"Planet ISKCON" - 37 new articles
Kirtan Australia.com: Maha Kirtan 6 Brisbaneocal Brisbane Kirtaniyas and guests will gather at Sri Sri Gaura Nitai Mandira (95 Bank Road, Graceville) from 11am on Saturday 5th June to chant the Holy Names of Radha and Krishna and dance in ecstasy. “In this age of Kali, there is no alternative, there is no alternative, there is no alternative for spiritual progress other than the chanting of the holy name, the chanting of the holy name, the chanting of the holy name of the Lord.” If you can’t make it along in person, you can tune in on the internetz via Kirtan Radio. Maha Kirtan 6 Roster – Saturday 5th June, 2010. ISKCON News.com: Kirtan Yoga Festival Tour in Belize and Mexico - 2009
ISKCON News.com: New York's Bhakti Center Offers Ashram Experience Course
ISKCON News.com: Krishna Culture Tour Kicks Off Cycle of Inspiration
Japa Group: Please Join The Japa Group
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Prabhavishnu SwamiSrimad Bhagavatam 11.21-5 - This age of Kali has been blessed by all merciful Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's appearance. ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Dramatic Nrsimha Caturdasi Festivities!Nrsimha Caturdasi, was celebrated on Wednesday, May 26th at Toronto's Hare Krishna Temple. Nrsimha Caturdasi celebrates the appearance of Lord Nrsimhadeva, Lord Krishna's half-man and half-lion incarnation. When King Hiranyakashipu tormented his youngest son Prahlada, a pure devotee of the Lord, Lord Krishna burst out of a palace column as Nrsimhadeva to protect His devotee. This Is a very special festival as Lord Nrsimha has a special place in the heart of many spiritualists. Celebrations at the temple began with the 6pm arati, which was followed by an enlivening class by Vrindavan das. Following class the crows was enthralled by a dramatic presentation on the story of the appearance of Lord Nrsimha. The drama concluded with an ear splitting roar as Lord Nrsimha vanquished Hiranyakashipu! The next part of the program was the abhiseka of Lord Nrsimha as kirtan reverberated through the temple. As the traditional bathing ceremony took place, assembled devotees got the opportunity to fan the Deity of Lord Nrsimha. The kirtan continued past 8:00pm as the arati took place and a delectable feast awaited the devotees for the end of the evening. View the slide show below: Srila Prabhupada's Letters1966 May 28: Srila Prabhupada's Letters1968 May 28: "Don't wait for next life for finishing up the business of Krishna Consciousness; try to finish up in this life. And pray if it is unfinished, Krishna may give you chance to take birth in a family where the father and mother are in Krishna Consciousness." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1970 May 28: "We have to maintain two lines parallel; namely the path of Srimad-Bhagavatam and the path of Pancaratriki. Srimad-Bhagavatam is the path for Paramahamsas, and Pancaratra path is for the neophytes." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1971 May 28: "You whave introduced Tulasi in the Western countries and Tulasi is now growing very luxuriantly. May Tulasi be kind upon you and introduce you to Krishna, to be one of the assistant maid-servant gopis in Vrindaban." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 May 28: "We want to give the citizens the positive value of Krishna consciousness way of life, so we must always be preaching very strongly in the public. Therefore I approve your plan to run for public office." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 May 28: "My only idea was to point out to the public the need for purified leaders. I had no idea to spend money and energy of our society in a way which is not our real spiritual life." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 May 28: "Studying your letter thoroughly I have come to the conclusion you may stop the political program. It will not benefit our real spiritual position. I am not interested to divert attention from spiritual progress for political propaganda." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 May 28: "As much as possible, we want our books to be accepted by all learned circles of men. But, we cannot give books away free to anyone. They must be paid for." Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: the perfection of Krsna consciousness: crying for KrsnaAnother gopi said to her friends, "My dear friends, the cows are also charmed as soon as they hear the transcendental sound of the flute of Krsna. It sounds to them like the pouring of nectar, and they immediately spread their long ears just to catch the liquid nectar of the flute. As for the calves, they are seen with the nipples of their mothers pressed in their mouths, but they cannot suck the milk. They remain struck with devotion, and tears glide down from their eyes, illustrating vividly how they are embracing Krsna heart to heart." These phenomena indicate that even the cows and calves in Vrndavana knew how to cry for Krsna and embrace Him heart to heart. Actually, the perfection of Krsna consciousness can be culminated in the shedding of tears from the eyes. Krsna book ch. 21: The Gopis Attracted by the Flute ISKCON News.com: The Anger and Gentleness of Narasimhadeva
Dandavats.com: Editorial Comment about the GBC paper titled "The Last Conversation"By Praghosa Dasa What follows is an editorial comment as the editor of Dandavats. We have received some feedback about the GBC paper titled "The Last Conversation". While most of those writing in have appreciated that paper, there have been a few who have expressed some concern. Those concerns fall into two categories: one questions the historical accuracy of the paper while the other suggests the possibility of Vaisnava aparadha ISKCON News.com: New Trinidad Head Lets the Gita Lead the Way
ISKCON News.com: Making Space for a New Temple in Futuristic Lucknow
ISKCON News.com: Fiji Pioneer Bhuvan Mohan Dasa Passes On
ISKCON News.com: Vaishnavas and Muslims Get to the Bottom of Things
ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Doors Open this Weekend!This weekend the Hare Krishna Centre is Participating In Doors Open Toronto. Annually, 150 buildings of architectural, historic, cultural and social significance open their doors to the public for a city-wide celebration. While Toronto's Hare Krishna Temple is open, free of charge, to the public year-round, Doors Open presents an opportunity for the public to learn about the architectural and historical story of our amazing building! Guided Tours will take place from 10am-5pm on Saturday May 29th and Sunday May 30th. Guided tours of the building highlight the architectural, historical and spiritual history of the building. There are also visual displays of media news clippings and interesting publications related to the building. Kids activities, free snacks and refreshments are provided to the public! Additionally, the regular Sunday programme (Sunday Feast) is open to the public 6:00-8:30pm, including a Free Vegetarian feast served at 7:30pm. Click here to read about Doors Open 2009 at the Hare Krishna Centre. ISKCON News.com: Indore Prisoners Experience Spiritual Freedom
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: '450' from The Yellow Submarine4:06 A.M.I am having headache trouble. Yesterday four guests arrived. I spent a good deal of time with them. Two of them are staying for the week. This has increased stress for me, plus I spent some time watching the baseball game on TV. As a result, yesterday I had two migraine headaches. The medicine couldn't drive away the first one, and I had to take more medicine at nighttime. I slept well, but I woke up in the morning at two o'clock with another general headache. I took my medicine and the headache didn't go away, and I had to take more. Now finally it has subdued. But as a result my chanting is shaky. I cannot be a good chanter of japa for my readers because of my handicaps. But I can teach them perseverance. Despite my pains I go on chanting quietly in my mind and do it with reverence and attention, hearing the syllables and feeling a decent measure of devotion to harinama. Please accept me as a teacher, and Lord, please accept me as a chanter despite my troubles. I will, of course, complete my chanting quota today throughout the morning, and even if it takes me the afternoon. So far, I have only chanted nine rounds. But they were decent rounds. Now I hope I can do my morning writing also without too much impediment. Chanting with handicap, H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 'Little Drops of Nectar: On A Tour' from The Yellow SubmarinePrabhupada SmaranamKarandhara, the Los Angeles manager, is taking Prabhupada on a tour of the community grounds. Prabhupada's servant Srutakirti stands behind. They have stopped at the temple grocery store. There are so many grhasthas living at New Dvaraka that they can run a store for their family cooking needs so that the devotees don't have to shop outside. Prabhupada seems pleased with the fresh produce and the fact that the community is self sufficient. There is another picture that shows him in a clothing store where he is sampling swami hats and devotional clothes. Prabhupada has purchased several apartment buildings and they are filled with Hare Krishna families. The whole section of Watseka Boulevard is inhabited by mostly devotees. Part of Krishna consciousness, for Prabhupada, is that devotees should live and associate in a society, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. At this point in time, New Dvaraka was an ideal model. Most of the devotees living in the community attended the morning program and engaged themselves in some kind of service to the community. Prabhupada liked to stay there and called it his Western world headquarters. It shows an example of what an ISKCON community should be—many devotees living together, with Prabhupada's wishes and personal presence in the center. ISKCON News.com: Summer in the Appalacian Foothills
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 'Writing in Stress and Joy' from The Yellow SubmarineI don't go out from the
I stay indoors and write my
I don't see cows or deer
At lunch we hear the H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 'Free write' from The Yellow SubmarineWhat is this cryptic message? "There is beauty in the breakdown." Like when I break down each morning right about here and feel strain in my head but I keep going? I grow tired like I want to sleep and feel the first signs of a headache. How is there beauty in this? Is it beauty that you persist and go on writing? Is that heroic? Your head is running out of energy. If you could break through and reach a clearing up, that would be beautiful. Then we could go jogging in the mountain. But I don't break through. I stall, I break down. There would be beauty if I broke through, but I'm not going to get it. I will have to find another beauty, if any. Beauty in the breakdown. The person who wrote this message surrounded it with straight colored sticks of color. He decided he could find a breakthrough here. It would have to be somewhere else, maybe with some combination of words an insight that is escaping me just now. I will stop here and hope a breakdown doesn't come. I can see some possible meaning to it being beautiful, but just now it doesn't jell. You have random colored lines, like "pick-up-sticks" and you are missing the aesthetics you want which are organic and whole, Krishna conscious. The beauty in the breakdown is tragic perhaps? Disorganized modern art? I prefer the breakthrough to coherent siddhanta, even a picture in nature. Yes, if I look long enough these "sticks" have a beauty of their own. But not a physical breakdown, like a headache or exhaustion. ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Nrsimhadeva Chaturdasi 2010
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Srila Prabhupada wanted his grhasta followers to become paramahamsas
Mayapur Online: Sri Narasimha Caturdasi Abhisheka- Pictures"I have never seen an ecstatic abhisheka ever like this before" – HH Gopalkrishna Goswami Maharaja. " The number of devotees for this year Narasimha Caturdasi festival is doubled. From next year, starting from Ekadasi, for four days, there will be Narasimha Caturdasi festival celebrations"-HH Bhakti Purusottama Swami. Our photographer clicked over 350 pictures. He said that he couldn’t stop clicking as every moment is so special. (Photos will be uploaded in the gallery shortly). While others were busy capturing those wonderful moments of Narasimha deva's darshan in their hearts. ISKCON Brisbane, AU: Maha Kirtan 6 - Saturday 5th June Akrura das, Gita Coaching: SUCCESSClarity, charity and austerity are the beginning of success. Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: Cow Protection — Theory and RealityThe following is floating around the devotee email circuit: Hare Krishna. Thought you might find this interesting. I just heard a clip from the BBC news service confirming the Vedic injunction that everything about the cow is auspicious and beneficial. It was a piece on research being done in Australia on a particular bacteria found primarily in cow dung or “gobar” as they call it in India. Turns out that this bacteria, when inhaled (as would happen naturally in a rural setting or village life) helps generate serotonin, a chemical which acts in the brain to regulate moods and creates a sense of well-being. Even more so, this bacteria is found to reduce the effects of asthma and a host of other diseases and bodily distresses. The commentator said “The benefits are especially true for children who grow up playing in such natural surrounding, where they would inhale this bacteria. That children are increasingly cut off from this type of natural environment may well be one of the major causes of the growth of allergies and attention deficit disorder in children”. So once again, research science is playing catch-up to the eternal wisdom of the Vedas. Krishna playing with the cows in His childhood lila is showing the best standard for health for all children. (end quote) Here is a link that confirms the basis for the above. So it is nice that some devotees are starting to be aware that Krishna was a cowherd boy. Unfortunately, most devotees still buy industrial milk and don’t offset it by supporting cow protection programs. They justify this on the basis of ajnata-sukrti, that the cow they drink the milk from benefits from unknowing devotional service. Unfortunately, the “knowing” part of a cow’s life can be something else. Filed under: Cows and Environment, Health Akrura das, Gita Coaching: GITA COACHING IN ZURICH - VIDEO AND AUDIO
Gouranga TV: Nitaj-Gauranga Festival 6/9Nitaj-Gauranga Festival 6/9 Czech deity installation More Recent Articles
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