"Planet ISKCON" - 50 new articles
Srila Prabhupada's Letters1965 July 30: • Email to a friend • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 July 30: "Make the children into Vaisnavas. We are not going to abide by the government schedule. They should be taught our books as soon as they can read. Rise early, mangal arati, go on sankirtana, like that, and a little ABC, mathematics, geography, history, that's all." • Email to a friend • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 July 30: "These children are given to us by Krishna, they are Vaisnavas and we must be very careful to protect them. These are not ordinary children, they are Vaikuntha children. This is very great responsibility, do not neglect it." • Email to a friend • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 July 30: "Sriman Lalita Prasad Thakura has not fulfilled his promise. So I don't want you to mix with him further. I do not like this idea, I don't know where these ideas are coming from. No one should go there any more." • Email to a friend • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 July 30: "I want that we shall excel the Caitanya Math. They have been struggling for 50 years and we shall surpass them in two. If I defeat my godbrothers, then I am worthy to be called the Guru of the Americans. Even in spiritual life there is competition." • Email to a friend • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 July 30: "As the leader there you should not have allowed this dissension to take place. Expert management means to engage all of the devotees and not allow them to split into different parties. Why have you taken this rash action without consulting me?" • Email to a friend • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 July 30: "It may appear that superficially you disturb them, 'Please take this Krishna book.' In coming to your country, no one invited me. But I came and I preached aggressively, and therefore you are now my disciples." • Email to a friend • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 July 30: "If you are completely aggressive on Sankirtana, there should be no material aggression or pride remaining. Being completely absorbed in such aggression to spread Sankirtana purifies us of all sense gratification." • Email to a friend • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1968 July 29: "The position of high-grade devotee should never be imitated. We should not try to imitate. We should not be satisfied remaining in the third grade platform. But we should try to elevate ourselves in the second grade platform." • Email to a friend • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1969 July 29: "I understand you are also selling BTG very nicely. As Krishna sees you are working very seriously to bring His other children back to the Spiritual Kingdom, then He will become very pleased and will bestow all blessings upon you." • Email to a friend • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1970 July 29: "The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust is for the purpose of publishing manuscripts and literatures made by me and to establish Temples throughout the world, specifically Mayapur, Vrndavana, and Jagannatha Puri." • Email to a friend • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 July 29: "I am eager to come there. Wherever Krishna Katha is spoken, that is Vaikuntha. And wherever I go to my branches, you my good devotees turn it into Vaikuntha and I wish to be there where my disciples are." • Email to a friend • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 July 29: "Sannyasi must be independent and not rely upon temples to pay his expensive travelling costs, simply he must take Krishna's mercy whenever and wherever it is offered." • Email to a friend • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 July 29: "Regarding your being depressed, you are becoming older, but so also am I an old man. But, you should not be depressed on account of advanced age. But, for you this feeling of insufficiency is good for progress." • Email to a friend • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 July 29: "Regarding your wanting to leave your family and take sannyasa, what is your family? You live aside from your wife, and you have no children, so you are already sannyasa. Anyway we can consider later on. First we have to push this movement. That is most important thing." • Email to a friend • Srila Prabhupada's Letters1975 July 29: "You cannot sell the house. It is a good house, and I do not approve selling it. What will be gained by selling the house? I do not like this idea. I do not want any of our houses to be sold." • Email to a friend • H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Friday 30 July 2010--I've Got a Message--and--Material Desires While Doing BhaktiBy the grace of my beloved spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, I've got a message which can deliver the entire world from all varieties of suffering conditions. Therefore on his order my life is fully dedicated to broadcasting this message as far and as wide as possible so that everybody can become free from misery... • Email to a friend • Japa Group: Is A blessed StateThey were hampered by the pain and by a little inattention, but I kept mainly in the groove and did my sacred duty. Chanting early in the morning is a blessed state, and I don't like to sacrifice it for anything. From Bhajan Kutir #24 • Email to a friend • ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Radhika Ramana PrabhuSrimad Bhagavatam 11.22.40 - Logic alone can prove the existence of the soul and the Supersoul, but not the personal feature of God. • Email to a friend • Akrura das, Gita Coaching: HOLY NAME SONG AT THE KIRTAN RETREAThttp://www.youtube.com/user/akruradasa • Email to a friend • ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Gopinatha's Kids Camp - August 7, 2010!
• Email to a friend • Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Intelligence, knowledge, and university educationIntelligence refers to the power to analyze things in their proper perspective, and knowledge refers to understanding what is spirit and what is matter. Ordinary knowledge obtained by a university education pertains only to matter, and it is not accepted here as knowledge. Knowledge means knowing the distinction between spirit and matter. In modern education there is no knowledge about spirit; they are simply taking care of the material elements and bodily needs. Therefore academic knowledge is not complete. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Bg 10.4, Bg 10.5, Bg 10.4-5 Only one who is actually engaged in Krsna consciousness and devotional service can understand what Krsna is. University degrees are not helpful. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Bg 18.55 • Email to a friend • ISKCON News.com: Vrindavana Parikrama 6356 Miles Away From Vrindavana
• Email to a friend • ISKCON News.com: Preservation and Emergence: Hinduism's Role in the Public Sphere
• Email to a friend • ISKCON News.com: Evolutionary Ethics?
• Email to a friend • Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Lecture - Veda Vyas Priya Swami - BG 7.18 - Sunday FeastSunday Feast Lecture on Bhagavad Gita 7.18 by Veda Vyas Priya Swami. Dallas, TX TRANSLATION All these devotees are undoubtedly magnanimous souls, but he who is situated in knowledge of Me I consider to be just like My own self. Being engaged in My transcendental service, he is sure to attain Me, the highest and most perfect goal. PURPORT It is not that devotees who are less complete in knowledge are not dear to the Lord. The Lord says that all are magnanimous because anyone who comes to the Lord for any purpose is called a mahatma, or great soul. The devotees who want some benefit out of devotional service are accepted by the Lord because there is an exchange of affection. Out of affection they ask the Lord for some material benefit, and when they get it they become so satisfied that they also advance in devotional service. But the devotee in full knowledge is considered to be very dear to the Lord because his only purpose is to serve the Supreme Lord with love and devotion. Such a devotee cannot live a second without contacting or serving the Supreme Lord. Similarly, the Supreme Lord is very fond of His devotee and cannot be separated from him. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (9.4.68), the Lord says: sadhavo hr?dayam´ mahyam´ "The devotees are always in My heart, and I am always in the hearts of the devotees. The devotee does not know anything beyond Me, and I also cannot forget the devotee. There is a very intimate relationship between Me and the pure devotees. Pure devotees in full knowledge are never out of spiritual touch, and therefore they are very much dear to Me." Download: 2010-06-13 - Lecture - Veda Vyas Priya Swami - BG 7.18.mp3 • Email to a friend • ISKCON News.com: Swan Boat Festivals In New Vrindavan, USA
• Email to a friend • ISKCON News.com: Swan Boat Festivals In New Vrindavan, USA
• Email to a friend • Nitya Navina dd, New Jersey, USA: The InterviewAn interview according to the Webster's, is a formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications (as of a prospective student or employee). Srila Prabhupada writes in the translation of Text 43 of the Antya Lila -Caitanya Caritamrita, Chapter 6: The Meeting of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Raghunath Dasa Goswami as follows, "In the village of Panihati, Raghunatha dasa obtained an interview • Email to a friend • H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 243:21 A.M.I woke up at 12:00 A.M. last night and was restless and couldn't sleep anymore. I got up from bed at 1:00 A.M. and started chanting. A headache came and I took medicine, but the headache didn't go down. Nevertheless, I persisted in my chanting. It has been a successful session in that I have finished all my 16 rounds before 3:30. They were hampered by the pain and by a little inattention, but I kept mainly in the groove and did my sacred duty. Chanting early in the morning is a blessed state, and I don't like to sacrifice it for anything. I feel satisfied to have completed the quota, even thought it wasn't perfect. I could not chant with a very soft heart toward Radha and Krishna, but I steadily built up my numerical strength of Nama Prabhu and didn't flinch. So I can give myself some credit for that. Numbers increased steadily without any hesitation or drowsiness. I heard the syllables in my mind and prayed to Krishna to accept my humble offering. Chanting with pain • Email to a friend • H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Outside an Airport — Capturing the HeartsPrabhupada SmaranamHere Prabhupada awaits outside an airport in America to be picked up in a car. His followers pack in beside him with intense devotion and worship. They worship him by chanting Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. That was the method he introduced and the sound he liked to hear. Prabhupada did not emphasize his own name and personality in his movement, but the name and personality of Krishna. Saksad dharitvena samasta sastrair. He accepted worshipable treatment because he was the direct representative of Krishna. He never claimed to be Krishna himself. Here he appears healthy and composed, patiently waiting for his car and standing in the midst of loud, enthusiastic kirtana. The symptom of the maha-bhagavata is that he reminds you of Krishna, and when you see him you spontaneously start chanting Hare Krishna. Prabhupada's disciples loved him and wanted to please him, to show gratitude for the life of Krishna consciousness that he brought them. Upon seeing him perhaps for the first time or after a long time, they wanted to greet him and welcome him in the best possible way. The Supersoul has spontaneously dictated to them to chant Hare Krishna, and Prabhupada approves them. When he first arrived in 1965, he asked himself would he possibly succeed in turning the hearts of the demoniac people of the West. He expressed doubt whether they would take to Krishna's message. But now without a doubt he has captured the hearts of some American youths, and it is going on on both the east and west coasts. After a hesitant start in New York, he now has temples on both coasts. On their own accord, the men have shaved their heads with sikha and wear Vaisnava dress, and the girls wear tilak and saris. And when Prabhupada arrives in their city, they flock to the airport to give him an affectionate reception. No one told them this was the etiquette, they came because of their heart's spontaneous inspiration. • Email to a friend • H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Choosing QuietudeLittle Radha-Kalachandji I find it is too far to
I used to walk the
I'm retired to this room
I was worshiped at too
As I write this poem, I think,
I'll miss seeing Kaulini So you stay here in your • Email to a friend • H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Monday, July 26th, 2010Plug Away • Email to a friend • H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Sunday, July 25th, 2010Detroit Hope • Email to a friend • H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Saturday, July 24th, 2010To and In Michigan • Email to a friend • Gauranga Kishore das,USA: The Wisdom of ImperfectionOne of the benefits of being married was getting to double the size of my library. One of the books Lacie had was called The Wisdom of Imperfection by Rob Preece. I didn't read the whole thing but I thought this passage was very accurate and it is something any spiritual organization would do well to keep in mind. "It is evident from my work as a psychotherapist that these spiritual solutions do not always address the root cause. Many people on the spiritual path have more of a problem with their basic identity in the world than they do with their relationship to the divine. Likewise, spiritual organizations often attract distressed people seeking spiritual solutions that do not necessarily address their core suffering. It can take a sophisticated insight to understand the nature of our emotional wounding and the patterns and defenses that crystallize around it. Perhaps, therefore, it is unwise to assume that a spiritual practice will automatically resolve these deep psychological issues"We often hear that Krishna consciousness is the solution to all our problems, which it is ultimately on a philosophical level, but this is true on a philosophical level, not necessarily on the practical level. While existing in the material world we have to do the needful to take care of our physical and mental bodies, while cultivating Krishna consciousness. Krishna consciousness doesn't automatically replace all these other needs because we have them as long as we have material bodies and dealing with them is often times a pre-requisite for performing devotional service. Krishna consciousness can only be executed from the liberated platform. Practically speaking we have seen that devotees haven't fared well trying to ignore psychological issues, they usually end up hampering a persons progress in spiritual life, in the similar way that ignoring a physical illness We shouldn't expect Krishna consciousness to cure a persons mental diseases just as we shouldn't expect Krishna consciousness to cure cure cancer, diabetes or any other physical ailments, yet as the author points out these are oftentimes the reason why a person takes to a spiritual path. It is an interesting paradox. Many take to a spiritual path to not have to deal with certain painful emotions but we find that we can't really make progress until we do. Of course Krishna consciousness is the ultimate solution and to loss sight of that and chase other solutions to the myriad of problems we face is pointless because even if we solve them all we still lose in the end. Krishna consciousness is the solution but Krishna consciousness doesn't replace all other social, political, economic, or psychological solutions, it is rather the underlying thread which ties them all together, it encompasses all of them in a way that leads one towards the ultimate solution. • Email to a friend • H.H. Sivarama Swami: Today I sing the glories of the colorful, aromatic roses growing in New Vraja-dhama
• Email to a friend • Mayapur Online: HH Bhakti Purushottama Swami Maharaja on Mayapur Online Education"One of Srila Prabhupada’s repeated instructions to his followers was to read his books. And we can see practically that the more our devotees study Srila Prabhupada’s books while practicing the process of Krishna consciousness, the more they develop enthusiasm to preach Krishna consciousness. Most of our devotees study Srila Prabhupada’s books nicely when they are helped through some study program or course. • Email to a friend • Mayapur Online: Deity Worship Course – Bengali session starts at Mayapur AcademyOn 24th of July, Bengali course on deity worship, which included archana, deity dressing, cooking and on yajna procedures began at Mayapur Academy. Inaugurating the course, HG Jananivasa Prabhu welcomed the students and spoke on the importance of learning to worship the deities according to the standards of deity worship. He said that Mayapur Academy has been started on the instructions of Srila Prabhupada, who stressed on the importance of having a proper manual and standards set for deity worship. Around 40 students from Mayapur, Siliguri, Howrah and various regions around Bengal has enrolled for the course. • Email to a friend • Dandavats.com: A Little Encouragement Goes a Long Way…Chaitanya Mangala dasa: Prabhupada: You have to submit. You cannot remain independent. That is the first condition. Sisyas te 'ham,sisya. Sisya means voluntarily accepting the rules offered by the spiritual master. That is sisya: "Ah, yes, I agree to abide by your order." • Email to a friend • The Loft, Auckland, NZ: Sustainability Month Event Info• Email to a friend • The Loft, Auckland, NZ: Sustainability Month Event Dates• Email to a friend • Dandavats.com: Miniskirts… Skirting the IssueKapila dasa: I appreciate the recent discussion in regards to the recommended attire of a brahminical devotee. It is always good to be reminded of the most correct form, and to recognize standards which apply to temple environments • Email to a friend • Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: A Humane Egg
The life of animals raised in confinement on industrial farms is slowly improving, thanks to pressure from consumers, animal rights advocates, farmers and legislators. In late June, a compromise was reached in Ohio that will gradually put an end to the tiny pens used for raising veal calves and holding pregnant sows, spaces so small the animals can barely move. In California last week, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a law requiring that all whole eggs sold in the state conform to the provisions of Proposition 2, the humane farming law that was embraced by state voters in a landslide in 2008. By 2015, every whole egg sold in the state must come from a hen that is able to stretch her wings, standing or lying, without touching another bird or the edges of her cage. This requirement would at least relieve the worst of the production horrors that are common in the industry now. Since California does not produce all the eggs it eats, this new law will have a wider effect on the industry; every producer who hopes to sell eggs in the state must meet its regulations. Heartening as these developments are, there is also strong resistance from the food industry and from fake consumer-advocacy groups that are shilling for it. In fact, there is no justification, economic or otherwise, for the abusive practice of confining animals in spaces barely larger than the volume of their bodies. Animals with more space are healthier, and they are no less productive. Industrial confinement is cruel and senseless and will turn out to be, we hope, a relatively short-lived anomaly in modern farming. • Email to a friend • Dandavats.com: New Vrindaban's Swan Boat Festivals
The 15-foot, 3,000 pound Swan Boat was created in 1987 by local artist Soma dasa of New Vrindaban. Swans are a common feature in Vedic art, which is based on the ancient Vedic scriptures of India • Email to a friend • Japa Group: Should Be Done Early In The MorningChanting japa should be done early in the morning with full concentration preferably during the Brahma Muhurta time. Concentrate fully on the sound vibration of the mantra, pronouncing each name distinctly and gradually your speed in chanting will increase naturally. Do not worry so much about chanting fast, most important is the hearing. Letter to Radhaballabah das - 6 January, 1972 • Email to a friend • H.H. Sivarama SwamiOne can attain Krsna consciousness or divine life at once, within a second — or one may not attain such a state of life even after millions of births. It is only a matter of understanding and accepting the fact. - Srila Prabhupada • Email to a friend • Gouranga TV: Gaura Vani &As Kindred SpiritsGaura Vani & As Kindred Spirits • Email to a friend • ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Hindu Community Council of VictoriaBhakta Dasa, our Communications Director attended a Grant-giving ceremony on the 14th July at the Immigration Museum. • Email to a friend • ISKCON Klang, Malaysia: Mayapur Online Education – Books are the BasisBY BHAKTI PURUSHOTTAMA SWAMI Source: Mayapur.com One of Srila Prabhupada's repeated instructions to his followers was to read his books. And we can see practically that the more our devotees study Srila Prabhupada's books while practicing the process of Krishna consciousness, the more they develop enthusiasm to preach Krishna consciousness. Most of our devotees study [...] • Email to a friend • More Recent Articles
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