"Dandavats" - 3 new articles
A humble proposal
As a child I often heard my mother say cleanliness is next to Godliness; in fact I heard it everyday almost. We were kids, there was dirt around, sand castles to make, cops and robbers to play, sweat to sweat, and clothes to get dirty. Especially my brother who played soccer like drinking water. Mommy could smell the dirt from miles away. She would tell us that guest could come at anytime, and worse thing is to have a dirty house when there’s a guest around. OK, kids we were; kids rooms become space ships today, war zones tomorrow, and every now and then we’d give it a thorough clean up when something precious went missing- GI Joe, that race car you got for Christmas, a cool shirt lost in the rubble. I wasn’t the only kid on the block with a clean freak mom; and as I grew up and traveled the world, I met more of them everywhere. When I joined the Hare Krsna movement was when I began to understand how cleanliness is not just next to, but is Godliness. First week in the asram we learned that two important things that maintained a brahmanical lifestyle are cleanliness and punctuality. And Srila Prabhupada wanted that for all his followers. So my first thoughts were that (a). these people have standards, and (b) my mom won’t mind me living with them when she sees how clean and timely they are. We’re advised to clean the heart so that Krsna can come and live in there. In fact Lord Caitanya’s advertises the Hare Krsna mantra as ceto darpana marjanam- the best way to clean the heart. Srila Prabhupada even tells us in letter that Krsna will not like an offering if its from a not clean kitchen. When a place is clean, the mind somewhat lets you off the hook and doesn’t give much trouble. Lately, as I try to improve my service of making new devotees, I zero in on what standards a young man or woman has that they can bring to the movement. Good educational back ground is nice, but it doesn’t quite hit the spot for me. Often the young people I meet from prestigious educational backgrounds only have that to show for themselves. Although, if you did meet their families, you’d find that their parents have personal standards. But society nowadays means do and be exactly the opposite of what your parents taught you. Unless if you come from some right wing religious background and the threat of fire and brimstone moves you to moral duties . Just a generalization here, not every college student I meet is like that. Or, more often than the educated guy, we meet someone who “looks” open minded- carefree long hair, corduroy pants, that look on his face that says “anything goes”; or that look in the eyes that says “ I got high in 1962 and I’m still feeling it”. Then you find out how dense or puffed up or just straight up strange they are- from all the intakes of who knows, and so they don’t cut it either. But if you happen to be a pure devotee of Krsna you can transform any of the above mentioned and more unmentioned into a spotless lotus. History shows that too. As far as I’m concerned, pure devotional service is ways away, so I try to seek people with what I call common sense. Exhibit number one… Meet Chris, young student at University of Lots of partying and football playing. Chris wants to change the world and make it a better place for you and for me and the entire human race (Michael Jackson moment there). I started a Thursday pizza program at our center close to said university and Chris came for every one of the programs. There was also Andres, Kelly, Griff (another cool and common senser). Other people should be mentioned here as well but this is a short article. So, after a few Thursdays, having notice that Chris would always go into the Kitchen with Griff and Kelly and crew, I decided to thank him for his help. “Well Kesh, it’s only common sense, man. You feed me every Thursday, plus the good vibes and chanting and stuff; least I can do is clean the kitchen and temple room.” BINGO! Here, in my opinion is someone I can learn from, and someone I can see as a future Spiritual leader. Does the needful, has a personal goal and ideal, and is educated. So if it wasn’t for such Chris Kellys Andres, Griffs, Jaya Radhes, Nilas, Kps, Gouras and others who helped, I think the pizza program would have flopped. So to keep this short as I intended, next time you meet a young guy or girl who likes to help out around the house, who can either lead a project or follow a leader, who’s just straight up a nice person; encourage them in the principles of Krsna consciousness. Pray to Krsna while you’re talking to them,so that the message of Godhead may transmit properly. Common sense is super rare these days- some say he even died. And from those above mentioned people I have learned quite a bit and hope to learn more. Learned circles are needed, but don’t let them sit too long in discussion and let the milk boil over. Lazies and crazies won’t even put the milk on to boil. And last but not least. Look around at your own Krsna conscious environment and ask yourself : 1. Will my mom be happy with the standards if she came to visit? Will I send my child to live in this environment? If Srila Prabhupada were to walk into my room, temple room, kitchen or anywhere around his establishment, will he be pleased? Lets start with these simple human values and then add eternal values as time goes by :) Best of all, use what mama taught you, for Krsna. Your servant Jaya Kesava das
As a child I often heard my mother say cleanliness is next to Godliness; in fact I heard it everyday almost. We were kids, there was dirt around, sand castles to make, cops and robbers to play, sweat to sweat, and clothes to get dirty Welcome to Sri Kshetra Parikrama - 2010 Welcome to Sri Kshetra Parikrama 2010 By Bhakti Purusott... on Sat, 2010-07-03 16:15. With great pleasure, we invite devotees worldwide to participate in the Parikrama of Puri dhama- Sri Kshetra Parikrama 2010. For the past six years, this parikrama has been conducted very successfully, with increasing number of devotees attending the parikrama a year after year. Last year more than 6500 devotees participated in the parikrama. This year Parikrama will take place on 26th November. This will be a rare opportunity for devotees to visit the pastime places of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the association of many sannyasis and Srila Prabhupada disciples and listen to Sri Jagannatha Katha & Gauranga Katha everyday. For registration for Parikrama, please send e-mail to Sriharikanta das at bpssecretary@pamho.net. Program schedule:
Registration fee - Only Rs.200/- Accomadation: You can choose from any of the following three categories of rooms available. The prices indicated is for 4 days stay in Puri, for the entire parikrama period. 3 person in a room Rs.500/- You can make the payment with registration fees and room charges ( as per your choice). If you intend to send any donation to help Puri parikrama then please contact bps@pamho.net. The Vaisnava Acharyas declare that parikrama done on this tithi around Purusottama Ksetra, is equal to all the merits of all the vratas of caturmasya and Kartika. "This is the mercy of Lord Jagannatha, that the one week parikrama in Mayapur and the one month parikrama in Braja is equal to this 19 kilometer done on this day".- HH Lokanath Swami during Sri Kshetra Parikrama. Come, join us in the Parikrama and receive the mercy of Lord Jagannatha. Your humble servant Bhakti Purusottama Swami For more informations about MayapurPlease visit : www.mayapur.com Bhakti Purusottama Swami: With great pleasure, we invite devotees worldwide to participate in the Parikrama of Puri dhama- Sri Kshetra Parikrama 2010. For the past six years, this parikrama has been conducted very successfully, with increasing number of devotees attending the parikrama a year after year. Last year more than 6500 devotees participated in the parikrama Update on Gita Nagari Ratha YatraUpdate on Gita Nagari Ratha Yatra596 Views / EMail This Post / Print This Post / Home » Update on Gita Nagari Ratha Yatra Ortrun Gates: Gita Nagari’s special country Ratha Yatra is being held on Saturday, July 31, 2010 starting at 10 am until 6 pm. Procession will be at 12 noon. Further info: http://www.gitanagari.org/ If you are thinking about vending again this year, outlined below is some information, which will help facilitate you. Registration and Set-up The temple is asking for a $20.00 set-up fee to vend at the Ratha Yatra and 15% of your gross sales for Sri Sri Radha Damodara. Please mail your payment by July 15th at the latest. Payments have to be made in advance. If you have your own table, please let us know so that we do not have to hire one for you, also do bring your own pop-up tent. By the same token if you need a table let us know in a timely manner so that we can provide one for you. This year all activities will be held around the garden/barn area. Spaces will be occupied on a first come basis. Set-up begins at 8:30 am and breakdown should begin by 6:30 pm at the latest. You are responsible for cleaning your area. We will provide trash bags for your convenience. Since the designated vendor area is not particularly shady, it is imperative that you have either a tent or a large umbrella to shade you from the weather. Please note: Since our food court pays for the festival expenses, no other prasadam vendors will be allowed. All cars will be directed to the parking area. Vendors are requested to unload as quickly as possible and park their vehicle in the designated area. Handicapped parking will be provided. Please let us know how we can serve you as we all come together to celebrate this wonderful pastime of Lord Jagannatha. Contact us by e-mail: iskcongitanagari or call M. Ortrun at 717 532 5331 **************************** Ortrun Gates: Gita Nagari's special country Ratha Yatra is being held on Saturday, July 31, 2010 starting at 10 am until 6 pm. Procession will be at 12 noon. Further info: http://www.gitanagari.org/ More Recent Articles |
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