Fotos de Bkgoswami Das
Shri Chaitanya Bhagavata - Adi Khanda - 6º (ingl.)
Chapter Six
Deescription of the Beginning of Study and the Mischievous Childhood Pastimes
Text 1
In this way the fair-limbed Lord Krishna enjoyed many pastimes. Then came the day to begin His schooling with the ceremony of placing a writing-chalk in His hand for the first time.
Text 2
On an auspicious day, at an auspicious time, the great brahmana Jagannatha Misra placed the writing-chalk in His son's hand.
Text 3
After a few days, all the relatives assembled and the boy's karna-beda (ceremony of first hearing the Vedas, and cuda-karana (hair-cutting ceremony, were performed.
Text 4
When the boy-Lord wrote down all the letters on first seeing them, everyone was filled with wonder.
Text 5
Within two or three days the Lord had learned all the combinations of letters. Again and again He wrote names of Krishna, names strung together like garlands.
Text 6
Day and night He wrote, "Rama", "Krishna", "Murari", "Mukunda", and "Vanamali". He eagerly studied.
Text 7 The king of Vaikuntha now went to school with a group of boys. The very pious people of Nadiya were able to see Him.
Text 8
Hearing Him sweetly recite, "ka, kha, ga, gha", as He repeated the Bengali alphabet, everyone became enchanted.
Text 9
Lord Chaitanya enjoyed wonderful pastimes. He yearned for things that were very difficult to get.
Text 10
He yearned to catch the birds flying in the sky. When He could not catch them He wept bitterly and rolled in the dust.
Text 11
He yearned after the moon and the stars. Unable to grasp them, He thrashed His hands and feet. Bitterly He wept.
Text 12
The people would place Him in their laps and try to comfort Him. He would not be comforted. "Give! Give" He would demand.
Text 13
There was only one remedy. Only when He heard the sound of Lord Hari's name did the boy stop crying.
Text 14
Everyone would clap their hands and sing "Hari! Hari!" Only then would He forget His distress and become calm.
Text 15
To please the boy, everyone chanted the names of Lord Hari. In this way Jagannatha Misra's home became the world of Vaikuntha.
Text 16
One day everyone chanted "Hari!" again and again, but the boy-Lord continued to cry.
Text 17
Everyone said, "Nimai! Child! Listen. We are singing the names of Lord Hari. Now You should gracefully dance."
Text 18
He would not hear their words. He continued to cry. Everyone said, "Child, tell us why You are crying."
Text 19
Everyone said, "Child, what do You want? We will give it to You. Just stop crying."
Text 20
The Lord said, "If you wish to save My life, then quickly go to the home of two brahmanas.
Text 21
"Jagadisa Pandita and Hiranya Pandita are both great devotees of the Lord. There is something in their home that I wish to have.
Text 22
"Today is ekadashi. I wish to eat the foods that they have offered to Lord Vishnu on this day.
Text 23
"If could eat the remnants of those offerings I would become peaceful."
Text 24
Hearing this impossible request, Mother Saci became unhappy. She declared, "What You ask is not permitted by the Vedas or social custom."
Text 25
When they heard the boy's words, everyone laughed. They all said, "O child, we will give it to You. Just stop crying."
Text 26
Jagadisa and Hiranya were great Vaishnavas. For Jagannatha Misra they were as dear as life.
Text 27
When they heard the boy Lord's words, these two brahmanas found that their bodies were filled with joy.
Text 28
The two brahmanas declared: "What a surprising story! We have never heard of a boy so intelligent.
Text 29
"How did He know that today is ekadashi? How did He know that todays food-offering to the Deity was very large?
Text 30
"This much we know: This boy is very handsome. Lord Krishna Himself seems to live inside His body.
Text 31
"Lord Narayana enjoys pastimes in this boy's body. Staying in this boy's heart, Lord Narayana speaks through Him."
Text 32
Thinking in this way, the two brahmanas brought all the prasadam remnants and with limitless happiness gave them all to the boy.
Text 33
The two brahmanas said, "Son, please eat this prasadam. In this way our desire to please Lord Krishna will be fulfilled."
Text 34
Only by Lord Krishna's mercy does a person become intelligent in this way. Only a devotee, and no one else, is truly intelligent.
Text 35
Without engaging in devotional service one cannot understand the truth about Lord Chaitanya, from the pores of whose body limitless universes have come.
Text 36
Hiranya and Jagadisa, who had been the Lord's servants birth after birth, with their own eyes saw these pastimes the Lord enjoyed in His form as a brahmana boy.
Text 37
The Lord happily accepted the offerings. He tasted a little from each preparation.
Text 38
The Lord happily ate the prasadam. In this way His whim âecame pacified.
Text 39
Everyone happily declared, "Hari! Hari!" After He ate, the Lord danced as everyone sang His holy names.
Text 40
Some of the prasadam fell to the ground, and some was sprinkled on some people's limbs. In this way the king who rules of thirty million demigods enjoyed many pastimes.
Text 41
Thus the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is described in all the Vedas and Puranas, played in Saci-devi's courtyard.
Text 42
Lord Chaitanya, who was known as Visvambhara, dove into the nectar of restless and mischievous pastimes. He enjoyed many pastimes with the other brahmana boys.
Text 43
Accompanied by His friends, He went from place to place. No one had the power to stop Him.
Text 44
When He saw another boy they would play. Then He would mock the boy. Then He would start a quarrel.
Text 45
Because the Lord was so powerful, He and His friends always won these quarrels. The other boys would go away defeated.
Text 46
Covered with dust and sprinkled with drops of ink, Lord Chaitanya was enchanting.
Text 47
At midday, after finishing their hearing and writing, the boys happily went to bathe in the Ganga.
Text 48
Lord Chaitanya entered the Ganga and playfully splashed water on His friends
Text 49
Who can describe the opulences of Nadiya? At each ghata numberless people would bathe.
Text 50
I do not know how many saints, ascetics, sannyasis, householders, and children met there.
Text 51
Accompanied by His friends, the Lord would swim in the Ganga. One moment He would dive. Another moment He would float. Another moment He would play games.
Text 52
Lord Chaitanya enjoyed many pastimes in the water. Kicking His feet, He would splash the others.
Text 53
Everyone forbade Him to splash. He did not care for their prohibitions. No one could catch Him in one place.
Text 54
The Lord forced everyone to bathe again and again. He spat on their bodies and He contaminated them in different ways.
Text 55
Unable to catch the Lord, all the brahmanas went to His father.
Text 56
Someone said, "Hear. Please hear, O dear friend Jagannatha Misra. I will describe the misdeeds of your son.
Text 57
"Because of Him we cannot properly bathe in the Ganga." Someone else said, "He splashes water and breaks my meditation."
Text 58
Someone else said, "He tells me, `On whom do you meditate? I am Lord Narayana Himself, now present before your eyes in the Kali-yuga.' "
Text 59
Someone else said, "He stole my Siva-linga." Someone else said, "He stole my outer clothes."
Text 60
Someone else said, "Preparing to worship Lord Vishnu, I brought flowers, durva grass, food-offerings, sandal paste, and a throne for Lord Vishnu.
Text 61
"Then, while I was bathing, your son came, sat on the throne, ate all the offerings, and then fled.
Text 62
"Then He said to me, `Why are you sad at heart? The person you seek has eaten your offering.' "
Text 63
Someone else said, "As I was chanting Gayatri in the water He approached underwater and grabbed my feet."
Text 64
Someone else said, "Because of Him I cannot find my dhoti and my basket of flowers." Someone else said, "He stole my Bhagavad-gita."
Text 65
Someone else said, "He puts water in the ears of my small son and makes him cry."
Text 66
Someone else said, "From behind He jumps on my shoulders, says, `I am Siva!', and then jumps down."
Text 67
Someone else said, "He sits on my altar, eats all the food to be offered, and then worships Lord Vishnu.
Text 68
"Also, accompanied by other mischievous boys, He throws sand on whoever finishes bathing.
Text 69
"He exchanges the mens' and womens' clothing left on the riverbank during bathing. In this way He embarrasses everyone.
Text 70
"O Jagannatha Misra, you are my dear friend. Still, I must tell you: Your son always acts in this way.
Text 71
"For siø hours He does not come out of the water. How will His body remain healthy?"
Text 72
At that time many girls angrily approached Saci-devi.
Text 73
They said to Saci, "O respected mother, please hear what your son has done.
Text 74
"He steals our clothes. Then He insults us. When we reply to His insults, He splashes water on us. Then He picks a quarrel with us.
Text 75
"Following our vows, we bring fruits and flowers. He forcibly takes them and throws them away.
Text 76
"When we are finished bathing, He and the other mischievous boys throw sand on our bodies.
Text 77
"He sneaks up on us and suddenly shouts in our ears." Then another girl said, "He spat water in my face.
Text 78
"He put itchy okada seeds in my hair." Anohter girl said, "He wants to marry me.
Text 79
"Every day he acts like this. Is Nimai the king's son?
Text 80
"Your Nimai acts like Nanda's son. We have heard about Nanda's son.
Text 81
"If we complain to our fathers and mothers, they will surely quarrel with you.
Text 82
"You should stop Him at once. No one in Nadiya likes the way He acts."
Text 83
Hearing these words, Lord Chaitanya's mother smiled, embraced, each girl, and spoke sweetly.
Text 84
She said, "When Nimai comes home I will tie Him up and beat Him with a stick. Never again will He make trouble for others."
Text 85
The girls placed on their heads the dust from Saci's feet. Then they went to bathe again.
Text 86
Whoever was thus harassed by the Lord's pranks felt intense spiritual happiness in his heart.
Text 87
When the brahmanas complained to Jagannatha Misra, they did so in a playful spirit. However, when he heard their words, Jagannatha Misra roared with anger.
Text 88
He said, "He always harasses everyone with these pranks! I will not allow Him to bathe in the Ganga.
Text 89
"I will beat Him with a stick." Then everyone tried to intervene on the boy's behalf. No one succeeded.
Text 90
Because He is the Supersoul present in all hearts, Lord Chaitanya knew that Jagannatha Misra was angrily hurrying toward Him.
Text 91
Lord Chaitanya continued to enjoy His pastimes. Of all the boys, He was the most charming.
Text 92
All the little girls said, "O Visvambhara, please listen. Jagannatha Misra is coming here. You should flee at once."
Text 93
The Lord ran away from where the boys were staying. Frightened, the little daughters of the brahmanas also ran away.
Text 94
Lord Chaitanya instructed the boys to tell Jagannatha Misra, "You son did not come here to bathe.
Text 95
"After school He took the path back home. We ourselves are waiting for Him to come back here."
Text 96
After giving this instruction, the Lord returned home by another path. Then Jagannatha Misra came to the bathing place by the Ganga.
Text 97
Coming to the bathing place by the Ganga, Jagannatha Misra looked in the four directions, but he could not see his son among the other boys.
Text 98
Jagannatha Misra asked, "Where did Visvambhara go?" The boys replied, "He did not come to bathe today."
Text 99
"After school He took the path back home. We ourselves are waiting for Him to come back here."
Text 100
Jagannatha Misra continued to search. Not finding his son, all He could do was angrily complain.
Text 101
The same brahmana that had, in a playful spirit, previously spoken the complaints, came there and again spoke to Jagannatha Misra.
Text 102
They said, "Visvambhara ran home out of fear. You should go home. Have a little talk with Him.
Text 103
"If he does mischief again, we will catch Him and bring Him to you.
Text 104
"The words we said to you were spoken in jest. In the three worlds no one is fortunate like you.
Text 105
"How can hunger, thirst, or grief enter the home where your son stays?
Text 106
"In the past you must have served the feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead that now you have such a glorious son. You are very fortunate.
Text 107
"Even if He commits millions of offenses, we will always keep Visvambhara in our hearts."
Text 108
Birth after birth, these brahmanas had been devotees of Lord Krishna. That is why they were all extremely intelligent.
Text 109
The Supreme Lord thus enjoyed many pastimes with them, His servants. No one can understand these pastimes.
Text 110
Jagannatha Misra said, "This boy is like a son to you all. If He offends you, then I am cursed."
Text 111
After embracing everyone, Jagannatha Misra happily returned home.
Text 112
By another path Lord Visvambhara had already returned home. In His hands He carried beautiful books. He was splendid like the moon.
Text 113
Ink-spots decorated His fair limbs. He was like a campaka flower attracting black bees from the four directions.
Text 114
"Mother!" He called out, "Give Me oil, and I will go for My bath."
Text 115
Hearing her son's words, Saci became joyful. She did not see on His limbs any sign that He had bathed.
Text 116
Saci gave Him the oil. In her heart she thought, "Why did the young girls talk like that? Why did the brahmanas say those things?
Text 117
"Ink-spots cover His every limb. These are the same clothes He wore to school. He carries His books."
Text 118
That moment Jagannatha Misra returned. Seeing Jagannatha Misra, Lord Visvambhara at once climbed on his lap.
Text 119
With this embrace Jagannatha Misra no longer knew anything of the outside world. Gazing at his son, he was flooded with bliss.
Text 120
Jagannatha Misra could see that each of his son's limbs was covered with dust. Not seeing any sign that his son had bathed, he was very surprised.
Text 121
Jagannatha Misra said, "Visvambhara, what plan do You keep in Your heart? Why do You not allow the people to bathe in peace?
Text 122
"Why do You take away the articles for worshiping Lord Vishnu? Are You not afraid of Lord Vishnu?
Text 123
The Lord said, "Today I did not go for My bath. The boys all went before I could go."
Text 124
"I did not trouble anyone. I did not even come near these people. Still they accuse Me.
Text 125
"If, even though I do not go near these people, they continue to accuse Me, then I will really do some mischief. Then I will really trouble them."
Text 126
After speaking these words, the Lord smiled and went to bathe in the Ganga. There He met His friends again.
Text 127
Seeing Visvambhara, everyone embraced Him. When they heard how cleverly He had acted, they all laughed.
Text 128
Everyone praised Him, "Nimai, You are very smart. Today You escaped a big beating."
Text 129
As the Lord played in the water with His friends, Saci and Jagannatha Misra thought about what had happened.
Text 130
They said, "If the people did not lie to us, then why did His body not show the slightest sign of bathing?
Text 131
"Everything was just as it should be. His limbs were covered with dust. He looked as He should look. He carried His books. He wore the same clothes, and they were dry. His hair was dry.
Text 132
"I think our Visvambhara is not a human being. Perhaps, with the help of His Yogamaya potency, Lord Krishna Himself has taken birth in our home.
Text 133
"Or perhaps he is a great saint. Who He is I do not know at all." In this way Jagannatha Misra, the jewel of the brahmanas, thought about the situation.
Text 134
When the two parents saw their son, all these thoughts perished. Then they became filled with bliss. Then they did not know anything but their son.
Text 135
The siø hours that the Lord was at school passed like two yugas for His parents.
Text 136
If the Vedas had ten million forms, each with ten million mouths, they still could not give a complete description of the good fortune attained by these parents.
Text 137
Again and again I offer my respectful obeisances to the feet of Saci and Jagannatha Misra, before whom the master of the countless universes appeared as a son.
Text 138
In this way the king of Vaikuntha enjoyed pastimes. But, bewildered by Maya, the people could not understand His true identity.
Text 139
Shri Visvarupa-sannyasadi-varnana
Description of Shri Visvarupa's Sannyasa and Other Pastimes
Text 1
Glory, glory to Lord Chaitanya, the master of all masters! Glory, glory to the devotees who dearly love Lord Visvambhara!
Text 2
Glory to the son of Saci and Jagannatha Misra, a son who is the life of everyone! O Lord, with a glance of mercy please rescue all the souls in this world.
Text 3
In this way Lord Chaitanya was manifest in Navadvipa. Pretending to be a child, He enjoyed many pastimes.
Text 4 The Lord was always mischievous to everyone. His mother tried to teach Him, but He would not pay attention.
Text 5 When he was taught, He would do twice as much mischief. Whatever He could reach in the house, He would break.
Text 6
Anxious, His parents would not tell Him anything. Completely independent, He happily played.
Text 7 The words of Adi-khanda, which describe the pastimes Lord Narayana enjoyed as a child, are like a stream of nectar.
Text 8 The Lord was not afraid of His father, His mother, or anyone else. Still, when He saw His elder brother, Visvarupa, He became humble.
Text 9 The Lord's elder brother, Visvarupa, was the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. From birth He was renounced. He was a treasure-house of all virtues.
Text 10
Commenting on the scriptures, He taught that all scriptures describe Vishnu-bhakti (devotional service to Lord Vishnu). No one had the power to break His explanations.
Text 11
He engaged His ears, voice, mind, and all His senses in Krishna-bhakti (devotional service to Lord Krishna). He did not hear or speak of anything else.
Text 12
Seeing His younger brother's mischief, Visvarupa was filled with wonder in His heart.
Text 13
He thought, "This boy is not like a resident of the material world. His form and deeds are like those of child Krishna.
Text 14
Again and again He does what human beings cannot. I think He is Lord Krishna, manifest as a child, and enjoying pastimes."
Text 15
Saintly Visvarupa thought in this way. Still, He did not reveal the truth. He remained engrossed in His own activities.
Text 16
He always stayed among the Vaishnavas. He spoke of Krishna, was devoted to Krishna, and happily worshiped Krishna.
Text 17
The whole material world is mad after money, children, and material education. Whenever they saw them, the materialists would mock the Vaishnavas.
Text 18
Seeing the Vaishnavas, would recite these doggerel verses: "Sannyasis, yogis, and faithful wives must all die in the end.
Text 19
"I say that the word `fortunate' means `a person who rides on a horse', or `a person who rides on a palanquin', or `a person who has ten or twenty servants running ahead and behind'.
Text 20
"You Vaishnavas weep tears of love for your Lord. But the tears do not break your poverty and misery.
Text 21
"Again and again you scream `Hari! Hari!' Your Lord will become angry when He hears you screaming like that."
Text 22
Hearing words like these from the non-devotees, the great devotees became very unhappy.
Text 23
They did not here Krishna-kirtana anywhere. They saw that at every moment everyone was burning in the fire of repeated birth and death.
Text 24
Not hearing the descriptions of Lord Krishnacandra that He yearned to hear, Lord Visvarupa became very unhappy.
Text 25
If sometimes someone gave a lecture explaining Bhagavad-gita or Shrimad-Bhagavatam, descriptions of Krishna-bhakti (devotional service to Lord Krishna, would never appear in his tongue.
Text 26
Speaking illogically, all the teachers became like walking corpses. Materialists do not know the meaning of words like "bhakti" (devotional service).
Text 27
When they saw the illogical ideas of the people in general, Advaita Acarya and the other devotees wept.
Text 28
In His heart Visvarupa unhappily thought, "I will not look at the faces of these people. I will go to the forest."
Text 29
Every morning Visvarupa would first bathe in the Ganga and then visit Advaita's home.
Text 30
When He heard Visvarupa explain that Krishna-bhakti (devotional service to Lord Krishna, is the true meaning of all the scriptures, Advaita would roar with pleasure.
Text 31
When Visvarupa arrived, Advaita would stop His Deity-worship and at once embrace Him. All the Vaishnavas would happily say, "Hari! Hari!"
Text 32
Filled with the bliss of Krishna consciousness, the devotees roared like lions. No longer was there any sadness in their hearts.
Text 33
No one would leaved Visvarupa and return home. Neither would Visvarupa return to His own home.
Text 34
When she had finished cooking, Saci said to Lord Visvambhara, "Go to Your elder brother and bring Him home at once."
Text 35
Thus, on the preText of His mother's request, the Lord went to fetch His brother at Advaita's home.
Text 36
When the Lord came He saw the Vaishnavas were talking about the auspicious topics of Lord Krishna.
Text 37
Hearing that they were talking about Him, Lord Chaitanya glanced at them with charming and auspicious eyes.
Text 38
Each of His limbs rested on the peerless summit of all handsomeness and grace. Ten million moons could not equal the glory of even one of His toenails.
Text 39
Clothed only by the four directions, and His every limb covered with dust, the Lord smiled and said to His elder brother,
Text 40
"Brother, please come to eat. Mother calls." Clutching His elder brother's garment, the Lord departed.
Text 41
Motionless, the devotees gazed at the Lord's charming form.
Text 42
The devotees were entranced. Words about Krishna no longer came to their mouths.
Text 43
Gazing at the Lord, the devotees forgot their own identities. Without knowing how, the devotees found that their hearts had been stolen.
Text 44
The non-devotees cannot understand how the Lord steals His devotees' hearts.
Text 45
This secret truth was revealed in Shrimad-Bhagavatam, where King Parikshit heard it from Sukadeva Gosvami.
Text 46
To learn this secret one should listen to the words of Shrimad-Bhagavatam, which is a conversation between Sukadeva Gosvami and King Parikshit, a conversation that has no equal.
Text 47
When Lord Chaitanya was born in Gokula, He wandered from home to home, enjoying pastimes with the other boys.
Text 48
From the time of the Lord's birth, the gopis loved the Lord more than their own sons.
Text 49
Even though they did not understand that He was the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, they naturally loved Krishna more than their own sons.
Text 50
Filled with wonder when he heard this, and the hairs of his body standing up in ecstasy, King Parikshit asked Sukadeva Gosvami (Shrimad-BhagavatamText 10
Text 51
"O Gosvami, the words you have spoken are most wonderful. I have never heard anything like them in all the three worlds.
Text 52
"I see that they loved Krishna, who was another's son, more than they loved their own sons. Why did they love Krishna more? Please tell me."
Text 53
Shri Sukadeva Gosvami replied (Shrimad-BhagavatamText 10
"O King Parikshit, please listen. The all-pervading Supersoul is most dear to everybody. That should be known.
Text 54
"When the soul is no longer present in the body of a son or wife, in a moment the relatives take the body out of the house.
Text 55
"It is the Supersoul who gives life to all and who is the most treasured possession of all. The Supersoul is Lord Krishna, the son of Nanda.
Text 56
"Therefore, because Krishna is the origin of the Supersoul, the gopis love Krishna more than their own sons."
Text 57
This is true for the devotees, but not the non-devotees. The non-devotees in this world do not love Krishna.
Text 58
One may ask: Why do Kamsa and the other demons try to kill Krishna? The answer is: Previous offenses are the cause of those actions.
Text 59
Sugar is sweet. That everyone knows. If someone tastes it as bitter, the reason is that his tongue is at fault.
Text 60
The tongue is at fault. The sugar is not at fault. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Chaitanya, is the sweetest of all.
Text 61
Although everyone in Navadvipa saw Lord Chaitanya, aside from the devotees, no one knew His real identity.
Text 62
The Lord completely stole the devotees' hearts. In this way the king of Vaikuntha enjoyed pastimes in Navadvipa.
Text 63
After thus enchanting the hearts of all the Vaishnavas, Lord Visvambhara returned home with His elder brother.
Text 64
In His heart saintly Advaita thought, "That boy is not a human being, a resident of the material world."
Text 65
Advaita told all the Vaishnavas, "I do not understand for certain what is the true identity of that boy."
Text 66
All the devotees praised the handsomeness of that wonderful boy.
Text 67
In name only did Visvarupa go home. He quickly returned to Advaita's house.
Text 68
Material happiness did not bring pleasure to Visvarupa's heart, where the bliss of Krishna-kirtana always stayed.
Text 69
When He was home, Visvarupa stayed always in the room that was a Vishnu temple. He hardly ever went to the other rooms.
Text 70
When His parents began to make plans for His marriage, Visvarupa became very unhappy at heart.
Text 71
"I must renounce the world", Visvarupa decided in His heart. "I must go to the forest", was the only thought in His heart. It kept Him awake at night.
Text 72
Only the Supreme Personality of Godhead can truly understand the desires that stay in the Supreme Personality of Godhead's heart. After a few day Visvarupa accepted sannyasa.
Text 73
In this world He was known by the name "Sankararanya". The best of the Vaishnavas, He walked on the path that leads to the limitless Supreme Person.
Text 74
When saintly Visvarupa left, the hearts of Saci and Jagannatha Misra burst into flames.
Text 75
The Lord and His parents loudly wept. Tormented by separation from His brother, Lord Chaitanya fell unconscious.
Text 76
I do not have the power to place on my mouth words that describe that torment of separation. Jagannatha Misra's home became filled with weeping.
Text 77
Seeing that Visvarupa had accepted sannyasa, Advaita and the other Vaishnavas wept again and again.
Text 78
When they heard this news, the upper-class and middle-class non-devotees did not respond in the same way. Hearing this news, they were not overcome with grief.
Text 79
Their hearts broken, Saci and Jagannatha Misra cried, "Visvarupa! Visvarupa!"
Text 80
Jagannatha Misra was overcome with grief for his son. His relatives and friends tried to console him.
Text 81
They said, "O Jagannatha Misra, please be peaceful. Don't be unhappy at heart. Your son is a great soul who has brought liberation to His entire family.
Text 82
"When a person accepts sannyasa, then sixty-million of His family members go to live in Vaikuntha.
Text 83
"By acting in this way, your son has attained the perfection of knowledge.
Text 84
"You should be very happy." Speaking these words, everyone grasped the hands and feet of Saci and Jagannatha Misra.
Text 85
They said, "Your Visvambhara is the ornament of the family. This son will continue your dynasty.
Text 86
"He will destroy all your sufferings. How can ten millions sons in compare this this son?"
Text 87
All the relatives and friends explained the truth in this way. Still Jagannatha Misra's suffering did not break.
Text 88
Thinking of these instructions, Jagannatha Misra became peaceful. Then, when he remembered Visvarupa's virtues, he forgot all about being peaceful.
Text 89
Jagannatha Misra said, "In my heart I do not know whether this son will stay home.
Text 90
"Lord Krishna gave me a son, and then Lord Krishna took Him away. Whatever Lord Krishnacandra wishes will certainly be.
Text 91
"Independent of You, the individual soul has not even a half mustard seed's worth of power. O Lord Krishna, I dedicate my body and senses to You. I take shelter of You."
Text 92
With this knowledge of jnana-yoga, little by little saintly Jagannatha Misra became peaceful and steady in his thoughts.
Text 93
In this way Visvarupa left home. His form is not different from the form of Lord Nityananda.
Text 94
Whoever hears this description of Lord Visvarupa's sannyasa attains Krishna-bhakti (devotional service to Lord Krishna). For him the noose of karma is cut.
Text 95
When they heard of Visvarupa's sannyasa, the devotees felt both joy and sorrow at every moment.
Text 96
They said, "Lord Krishna has taken from us a person who always spoke Krishna-katha (topics of Krishna).
Text 97
"We should not stay here. We should go to the forest. Then we will not see the faces of these sinners.
Text 98
"How many flames of the offender's words must we tolerate? Everyone is addicted to the path of sin.
Text 99
"We do not hear holy names like "Krishna" on anyone's mouth. Drowning in material pleasures, the whole world is on the verge of death.
Text 100
"If someone preaches the path that leads to Lord Krishna, no one accepts his words. The people misunderstand him, try to refute him, and mock him.
Text 101
"They tell him, `How have you become happy by worshiping Krishna? Only after begging do you eat. Youe sufferings always increase.' "
Text 102
Deciding that it was not right to stay among such people, the devotees declared, "We must go to the forest", and then sighed.
Text 103
Saintly Advaita comforted everyone. He said, "You all will attain the highest bliss. That is certain.
Text 104
"In My heart I feel great bliss. I think in this way: `Lord Krishnacandra is now manifest in this world.'
Text 105
"Everyone happily chant, `Krishna!' In a few days we will see Lord Krishna here.
Text 106
"Then Lord Krishna will enjoy pastimes with all of you. This this `Advaita' will become a pure servant of Lord Krishna.
Text 107
"Then all you servants of the Lord will attain a great mercy that even Sukadeva and Prahlada could not attain."
Text 108
Hearing Advaita's nectar words, all the devotees blissfully called out "Hari!"
Text 109
All the devotees loudly called out "Hari!" Their hearts were filled with bliss.
Text 110
As He was playing with the other boys, Lord Chaitanya heard these calls of "Hari!" The Lord then went to Advaita's home.
Text 111
"Why have You come, child? the devotees asked. The Lord replied, "Why did you call for Me?"
Text 112
After speaking these words, the Lord ran off with the other boys. Bewildered by the Lord's Yogamaya potency, no one could understand what had happened.
Text 113
After Visvarupa left home, the Lord became a little more peaceful and serious.
Text 114
Now He always stayed near His father and mother. In this way He made them forget their grief.
Text 115
Renouncing playing, He diligently studied. He would not leave His books for even half a moment.
Text 116
He memorized sutras by reading them once. He defeated everyone in debate.
Text 117
Seeing His wonderful intelligence, everyone praised Him. Everyone said, "His father and mother are fortunate to have someone like Him in their family."
Text 118
Everyone happily told Jagannatha Misra, "O Jagannatha Misra, you are fortunate to have such a son.
Text 119
"There is not an intelligent boy like Him in the three worlds. In learning He will someday defeat even Brihaspati.
Text 120
"He debate any point He hears. Once He presents His arguments, no one can defeat Him."
Text 121
Hearing of her son's virtues, Mother Saci became happy. Then a great anxiety entered Jagannatha Misra's heart.
Text 122
Jagannatha Misra told Saci, "This son will not stay at home.
Text 123
"By studying all the scriptures, Visvarupa learned, `The material world does not posses even a single sesame seed's worth of reality'.
Text 124
"Understanding the meaning of all the scriptures, Visvarupa became very grave and serious. Then He renounced the temporary material world.
Text 125
"If He becomes learned in all the scriptures, Visvambhara will renounce material happiness and leave us.
Text 126
"This son is our entire life. If we cannot see Him, we will die.
Text 127
"Therefore He should not study. Let Nimai stay always at home. Let Him be an uneducated fool."
Text 128
Saci said, "If He is uneducated, how will He earn His livelihood? No one will give their daughter in marriage to a fool."
Text 129
Jagannatha Misra replied, "You are an unintelligent daughter of a brahmana. Lord Krishna is creator, the maintainer, and the destroyer. He protects and maintains every living being.
Text 130
"He is the master of the universe. He maintains the entire universe. Why, then, do you say our son will earn His livelihood by being learned?
Text 131
"A man may be a pandita or a fool. If Lord Krishna writes in a man's destiny that a certain girl will marry him, then that will happen.
Text 132
"Honorable family, good education, and all other like things are less important. The important thing is that Lord Krishna maintains everyone. Lord Krishna has all power.
Text 133
"Why don't you look at me, standing before you? I am learned. Why is there no rice in my house?
Text 134
"There are persons who cannot read a single letter of the alphabet. Still, if you go to their doorstep, you will see thousands of panditas loitering there.
Text 135
"Therefore no one earns his livelihood by learning or in any other way. It is only Lord Krishna who maintains and protects everyone."
Text 136
"Therefore in the scriptures it is said:
anayasena maranam
vina dainyena jivanam
` caranasya katham bhavet
" `How can a person who does not worship Lord Krishna's feet obtain a trouble-free life and a happy death?'
Text 137
Therefore a person who serves Lord Krishna will have a life without troubles and a happy death. A person who has only wealth or learning will not attain these two boons.
Text 138
"A person may have great learning, noble family, and wealth millions and millions of times over. But if he does not have Lord Krishna's mercy, he will not be free of sufferings.
Text 139
"A person may have many material pleasures in his home. Still, Lord Krishna may give him a terrible disease.
Text 140
"that person cannot enjoy anything. He burns with pain and then he dies. I say that no one suffers more than he.
Text 141
"Understand this: Lord Krishna's will is important. Nothing else matters.
Text 142
"Please don't worry about your son. I tell you: Lord Krishna will maintain your son.
Text 143
"For as long as there is breath in my body not a sesame seed's worth of suffering will touch our son.
Text 144
"Lord Krishna is our protector. Why do you worry? You are a good mother and a chaste wife.
Text 145
"Therefore I tell you: Our son will not study. Let Him be uneducated. Then He will stay at home."
Text 146
After speaking these words, Jagannatha Misra called for His son. Jagannatha Misra said, "Son, please listen to my words.
Text 147
"From this day on You will not study. You may do other things. This I promise You.
Text 148
"Son, I will give You whatever You wish. Happily stay at home."
Text 149
After speaking these words, Jagannatha Misra left on some other business. Lord Visvambhara no longer studied.
Text 150
Lord Chaitanya, who is eternal religious principle personified, did not disobey His father's words. He did not study.
Text 151
Unhappy at heart that His studies were broken, the Lord again became an troublesome and mischievous boy in the company of the other boys.
Text 152
Whether in his home or the homes of others, the Lord broke or harmed whatever He touched.
Text 153
At night the Lord did not stay at home. The whole night He played with other boys.
Text 154
Covering themselves with a blanket, the Lord and two other boys made themselves look like a bull. In this way they playfully wandered here and there.
Text 155
One day they saw a banana garden at someone's house. When night came they put on the bull costume and then attacked the banana trees.
Text 156
Thinking the boys were a bull, the owner of the house cried out, "Haya! Haya!" The owner of the house now awake, the boys fled.
Text 157
Sometimes the Lord would fasten house doors from the outside. Thus the person inside could not leave, even to pass stool or urine.
Text 158
When the person inside the house called out, "Haya! Haya!" or "Who locked the door?", the Lord fled.
Text 159
In this way He who is the master of the thirty million demigods played with some boys day and night.
Text 160
Although Lord Visvambhara was always involved in this kind of mischief, Jagannatha Misra never spoke a word about it.
Text 161
One day Jagannatha Misra went out on some business. The Lord was angry in His heart because He was not allowed to study.
Text 162
The Lord then took His seat on some pots rejected after the offering of food to Lord Vishnu.
Text 163
With a single heart please listen to this confidential story. By hearing this story one attains the perfection of devotional service to Lord Krishna.
Text 164
When He made His throne on these rejected pots, a smile came to Lord Chaitanya's mouth.
Text 165
His fair limbs anointed with black soot, the Lord looked like a golden Deity anointed with black fragrances.
Text 166
Learning of this, the boys went ot Saci and said, "Nimai has taken His seat on some pots."
Text 167
When she saw Him, Mother Saci said, "Haya! Haya!" She said, "Son, this is not the right place to sit.
Text 168
"Anyone who touches rejected pots must bathe. Knowledge of this has not taken its birth in You today?"
Text 169
The Lord replied, "You will not allow Me to study. How will an uneducated brahmana like Me know what is right and what is not?
Text 170
"I am uneducated. I do not know the difference between right and wrong. To Me everything is "One". I am perfect in knowledge of non-duality."
Text 171
After speaking these words, the Lord smiled from His seat of rejected pots. The Lord was then in the mood of Dattatreya.
Text 172
His mother said, "You are sitting in a very contaminated place. How will You be purified?"
Text 173
The Lord replied, "Mother, you have the ideas of a tiny child. The place where I stay is never contaminated.
Text 174
"Wherever I stay is most pure and sacred. The Ganga and all holy places stay there.
Text 175
" `Pure' and `impure' exist only in the imagination. How can the creator be at fault in any way? This I know in My heart.
Text 176
"Let us assume that something is impure according to the Vedas and according to custom. If I touch it, how will it remain impure?
Text 177
"These pots are not contaminated at all. After all, you used them to cook for Lord Vishnu.
Text 178
"Pots used to cook for Lord Vishnu are never contaminate. Indeed, the touch of these pots is very purifying.
Text 179
"No place where I stay is ever contaminated. Indeed, everything is purified by My touch.
Text 180
"In the mood of child, the Lord spoke these truths, and then laughed. Still, His mother could not understand any of it, for she was under the spell of Yogamaya."
Text 181
Hearing the boy's words, everyone laughed. Then Saci said, "Come and take Your bath."
Text 182
The Lord would not come. He stayed. Saci said, "Come down at once, before Your father learns of this."
Text 183
The Lord said, "If you do not allow me to study, I will not come down. I tell you that."
Text 184
Then everyone rebuked Mother Saci. They said, "Why do you not allow Him to study?"
Text 185
"Others struggle to get their sons to study. How fortunate you are that your son likes to study.
Text 186
"Who is the enemy that gave you the idea to force your son to stay home, an uneducated fool?
Text 187
"This boy does not possess even half a sesame seed of fault." Everyone said, "Child Nimai,
Text 188
"If from today You are not allowed to study, then You should do as much mischief as You wish.
Text 189
The Lord would not come down. He stayed there and smiled. All the pious people floated in an ocean of bliss.
Text 190
Mother Saci personally picked Him up and carried Him down. Lord Chaitanya simply snmiled. He was splendid like a sapphire.
Text 191
Accepting the mood of Dattatreya, the Lord spoke a certain "truth". By the power of Yogamaya, no one understood what He said.
Text 192
Saintly Saci bathed her son. Eventually saintly Jagannatha Misra returned home.
Text 193
Saci described everything to Jagannatha Misra. Dhe said, "Our son is unhappy at heart that He cannot study."
Text 194
Everyone said to him, O Jagannatha Misra, you are a generous person. On whose advice did you forbid your son to study?
Text 195
"What Lord Krishnacandra arranges will certainly come true. Don't worry. Let your son study.
Text 196
"You are fortunate. Your son wishes to study. On an auspicious day give Him the sacred thread and resume His studies."
Text 197
Jagannatha Misra said, "You are my best friends. What you say, I must say also."
Text 198
When they saw the boy Lord's extraordinary activities, everyone became filled with wonder. Still, no one could understand the real truth about them.
Text 199
Sometimes great saints would visit. They would say to Jagannatha Misra,
Text 200
"This boy is not a resident of the material world. Carefully protect Him with all your heart."
Text 201
Concealing His true identity, the king of Vaikuntha enjoyed many pastimes in His own home.
Text 202
Then, by His father's order, Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu happily resumed His studies.
Text 203
The two moons Shri Krishna Chaitanya and Shri Nityananda are my life and soul. I, Vrindavana dasa, sing the glories of Their feet.
ISKCON desire tree - Sri Krishna Kathamrita - Bindu 049
ISKCON desire tree
This ebook is compiled by ISKCON desire tree for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada and the devotee vaishnava community. Media - ebooks derived from vedic or hindu teachings. For morevisit
ISKCON desire tree - Sri Krishna Kathamrita - Bindu 049
ISKCON desire tree published this 04 / 25 / 2009
ISKCON desire tree - Sri Krishna Kathamrita - Bindu 049
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