"Planet ISKCON" - 32 new articles
H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Tuesday 23 February 2010--The Most Miraculous Turnaround in World History--and--What is the ...Srila Prabhupada gives a very nice example that in spreading the science of bhakti we should try to shoot for the rhinoceros. This means that we should always strive to achieve the greatest accomplishments from our missionary activities. He has given this example in a letter to his disciple, Balavanta das, dated 22 December 1971 that was written in................................ ================================================================== Thought... • Email to a friend • Related • Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Bhajan @ Chi Yoga - Hari das - Vande Guru Sri Charanara Vindam 1/5Kalachandji's Kirtan Group performing at Chi Yoga. Hari das singing the bhajan "Vande Guru Sri Charanara Vindam". Dallas, TX Download: 2009-12-19 - Kalachandji's Kirtan Group - 1 - Chi Yoga - Hari das - Vande Guru Sri Charanara Vindam.mp3 • Email to a friend • Related • Japa Group: Inattention Is A Serious Problem
• Email to a friend • Related • ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Kesava PrabhuSrimad Bhagavatam 11.17.53 - I am Krishna's and Krishna is mine. • Email to a friend • Related • Srimad Bhagavatam 11.17.53 - I am Krishna's and Krishna is mine. Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: Shoveling The Greenhouse Roof And Breaking Icicles Back in the late 80s or early 90s, after Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Candra had moved from Bahulaban to Their current temple, most offices and productive life of New Vrindaban was still ongoing at Bahulaban. There was a greenhouse built off what is now known as the Pink Building where we wintered over plants, including some beautiful 4-5′ (1.2-1.5m) tall tulasis in large pots. We had a lot of other tender stuff, including producing gardenias. We also started lots of flowers and veggie plants for the temple and Palace gardens. One April there was a huge and quick snowstorm where like 8-12″ (20-30 cm) of snow fell in about two hours. I was working in an office in the building and noted snow had started to fall. I wasn’t that concerned about it because it was after all April and snow was not that common, typically small amounts, and the greenhouse usually melted off any snow that fell on it. I never even thought to be concerned but when I stepped out two hours later the greenhouse had collapsed. I immediately went around to the offices and drafted some help. Some were a little resistant, being under the bodily concept that they were office workers and adverse to doing physical labor but soon all came to help. Some threats of immediate reaction may have been employed with the more resistant of them. Once they had visual evidence of the peril tulasi was in they did jump in with requisite enthusiasm. There was a lot of plants and it took a while but we did save them all. So even though my greenhouse has a solid roof and would probably have been fine, I was concerned. I spent the 20-30 minutes it took to shovel the snow off it. One reason I was concerned is that temperatures had started going up above freezing during the day so melt was occurring on the upper roof. This was draining off onto the lower roof because the gutters were filled with ice. The snow on the lower roof was catching that runoff and holding it, hence the weight was building up. I figured being safe was better than being sorry so cleaned it off. Since then there have been multiple reports of porch roofs in the local area collapsing. For those with local knowledge of NV, the former lumber warehouse roof, current garden storage building used by Tapahpunjah by the Garden of Seven Gates, has collapsed. (photo by Jaya Murari) The other danger is icicles. They can build up weight and pull the gutters right off your building so I also knocked a lot of those off. They can also be dangerous if they fall off by themselves. A guy was just killed up at a industrial plant near Follansbee when ice broke loose and hit him as he was walking under a coal conveyor. All that aside, it is very beautiful every where one looks, a pristine beauty of form and purity. Filed under: News, Ramblings or Whatever • Email to a friend • Related • Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: a definition of Krsna consciousnessKrsna consciousness means constantly associating with the Supreme Personality of Godhead in such a mental state that the devotee can observe the cosmic manifestation exactly as the Supreme Personality of Godhead does. SB 4.29.69, text • Email to a friend • Related • HH. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 355Prabhupada SmaranamHe is following his daily schedule, as usual. He is visiting the temple and preparing to give the morning Srimad-Bhagavatam lecture. Prabhupada lectures every day on a consecutive verse. Sometimes when moving from one temple to another he begins a new chapter of the book. There are no hard and fast rules, but he reads according to what books are being recently published and what he thinks will be best for the devotees to hear. His general working principle was that Srimad-Bhagavatam was like a sweet ball and any place you bit into it was sweet. He would have his Sanskrit editor Pradyumna or Nitai Dasa read the Sanskrit and English out loud and perhaps (not usually) the purport. Then he would begin his lecture speaking on the topic of the verse in the context of the chapter. He did not give a systematic study of the entire Srimad-Bhagavatam, but skipped around to speak on different sections. Each point was important, relevant and worth hearing. And within each purport there would be something particularly significant that he focused on. He did not prepare his lectures in advance but spoke masterfully on the subject matter covered in the verse and purport. He said whatever change one saw in his disciples came about by hearing. Of course, if one reads the books the subject matter is covered systematically, so the experience of hearing his lectures was different from reading his books. Both presentations had their particular merits. It was wonderful to hear him speak spontaneously, and it is wonderful to study the books in the more systematic way of chapter to chapter. We are fortunate to have audio recordings of the lectures and [...] • Email to a friend • Related • Bhakti Lata, Alachua, USA: Let It BeSome time ago, I took a japa walk surrounded by the glitter of stars and silence. And then, at a point in the road where the sky opens up, I just halted in my footsteps, stunned, because a wave of helplessness had washed over me: So I stood there under the stars, just stood there, and then I knelt to the ground and buried my head in my hands. And I realized that that was a glimpse of how I will feel when my spiritual master leaves this world. • Email to a friend • Related • Japa Group: Always Keep The Sound Track ClearIt seems hopeless to stop the mind's wandering, but at least let the other track (as in multiple-track tape recordings) contain the full, awake, articulated sound: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/Hare Räma, Hare Räma, Räma Räma, Hare Hare. Chant clearly, no matter what. Admitting the impossibility of stopping all impure thoughts, at least always keep the sound track clear. Then I know whenever I switch back to chanting, pure sound will be there. By a flick of the mental switch, I can be out of mäyä into japa.
• Email to a friend • Related • Dandavats.com: Live from Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir! HH Bhakti Charu Swami on HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami
In order to assist Srila Prabhupada Sri Krishna sent many devotees. And undoubtedly HH Bhakti Tirtha Maharaj is one of them. To assist Srila Prabhupada Krishna planted different devotees in different parts of the world, in different communities, in different societies and when Srila Prabhupada went to America they came forward to assist Srila Prabhupada. • Email to a friend • Related • Live from Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir! HH Bhakti Charu Swami on HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami741 Views / EMail This Post / Print This Post / Home » Live from Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir! HH Bhakti Charu Swami on HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami 741 Views / EMail This Post / Print This Post / Home » Live from Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir! HH Bhakti Charu Swami on HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami Home » Live from Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir! HH Bhakti Charu Swami on HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: Vedic model to Explain LifeWhen we read the Vedic literatures explaining life, there seems to be apparent contradictions and mundane discrepancies not fitting daily experience. Therefore, reading the purport of the Acharyas (perfected souls) helps alleviate apparent contradictions and super-realities. Yet, our mind being what it is has a tendency to approach even the word of Guru as fantastic or beyond practical realities. This speculative approach creates doubts in our minds. I have heard many devotees asking questions trying to validate the scriptures using modern definitions of evidence or proof. In other words, trying to fit Vedic paradigm within the confines of modern scientific scrutiny. The way I approach studying Vedic literature is not by wearing my mechanistic hat. Modern day science functions on certain underlying assumptions that all natural laws are constant. For example that light travelling in different parts of the universe has the same properties (assumed constant) as on the earth domain. This mechanistic modeling is the only way science can function and on that basis collect data, interpret it and ultimately arrive at conclusions or theories of life. This mechanistic model limits to explain the dynamic interactions of nature or the real world. Hence we don't have one unifying theory to explain it all. Of course…the scientists are hard at work trying to create that one theory…but it will not be possible as long as they have a mechanistic logic of time, space and its events. It is like the difference between complete and incomplete knowledge. Modern scientific model may explain something at some point in time for brief periods of time (thus incomplete from the bigger picture) where as the Vedic model explains phenomenon not only at a point-in-time basis but also at all points of time. Let me give another example, in sociology, poverty can be related to economy or broken homes or poor educational outcomes etc. There is no one causal factor. This is a theoretical model. When we try to operationalize this model, it is far from sufficient to solve the reality at the ground level simply because every case is unique and different pertinent to time, place and circumstance. So in one sense the theoretical model is useless simply because it is way too simplistic, inadequate and compartmentalized. If we analyze the same issue of poverty from a Vedic model, we can say that the society at large and its values need to change if we want to see individual lives change. Therefore, Srila Prabhupada talks about simple living and high thinking at the societal and individual level. Poverty or other social ills pertinent to one section of society is caused and influenced by all sections of society. A society can thrive in a healthy manner only if all sections of it co-exist harmoniously serving one another. If the stronger sections of society (corporate growth machine) exploit material nature to influence weaker sections of society, obviously the balance will change and adversely impact the weaker sections. People are pushed to poverty or homelessness because of this imbalance of use of resources. Because modern sociologists are trained to think in a linear mechanistic fashion without looking for lateral causes, modern scientific model fails to fully explain poverty holistically. I have never come across any literature studying the relationship between world poverty and animal slaughter or gambling or expansion of cities or how I by eating out every Friday can impact a family in Africa? The Vedic model of life, universe and events gives a full and complete explanation on two different realities (point in time and all times) simultaneously. So why validate complete knowledge (thus superior) with incomplete knowledge (thus inferior)? We should study them separately for its worth! Hare Krishna • Email to a friend • Related • Shalagram das, Dallas, TX, USA: Community Garden – soil test resultsIn the community garden, we are providing nutrients in specific amounts to replenish those nutrients lacking in unamended Dallas soil. We are following a high brix program. Based on the soil test, the foremost need is phosphorus. We are putting in 280 pounds of soft rock phosphate, which meets organic requirements. There are a few other amendments being added but [...] • Email to a friend • Related • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 February 22: "The Lord helps the living entity both from inside and outside but surrender to Supersoul is the advanced stage. So long one is not advanced, he must take direction from the external manifestation of Supersoul - the bona fide Spiritual Master." • Email to a friend • Related • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1969 February 22: "Back to Godhead shall publish articles from Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Brahma Samhita, Nectar of Devotion, Vedanta Philosophy, Upanisads, etc. And if some of our students write as they have assimilated the philosophy, that also should be welcome." • Email to a friend • Related • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1969 February 22: "This booklet was written by my godbrother but the essay is not very practical. It contains some ideal discussions only, and I know this person is personally deviated from all of these ideas. So I don't think it is very much valuable for publishing in Back To Godhead." • Email to a friend • Related • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1970 February 22: "I have read the transliteration of Bhagavad-gita verses. Do it very carefully there are mistakes in some of the verses. Regarding eighth verse of the first chapter of Brahma Samhita, I have compared the text with Baladeva Vidyavhusan's edition. The manuscript is correct." • Email to a friend • Related • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1970 February 22: "I have marked the minor mistake you committed on the first verse. I am very glad you are so repentant even for this insignificant mistake. That will push you further forward in Krsna Consciousness." • Email to a friend • Related • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1971 February 22: "Chief Controller of Foreign Exchange, Reserve Bank of India: Instead of taking money from my many thousands of disciples, I want to convert that money into books on this Krishna Consciousness Movement and bring these books into India without payment. Kindly grant me necessary permission." • Email to a friend • Related • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1971 February 22: "Our main consideration in the development of our centers is that people be attracted to this Krsna consciousness Movement one way or another. Work sincerely and Krsna will give all things needed for the continuous dissemination of the Hare Krsna Mahamantra." • Email to a friend • Related • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 February 22: "On the carbon-copy contract you neglected to initial the last clause. Also I have added to Section XII: 'As well as the 48 pages of illustrations for which the Author reserves the right to publish for any purpose he may determine." So when MacMillan Co. has duly signed, then the thing is done, I am satisfied." • Email to a friend • Related • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 February 22: "If five centers can distribute over 8,000 Krishna Books in just two months, what to speak of Bhagavad-gita As It Is. MacMillan must publish our books with all haste. Worldwide demand is such that 40,000 copies can be sold in a few months time." • Email to a friend • Related • H.H. Mukunda Goswami: Kali-yuga can be kindI feel I've been saved inasmuch as sinful activity in this age has to actually be performed. Thinking alone -- of sin - isn't enough. And here's the proof (from the Srimad Bhagawatam, First Canto, Eighteenth Chapter, Text number seven: • Email to a friend • Related • Mayapur Online: Live from Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir!Date: February 20th, 2010 Listen here HG Anuttama Prabhu's class. • Email to a friend • Related • Dandavats.com: A great free tool for the devotees webmasters
I found this tool (for Microsoft Windows) to facilitate drastically the uploading of pictures (text or files also) either to my ftp servers or external free hosting services. • Email to a friend • Related • Manorama dasa: Govinda magazin
És természetesen, a népszerű Avatár filmet sem hagyhattuk ki a témából, az “Ébreszd fel az avatárod” című cikkel emlékezünk rá. Kb 2 hét, mire megkapjuk a nyomtatott anyagot. Addig is izgatottan várjuk
• Email to a friend • Related • Dandavats.com: Live from Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir! HG Anuttama Prabhu
Lord Kapila continued: This instruction is not meant for the envious, for the agnostics or for persons who are unclean in their behavior. Nor is it for hypocrites or for persons who are proud of material possessions • Email to a friend • Related • Maddy Jean-claude Durr, New Govardhana, AU: A Humble Homage to my dear Black Lotus, Bhakti Tirtha Swami Krsnapada.Dear Bhakti Tirtha Swami, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I want to make a humble attempt to thank you. I feel so out of touch from you these days, like a spark out of fire. You found me with your transcendental vani, a boy with a coal lump for a soul, lost and confused; and with the heat of your association you made me shine like a diamond. You encouraged me to attempt to be a pure devotee, in this lifetime, even though I am obliged to be in this world for unlimited lifetimes. I was inspired by you to be a spiritual warrior. I remember the idea shaking the very cage of my material illusion But I was still attached, I still had a foot in either boat. Then you told me to be a leader and bring up an age of higher consciousness. I was a blind follower and the blind were leading me, but you brought light and the false leaders scattered into the shadows. "I am no leader. I have no motion, no motivation, nothing good to bring" I thought, but you encouraged me to break free from this conditioning. You tore me out of the dark ocean and you pushed me off in a boat, aiming in the right direction. I decided on that day, "Krsna I am yours. Do with me as you will. Let me be your instrument." Soon after this everything, slowly but surely, fell perfectly into place. "Who is this person who has chosen to save me from the rapid waves of material suffering?" I pondered one day, "how shall I meet him? How shall I inquire from him? At what address should I travel to seek his association?" Then my heart rocked; he had already left this place and I wasn't elevated enough to have that experience. I matched you face to a majestic speaker, who showed me so plainly how powerfully the mind is acting in this world and gave me that amazing experience, which everyone wishes they had, the experience of "seeing is believing". I had one vivid moment of vision, left in my mind, staring right at you and absorbing your words, but now you had left me with only those words and nothing more. I didn't even have the chance to introduce myself or say "haribol". Nonetheless you had shown me the way. You bore out the sword of knowledge from the stone and you placed it in my hands. With all my strength I could barely hold it, as I marched into battle, dragging the tip of the mighty sword in the dust behind me. I was to fight through the bonds that bind me and win the battle on this battlefield of consciousness. You gave me my new mission in life, my final goal. To die trying would only be glorious and would be a perfect praise to offer at your lotus feet. I am sorry, after so long, that I have such little to show from your amazing instructions. I'm sorry I have not been a sharp instrument to implement your orders. I'm sorry I fell short of the heroic line that you established for us to reach. I have no excuses but I know that you left so much power for us all to use. I lament and sob that some see it and don't even take a drop. You made this lame man climb but there are others who can move freely but they will not scale any mountains. Please reach out to them and give them the starting shove. Let them have a drop of your endless mercy. Perhaps I will see them rise quickly above me and I might stagger a little higher myself. I have an unlimited debt that I have not even attempted to start paying off. For some time I used to write for you every night, now I barely write you something once a year. Please forgive me for my vast shortcomings and thank you so much for lifting me so much higher than I could ever fly. I can never forget what you have done for me, for it is my foundations. I may have only built a shack so far but with the footings you laid out, I could build a mighty castle. Thank you for saving me. Your lost servant, Madhavendra Puri Dasa. • Email to a friend • Related • David Haslam, UK: Blog layout changesI thought that after several years that it was time to change the layout of my blog, in order to make it easier to navigate and more pleasant on the eyes. It is hoped that those who read my blog regularly will appreciate these changes, but any thoughts, comments or feedback is as usual much welcome [...] • Email to a friend • Related • Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: New Varnashrama College Off To A Sacred StartNew Varnashrama College off to a Sacred StartThis January 4th saw the official opening of ISKCON's new Varnashrama College, based at Sri Krishna Balarama Ksetra in Udupi, South India, near the national headquarters of the newly established ISKCON Daiva Varnashrama Ministry. Varnashrama, a traditional vedic social structure of natural vocations and life stages, is often confused with the birth-based caste system—which Vaishnavas consider to be a missaplication of the original ancient system. The Varnashrama College's upcoming three-month course teaches students this original system, a vision of ISKCON's founder Srila Prabhupada. Entitled "Land, Cows and Krishna," the course will cover topics such as holistic farming, cow protection, and composting. It will also discuss pottery, mud-brick housing construction, manual water-lifting devices that eliminate reliance on electricity, village technologies such as oil ghani, and many other activities related to traditional occupations. In the mornings, students will visit the fields in Sri Krishna Balarama Ksetra and other rural projects, and will learn from faculty members through observation and practical application. Meanwhile, afternoons will be spent learning the theory and ideology of Varnashrama-based living and occupations. Many international teachers will visit the College throughout the duration of the course to share their areas of expertise, and add to the students' learning experience. The College's own resident faculty, present at the opening ceremony, included project overseer Bhakti Raghava Swami, agricultural manager Giriraja Dasa, Master Potter Laksminatha Dasa, and student counselor Kanai Thakura Dasa. Also present were yoga therapist Prananatha Dasa and Sundarananda Dasa, manager of the company "Panchagavya Shala Surabhi" which produces various traditional medicines from cow dung and urine. For now, students will observe a one-week Orientation Period, during which they will visit the neighbouring area, acquaint themselves with the details of the course, learn about some of the basic conditions of the soil and local forest, observe the various flora and fauna in the area and get to interact with fellow students and faculty members. The course was off to a sacred start at the opening ceremony, with teacher Raya Ramananda Dasa performing a fire sacrifice to invoke auspiciousness, and the traditional "Go-Puja" being offered to resident cow Subhadra and her calf Rama. • Email to a friend • Related • Mayapur Online: Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama-Day 2 & Day 3Islands covered: Godrumadvipa, Madhyadvipa & Koladvipa. It was so ecstatic to be in Parikrama- to immerse in hearing the transcendental pastimes of Sri Mahaprabhu, sitting in the very same place where these pastimes took place, chanting and singing the holy names, walking in the dust of dhama, to take bath in the holy Ganga and be in the association of devotees. On the second day, we started off from Harihara Ksetra to Amghata, where HH Lokanath Swami narrated very beautifully how Mahaprabhu quenched the physical and spiritual appetite of the devotees. • Email to a friend • Related • Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama-Day 2 & Day 3 By Shyamagopika dd on Mon, 2010-02-22 13:08. Islands covered: Godrumadvipa, Madhyadvipa & Koladvipa. It was so ecstatic to be in Parikrama- to immerse in hearing the transcendental pastimes of Sri Mahaprabhu, sitting in the very same place where these pastimes took place, chanting and singing the holy names, walking in the dust of dhama, to take bath in the holy Ganga and be in the association of devotees. On the second day, we started off from Harihara Ksetra to Amghata, where HH Lokanath Swami narrated very beautifully how Mahaprabhu quenched the physical and spiritual appetite of the devotees. We all wished if we could also be fortunate to taste those sweet mangoes. From there, we proceeded to Suvarna Vihar, where King Suvarnasena’s palace was once there. This temple was established by HH Bhakti Siddhanta
Next stop was at Gauradaha where we also had breakfast prasada. This is the island of Godrumadvipa which signifies the kirtanam or chanting of holy names, which was the highlight of our parikrama. We visited Svananda Sukhada Kunja, residence of Srila Bhakti Vinoda Thakura, from where he got the vision of the birthplace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The significance of this important place is that three acayras of our parampara had performed their bhajan here.
Walking along Jalangi, we reached Surabhi Kunj. HH Bhakti Purusottama Swami enriched us with pastimes that took place in this market place of holy name in Sruabhi Kunj. Here mother Surabhi eternally here. Lokantha Maharaja remembered HH Jayapataka Swami who works hard to push the congregational preaching through Namahatta and Bhakti Vriksha. The days halt was at Arogya Ahsram in Godrumadvipa ( Svarup ganj)
On the day 3, We started off from Godrumadvipa, walked through Madhyadvipa , taking darshan of Hamsa Vahan, Naimisaranya, Gomati river, Brahma Pushkara and Kuruksetra. Crossing Ganga by boat, we headed towards Koladvipa. ( the present day Navadvipa town) There was a big harinam in the Navadvipa town on the way to Jagannath Das Babaji Samadhi.
Devotees at Hamsa Vahan It was announced that as many of these holy places in Navadwipa are lost due to purchase of these places by others, Navadvipa Mandala Trust tries to secure the holy places so that they are not lost for devotees. And within an hour’s time, around 1.5 lakhs were raised. All glories to Navadvipa dhama! Dhameshwar Mahaprabhu deity is one of the ancient deities in Navadvipa Mandala, which was worshipped by Vishnupriya devi. Devotees danced for an ecstatic harinam for more than 2 hours – a truly transforming experience. The night halt was at Pratap Nagar.
Gouranga TV: Harinam in Venice-Italy!!! February 2010!!!!Harinam in Venice-Italy!!! February 2010!!!! • Email to a friend • Related • Krishna-kripa das, Mayapura: Travel Journal#6.2: India, London, USADiary of a Traveling Sadhaka, Vol. 6, No. 2 (Sent from Gainesville, Florida, USA, on February 21, 2010) Highlights Traveling with Sacred Substances Insights from Tamohara Prabhu, Sesa Prabhu, Madhava Prabhu, and Others Where I Was and What I Did The second half of January was full of traveling for me. I began at Ganga Sagar, West Bengal, taking the train to Mumbai, where I stayed in Radha-Gopinatha Mandir in Mumbai for a day. At that temple, every two weeks during the Bhagavatam class period on Monday, the devotees do harinama in the local area, and by the grace of the Lord, I showed up on that very day. There must have been about fifty devotees or so in the party, and it attracted attention of the people. Then I went on to London, where about nine devotees did a two-hour afternoon harinama, despite the 37 degree F (3 degree C) temperature. We were clearly the happiest people on the streets of London that day. Now each day, the London sankirtana devotees do four hours of book distribution in the morning and two hours of harinama in the afternoon. I next returned to America after nearly nine months, visiting my family in Albany for four days. Then back to Gainesville, Florida, except for a day trip to the Miami for the Ratha-yatra.
Traveling with Sacred Substances
I brought water and sand from Ganga Sagar, which are both considered sacred coming from a holy place. While boarding Kuwait Airlines in London, in addition to the standard security, officials again looked at our carry-on luggage before allowing us on the plane. My Ganga Sagar water was in an unmarked container than could not have been more than the 100 milliliter limit. Still the officials were going to take it from me since it was unidentified. Finally, they asked the ultimate authority, a very Arab-looking official of Kuwait Airlines. Wearing my saffron robes, I explained that this is water from a sacred place in India. Seeing the official, I thought that the Muslims have their sacred dress and their sacred places, and I hoped he would be liberal and let me board. He looked at me and the water and motioned that it was OK.
Arriving in New York, at customs we were threatened that if we had certain substances and we did not declare them, we could be punished. Soil was one of the forbidden substances, so I thought I should declare the sand from the beach at Ganga Sagar. The official made me find the soil in my baggage, and he was about ready to toss it, when I said in great anxiety, "It is not soil, it is sand!" He looked at it again, and gave it back to me.
Thus by Krishna's grace, my sacred substances made it to America.
In London's Heathrow airport I told the official at one of many check points that I was going to America to see my mother. I did this to convey the idea to her, and anyone who was listening, that Hare Krishnas are socially responsible. She said, "Then you will get some nice home cooked food." I explained that when I go home, I cook all the meals. "When I was young, my mother cooked for me. Now I cook for her." She smiled and said, "Oh, you should tell my son that!"
Going home for me means cooking and distributing prasadam. My mom kindly bought me some ghee for $10, which upgraded my cooking program. Kofka balls are always a favorite. We used the recipe in Adi Raja Prabhu's cookbook.
I always get up early and chant my japa while my relatives are asleep, and then start cooking. Usually I do pancakes at least one day for breakfast, using an eggless recipe I found on the internet. I like to make homemade syrup with whatever fruit is available. I play Bada Hari Prabhu's CDs while I am cooking when I go home, as I once gave them to my sister since she likes mellow music. My niece Fern has been vegetarian her whole life and likes the food we cook and helps to cook as well.
I always go to Quaker meeting with my mother. I always dress as a Hare Krishna monk when I go there as I have for over twenty years. People sit in a circle and share realizations when inspired. People were talking about having faith in the Lord's plan. I spoke and told the story about the king and the minister which shows that the Lord's plan is ultimately good, although it may not always seem good:
The king accidentally cut the end off of his finger, and the minister explained that it is God's mercy. The king, angered at his opinion, threw the minister in jail. Later when the king was hunting in the forest, he was captured by dacoits, who want to offer him as a human sacrifice to Goddess Durga. While preparing him for sacrifice they see his finger is missing, and deciding he is unfit for sacrifice, they let him go. The king is overjoyed to be spared, and frees the minister from jail, now seeing that his missing finger was indeed God's mercy. But he has one doubt. Why did God let him throw the minister in jail? The minister explained that if he were not in jail, he would have accompanied the king on his hunt, and when the dacoits found the king unsuitable for sacrifice, they would have sacrificed his minister instead, so it was God's mercy that he was thrown in jail. I made dal and coconut burfi for the lunch after the Quaker meeting, and many people got prasadam.
I saw Jack Daniels, the most theistic of my family's friends from my youth. He is over 90 years old and has caretakers to assist him. He has Parkinson's disease, and it is frustrating for him to be limited in his ability to move. I gave him some water from Ganga Sagar, and showed him my new harmonium from India which I played a Hare Krishna tune on. I also showed him some videos of Krishna festivals from my trip to Europe in the summer.
An appealing feature of the Miami Ratha-yatra is that Lord Jagannatha and His entourage spend half an hour singing and dancing in Peacock Park in the middle of the yatra. It reminds me of how in the original Puri Ratha-yatra, the Lord enjoys at Gundica temple before returning to His temple in Puri.
![]() At least fifteen of the participants came from Alachua, and they provided the cart, played music, and helped cook. Teamwork between ISKCON centers help make events such as Ratha Yatra possible.
For the final quarter of the kirtana, there was no chanting of Hare Krishna, just Jaya Jagannatha, and the like. I wished I could rectify the situation, but I did not know who was in charge and was afraid the leader would be offended if I told her to just chant "Hare Krishna." Also, the parade route was in a not so populated place. Saturday would be a better day than Sunday, but perhaps the authorities did not want it that day. Outside of those anomalies, it was a great event.
All glories to Lord Jagannatha, who is an ocean of mercy.
Thanks to Purusharta Prabhu for the pictures of Ratha-yatra. For more, see http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2046718&id=1011940040
Insights from Lectures
Tamohara Prabhu [Gainesville on Lord Nityananda's Appearance Day]:
We do not say that Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda are incarnations because They are identical to Krishna and Balarama [original forms of the Lord].
Lord Nityananda Prabhu was about twelve years older than Lord Caitanya. They met when Lord Caitanya was twenty years old.
Lord Caitanya would say to Lord Nityananda Prabhu, "You are spreading the sankirtana movement. You are delivering all the fallen souls."
Lord Nityananda is most dear to the devotees because of His compassion. By praying to Him, especially on His appearance day, we can get a taste for chanting the holy name and for devotional service.
Laksmipati Tirtha Swami was the swami who begged Nitai from his parents to be his servant.
Some of Srila Prabhupada's godbrothers considered that Srila Prabhupada was personally empowered by Lord Nityananda to spread Krishna consciousness in this world. One must pray for the mercy of Lord Nityananda Prabhu to understand Lord Caitanya.
A pack of thieves decided to plunder Lord Nityananda's jewels. The first night, the thieves fell asleep. The next night, they saw Nityananda Prabhu's house surrounded by powerful guards, all chanting the names of the Lord. The final time, they were struck with blindness. Some fell into ditches of leeches and scorpions. Indra sent hail and icy cold rain. Finally the leader of the thieves decided that the version of the people that Nityananda was the Lord was factual, and he decided to surrender to Lord Nityananda. When the thieves began thinking positively about Nityananda, they became free from their suffering. When the leader of the thieves bowed down at Lord Nityananda's feet, he attained spiritual ecstasy and took up the chanting of the holy name. Ultimately, the former thief converted many other thieves to become devotees of Lord Nityananda.
Jagai pleased Lord Caitanya by stopping his brother from further attacking Lord Nityananda, and Lord Caitanya offered him any benediction, giving him devotional service. Madhai begged for mercy, but Lord Caitanya said that because he had hurt Nityananda Prabhu, his offense was greater. Lord Caitanya thus told Madhai to surrender completely at the feet of Lord Nityananda, and so he did, and attained the complete mercy.
In most traditions, there is the idea of the souls having a relationship with the Lord of either son or servant, but in Vaishnavism friendship, parental love, and conjugal love are also known.
Unalloyed transcendental service is the key to having an intimate relationship with the Lord.
"Service is pervertedly represented in the material world and broken untimely, resulting in sad experience." (Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.11.35, purport)
The Lord's queens captivated the Lord by affection and service not feminine attractiveness.
Some qualities in the disciple which lead to a positive guru-disciple relationship: faith, determination, service attitude, humility.
Maya's strategy is to isolate you from the other devotees.
Devotional service is very powerful, but we are very conditioned for millions of lives. However, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Nityananda Prabhu are so kind that we can become purified in one life.
Q: Is not the chanting purifying? Why were you stressing association? A: Yes, the chanting is purifying. What do we do in the association of devotees? So much chanting is there. And chanting in the association of devotees can strengthen us. We may have some weakness that could defeat us if we were left alone, but which could be overcome in the association of devotees.
As we take pleasure in varieties of relationships with elders, friends, and subordinates, so Krishna also takes pleasure in these relationships, which are individually manifest. Our imitative relationships in this world are not as fulfilling as our individual relationships with Krishna. In this world, we hope to gratify our senses through our relationships with others, but unless these are connected to Krishna, they will not be ultimately fulfilling.
Sometimes at markets, vendors give free samples so people get a little taste of their product and become attracted to buy it. Similarly Vyasadeva gives a little taste of Krishna's pastimes in the First Canto of the Srimad-Bhagavatam to lure the reader onward.
We should not be disturbed by seeing the inconceivable in Krishna's pastimes. If Krishna is God, it is not a surprise that He periodically does things that we cannot understand.
We have so much faith in different aspects of the material world, like faith that other drivers will follow the rules of the road. To advance spiritually, we must have such implicit faith in Krishna.
In the spiritual world the devotees are so absorbed in their own relationships with Krishna that they are not worried about whether another devotee is in a superior relationship to Krishna.
That we have even a little appreciation of Krishna's pastimes is His mercy upon us.
The devotees who play roles in Krishna's pastimes are not there by accident and do not play those roles just out of duty but strongly desire to relate with Krishna in those ways.
Syamanandana Prabhu [Chowpatty]:
Acting without the fruits can be compared to recording with the input level set at zero. When you play it back, there is nothing there.
Srila Prabhupada never advised filling the people's hearts with "don'ts." Srila Prabhupada came, he saw, and he chanted. Like a coach, he encouraged, "It is not difficult, just a little more effort and you can attain the goal."
Lord Caitanya has not lowered the passing grade, but He has made the process of purification more powerful.
Bhutabhavana Prabhu [London]:
If the aim of your devotional service is to attain love of Godhead, whatever else that is needed, you will receive in abundance.
Srila Prabhupada said Krishna consciousness is difficult, but material life is impossible.
People think that a form would limit God, but even mathematically it is possible to have infinity in a defined space. One can take a centimeter of space and divide it in half. And those halves can also be divided in half, ad infinitum. Thus within a centimeter, you can have infinite divisions.
The day Krishna left Vrndavana, Radharani put on saffron.
Devotional service is to make our plan according to Krishna's plan.
Srila Prabhupada was so kind to accept the devotees' offerings, thinking that if he was displeased with them, then the disciples would have no access to Krishna.
Sometime Kartika is compared to a sale, but actually in devotional service every day there is a discount.
Vaikuntha Murti Prabhu [discussing Sivarama Swami's Suddha-bhakti Cintamini in London]:
The pleasure of prema is millions of times greater than that of bhava what to speak of the insignificant pleasures of sense enjoyment and liberation.
If Krishna is not visible, one in prema feels oceans of remorse.
At bhava, Krishna sporadically appears in the heart of the devotee, and disappears to increase the devotee's desire for Him.
Bhava is compared to a sunray and prema to the whole sun.
When the devotee gets darsana of Krishna [with his eyes], the other senses, by the grace of the Lord, can also inconceivably perceive him, and the experience overwhelms the devotee who faints. Krishna awakens him and begins to speak, and all the devotee's senses can also inconceivably hear Him, and the experience overwhelms the devotee who again faints. Krishna again awakens him, and when he begins to smell the fragrance of Krishna's body, and all the devotee's senses also inconceivably smell Him, and the experience overwhelms the devotee who faints. This progression continues with the taste of Krishna's remnants and touch of His form.
As much as the devotee is overwhelmed with prema, so is Krishna, when he considers the devotee's loving service.
At bhava, the devotees know their siddha-deha, but have not been practically engaged in that eternal service.
Devotional service in the mode of goodness is performed for purification. If we perform devotional service for the purpose of going back to Godhead, we will become so purified that we will not desire any particular result from our devotional service.
Ali Krishna dd Prabhu [Gainesville]:
One should avoid giving your heart to those not spiritually inclined.
We can tell we are advancing when our relationships improve.
There are shelters in the mode of ignorance, like drugs, or in the mode of goodness, like our parents.
Sophia: Krishna consciousness is more than a lifestyle, it is a consciousness.
Dave: Seeking shelter in the material world will lead to more distress.
Rohini-kumara Prabhu on Japa:
We should chant loud enough to hear ourselves but soft enough so other people can hear themselves.
Comment: Confessions of a loud chanter: I chant loudly because Srila Prabhupada said we should cry out to Krishna. Reply: We can scream without making a sound.
What you meditate on when you chant Hare Krishna does make a difference. At one japa retreat, a devotee was sitting on a rock, away from the other devotees. From time to time he worried what would happen if a bear were to come. Later a devotee, who was down the path a ways, looked up and saw the devotee on the rock, and behind him, a big bear. While he was wondering about how to warn his friend about the bear in the safest possible way, fortunately the bear disappeared of his own accord. Therefore, what you meditate on when you chant Hare Krishna does make a difference—it just might appear! ----- ratharudho gacchan pathi milita-bhudeva-patalaih stuti-pradurbhavam prati-padam upakarnya sadayah daya-sindhur bandhuh sakala-jagatam sindhu-sutaya jagannathah svami nayana-patha-gami bhavatu me As the Lord mounts His Ratha-yatra cart and parades along the road, there is a constant accompaniment of loud prayers and songs chanted by large assemblies of saintly brahmanas. Hearing their hymns, Lord Jagannatha is favorably disposed toward them. He is an ocean of mercy, and is the true friend of all the worlds. May that Lord of the Universe, along with His consort Laksmi, who was born from the ocean of nectar, kindly become visible unto me. ("Jagannathastakam", verse 5) • Email to a friend • Related • More Recent Articles
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