Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami
Srila Gurudeva’s Beautiful Desires
For His International Pure Bhakti-yoga
We are fast approaching the holy
month of Kartika. We are immeasurably fortunate that our beloved Srila Gurudeva
is with us. He will be guiding us forever, and soon he will be guiding us
through an inspiring month of parikrama, harikatha, and sadhu-sanga.
Srila Gurudeva’s spiritual daughters and sons around the world
desire to fulfill his wishes for the future success of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s
mission as it is descending through his own International Pure Bhakti-yoga
Society. As a small service to you all in that regard, we are sending out the
following question and answer conversation between Srila Gurudeva and Sripad
Brajanath dasa on August 7, 2008, in Govardhana, India. To hear the sound file,
please logon to :
1) Why did you create the Bhaktivedanta Trust International? What is its purpose?
Gurudeva: I have preached the vani of
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Rupa-Raghunatha in every part of the world. I
have also printed and distributed books everywhere around the world. These are
the two main features of my mission. So, just as preaching and printing is going
on in my presence, in a similar way, also after me, I want the vani of
Sri Rupa-Raghunatha and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to continue to be preached
around the world, but even more so – in much greater
I have also established Bhaktivedanta
Trust International (BHAKTI) for another reason, which is to keep my mission
unified, now and after me. I want that all the qualified Sannyasis and preachers
who are preaching my mission shall be united by affectionate
2) What
are the responsibilities of the Trust?
Gurudeva: The Trust has the responsibility to
ensure that our worldwide mission of preaching the vani of Sri
Rupa-Raghunatha and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continues; and to ensure that my
books are printed and distributed; both preaching and book distribution should
go on in a manner similar to what is happening now. Also, the Trust has the
responsibility to keep our preachers unified and to keep preaching happening
long into the future.
3) What
are the responsibilities of the Advisory
Gurudeva: The members of the Advisory Board are
responsible for advising on the various aspects of how my mission’s preaching
and book distribution can continue without
4) And
what are the responsibilities of the Trust in relationship to the
Gurudeva: In the event of a breach of trust
within the Society, the Trust is responsible to give proper advice to the
Society and if required to correct it.
5) What
is the relationship between the BTI and your
Gurudeva: There should be loving and
affectionate behavior between the BTI and my preachers and sannyasis. The
sannyasis should be respected. They are one of the main limbs of my preaching,
and without their help I cannot preach everywhere in the world. As a result, it
is proper for everyone to respect them. If the Trustees or anyone have
suggestions, they can offer them to the Sannyasis in a proper and respectful way
so that preaching of my vani will happen
6) What
vision do you have for the International Pure Bhakti Yoga
Srila Gurudeva:
I desire that people everywhere understand Pure
Bhakti as practiced and preached by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Pure Bhakti is also
called Prema Bhakti. Prema Bhakti is found only in the activities and lives of
our Rupanuga Acharyas and nowhere else. It is the desire of our Rupanuga
Acharyas that the glories of unnata-ujjvala parakiya bhava of the gopis, as
exampled by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, are preached throughout the
Srila Rupa Gosvamipada established
the greatness of the parakiya bhava of the gopis through
scriptural evidence and logic. He stated that the upapati (paramour)
relationship between ordinary men and women is disgusting and is a pathway to
hell. In contrast, there is no fault in the parakiya bhava of Lord
Krishna’s relationship with the gopis. As Parabrahma He is Himself the
Hero and the gopis who are the prakash of His svarupa
shakti are His spotless heroines. With this understanding the purpose and
goal of prema bhakti (suddha bhakti), as practiced and
preached by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, is the goal and vision for our
7) Do
you see the Trustees as directors or managers of your
Gurudeva: My understanding is that the Trustees
are sevaks (servitors) of everybody. They should behave humbly and
respectably with the members of the Society. The Trustees are not the
controllers or managers of anyone, rather they are everyone’s servants. This is
my vision. In this way, becoming humble and meek, giving proper respect to
everybody without expecting respect in return, and behaving with love and
affection. This alone is the duty of Trustees.
Should the Trust make financial reports to the
Gurudeva: If you think that it is possible to
present this, then you may do so.
9) Who
are the Trustees accountable to, especially in your
Gurudeva: If the Trustees are doing something
wrong, then the members of the Society should advice them, either through the
Advisory Board or directly. The Society can give advice by stating what is not
good. And the Trustees should accept their advice.
Should they report their activities publicly to the members of the
Gurudeva: Some matters require discretion and
so should be kept confidential, but those matters that are beneficial for the
public should be disclosed to the public.
11) How
do you want the Trustees to act? What are the guiding principles for them to
follow in the execution of their
Gurudeva: I have previously answered this
question. (See Question #7.)
12) Why
did you choose these particular Trustees?
Gurudeva: To ensure that my mission (i.e. the
vani of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu which was practiced by Him) should be
preached everywhere and that my books should be printed and distributed, that is
why I have selected these Trustees. I saw that these Trustees are surrendered to
me, that they have surrendered everything to me and that they don’t keep even a
paisa for themselves. These Brahmacharis and Sannyasis surrender
everything to me, whatever they collect from pranami (collection,
bhiksha) – even to the last single amount, without keeping even a
single paisa for themselves. Instead, I give them money for their
expenses. After seeing the sincerity of their duty and obligation (kartavya
parayanata) I appointed them as Trustees.
Some say that they are somehow on the Trust because they have money and
property? Is this true?
Gurudeva: Some say that I appointed these
Trustees because some of them are wealthy, having money and property. That is
completely false. Only after seeing their atma samarpana (surrender unto me),
their guru nistha and all services, have I appointed them as Trustees. They have
helped me and are still helping me with Govardhana Math, Navadvip Math,
Gopinatha Bhavan, Durvasa Math, and with my publications. They also preach and
understand our philosophy. They have complete faith in
14) Do
the Trustees have any influence over you Srila Gurudeva? Do you take decisions
because of what they tell you? Please explain this in detail Srila
Gurudeva: To say that the Trustees influence my
decisions is completely false. In making my decisions I am not influenced by
anyone. I only make decisions that are proper and appropriate for
Hari-Guru-Vaisnava seva. I make decisions that are favorable and useful
to that seva and that is beneficial for the welfare of the
Some devotees feel that all the power and decision making authority for the
Society is concentrated in the hands of the BTI Trustees. They worry about this.
Srila Gurudeva, what is your comment?
Gurudeva: Some devotees feel that all the power
and decision making authority for the Society is concentrated in the hands of
the BTI Trustees and not in my hands. But this is completely false. The BTI
Trustees do not make their own decisions. They consider a matter and make
recommendations to me. They advise me what they think is the right decision.
When they are wrong, I tell them so and I decide. If some adjustment is needed,
I make a change. They act as servants, nothing more.
16) On
the other hand some devotees hold suspicions about the character and integrity
of the Trustees. They think the Trustees are not important at all and that they
are only interested in money and prestige which buys them privilege, special
treatment and facilities. Some devotees think their appointment is your loving
trick to engage them, but that there is no need to think of them as having any
value to the devotees in general. Srila Gurudeva, what is your
Gurudeva: I understand that none of those
devotees that I have appointed as Trustees have bad character. Rather, the life
and character of all these Trustees are pure and sacred. I have appointed them
as Trustees only after testing them in every way. To err is human. If they are
wrong or make a mistake, then as Guru I correct them. They accept my correction
completely. I engage them in service and they are surrendered, so if there is
some discrepancy they are forgivable and their life and character should be
understood as being pure and sacred. Lord Krishna has also said in Gita
(9:30)—“api cet suduracaro…” meaning that “Even if a man of abominable
character engages in My ananya-bhajana, he is still to be considered a
sadhu, due to being right ly situated in bhakti.” Even if for
whatever reason that devotee is weak, if he has ananya (one-pointed)
bhava towards Bhagavan, all his faults will go away, be corrected in
the near future. As such he should be considered nothing but a
Is there anyone in the world who is
faultless? If those who have suspicions or question the Trustees motives, can
they themselves say that their own life and character is completely pure and
without fault? I don’t think so. I don’t think anyone can make that claim.
Rather, it’s the accuser, who has so many faults, so many anarthas,
which they do not see in themselves but which they see in others. Only Lord Sri
Krishna and myself know about another’s faults and anarthas. If some
devotees think that my appointment of them is my loving trick to engage them in
Bhagavan’s seva – they are quite wrong. Rather, I want to engage
everyone in the service of Supreme Godhead, whether they are male or female,
grhasthas, brahmacharis or sannyasis. To think that I have
caught them to engage them in Bhagavan’s seva is not true. I know that
all my disciples somehow have anarthas in their hearts. That does not
matter because I want to engage them all in seva, I want to correct
their false egos and remove their anarthas.
Don’t you think there are more qualified persons to elect to your Trust? People
who are better devotees and who are more surrendered to
Gurudeva: When I first made the Trust, at that
time the Trustees I selected were the most qualified to fulfill the
responsibilities of their posts. It may be that others are now more qualified,
grhasthas, sannyasis or other preachers. Still, the Trustees have
accepted the responsibility. I have said they are everyone’s servants. I want
everyone to unite in love, trust and affection. Each and every one should
respect each other. That will please me. Moreover, I know that having qualities
such as being a good scholar, being intelligent, very rich and other qualities –
these are not important. Unless and until there is surrender to Sri Guru then
all qualities and attributes have no value. If surrender to Sri Guru is present,
then and only then do these qualities have meaning. All th ings good or bad are
reconciled and adjusted by surrender to Sri Guru and the agency of his
krpa (mercy).
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