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Money Sweeter Than Honey
By HH Bhakti Raghava Swami
Money is so dear that one conceives of money as being sweeter than honey. Therefore, who can give up the desire to accumulate money, especially in household life? Thieves, professional servants [soldiers] and merchants try to acquire money even by risking their very dear lives. [SB 7.6.10]
“Money is sweeter than honey” is a common expression which has a special significance for most people living in today’s modern era of industrialization. The global politics of governance and diplomacy now place more emphasis on artificial factory-based economic growth than on the traditional natural agriculture-based growth of a country thus forcing people to live in such a way that they will not be able to subsist without receiving a pay check at the end of the month. That is the propaganda being promoted and to a large extent, that is today’s “reality of life”. The recent article entitled “Need to Migrate Workers from Agriculture to Services for High Growth: RBI”, which appeared in the Press Trust of India in Mumbai on June 18, 2010 in no unclear terms give credence to this on-going policy. This trend is a global one which has been in practice now since many decades. That such an article appeared in a public forum simply shows how governments take for granted that economic development through industrialization is meant to be the norm for one and all. [http://beta.profit.ndtv.com/news/show/need-to-migrate-workers-from-agriculture-to-services-for-high-growth-rbi-75760]
For most people in today’s modern world, if one does not receive a pay check at the end of the month, one cannot survive. Those who cannot join the labour force due to illness, lack of job opportunities, or sometimes due to sheer laziness, will approach government established agencies in order to receive social assistance benefits commonly referred to in the West as “welfare assistance”. With rising unemployment in different countries, more and more people are either receiving a monthly “welfare check” or a monthly “unemployment check”. Others, who may be disabled due to either natural calamities or due to the tragedies brought about by the modern way we live, may receive a monthly “disability pension check”. In some of the more “developed” countries people who reach 60 or 65 years of age qualify to receive an “old age pension check” at the end of every month until they expire. All of this is extremely taxing on governments who can only meet such expenditures by levelling increased taxes upon the few healthy folks who can work.
All of the above has come about due to severe deviations from the standard Vedic norms of life. The Vedic view of life is that one should strive for self-realization and be satisfied with whatever Krishna arranges while working a reasonable number of hours a day, the general norm being not more than eight. The goal of life was not based on economic development as we find in modern day society, but on self-development or self-realization. In the Vedic culture, the medium of exchange was not based on an artificial and fraudulent paper money currency but was based rather on real wealth, gold coins and similar minerals. Actual wealth was measured in how much grains one had in stock, in how many cows one protected and in how much land one cultivated. Before marriage, the criteria for accepting a bridegroom was how many cows and how much land he owned.
Canakya Pandita, one of the well known moralists of his times, stated that real happiness was not having to leave home to make a living and not being a debtor. Srila Prabhupada made a similar statement when he said that intelligence means not leaving the village and going to the cities to engage in hard labour. Canakya Pandita also explained that three things should never be neglected: fire, disease and debts. According to the Vedic teachings, “one should own as much as he immediately needs.” [SB 7.13.36]. For this reason, Srila Bhaktisiddanta Sarasvati Thakura would instruct his temple leaders to spend all they had received the same day and thus avoid keeping money which could be a source of anxiety.
Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksa
The four pillars in the Vedic culture are found in 1) dharma (religion), 2) artha (money), 3) kama (satisfaction of the senses) and 4) moksa (liberation). Vaisnavas generally reject these four activities thinking them to be maya and binding one to this material world. However, these four activities can either be a source of bondage or a source of liberation depending on the consciousness in which they are performed.
Religion (dharma) practiced for selfish material motivation, money (artha) gained through non-traditional occupations and for merely material pursuits, satisfaction of the senses (kama) performed merely for unrestricted self-centered sense enjoyment and liberation (moksa) pursued for merging into brahman, will certainly bind one more and more to this material world. However, these same activities of dharma, artha, kama and moksa when performed in proper knowledge and understanding of the real goal of life can help one make steady progress in spiritual life. The varnasrama system gives this proper understanding and guidelines as to how such four activities are meant to be performed in life, with a view of satisfying Lord Hari.
Dharma should be performed in the context of devotional service (param dharma) which will result is “yayatma suprasédati” [SB 12.6], where all things will be satisfied. Artha should be in keeping with the standard traditional occupations given within an agrarian based society (production of food and protection of cows, krishi go raksya [Bg 18.43], being by far the most prominent activities) where the emphasis on self-sufficiency and the bartering system resulted in most people not having to deal the local currency. Kama should be performed in a regulated way for the purpose of keeping body and soul together with the goal and higher purpose of rendering devotional service to the Lord. Moksa will then be automatically attained by one who performs the three above activities in such higher consciousness.
Modern Paper Currency Flawed
Within the system of varnasrama, three-fourth of the population does not earn money, namely the brahmacaris, those in the vanaprastha and those in the sannyasa asrama. Grhasthas, in particular the ksatriya householders and the vaisya householders, assisted by the sudra householders, are meant to support the rest of society. The brahmanas and sudra class do not earn money, only the ksatriya class through taxation and the vaisya class, but only one portion of the vaisya class, those engaged in trade, vanijyam. Those engaged in both krishi, agriculture and go-raksya, cow protection, also do not deal with money but rather with goods.
The real currency should be in minerals such as gold or silver, and the real wealth should be in having tangible goods such as land, cows, grains, etc. The artificial paper currency currently in use is both artificial and fraudulent since it does not represent real wealth. Most countries in the world are in severe debts (and increasing every year), including the USA, with only temporary and flawed adjustments being made to salvage the present global economic crisis.
It was only a few decades ago that in most countries of the world, the majority of people were living in rural areas and most people did not even need money. The land is meant to provide for all our necessities of life. Even in a country like Canada, going back to the early part of the 20th century when most Canadians were living in the country, practically speaking all their necessities were met from the land, including clothing and shelter.
The Emerging Politics of Food Scarcity [http://www.earth-policy.org/]
“The last century has seen ballooning populations develop impossible economies – all based on a dream of perpetually cheap energy, and based on ignorance of the laws of finiteness in regards to all the natural elements that make our life possible. The cheap energy bubble is bursting, soil and water are in overdraft, and the result is acute vulnerabilities for nations who’ve exceed their resource base. Industrialized countries amongst these are passing those vulnerabilities along – to nations that still have true wealth (soil, water) but who do not have social infrastructures sufficient to properly protect them. Many poor [countries] are having their natural capital sold out from under them,” said Lester R. Brown, Earth Policy Institute .
Spiritual Economics
The Vedic model of local and global economy is based on simplicity, psychology, logic, and God conscious principles. Sriman Dhanesvara Das is well versed in the basic concepts of varnasrama dharma and has deeply studied the essential teachings of the Bhagavad-gita in the context of economy. He has compiled a Krishna conscious thesis in the form of a book entitled “Spiritual Economics”. A portion of his introduction can help us gain more insight on the topic of money.
“Spiritual Economics as a cross-disciplinary study combining psychology, economics and the spiritual science of the Bhagavad-gita explains why there is vulture capitalism, cut-throat competition, unending economic hardship, exploitation, inequity, and struggle in this world. “Spiritual Economics” explains the origin and solution of our ecological problems. “Spiritual Economics” explains why the present economic methods can do nothing to solve these problems, reveals the actual source of our economic problems, and explains the only factual solution that can create an economy that serves everyone. “Spiritual Economics” explains the actual source of our economic problems and how to solve them, once and for all.”
A Memo From the Past
What Have we Learned in 2064 Years?
The following short message written during the time of the Roman Empire by Cicero (55 BC) gives us a little insight regarding the topic at hand:
“The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.” The answer is: “Nothing.”
As widely advised by our acaryas, whatever money comes our way, we should utilize in the service of the Lord. The Vedic norm is that 50% of one’s income is meant to be used for helping spread Krishna consciousness. Money, when thus used in the Lord’s service, becomes a means of liberation for the living entity. But money used for sense gratification, either self-centered or extended, becomes a source of bondage to this material world.
The varnasrama system is so designed as to help us minimize and ultimately do away with the need for paper money by stressing a lifestyle of simple living and high thinking, in keeping with the principles of self-sufficiency and sustainability, depending on the mercy of the Lord.
HH Bhakti Raghava Swami
For Further details:
Contact the author: “Bhakti Raghava Swami” bhakti.raghava.swami@pamho.net
Or Contact: vrindavanlila.brs@gmail.com
By Bhakti Raghava Swami
Money is so dear that one conceives of money as being sweeter than honey. Therefore, who can give up the desire to accumulate money, especially in household life? Thieves, professional servants [soldiers] and merchants try to acquire money even by risking their very dear lives
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The Ever Expanding Nectar Of Krsna Consciousness
By Bhakti-lata Dasi
When performing the same material activity, one will eventually get bored. Spiritual activities, however, have an ever fresh quality to them. “The holy name of Krishna expands the blissful ocean of transcendental life”; I have read this many times, heard it many times, and even experienced it over and over again. Still, there is some part of my mind that keeps being astounded at how exponentially fresh devotional service really is. Everyone experience this quality of bhakti and the inmates are no exception.
On a regular basis day, inmates come in contact with Krsna, either through IPM volunteers, or, more often, through other inmates who have become bhaktas and who direct them to IPM. The new inmates meet Krsna in the form of His name, His books, or His prasadam (many prisoners distribute the food they offer). By Lord Caitanya’s potency, most inmates who are given Krsna consciousness develop an irresistible urge to give it to someone else. And it is not long before that new recipient gets the “virus” to pass it on.
Living in very difficult conditions, inmates have first-hand realization that this material world is a place of misery. They don’t need much convincing; when they read Srila Prabhupada’s books, they just know his words are true. In their heart of hearts, they know that there is more to life than this endless suffering. “The holy name of Lord Kåñëa cleanses the mirror of the heart and extinguishes the blazing fire of material existence.” Prabhupada gives them the hope they had been seeking. So when they find this hope, and start experiencing a very real relief from pain, a very real higher taste, they are very excited and anxious to relieve the pain of others around them.
In this manner, IPM has been reaching out to inmates for over 30 years; there is never any shortage of souls and, having heard about Krsna from their peers, inmates write us on their own volition, begging for some enlightenment.
People sometimes ask if inmates really stick to Krsna consciousness. A surprising number of them do. Many keep to the path of bhakti, even after being released. You can read on our website, about three ex-inmates who are now fully engaged in service, two now initiated and one aspiring for initiation (http://iskconprisonministry.us/taxonomy/term/12 : newsletters for May, July, and August 2010).
Are there inmates who fall away after some time? Yes, of course, the same way some bhaktas and even initiated devotees “bloop” from time to time. That is the nature of this world; the illusory energy is so strong that it can forcibly carry away the mind even of a man of discrimination. This is true of everyone, inmates and free men alike.
The mercy of the Lord, however, is so great that whatever devotional service one renders is a credit in one’s eternal spiritual bank account; there is “no loss or diminution, and a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear.” In the next life, one starts from where one left off. So if an inmate chants Hare Krsna for a few years, a few months, or even a few days and then quit, what is the loss? There is everything to gain for the inmate and certainly also for the devotee who serves Lord Caitanya’s mission of reclaiming His lost servants. We all get purified in the fire of sankirtan!
Service opportunity: this month, September 2010, IPM’s funds are short due to yearly (website host fee) and unexpected (laser printer ink cartridge) expenses. To cover these costs and to also be able to mail a huge box of packages that is just sitting in the office, we need $300. Can you help us reaching out to inmates? We really are in urgent need your support, and any amount toward our goal helps!
Thank you in advance! Contact Mukunda Dasa or Bhakti-lata Dasi
Below are quotes from those inmates who share Krsna with others.
“I took the Nectar of Devotion to school today and I got to break the ice so to speak with a classmate. Who knows, lets pray about it. At any rate, I have read only a few of Srila Prabhupada’s books and currently am in a cell with someone who shares his Gita with me. I also try to do the studies or lessons in every issue of BTG.”
Jerry Moffit
“I have been engaging in giving the holy name to several inmates that they too may come to relish their eternal love for Krsna. One particular fellow almost began to cry upon hearing me chanting the holy name. I was surprised that he manifested such an experience…I am always desiring to spread the message of Lord Caitanya. By the mercy of other kind devotees as yourself who are willing to help us fallen prisoners come to know what actual freedom really is, freedom to surrender to the lotus feet of Sri Krsna.”
Kevin Brown
Waycross GA
“Lately, I have been preaching, to many inmates, instructing them, in the chanting of the holy name. They’ve such nice interest so I often give lectures, to them on the teaching of Srila Prabhupada, I learned from reading, his many books. I give everything as pure as I received it, reading his books, and following, the instructions of his devotees.
This morning as always, I chanted a real blissful 16 rounds of Hare Krsna maha-mantra; that always causes me to smile in my happiness of Krsna consciousness.”
Kevin L. Brown
Waycross, GA
If you want to receive updates about new material posted on our website, please send us an e-mail with “Subscribe to IPM NEWS” in the subject line.
To help with this prison program, please contact Mukunda Dasa or Bhakti-lata Dasi at:
ISKCON Prison Ministry
PO Box 2676
Alachua, FL 32616-2676
By Bhakti-lata Dasi
On a regular basis day, inmates come in contact with Krsna, either through IPM volunteers, or, more often, through other inmates who have become bhaktas and who direct them to IPM
By Madhavendu das
Janmastami Photo link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/53737015@N08/
Today is most auspicious day. Last night Nanda Baba and Yasoda had a very beautiful son. Everyone in Braja was overwhelmed with joy. Therefore the King of Vraja, Maharaja Nanda very gorgeously performed the birth ceremony for his newborn child. He donated hundreds of thousands of cows, jewels, ornaments etc.
When Nanda Baba was celebrating the birth of his son, Srila Prabhupada appeared in this world. This was not an ordinary thing. Exalted devotees come on these special days. Srila Prabhupada grew up as a pure devotee of the Lord and distributed Krishna Consciousness everywhere. Srila Prabhupada made a perfect appearance, led a perfect life and had a perfect departure. Srila Prabhupada lives forever through his books. This legacy will always provide the devotees with Lord Caitanya katha and teach everyone to chant the Maha mantra. ‘gaura-vani-pracarine.’ Srila Prabhupada himself gave this verse to his disciples, so it is very significant. He came to give the same message that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu implanted from His own heart into the heart of Srila Rupa Gosvamipada; the same message taught by Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami and all of our Guru-varga. Srila Prabhupada came in this world to give this.
While he was in Sri Radha-Damodara, Srila Rupa Gosvamipada appeared to Srila Prabhupada in a dream and told him, “Now is the time for you to go.” Historically, it was a very perfect time, a great opportunity. It was 1965; 1966 was about to come - a very big revolution was going on in the consciousness, hearts and minds of all the young people of the world. Many of the educated young people were leaving their homes and trying to find spiritual life. So at that time, Srila Rupa Gosvamipada directly ordered Srila Swami Maharaja, “Now is the time to go.
Srila Prabhupada:I began to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, and you know, worms never leave stool. If they fall out by accident, they will quickly crawl back. But I began to chant the maha-mantra, and so many people, addicted to drugs, addicted to sex, all types of intoxication and meat-eating, began to emerge. These worms - first one, then two, then five, then twenty, and now hundreds and hundreds of worms are crawling out of the stool and putting on tilaka and kanti mala.
On Nandotsava, on behalf of Krsna, Nanda Maharaja exhausted his entire treasury. He gave everything. Similarly, on this day Nandotsava, Krsna wanted to give to the world His best donation; He wanted to give everything. What was that?
anarpita-carim cirat karunayavatirnah kalau
samarpayitum unnatojjvala-rasam sva-bhakti-sriyam
So on this day Krsna gave His best donation. He gave A.C Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, to distribute service to the lotus feet of Srimati Radhika to the whole world.
Here in ISKCON KANPUR three days (1st 2nd and 3rd Sept. 2010) Janmastami festival is celebrated very gorgeously. A huge Pandal was fully crowded and various Krishna Lila, bhajan, Kirtan performed by different performers.
Today Nandotsava day (in the morning session) Srila Prabhupada’s glorification started from 10:00am, HG Lilapurusottam Prabhu from IIT Kanpur was the MC for the program, many guest, congregations and senior devotees glorified Srila Prabhupada then Abhisek, Aratik Gurupuja and Puspanjali for Srila Prabhupada. Temple hall was fully packed up. IIT student Bipul Prabhu led the ecstatic Kirtan everyone was chanting and dancing and was overwhelmed with jay and happiness.
In the eve Bhajan Kirtan, various Krishna Lila performed like peacock dance, Dasavatar, Holi, Nandoke Ananda bhaiya Jay Kannaiya lalki etc.
HG Devakinandan Prabhu delivered enlightening discourses Krsna-Tattva, glorifying Srila Prabhupada and also he appreciated the devotees who worked hard for the grant success of Janmastami Festivals then he distributed Gifts to performers, VIP’s, IYF Students and others.
Finally S.K Paliwal (Chairman of ISKCON, Sri Sri Radha-Madhav Committee) addresses the audience.
By the mercy of Nanda Baba and Yasoda Maiya, and Srila Prabhupada at least the semblance of agreed to actually participate in that very festival in the not too distant future was awakened in the hearts of those who had tried their level best to make the festival a success for the pleasure of Krsna.
Hare Krishna!
Jay Srila Prabhupada!
By Madhavendu das
When Nanda Baba was celebrating the birth of his son, Srila Prabhupada appeared in this world. This was not an ordinary thing. Exalted devotees come on these special days.
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Lord Jagannatha dolls
Linda Swapp: These sweet Lord Jagannatha dolls are a pleasure for adults and children. They come in sets of 3 being Lord Jagannatha, Lord Balarama or Lady Subhadra or individual Lord Jagannatha dolls. Standing 10 to 12 inches tall. Hand crocheted with colorfast yarn and holding shape with fiberfill not only makes these dolls lovable and cuddly to hold and play with but also 100% machine wash and dry. Toss in washing machine toss in dryer they come out looking the same but clean after much play time with children. There are many colors to custom order from. Satisfaction guaranteed. Start Christmas shopping early. Shipping is included in the price. PayPal accepted. To order or inquire please contact Linda through hladinihari@yahoo.com Hare Krsna Haribol
Linda Swapp: These sweet Lord Jagannatha dolls are a pleasure for adults and children. They come in sets of 3 being Lord Jagannatha, Lord Balarama or Lady Subhadra or individual Lord Jagannatha dolls.
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