"Planet ISKCON" - 24 new articles
H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Wednesday 28 July 2010--Don't Be Controlled By Your Mind--and--How to Offer Your Job to Krishna?An unenlightened mind is the worst enemy of someone who aspires for spiritual perfection. Therefore the first step on the pathway of spiritual perfection is to bring the mind under control. Instead of allowing our minds to dictate to us what we should or not do, we must dictate to our minds what sort of thoughts they should be absorbed in. This is the... • Email to a friend • ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Devamrita SwamiSrimad Bhagavatam 11.22.37 - Our mind tricks us that there is pleasure in material sense enjoyment. • Email to a friend • Japa Group: Good Japa Produces More Good JapaI was chanting today and had this realisation about good chanting and how it produces more good Japa. Our association with the Lord is achieved through good quality Japa and it's the way we feel the Lord in the morning. Please chant with great concentration and feel the Lord each day. • Email to a friend • H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Tuesday 27 July 2010--Don't Let the Sunrise Catch You Sleeping--and--The Supreme Personality ...There is no doubt that it is quite a struggle to remain fully absorbed in Krishna consciousness 24 hours a day in a world that is completely materialistic. So how to accomplish this? The key is to rise early in the morning before sunrise and deeply absorb your consciousness in the ultimate transcendental meditation of the holy names of God. In this... • Email to a friend • Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: fired!As for Srila Prabhupada's own unfamiliarity with Western culture, it was a feature that simply made him more dear to us. If he did not understand the use of a word in the English or American language, it was another occasion to love him. One time a devotee told Prabhupada that he might get fired from his job. Prabhupada was astonished and said, "Fired? They would fire on you?" Prabhupada thought the devotee would be fired with a gun. The devotee replied, "Oh no, Prabhupada! Fired just means they would release me from the job." We would all laugh together about his not knowing these words. We did not expect him to know such things, but neither did we think of him as a "foreigner." Prabhupada knew the transcendental world, the real home. To be unaware of the material world was just another sign of his detachment. >From Prabhupada Meditations by SDG • Email to a friend • Sutapa das, BV Manor, UK: Chapter Seven - H.E.A.D
• Email to a friend • Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Rathayatra 2010 - Bhajan - Kalindi &Kalachandji Kirtan Group - 14/14Kalindi singing a Hare Krishna Bhajan performing along with "Kalachandji Kirtan Group". Dallas, TX Download: 2010-05-22 - Dallas Rathayatra - 14 - Bhajan - Kalindi and Kalachandji Kirtan Group.mp3 • Email to a friend • H.H. Sivarama Swami: Kirtiraja Prabhu asks what he can do to benefit his cousin who recently committed suicide?• Email to a friend • H.H. Sivarama Swami: Monday morning’s post-Fair kirtana• Email to a friend • H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 223:40 A.M.I woke up at 11 P.M. with an ache in my head. I lay in bed for an hour but then at twelve I put the light on and took medicine. I laid back and rested for another hour while the pain subsided. I then got up at 1 A.M. and began my chanting. My chanting session went very well. I chanted all sixteen rounds in a row without stoppage. I found a revival of remembering the names as I said them. Unlike the man who suffers from Alzheimer's disease in my Healing House writings, I was not forgetful of my chanting. I recognized each name as I said it and recalled that this was the Hare Krishna mantra that Prabhupada taught me so long ago. The fact that I was able to chant all sixteen rounds in a row was something extraordinary for me these days. Usually I can only say twelve before Yadunandana Swami comes up at 3:30. But today was different and I wish it was always so. Chanting sixteen rounds all • Email to a friend • H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: … "no more public engagements"Prabhupada SmaranamThis shows Prabhupada at a public engagement in a famous large hall in Paris in 1974. It was free admission and many rowdies attended. It turned out to be a dangerous situation. A devotee noticed one young man even carried a can of spray paint into the theatre. In an attempt to relate to the European audience, Prabhupada introduced his talk by quoting from the beginning of the New Testament according to Saint John: "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God." Prabhupada spoke through a French translator, Jyotir Mayi d.d. He began by speaking of the holy name of God, as can be chanted in any religion. But shortly into his speech a group of radicals began chanting "Get down from the throne!" When Prabhupada understood what they were yelling he said they could come and sit on the vyasasana if they could speak the science of God. The crowd quieted down and Prabhupada completed his speech. But before the devotees could begin kirtana there were more shouts of protest from different parts of the audience. Then a black man climbed on the stage and began addressing the audience. At first he seemed to support the devotees but then he just rambled incoherently his own concoctions. Bhagavan dasa came up to him, put his arm around his neck and strongly escorted him to the side. The audience became more noisy and the devotees began a kirtana in an attempt to restore order. The audience didn't join in and after a while Prabhupada and the devotees departed from the large audience under tense circumstances. On the way back to the temple, Prabhupada said they should not use large vyasasanas in future public engagements. There were other disturbing elements at Prabhupada's public engagements, such as one at a university in Melbourne, Australia. There the students shouted out challenging and threatening statements to Prabhupada in a question and answer session. There was even a fight just outside the hall between some students and devotees and a student pulled a knife. Prabhupada had to be escorted with bodyguards from that engagement and afterwards he said he would hold no more public engagements. (But he did). It is not pleasant to relate these incidents but it shows that Prabhupada was willing to risk his personal safety to deliver the message of Krishna consciousness, especially to the sometimes tumultuous audiences outside of India. He was always fearless, but did not like to speak to audiences who were disturbing. • Email to a friend • H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Waiting on DeathMy weekly phone talk with
We could have talked about
That morning I didn't
Life is going well here.
Prabhupada still allows me
I like going across the street
Jayadvaita Swami said he is
So things are going on and • Email to a friend • H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Dangerous EncountersHealing HouseA scene of violence took place across the street, which eventually involved Swami Rupa. It happened at the house of police officer Dan Richmond who lived next door to Saci. Dan was sixty years old and worked out of the precinct in Albany. He was married and had two young teenage children, a boy and a girl. He was scheduled to resign in five years. What happened involved a man who Dan had arrested and sent to jail for armed assault and drug dealing. The man had been released on parole after serving ten years in prison. He maintained a deep feeling of anger toward Dan for getting him arrested and wanted to seek revenge. One evening he broke into the Richmond's house and attacked Dan with a hunting knife, intending to kill him. Dan defended himself but cut his hand. He then got his revolver from his desk drawer and ordered the attacker to lie down on the floor. Instead of complying the attacker picked up the knife from the floor and lunged at Dan again. Dan's family members were watching and screaming. Dan fired a shot from his gun and hit the attacker in the leg. While the man fell to the floor, Dan took his handcuffs and cuffed the man behind the back. He then phoned 911 and the local police came. The affair created a great shock to the neighborhood, as Dan and his family were well known and loved. • Email to a friend • Matsyavatara das (ACBSP), Italy: The Treasure of the Holy NameBhaktivedanta Ashrama, July, 1, 2010 This morning Shrila Gurudeva has given a very beautiful speech on the importance of chanting the Holy Names. We realize ever more that the Holy Name is a Treasure. It is the secret to happiness. "We obtain the highest level of consciousness while chanting the Mahamantra, while our conscience is completely taken by Radha and Krishna's divine entertainments. Before we can reach these levels, we have to reach some intermediate levels, one of which is remaining fixed in concentration on the reciting and listening of the Holy Names. Through such prolonged concentration we can progressively reach a meditative level while at the same time, the external world begins to fade and the conscience escapes from the illusory strength of the objects of the senses. Serenity, satisfaction, gladness and joy increase and become a constant presence in our lives. We then enter that dimension of the living being where peace is the main state, where the worldly turbulence represented by the duality which generates continuous mood changes diminishes until it becomes null. This exhaustion does not remove joy but does exactly the opposite: it allows joy and inner satisfaction to fully manifest itself with all their force and consequent benefits. Rasa reveal themselves to the conscience. These are the sentiments of the soul that cannot be perceived while a person is subject to the dualities of life. These dualities enter and burst in our conscience when we give them attention and importance. This explanation may appear simple, but indeed the reason for all that happens is funded on a simple truth that is not simpleton, but a clear comprehension of reality. It is not an asura, a perfidious or evil man who injects elements of disturbance in our conscience. We are the ones who inject them, even though most of the times we do it subconsciously. In the end, each one of us is the cause of our bad fortune and our own persecutor. Only we are responsible of the poison that we allow to enter our conscience. After saying this, it is also true that the inner wealth that each one of us has was acquired by our own merit right when we have chosen to connect our spiritual essence to God who is the Origin of all Wellbeing and the Eternal Source of Grace and Mercy. If there are luminous elements in our conscience, we are the ones who introduced them by giving them our attention and taking them to the inner world and by turning ever more toward the Eternal and toward the non-dual world. In his works, Plato speaks of tensions between soul and body. The soul wants to free itself from the body but the body detains it through the psyche. Even Krishna in Bhagavad-Gita XV.7 explains that conditioners hide in our psyche and that we must research for the causes of our personality disturbances and for what leads us to believe that the duality of the world is attractive and that we can even find into illusion the solution of our problems and the joy we are aspiring to. Dreaming of getting happiness from the objects of the senses conceived as to be an end to themselves, ties ever more the body to the soul, multiplies the conditioners and by acting in this manner, the individual fouls himself into believing that happiness must be search out of himself. This is how life passes and exhausts itself by trying to reach that apple that is high up on the tree of desires because we believe it to be the sweetest, however, once we have reached it, picked it and eaten it, we soon thereafter discover that it doesn't have any flavor and all of a sudden we realize the uselessness of all of our efforts. Even those who have reached high positions in the world, such as prestige, money, power and whatever else, at the end do not find a real and lasting satisfaction. Similarly, even he, who would drink not only a glass but an entire bottle of sea water, couldn't indeed get rid of thirst, instead, the more sea water he drinks, the more he gets thirsty. We must escape from vanity and research for what can really give us joy. Materialistic people are in love with the immanent aspect of God but, because they do not connect it to His Origin they remain conditioned by the energies of Nature and lose the chance of benefitting from it without remaining tied to it. Spiritualists instead are charmed by the transcendent aspect of God and at the same time they appreciate even his immanent manifestation, but on contrary from the others, when they approach this manifestation they do it not for egoistical enjoyment but with a spirit of service toward the Creator who generated it. He who doesn't lust after the matter but instead considers it an instrument that can be used for his evolution, will be immune from the conditioner generated by the objects of the senses which in return will lose all their negative potentiality. Shrila Prabhupada explains to us this subject with the following paragon: " It is like being bit by a snake without his teeth. It would not hurt us because he needs his teeth to inject his poison. The same is for the devotee who works at the service of God and desires to participate in the divine lila even if he lives in the bodily prison. He is however free from conditioners of Nature and this is why he is described in the scripture as jivan mukta: free while still in life. He utilizes his body as a precious instrument to make evolutionary experience and help many people to reconnect with their spiritual essence and to God. To reach this elevated level, there is no practice more effective than meditation on the Holy Names, which becomes particularly powerful if undertaken in the Brahma-muhirta hours, between 4 and 8 in the morning and it offers us the opportunity to realize spiritual dimension. Obviously this result is not achieved by everyone even though many have the chance to obtain it. What hamper such an achievement are the conditioners that have penetrated ones conscience. This is the reason why it is so fundamental, as Caitanya Mahaprabhu explains the practice of ceto darpana marianam, cleanliness of the mind primary by listening to the sadhu who enforce within us the consciousness of the importance of meditation. To favor concentration and meditative practice, we must avoid giving in to distractions. The observance of the four regulatory principles is indispensible to avoid the most vicious distractions. The purpose to achieve is reaching that level of listening of the Holy Names that is not mechanical but felt deep inside. It is at that point that a fast purification is possible. This purification prevents mood swings and lowering of the conscience and leads to an enlightened consciousness. Then the journey becomes really charming, joyful and ecstatic, however, we will reach the goal through intermediate levels of progressive enlightening. One of the major dangers in meditation is falling asleep, that conscience state which is sleeping, drowsy under the effect of tamo-guna, in which one is not lucid nor fully conscious of what he is doing. The effect of rajas is not less harmful because it produces vikshipta or distraction which is the exact contrary of meditation. From a number of lives our conscience is used to carelessly accept everything that comes to us through our senses with the result that this confuse state does not appear to most people as something to avoid but instead a normality. The Acarya and the holy texts allow us to become conscious of this wrong cognition and offer us instruments to improve our conscience level. It is up to us to use them. Chanting the Holy names during the Brahma muhurta hours and trying to concentrate our conscience on the listening to these powerful spiritual vibrations leads to innumerable benefits even to those, having to fight a wild mind, are not yet capable to meditate on the qualities of the Lord, on His Divine Adventures (lila) and on His Divine Forms (rupa). The so called well thinkers, permanently serving pure rationality, could blame this practice by deeming it an imposition, but this practice of containment is indispensible to rediscover our original nature, the face of the Self beyond the masks of ego. Then when we become lords of our psychic home, it will no longer be necessary to fight our rebellious mind because we have reached inner peace, which is not related to the death of the psyche but to the optimum functioning and natural harmonization of the psyche with the soul. He who doesn't have a good sadhana will be compelled to remain at a superficial level of meditation and his conscience will continue to fill itself with elements not fit for spiritual realization. It is for this reason that sadhana is a sine qua condition to reach spiritual realization. Pay attention: do not fall in the trap of cutting corners and believe too early that you are free or spontaneously in love with God because the contents of conditioners still present on the bottom of your conscience could become lethal. The scriptures explain the importance of never neglecting sadhana because it is a Divine gift that we have received because of the mercy of the Acarya. In sadhana, chanting the Holy Names is a priority. Before dedicating ourselves to you social responsibilities or to the holy seva duties, it is essential to begin the day with Harinama Japa. In devotional service everything is Vaikuntha, but in the Kali yuga the practice of chanting the Holy Name is superior to any other instrument of purification of the conscience. Practice it by trying to pay attention to the quality of your reciting other than engage yourselves for a sufficient long time period. Attentively observe what happens and what sounds inside yourselves, invocate the Divine Mercy and ever more you will discover yourselves to be able to improve you state of conscience." • Email to a friend • Dandavats.com: New book: Japa TransformationsGN Press sales: Almost thirty years since the publication of his first book on japa, Japa Reform Notebook, SDG has produced yet another volume solely dedicated to the subject of the improving chanting of the holy names and is drawing from his experiences on the retreats in his bhajana-kutir in Delaware, when chanting extra number of rounds and rising early • Email to a friend • Dandavats.com: Bhakti Purushottama Maharaja on Mayapur Online EducationBhakti Purushottama Swami: One of Srila Prabhupada's repeated instructions to his followers was to read his books. And we can see practically that the more our devotees study Srila Prabhupada's books while practicing the process of Krishna consciousness, the more they develop enthusiasm to preach Krishna consciousness. Most of our devotees study Srila Prabhupada's books nicely when they are helped through some study program or course • Email to a friend • Dandavats.com: Glorification ceremony in VrindavanaAdi Kesava Das: On the 19th a glorification ceremony was held for his grace Aindra Prabhu, you can listen to the audio recording online or download it here is the link: http://www.iskconvrindavan.com/audio-archives/temple-lectures-2010/ • Email to a friend • ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Namamrta - Japa and Kirtan Program in Toronto again!
• Email to a friend • H.H. Sivarama Swami: Motherly love ‘does breed confidence’• Email to a friend • H.H. Sivarama Swami: Report on this weekend’s Bucsu and thanking the valuable services of the Russian hari-nama group
• Email to a friend • Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: Organic Food, Health, And The Burden of ProofParadoxically, my long-standing interest in organic food has encompassed both ardent support and concerned opposition. My support for organic food -- and my own family's frequent selection of it -- has largely been based on potential benefits to the planet. These, I think are self evident, so I won't elaborate them here. My concern has been based on the misinterpretations of what organic means. Organic does not mean "nutritious." Broccoli may be grown conventionally, but still has the nutritional profile of broccoli. Gummy bears -- and sugar, for that matter -- may be organic, which says something good about what they don't contain (pesticide residues). However, it says nothing good about what they do contain, or add to your diet. Considerable mischief has come from supply-side misrepresentations of organic. Tapping into the burgeoning public interest in "going green," the food industry has draped products in labels touting organic ingredients even when such ingredients are a nominal part of the whole. According to the USDA, any food sporting "organic" on its label must be "produced by farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future generations." Further, "organic meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides, fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge [a comfort, to be sure], bioengineering or ionizing radiation." There is, of course, the fine print. A label that says "organic" is noteworthy for not saying "100 percent organic." Ninety-five percent of the ingredients in such a product must be organic, but the rest can be ... whatever. In products "made with organic ingredients" up to 30 percent of the content need not be. We may get the truth on a food label, but rarely the whole truth. The industry has done much to propagate the view that organic and nutritious are synonymous. The prevailing view, for example, seems to be that Whole Foods sells only nutritious foods, when, in fact, its commitment to selling "natural and organic" products guarantees no such thing. Standard offerings include, for instance, whipped cream and pepperoni pizza. In any other supermarket, shoppers would recognize these as dubious choices for health promotion -- but under the halo effect of "natural and organic," Whole Foods shoppers may feel they can't go wrong nutritionally. I beg to differ. When developing the Overall Nutritional Quality Index that now powers the NuVal nutrition guidance system (www.nuval.com), an international team of leading nutrition and public health experts and I wrestled with this dilemma. While we unanimously supported organic food philosophically, we were forced to conclude in 2007 that there simply wasn't sufficient science to include organic in an evidence-based measure of nutritional quality. Work on updating the NuVal algorithm will begin with the release of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and we will once again need to address this issue. Ironically, both sides of the organic/health debate have received a boost from recent research. A study just published in Pediatrics found higher levels of pesticide metabolites in the urine of children with attention deficit disorder. The association between organochlorine pesticides, which affect the nervous system, and ADD makes sense, and was clear in this new study despite a good attempt to control for other factors. Pesticides residues may or may not "cause" ADD, but they are at least implicated by association. Other research over recent years suggests that organic produce may be, on average, 20 percent more concentrated in vitamins and minerals than conventionally grown produce. On the other hand, a systematic review of the literature on organic foods published May 12 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded that "evidence is lacking for nutrition-related health effects." This paper, however, bespeaks absence of evidence, not evidence of absence. Consider what it would take to PROVE that organic foods confer a health benefit. Imagine a clinical trial in which 1,000 people are assigned to strictly organic foods, and another 1,000 to conventionally grown foods, for 10 years. Such a trial would be enormously costly, cumbersome and logistically demanding -- if feasible at all. Some chemical contaminants would almost certainly get into the diets of the 'organic' group despite the very best efforts to prevent it, and these would also contaminate the study- because they would narrow the intended difference between treatment groups. Nonetheless, imagine there were three fewer cases of cancer, and/or of ADHD, and/or perhaps several other maladies, in the organic group. Just "three fewer cases" over 10 years would be too few to distinguish from a statistical fluke in a sample of a thousand people. And, realistically, there might be even less than three fewer cases of cancer, because many cancers develop over a period of more than 10 years; a 10 year study might just not be long enough. But let's imagine there were, indeed, three fewer cases of cancer, three fewer cases of ADHD, three fewer neurological ailments, and so on, in the organic group over a 10 year period. While none of this would likely be statistically distinguishable from random variation, consider what it would mean to the public health. Three extra cases of cancer per ten years in 1,000 people caused by pesticide residues would mean 3,000 extra cancers every ten years per million people! In a population of 300 million, it means 300,000 extra cancers every decade! What this tells us is that the health effects of pesticide residues and other common contaminants of conventionally produced food could be truly enormous at the population level, and still all but invisible to epidemiologic research. Organic and nutritious do not, and never will, mean the same thing -- please be aware of that, and beware marketing messages to the contrary. But along with known benefits of organic food for the planet, we have more and more hints of potential health benefits as well. The case gets incrementally stronger with time that a food that is nutritious to begin with is better still if organic. While we don't have, and are unlikely to get, definitive proof of the health benefits of eating organic, perhaps it's time for the burden of proof to go the other way: since organic food is better for the planet and is likely to be better for health, we should accept it as such ... unless someone can prove it isn't! -fin Dr. David L. Katz; www.davidkatzmd.com Follow David Katz, M.D. on Twitter: www.twitter.com/DrDavidKatz • Email to a friend • Japa Group: Japa Poem
• Email to a friend • H.H. Sivarama SwamiSaranagati, or surrender, means acceptance or firm belief that wherever the surrendered soul lives he is always protected by the Supreme Personality of Godhead; he is never alone or unprotected. … Anyone who engages in devotional service, anywhere within this universe, is never unprotected. - Srila Prabhupada • Email to a friend • Gouranga TV: Kirtan Dina Bandhu Prabhu• Email to a friend • More Recent Articles |
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