost instruction
- David Haslam, UK: Thoughts following a visit to a mosque
- ISKCON New Mayapur Office Sets Prototype for Global Varnashrama Mission
- Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: You need to know where you come from to know where you are going
- ISKCON Vedic Care Home for Elders Established in South India
- Bhakti Lata, Alachua, USA: The Honey Jar
- Japa Group: Japa - Kirtan Retreat Part 1
- ISKCON Nityananda Prabhu: The Embodiment of Compassion
- Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: More My Sweet Lord
- ISKCON Discover The Health Benefits of Bananas
- ISKCON An Interview With Dr Andrew Wakefield About The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
- ISKCON What the Muslim Brothers Want
- ISKCON Top Ten American Religious Companies
- ISKCON New: IPhone Confession Application
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Discussion with devotees on whether Krsna created the world and put us in it like dolls just to enjoy delivering us
- Australian News: HH Janananda Swami Vyasa Puja, 2011: THE VIDEOs
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Friday, February 11th, 2011
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Thursday, February 10th, 2011
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Thursday, February 10th, 2011
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Tuesday, February 8th, 2011
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H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Corrected Version--Sunday 13 February 2011--Smooth Running Bhakti Express--Can Krishna Trace When We Fell?
A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course(tm) Sunday 13 February 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. Today's Thought: Smooth Running Bhakti Express Uploaded from Bhaktivedanta Ashram--Austin, Texas USA On 27 September 1967 Srila Prabhupada wrote in a letter to Devananda das, Guru and Krishna are two parallel lines on which the spiritual express runs very smoothly. This is a most appropriate example because to advance in Krishna consciousness we must faithfully stick to both tracks: the spiritual master and Krishna. We must serve both of them simultaneously. If either of them is neglected, we become derailed from the pathway of Krishna bhakti. It is only by the mercy of Krishna that we get a bona fide spiritual master. And it is only by the mercy of the bona fide spiritual master that we can advance in Krishna consciousness. Sankarshan Das Adhikari A Train Runs Smoothly on Two Tracks But When Derailed, It Is Finished Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: Can Krishna Trace When We Fell? Hare Krishna, Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. While reading Easy Journey to Other Planets, this question came in my mind. Would you kindly clarify for me please? Here's the quote from Easy Journey to Other Planets: There is a spiritual sky, where there are innumerable spiritual planets and innumerable spiritual living entities, but those who are not fit to live in that spiritual world are sent to this material world. Voluntarily we have accepted this material body, but actually we are spirit souls who should not have accepted it. When and how we accepted it cannot be traced. No one can trace the history of when the conditioned soul first accepted the material body. My question is that: Can even Krishna not trace when we first accepted the material body? Thank you very much, Your servant Yogesh Answer: There is No Question of When Krishna, being the perfect knower of everything, knows exactly how we fell into this material existence. But there is no question of when because our fall down occurred in timelessness. In the spiritual world time is conspicuous by its absence. Therefore because we were originally situated in timelessness our original misuse of independence also occurred in timelessness. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011 Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at: Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address:
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Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1966 February 13 : "Today the whole day was raining. Talked with Mr Mukherji by telephone also with Mrs J. K. Banerjee correspondent of Hindusthan Standard. No Expenditure"
Journal :: 1966• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1968 February 13 : "I am your servant also, so I cannot accept service from you, or from any of my disciples. I accept service from my disciples only on behalf of Krishna."
Letters :: 1968• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1968 February 13 : "Any one who accepts this philosophy of God's Mercy in suffering conditions, and still makes progress in Krishna Consciousness, he is sure to go back to Home, Back to Godhead"
Letters :: 1968• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1969 February 13: "In London a report was published with the heading, KRISHNA CHANT STARTLES LONDON. So you shall also try to startle Germany with the Krishna chant. That should be our main program."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1969• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1969 February 13 : "It is very nice that you wish to remain brahmacari. Actually it doesn't matter if one is householder or brahmacari. Sincerity of purpose is the only qualification for Krishna Consciousness."
Letters :: 1969• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1972 February 13: "As GBC you should see the standard is perfectly maintained. Neglecting the principles means neglecting Krishna's order. These regulative principles are our life, if they are not respected then the whole thing is finished."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1972 February 13: "Unless one is perfectly behaved, he cannot teach others. All the GBC should be strictly to the standard, and see that others are also following them. Then our centers will be well-managed."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1972 February 13 : "Impressive but not repressive - that is the system. Please institute these most important principles but do it so that people will not go away."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1968 February 12: "The train, on two tracks, moves forward. The bona fide Spiritual Master and Krishna are like these two tracks, they must be served simultaneously. You cannot serve Krishna without Spiritual Master, or serve Spiritual Master without serving Krishna. They must be served simultaneously."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1968• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1968 February 12: "Our process of Krishna Consciousness and Sankirtana movement is counteracting the spell of Maya. We cannot cheat people. We must say the truth. We must present the genuine thing before the public and if they are intelligent enough they will take it up and realize it."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1968• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1968 February 12: "The matter is little more risky but if you take the risk for Krishna's sake, Krishna will supply you the required money undoubtedly. So far I am concerned I always take risk for Krishna."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1968• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1970 February 12: "Yes introduce Krishna Consciousness in these two universities. This is the real course of study for human beings and we should use such opportunities. I am glad to learn you are also holding successful Kirtana in the high schools. These young people are our future in Krishna Consciousness so try your best to convince them."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1970• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1971 February 12: "You are now Sankirtana leader. This is very good news. The spreading of this Sankirtana Movement is the best service to humanity and to all living entities. So your activities should now be on the pure spiritual platform and by your spiritual blissful strength, influence those who come in your contact."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1971• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1972 February 12: "When I come make extensive preparations for my speaking, etc., by advertising and propaganda, even more than this Swami. My work is to preach, so you can prepare many very nice speaking engagements, especially to the intelligent class of men."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1972 February 12: "Doctors speak surety, but there is no surety. I don't think there is guarantee of surety by taking this medicine with animal products. But if there is surety, you can take. But it is very doubtful. When I come there I shall see what is wrong."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1972 February 12: "I am very sorry to hear about your demoniac neighbor cutting down many tulasi plants, but do not worry, he shall get his due punishment in time, rest assured. If he is caught trespassing on our property again he may be severely punished by us."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972• Email to a friend •• Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Sri Ramanuja's foremost instruction
The foremost instruction of Sri Ramanujacarya is this: "If you cannot purify yourself by any endeavor whatsoever, then just go sit with the Vaisnavas and you will achieve all auspiciousness."
>From Bhaktyaloka by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
(Sri Ramanuja's disappearance is tomorrow, according to our calendar)
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David Haslam, UK: Thoughts following a visit to a mosque
Following a recent meeting I was invited to visit the local Mosque, this after spending some time in dialogue so arrangements were made for an informal visit after afternoon prays. I would like to share my thoughts on what was a positive visit. The welcome was more than warm, the handshake was firm grasping me [...]
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ISKCON New Mayapur Office Sets Prototype for Global Varnashrama Mission
As well as Srila Prabhupada clearly stating that fifty per cent of his mission remained incomplete without Varnashrama, previous acharyas such as Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura also expressed that the easiest way one can advance as a Vaishnava is within the system of Varnashrama.
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Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: You need to know where you come from to know where you are going
Today marks the disappearance day of Madhvacarya. Srila Prabhupda stated that "Our original sampradaya stems from Madhvacarya". There is an adage that "you need to know where you come from to know where you are going". In the teachings of Lord Kapila, Srila Prabhupda firmly places our sampradaya roots with the following statement:
"At the present moment, the Brahma sampradaya is represented by the Madhva-sampradaya, and we belong to the Madhva-Gaudiya-sampradaya. Our original sampradaya stems from Madhvacarya. In that sampradaya there was Madhavendra Puri, and Madhavendra Puri’s disciple was Sri Isvara Puri. Sri Isvara Puri’s disciple was Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Thus we are coming in the disciplic succession from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and therefore our sampradaya is called the Madhva-Gaudiya-sampradaya."
There is also another adage, that "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing". Once there was a picture of Madhvacarya and I paid my obeisances and another devotee not recognizing the picture or undertanding the lineage did not pay respects.
In regards to our connection with Madhvachary, Bhaktivinoda Thakur wrote in his 1892 work Mahaprabhura sikshathat those who reject this connection are “the greatest enemies of Sri Krishna Chaitanya’s family of followers.”
Another adage is "do not judge a book by its cover". Mayavadi gets thrown around a lot and after the afformentioned incident I passed a comment and the devotee commented that it must be some sort of "Mayavadi" simply based on the unique look and picture of Madhvacharya. Well quite the opposite and I have borrowed the following paragraph to address that.
"Madhvacharya’s learning and devotion to Krishna were famous throughout India. His life’s mission was to defeat the views of the impersonalist philosophers. They say that God’s form is simply illusion (maya), and thus they are called Mayavadis. “Even if God was a person in the beginning,” these people say, “He has distributed Himself throughout the creation and thus lost His individual identity.” Madhvacharya smashed this monistic (“all-is-one”) idea with the philosophy of shuddha-dvaita—pure dualism. He proved logically that God is always a person and is always distinct from His creation. As anyone can see, the sun is producing volumes of energy but remains the same sun. Similarly, a tree may produce many fruits, but it remains the same tree. Likewise, Lord Krishna produces the material world, but He Himself remains separate from it—He remains the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Here is the real teaching of the Vedas.Thus, Madhvacharya ‘s teaching is called tattva-vada—tattva means “truth,” and vada means philosophy.”
Yesterday evening there was an excellent discourse by Rohinipriya das in which he addressed how the impersonalists even renounce Krishna. In his lecture he also talked about the sentamentalists trying to elevate themselves to a level of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu by showing all sorts of emotions which require significant elevation to achieve. I have heard with my own ears a devotee telling me that they had "tears" listening to the raas of a lecture. And in his lecture he used the example of how Chaitanya Mahaprabhu of course demonstated the signifcance of the Holy Name but also how Chaitanya Mahaprabhu demonstrated brilliant Vedanta philosophy in Varanasi to defeat Prakashananda Saraswati and the Mayavadi philosophy.
This synergy of stories demonstrates the disciplic succession and vedanta of Madhvacharya and Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. It also shows the stress of both the holy name and strong vedanta. But as the adage goes, "often immitated but never duplicated", we should not try to artificially elevate ourselves to demonstrate false sentamentalism.
Madhvacharya set the stage for the Krishna consciousness movement. He stressed the chanting of the holy names of Krishna. Commenting on the Mundaka Upanishad,he wrote that in the present age one can satisfy and worship Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, simply by chanting His holy names. Madhvacharya also wrote, “There are many lands, fields, mountains, and oceans throughout the creation, and everywhere the Supreme Personality of Godhead is worshiped by the chanting of His different names.”
So in this way let's not only recogize the picture of Madhvacharya but also recognize our disciplic succession/sampradaya and honour Madhvacharya.
~ Indresh with Srila Prabhupada and scriptural references from Subhavilasa das• Email to a friend ••
ISKCON Vedic Care Home for Elders Established in South India
As huge temples such as Mayapur’s Temple of the Vedic Planetarium climb to the sky with much celebration, what could be one of ISKCON’s most important efforts has quietly arrived in Melkote, Karnataka, South India.
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Bhakti Lata, Alachua, USA: The Honey Jar
This is a copy of a map that Radhanath Swami drew in 2008 for some guests that were staying at the Chowpatty Temple in Mumbai. The little arrow points to a very special temple with very special deities who are close to Radhanath Swami's heart.
And so one cool Vrindavan morning, with map in hand, a group of us boarded rickshaws and made our way through the twisting back alleys towards Moti Kund. We deboarded at the vast and empty Moti Kund, and while the others sped ahead, I walked as slowly as I could. I breathed and soaked in the moment. Here I was, at last.
We walked around to the open metal gates, and entered a vast and quiet yard with a giant tree that loomed over the temple. Two boys greeted us - one was older (maybe 12), in his traditional clothes of kurta and lunghi, and the younger one (maybe 9) wore Western garb. The older boy seemed to be the pujari of the temple, because he ushered us inside, then circled around and opened the deity doors.
A picture of Ghanashyam Baba was on the altar, and the deities of Radha Gopijana Vallabha smiled upon us. I felt like I needed to sit and stay awhile, though, to reach any of the honey in this jar. So I asked if we could sing Jaya Radha Madhava, since one of the lines calls out "jaya gopi jana vallabha..."
After about five minutes, to our surprise, the two boys carried in an old, beat-up dholak drum and 3 pairs of kartals on tattered strings. The pujari boy asked me, "Harmonium?" Stunned, I bashfully said no. I continued to sing, this time playing the dholak. After quite some, everyone in the group moved on to visit the temple of Banke Bihari. Still, I was searching for the honey in the jar of this temple. So I stayed. I remained on the floor to chant japa.
From a nearby temple, blasted-out speakers played old recorded bhajans which spindled their way into the templeroom. The melody was beautiful. I kept glancing at the dholak. At last, I put aside my chanting beads and picked up the drum. I sang the the same tune that filled the air.
I got swept away. I sang and sang, and the walls of the vast, empty templeroom echoed back. I kept meaning to stop, because I had to meet up with the others again soon, but I didn't stop. I couldn't stop.
And then... the two boys entered the templeroom again. The pujari boy unlocked the Deity gates and went right up to the altar and right up to the deities to do something. Then he stepped off the altar, locked the gates again, and walked right up to me.
He held a kanti mala, a pair of sacred neckbeads, in his hand. The other boy looked on with a wide smile.
I stopped singing and the templeroom fell quiet. "I... uh..." I placed my hand on my chest. "For me?"
The pujari boy nodded.
I reached out a hand, and into it he dropped the mala. The string seemed so delicate, each bead handmade. Right then and there, I slipped it over my head. The wood was scratchy against my neck. I folded my palms to both boys and smiled, and they folded their palms and grinned in return. They they dashed off.
I continued to sing, stunned.
In reflection, I feel like what the pujari boy did was something Ghanashyam Baba himself would have done. Ghanashyam would have been so overjoyed that someone - anyone - would come to see His beloved Radha Gopijana Vallabha that he would want to reciprocate in any soulful, humble way he could.
Thank you, Radhanath Swami, for guiding me to that cool and quiet morning in Vrindavan. Thank you for opening the jar.
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Japa Group: Japa - Kirtan Retreat Part 1
Here is the introduction for Sacinandana Swami's Japa/Kirtan retreat.
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ISKCON Nityananda Prabhu: The Embodiment of Compassion
Lord Nityananda is that sun. As the saint Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura writes, “Sri Nityananda Prabhu is the sum total of all gurus. Without his mercy, no one can attain Sri Sri Radha and Krishna.
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Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: More My Sweet Lord
Here is one using My Sweet Lord as the sound track to frame an expression of the emotional background a lot of devotees joined the movement from in the early 1970s.
Here is another version by Nina Hagen with a more devotional theme than the previous one posted.
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ISKCON Discover The Health Benefits of Bananas
So often, the humble banana is often overlooked when it comes to providing nutritional and medicinal value. Bananas in fact have a lot to offer us, both nutritionally, as well as in relieving the symptoms of a myriad of physical complaints.
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ISKCON An Interview With Dr Andrew Wakefield About The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
From the interview: "Science has sold out to the pharmaceutical industry, and to the pharma-government complex. Medical schools are dependent upon their funding in large part from the pharmaceutical industry, or pharmaceutical industry influences, and this is dancing with the Devil in respect to the way in which science should be conducted, and the influences placed upon it."
If the selection above is hosted by YouTube then after the video plays there will be several links presented to other videos. ISKCON News Weekly has no control over the selections presented and is not responsible for their contents.• Email to a friend ••
ISKCON What the Muslim Brothers Want
A top leader of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood says the group won't put forward its own candidate, and doesn't want an Iranian-style Islamic theocracy. But, he adds, "Secular liberal democracy of the American and European variety, with its firm rejection of religion in public life, is not the exclusive model for a legitimate democracy."
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ISKCON Top Ten American Religious Companies
Here are well-known companies that don't make religious products - we're not talking kosher foods manufacturer Manischewitz here - but that nonetheless take their religious sides seriously.
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ISKCON New: IPhone Confession Application
The program, "Confession: A Roman Catholic App," was developed as an aid "for those who frequent the sacrament and those who wish to return". Designed for use in confession preparation, and later in the confessional itself, the application offers an examination of conscience, step-by-step guide to the sacrament, act of contrition and other prayers.
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H.H. Sivarama Swami: Discussion with devotees on whether Krsna created the world and put us in it like dolls just to enjoy delivering us
How to be more forgiving and how someone acting as ombudsman can protect his faith from what he/she hears.
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Australian News: HH Janananda Swami Vyasa Puja, 2011: THE VIDEOs
Recently it was the Vyasa Puja of HH Janananda Swami Maharaj.
A while ago his dicsiples came up with the idea of making a video of Maharaj answering some questions to play on the occasion of his Vyasa Puja.
Somehow I happened to be around and I got to be the voice asking the questions. You can tell it’s me because I am really loud.
Anyway Janananda Swami has some very nice and interesting things to say. My favourite is his reponse to being asked what is his message for his disiples on the occaison of this Vyasa Puja. here to find these videos and more are available at Rasika Devi Dasi’s You Tube Channel.
Janananda Goswami Vyasa Puja 2011 4
127 reproducciones hace 10 meses8:44
Janananda Goswami Vyasa Puja 2011 3
91 reproducciones hace 10 meses6:18
Janananda Goswami Vyasa Puja 2011 2
126 reproducciones hace 10 meses5:31
Janananda Goswami Vyasa Puja 2011 1
200 reproducciones hace 10 meses• Email to a friend ••
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Friday, February 11th, 2011
A Trail of Life
Toronto, Ontario
Lorne Vineberg is a personal friend who dines at the temple ashram's dining room from time to time. He handed me a CD of violinist Oliver Schroer, a friend of his who like me is also a walking pilgrim. I was delighted to receive the music (very spiritual). It's exquisite!
Perhaps the most talked about pilgrim trail in the world is the "Camino de Santiago", an eleven hundred year old pilgrim trail which makes its mark through the landscape of France and Spain. Oliver trekked between May and June of 2004 a thousand kilometres. The history in short of Santiago de compostela is the legendary burial place of St. James the Apostle and in the year 815, a hermit was led to the grave by shimmering, miraculous lights. The bones were identified by the gourd and the scallop the apostle always carried. A church was built over the tomb. Oliver, who trekked with friends, wrote, "El Camino, the road, a metaphor for a spiritual voyage, is also a very real physical path. It is a muddy trail through a forest. It is continuously changing in shape, colour, texture, mood... the one constant is the sound of footsteps. We crossed physical landscapes of mountains, fields, valleys and forests. Fellow pilgrims are from every continent."
On my walk, pilgrimages of a similar sort, I've met people who had the pleasure of being part of the walk at Santiago de Compostela. People testify that it's life-changing which to my ear hits a sensitive chord. I would like to see caminos everywhere. One acquaintance, Karnamrta, a gifted musician herself like Oliver, took that train last summer and loved it.
Long treks have that power to transform and you can't really understand it until you put your feet on the ground and move forward.
The easy listening of Oliver's CD reflects what was so experiential for him. Before his passing a couple of years ago, he wrote (and played) about the wisdom that came from his walking, "I hear the wonder - and the struggle - of getting to know the earth one step at a time."
6 KM• Email to a friend ••
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Thursday, February 10th, 2011
Toronto, Ontario
At noon our Haligonian monks and Torontonian monks along with our two young nuns, who recently arrived from Cleveland and Calgary, sat down with me for a reading about Chaitanya, who as a pilgrim, stopped at the home of brahman, Adwaita, for a relieving meal. All who listened to the narration delighted in the jovial exchanges between the brahman Adwaita, and Chaitanya's associate, Nityananda. They would bash each other with words.
It was this impression of light-heartedness that was an obvious norm for devotees. Spiritual life doesn't necessarily entail a glum or grim practice. While an approach of sobriety is standard, it can be punctuated with laughter and jokes. Personally for me life would be intolerable without humour. Humour is something our guru, Srila Prabhupada, engaged in. His mission which is serious in its conviction has layers and layers of lightness in order for it to have risen and grown. Stories of joy that shaped the movement are like the yeast in the bread.
My walking today involved a visit to Malabar's Costume Shop in preparation for some drama productions held in India. Bhakta Jeff is a serious monk, a young Canadian, who accompanied me to the costume place. It's a fun place. Jeff agreed. As part of his service he is accustomed to running errands, purchasing food for his fellow brahmacharis (monks) amongst other things. It was a first for him to see all the unique attire that changes a person's look and character. The place is shelved with masks, make-up, hats and props of all kinds - a little like a circus or dreamland. Naturally we tried a wig or two on his bald head. It was good for a laugh.
The life of devotion is always up. Those devoid of it have every reason to be downtrodden because you will die and everything's over.
In devotion we have a new life, a new day, a new dawn, a new chance. We keep chipper and cheer up each other.
5 KM• Email to a friend ••
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Thursday, February 10th, 2011
Wednesday, February 9th, 2011
Toronto, Ontario
I had walked my allotment of distance west on Dupont, south on Christie, east on Bloor and across-over to the temple ashram. At the edge of park, Christie Pitts, is a massive lit up image of a tiger. To my speculation it's a symbol of Korean pride at the base of Little Korea. He's fully formed out of lights and sits content.
I thought of the contentedness of godsister Bhadra Priya who is being cremated tomorrow in Florida. I sat down for twenty minutes to write this poem in her honour.
Leaving Us Today
Dear Vaisnav, you are leaving us today
To take part in a much greater play
Fleeing from this world, a mix of sweet and sour
To ascend to the realm of the Higher Power.
It's hard for those who knew you well.
It's not for us to say or for us to tell.
We can't be greedy demanding your presence
We take from you and capture the essence.
Inspire you did and that we'll remember
From the start of the year to the end of December
You were loyal, determined, fixed, and straight
And overall your devotion was great.
You have cut the bonds, to join the One with the flute,
The One who claims He's the very root.
Let's sing! Let's dance! seeing you off
Let's be elated which is never enough
Bhaktimarga Swami
(in dedication to my godsister Bhadra Priya)• Email to a friend ••
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Tuesday, February 8th, 2011
Montreal, Quebec
Shelly Cook became a nun in the latter part of '72 or early '73 in the Krishna Consciousness movement. She joined the ashram, a rented Victoria home on 187 Gerrard Street, in what was known as the Cabbagetown section of Toronto. There on the second floor resided the women that she befriended while the men occupied the 3rd or top floor. Shelly became initiated as Bhadra Priya by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in late September of '73 when all but five to six people stayed back from the usual crammed quarters of the ashram.
Our thirty-five, or so, residents had left for "sankirtan", street chanting and distributing magazines and our home-made-family-business incense sticks. Shelly (or after referred to as Cheryl) and I stayed back for the ceremony, a fire sacrifice, as we called it then. My name was John and I became Bhaktimarga. Her name, Bhadra Priya, stayed with her for the time she was living with us in Toronto and during her stay in the ashram near Wheeling, West Virginia.
She was always dutiful, loyal and got along with all of us in the ashram. She first came as a genuine spiritual seeker and when she found Krishna she got hooked. I remember she was the ashram's photographer. She loved to take pictures of the deities of Krishna. A friend described her as "simple, solid and positive."
What is unfortunate is that she had to leave us. She was struggling with cancer for the last three years and was finally called to leave for a more painless life. She will be missed by many of us.
Bhadra Priya was born on Nov. 9th in 1946. She did leave ashram life for a time and worked with the Toronto Transit System as a driver on one of the city's main routes for over twenty years. She put her heart into what she did. She was an avid spiritual reader. The last days spent were in Alachua, Florida with godsisters and friends. For the last hours people were chanting around her. It happened the way she wanted.
And for me, I always, always admired her strong sense of sincerity. She really was an inspiration. Hare Krishna!
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Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: A Food Manifesto For The Future
From food activist Mark Bittman in the Opinionator blog from the New York Times
For decades, Americans believed that we had the world’s healthiest and safest diet. We worried little about this diet’s effect on the environment or on the lives of the animals (or even the workers) it relies upon. Nor did we worry about its ability to endure — that is, its sustainability.
That didn’t mean all was well. And we’ve come to recognize that our diet is unhealthful and unsafe. Many food production workers labor in difficult, even deplorable, conditions, and animals are produced as if they were widgets. It would be hard to devise a more wasteful, damaging, unsustainable system.
Here are some ideas — frequently discussed, but sadly not yet implemented — that would make the growing, preparation and consumption of food healthier, saner, more productive, less damaging and more enduring. In no particular order:
End government subsidies to processed food. We grow more corn for livestock and cars than for humans, and it’s subsidized by more than $3 billion annually; most of it is processed beyond recognition. The story is similar for other crops, including soy: 98 percent of soybean meal becomes livestock feed, while most soybean oil is used in processed foods. Meanwhile, the marketers of the junk food made from these crops receive tax write-offs for the costs of promoting their wares. Total agricultural subsidies in 2009 were around $16 billion, which would pay for a great many of the ideas that follow.
Begin subsidies to those who produce and sell actual food for direct consumption. Small farmers and their employees need to make living wages. Markets — from super- to farmers’ — should be supported when they open in so-called food deserts and when they focus on real food rather than junk food. And, of course, we should immediately increase subsidies for school lunches so we can feed our youth more real food.
Break up the U.S. Department of Agriculture and empower the Food and Drug Administration. Currently, the U.S.D.A. counts among its missions both expanding markets for agricultural products (like corn and soy!) and providing nutrition education. These goals are at odds with each other; you can’t sell garbage while telling people not to eat it, and we need an agency devoted to encouraging sane eating. Meanwhile, the F.D.A. must be given expanded powers to ensure the safety of our food supply. (Food-related deaths are far more common than those resulting from terrorism, yet the F.D.A.’s budget is about one-fifteenth that of Homeland Security.)
Outlaw concentrated animal feeding operations and encourage the development of sustainable animal husbandry. The concentrated system degrades the environment, directly and indirectly, while torturing animals and producing tainted meat, poultry, eggs, and, more recently, fish. Sustainable methods of producing meat for consumption exist. At the same time, we must educate and encourage Americans to eat differently. It’s difficult to find a principled nutrition and health expert who doesn’t believe that a largely plant-based diet is the way to promote health and attack chronic diseases, which are now bigger killers, worldwide, than communicable ones. Furthermore, plant-based diets ease environmental stress, including global warming.
Encourage and subsidize home cooking. (Someday soon, I’ll write about my idea for a new Civilian Cooking Corps.) When people cook their own food, they make better choices. When families eat together, they’re more stable. We should provide food education for children (a new form of home ec, anyone?), cooking classes for anyone who wants them and even cooking assistance for those unable to cook for themselves.
Tax the marketing and sale of unhealthful foods. Another budget booster. This isn’t nanny-state paternalism but an accepted role of government: public health. If you support seat-belt, tobacco and alcohol laws, sewer systems and traffic lights, you should support legislation curbing the relentless marketing of soda and other foods that are hazardous to our health — including the sacred cheeseburger and fries.
Reduce waste and encourage recycling. The environmental stress incurred by unabsorbed fertilizer cannot be overestimated, and has caused, for example, a 6,000-square-mile dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico that is probably more damaging than the BP oil spill. And some estimates indicate that we waste half the food that’s grown. A careful look at ways to reduce waste and promote recycling is in order.
Mandate truth in labeling. Nearly everything labeled “healthy” or “natural” is not. It’s probably too much to ask that “vitamin water” be called “sugar water with vitamins,” but that’s precisely what real truth in labeling would mean.
Reinvest in research geared toward leading a global movement in sustainable agriculture, combining technology and tradition to create a new and meaningful Green Revolution.
I’ll expand on these issues (and more) in the future, but the essential message is this: food and everything surrounding it is a crucial matter of personal and public health, of national and global security. At stake is not only the health of humans but that of the earth.
This column appeared in print on February 2, 2011. It will appear in Opinionator regularly.
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Gouranga TV: Mukunda dasa kirtan
Mukunda dasa kirtan
• Email to a friend •• Book distribution seminar: Malaysia book distribution
Hare Krsna Prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I'm in the holy place of Sri Dhama Mayapur recuperating from a throat problem. When I was in Malaysia I saw a doctor about it, he said, because I use it so much, it's irritated, nothing serious but I have to just stop talking for some time. This will be an austerity. Absence makes the heart grow fonder -- I'm hankering to get out there again to distribute the only hope for the human race: Prabhupada's books.
The situation in Malaysia is extraordinary. It's a Muslim country, so there are some restrictions. The one that affects the book distributors the most is that they cannot approach a Muslim to distribute books to him. If a devotee is caught distributing a book to a Muslim, the government could go as far as closing down all of our temples, and we have thirty in Malaysia. Seventy percent of the population in Malaysia is Muslim, so that really restricts us. But at least they let us distribute to the non-Muslims. In most Muslim countries we can't even have a preaching center, what to speak of distributing books or doing Harinam.
There's a devotee in Kuala Lumpur named Nila Madhava Prabhu. He's fifty years old and has polio; he has a steel brace on his leg that allows him to walk. He has quite a limp. I asked him, "Doesn't it hurt when you walk so much distributing books?"
He said, "Pain or no pain, I distribute."
He goes out every day to distribute books -- no days off. He said, "I like to distribute books, so why should I stay back?"
This is a good example of determination. An inspiration to our society.
Your servant, Vijaya das
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Book Distribution News: Malaysia book distribution
Hare Krsna Prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I'm in the holy place of Sri Dhama Mayapur recuperating from a throat problem. When I was in Malaysia I saw a doctor about it, he said, because I use it so much, it's irritated, nothing serious but I have to just stop talking for some time. This will be an austerity. Absence makes the heart grow fonder -- I'm hankering to get out there again to distribute the only hope for the human race: Prabhupada's books.
The situation in Malaysia is extraordinary. It's a Muslim country, so there are some restrictions. The one that affects the book distributors the most is that they cannot approach a Muslim to distribute books to him. If a devotee is caught distributing a book to a Muslim, the government could go as far as closing down all of our temples, and we have thirty in Malaysia. Seventy percent of the population in Malaysia is Muslim, so that really restricts us. But at least they let us distribute to the non-Muslims. In most Muslim countries we can't even have a preaching center, what to speak of distributing books or doing Harinam.
There's a devotee in Kuala Lumpur named Nila Madhava Prabhu. He's fifty years old and has polio; he has a steel brace on his leg that allows him to walk. He has quite a limp. I asked him, "Doesn't it hurt when you walk so much distributing books?"
He said, "Pain or no pain, I distribute."
He goes out every day to distribute books -- no days off. He said, "I like to distribute books, so why should I stay back?"
This is a good example of determination. An inspiration to our society.
Your servant, Vijaya das
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