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- Kurma dasa, AU: Kurma on Campus Part Two: La Trobe University Bendigo 2010
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- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
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The mood of chanting the holy name combines the actions of mind and heart-namely thinking and feeling. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu advised all devotees to be free from false ego, and to think oneself lower than a blade of grass. With feelings of deep submission and surrender one should beg Sri Radha for service
Art Of Chanting Hare Krsna by Mahanidhi Swami
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.21.12 - Remembering Krishna will ultimately make you pure.
There are 12 hours left on the ebay auction for my rack-mounted autotune unit. It's currently going for $155, so you could get it for a song. It seems that the world of kirtan is not yet ready for Autotune, but as Castro said: "History will be my judge".
Here we are on day one of our La Trobe University Cookery Weekend. It's Bundoora Campus in Melbourne, and we're all poised to dive into another kitchen experience.
Jenny is a cooking groupie of mine. Here we're checking all the ingredients for the Sambar dal.
There's something going on in that saucepan. Amira takes a peek...
It's alive!!!
Fresh Kurma Cookbooks
Drilling for soup. "Eat your heart out, BP".
Daikon radish. How very zen.
Claire having fun.
Berries a'slidin'.
Fresh coriander cutting lesson.
A tasty South Indian salad. 'Night on Carrot Mountain'.
Saudi Baharat-scented chickpeas with Fresh Greens.
Another class, another banquet.
This is day-two of our La Trobe University Cookery weekend. We're on Bendigo Campus, it's Sunday morning. The rain is falling, it's cold, but we don't care, because we're snug in the kitchen.
We commence our class with the usual sit-down intro. Lots of notes taken, University lecture-hall style.
I do a lot of 'show-and-tell' today. The 'boys and girls' want to see some knife techniques. I show them exactly how thick to cut the chilies for the Javanese Chili Pickle, Sambal Bajak.
Team Bendigo 2010 chop semi-dried tomatoes for the Macadamia Pesto.
Today's South Indian dal is a nice hot and sour Sambar. Sweet red peppers are one of the ingredients.
Tim is our youngest participant. He's enjoying the cooking camaraderie.
I'm doing the run-around. A big commercial kitchen keeps you fit!
Let's talk about lentils.
The dal is on, and we're getting in the groove.
I show them how to toast the macadamia nuts.
Caution - hot chilies!
Practically a group hug. We huddle as Brad, Qantas Pilot, cooking afficionado, and really nice guy, finishes off the Sambal Bajak.
Decisions, decisions.
Job well done, we sit for lunch. Entree is a nice big bowl of exquisitely complex Sambar Dal, a succulent slab of fresh Panir Pakora battered and crisp with a good slurp of hot, dark, mysterious and very tasty Sambal Bajak, alongside the BBQ Asparagus with the Macadamia and Semi-dried Tomato Pesto and shaved Grana Padano. Yes, you may drool.
The real Meal Deal - eating with Kurma.
1968 June 7: "It is Krishna's desire and blessings; as a Sannyasin, I should not fix up at a certain place and take your service comfortably. Krishna wants me traveling throughout the whole Western world. So don't mind very much that I have not received the permanent visa."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1968
1968 June 7: "I'm going to London and if you all wish to come there, then you can prepare for the trip. If we can organize a nice Kirtana party and if we can travel in the European countries supported by our books and literatures, than I am sure it will be a great success for our missionary work."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1968
1969 June 7: "So your main business should be to spread Sankirtana, becoming as tolerant as the tree and humbler than the grass. If you have any trouble do not leave the company of devotees. That will not help you, even though there may seem to be so many difficulties."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1969
1969 June 7: "I have appreciated so much your letter. How much potency is there in this Sankirtana Movement. There is nice potential there so try to establish a very good center and I think Krishna is already giving impetus for this purpose."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1969
1969 June 7: "The roar of your Sankirtana in Hawaii will soon be heard in neighboring places including Japan and Hong Kong. The Goddess of Fortune was born by the churning of the ocean so the ocean will also help in spreading the glories of the ocean's daughter."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1969
1971 June 7: "All my disciples are requesting me to revive my translating work and I would like to do so for the remaining days of my life. So you have to help me get it done as quickly as possible. When I go there I shall give you so much press work you will be over-burdened."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1971
1974 June 7: "It is certainly miraculous how he is distributing so many books. If he takes sannyasa he may not be able to assume disguise for selling books in public. So I have decided for the time being not to award sannyasa order."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
1974 June 7: "I have placed one picture of Radha Giridhari on my desk and I am always admiring the beautiful decoration and the transcendental beauty of these deities. So if you can maintain and increase this standard in deity worship, everything will come out successfully."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
Parasuram das: There are now expensive fees for processions - This years London Rathayatra will cost £30,000 whereas in years past it was free. We are hopeful of changes in the law for next year.