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Srila Prabhupada Vyasapuja offering
By Citraka dasa Dearest Srila Prabhupada, divine sage, liberator of the soul and ambassador of Lord Shri Krishna Bhagavan, all glories upon You! I am prostrating my self in front of your lotus feet, exactly as I did 37 years ago, during the most blissful event of my official acceptance by you into the Brahma Madhva Gaudiya Sampradaya family of Vaishnavas! As then, similarly now I feel intensely gratefulness for the eternal benefit you have bestowed upon my insignificant self and in this day of your glorious Vyasa Puja I want to try for the umpteen time to express it properly to you. more...
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Srila Prabhupada’s Master Plan For New VrindabanSrila Prabhupada’s Master Plan For New Vrindaban942 Views / EMail This Post / Print This Post / Home » Srila Prabhupada's Master Plan For New Vrindaban By Madhava Gosh das “Krishna by His practical example taught us to give all protection to the cows and that should be the main business of New Vrindaban. Vrindaban is also known as Gokula. Go means cows, and kula means congregation. Therefore the special feature of New Vrindaban will be cow protection, and by doing so, we shall not be loser.” Letter to Hayagriva 14 June 1968 (Montreal) “Yes! Go on acquiring the surrounding lands and in this way we will establish a local self governing village and show all the world a practical example of spiritual life as Krsna Himself exhibited in Vrindavana. Agriculture and protecting cows, this is the main business of the residents of Vrindavan, and above all simply loving Krsna. The cows, the trees, the cowherd men and gopis, their chief engagement was loving Krsna, and in New Vrindavan we want to create this atmosphere and thereby show the whole world how practical and sublime our movement is.” Letter from Srila Prabhupada to Kirtanananda Swami…27th July 1973 “You say we must have a gosala trust, that is our real purpose. krsi-goraksya-vanijyam vaisya karma svabhava-jam, [Bg 18.44]. Where there is agriculture there must be cows. That is our mission: Cow protection and agriculture and if there is excess, trade. This is a no-profit scheme. For the agriculture we want to produce our own food and we want to keep cows for our own milk. The whole idea is that we are ISKCON, a community to be independent from outside help. This farm project is especially for the devotees to grow their own food. Cotton also, to make their own clothes. And keeping cows for milk and fatty products.” Letter to: Yasomatinandana — Vrindaban 28 November, 1976 “Prabhupada: Yes. Anyway, just inquire. These are our garden flowers. Jayatirtha: Oh, very nice. Prabhupada: This is also? Bhagavan: Yes. Prabhupada: Yes. Anything grown in the garden, that is hundred times valuable than it is purchased from the market.” Room Conversation With French Commander — August 3, 1976, New Mayapur “Without protection of cows, brahminical culture cannot be maintained; and without brahminical culture, the aim of life cannot be fulfilled.” Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 8: Chapter Twenty-four, Text 5: PURPORT “One cannot become spiritually advanced without acquiring the brahminical qualifications and giving protection to cows. ” Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 6: Chapter Eighteen, Text 52: PURPORT “The basic principle of economic development is centered on land and cows.” SB 1.10.4 “Prabhupada: … They are interested with these bricks and stones, not green vegetables. Such a rascal government. Give them facility. We know how to do it. Annad bhavanti bhutani parjanyad anna-sambhavah, yajnad bhavati parjanyah [Bg. 3.14]. Let them engage in kirtana. There will be more water for gardening, and it will be moist, and then produce fodder for the animals and food for you. And animal gives you milk. That is Vrndavana life. And they are absorbed in this so-called opulence. Krsna has taken birth. “They are bringing so many nice, pleasant foodstuff, very well-dressed and ornamented. These are description. In the morning we were reading. How they were happy, the inhabitants of Vrndavana with Krsna and living and cows. That I want to introduce. At any cost do it and… Don’t bother about big, big buildings. It is not required. Useless waste of time. Produce. Make the whole field green. See that. Then whole economic question solved. Then you eat sumptuous. Eat sumptuously. The animal is happy. The animal even does not give milk; let them eat and pass stool and urine. That is welcome. After all, eating, they will pass stool. So that is beneficial, not that simple milk is beneficial. Even the stool is beneficial. “Therefore I am asking so much here and…, “Farm, farm, farm, farm…” That is not my program — Krsna’s program. Annad bhavanti bhutani [Bg. 3.14]. Produce greenness everywhere, everywhere. Vrndavana. It is not this motorcar civilization. If it has taken in his brain, then it is to be understood that he can do this plan. He’ll be able. ” Conversation Pieces — May 27, 1977, Vrndavana Letter from Tamal Krsna Goswami, Secretary to Srila Prabhupada, to Hari Sauri Das, ISKCON Melbourne, August 10th, 1977 (sent from Krsna Balarama Mandir, Vrndavana): “Srila Prabhupada always enjoys hearing from you as you have gained an eternal position at His Divine Grace’s lotus feet. Srila Prabhupada appreciated your opening prayers. “Srila Prabhupada was most enlivened to hear the report of New Govardhana Farm. His Divine Grace in the last month or so has been stressing the importance of these farm projects, and said, “This is the next aspect of Krsna consciousness which I wish to push forward. If I am able to travel again, then I shall visit the farms and make them perfect. On these farms we can demonstrate the full varnasrama system. If these farms become successful then the whole world will be enveloped by Krsna consciousness. “From your letter I can understand how nice this farm is. I am very happy to see fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, grains, the devotees taking sumptuous prasadam and chanting Hare Krsna. This is the actual meaning of human life. It is a very good farm, from your letter I can understand. Whatever you build, get the building materials locally. If you can manufacture tiles locally, then your house problem is solved. Build up bamboo frame, and on it place tiles. In any event get everything locally. I wish to make a farm tour and then I shall surely visit your farm.” “I suggested to Srila Prabhupada that he was the Farm Acarya, but Srila Prabhupada said, “Krsna is the Farm Acarya. Baladeva is holding a plow, and Krsna is holding the calf. Krsna advised Nanda Maharaja not to perform Indra puja but to worship the land, Govardhana because it was supplying all foodstuffs for the residents of Vrndavana and the cows as well.” So Srila Prabhupada wants you to develop this farm very nicely as it will be the future program to present to the world as the ideal of Krsna consciousness. In the cities, we are interested for preaching but we cannot present the ideal varnasrama system, this is only possible at the farms, so they are very important.” (end letter) “TRANSLATION “In My last birth I was born in the family of cowherd men, and I gave protection to the calves and cows. because of such pious activities, I have now become the son of a brahmana. ” PURPORT “The words of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the greatest authority, herein clearly indicate that one becomes pious simply by keeping cows and protecting them. Unfortunately, people have become such rascals that they do not even care about the words of an authority. ” Adi-lila: Chapter Seventeen, Text 111 By Madhava Gosh das Krishna by His practical example taught us to give all protection to the cows and that should be the main business of New Vrindaban. Vrindaban is also known as Gokula. Go means cows, and kula means congregation. Therefore the special feature of New Vrindaban will be cow protection, and by doing so, we shall not be loser 24-hour Kirtan program & Inter-faith dialogue in Murfreesboro, TennesseeGaur Gadadhar das: You are cordially invited to the Eleventh Annual 24 Hour Akhanda Sankirtanam at the home of Ravi (Nitai Gaurasundar das) and Meena Singh (Matsya devi dasi) Scandinavia Rathayatra Tour 2010Scandinavia Rathayatra Tour 20101,125 Views / EMail This Post / Print This Post / Home » Scandinavia Rathayatra Tour 2010
Scandinavia Rathayatra tour 2010 from Food For All on Vimeo. Scandinavia Rathayatra tour 2010 from foodforall on Vimeo. By Parasuram das Friday 2 July 2010. Arhus was to be the first Rathayatra of the tour. Being a low budget tour we had to get to our destination as cheaply as possible. So we crossed the English channel from Ramsgate to Ostend in Belgium and then commenced a two day drive through Holland and Germany then into Denmark. Our old merc van used to be Tribhuvanath prabhu’s so you can imagine how old it is. The police in Germany had previously stopped us and told us the van belonged in a museum. Then 50km outside Arhus the unimaginable happened, we bloke down. It was 7pm, we fiddled with the van till 1am, took some rest, woke early and fiddled some more. Finally after a lot of tears, sweat and the occasional curse, the van moved. We were so elated. We arrived bang on time for an estatic Rathayatra. Lord Jaganath was making us call out in desperation. HH Mahavishnu Swami heads up this tour. He’s a low maintenance swami and a real pleasure to be with. From morning to night we get non-stop Krishna katha. This years tour consisted of a van-load of devotees from England and a second vehicle with Tejas Vikrishna prabhu and the Madhura family. They are a professional dance and drama group from Russia - the nicest devotees you will ever meet. This year the tour consisted of 7 Rathayatras. The weather was glorious and we would camp by the lakes and forests. A transcendental holiday. This year we have organised over 20 Rathayatras and the amazing thing is that the weather was always great, which is a bit of a miracle considering we preach mostly in England. Just like in Manchester it rained that day until Jaganath sat on his cart, then the sun came out. As soon as the festival equipment was packed away and we were driving, the rain came down again. This happened so many times this year - was it by chance. In Oslo the Rathayatra was about to start when a group of tourists came off a boat. There was about 10 people from Jaganatha Puri amongst them. They could not believe their eyes to see the Lord of the universe in Oslo. They all ecstatically took part in the festival. A team of sport girls from Mumbai happened to bump into the Rathayatra festival in Gotenburg:
HH Mahavishnu Swami heads up this tour. He's a low maintenance swami and a real pleasure to be with. From morning to night we get non-stop Krishna katha Presentation of the Temple of Vedic Planetarium at Indian High Commission UKPresentation of the Temple of Vedic Planetarium at Indian High Commission UK1,469 Views / EMail This Post / Print This Post / Home » Presentation of the Temple of Vedic Planetarium at Indian High Commission UK
The Minister for Culture at the Indian High Commission in the United Kingdom, Her Excellency Monika Mohta, graciously hosted the launch of the Temple of Vedic Planetarium on the 30th of August 2010 at the Nehru Centre, London. The Nehru Centre strives to foster a cultural dialogue between India and the United Kingdom and the centre is the cultural wing of the High Commission of India. It is administered by the Indian Council for cultural relations, an autonomous organization of the Ministry of External Affairs. Apologies were received from HRH Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, as well as Mr Laksmi Mittal. The guests were welcomed with light bhajans presented by Meera Patel and the kirtaneers. The MC for the evening, HG Praghosa Prabhu, opened the ceremony invoking the blessings of HDG Srila Prabhupada, Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Sri Pancatattva and Lord Nrsingadeva who are the presiding deities of Sridhama Mayapur as well as Sri Sri Radha Londonisvara, the presiding deities of London. Sukanti Radha dasi then gave an illustrated introduction to Sri Mayapur creating a prelude to the introduction of the Temple of Vedic Planetarium talk. The audience got an overview of Sridhama Mayapur and its activities and lifestyle. She explained how this was the home of Harinama Sankirtan, a nectar which Srila Prabhupada spread worldwide by the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. One day this place called Mayapur will turn into a beautiful city as predicted by Srila Prabhupada and the previous acaryas. Sukanti Radha also explained how this was a place where many came to advance in sastric knowledge and that Sridhama Mayapur is referred to by Mayapur Worldwide as ‘the Spiritual University of the World’. Sukanti Radha concluded by inviting everyone to visit Mayapur and explained the importance of visiting Mayapur before visiting Vrindavan, as explained by Srila Prabhupada The audience were then treated to a history on the mrdanga drum by Krishna Caitanya das. The mrdanga is a drum synonymous with Sri Mayapur and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The audience appreciated the glories of this beautiful instrument that is very new to western culture. He mesmerised the audience when playing the various rhythms of the mrdanga. HG Praghosa das, with his gentle humour captivated the audience with more glories of Sri Mayapur and explained how the Temple of Vedic Planetarium was an integral part of Mayapur. This was an illustrated talk with pictures. HG Praghosa das explained the history of the Temple of Vedic Planetarium, the vision of both Nityananda Prabhu and Bhaktivinoda Thakura, up to the present day realization of those visions. He also communicated the extremely unique significance of this planetarium project. The audience also got to hear about the present team who are responsible for bringing to fruition this glorious project, headed by HG Ambarisa das. In conclusion the audience viewed a live video of the architecture and ultimate manifestation of the planetarium, accompanied by the melodious chanting of the maha mantra, led by Kripamoya das HG Jaydeva das concluded the programme with a rendition of the maha mantra, which Her Excellency most welcomed and thoroughly enjoyed. HE Monika Mohta then spoke and welcomed the audience and the Vaisnava community to the Nehru Centre. She said she felt honoured to host such an event. She both thanked ISKCON, Sukanti Radha dasi, HG Praghosa das and all that attended the event. She said Sukanti Radha dasi was the driving force behind this programme and praised how well it was organised. She asked the vaisnava community to accept the Nehru Centre as their home. She praised the work of ISKCON and expressed the peace she finds in kirtana. She enthusiastically expressed how she has now allocated time in next year’s diary to accommodate the philosophy and teachings of Krishna consciousness at the Nehru Centre. She requested regular kirtana at the Nehru Centre, which Sukanti Radha is most delighted to organise. Her Excellency will soon invite Sukanti Radha dasi for a meeting to discuss planning of those 2011 programmes. The evening concluded with sumptuous prasadam, provided and served by Amala Manjari dasi and the Bhakti Vriksha UK team. To see photos of the event please visit: http://davidc.zenfolio.com/vedicplanetarium Sukanti Radha dasi – Ambassador for ISKCON Mayapur, Promoter of Temple of Vedic Planetarium and Director of Mayapur Worldwide will incorporate the Mayapur Worldwide UK service to provide this link between ISKCON Mayapur, ISKCON UK and Indian High Commission Cultural Division under the supervision of HG Praghosa das. Should you wish to partake in any of the 2011 programmes at the Nehru Centre, please contact Sukanti Radha dasi on (+44) 07803 .... Visit www.mayapurworldwide.org and www.tovp.com
The Minister for Culture at the Indian High Commission in the United Kingdom, Her Excellency Monika Mohta, graciously hosted the launch of the Temple of Vedic Planetarium on the 30th of August 2010 at the Nehru Centre, London More Recent Articles |
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