----- Original Message -----To:Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 8:35 AMSubject: Planet ISKCON - 35 new articles
Here are the latest updates for"Planet ISKCON" - 35 new articles
- Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: Kuli Mela 2008 Radhadesh DVD is now available at Krishna.com!
- Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Bhajan - New Year's Eve 2010 - Gopal das - 2/22
- ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Laksmana Watch! Where is Hanumana?
- Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: "not fall down" and "must fall down"
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Bhakti Sara Prabhu
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Jaya Radha Madhava - Bhakti Sara Prabhu
- Sita-pati dasa, AU: Mayapuris debut album - full of awesome win, and coming soon!
- Sita-pati dasa, AU: On ISKCON Membership
- HH. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 'Rama Navami Session' from The Yellow Submarine
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- HH. Satsvarupa das Goswami: '386' from The Yellow Submarine
- HH. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 'Glories of Prabhupada' from The Yellow Submarine
- HH. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 'I Do It for You' from The Yellow Submarine
- ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Gaura Purnima & Holi Festivities Doused With Colour!
- ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Celebrating Lord Ramacandra in a Big Way... All the Way to Sunday!
- ISKCON News.com: Understanding the Origins of the Sacred Cow in India
- ISKCON News.com: The Global Leadership Crisis
- ISKCON News.com: What's It Like Studying at Bhaktivedanta College Radhadesh?
- ISKCON News.com: What's It Like Studying at Bhaktivedanta College Radhadesh?
- ISKCON News.com: New BBT Project--Call For Authors
- ISKCON News.com: Third Annual ISKCON Studies Conference in Villa Vrindavan From 16-19 July 2010.
- Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: Sweet Vanilla Butterfly Flower
- Japa Group: Please Join The Japa Group
- Dandavats.com: Leadership Crisis
- Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: Solar Industry Learns Lesson In Spanish Sun
- Mayapur Online: Ramanvami Celebrations in Sridham Mayapur
- Dandavats.com: New BBT project–call to authors
- Gouranga TV: Giriraj 3/3 – Nava Vraja Mandala Parikama 2009.
- More Recent Articles
- Search Planet ISKCON
Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: Kuli Mela 2008 Radhadesh DVD is now available at Krishna.com!
The Kuli Mela 2008 Radhadesh DVD is now available at the new Kuli Mela Outlet @ Krishna.com!
Click HERE to check out the growing Kuli Mela video and audio selections…
In the ancient Sanskrit language, Kuli refers to a member of a community. Mela is a festive gathering. Combined, Kuli Mela transforms into a celebration of community.
In the summer of 2008, the second-generation Hare Krishnas (known informally as Gurukulis, or more simply as Kulis) gathered at the Radhadesh temple in Belgium to celebrate the fifth Kuli Mela. Take a look at the festival through the eyes of the attendees.
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Bhajan - New Year's Eve 2010 - Gopal das - 2/22
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Bhajan - New Year's Eve 2010 - Hari Smith - 1/22
Subido por rupagopi el 22/03/2010
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Bhajan - New Year's Eve 2010 - Gopal das - 2/22
Subido por rupagopi el 25/03/2010
Gopal das singing Hare Krishna bhajans at the New Year's Eve 12hr bhajan.
Dallas, TX
2010-01-01 - New Year Eve Bhajans - 02 - Gopal das
H.G. Gopala Das
Download: 2010-01-01 - New Year Eve Bhajans - 02 - Gopal das.mp3
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Bhajan - New Year's Eve 2010 - Kapil das - 3/22
Subido por rupagopi el 29/03/2010
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Bhajan - New Year's Eve 2010 - Sri Rupa das - 4/22
Subido por rupagopi el 02/04/2010
ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Laksmana Watch! Where is Hanumana?
For those who attended Rama Navami celebrations (marking the appearance anniversary of Lord Rama), we saw how in the middle of the celebrations, a battle broke out between Laksmana and Indrajit! In this battle, Laksmana was struck with an arrow and fell unconscious! We are all awaiting Hanumana to come save the day (word has it, that he will arrive on Sunday). But until then, we encourage you to keep an eye on Lord Laksmana to ensure that he is ok!Free video streaming by Ustream
Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: "not fall down" and "must fall down"
If you have taken to Krsna consciousness, try to execute it very seriously, means to follow the rules and regulation and chant Hare Krsna. That's all. Five things. No illicit sex, no gambling, no meat-eating... We don't prohibit sex, but illicit sex is most sinful. Most sinful. Unfortunately, they are so rascals, one sex to another, another sex to another, another sex... That is maya's illusion, influence. But if you stick to Krsna... Mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etam taranti te [Bg. 7.14]. If you catch up Krsna's lotus feet very tightly, then you will not fall down. But if you make a show of so-called brahmacari, so-called grhastha, or so-called sannyasi, then you will fall down. We are experiencing that. Then you must fall down. Krsna will not tolerate a defaulter, a pseudo devotee. Maya is very strong. Immediately capture him: "Come on. Why you are here? Why you are in this society? Get out." That is Yamaraja's duty.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.16.8 -- Los Angeles, January 5, 1974
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Bhakti Sara Prabhu
SB 11.18.36: Just as I, the Supreme Lord, execute regulative duties by My own free will, similarly, one who has realized knowledge of Me should maintain general cleanliness, purify his hands with water, take bath and execute other regulative duties not by force but by his own free will.
SB 11.18.36: Apenas pues Yo, el Señor Supremo, ejecuto deberes normativos por Mi propio Libre Albedrío, semejantemente, aquél que ha realizado el conocimiento sobre Mí debe mantener una limpieza general, purificar sus manos con agua, tomar el baño y ejecutar otros deberes normativos no por la fuerza sino por su propio libre albedrío.
Daily Class - Bhakti Sara Prabhu - Srimad Bhagavatam 11.18.36
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.18.36 - Realised devotees follow the regulations of spiritual life to please Krsna.
Posted by Tirthapada Dasa at 26/3/10; 7:55:01 AM to the Daily Class dept
Download: Daily Class - Bhakti Sara Prabhu - Srimad Bhagavatam 11.18.36
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Jaya Radha Madhava - Bhakti Sara Prabhu
Jaya Radha Madhava - Bhakti Sara Prabhu
Length: 6:15
Posted by Tirthapada Dasa at 26/3/10; 7:47:58 AM to the Bhajana dept
Download: Jaya Radha Madhava - Bhakti Sara Prabhu
Sita-pati dasa, AU: Mayapuris debut album - full of awesome win, and coming soon!
Just sayin'.
#previewcopy #repeatplay #mayapuris
Sita-pati dasa, AU: On ISKCON Membership
Sankirtan das, in his post Membership?, continues the conversation in response to Kaunteya's post ISKCON Membership - What I wrote to "GBC Discussions".
Sankirtan makes good points and raises good questions.
He makes an argument against the use of citizenship of a country as an analogy for ISKCON membership, and raises the fundamental question: "(W)hy now is there a need to define membership? What is the purpose?"
Without answering that question, it is difficult to really adress the membership issue.
At the risk of going a little off-topic, one area where I think we can work within concretely defined boundaries, and where it is useful to do so, is in the issue of full-time staff of ISKCON. It is easier to define who is a full-time staff member than it is to define who is a member.
Sankirtan asks about the rights and responsibilities of members, and talks about the rights and responsibilities of citizens to show that the citizenship analogy falls down.
On the question of full-time staff members, the analogy with employees of a corporation has more points of congruence than the analogy of citizens of a country to members of ISKCON does.
In the case of a full-time staff member, a person is surrendering their time and energy to the organisation, just as an employee of a corporation does.
Modern labour laws have evolved over time to formalise the reciprocation between the two parties involved in the labour transaction. There is a duty of care on the part of the employer toward the employee. Since the employee is giving their energy to the cause of the employer, the employer becomes responsible for providing reasonable means of subsistence to the employee, and there are legally guaranteed minimums. Many countries also have compulsory superannuation schemes that employers contribute to on behalf of the employees, in order to provide economic support for retirement of the population.
In the case of ISKCON, some people choose to give a few years in their youth as volunteer service. It is easier to define who is a full-time volunteer than the more ambiguous "member". It is even easier to define who is an official staff member, for example a Temple President, a head pujari, a cook, etc. Some of these people will not just give a few years of their life, but a large section, and even most or all of their adult working life.
Modern Western societies have evolved mechanisms, enshrined in labour laws, to deal with issues such as retirement, career advancement, retrenchment, extent and limit of responsibility and duty of care. ISKCON has none of this. One of the problems that comes from this is that career ISKCON staff have no retirement prospects. They have given all their adult life to the organisation, but there is no superannuation. In many cases they are stuck in a position where they need to hold on to the post, and more or less effectively execute it operationally, merely in order to continue subsisting. Hardly an ideal situation, and hardly protection of the elder members of society.
Here are some of my thoughts on the matter.
I think that full-time volunteer staff should have some money put aside for them in a trust account, and this money should be disbursed when they leave. So a young man enters into the ashram and stays there for two or three years. In that time the organisation draws on his energy, and intelligent managers should put him into play such that he develops personally, and so that his activities benefit the community. If the situation is structured correctly then either through standard economic reciprocation (for example, public buying meals in a restaurant) or through volunteer contribution (for example, congregational donations) the organisation should capitalise on his contribution at the same time. Some of that capital should be stored on his behalf, and given when he leaves.
In this way the organisation discharges its spiritual duty of engaging him in a way that is beneficial for his personal development, and for the spiritual upliftment of society; and the organisation discharges it duty of taking responsibility for his physical maintenance in exchange for his service.
In the case of full-time staff members and what are effectively career professionals such as Temple Presidents and other management staff, there should be a clear economic arrangement that takes into account all of the factors that modern labour laws have evolved to support. It is irresponsible to accept full-time service, especially over years and decades, without having a system in place for the maintenance of the person. Modern labour systems divide whole-life maintenance of the person into portions and make the entity utilising the service of the individual liable for the corresponding portion of that cost.
If you don't encode economic concerns such as this explicitly and clearly, then each person will be left to fend for themselves, and the inevitable result will be that people who are able to seize access to economic resources will hold on to them for dear life. As well, unclear economic arrangements will arise.
In conclusion, two points:
- It is the logic of half a hen to talk about the contribution of a person without considering the economic maintenance of the whole person.
- If there is no legitimate means of economic existence, the only available ones are illegitimate.
Apologies for the lack of editing. Just jotting some thoughts before heading off to the tour rehearsal for Madhava's Australian Kirtan Tour. See you there!
HH. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 'Rama Navami Session' from The Yellow Submarine
Rama Navami Free Write
I’m in Trinidad where the majority of the population is of African descent and a large minority is dark-skinned Hindu descent. We will next go to Guyana where the population is the same with the slight majority of Hindu descent. In Trinidad it is warm and humid. I used the air-conditioner last night, but it became too cold. Now I have my kurta off, and we are running an electric fan. Today is Rama Navami, and I plan to attend the temple tonight and give a reading of Lord Ramacandra’s pastimes from Srimad Bhagavatam. Then I will stay for the arati as long as I can do it.I see small mangos slowly ripening on the trees in their backyard. They have difficulty in sending the journal on internet, and we will be lucky if we get successfully all the postings done and done on time.
One of the pictures shows tribesmen (maybe Watusis) leaping high in the air. The Trinidadian devotees do a wild kirtana with high jumping and twirling and much sweating. In years passed I used to join in it, now I have to sit in the chair and watch. But the devotees do not expect me to dance. They just want me to be with them and chant and smile. That much I am able to do.
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1967 March 25: "There are so many Sanatana Dharma establishments in India but no body has tried to preach the principles of Bhagavad-gita in the Western countries. Swamis who came to the West before me manufactured their own ideology not in conformity with Bhagavad-gita. I am trying now to implement the truth of Bhagavad-gita in the Western countries and it is the duty of all Hindus and Indians to help me in all respects."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1967
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
"Panchami. Today one letter received from Brindaban Chandra De, Calcutta, India. Meeting in the evening seven ladies and gentlemen attended the meeting. Captain and Mrs. Pandiya also were there. Everyone brought some fruits and grains. There were two newcomers. Address taken."
Prabhupada Journal :: 1966
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1970 March 25: "There is no cause for being disappointed because of the demons being condemned by the Lord. I thank you very much for being compassionate upon the demons. The preaching work of Krishna Consciousness Movement is specifically meant for delivering the demons. And the Lord is so powerful that through His pure devotee anyone can be delivered, never mind how fallen or condemned they are."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1970
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1971 March 25: "Krsna Book is so nice that everyone will like it, either as a story book or history or philosophy, they are sure to be attracted. Simply it depends on your presentation. Be very enthusiastic for distributing our books to schools, colleges, and libraries. So do it nicely and Krsna will help you."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1971
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1971 March 25: "It is so important that we distribute our books in the schools and colleges, because anyone who reads them is sure to become Krishna Conscious. So make your program in that way. These college students have all been misguided. Without Krishna Consciousness, all their book learning amounts to zero."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1971
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1972 March 25: "We have gotten an invitation from from my Godbrother at Sri Gaudiya Math Bangladesh. If possible you can make some program and go there at our own expense. He is now a ruined man so if possible we can utilize his center as our branch."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1972 March 25: "Please continue this program of Hindus and Muslims taking prasadam together in Mayapur. For the last 50 years our Godbrothers were there but could not make any arrangements for the Hindus and Muslims to take prasadam together. Kindly send reports to whatever center I may be staying at least twice monthly."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 March 25: "Since a long time I did not hear from you, but I am very anxious to see you. Here we have a nice spot. It is just like a garden house. I shall be glad if you come here and live with me for some time."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
HH. Satsvarupa das Goswami: '386' from The Yellow Submarine
4:20 A.M.
I’m chanting japa alone in my room while the two Baladevas are asleep in the other room. As I chant my mind is filled with the impressions from last night. I had to give a Rama-navami lecture, and I brought the Bhagavatam with me with the intention to read all the verses from Srila Sukadeva Goswami’s brief summary. But instead I spoke extemporaneously without the book. It was better. I was able to remember everything and speak in a relaxed tone. I’ve been to this temple many times over many years, and I felt relaxed. I was able to keep even the little childrens’ attention to the stories. Then I stayed for the loud arati which was sang by a dramatic kirtana singer. The Radha Gopinatha deities are beautiful here, and I was glad I had come to the temple. But driving back from the temple to Baladeva’s house, we had to pass through some unpleasant scenes. There were many stores open selling lamb, chicken, pig and other animals chopped and fried and boiled and served out practically raw, and many people were lined up to get them. The people lined the streets, and there was loud music of a raucous kind playing. It was a little scary. The traffic was jammed also, and it took us over forty minutes to get back to the house. I was very tired, and went to sleep with the electric fan on in the hot room. I got up at 3:30 A.M., and I’ve been chanting in my mind. My chanting has been mechanical, and I’ve not been able to pay attention very deeply. But I am aware that I am chanting, and I am accumulating the rounds very obediently going up toward the quota. I still feel unfamiliar in these surroundings and not so relaxed. I will let the other men sleep, and I will continue to chant.
Slowly you accumulate your numerical strength. The numbers add up, and you think of Prabhupada. You are chanting on his order, and you hope he blesses you. For many years I have been doing this and surely there’s some credit. Last night we sang loudly, and now I chant quietly alone. The devotees here are faithful, and they have good feelings toward myself. I have to keep up my honor by my individual japa and by speaking to them in a group. But first thing in the morning comes this all alone whisper to the Lord of your life. You do not do it with pure devotion but you struggle to make it nice— and you count.
HH. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 'Glories of Prabhupada' from The Yellow Submarine
Prabhupada Smaranam
Prabhupada is sitting regally, like a resting lion; he shows signs of old age and weakness, but he is still traveling somewhere, making his endless grand preaching tour around the world, again and again. I read a nice indirect reference about Srila Prabhupada in the book, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, by a European devotee-scholar. He was describing the great success of the Gaudiya Math during the lifetime of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta. Then he briefly mentioned that after Bhaktisiddhanta’s passing away his mission fell to ruin, and the preaching stopped due to schisms among his disciples. He author says that it is not until thirty years later in the 1960s that a ‘watershed’ was created, and Bhaktisiddhanta’s mission was reviewed on the grand scale, becoming a world religion with thousands of followers. The author said it was beyond the scope of his study of the life of Bhaktisiddhanta to describe how this watershed took place. But it was so enlivening to read, even the indirect reference to the work of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, as the one who rescued the phoenix from the ashes of the Gaudiya Math and turned it into a grand powerful success.
During the lifetime of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati there only a few harbingers, predictions and prophesies that our Prabhupada would be the one to pick up the fallen banner of the Gaudiya Movement and spread it all over the world, but history bears it out undeniably. While most of his Godbrothers fell into dispute and few did powerful preaching, it was only our Prabhupada who went alone to America and created the Hare Krishna explosion. The picture shows him near the end of his work, with the movement set in place that would continue, despite troubles, to endure and expand after his disappearance. All glories to Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada, the best disciple of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, and all glories to his faithful followers.
HH. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 'I Do It for You' from The Yellow Submarine
Krishna I call to You.
It is afternoon, and I
am not feeling fresh and meditative,
but You are always accessible
to me.Please give me Your hand.
Give me your presence.
I have not been chanting
japa so intensely because
the weather is so warm.
read more from SDGonline - daily updates from The Yellow Submarine: My Bhajana Kutir journal
ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Gaura Purnima & Holi Festivities Doused With Colour!
Sunday, February 28th marked Gaura-Purnima, the appearance anniversary of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, revered as an incarnation of Krishna, propagated the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra over 500 years ago. He was at the centre of a spiritual revolution, focused on developing love of Krishna (bhakti-yoga).
Festivities began in the early hours of the morning with a stalwart group of spiritualists gathering to begin the day with mangala arati, the first worship ceremony of the day. The morning program was highlighted by Deity greetings, where the Deities were unveiled in Their brand new stunning gold outfit.Click here for the Deity pictures.
The festivities continued in the evening with an ecstatic 6pm kirtan led by Krsnadas Kaviraj das. After the kirtan, the temple room suddenly went pitch black. As devotees looked around to see what was going on, a voice could be heard, narrating the story of Prahlada, the devoted young prince tortured by his father, King Hiranyakashipu. Hiranyakashipu tried to torture Prahlada Maharaj in many ways. One such way was by forcing him to sit on a pyre of fire with Holika, a demoness who had the power to remain unharmed by fire. However, due to Prahalada's devotion to the Lord, he was saved and Holika was consumed by the fire herself! As the narration spoke about Holika being destroyed, the pillars on the balcony of the temple room were illuminated with orange, yellow, and red lights and began to flicker with the effect of flames. This story, is one of the reasons why Holi is celebrated and since Holi falls on the same day as Gaura-Purnima, the entire festival had a theme of colour.
Following this, the entire temple room was bathed in red lights as the pillars in the temple room displayed animations, accompanied by narrations, that depicted how Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared to help spread the chanting of the holy names. This was a prelude to a wonderful class given by Krsnadas Kaviraja das on the early pastimes of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The temple room was now engulfed in green light which faded into blue as devotees were transported back to the lush green lands of Mayapur in West Bengal, India. The Sunday School Kids performed a short play glorifying Caitanya Mahaprabhu's compassion which was not just limited to human beings but to animals also. This endearing performance by the future of ISKCON Toronto received a thunderous applause!
Following the drama, the temple room was illuminated in multi-coloured lights leading into the grand abhisheka, a bathing ceremony of the Deities of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and his eternal associate, Nityananda Prabhu. As opulent items such as honey, milk, ghee were being poured on the Deities, ecstatic kirtan was being led by Dhira Grahi das and had devotees in bliss! The bliss continued with more ecstatic kirtan led by Satyananda Krishna das during 8pm arati and had every one in the temple room dancing!
View the slideshow of the festivites below:
ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Celebrating Lord Ramacandra in a Big Way... All the Way to Sunday!
*** UPDATE - The Conference Calls Now Also Have a Toll-Free Number. Please call either 1-888-535-3378 or (416) 900-1162 ***
The Toronto Hare Krishna Centre is excited to announce that festivities surrounding Lord Ramacandra's Appearance will be celebrated in grand fashion! Lord Rama is the incarnation of Lord Krishna as the perfect monarch. He enacted His lila, or pastime, of killing the evil king Ravana and establishing virtue, by personal example, throughout His kingdom. The epic story of His transcendental adventures is told in the scripture Ramayana in which one reads of His unfailing devotion to His wife Sita and Their affectionate dealings with Lord Rama's many family members, particularly His devoted Brother, Laksmana.
Festivities began last night with a grand festival at the temple and will continue this upcoming Sunday, March 28th but we have decided that why let the days go by without celebrating Lord Ramacandra's appearance?!? So, as a new initiative, we will be hosting telephone conference-calls on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings! Each call will focus on a different personality from the Ramayana and also feature a practical take-home message that can help us in our Krishna consciousness. We are excited to announce that we have some very special guests who will be facilitating these calls! The details are as follows:
Laksmana and Hanumana - Duty & Service in Krishna ConsciousnessHosted by Mahatma dasThursday, March 25, 20107:00pm to 8:00pm ESTNumber: 416-900-1162
Access Code: 360-232-914
Mahatma Das, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, is the founder of Touchstone Training, a company that facilitates workshops, retreats and online courses on spiritual self development. He personally facilitates courses on forgiveness, meditation, prayer, vows, kirtan and bhakti. He is also well known for his music, having produced six soothing mantra meditation CD’s.
* * * * *Sita Devi - The Strengths of Bonds in RelationshipsHosted by Krsnanandini dasiFriday, March 26, 20107:00pm to 8:00pm ESNumber: 416-900-1162Access Code: 360-232-914
Krsnanandini devi dasi, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, is a member of the Grhastha Vision Team and is also a Co-Director of Dasi-Ziyad Family Institute (www.dzfi.org), a non-profit agency dedicated to strengthening families, couples and individuals with healthy relationship skills based on universal spiritual principles. Krsnanandini holds degrees in Education and Sociology and has co-authored several magazine and newspaper articles about healthy families, parenting, relationships and marriage.
* * * * *
Earth Hour Special - Meditating on Lord RamaSaturday, March 27, 20108:30pm to 9:30pm ESTNumber: 416-900-1162Access Code: 360-232-914
Join us during the international Earth Hour from 8:30pm to 9:30pm as we meditate on Lord Ramacandra. We encourage you to gather with the family, turn off the lights, light some candles and call in to the conference call to hear about Lord Ramacandra!
ISKCON News.com: Understanding the Origins of the Sacred Cow in India
By analyzing the significance of karma and reincarnation within Hindu cosmology, not just looking at economics, we can understand how it might be in the best interest of humanity to refrain from killing the cow.
ISKCON News.com: The Global Leadership Crisis
Genuine leadership will only be possible if we implement the standard Vedic training and education, as recommended in our sastras, from an early age.
ISKCON News.com: What's It Like Studying at Bhaktivedanta College Radhadesh?
If the selection above is hosted by YouTube then after the video plays there will be several links presented to other videos. ISKCON News Weekly has no control over the selections presented and is not responsible for their contents.
ISKCON News.com: What's It Like Studying at Bhaktivedanta College Radhadesh?
Click here
If the selection above is hosted by YouTube then after the video plays there will be several links presented to other videos. ISKCON News Weekly has no control over the selections presented and is not responsible for their contents.
ISKCON News.com: New BBT Project--Call For Authors
The BBT would like to showcase some of the best short story (fiction), creative nonfiction, and poetry writing in ISKCON. Devotees are invited to submit their work for consideration.
ISKCON News.com: Third Annual ISKCON Studies Conference in Villa Vrindavan From 16-19 July 2010.
Third annual ISKCON Studies Conference "Transmitting the Truth: Education, Preaching, and Conversion in ISKCON" to be held at Villa Vrindavan, near Florence, Italy, from 16-19 July 2010.
Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: Sweet Vanilla Butterfly Flower
How could I not buy a plant with a name like Sweet Vanilla Butterfly Flower? “Its sweet vanilla smell draws butterflies and hummingbirds, but this is one tough, versatile plant. Suitable for moist soil, such as next to a lake, but also tolerant of dry conditions. Excellent for everything from large landscape projects to naturalizing to cut-flower arrangements.”
It has arrived and has been planted. It came from the same company I ordered 4 gojis from, but only one arrived despite being invoiced for the four. I called them and they are shipping the other three, no problem.
I have planted some potatoes and in cold frames spinach, a lettuce mix, a greens mix, regular red round radishes and some white icicle radishes. If my energy holds up by this evening I will have fava beans, snap and shell peas planted.
I got catalog fever bad this winter and went nuts ordering. I may live a long time who knows, but I do know I have energy this year and may not next so I am planting more trees, berries, and flowering perennials that are fragrant. The next two or three weeks are going to be intense. I told most catalogs to ship April first but some are coming already. I ordered from 12 different plant catalogs and two supply catalogs so it will be staggered to a degree and some don’t give you the option as to when they ship, they do it according to their own schedule.
Here is the list. Lots of the strawberries are to be distributed amongst a group of devotees, not all for me, I am only planting about 30.
Quantity Plant
Tree, Bush, Vine, Perennial Spacing Height 1 Chocolate vine
15-20′ 1 Corkscrew Vine
V 12-36″ 4-6′ 1 Grape Buffalo V
1 Grape Ontario V
1 Grape Steuben V
2 Kiwi Arctic female V
1 Kiwi Arctic male V
1 Passion Flower
vigorousTerritorial 1 American Chestnut Hartman hybrid T
50′ 1 Apple Winter Banana T
1 Asian pear
T 15′ 15′ 1 Asian pear
T 15′ 15′ 1 Asian pear
T 15′ 15′ 1 Cherry Emporor Francis T
1 Cherry Star Stella T
1 Cherry White Gold T
2 Cornelian Cherry
1 Hazelnut Jefferson T
1 Hazelnut Yamhill T
1 Hazelnut Delta T
1 Jujube Shuimen T 15′ 30′ 1 Jujube Globe T 15′ 30′ 1 Jujube Russian #1 T 15′ 30′ 1 Pear Sekel T
1 Persimmon Amer. Celebrity U20A T
40-45′ 1 Persimmon Amer. Early Golden T
40-45′ 1 Persimmon Asian Hokkaido T 25′ 25′ 1 Persimmon Asian Rosseyanka T 25′ 25′ 1 Polemonium Blue Pearl P 12″ 12″ 3 Begonia White Odorata P 8-10″ 10-12″ 1 Bunchberry
P 6″ 6-8″ 1 Clematis Florus Solitary P 30″ 3′ 1 Corydalis Berry Exciting P 15-18″ 12″ 1 Crambe
P 3′ 4-6′ 1 Dahlia Who Dun It P 18-24″ 40-44″ 20 Dahlias mixture P
2 Daphne Ruby Glow P 3′ 12″ 1 Dianthus Coconut Punch P
12″ 1 Dianthus Velvet’n Lace P 12-18″ 12-18″ 25 Double Freesia
P 4″ 15-24″ 3 Helleborus mixture P
1 Hibiscus
6 Hybrid Phlox mixture P 18-24″ 30-48″ 1 Iris Jewel Baby
1 Iris Tomorrow May Rain P
1 Licorice Mint
6 Lily tree
8′ 10 Oriental Lily mixture P 10-12″ 3-4′ 100 Strawberries Earlibelle P 12″
100 Strawberries Cavendish P 12″
100 Strawberries Record P 12″
1 Sweet Vanilla Butterfly Flower P
1 Wintergreen
creeper 3 Yellow Meadow Rue P 24-30″ 36-48″ 1 Plum Tree Sweet mini B
1 Angel’s Trumpet
B 6′ 8-10′ 1 Bearberry
1 Bilberry Eagle B
low 1 Blueberry Aurora B
1 Blueberry Ka-Bluey B
1 Blueberry Rubel B
8 x 4′ 3 Cherry Nanking B 4-5′
1 Currant Pink Champagne B 3-4′
1 Dewberry
B 3-4′ sprawl 1 Fragrant Abelia
B 4-5′ 5-6′ 4 Goji.s
8′ 1 Gooseberries Hinnoki Red B
1 Gooseberry Pixwell B 5′ 3-4′ 5 Hanson Bush Cherry B
4-5′ 1 Lilac Reblooming Jose B 4-5′ 6′ 4 Lingonberries Variety B 18″ 12-15″ 2 Lingonberries Regal B 18″ 8-15″ 2 Lingonberries Red Pearl B 18″ 12-18″ 5 Raspberry Prelude B
2 Saskatoon Blueberry B
15-20′ 2 Seaberry Female B 2-3′ 8-10′ 1 Seaberry Male B 2-3′
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Please share your realisations with other devotees from around the world...simply send me an introduction email and I will be happy to make you a member:
Rasa Rasika dasa
Dandavats.com: Leadership Crisis
By Bhakti Raghava Swami
A few years ago, while pursuing my postgraduate studies at USM in Penang, I happen to glance over the front page of the local newspaper to read the following headlines in large capital letters: WANTED: LEADERS.
Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: Solar Industry Learns Lesson In Spanish Sun
PUERTOLLANO, Spain — Two years ago, this gritty mining city hosted a brief 21st-century gold rush. Long famous for coal, Puertollano discovered another energy source it had overlooked: the relentless, scorching sun
Lourdes Segade for The New York TimesEusebio Sáez Mozos, a farmer from El Villar, Spain, near Puertollano, sold a piece of land that was used for a solar installation during Spain’s solar industry boom. More Photos »
Armed with generous incentives from the Spanish government to jump-start a national solar energy industry, the city set out to replace its failing coal economy by attracting solar companies, with a campaign slogan: “The Sun Moves Us.”
Soon, Puertollano, home to the Museum of the Mining Industry, had two enormous solar power plants, factories making solar panels and silicon wafers, and clean energy research institutes. Half the solar power installed globally in 2008 was installed in Spain.
Farmers sold land for solar plants. Boutiques opened. And people from all over the world, seeing business opportunities, moved to the city, which had suffered from 20 percent unemployment and a population exodus.
But as low-quality, poorly designed solar plants sprang up on Spain’s plateaus, Spanish officials came to realize that they would have to subsidize many of them indefinitely, and that the industry they had created might never produce efficient green energy on its own.
In September the government abruptly changed course, cutting payments and capping solar construction. Puertollano’s brief boom turned bust. Factories and stores shut, thousands of workers lost jobs, foreign companies and banks abandoned contracts that had already been negotiated.
“We lost the opportunity to be at the vanguard of renewables — we were not only generating electricity, but also a strong economy,” said Joaquín Carlos Hermoso Murillo, Puertollano’s mayor since 2004. “Why are they limiting solar power, when the sun is unlimited?”
Puertollano’s wrenching fall points to the delicate policy calculations needed to stimulate nascent solar industries and create green jobs, and might serve as a cautionary tale for the United States, where a similar exercise is now under way.
For now, electricity generation from the sun’s rays needs to be subsidized because it requires the purchase of new equipment and investment in evolving technologies. But costs are rapidly dropping. And regulators are still learning how to structure stimulus payments so that they yield a stable green industry that supports itself, rather than just costly energy and an economic flash in the pan like Spain’s.
“The industry as a whole learned a lot from what happened in Spain,” said Cassidy DeLine, who analyzes the European solar market for Emerging Energy Research, a firm based in Cambridge, Mass. She noted that other countries had since set subsidies lower and issued stricter standards for solar plants.
Yet, despite the pain that Spain’s incentives ended up causing, in many ways they fulfilled their promise, Ms. DeLine said.
“Even though incentives can create bubbles and bursts, without them this industry won’t take off,” she said. “The U.S. is really behind Europe on this, and if we wait until solar is cost-competitive on its own, we may miss the boat and an opportunity to shape the market.”
The most robust Spanish solar companies survived the downturn, have restructured and are re-emerging as global players.
For example, when the government changed course, Siliken Renewable Energy, originally a producer of solar panels, shut its factories for five months and cut its staff to 600 from 1,200. But after shifting its focus to external markets like Italy, France and the United States, and diversifying into solar support services, the company now turns a profit.
“We were a company that banks trusted, so we could make the shift,” said Antonio Navarro, a company spokesman. “But a lot of little companies disappeared.”
The period was particularly difficult because it coincided with the global economic crisis, he said.
To encourage development of solar power and reduce dependence on fossil fuels, Europe has generally relied on so-called feed-in tariffs, through which governments pay a hefty premium for electricity from renewable resources. Regulators in the United States have favored less direct incentives like requiring municipalities to buy a percentage of their electricity from companies making renewable energy, although a few cities and states, most notably Vermont, are experimenting with the feed-in concept.
When it was announced in the summer of 2007, Spain’s premium payment for solar power was the most generous anywhere — 58 cents per kilowatt-hour — with few strings attached.
In retrospect it was far too high. “Everyone from all over the world was installing in Spain as fast as they could, and every biologist who could add was working in solar,” said Pedro Banda, director general of the Institute of Concentration Photovoltaic Systems, one of the research institutes in Puertollano.
Even inefficient, poorly designed plants could make a profit, and speculation in solar building permits was common.
Although Spain’s long-term goal had been to produce 400 megawatts of electricity from solar panels by 2010, it reached that milestone by the end of 2007.
In 2008 the nation connected 2.5 gigawatts of solar power into its grid, more than quintupling its previous capacity and making it second to Germany, the world leader. But many of the hastily opened plants offered no hope of being cost-competitive with conventional power, being poorly designed or located where sunshine was inadequate, for example.
Designs for solar power plants vary. The most common type uses photovoltaic panels to generate electricity. Others, called thermal solar plants, use mirrors to focus the sun’s energy on a liquid that, when heated, drives a steam turbine.
In its haste to create a solar industry, Spain made some miscalculations: solar plants can be set up so quickly and easily that the rush into the industry was much faster than anticipated. And the lavish subsidies inflated Spanish solar installation costs at a time when they were rapidly decreasing elsewhere — in part because of increasing competition from panel makers in China, but also because higher volumes produced economies of scale.
In Spain, the tariff, now adjusted quarterly, is about 39 cents per kilowatt-hour for electricity from freestanding solar power plants, and slightly higher for panels on rooftops.
Germany’s tariff, 53 cents per kilowatt-hour, is expected to fall at least 15 percent this summer, and there are proposals before Parliament to eliminate subsidies for solar plants on farmland.
The bonus payments required to make solar energy financially viable vary, depending on local sunshine and the cost of conventional energy. Experts predict that, possibly by next year, Italy will be the first place where solar-generated electricity will not need subsidies to compete with electricity from fossil fuel. Italy has abundant sun and sky-high energy rates, given that it imports most of its fossil fuel.
Even with the reduced incentives and local economic downturn, the solar industry gave Puertollano something of a face-lift and, potentially, a new economic future. Research institutes there are developing cutting-edge technologies. Unemployment, though now up around 10 percent, has not returned to the 20 percent figure. The city is home to a number of solar businesses: a new 50-megawatt thermal-solar plant owned by the Spanish energy giant Iberdrola created hundreds of jobs.
Although coal mines still dot the landscape and a petrochemical factory remains one of Puertollano’s largest employers, that new solar plant sits just next door, with more than 100,000 parabolic mirrors in neat rows on about 400 acres of former farmland. Clean and white as a hospital ward, it silently turns sunshine into Spanish electricity.
Mayapur Online: Ramanvami Celebrations in Sridham Mayapur
Srila Prabhupada on Lord Ram
Ramadi murtisu kala-niyamena tisthan
nanavataram akarod bhuvanesu kintu
krsnah svayam samabhavat paramah puman yo
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami (Bs 5.39)“This is a verse from Brahma-samhita in which the incarnation of Lord Ramacandra is described.
Dandavats.com: New BBT project–call to authors
By Brahma Muhurta Das
The BBT would like to showcase some of the best short story (fiction), creative nonfiction, and poetry writing in ISKCON. Devotees are invited to submit their work for consideration.
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