"Planet ISKCON" - 42 new articles
Ekendra dasa, AU: Bhaja Hu Re ManaThis recording of Bhaja Hu Re Mana ("Oh Mind, Please Worship Nanda Nandana"), is a traditional Gaudiya bhajan originally written by Govinda Dasa Kaviraja at some time in the late 17th century. Traditionally it is sung in Raga Bhairavi in Tintal but here is a contemporary version. Arrangement: Mohini Murti Devi Dasi and Ekendra Dasa LYRICS: bhajahū re mana śrī-nanda-nandana śīta ātapa bāta bariṣaṇa e dhana, yaubana, putra, parijana śravaṇa, kīrtana, smaraṇa, vandana, Translation: 1) O mind just worship the lotus feet of the son of Nanda, which make one fearless. Having obtained this rare human birth, cross over this ocean of worldly existence through the association of saintly persons. 2) Both in the day and at night I remain sleepless, suffering the pains of the heat and cold, the wind and the rain. For a fraction of flickering happiness I have uselessly served wicked and miserly men. 3) What assurance of real happiness is there in all of one's wealth, youthfulness, sons, and family members? This life is tottering like a drop of water on a lotus petal; therefore you should always serve and worship the divine feet of Lord Hari. 4) It is the desire and great longing of Govinda Dasa to engage himself in the nine processes of bhakti, namely hearing the glories of Lord Hari and chanting those glories, constantly remembering Him and offering prayers to Him, serving the Lord's lotus feet, serving the Supreme Lord as a servant, worshiping Him with flowers and incense and so forth, serving Him as a friend, and completely offering the Lord one's very self. Ekendra dasa, AU: You Know You are Gurukuli When ....I'm not a Gurukuli but I have 3 kids who are or will be. Some of these are hilarious .... http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=119418038078638 Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: KuliMela 2007 - Russia - Bonus Features
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Bhakti Sara PrabhuSrimad Bhagavatam 11.20.32-33 - Krsna fulfils those desires of a devotee that are good for their spiritual advancement and purifies those that are not. H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: '442' from The Yellow Submarine4:01 A.M.I got out of bed at 2 AM and began chanting. My chanting was slow and I have completed twelve rounds. I chanted in my mind and did not go deep into love of Krishna. It was more an automatic performance like a daily exercise you do just because you did it yesterday and you do it everyday. Chanting should be more urgent and the in the moment that you are doing it with all feelings centered on the yajna. Chanted as in a military thrill, without sleepiness or slackness, but without tenderness and prayer. At least I have got most of my quota done and will try to improve on the last part when I do them after writing. Japa in a factory read more from SDGonline - daily updates from The Yellow Submarine: My Bhajana Kutir journal H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 'He Lives With Us' from The Yellow SubmarinePrabhupada smaranam Prabhupada and the audience appear to be watching something like a dramatic presentation, perhaps on the occasion of the opening of the Krishna Balarama Mandir in Vrindavana. Prabhupada looks pleased, absorbed in the presentation, and at ease. It is a grand occasion and he is enjoying himself. He is surrounded by dignitaries and disciples. He looks in good heath. Prabhupada and his disciples are responsible for the successful installation of the deities, but Prabhupada does not look concerned or worried at the moment. In a childlike way he is caught up in the entertainment being played before his eyes. They have bought almost all the flowers available in the market and the temple is strung with garlands. The crowds have gathered in the temple all day. There have been many yanjic ceremonies conducted by the caste Goswamis accompanied by Srila Prabhupada and the devotees doing kirtana. A big feast has been prepared. Prabhupada listened to a eulogy speech by his god brother Dr. O.B.L. Kapoor. Sometimes these speeches get tedious when there are so many of them and when they are long. Prabhupada's disciples sit and endure them wishing they were more praiseworthy, without a tinge of envy and wholeheartedly surrendered to Prabhupada. H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 'Things to Do in The Yellow Submarine' from The Yellow Submarine1.We finished reading a book This afternoon Gunagrahi Maharaja is Both gurus uphold Krishna as A cop and a bad man both I'm getting a headache but I want to write The women agents Krishna beheaded the washer man My mind is wandering and I They will test your heart I like to ride the 2.Things to do in the Yellow H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 'Hare Krishna and The Doomsday' from The Yellow SubmarineFree write This is a clip taken from the cartoon series "The Simpsons". You can see Mrs. Simpsons with her ridiculous tall purple hairdo in the audience along with her yellow faced husband, Mr. Simpson. They appear to be among members of a religious cult who have gathered on a mountain top to observe the end of the world. The cult speaker is addressing them from an altar and behind him is a giant portrait of their cult leader. Actual sects such as the Jehovah Witnesses and others have predicted exact dates for the end of the world but the date came and the world didn't end. The believers adjusted their calendars and in some cases came up with new dates for the end of the world which also came and went. Before the arrival of the new millennium, the year 2000, there was wide spread propaganda, called Y2K, that when the year 2000 arrived, civilization would break down. People were advised to stock up on nonperishable food items and have guns on hand for the looting that would break out when governments collapsed. But Y2K proved to be a colossal hoax as the year January 1st 2000 was ushered in without havoc. The Gaudiya Vaisnava calendar does not have a soon-to-come doomsday. But it does predict that we are already in the worst of four time epochs or yugas. We are living five thousand years into kali-yuga, the age of quarrel and hypocrisy. Over five thousand years ago it was predicted that in kali-yuga the governments would be led by unqualified leaders and that a host of anomalies would appear. For example we are experiencing world wide support of animal killing, illicit sex, intoxication and gambling, which are the four principle sinful activities in human society. These sinful acts bring on karma or reaction from nature, and so we see a rise in warfare, crime, immorality and natural disasters. There is a chance for change or reform from these sinful activities within the next ten thousand years. This is a golden age in which the people can take up the example of Lord Caitanya's sankirtana movement to avert disaster. If humanity does not heed the ill omens of kali-yuga and give up sinful activities, then after ten thousand years there will be no chance for reform by peaceful preaching of the sankirtana movement. Kali-yuga lasts 432, 000 years but with the latter part of it, comes the appearance of the Kalki Avatar who annihilates the majority of the population who will by then have become asuras or demoniac, incapable of reforming by the process of chanting and hearing the glories of the Lord. The Kalki avatar will ride a white horse and carry a sword with which He will kill the demoniac population. This is not a crackpot or man made prediction for "the end of the world" but the reading of an infallible Vedic scripture. Aside from the downfall of the civilization after ten thousand years, we each face the inevitable downfall of our life in a present body, which lasst, at most, one hundred years. We all have to die and we all have to be reborn – in the species of life that suits how we have behaved in this lifetime. Even a life in the mode of material goodness brings us only another human body, another lifetime facing the sufferings of birth, death, disease and old age. And life in kali-yuga gets increasingly risky as conditions worsen in the age of quarrel. An intelligent human being should work to break the cycle of transmigration, by devotional service to the Lord, Sri Krishna, and not have to be born again at the time of death but transformed to the spiritual world, full of knowledge and bliss. We can all avoid the scare of "the end of the world" by embracing Krishna consciousness. Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: very important verse(s) that Srila Prabhupada recommended to learnIn the Brahma-vaivarta Purana it is said: asitim caturas caiva laksams tan jiva-jatisu bhramadbhih purusaih prapyam manusyam janma-paryayat tad apy abhalatam jatah tesam atmabhimaninam varakanam anasritya govinda-carana-dvayam Prabhupada: Hm. This is very important verse. You can repeat this. One may take it by heart. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.3.19 -- Los Angeles, June 15, 1972 Translation: One attains the human form of life after transmigrating through 8,400,000 species by the process of gradual evolution. That human life is spoiled for those conceited fools who do not take shelter of the lotus feet of Govinda. Japa Group: I Have To ConcentrateI have to concentrate and think of Krishna and think of Krishna's names as I utter them, or my chanting will be offensive. From Bhajan Kutir #441 ISKCON News.com: Draw Muhammad. No, Wait...Don't.
Kurma dasa, AU: One We Blogged EarlierPip from Alexandra in Victoria wrote: "Hello. My children will eat most raw vegetables and salads, but dislike nearly all meals that I make with cooked vegetables. Can you recommend any of your recipes that I can try to get them interested again? Thank you." My reply: "Thanks for your letter. Without knowing what the children like and your specific circumstances it is a little hard to exactly answer your question. But if you go to my website, and visit the RECIPES page, then scroll down, all the titles listed there are linked to a recipe. I've selected some vegetable-based recipes from that list that I would strongly suggest you look at. Go to the recipe page, and click on any of these for some sure-fire kid-pleasing vegetable fun. Alternatively, copy the recipe title from the list below and paste it in the SEARCH box on my blog home page." Assorted Crisp Vegetable Fritters (Pakoras), Barbecued Haloumi and Char-grilled Asparagus with Salsa Verde, Barbecued Idaho Potatoes with Parsley Pesto, Barbecued Pumpkin with Mango Salsa, Barbecued Skewered Baby Okra with Sage Butter, Barbecued White Sweet Potato with Fresh Corn Chutney, Brussels Sprouts, Potatoes & Peas with Sour Cream, Cauliflower and Potato Curry, North Indian-style, Creamed Spinach with Fresh Curd Cheese (Palak Panir), Crusty North Indian Masala Potatoes with Cashews, Eggplant & Panir Cheese in Spicy Tomato Glaze, Green Curry of Vegetables & Fried Tofu, Khichari (Melange of Seasonal Vegetables, Lentils and Basmati Rice), Mixed Vegetables in Creamy Gujarati-style Karhi Sauce, Oven-roasted White Sweet Potato with Fresh Corn Chutney, Panir Cheese Steaks with Salad Greens on Crusty Bread, Pumpkin Soup, Simple Carrot and Ginger Soup, Succulent Gujarati Pumpkin, Succulent Mixed Vegetable Balls in Herbed Tomato Sauce, (Kofta), Sweet & Sour Dal Soup with Mixed Vegetables, Tomato, Basil and Fresh Mozzarella Salad (Insalata Caprese), Vegetable Soup. ISKCON News.com: How Much to Donate? God Knows
Bharatavarsa.net: Book distribution seminar: a rare occuranceI was distributing at Fullerton College in Southern California recently when a student came to my table. I showed him the illustrations in the Bhagavad-gita and explained them to him. He was interested but not enough to take the book. The next day he came to my table again. He said, "Last night when I went home I told my father about the book you showed me, somehow I was able to explain what you showed me in the illustrations. After I told him about the book he became a little upset with me because I didn't get it. He said to me, "If you see him there tomorrow get the book, it sounds very interesting." So it's a good thing you're here today, I'd like to get it now." Here's a rare example in Kali yuga of a father giving good guidance to his son. your servant, Vijaya das ISKCON News.com: The Mayapuris in Los Angeles, Summer 2009
ISKCON News.com: Ramesvara Dasa visits Jayapataka Swami in Los Angeles
ISKCON News.com: Stirring The Ecstacy Up at a Croatian High School
Book Distribution News: a rare occuranceI was distributing at Fullerton College in Southern California recently when a student came to my table. I showed him the illustrations in the Bhagavad-gita and explained them to him. He was interested but not enough to take the book. The next day he came to my table again. He said, "Last night when I went home I told my father about the book you showed me, somehow I was able to explain what you showed me in the illustrations. After I told him about the book he became a little upset with me because I didn't get it. He said to me, "If you see him there tomorrow get the book, it sounds very interesting." So it's a good thing you're here today, I'd like to get it now." Here's a rare example in Kali yuga of a father giving good guidance to his son. your servant, Vijaya das H.H. Sivarama Swami: Material purity is different than spiritual purity,
Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: Famous Folks Launched Careers After 50President Ronald Reagan was an actor and wasn’t elected to public office until he was 55. Sadly, the down economy has put a lot of workers over age 50 in the unenviable position of needing to find a new profession. Don’t believe that old cliché about middle-aged dogs and new tricks, though; lots of wildly successful people found big success in careers they began after their fiftieth birthdays. Here are just a few examples… 7. A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada The founder of the Hare Krishna movement was 69 years old before he started the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. In his native India, Prabhupada had been a chemist and a Sanskrit scholar in Calcutta, but in 1965 he came to New York City with just fifty bucks, a pair of cymbals, and a desire to spread the teachings of Lord Krishna. Prabhupada got off to a modest start by sitting on a sidewalk in the East Village and chanting, but by the time of his death in 1977 his legions of followers were rumored to be thousands strong… Filed under: News, Ramblings or Whatever Dandavats.com: Ratha Yatra At Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 2010Pariksit Dasa: Devotees of the Harrisburg, PA nama hatta (Institute of Higher Understanding, IoHU) cordially invite you to the second annual Ratha Yatra along South Front street in downtown Harrisburg. Please come and join in the festivities highlighted by the procession of Their Most Merciful Lordships, Jagannatha, Baladeva, and Subhadra. Dandavats.com: Making of Nrsimhadeva showBy Amogha das We presented it five times on a big screen in the theatre of the Bhaktivedanta Manor in London on Nrsimha Caturdasi, 2007. It was hair-raising to see Lord Nrsimhadeva's face so large Dandavats.com: Refunds from PayPal sent for Care for CowsKurma Rupa dasa: PayPal India (which operates under PayPal Pte. Ltd. Singapore) will no longer process donations for charitable organizations. They will only process payments for sale of goods or services and they do not consider go seva a service. Dandavats.com: Hare Krishna Village Festival 2010Sri Lalita devi dasi: The devotees of the Italian Hare Krishna Village, are inviting you to come for the summer Sankirtan Festival on June 19-20! Special guests will be coming: H. H. Bhakti Marga Swami H. H. Gopal Krsna Maharaja H. H. Jayadvaita Maharaja H. G. Bhima Prabhu H. G. Brahma Muhurta Prabhu H. G. Ekanath Prabhu H. G. Hanuman Prabhu H. G. Naresvara Prabhu H. G. Nitya Tripta d. d. H. G. Satyanarayana Prabhu H. G. Svavasa Prabhu Mayapur Online: Submit your Offering to Sri Narasimhadeva!We invite worldwide devotees to take part in the Narasimha Caturdasi festival sponsorships in Mayapur. This year the festival committee has estimated the expenses of the festival to be Rs.300,000. This includes the prasadam seva (Rs.75,000) on Narasimha Caturdasi day and the feast prasadam (Rs.105,000) to Mayapur devotees. You can contribute as per your desire for the pleasure of Sri Narasimha Deva. So far, the festival committee has received around Rs.80,000. Your offering will utilized for various festival sevas like flower decoration in the temple, campus decoration, Kaunteya das, Mayapura: Revolutionary? In the feedback form of the course "Building Vibrant Vaisnava Communities" I of the last two courses: "While offering controversial or some revolutionary ideas, quote from higher authorities like GBCs or sannyasis." The first internal reaction was, "Well, the GBC appointed me as Co-Minister for the ISKCON Congregational Development Ministryi isn't that position 'authoritative' enough for this subject?" The second reflection was: "What did I introduce that could be considered 'controversial' or even 'revolutionary'?" As far as I can see, whatever I presented as authoritative I abundantly supported with quotations from Srila Prabhupada's books, lectures and letters. Could it be that those quotations contained, at least for this participant, some really revolutionary ideas? Possible. Some of the statements of our Founder-Acarya are less known and less referenced in popular ISKCON culture, and therefore they might appear contentious or subversive to those who encounter them for the first time. Let us not forget that one dictionary meaning of "revolution" - besides the more familiar meaning of "sudden, radical, or complete change" - is "the time taken by a celestial body to make a complete round in its orbit." In other words a revolution also indicates something coming back to its original position, a realignment with an original position. And this, frankly, is the spirit of my presenting evidence from Srila Prabhupada's works that may appear challenging or even seditious in relation to many of our present assumptions. It's a fact that in some cases we need 'revolution' in the dictionary sense of "a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something; a change of paradigm." And Srila Prabhupada words provide many such revolutionary ideas, for instance how our Founder-Acarya directly instructs and empowers all initiated grihasthas to preach from home - regardless of formal legitimization by the closest temple: "A person who is a householder but is initiated by a sannyasi has the duty to spread Krishna consciousness at home; as far as possible, he should call his friends and neighbors to his house and hold classes in Krishna consciousness. Holding a class means chanting the holy name of Krishna and speaking from Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam" (SB 3.21.31, purport). I agree that the above might sound controversial, especially for those who imagine that the local temple has full monopoly on authorizing all forms of propagation; but it's a standing order of the Founder-Acarya and we should honor it in full by promoting widespread home-based outreach. Anyway, I am going to write to the devotee who offered that remark, to see what exactly he had trouble with -- I am open to learn... Srila Prabhupada's Letters1969 May 20: "If there is possibility of living in the temple with the other devotees, then live there. It is not necessary to remain alone. I do not advise any of my disciples to live alone; that is not good. In the association of devotees you will feel jolly and this moroseness will be cleared off. So live in the temple." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1970 May 20: "Follow the prescribed program of Krishna Consciousness as it has been established by the Spiritual Master. Give your life completely over to Krishna. He will reveal Himself to you in proportion to your sincere efforts to satisfy Him." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 may 20: "Let the children play just like Krishna with his cowherd friends, then little ABC, then see the deity, then little prasadam, in this way trained. I want that a new generation of devotees shall carry on this great mission successfully into the future." H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Tuesday, May 18th, 2010Quite Amazed! Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 May 20: "I do not see any need that he should return. It is simply sentimental. Let him very strongly preach to the students. That is the greatest service. To wander here and there without any fixed-up program that is not good." H.H. Sivarama Swami: Dear parents!
Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 may 20: "We must take every precaution to prevent our devotees from slackening and falling away by observing they are always chanting 16 rounds and observing the regulative principles. If these things are neglected, then they will fall down." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1973 May 20: "Maya is very strong but by taking shelter of Krishna, Maya cannot reach us. Take this Krishna Consciousness Movement very seriously. It is a great opportunity to become free once and for all from the clutches of Maya." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 may 20: "I am very glad to hear that you are keeping yourself busy preaching. Don't become a dead man. Always preach." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 may 20: "I received your Hindi newspaper Vraja-Garima but unfortunately did not see anything about Brajendra-nandana. We are preaching the glories of Krishna throughout the world so if you really want to glorify Vraja then we can co-operate very nicely by publishing many Hindi books translated from our English books and distribute them to the Hindi reading public." Japa Group: So Much Attraction Within MeO Krsna! There is so much attraction within me, but why don't I have any attraction to Your holy names? I am attracted to so many sweet sounds, forms, tastes, smells and objects of touch. But all these material attractions pull me further and further away from You. My favorite attractions are in reality nothing but distractions from You. O Krsna! From the Art of Chanting Hare Krsna by Mahanidhi Swami Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: Organic, Small Farmers Fret Over FDA RegulationsImage: Craig Lee / The Chronicle Earthbound Farm, an organic grower in San Juan Bautista (San Benito County), packages and sells bags of lettuce. Small farmers in California who have led a national movement away from industrial agriculture face a looming crackdown on food safety that they say is geared to big corporate farms and will make it harder for them to survive. The small growers, many of whom grow dozens of different kinds of vegetables and fruits, say the inherent benefits of their size, and their sensitivity to extra costs, are being ignored. They are fighting to carve out a sanctuary in legislation that would bring farmers under the strict purview of the Food and Drug Administration, an agency more familiar with pharmaceuticals than food and local farms. A bill before the Senate is riding a bipartisan groundswell created by recent outbreaks of E. coli, salmonella and other contamination in everything from fresh spinach to cookie dough. And the small farmers face opponents in consumer groups, victims of food contamination, large growers and the Obama administration, who say no farm and no food should get a pass on safety. An even tougher version of the legislation passed the House last summer. Now, a behind-the-scenes battle is raging in the Senate over how to regulate small and organic growers without ruining them - and still protect consumers. If two versions of the overhaul pass, Congress would work to merge them. The legislation would mandate a range of programs intended to bolster food safety. The FDA would gain greater authority to regulate how products are grown, stored, transported, inspected, traced from farm to table and recalled when needed. Pinpointing problems But biologically diverse and organic growers argue that the problems that have plagued the food industry lie elsewhere. They point to the sale of bagged vegetables, cut fruit and other processed food in which vast quantities of produce from different farms are mixed, sealed in containers and shipped long distances, creating a host for harmful bacteria. The legislation does not address what some experts suspect is the source of E. coli contamination: the large, confined animal feeding operations that are breeding grounds for E. coli and are regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, not the FDA. "It does not take on the industrial animal industry and the abuses going on," said Tom Willey of T&D Willey Farms in Madera, an organic grower of Mediterranean vegetables. "The really dangerous organisms we're dealing with out here, and trying to protect our produce and other foodstuffs from, are coming out the rear end of domestic animals." No one in Congress or the administration has yielded in a bureaucratic turf battle between the Department of Agriculture, which regulates meat, poultry and eggs, and the FDA, which regulates all other food. The controversy began with the spinach E. coli outbreak near San Juan Bautista in 2006 that left four people dead, 35 people with acute kidney failure and 103 hospitalized. The bacteria, known as E. coli O157:H7, first appeared in hamburger meat in the early 1980s and migrated to produce, mainly lettuce and other leafy greens that are cut, mixed and bagged for the convenience of shoppers. Contamination Since then, there have been dozens of contamination cases, leading Congress to rewrite food safety laws by giving much more power to the FDA. But small growers worry that they, and consumers, will suffer in the sweep of reform. "How do we trust that the FDA is going to know about things that the San Francisco Bay Area has been very progressive on - the field to fork, fresh, grow local, buy local - all of that?" said Rep. Sam Farr, D-Carmel. "The organic people are feeling that the regulations the FDA may promulgate will be so safety oriented, it'll put them out of business." Consumer groups say they care about small farmers but that safety comes first. "Our principle is that food should be safe, whatever the source," said Sandra Eskin, director of the Pew Health Group's food safety campaign, one of the Pew Charitable Trusts, which Monday sponsored a public meeting on the issue with federal officials in Seaside (Monterey County). "People care profoundly about all these issues: feeding their families, food safety, local agriculture," Eskin said. "It's a passionate discussion and understandably so. Everybody eats." Tom Nassif, head of Western Growers, which represents large produce growers, said small growers should not be exempt. "If the small guy who sells to a farmers' market gets a family sick, it's a blip on the radar screen," Nassif said. "There's not a big hue and cry, because it didn't affect hundreds of people. What about those people? Doesn't their food safety count?" Protocols The tension that has come with food safety reforms was on display after the spinach outbreak rocked California. Large growers embraced costly science-based safety protocols for all leafy greens - guidelines that federal regulators are considering taking nationwide. However, a UC Davis study last year by Shermain Hardesty and Yoko Kusunose found that the rules have put smaller growers at a disadvantage because their compliance costs are spread over fewer acres. Hardesty said costs may be as high as $100 an acre. Large produce buyers such as Wal-Mart and McDonald's have gone much further than the industry standards. They have imposed rules of their own that have forced many California farmers who supply them to fence off waterways, poison wildlife to keep animals out of fields and destroy crop hedgerows that support beneficial insects. Deputy Agriculture Secretary Kathleen Merrigan said Monday the administration is keeping a "close watch" on these so-called "super metrics," acknowledging that they have harmed the environment but said, "nobody gets a pass on food safety." Increasing the danger Willey, the Madera farmer, argued that many food safety rules tend "to push us to embrace a paradigm of sterility," which, in the long run, increases the danger. "When you create microbial vacuums, they can be even more easily taken over by pathogenic organisms," he said. "In organic agriculture, we depend tremendously on a cooperative effort with beneficial microorganisms. My whole soil fertility system is based on that. Actually, soil fertility planetwide is based on that." Efforts to modify proposed rules to make compliance easier for biologically diversified farms have been more successful in the Senate than in the House. New language that requires the FDA to consider farm size, crop diversity, organic requirements and other issues has been added. "While none of these things in themselves solves the cause for concern, they certainly point strongly in the direction of the FDA needing to take into account these considerations," said Ferd Hoefner, policy director for the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition. Hoefner called the House bill a one-size-fits-all approach that would be a "complete disaster" for small farms. Related Stories:Bhakta Chris, New York, USA: Spirituality In Higher Education: Overcoming The Divide
How do we fashion the new eyes that lead to the novel apercu? The very act of attention shapes these capacities. In Goethe's words, "Every object well contemplated creates an organ for its perception." In a letter to Emil Bernard, Cezanne wrote: "Nature is the true teacher, and through looking and working we must make ourselves concentric to her." That is to say, we start eccentric to nature, off center. Through our constant attention to her we become concentric, we reshape ourselves with every stroke on the canvas to be in alignment with her. Goethe was amazed by our malleability.To grasp the phenomena, to fix them to experiments, to arrange the experiences and know the possible modes of representation of them ... demands a molding of the poor human ego, a transformation so great that I never should have believed it possible. I view the transformation of the self as the highest form of education." H.H. Sivarama Swami: Candramauli Swami, Niranjana Maharaja and others glorify our guests and also Radhanatha Swami (Part 1)H.H. Sivarama Swami: Candramauli Swami, Niranjana Maharaja and others glorify our guests and also Radhanatha Swami (Part 2)Gouranga TV: ISKCON COVENTRY 3 Year Old Leads Arati Kirtan!ISKCON COVENTRY 3 Year Old Leads Arati Kirtan! More Recent Articles
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