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Fotos de Rohan Shanti ShuklaRohan Shanti Shukla Hajiali Sarkar, Mumbai Añadida el 25 de junio ART OF KRISHNA - GOPALDedicated to Romapada swami "Most artwork courtesy of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International." A 36 amigos les gusta estoA 26.240 personas les gusta estoFotos2 de 50 álbumesVer todasFotos del muro Actualizado hace 3 horas RADHARANI ॐActualizado el miércoles Enlaces3 de 70 enlaces Ver todos
GOPAL ॐ de ART OF KRISHNA Gauàa-bhûmiGauàa-bhûmi: (sáns. vaiëòava). La tierra de Gauàa. Según el Äakti-saôgama Tantra se corresponde con Bengala Occidental e incluye algunas partes de los actuales Bangladesh y Orissa (llegando hasta Bhuvaneävara). Antiguamente los residentes de esta extensión de tierra eran conocidos como Gauàîyas. Tras la desaparición de Ärî Gaurâôga, el termino Gauàîya se aplica especialmente a los devotos de Gaurâôga, puesto que casi todo el mundo en esta tierra se ha vuelto Su bhakta. Gauàa-bhûmi - the land of Gauàa. According to the Äakti-saôgama Tantra this corresponds to West Bengal, and includes some parts of modern day Bangladesh and Orissa (extending as far as Bhuvaneävara). In ancient times the residents of this tract of land were known as Gauàîyas. After the appearance of Ärî Gaurâôga, the term Gauàîya was especially applied to the devotees of Gaurâôga, for almost everyone in this land had become His bhakta. Books VaishnavasSri Navadvipa Sataka - PDF Sri Navadvipa Dhama - issuu Sri Navadvipa Dhama - issuu GARDENS AND GROUNDS TEMPLE OF THE VEDIC PLANETARIUM Gauòa-maëòala-bhümi, jebä jäne cintämaëi, tära hoy braja-bhümi bäs. There is no difference. Gauòa-maëòala-bhü- mi. And if there is any danger, ... PrarthanaFormato de archivo: Microsoft Word - Versión en HTMLçré-gauòa-maëòala-bhümi jeba jäne cintämaëi. tära hoy braja-bhüme väsa ||3||. gaura-prema-rasärëave se taraìge jebä òube. se rädhä-mädhava-antaraìga | ... Bhagavatam 10th Canto Part 1Çréla Narottama däsa Öhäkura therefore says: çré gauòa-maëòala-bhümi, yebä jäne cintämaëi, tä'ra haya vrajabhüme väsa "Vrajabhümi" refers to ...ëâmètam III.Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rápidabhrü-kñepäd gauòa-lakñméà jayati vijayate keli-mäträt kaliìgäàç ..... dväbhyäm eva jitaà dvayoù param amüny aìgäni bhümi-bhara- ... atha ñaëùho'dhyâyaìFormato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rápidagauòa-pädaiù – léyate tu suñuptau tan nigåhétaà na léyate iti | tathä ca çrüyate – ...... prati nästy eva saàçayaù | tad-uttara-bhümi-trayaà präptas tu ... NITAAI-Veda.nyf > All Scriptures By Acharyas > Narahari Chakravarti Thakura > Sri Bhakti-ratnakara - not complete > Fifteenth Wave Fifteenth Wave Prema Dhama Deva Stottram.RTFFormato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versión en HTMLnyäsa-païca-varña-pürëa-janma-bhümi-darçanaà ..... Like the moon, the golden Lord Gaurasundara rose in the sky of Gauòa (Çré ... Sri Vrajmandala parikrama - Part 1... pastimes places and other sacred places of Gauòa-maëòala; ...... Raìga-bhümi and Raìgeçvara Mahädeva In the southern part of Mathurä, Çré Räìgeçvara is Sri Vraja mandala parikrama... pastimes places and other sacred places of Gauòa-maëòala; Vaidyanätha Deva- ...... Raìga-bhümi and Raìgeçvara Mahädeva In the southern part of Mathurä, Jaiva DharmaFormato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobatand within Bhärata-varña, the topmost place is Gauòa-bhümi. Within Gauòa-bhümi, the nine-island region of Çré Navadvépa- maëòala is most distinguished, ... Acarya Kesari Sri Srimad Bhaktiprajnana Kesava Gosvami His Live and Teachings Gauòa-bhümi. Çréla Narottama däsa Öhäkura confirms this siddhänta, gauòa-maëòala bhümi yevä jäne cintämaëi täìra hoya braja bhümeväsa ...
Lord Shiva / STORIES OF LORD SHIVA / The common thread of thought in the religious beliefs of the Indian subcontinent upholds a single Reality (as in... Srimad Bhagavatam 10th Canto Part 1 "Srimad Bhagavatam Tenth Canto Part One" by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This is an evaluation copy of t... legends of Shiva THE SHIVA PURANA / The Shiva Purana has twenty-four thousand shlokas. These are divided into six samhitas or sections. The names of the sectiosn are... Srimad Bhagavatam 3rd Canto Part 2 COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This is an evaluation copy COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This is an evaluation copy COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This is an evaluation copy Srimad Bhagavatam Third Canto Part 1 "Srimad Bhagavatam Third Canto Part I" by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This is an evaluation copy of the... source: "Srimad Bhagavatam – Sixth Canto" by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This is an evaluation copy of the prin... A Song of Fortune - A classical Gîtâ - / Written by: Vyâsadeva Translated by: AnandAadharPrabhu / "The word is the weapon of the wise." Aadhar / Jñâ... Srimad Bhagavatam 2nd Canto / source: Srimad Bhagavatam – First Canto part 3 Srimad Bhagavatam – First Canto part 3 / / source : Srimad Bhagavatam – First Canto Part... Srimad Bhagavatam – First Canto part 1 / source : Srimad Bhagavatam – 5 th Canto / source : Srimad Bhagavatam – First Canto part 2 Srimad Bhagavatam, free license / source : Science of Self Realization - Krishna... Krishna consciousness. Mahabharata - The great epic of India The Great Epic Mahabaratha in Easy English for everyday use. Bhagavad Gita in tamil part 4 Bhagavad Gita in tamil part 2 Bhagavad Gita in tamil part 1 Bhagavad gita in simple english for everyday use. Bhagavad gita for advanced learners bhagavad gita beginners book lord shiva 5 See all 5 documents aka - The Bhagavad Gita or the Messag... 20100212 - 8 Flowers That Please Lord... Introduction to Lord Shiva and his wo... LordShiva Virtual Piligrimage - The ... api_user_11797_T'rissirahc Barriarn Bhagavad Gita Tamil By Bharathiar Sri Navadvipa-dhamaSri Vrajmandala parikrama...This book is a beautiful exposition of the confidential places of Sri Krsna's sweet pastimes in Vraja. The sincere devotee who has a deep thirst to enter into the sweetness of the land of Vraja will f... Refine 360darshan bhaktivedanta braj braja dham dhama krishna krsna mandal mandala narayan narayana parikram parikrama radha radhe vraj vraja vrindavan vrindavana More info - by - 511 views - 341 pages - Sri Vrajmandala parikrama...This book is a beautiful exposition of the confidential places of Sri Krsna's sweet pastimes in Vraja. The sincere devotee who has a deep thirst to enter into the sweetness of the land of Vraja will f... Refine 360darshan bhaktivedanta braj braja dham dhama krishna krsna mandal mandala narayan narayana parikram parikrama radha radhe vraj vraja vrindavan vrindavana More info - by - 272 views - 374 pages - Bhakti RasayanIn the final chapter of Sri Brhad-bhagavatamrta, after the story of Gopa-kumara has been completed (see Going Beyond Vaikuntha), Sanatana Gosvami has quoted verses from the tenth canto of the Srimad B... Refine 360darshan bhagavatamrita bhakti bhaktivedanta brihad gaudiya katha krishna krsna lila narayan narayana radha radharani radhe rasayana vraj vraja vrindavan vrindavana More info - by - 27 views - 226 pages - Bhakri-rasamrta-sindhu-bi..."A Drop of the Nectarian Ocean of Bhakti-rasa." Composed by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura and translated and commented upon by Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti ... Refine 360darshan bhakti bhaktivedanta bindu cakravarti chakravarti katha krishna lila narayan narayana radha rasamrita sindhu visvanath visvanatha vraj vraja vrindavan vrindavana More info - by - 25 views - 306 pages - Nectar Of Govinda-lilaThis compilation of discourses by Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja beautifully describe the deep inner meanings of the famous Srimad Bhagavad-Gita sloka 18.65: "Offer your mind to Me; become My b... Refine 360darshan bhakti bhaktivedanta gaudiya govinda katha krishna krsna lila narayan narayana pure bhakti radha radharani radhe vraj vraja vrindavan vrindavana More info - by - 20 views - 128 pages - Bhakti-tattva-vivekaComposed originally in Bengali by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, Bhakti-tattva-viveka is a collection of four essays. By understanding the true nature of suddha-bhakti (pure bhakti), one can relish the ul... Refine 360darshan bhakti bhaktivedanta bhaktivinoda bhaktivinode gaudiya gvp katha krishna krsna lila narayan narayana radha radharani radhe tattva thakur thakura viveka More info - by - 11 views - 96 pages - Sri DamodarastakamIn his extensive explanation, which is replete with his personal realization, Srila Sanatana Gosvami has throughly revealed this prayer's ability to attract Sri Damodara. Refine 360darshan astaka bhaktivedanta cakravarti chakravarti damodar damodara katha krishna krsna lila narayan narayana radha radharani radhe vraj vraja vrindavan vrindavana More info - by - 100 views - 232 pages - Sri Prema-samputaToday I am most joyful to be able to present this English edition of Sri Prema-samputa to the faithful reader. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, the highly exalted preceptor and crown jewel of Sri ... 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