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ISKCON Hare Krishna Devotees Persevere after Loss of TempleISKCON Hare Krishna Devotees Persevere after Loss of Temple2,238 Views / EMail This Post / Print This Post / Home » ISKCON Hare Krishna Devotees Persevere after Loss of Temple
By Nimai devi dasi On 3rd September there was extensive media coverage regarding the ISKCON Hare Krishna temple on Thoresby Street, Leicester having suffered a massive explosion. The cause of the explosion has now been confirmed to be a gas leak in the kitchen area. *The latest information on the story is as follows* A third of the temple building is demolished and the rest has been severely impacted throughout. At present they are unsure of the extent of structural damage and if the property will indeed be functional again. The ISKCON Hare Krishna community in Leicester, and indeed across Britain and the world, are shocked and devastated by what has happened. The Leicester devotees are currently without a permanant place to congregate for worship and there is great uncertainty. They are, however, coming together for prayer and reflection on what has transpired, at congregation homes and collectively on the streets of Leicester. At present there is a palpable sense of relief that no one was hurt and that the sacred deities from the temple shrine were unharmed in this devastating incident. Temple President, Pradyumna das comments, “I am relieved to say that the 30 devotees who were inside the temple managed to vacate the building before the main explosion. Looking at the devastation throughout the building it truly is a miracle that our worshipable deities on our main shrine were unharmed. The deities are being temporarily taken care of at the home of a devotee. We’ve gratefully received messages of support and prayers from all over the world, which gives us great strength and courage to be resilient at this time and to look forward to plans for rebuilding our temple in the near future. The support from the local Hindu community leaders and other faith leaders has been overwhelming and we are greatly appreciative of all their support and welwishes. “Our neighbours deserve a special mention, they have been outstanding in their support during and in the aftermath of the incident, they provided invaluable comfort and reassurance to those who were impacted, we have been overwhelmed with their outpouring of neighbourly love.”. Spokes person for the ISKCON Leicester Community, Nimai devi dasi who was present at the temple with her two young children at the time of the explosion says; “Our community has been shaken to the core by this incident however we believe everything happens for a good reason although we are unclear what that reason is at present, we have faith that with united prayer things will become clearer”. *Editor’s Notes* For more information: www. iskconleicester. org For Media enquries please contact: Nimai devi dasi Tel: 07974677170 Email: info@iskconleicester.org
On 3rd September there was extensive media coverage regarding the ISKCON Hare Krishna temple on Thoresby Street, Leicester having suffered a massive explosion. The cause of the explosion has now been confirmed to be a gas leak in the kitchen area The Supreme Court of India initiating Criminal Contempt charges against members of Madhu Pandit Dasa’s GBCThe Supreme Court of India initiating Criminal Contempt charges against members of Madhu Pandit Dasa’s GBC2,080 Views / EMail This Post / Print This Post / Home » The Supreme Court of India initiating Criminal Contempt charges against members of Madhu Pandit Dasa's GBC BLR Correspondent: To see this document click here or go to http://www.courtnic.nic.in/courtnicsc.asp Then on the left side click on “Case number.” Then for case type select “SLP (Criminal).” Then put in the case # 5525, and the year should be 2010. Then click submit. You should get a window giving the details of the case. (only works in Internet Explorer) You will notice that Madhu Pandits name is not mentioned, only his assistants Stoka Krishna and others are mentioned. The reason for that is explained below. To get some background on the case please read: Madhu Pandit’s Dirty Trick Blows Up in His Face and ISKCON Tussle: HC Warns of CBI MPD’s side denies involvement: http://www.dnaindia.com/bangalore/report_iskcon-case-missive-to-judge-angers-high-court_1273067 Justice Manjunatha accuses MPD of “Bench Hunting” http://www.dnaindia.com/bangalore/report_criminal-contempt-case-against-iskcon_1290676 http://www.deccanherald.com/content/42088/hc-orders-contempt-proceedings-iskcon.html http://expressbuzz.com/Cities/Bangalore/contempt-case-against-iskcon-soon/97857.html Contempt charges against MPD dropped, this explains why MPD name is not mentioned in the criminal contempt case. http://www.deccanchronicle.com/bengaluru/high-court-judges-differ-iskcon-contempt-669 The following text recently appeared in my in-box. Dear Maharajas & Prabhus Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Today ( 27/08/2010) the Supreme Court issued notices to Chanchalapati Das, Stoka Krsna das, Chitranga Chaitanya Das, Rajiv Lochan Das and 4 other members of the alleged Governing Body of the ISKCON Society reg. by Shankhbhrit in 1978, in respect of initiating Criminal Contempt against them. The Brief background is as follows 1. Sometime in July 2009 MPD, Jai Chaitanya Das, Chancalapti Das and other members of the alleged Governing Body of Shankhbhrit’s ISKCON sent a photograph and a letter to Justice K. L. Manjunath. The photograph showed Justice Manjunath receiving a gift from MPD in 2003 in the premises of the Bangalore temple of ISKCON. 2. The accompanying letter stated that as Justice Manjunath has received valuable gifts from MPD he is bias towards ISKCON reg. by Shankhabhrit and therefore it is not proper for him to hear the RFA 421/2009. That time Justice Manjunath was hearing RFA 421/2009 filed by ISKCON Mumbai against ISKCON Bangalore. The senders address on the letter showed that it was sent from Sheshadripuram Branch of ISKCON Reg. in Mumbai by Srila Prabhupada in 1971. 3. On 10th July 2009 Justice Manjunath questioned both the sides (ISKCON reg. in Mumbai and ISKCON of Shankhabhrit) about this letter & photograph. Both the sides denied having sent photograph & letter. But in the second week of July 2010 Jai Chaitanya filed an affidavit of Behalf of Shankbhrit’s ISKCON stating that Justice Manjunath is prejudiced against it and therefore he should not hear the RFA. 4. Advocates of Shankhbhrita’s ISKCON (Maruth Prasad & Ramesh Babu) also approached two senior advocates ( Srinivasan and Shekhar Shetty) under whom Justice Manjuanth practiced as advocate before he was elevated to the post of the High Court Judge, requesting them to appear on behalf of Shankhabhrit’s ISKCON so that Justice Manjunath will recuse himself from hearing RFA. It was/is well known fact that if these two lawyers appear then Justice Manjunath would release the matter. 5. Then in September 2009 Jai Chaitanya on behalf of Shankhbhrit’s ISKCON filed an application praying that Justice Manjunath recuses himself from hearing the RFA. 6. Justice Manjunath dismissed the IA and initiated criminal contempt against MPD, Jai Chaitanya (who had signed affidavits on behalf of Shankhabhrit’s ISKCON) and 4 advocates who appeared on behalf of Shankhbhrit’s ISKCON. Justice Manjunath did not initiate Criminal Contempt against the other members of the Governing Body of Shankhbhrit’s ISKCON. 7. ISKCON reg. in Mumbai filed two petitions of Criminal contempt against other members of the Governing Body of Shankhabhrit’s ISKCON. But Justice Sridhar Rao of Karnataka High Court dismissed those two petitions. 8. Against the order of Justice Sridhar Rao, ISKCON reg. in Mumbai filed two SLPs praying that Criminal contempt be initiated against Chacnhapati Das, Stoka Krsna Das and others. 9. Today ( 27/08/2010) in those two SLPs the Supreme Court issued notices to Chanchalapati Das, Stoka Krsna das and other 6 members of the Governing Body of the ISKCON Bangalore in respect of initiating Criminal Contempt against them. Following are the details SLP (Criminal) No. 5525/2010 & 5526 /2010 Court Hall no. 13 presided over by Justice Panchal and Justice Gyan Sudha Mishra. Hare Krsna. Your servant, Dayaram dasa _______ Legal Glossary: RFA: Regular First Appeal SLP: Special Leave Petition IA: Interlocutory Application Correspondent’s commentary: What we have been able to gather from various sources is that after winning in the lower court last April of 2009 Madhu Pandit Dasa thought he could breath easy for a while because normally it would take ISKCON (reg. 1971 Mumbai) about 5-10 years to be able to get an appeal heard against him. My sources tell me that MPD has survived this long by two tactics—bribery—which is endemic in India, and delaying tactics like this. He hoped to delay everything by 5-10 years till it reached High Court and then another 10+ years to get to the Supreme Court. “Justice delayed is justice denied.” But to his chagrin instead of a 5-10 year wait the matter was sent to the High Court of Karnataka in a record 9 weeks! No one, not even ISKCON (reg. Mumbai, 1971), could believe this. The victorious mood in MPD’s camp turned sour on the prospect of another fight on the heels of the last one with the prospect of defeat ahead. What made matters worse is that the judges of the High Courts are not as easy to manage as the lower court judges, though bribery is still possible, they are generally of a higher caliber. So the story goes that last thing that MPD wanted was a judge who was both honest and intelligent, but that is what the Chief Justice of Karnataka did by putting Justice Manjunath on the bench to hear the case. Now MPD is really in a jam. How to get rid of this judge who is both sharp and not corrupt? Well as can be seen from references above, MPD tried to implicate Justice Manjunath in a scandal to force him to recuse himself. But that blew up in MPD’s face because instead of slinking away the judge held a press conference and told everything and wanted to have an investigation done. MPD denied having anything to do with it. Instead MPD had his servants file a petition to get the judge to recuse himself. He just wanted to get rid of this judge. However, trying to get a judge off a case without any real cause is a crime in India. It is called “bench hunting” and “forum shopping.” The High court of Karnataka on their own initiative filed criminal contempt charges against MPD, his servants (Jai Caitanya, Chancalapati, etc) and his lawyers for scandalizing the courts. MPD was able to have charges against him quashed but left his minions to hang out on the line (does this sound familiar—save your own a$$ while others who got in trouble because of you get theirs kicked). The case was left in limbo until the Supreme Court of India took up the case and is initiating criminal contempt charges against MPD’s lieutenants while he is off the hook. The Supreme Court may decide to hear the case themselves or send it back down to the High Court of Karnataka. I’m told that considering that it is the Supreme Court of India that is initiating this criminal contempt case it seems almost certain what the final verdict will be (but in India anything is possible). If they were fond guilty then MPD’s men would spend a minimum of six (6) months each in prison. MPD would then have to recruit a new GBC to replace those in jail. The word we are hearing from Hare Krsna Hill (HKH) is that in the face of all this bad news (prophesied by the lightening strike on the Gopuram earlier this year?) externally MPD is putting on a brave face in the public. And declaring that he will fight to the end for justice and the struggle for truth, etc and trying to inspire his faithful followers to keep working and collecting for him because Krsna is with him and victory is certain. But internally the word circulating on HKH is that MDP knows he cannot win so he is preparing for the inevitable and putting an exit strategy in place. When I asked what was the proof for this I was told that residents on HKH could clearly see the signs that MPD was preparing for defeat by creating a new organization called “The Hare Krishna Movement” http://harekrishna-movement.org/ based in Vrndavana, far from Karnataka. And that he was switching all emails to this new domain. That Chanchalapati dasa, the VP of Bangalore temple and MPD’s brother-in-law was seldom in Bangalore but had moved to the new head quarters in Vrndavana to prepare for the future exit. And, that while money was being collected for building flats and for the big Krsna theme park that there was no construction going on, just collecting of funds–but where is it going and for whose benefit? There is no accountability and funds just disappear and are being funneled to this new entity. We were also told that MPD leveraged ISKCON’s good name in India and borrowed enormous amounts of money from banks and used it to purchase lands worth about INR 1400 crores (US$300 million) all over India. MPD is supposedly the 2nd largest landowner in Vraja mandala. Hmm this may be why he is shifting his operations to Vrndavana. Anyway things are getting exciting; the High Court of Karnataka is supposed to finishing hearing the appeal starting on September 13, 2010. It should take less than 10 working days to hear the case then approximately 1 month to get a judgment. So sometime in October we should hear a decision from the High courts. Then it will go to the Supreme Court of India. In the mean time the Supreme Court of India will initiate criminal contempt proceedings against MPD’s lieutenants. Not sure when that will begin or how long it will take to complete or even who will be hearing the case. But it wont be long before we find out those details. When we find out we will let you know. One thing that seems certain is that MPD’s attempt to scandalize the High court last year has poisoned the whole judiciary of India against him. Bad move on his part. BLR Correspondent: The High court of Karnataka on their own initiative filed criminal contempt charges against MPD, his servants (Jai Caitanya, Chancalapati, etc) and his lawyers for scandalizing the courts More Recent Articles |
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