"Planet ISKCON" - 55 new articles
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: 12 Hour Kirtana - PicturesHere is a slideshow from last Sunday's 12 Hour kirtan; pictures taken by Bhakta Pete. ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Astrology Retreat with Bhanu Swami
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 3.1.14 Croaking For DeathSB 03.01.14_Croaking For Death_2005-01 Lecture – SB 3.1.14 Croaking For Death 2005-01 New Govardhan Australia H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 3.24.13 Srila Prabhupada, The StandardSB 03.24.13_Srila Prabhupada, The Standard_2003-11-01 Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 3.24.13 Srila Prabhupada, The Standard 2003-11-01 Los Angeles (Spiritual Master) Akrura das, Gita Coaching: THE REAL INTERESTThe real interest of the living entity is to get out of the nescience that causes him to endure repeated birth and death. Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: "Your children will not be my disciples"One day in Los Angeles, Upendra, who was my husband and Prabhupada's servant, was in Prabhupada's room when Prabhupada handed him a twenty-dollar bill and said, "This is for your children." Immediately Upendra said, "Prabhupada, we can't take this from you." Prabhupada said, "No this is for your children. I'm not their spiritual master, they will have to take their own." Upendra brought the twenty-dollar bill home and we knew that Prabhupada was telling us he wasn't going to be on the planet to initiate our children--they were going to have to seek out their own spiritual master. It wasn't an automatic given that all of our children would be Prabhupada's disciples. Chitralekha dasi, Memories of Srila Prabhupada: Anecdotes of a Modern-Day Saint 3.171. H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – Bhagavad Gita 15.5 Receipt won’t get you there – VideoLecture on Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 15, Text 5 – “Receipt won’t get you there” Dallas, TX
adhyatma-nitya vinivritta-kamah dvandvair vimuktah sukha-duhkha-samjnair gacchanty amudhah padam avyayam tat TRANSLATION Those who are free from false prestige, illusion and false association, who understand the eternal, who are done with material lust, who are freed from the dualities of happiness and distress, and who, unbewildered, know how to surrender unto the Supreme Person attain to that eternal kingdom. PURPORT The surrendering process is described here very nicely. The first qualification is that one should not be deluded by pride. Because the conditioned soul is puffed up, thinking himself the lord of material nature, it is very difficult for him to surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One should know by the cultivation of real knowledge that he is not lord of material nature; the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the Lord. When one is free from delusion caused by pride, he can begin the process of surrender. For one who is always expecting some honor in this material world, it is not possible to surrender to the Supreme Person. Pride is due to illusion, for although one comes here, stays for a brief time and then goes away, he has the foolish notion that he is the lord of the world. He thus makes all things complicated, and he is always in trouble. The whole world moves under this impression. People are considering the land, this earth, to belong to human society, and they have divided the land under the false impression that they are the proprietors. One has to get out of this false notion that human society is the proprietor of this world. When one is freed from such a false notion, he becomes free from all the false associations caused by familial, social and national affections. These faulty associations bind one to this material world. After this stage, one has to develop spiritual knowledge. One has to cultivate knowledge of what is actually his own and what is actually not his own. And when one has an understanding of things as they are, he becomes free from all dual conceptions such as happiness and distress, pleasure and pain. He becomes full in knowledge; then it is possible for him to surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 15.05_Receipt Won’t Get You There_2010-07-07 H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 863:31 A.M.Namamrta by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: ‘A The Holy Name Protects the Devotee from Falldown.
“Ajamila’s exalted position as a brahmana was vanquished by his association with the prostitute, so much so that he forgot all his brahminical activities. Nevertheless, at the end of his life, by chanting the four syllables of the name Narayana, he was saved from the gravest danger of falling down. Svalpam apy asya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat: even a little devotional service can save one from the greatest danger. Devotional service, which begins with chanting of the holy name of the Lord, is so powerful that even if one falls down from the exalted position of a brahmana through sexual indulgence, he can be saved from all calamities if he somehow or other chants the holy name of the Lord. This is the extraordinary power of the Lord’s holy name. Therefore in Bhagavad-gita it is advised that one not forget the chanting of the holy name even for a moment (satatam kirtayanto mam yatantas ca drdha-vratah). There are so many dangers in this material world that one may fall down from an exalted position at any time. Yet if one keeps himself always pure and steady by chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, he will be safe without a doubt.” (S.B. 6.1.63) According to the Vedas, there is a certain regulation that if one falls down from his exalted position, he has to undergo certain ritualistic processes to purify himself. But here there is no such condition because the purifying process is already there in the heart of the devotee, due to his remembering the Supreme Personality of Godhead constantly. Therefore, the chanting of Hare Krishna should be continued without stoppage. This will protect a devotee from all accidental fall-downs. He will thus remain perpetually free from all material contaminations. Chanting protects one from the fall-down, but one to separately follow the four rules: no illicit sex, no intoxication, no meat-eating, and no gambling, in order to chant properly. Neither can one commit sins and think that he will absolve them by chanting Hare Krishna. Nevertheless if one does fall down he can rectify himself by repentance and taking to the constant chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra. Fall-down can occur if one superficially chants but deliberately commits sins. But upon falling down, if one truly feels sorry and is aware of his wrong he can absolve himself from the sins by taking to earnest chanting and by strictly following the rules and regulations. A fall down is the
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Prabhupada SmaranamOne Hundred Prabhupada Poems, #43 Each working for our master,
Right now I have no book,
Without your books,
Disciple of Prabhupada is
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Poem from Under Dark Stars1. Starting to tell of the sub-persons
2. Here is the poem:
I’ve got to stay close to the meds
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Free WriteI turned at random to Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto one, Chapter nine, verse forty-three: “Suta Gosvami said: Thus Bhismadeva merged himself in the Supersoul, Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, with his mind, speech, sight and actions, and thus he became silent, and his breathing stopped.” Bhismadeva merged his self into thinking of the Lord and his mind into remembering his different activities. He chanted the glories of the Lord and by his sight he began to see the Lord personally before him and thus all his activities became concentrated on the Lord without deviation. This is the highest stage of perfection and it is possible for everyone to attain this stage by practice of devotional service. Devotional service consists of nine processes, sravanam, kirtananam, visnu-smaranam … (hearing, chanting, remembering etc.) Any one of these can bring about perfection but they have to be performed persistently under the guidance of the devotee of the Lord. Hearing is the most important and therefore hearing Bhagavad-gita and later Srimad-Bhagavatam must be practiced by anyone who wants to attain the perfection of Bhismadeva at the end of life. Krishna doesn’t have to be personally present for this to take place. His words in the scriptures are identical with the Lord. Prabhupada writes, “Every man or animal must die at a certain stage of life, but one who dies like Bhismadeva attains perfection, and one who dies forced by the laws of nature dies like an animal….The human form of life is especially meant for dying like Bhismadeva.” You look within yourself. First you have an inconvenience of a coming headache but further-in you ask about your spiritual wellbeing. You are inclined to Krishna, you say His names early in the morning. Later you read some of the strokes made by Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s songs and tell some of your feelings towards the Lord. It’s hard to praise yourself, so, again, thinking that you know the strength and the arms of baseball player, like Jason Werth and Luke Scott. Your own arms are not so strong. You are writing unconscious sentences. You start telling Krishna what you want to say but by the time you write the sentence you forget it and something incomprehensible or different comes out. Krishna can be found in the random verses you quote from Srimad-Bhagavatam. It’s mostly the truth and I let myself write freely. I try to make it Krishna conscious. Bala told me of a new problem: Krishna-kripa’s fifty-year-old sister, who is a councilor, is coming for lunch. That means we can not read the Caitanya Bhagavata. We’ll have to engage in small talk. Maybe we can talk something about God or Krishna. Talk about her brother’s passion for travelling around the world and going out in public and chanting the holy name, which he loves to do. Next week ISKCON is officially celebrating Holy Name week. They want to promote special kirtanas at that time. Krishna-kripa wants to go down to New York City and get some devotees to go out with him and chant in Tompkins Square Park. He said he is not a good manager for getting the devotees assembled to go out into the park. Holy Name Week. There will be some extra chanting. I think of a book table with my book, Japa Transformations, and other books on chanting. Some devotees may try the trick of lecturing on yoga and psychology and introducing the maha-mantra as a related subject. Some thought of an anthropology class at a university. All day Haridasa Thakura had to wear his chains in prison. Say, “You are a good devotee which is saying the holy names.” Lord Caitanya said, “Chant Krishna!” You can sing out the holy names on the Holy Name Week. Lord Caitanya said I’m the Lord’s servant and in a good position to chant the Lord’s names. Lord Nityananda chants and dances in ecstasy. It is the yuga-dharma and easy to perform, you can chant along with great kirtana performers. “Hare” is vocative call to the Supreme energy. We rushed to the spot where Prabhupada sang kirtana in 1966. At retreats and temples they have 12 hour and 24 hour kirtanas. I usually chant for about half-an-hour then I get tired. But japa I can do for three hours. It is nice to go on chanting. Sometimes Lord Caitanya would jump in the air and crush to the earth. The demigods would protect his body and Lord Nityananda would also protect him. The brothers shared intimate ecstasy. Kirtans in Oxford, UK: September's Celestial Kirtan O Autumn, laden with fruit, and stain’d
With the blood of the grape, pass not, but sit Beneath my shady roof; there thou may’st rest, And tune thy jolly voice to my fresh pipe, And all the daughters of the year shall dance! Sing now the lusty song of fruits and flowers. - William Blake Our September kirtan, replete with autumn fruits and flowers, was sung with 'jolly voice'! Although there were several 'new' first-time chanters, everyone joined in with gusto and the result, as one chanter described it, was a 'celestial atmosphere'.
![]() ![]() Gaura, brought two friends from Cambridge, and the three of them took turns in leading the chants. Craig and his Croatian wife Dunja are planning to start kirtan programmes in Cambridge - and we hope to join them there sometime, to return the compliment. ![]() ![]() We finished up with autumnal mulled apple juice, nut biscuits and coconut sweet balls. We're very grateful to Gaura, Craig, Dunja and friends who travelled so far to bring us a wonderful experience of chanting. Thanks chaps! Dandavats.com: Revolt of the Elites
Christopher Lasch, a well-known American social and cultural critic, argued in his last book that democracy was withering in the hands of professional and managerial elites who lack a sense of social and civic values. |
jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010
New Vrndavan, USA: Upcoming Special Morning Classes Beginning Thursday; Bharat Natyam; Ladies’ Day At the Palace
miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010
Book Distribution News: Good Character Saves a Soul
"Planet ISKCON" - 24 new articles
Bharatavarsa.net: Book distribution seminar: Good Character Saves a SoulWhile speaking earlier this week with a boy who's recently taken up bhakti-yoga, I realized how important purity and Vaisnava character are for distributing Srila Prabhupada's books and inspiring people to take up devotional service. The boy was named Anchal. He had recently come to New Zealand from India, supposedly to further his studies but actually to meet his guru. He related to me how four months after his arrival here he had met a brahmacari distributing books on the street in Auckland. He had thought to himself, "If this person is really spiritual, a lover of God, then even if I provoke him he will surely be very patient and display his saintly character." Anchal described how he had tried to provoke the devotee this way and that way, but the devotee remained very patient with him and never lost his cool. Anchal was so impressed with the brahmacari that he thought, "I've never met anyone so wonderful in my life!" This despite the fact that Anchal is from India, the land of spiritual culture. Soon thereafter Anchal met Devamrta Swami, and during their first meeting he accepted him as his guru. Anchal is now chanting 16 rounds. Good character is the most important factor in distributing Krsna consciousness -- more than our joking ability, our hairstyle, the spot we're given to distribute in, some new sankirtan lines, etc. We don't know the future of those we meet on Sankirtan, and so we should always display the highest Vaisnava behavior, even if someone tries to provoke us. Akrura das, Gita Coaching: Who can reach Vaikuntha planets?The self-effulgent Vaikuntha planets, by whose illumination alone all the illuminating planets within this material world give off reflected light, cannot be reached by those who are not merciful to other living entities. Only persons who constantly engage in welfare activities for other living entities can reach the Vaikuntha planets.
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Nanda Mandir PrabhuSrimad Bhagavatam 11.24.28-29 - Analytical study of material elements, sankhya, helps one to be detached from matter. Book Distribution News: Good Character Saves a SoulWhile speaking earlier this week with a boy who's recently taken up bhakti-yoga, I realized how important purity and Vaisnava character are for distributing Srila Prabhupada's books and inspiring people to take up devotional service. The boy was named Anchal. He had recently come to New Zealand from India, supposedly to further his studies but actually to meet his guru. He related to me how four months after his arrival here he had met a brahmacari distributing books on the street in Auckland. He had thought to himself, "If this person is really spiritual, a lover of God, then even if I provoke him he will surely be very patient and display his saintly character." Anchal described how he had tried to provoke the devotee this way and that way, but the devotee remained very patient with him and never lost his cool. Anchal was so impressed with the brahmacari that he thought, "I've never met anyone so wonderful in my life!" This despite the fact that Anchal is from India, the land of spiritual culture. Soon thereafter Anchal met Devamrta Swami, and during their first meeting he accepted him as his guru. Anchal is now chanting 16 rounds. Good character is the most important factor in distributing Krsna consciousness -- more than our joking ability, our hairstyle, the spot we're given to distribute in, some new sankirtan lines, etc. We don't know the future of those we meet on Sankirtan, and so we should always display the highest Vaisnava behavior, even if someone tries to provoke us. Kurma dasa, AU: Yamuna Devi Recipe # 10 : Apricot Chutney with Currants (Khumani Chatni)But wait, there's more...! Here's more serialising of recipes by my cooking guru, Yamuna Devi. Before attempting to cook any of her recipes, make sure you are aware of the difference between US measures and Australian/metric measures. See below* (It's almost apricot season here in Australia. First of the season apricots are the most tasteful, says Kurma.)
This is outstanding chutney, especially when the apricots are tree-ripened, sweet and fragrant. For those of us resorting to fruits sold at supermarkets or corner grocers, look for barely ripened fruit with a fragrant smell. If they are absolutely without smell, use dried apricots which require an overnight soaking in lime juice and water and a slight increase in cooking time. American (and Australian) dried apricots little resemble their shriveled Indian counterpart, aloo bookhara, but they are almost as tasty as the fresh fruit. Preparation and cooking time for fresh apricots: 30 minutes, Preparation, soaking and cooking time for dried apricots: overnight, Makes: 1½ cups. ½ pound (230 g) dried apricot halves, quartered and soaked overnight in 3 table spoons lime juice and 2 cups (480 ml) hot water; or 2 pounds (1 kg) fresh apricots, seeded and sliced, plus 3 tablespoons lime juice and ½ cup water, 2 tablespoons ghee or butter, 3-inch (7.5 cm) piece of cinnamon stick, ½ teaspoon kalonji or black sesame seeds, ½ tablespoon scraped fresh ginger root, minced, 2/3 cup (85 g) dark raisins or currants, ½ cup (75 g) maple sugar or brown sugar, packed, ¼ teaspoon salt, 1/8 – ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper. If you are using dried apricots, drain the soaked fruit in a strainer and collect the liquid. Heat the ghee or butter over moderate heat in 3-quart/liter stainless steel or enamel saucepan. When it melts, add the cinnamon, kalonji or black sesame seeds and ginger, and fry for about ½ minute. Stir in the remaining ingredients, raise the heat slightly, and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to moderately low and simmer, stirring now and then, especially in the last 10 minutes, until the chutney is thick and glazed, about 30 minutes for fresh apricots and 45 minutes for dried. Serve at room temperature, or refrigerate, covered, for 2-3 days.
*Note that since Yamuna wrote her recipes using US measurements, the weights are in US with metric in brackets. More importantly, her tablespoons are US (15ml) whereas Australian/metric tablespoons are 20ml. So if you follow these recipes using metric measures, your tablespoons should be scant. Similarly, the US cup is 240ml as distinct from the Australian/metric 250ml cup. The same scant measuring should thus apply to Australian/metric cup users. The teaspoon is a universal 5ml. Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: chanting, not magic, is Srila Prabhupada's attractionInterviewer: I wonder if you could tell me how you came to founding the movement here in the United States. Prabhupada: I was ordered by my spiritual master to do this work, so on his order I came in 1965. That is the beginning of this. I came alone with no help, no money. Somehow or other (laughs) I started. Interviewer: :How did you attract people? You landed in New York... Prabhupada: My attraction is this chanting. That's all. Interviewer: Did you stand on street corners and chant? Prabhupada: Yes, I had no magic. Just like others. They say some..., show some magic. I never showed any magic. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Interview with Newsday Newspaper -- July 14, 1976, New York For the upcoming anniversary of Srila Prabhupada's arrival in USA Japa Group: Power Of the Hare Krsna MantraEveryone of you should be thoroughly convinced of the power of the Hare Krsna mantra to protect you in all circumstances and chant accordingly at all times without offense. Then advancement will be swift and you will gradually come to see everything clearly so that you may act for the pleasure of the Lord without uncertainty. When one is spontaneously engaged in this way, always in the service of the Lord and anxious to avoid all mundane activities, he is actually experiencing the taste of bliss in Krsna consciousness. From a letter to Damodara - January 10, 1971 Shalagram das, Dallas, TX, USA: Soil Energy
Modern agricultural science considers soil in terms of chemicals. A better way to see the soil is in terms of energy. Energy flows between the earth’s two poles. The various mineral compounds in the soil allow this energy to flow in different amounts. If you get too much mineralization you can have [...] H.H. Sivarama Swami: Weddding of Satyavak prabhu and Anjavati
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 853:13 A.M.Namamrta by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: ‘A devotee can be satisfied in any condition of life simply by chanting Hare Krishna:
“For the spiritual master, a pure devotee, heaven and hell are both the same if there is no Krishna consciousness. In hell people are suffering in so many ways, and in heaven they are enjoying their senses in so many ways, but a devotee of the Lord can live any place where there is Krishna consciousness, and since he brings this consciousness with him, he is always self-satisfied. If he is sent to hell, he will be satisfied simply chanting Hare Krishna. In fact he does not believe in hell but in Krishna. Similarly, if he were put in heaven, where there are so many opportunities for sense gratification he would also remain aloof, for his senses are satisfied by Krishna Himself. Thus for the service of the Lord a devotee is prepared to go anywhere, and for this reason he is very dear to Krishna.” (The Science of Self Realization) Material life is temporary and so the ups and downs of life may come and go. When they come one should be as tolerant as a tree and as humble and meek as a straw in the street, but certainly he must engage himself in Krishna consciousness by chanting Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare. In any condition of life, if one goes on chanting he will never be unhappy. It is to be understood that any person who is constantly engaged in chanting the holy names of the Lord has attained a transcendental affection for Krishna, and as such, in any condition of life he remains satisfied simply by remembering the Lord’s name in full affection and ecstatic love. This is certainly something I want to remember and practice. It is hard to be “satisfied” when you are in as physically painful condition or you are mentally disturbed. But by chanting you can get solace anywhere, in any condition. At least one should go on chanting in any condition and try to experience the benefits. When I was in the Navy I did not know about chanting. I felt so imprisoned and lonely. If I had known about chanting I could have survived better. Once I did learn to chant I was able to endure the difficulty of associating with nondevotees in the welfare office by chanting within my mind. I specifically asked Prabhupada if it was all right to chant silently in my mind while at the workplace in order to get relief from the prattle of my co-workers. I said they were all talking nonsense. Prabhupada said, “Not only your co-workers are talking nonsense but so are the great philosophers of the world, and so you can go on chanting within your mind and get relief.” I did so and my workday went smoother. This morning, after a night of dreams, I got up from bed at 12:39 A.M. I was wide awake and had no pain. My chanting went very smoothly. I enunciated the names clearly and linked them all in an endless chain as I accumulated toward my quota. My mind sometimes wandered, but I brought it back to attentive japa. By 3:05 I had finished sixteen rounds. I consider it a better day than average. Chanting your rounds alone
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Prabhupada SmaranamOne Hundred Prabhupada Poems, #42 “Dear Srila Prabhupada,
“Don’t work without the guru’s order.
“They have heard the guru has an eternal
“I follow you as I saw you and
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Poem from Under Dark Stars1. H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Free WriteI turned at random to Srimad-Bhagavatam 1st Canto, Chapter 9, verse 33: “Sri Krishna is the intimate friend of Arjuna. He has appeared on this earth in His transcendental body, which resembles the bluish color of the tamala tree. His body attracts everyone in the three planetary systems [upper, middle and lower]. May His glittering yellow dress and His lotus face, covered with paintings of sandalwood pulp, be the object of my attraction, and may I not desire fruitive results.” These are among the prayers of Bhisma as he lay dying on the bed of arrows on the battlefield of Kuruksetra. He was surrounded by the Pandavas and Lord Krishna Himself, who had come to honor the passing away of the great warrior and devotee. Bhisma fought against the Pandavas and Sri Krishna as a matter of circumstances, because he was supported by the Kauravas, but he was actually a well-wisher of the Pandavas and a great devotee of Lord Krishna. He worshiped Krishna in the chivalrous humor and adored the sight of Krishna rushing toward him on the battlefield, His transcendental body powdered by the dust from the horses’ hooves and His body wounded by Bhisma’s arrows. Visvanatha Cakravarti comments that “the arrows of Bhisma did not actually hurt Krishna but were received by Him like the bites of a lover in amorous exchange.” Here Bhisma addresses Krishna as the intimate friend of Arjuna. He knows that the Lord likes to be addressed in connection with His intimate devotees, and Arjuna shared the rasa of intimate friendship with Krishna. Bhisma meditates on the Lord’s beautiful appearance with glittering yellow dress and His face ornamented with sandalwood pulp. Prabhupada appreciates the loving relationship of Bhismadeva and Krishna and says it should not be neglected by paying attention only to Krishna’s conjugal relationship with the gopis. Prabhupada writes, “The direct relation of a particular soul with the Lord is evolved. A genuine relation of the living being with the Supreme Lord can take any form out of the five principal rasas, and it does not make any difference in transcendental degree to the genuine devotee.” Steve Kowit read Sanatorium. He liked it, saw it as Kerouacian outpouring of creative energy, reminded him of the first book I wrote like that on the Lower East Side. He liked the way the poems fit in. Saw it as very autobiographical and liked the plot of the crippled girl Sandy and how it was completed. He thought Sandy must have been modeled on a real experience in my life, but it was pure fiction. Wishes me well in writing and painting. I’m very happy to have that reception from him. I wish I had the energy to do more like Sanatorium and Under Dark Stars. For now I’ve got the Writing Sessions. Saci heard I had a great time at the Philly Ratha Yatra. It was so, I met so many people. I have a slight headache and am not writing with much physical energy. I just read a little bit of Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s songs taking complete shelter in Krishna. He says he will never be afraid of the material world. Krishna can kill anyone He wants. Taking shelter of Krishna, everything will be all right. But how do you do it? You chant His holy names. You render service to Him such as preaching. Taking shelter of Krishna, you render prayers to Him. You talk to Him as your protector. Staying under His instructions. Read the sastras. Think of Him as your Father. Meditate on Him and Radha and Their pastimes. Lie down on your bed when your head feels weak and utter His names. “I believe in God the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth,” the Christian Apostles’ Creed begins. We pray, “I believe in Lord Krishna, the original supreme person, the origin and sustainer of all life. He creates the material universes through the agencies of His Vishnu expansions and the cooperation of the material energy, Mayadevi. I believe Krishna lives in the spiritual world far beyond the material worlds. Above even the Vaikuntha planets where Lord Narayana resides, Krishna sports in Goloka Vrndavana. There He has the most intimate pastimes of self- satisfaction with the gopis and with His mother Yasoda and His father Nanda Maharaja. I also believe in a Supersoul present in everyone’s heart.” New Vrndavan, USA: Vaisnavi Conference Oct. 1-3On Saturday, October 2, Praladananda devi dasi, a new York-based film producer, will be presenting a seminar in New Vrindaban on film production for amateurs. Her presentation is entitled “How to Film: Making the Best Use of Your Time and Video Equipment.” This seminar will cover a wide spectrum of topics such as how to frame or compose an image; looking at light and shadow; filming from different angles and perspectives; zooming in and out; and the art of interviewing. Praladananda will also discuss the use of sound. Students will be given time to practice what they are shown, and to bring their work back for review and discussion. Bring either a camcorder or zoom-and-shoot digital with video capacity. Praladananda is currently producing a 60-minute documentary film on New Vrindaban’s Palace of Gold. “The Palace of Gold is an architectural wonder,” said Praladananda. “The devotees who built the Palace of Gold had a dream. Very few people make their dreams into reality, but they did it,” explained Praladananda. “The devotees who built the Palace of Gold were young, and in general they had no previous training or experience. But they dedicated their lives to building the Palace, and they have left their mark on the world. The Palace will be here for many years to come. “What is most amazing is that the Palace of Gold is in the beautiful countryside of New Vrindaban. The walking trails, rolling hills and abundant wildlife are the perfect setting for city people who need to de-stress,” said Praladananda with appreciation. “Even the deer and birds feel at peace here. It feels like a sanctuary.” Praladananda, a native of the Carribean island of Trinidad, began her film career as an editor. Working on other people’s films as an editor inspired Praladananda to start producing her own films. “I mostly edited feature films, but my focus as a producer is documentaries. I like documentaries because I can make a difference in people’s lives,” confided Praladananda. “I produced a film on blindness in Nigeria in western Africa, where 4 million people are blind because they cannot afford a simple cataract operation that costs $80.” Praladananda’s seminar on film production is part of New Vrindaban Community’s Ninth Annual Vaishnavi Retreat from October 1 – 3. This retreat is an opportunity for women to nourish their bodies, minds, and souls in a safe, non-judgmental environment. Last year, over seventy women from across North America visited Marshall County during the beautiful autumn season. Other seminar topics this year include: * Hatha yoga (yoga postures) and pranayama (breathing techniques) by Gopimata dd, a certified yoga instructor who teaches nationally * “The Culture of Care Starts From Within” by Vraja Lila dd, a certified coach in Non-violent Communication who conducts seminars world-wide * “The Freedom in Forgiveness” (exploring forgiveness as a spiritual practice) by Radha dd, who conducts seminars on conflict resolution and alternative dispute resolution across the US, and is also a certified peer counselor for victims of domestic violence Healthy vegetarian meals will be provided for retreat participants, and lodging is also available. A small donation of $10 per seminar is requested from women do not wish to attend the entire retreat. New Vrindaban Community is located south of Moundsville – Wheeling, off Route 250. For more information about the Vaishnavi Retreat, call (304) 845-9591 or visit www. vaishnaviretreat.org. Balabhadra dasa: Moo-oo-oo to You![]() To read the latest ISCOWP e-newsletter please click this link. http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs001/1102923281326/archive/1103692005463.html Hare Krsna! Balabhadra Akrura das, Gita Coaching: SPIRITUAL GIVINGTo me, spiritual giving is unconditional giving, giving without expecting anything in return. Akrura das, Gita Coaching: COMES BACK A MILLION TIMESWhat the devotee actually offers the Lord is not needed by the Lord, for He is self-sufficient. Australian News: Diwali FOLK News Online Edition: Download itHere is your online edition of our Diwali FOLK News . This issue gives you advance notice of the major festivals from October 2010 to January 2011. It also contains articles by Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami and Kurna Dasa, as well as Bhakta Dasa and Lavabgalatika Devi Dasi. I hope you find it an enjoyable read. Rasanandini Devi Dasi.
Click here and download your copy of the newsletter. Share this story your way:Maddy Jean-claude Durr, New Govardhana, AU: Radhastami In RadhadeshOur little asrama rose out of slumber. We dressed and marked our bodies with tilaka under the soft light of candles. We came down for a shining Mangala Arati ceremony. I looked up at Radharani, who was glowing with mercy. It was Her day of the year and She was blessing all the fallen souls like myself. After a decent japa session, I joined Rama, Gopinatha and Yoga in the Deity kitchen. Rama was heading a whole Gurukuli division today (our supervising Brahmana). I made some fruit salad and some puris; Yoga made me some whipped cream (for the fruit salad) and helped all over the kitchen, keeping it clean; Gopinatha made two sabjis, one containing a substantial amount of fried panneer; and Rama went about making the main bulk of the offering. We were in Radharani’s kitchen, cooking something especially for Radharani; today she was not short of helpers. I spent some time in my room, reading the story of the Avanti Brahmana. After drenching myself in Bhagavatam I decided to drench myself in more Radharani mercy. I ran downstairs to the temple room and saw Radha Gopinatha, Radharani dressed in a beautiful flower set. The temple was soon overcrowded with devotees, eager to sing bhajana for Radharani. I had to quickly duck out, making my way to the library to make my offering to Radharani. I ran back to the temple with Rama for the break fast. There was a line, almost as long as the glories of Srimati Radharani, heading into the Prasadam tent. Rama stood in line with a plate (that he had stashed earlier) while I walked into the tent to find my own. There was not a single plate in sight, only a mass of tiny bowls. I grabbed what I could and then I noticed a second line for the supposed 64 preps (which ended up being 185 preps!). I quickly beckoned Rama into the tent. The system was that people were taking the bulk Prasadam and then taking the preparations as treats. We decided to do it in reverse order, which totally removed the obstacle of waiting in traffic from the equation (without simply applying the usual Gurukuli style of oblivious line cutting. subtle is always best and leads to the same amends). We rested off the Prasadam until the boat festival. I heard the kirtana part from the Castle just as I threw my chadar over my shoulder. I rushed down the stairs in a skip and a hop. We all found our way off into a little tent, somewhere in the fields, and watched Cota Radha Gopinatha having a fabulous boat ride. Soon Rama took the Cota Deities off their boat and mounted them on a Govardhana hill model in the centre. We then walked across a bridge to offer Them flowers. We finished by escorting the Lordships back to the temple for their Arati. I found Yoga in the asrama. We started a conversation on dhotis and chadars, which turned into an epic prelude of philosophical discussion. We went on and on, although it would never end. Finally some others passed and we parted our ways. I went back to my room, to read Bhagavatam. Krsna was speaking to Uddhava about Sankya philosophy. He explained how the elements all wound up into themselves. As I read about the elements winding up, I also wound up my holy day, praying my heart out for Radharani’s mercy. Radharani! Please save me!
Read original post: [http://maddmonk.wordpress.com/2010/09/28/radhastami-in-radhadesh-2010]
Subscribe: [http://http://maddmonk.wordpress.com/subscribe] H.H. Sivarama Swami: Russian Skype conference with disciples on regaining faith in the holy name, the subject of Brahma’s meditations, and why Krsna shows himself to motivated persons like Daksa and not to us. (Russian/English)H.H. Sivarama Swami: Balaram asks whether we need to take diksa if we remember our initiation from our last lifeYes, because we want the fidelity of being in Srila Prabhupada’s line. Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: Adopt A Cow-It's Time!From our friends at Brhadmrdanga.com and the New Govardhana farm at Australia
What is the true path to happiness for the whole world? His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, founder of the Hare Krishna Movement, has said that the happiness of mankind is directly connected to the happiness of the cows. He stated “Because the poor animals are always in anxiety, humanity is also put in anxiety by different strains of hot and cold wars.” These simple, gentle creatures eat only grass and produce nutritious satisfying milk, like a gift from God to the world. And and out of love for the world herself the cow produces more milk than her calf can drink. Even her stool and urine have unlimited agricultural and medicinal uses. We also learn from the saints and sages that she is dear to God Himself. At New Govardhana, our mission is to show the spiritual and material benefits that result from protecting and caring for the cows. To do this, we want to make New Govardhana a place in the world where everyone can see this demonstrated practically. A place where anyone, regardless of religious persuasion, can experience the peace and satisfaction that comes from personally caring for cows Gouranga TV: Kirtan, Devaprasth DasKirtan, Devaprasth Das, Washington DC H.H. Sivarama Swami…go on with your preaching solidly. Krishna will be pleased and Caitanya Mahaprabhu will be kind. He is already kind. You simply have to go village to village, and your life will be perfect. - Srila Prabhupada More Recent Articles |
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