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Fotos de KRISHNA I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! - Fotos del muroDedicated to Romapada swami "Most artwork courtesy of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International." Añadido hoy Rohan Shanti Shukla - Sri Sri RadhaRamana Appearance DayBhaja - Nitai Gaura Radhe Shyam Japa - Hare krishna Hare Ram Información
Actualizado hace aproximadamente Advaita ÂcâryaAdvaita Âcârya: (sáns. vaiëòava). an intimate associate of Ärîman Mahâprabhu and one of the members of the pañca-tattva. He is the combined form of Mahâ Viëòu and Sadâ-Äiva. He was a disciple of Ärî Mâdhavendra Purî and by age senior to Ärî Caitanya. Seeing the fallen condition of the jîvas in Kali yuga, He prayed to the Lord to descend. Ärîman Mahâprabhu appeared partly to fulfill His request. Advaita AcaryaFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Chaitanya Mahaprabhu exhibiting his Universal Form to Advaita Acharya. Advaita Acharya (Bengali: অদ্বৈত আচার্য) (1434-1539), (born Kamalaksha Bhattacharya)(1) was a notable disciple and companion of the founder of the Gaudiya Vaishnava sect, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and guru of Haridasa Thakur.(2)(3) He was born at Navagrama-Laur village in the present-day Sylhet District of Bangladesh in 1434, some fifty years before Chaitanya, and spent most of his adult life in the town of Shantipur with his wife and family (Advaita Acarya had six sons, Acyutananda, Krsna Misra, Gopala dasa, Balarama, Svarupa, and Jagadisa) teaching the philosophy of Bhagavad Gita and Bhagavata Purana and promoting Bhakti Yoga. The ancestry and life of Advaita Acharya are narrated in a number of hagiographical works, which include the Balyalilasutra (1487?) of Krishnadasa in Sanskrit and the Advaitasutrakadacha of Krishnadasa, the Advaitamangala of Haricharanadasa, the Advaitaprakasha of Ishana Nagara(4) and the Advaitavilasa of Naraharidasa in Bengali.(5). Many of his activities are described in the Chaitanya Charitamrta, the Chaitanya Mangala and the Chaitanya Bhagavata.
(edit) Life Story This is interactive (clickable) image-map. Click! on lotus feet. Sri Krishna Chaitanya (centre), Sri Nityananda Prabhu (wearing blue), Sri Advaita Acharya (with beard), Sri Gadadhara Pandit (purple dhoti), Sri Srivas Pandit (with shaven head and saffron dhoti). Pancha-Tattva deites: Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda, Advaita Acharya, Gadadhara and Srivasa, installed on a Vaishnava altar. In his latter years Advaita Acharya became increasingly saddened by the pursuit of materialistic goals that, he believed, lead to a dysfunctional, unhappy society and concluded that the only solution was to offer prayers, begging his Supreme Lord Krishna to come as an avatar and attract people back to the joy of the spiritual life. Advaita Acharya is said to have prayed for several months, crying out and worshipping him in the form of his Shaligram Shila with sacred Tulasi leaves and Ganges water. At the end of thirteen months during an eclipse of the full moon, his prayers were answered when Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was born. He is known to have been a close friend of both Chaitanya and Nityananda in their mission of spreading the Hare Krishna mantra. Advaita Acharya is said to have told Chaitanya "Wherever you are is Vrindavan."(6) He is considered a combined incarnation (avatar) of both Maha Vishnu and Shiva (collectively named Harihara) within the Gaudiya tradition. On the day marking his birth members hold a celebration in his honour and read and discuss stories of his life. (edit) See also
(edit) References and notes
(edit) External linksAdvaita AcaryaDe Wikipedia, la Enciclopedia Libre Advaita Acharya (Bengalí: অদ্বৈত আচার্য) (1434-1539), (nacido el Kamalaksha Bhattacharya) (1) fue un discípulo y compañero notables del fundador de la secta Gaudiya Vaishnava, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, y gurú de Haridasa Thakur. (2) ( 3) Nació en la aldea de Navagrama-Laur en el actual distrito de Sylhet de Bangladesh en 1434, unos cincuenta años antes de Chaitanya, y pasó la mayor parte de su vida adulta en la ciudad de Shantipur con su esposa y familia (Advaita Acarya tenía seis hijos, Acyutananda, Krishna Misra, dasa Gopala, Balarama, Svarupa y Jagadisa) La enseñanza de la filosofía del Bhagavad Gita y Bhagavata Purana y la promoción de Bhakti Yoga. La ascendencia y la vida de Advaita Acharya se narran en una serie de obras hagiográficas, que incluyen la Balyalilasutra (1487?) De Krishnadasa en sánscrito y la Advaitasutrakadacha de Krishnadasa, el Advaitamangala de Haricharanadasa, el Advaitaprakasha de Ishana Nagara (4) y la Advaitavilasa de Naraharidasa en bengalí. (5). Muchas de sus actividades se describen en el Charitamrta Chaitanya, el Mangala Chaitanya Bhagavata y el Chaitanya. En sus últimos años Advaita Acharya hizo cada vez más triste por la búsqueda de objetivos materialistas que, a su juicio, conducen a una sociedad disfuncional, infeliz y llegó a la conclusión que la única solución era ofrecer oraciones, rogando a su Señor Supremo Krishna a venir como un avatar y atraer gente de vuelta a la alegría de la vida espiritual. Advaita Acharya se dice que oró por varios meses, gritando y adorando a él en la forma de su Shaligram Shila con hojas de Tulasi sagrados Ganges y el agua. Al final de trece meses durante un eclipse de luna llena, sus oraciones fueron contestadas cuando Chaitanya Mahaprabhu nació. Él es conocido por haber sido un amigo cercano de ambos Chaitanya y Nityananda en su misión de difundir el mantra Hare Krishna. Advaita Acharya se dice que dijo Chaitanya "Donde quiera que esté es Vrindavan." (6) Se le considera una encarnación combinada (avatar) de ambos Maha Vishnu y Shiva (colectivamente llamado Harihara) dentro de la tradición Gaudiya. El día marcado los miembros de su nacimiento celebrar una fiesta en su honor y leer y discutir las historias de su vida. Ver También Advaita Âcârya SRI ADVAITA ACARYA last update 23rd June 2005 About His Life: Srila Prabhupada's lecture on Advaita Acharya Who is Advaita Acharya? (Iskcon Washington DC page) See the Shalagram Sila that Srila Advaita Acharya prayed to to invoke Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu The foremost of all the Vaishnavas who reside at Navadwip is Sri Advaita Acarya, whose virtuous presence has made all the worlds blessed. He is the most preeminent preceptor in all fields including knowledge, renunciation and devotion. In explaining Krsna-bhakti he is like unto Lord Shankara (Shiva) himself, and whatever scriptures that exist within the three worlds he explains in the light of Krsna-bhakti. With the intense eagerness he continually worships the Shalagram of Sri Krsna with Tulasi manjaris and Ganges water. By the momentum of his spiritual force, his loud shouts pierce the coverings of this universe and, resounding throughout Vaikuntha, reach the ears of Sri Krsna. Hearing this loving summons saturated with devotion, Sri Krsna advents Himself. On the seventh day of the bright fortnight of the month of Magh, the great ocean of ecstasy swelled to its limits, being forcibly attracted by the moon of Adwaita, Who appeared from the womb of Sri Nabhadevi as the moon appears in the autumn sky. His father, Sri Kuvera, Pandit floated in that ocean of joy. In great happiness gave many gifts in charity to the brahmanas (who voluntarily accept vows of poverty). Very quietly he approached the maternity room to get a glimpse of his newborn son. Then his own face began to shine by the reflected light of that moon-like personage. The residents of Nabagram came running to see the child. Everyone remarked that they had never seen such a beautiful baby. What a pious activities his father must have been performed to get such a jewel of a son, and that in his old age. Thus Ghanasyama sings about this occasion. (B.R.12.1759) The child was named Mangal and his other name was Kamalaksa. Advaita Acarya is the combined incarnation of Maha Visnu and Sadaisiva (who resides in Goloka). His two consorts, Sita and Sri are manifestations of Yoga Maya. Once when Advaita performed worship, whatever gods and demigods He used to meditate upon He saw all gathered at Lord Caitanya's lotus feet, offering prayers. Raising up his two hands, Advaita exclaimed in great ecstasy, "Today all the days of my life have produced a successful result, as all my desires have been fulfilled. My birth and activities have finally born fruit. I have directly perceived Your two lotus feet, which are proclaimed throughout the four Vedas but are unattainable thereby. Now, by Your causeless mercy, You have revealed Yourself to Me." Mahaprabhu replied, "Acarya, now you should perform My worship." First Advaita Acarya washed the Lord's two lotus feet with water scented by flower petals and then with water scented with sandalwood. Then He placed on His lotus feet Tulasi manjari dipped in sandalwood paste along with arghya - an auspicious offering of rice, durbagrass, yogurt etc. His eyes brimming with tears, he offered incense, ghee lamps, flowers, sandalwood paste, and some foodstuffs. After offering various prayers he loudly proclaimed the Lord's glories with auspicious shouts. All glories to the Lord and maintainer of the universe, the Lord of all that lives. All glories to Gaurcandra, the ocean of mercy. All glories to the most munificent incarnation of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, whose form is all-enchanting. All glories to He who is decorated with the ornaments of Sri Vatsa and Kaustubha. All glories to He who has revealed the Hare Krsna Maha-mantra. All glories to He who enjoys the pastimes of accepting devotion unto Himself. All glories to Mahaprabhu who reclines on the bed of Ananta Sesa. All glories to the refuge of all living entities. (C.B.Mad. 6.116) Hearing Advaita's prayer's Mahaprabhu replied, "My dear Acarya, I am very pleased by your prayers. Now you can ask from me any benediction you like." Then Advaita requested that, "My only request is that you distribute love of Krsna even to women, laborers and the ignorant fools as well. (C.B. Mad. 6.167) A Nrsimha sila and Deities, fashioned after a picture of Sri Sri Madan-Gopal that were worshipped by Advaita Acarya are still residing at Santipur in Madan-Gopal Para. Santipur is a short distance from Krsnanagar by bus. The place on the banks of the Ganga where Advaita Acarya worshipped shalagram and called out to the Lord to please descend to the world is known today as Babla. A temple has been built in memory of Advaita Acarya's pastimes there. This place can be reached by rikshaw from Santipur. THE SIXTH JEWEL: ADVAITA-TATTVA
6. 1 mahavisnur-jagat-karta mayaya yam srjaty adam tasyavatara evayam advaitacarya isvaram
Lord Advaita Acaya is the incarnation of Mahavisnu, whose main function is to create the cosmic world through the actions of maya. (Caitanya-Caritamrta Adi 6.4) 6. 2 advaitam harinadvaitacayam bhakti-samsanat bhaktavataramism tam advaitacaryam asraye
Because He is nondifferent from Hari, the Supreme Lord, He is called Advaita, and because He propagates the cult of devotion, He is called Acaya. He is the Lord and the incarnation of the Lord's devotee. Therefore I take shelter of Him. (Caitanya-Caritamrta Adi 1.12 - 13) Mahavisnu, the Supersoul of material nature, is the efficent cause (nimitta) and Sri Advaita is the material cause (upadana) of the material creation. 6. 3 apane purusa - visvera "nimitta - karana advaita-rupa "upadana" ha'na narayana "nimittamse" kare ti-ho mayate iksana "upadana" sri advaita karena brahmanda-srjana
Lord Visnu Himself is the efficient (nimitta) cause of the material world, and Narayana in the form of Sri Advaita, is the material cause (upadana). Lord Visn, in His efficient aspect, glances over the material energy, and Sri Advaita as the material cause, creates the material world. (Caitanya-Caritamrta Adi 6.16 - 7) Advaita is Sadasiva 6. 4 He who was Sri Sadasva is the bhakta-avatara, Sri Advaita Prabhu. (Gaura-Ganoddesa Dipika, 11) The meaning of the name Advaita 6. 5 mahavisnura amsa - advaita gunadhama isvare abheda, te-i "advaita" purna nama
Sri Advaita, who is a reservoir of virtues, is the main limb of Mahavisnu. His full name is Advaita, for He is identical in all respects with the Lord. (Caitanya-Caritamrta Adi 6.25) Advaita Acarya is a preacher of krsna-bhakti 6. 7 jiva nistarila krsna-bhakti kari' dana gita-bhagavate kaila bhaktira vyakhyana
He delivered all living beings by offering the gift of krsna-bhakti. He explained Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam in the light of devotional service. (Caitanya-Caritamrta Adi 6.27) He is the avatara of Mahavisnu of and is the servant of Sri Caitanya. 6. 8 advaitanacaya gosa-i saksat-isvara prabhu, guru kari' mane ti-ho ta' kinkara
Lord Advaita Acarya is directly the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Although Lord Caitanya accepts Him as His preceptor, Advaita Acarya is a servant of the Lord. (Caitanya-Caritamrta Adi 5.147) Advaita and Nityananda are servants of Sri Caitanya 6. 9 eka "mahaprabhu," ara "prabhu" - duijana dui prabhu seve maharabhu carana
There is one "Mahaprabhu" (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) and two "Prabhus" (Advaita Prabhu and Nityananda Prabhu). The two Prabhus serve the lotus feet of Maharabhu. (Caitanya-Caritamrta Adi 7.14) The twofold branches among the followers of Advaita: saragrahi (those who accept the essence) and asaravahi (those useless persons who accept the nonessential). 6. 10 advaitanghryu-abhabhrngamstan sarasarabhrto 'khilan hitvasaran sarabhuto naumi caitanya jivanan
The followers of Sri Advaita were of two kinds. Some were real followers (saragrahi) and the others were false (sara-grahi). Rejecting the false followers, I offere my respectful obeisances to the real followers of Sri Advaita Acaya whose life and soul was Sri Caitanya Maharabhu. (Caitanya-Caritamrta Adi 12.1) The Saragrahi followers of Advaita are devotees of Gauranga: the asara-grahi (useless) are those who act independently and reject Gauranga. 6. 11 prathame ta' ekamata acaryera gana pache dui mata haila daivera karana keha ta' acaryera ajnaya, keha ta' svatantra svamata kalpana kare daiva-paratantra acaryera mata yei, sei mata sara ta-'ra ajna langi' cale sei ta' asara
At first all the followers of Advaita Acaya shared a single opinion. but later they followed two different opinions as ordained by providence. Some of the disciples strictly accepted the orders of the acarya, and others deviated, independently concocting their own opinions under the spell of daivi maya. The opinion of the acarya is essential. Anyone who disregards his order is useless (asara-grahi) (Caitanya-Caritamrta Adi 12.8 - 10). The useless followers of Advaita Acarya acted contrary to the principles of Sri Caitanya and thus became cut off from his mercy. 6. 12 ihara madhye mali-pache kona saha-gana na mane caitanya-mali durdaiva-karana srjaila, jiyaila ta're na manila krtaghna haila, ta're skandha ta're jala na sa-care jalabhave krsa-sakha sukhaiya mare
After the disappearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who was the gardener of the tree of love of Godhead, some of the sub-branches of the Advaita branch, for unfortunate reasons, deviated from His path. Some branches did not accept the original trunk that vitalized and maintained the entire tree. When they thus became ungrateful, the original trunk was angry at them. Thus Lord Caitanya did not sprinkly upon them the water of his mercy, and they gradually withered and died. GAUDIYA KANTHAHARA THE SIXTH JEWEL: ADVAITA-TATTVA
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