----- Original Message -----Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 7:52 AMSubject: Planet ISKCON - 39 new articles
"Planet ISKCON" - 39 new articles
- H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Monday 29 November 2010--Do You Want to Taste the Nectar?--Everyone is Originally a Devotee?
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: TEN C'S OF SUCCESS
- Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: KulimeLA 2009: Internet Release of the Main Video
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Kripamoya dasa, UK: You are what you eat – but even more, you are what you hear…
- Bhakti Vikasa Swami: never reheat rice
- Book distribution seminar: Bhaktas in New Zealand
- Book Distribution News: Bhaktas in New Zealand
- Krishna-kripa das, Mayapura: Travel Journal#6.19: New York and Philadelphia Harinamas
- Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: Festival of the Holy Name: And The Beat Goes On…
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: If you are not empowered like Prahlada Maharaja, don’t drink poison offered to the Lord
- Japa Group: Japa Poem
- Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: It feels like you are getting when you are giving the Higher Taste!
- Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Devotees gone Wild!
- Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: Memories of Srila Prabhupada
- Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: KuliMela 2006 - Ghost Brothers - Chill - 12/14
- Srila Prabhupada and 24-Hour Kirtana
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Kirtan on Sunday the 28th with whoever is left from the marathon in Krsna Valley
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 146
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Prabhupada Meditations
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: In Your Mind
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Free Write
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Photos from Argentina
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 145
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: From Prabhupada Meditations, Volume 1
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Upset Stomach
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: In the Mill
- Japa Group: By Hook Or By Crook
- Gouranga TV: KuliMela 2009 – Main Movie
- Krishna-kripa das, Mayapura: World Holy Name Festival Harinamas
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H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Monday 29 November 2010--Do You Want to Taste the Nectar?--Everyone is Originally a Devotee?
Thought for the Day--Monday 29 November 2010
Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and to you, our treasured readers. Our purpose is to help everyone awaken...
Akrura das, Gita Coaching: TEN C'S OF SUCCESS
1. Clarity
2. Competence
3. Concentration
4. Common Sense
5. Creativity
6. Consideration
7. Consistency
8. Commitment
9. Courage
10. Confidence
- Brian Tracy
Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: KulimeLA 2009: Internet Release of the Main Video
CLICK HERE to watch the much anticipated internet release of “KulimeLA 2009: The Video.”The main theme for KulimeLA 2009 was to “Honor the Past, Celebrate the Present & Envision the Future.”The year 2009 marked the 20th Anniversary of the Los Angeles Gurukuli Reunion, an annual gathering of second-generation Hare Krishnas, known informally as Gurukulis, or Kulis.Throughout this five-day festival, over one thousand Vaishnavas from around the world came together in an amazing cultural experience – called KulimeLA – to share, reflect, and appreciate what the Gurukulis have accomplished over the past 20 years.This 40 minute film offers an overview of the entire festival, including highlights from the performances at the Ford Theater, The Rose of Vidarbha play, Art Show, Fashion Show, Seminars, Workshops, Kid’s Camp, Bhajan Kutir, LA Ratha Yatra and more…CLICK HERE to check out the growing video and audio selections at the Kuli Mela Outlet on NOTE: The first 400 people who register for Kulimela Australia 2010/2011 will be getting a complimentary copy of the KM09 DVD at the event. CLICK HERE for more information about the upcoming festival. If you plan on going, we encourage you to take advantage of the early bird discounts and pre-register now!In the ancient Sanskrit language, “Kuli” refers to a member of a “Community” and “Mela” means “Festive Gathering.” Combined, “Kuli Mela” transforms into “A Celebration of Community.”The Kuli Mela Association is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to serving an international community by supporting and encouraging its members to come together in service, association and empowerment, with a strong emphasis on spirituality.
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
Their Lordships are sparkling in silver and aubergine today to rekindle the Sankirtan spirit on the beginning of the second week of the book marathon.
Yes, it's all about book distribution this month.
And the Deities are supporting all of us in our endeavour to spread Their glories, in whichever big or small way we can.
Here's a slideshow of Their glorious darsana.
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1965 November 28:
"Meeting at New India House
'God Consciousness'
under the auspices of the
Tagore Society of New York.
1. The Absolute Truth
(Srimad Bhagawatam 1st Canto)
2. Symptoms of Objectivity
(Srimad Bhagwatam 2nd Canto)"
Prabhupada Journal :: 1965
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1967 November 28: "I am very sorry that he has assumed such an air of importance. We should always remember that we are on the path of perfection, but we are not perfect. If he or anyone thinks that he has attained perfection - he will be wrongly directed."Prabhupada Letters :: 1967
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1967 November 28: "I have asked you all to address your Godbrothers as prabhu. This prabhu means boss. If everyone of us thinks of his fellow worker as boss there is no question of misunderstanding."Prabhupada Letters :: 1967
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1968 November 28: "He is very sincere, thoughtful member and he is a good speaker. With these qualifications he can render most valuable service. I consider him one of the pillars of our society."Prabhupada Letters :: 1968
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1970 November 28: "So try to push our books backed by a regular supply of our magazines and regular performance of sankirtana. Then I'm sure the Krishna Consciousness Movement will go forward without any hindrance."Prabhupada Letters :: 1970
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1970 November 28: "These two books, KRSNA Book and Nectar of Devotion, are revolutionary not only here but all over the world. Anyone who will read them, I'm sure cannot go away from becoming a devotee of Krishna."Prabhupada Letters :: 1970
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 November 28: "I was also selling my books to the schools, colleges and libraries. I would write, publish, and distribute without any help. So this is the most important engagement. Do not doubt this."Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 November 28: "He was a sincere boy, but he has fallen down by bad association. Still I can rectify both of them, provided they agree. I asked him to correct himself, not to leave. Anyway if he agrees he can be corrected."Prabhupada Letters :: 1974
Kripamoya dasa, UK: You are what you eat – but even more, you are what you hear…
We all know the expression “You are what you eat..” meaning that what goes inside us as food goes on to become part of our body and therefore becomes us. Anyone who wants to safeguard their health is consequently careful about what they eat – and how much – and they may study the list of ingredients on food packaging to make sure they don’t eat anything nasty.Vegetarians guard against any animal ingredients in their food, and those who practise meditation make sure their food is sattvic so that their minds are peaceful during their morning contemplations. Food is important. It can elevate our mood or make us depressed; it can help or hinder us in our journey towards spiritual enlightenment.But even more powerful in creating our consciousness is sound.We may eat just three times a day, but we are ingesting sound vibrations every second of every day. Sound is everywhere: stray, natural sounds, snuffling animal sounds, tweeting bird song, the neighbour’s car, the radio, television, phones, overheard snatches of conversation on other people’s mobile phones, discussion with friends, colleagues, and family, car alarms, bleeping of computer games, tinny thumps of your fellow passengers headphones and on and on… All these make up a sonic landscape through which we move and live our lives; and the sum total of all those fragments of sound make up our consciousness just as surely as does the food we eat.The Vedas prescribe that we guard our consciousness carefully as the target of human life is the elevation of the spirit with the aid of a clarified mind. And guarding our consciousness means protecting ourselves from unhelpful sound. Sounds can take us higher or they can pull us down – and keep us down. Or they can take us upwards. The science of mantra – sacred sound – explains that special, non-material sounds can act as powerful elevators of consciousness. Mantras can also protect us from the influence of degrading sounds. Furthermore, mantras can create a subtle mandala within our innermost heart and enable us to install there the presence of God.Below: ‘Mandalas’ created by sound Bhakti Vikasa Swami: never reheat rice
Jaya Gauranga das remembers: One time I made a big mistake. We had a lot of rice which of course was in a clean pot from the lunch prasadam for the devotees. We had some dal that was also clean but that was used for lunch, and I started to put them together and make it into a kitchree to distribute in the evening. When Prabhupada found out he called me to his room and he was very upset, he said to me "Rice should never be reheated! Who did that?" and I said, "I did that Srila Prabhupada" That was a big mistake. [Srila Prabhupada continued] "You should never reheat rice.">From Memories of Srila Prabhupada DVD #48 Book distribution seminar: Bhaktas in New Zealand
Hare Krishna Prabhus,Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!A few bhaktas are coming along in Auckland, New Zealand. When new people come, I find that it inspires me.First, there is a South Indian young man named Karthik. I met him on Queen Street some months back, and he got a Perfect Escape and an invite to the Loft. I didn't see him again for awhile. Then one night when Devamrita Swami gave a talk at the Loft, I sat down to take prasadam and happened to sit next to him. He is sweet and pure-hearted by nature, and as Srila Prabhupada said, "With Indians, Krsna Consciousness is just beneath the surface; one only need to scratch to find it." So I started scratching, and sure enough!He was already chanting two rounds. I invited him to Janmastami, and he chanted something like 57 rounds that day. On that day I told him the importance of chanting 16 rounds, and since then he has done that and started to increase. A month or so later he told me that he was chanting 17 rounds, and now he is up to 25 rounds a day. He is ecstatic in kirtana. He dances and chants with great relish. He also got a Tamil Krsna book and Bhagavad Gita and is reading them.I have mentioned to him the importance of taking initiation, and he has expressed his enthusiasm and wants to be chanting 32 rounds before then.He recently told me this: "Really, I feel this initiation is the strong foundation for my spiritual progress. In India, my monthly salary is a hundred dollars, not weekly salary, so just imagine how poor we are. Actually I am spending this much money from my loan amount, given by an Indian bank (this was in regards to a retreat fee of $420). Why am I doing this? Really this is a turning point in my life. My family members are happy for me to do this. Really I cannot save this much amount quickly. Anyway I don't have any problem spending this money to get the blessings of Krsna. Now my mother is chanting five rounds per day. Before she did not know anything about this. Now I have some knowledge, so I can lead my family through what I know. I just want to share this with you Prabhu."He is coming to the end-of-the-year retreat that we have here in New Zealand Otaki over the Christmas and New Year period and is very eager to meet Devamrita Swami.Second, there is a friend of mine from my school days named Aaron. He was at a talk on The Pressures of Conformity by Devamrita Swami and was also at one of his Sunday talks. He has been showing interest in Krsna Consciousness for a good few months now, slowly growing in inquisitiveness and enthusiasm. Hriman Krsna Prabhu first met him years ago, before I met the devotees. He got a Bhagavad Gita then, and it was Aaron who first showed me Bhagavad Gita and that is when I said "I want to read this book one day."He has since then observed me getting into Krsna Consciousness and has now become more open to what it is about. He has got several books off me this year like Searching for Vedic India, Your Ever Well-Wisher, Perfect Escape, Srimad Bhagavatam 1.1, Higher Taste and Great Vegetarian Dishes. He has finished both of Devamrita Swami's books and reading Your Ever Well-Wisher and is really loving them. He, his sister and her boy friend have all become vegetarian and started to offer food, chant a little, read the books and listen to Devamrita Swami's lectures. They really love the lectures and are looking forward to Devamrita Swami's next visit here in Auckland. Aaron is quitting his job at a karmi restaurant where he told his Christian boss "I want to practice Krsna Consciousness which will involve some life style changes." I have also heard him say that he told his Christian father, "I want to become a monk." So I am not so sure how much his parents like me over there with Hriman converting their children. He has come to the Loft and really enjoys the talks and likes it when Hriman and I go visit him in Warkworth (45 minutes north of Auckland) and cook a feast and have Kirtana. He will be moving out of home into a flat with his sister and her boy friend and they are excited to start practicing Krsna Consciousness more then. He recently asked me for 5 or 6 books to give for Christmas presents. Outreach is quite exciting.Your servant, Damodara Krsna das
Book Distribution News: Bhaktas in New Zealand
Hare Krishna Prabhus,Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!A few bhaktas are coming along in Auckland, New Zealand. When new people come, I find that it inspires me.First, there is a South Indian young man named Karthik. I met him on Queen Street some months back, and he got a Perfect Escape and an invite to the Loft. I didn't see him again for awhile. Then one night when Devamrita Swami gave a talk at the Loft, I sat down to take prasadam and happened to sit next to him. He is sweet and pure-hearted by nature, and as Srila Prabhupada said, "With Indians, Krsna Consciousness is just beneath the surface; one only need to scratch to find it." So I started scratching, and sure enough!He was already chanting two rounds. I invited him to Janmastami, and he chanted something like 57 rounds that day. On that day I told him the importance of chanting 16 rounds, and since then he has done that and started to increase. A month or so later he told me that he was chanting 17 rounds, and now he is up to 25 rounds a day. He is ecstatic in kirtana. He dances and chants with great relish. He also got a Tamil Krsna book and Bhagavad Gita and is reading them.I have mentioned to him the importance of taking initiation, and he has expressed his enthusiasm and wants to be chanting 32 rounds before then.He recently told me this: "Really, I feel this initiation is the strong foundation for my spiritual progress. In India, my monthly salary is a hundred dollars, not weekly salary, so just imagine how poor we are. Actually I am spending this much money from my loan amount, given by an Indian bank (this was in regards to a retreat fee of $420). Why am I doing this? Really this is a turning point in my life. My family members are happy for me to do this. Really I cannot save this much amount quickly. Anyway I don't have any problem spending this money to get the blessings of Krsna. Now my mother is chanting five rounds per day. Before she did not know anything about this. Now I have some knowledge, so I can lead my family through what I know. I just want to share this with you Prabhu."He is coming to the end-of-the-year retreat that we have here in New Zealand Otaki over the Christmas and New Year period and is very eager to meet Devamrita Swami.Second, there is a friend of mine from my school days named Aaron. He was at a talk on The Pressures of Conformity by Devamrita Swami and was also at one of his Sunday talks. He has been showing interest in Krsna Consciousness for a good few months now, slowly growing in inquisitiveness and enthusiasm. Hriman Krsna Prabhu first met him years ago, before I met the devotees. He got a Bhagavad Gita then, and it was Aaron who first showed me Bhagavad Gita and that is when I said "I want to read this book one day."He has since then observed me getting into Krsna Consciousness and has now become more open to what it is about. He has got several books off me this year like Searching for Vedic India, Your Ever Well-Wisher, Perfect Escape, Srimad Bhagavatam 1.1, Higher Taste and Great Vegetarian Dishes. He has finished both of Devamrita Swami's books and reading Your Ever Well-Wisher and is really loving them. He, his sister and her boy friend have all become vegetarian and started to offer food, chant a little, read the books and listen to Devamrita Swami's lectures. They really love the lectures and are looking forward to Devamrita Swami's next visit here in Auckland. Aaron is quitting his job at a karmi restaurant where he told his Christian boss "I want to practice Krsna Consciousness which will involve some life style changes." I have also heard him say that he told his Christian father, "I want to become a monk." So I am not so sure how much his parents like me over there with Hriman converting their children. He has come to the Loft and really enjoys the talks and likes it when Hriman and I go visit him in Warkworth (45 minutes north of Auckland) and cook a feast and have Kirtana. He will be moving out of home into a flat with his sister and her boy friend and they are excited to start practicing Krsna Consciousness more then. He recently asked me for 5 or 6 books to give for Christmas presents. Outreach is quite exciting.Your servant, Damodara Krsna das
Krishna-kripa das, Mayapura: Travel Journal#6.19: New York and Philadelphia Harinamas
Diary of a Traveling Sadhaka, Vol. 6, No.19
By Krishna-kripa das
(October 2010, part one)
New York, Philadelphia, Albany, Gainesville
(Sent from Tallahassee, Florida, on November 27, 2010)Where I Went and What I DidI started out the beginning of October doing a couple of holy name events, the twelve-hour kirtana in Manhattan and harinama at Tompkins Square Park, which I described previously at:I did few more harinamas in Manhattan, and then a few in Philadelphia, including one by invitation of the Mt. Airy Democratic Party office. On the way back to Albany to visit my relative, my niece and I checked out some nice prasadam venues in Manhattan.I share insights from Srila Prabhupada, Dhanurdhara Swami, Sacinandana Swami, Candrasekhara Prabhu, Mother Laksmimani, Mother Nanda, Sesa Prabhu, Vallabha Sena Prabhu, Mother Ali Krishna, Doyal Gauranga Prabhu, Gauranga Kisora Prabhu, Nanda Kumar Prabhu, Sanatana Goswami Prabhu, Yajna Purusa Prabhu, and myself.My ItineraryTallahassee, FL:Nov. 27-Dec. 11
Gainesville, FL: Dec. 12-16
Philadelphia, PA: Dec. 18-19 (tentative)
Boston, MA: Dec. 20-22 (tentative)
Tallahassee, FL:Jan. 5-9
Gainesville, FL: Jan. 9-Feb. 4
Tallahassee, FL:Feb. 4-Feb. 10
Gainesville, FL: Feb. 11-16
Ocala Rainbow: Feb. 13Harinamas in ManhattanI was very happy to meet one devotee, Bhakta Dan, who was willing to go out each day on harinama. On the rainy days we did inside the subway stations. About twenty people or so appreciated our presentation enough to give a donation, and we gave them books accordingly. According to Bhakta Dan, that was less than usual, sometimes they had collected as much as eighty. Bhaktin Michaelle was also enthusiastic about harinama and came whenever she was not otherwise engaged. During good weather, we chanted at Union Square. Once Candrasekhara Prabhu came with us and had a nice encounter which he later described:“On harinama at Union Square yesterday, one man came up to me and said, ‘Whenever I hear the sound your drum I become intoxicated!’ He explained his mother used to bring him to the market when he was a kid, and the devotees would be chanting there. He loved the chanting and wanted to become a devotee. I embraced him, and he was very happy. He also said other nice things.”Harinamas in PhiladelphiaThe day I arrived in Philadelphia, Bhagavatananda Prabhu and I went out on harinama in Chestnut Hill, nearby our temple, but the place was completely dead. As we walked toward the temple, we found one place to stay and chant for some time. One middle-aged lady, stopped her car, and told us she was going to a party of the opening of the Democratic Party office in Mt. Airy, and she invited us to sing at the event. It was not clear to us where it was, so we asked if she could give us a ride, as it would bring us closer to the temple. We checked out the place, but the party was not till later in the day, so we decided to sit on the steps of the Mt. Airy Presbyterian Church, and chant until Bhagavatananda Prabhu had to leave to wake the deities in the afternoon. We chanted for a while when a lady come out, curious about what we were doing. She said someone heard us playing a drum, and so she came out to see. She introduced herself as the pastor of the church, and I was worried we were going to get in trouble, but she was happy we were there. Bhagavatananda Prabhu talked to an older man, who had some previous connection with the Hare Krishnas. The man told how he resided at 55th St. for a couple of months, and I think around that time Srila Prabhupada departed, so he was there to hear the news . . . then he shared some reflections about how it all impacted upon him. Later, after Bhagavatananda Prabhu’s evening deity service, we came out to chant at the Democratic Party office, but much of the party was over. Still we distributed all maha-prasadam sweets I had brought, and some of the other prasadam. We chanted about half an hour in front of the office, and one videographer took some footage of us. I invited her to the temple. We learned from the Democrats that U.S. President Obama was coming to Philadelphia that Sunday and found out what was required to attend the event, hoping to do harinama there.Prasadam in ManhattanI decided to introduce my eighteen-year-old niece, Fern, a lifelong vegetarian, to prasadam in New York. We went to the Doughnut Plant, an incredibly popular doughnut shop at 379 Grand St. in the Lower East Side. Only half customers in the queue to purchase doughnuts could fit in the shop, the others extending onto the sidewalk. I counted 33 people in the line, about a half hour’s wait, when we visited, just before noon on a Saturday. I got the peanut butter and jelly doughnuts which those next to us in the line said the Doughnut Plant is famous for and got glazed chocolate for Gwen and her husband, Matt, two other relatives. Then we went to the Bhakti Café at 25 1st Avenue on the first floor of the Bhakti Center. There Fern, Gwen, Matt, and I all liked what we ordered. Fern said they had the best pesto she ever had encountered in a restaurant. I could not resist getting a side order of vegan Canadian bacon, and was surprised it tasted like the real thing, or at least as far I could remember after forty years. On the whole, it was a nice experience introducing my relatives to prasadam venues near them.Insight from Lectures
Srila Prabhupada:If one’s father is a high court judge does that mean his son will automatically become a high court judge? No sane man will accept this idea. This idea that one’s social position is determined by birth has crippled Vedic civilization. It is clearly said in Bhagavad-gita, guna-karma-vibhagasah, society is divided by qualities and work.In the beginning, Maya will test you to see how much you are serious to serve Krishna and not disturb Krishna. It we are very steady in our practice, we will succeed.One who knows Krishna is the center of all activities, not just theoretically, but practically, is a paramahamsa.We do not have a very strong desire to go back to Godhead. We are very stubborn. We do not wish.No kind of material prosperity will satisfy the soul.It is the duty of every Krishna devotee to enlighten everyone in human society with Krishna consciousness.Although the living entity is the son of the most opulent Supreme Lord, he has created this bread problem. Even if he goes to the church, he prays for bread. If we know our father is the richest man, we have no economic problem. Krishna is purnam, complete. His stock is never depleted. You simply become sincere servant of Krishna, and there will be no want.In the spiritual world, the gopis are dancing with Krishna. There is no limit to the sense gratification there, but it is not the same as this third-class happiness of the material world.The Bhagavata saptaha (seven-day recitation) is a concotion. The scripture says nityam bhagavata sevaya—one should always hear the Bhagavatam.Dhanurdhara Swami:The tracks of the train of bhakti are association of devotees. Bhakti is independent of other paths, but the other paths are dependent on bhakti.The tracks of the train of jnana are vairagya.When Srila Prabhupada noticed some of his disciples were getting married, he decided that to create rural communities for them would be the best way to keep them focused on devotional service.Srila Prabhupada described this age surcharged with opposition to spiritual life.Some people tend to think that material enjoyment will make them happy. Others tend to realize no amount of material enjoyment will make them happy.When people ask me if there is one thing they can do to improve their spiritual life, I tell them that is sadhu-sanga, association with devotees.Good association means three things: (1) one who is more advanced spiritually, (2) likeminded (svajatiya, with one in the same spiritual family), and (3) sneha (relationship of affection).There are two kinds of samkaras, impressions in the mind, klista and aklista. [torturous and nontorturous].Hridayananda Goswami describes austerity as “Despite the irrational impulses of our mind and senses, we keep ourselves steady in our service.”By jnana or vairagya you cannot avoid the allurement of sex desire, but by bhakti, it is possible. We have the strong objective, the goal of love of Godhead, which keeps our attention fixed. Even in the beginning, we have sraddha, which is the appreciation of the goal of love of God, and that just grows as our practice progresses.One who has faith in love of God and can communicate that faith to others, can really save one’s spiritual life.Q: When is tapasya [austerity] good? Sometimes it is said to be good, and other times it is said to be bad.A: When the austerity comes naturally in the course of performing devotional service, to accept it is good.We are promoting love of Godhead, so we have to have people who are attaining it.I know one person who did many different austerities for personal purification during the month of Karttika over the course of many years. Once he asked me to suggest a new austerity, and I said, “Why don’t you preach?” He took it to heart, and for a Karttika vow went into Sarajevo during the war, when people in general were trying to leave, and assisted the devotees who were doing food relief and other outreach programs in such a perilous circumstance, just to get the mercy.Sacinandana Swami:Fifteen years ago I made an unexpected and amazing discovery. I went to the Himalayas with the desire to get free of all kinds of unwanted things, including getting disturbed with relationships. I was with a Swiss surgeon, an Italian free thinker, and a Indian organizer. We nearly lost the Swiss surgeon who fell in an abyss, and was caught by a yogi using his mystic power. I prayed to the Ganga that the members of my group lose there disagreements. Soon after that I got a real sense of my eternality and the spiritual reality by the grace of Ganga Devi and that never left me.I have seen people in New York walking around and talking to themselves, and I think it is because the pace is so fast they have difficulty processing it all.The Chandogya Upanisad describes the body as town which has nine gates. The most valuable building in the town of the body is the heart. In the heart is a room that houses the individual soul and God, and one who finds this room is never again disturbed by that which is temporary. Whatever one desires in this room comes to pass. Everyone has an unconscious experience of this when they have a dreamless sleep, but because they are not conscious of God they do not remember it.Kierkagaard writes that living entity is attached to living in the basement and becomes indignant if invited to move the vacant space on an upper floor that is waiting for him.Every human being needs to find this inner space.In Puri, when the Lord had not yet appeared for Ratha-yatra some time after He was scheduled, I asked some official when the Lord would come out. I was given the answer “when He wants.” I felt a little embarrassed about my lack of faith. I entered my inner space and prayed for the Lord to be visible to me, and just then I heard the banging of gongs, and the doors flew open and Lord Jagannatha appeared.How to find this inner space? By whole-hearted prayer. By chanting. By association of the enlightened and their blessings. By finding a suitable inner and outer environment.We have learn to yearn for a direction in our inside life. We have to aspire for a relationship with Krishna above other things.In modern times people lose themselves in external world, going out of their body, out of their heart, and out of their sacred space.Each day, for many years, I have prayed, “I am an eternal soul. I live in the house of the heart. With me lives the Lord. I want to serve You, O Lord, and serve others. I am praying that You lift me up from the ocean of birth and death.” As a result, I find my desires are being fulfilled without any self-help literature or therapists.Kirtana is a way of losing your false self and finding your real self, losing your false voice and finding your real voice.In a holy place, the outer place can enter you and help manifest your inner space.Always ask the question, “How do I ask the sacred space today?” Then you find roads will open up. Krishna, who is in that sacred space, will whisper to you, “Go in this direction.”Like no one can eat or breathe for you, similarly no one can find your sacred space for you.Krishna blessed Brahma that his four heads could manifest as four hills surrounding Varshana so he would be blessed by the dust from the feet of His beloved Radharani and thus become empowered to create the universe.Radha claimed that only because Krishna had stolen the gopis butter did he have the strength to lift Govardhan Hill.The ungrateful disciple who tries to steal spiritual secrets from his guru is compared to a monkey, who is never satisfied.Candrasekara Prabhu [of the prison ministry]:I did traffic lights. I hated lights. We would collect donations and give whoever gave something a book. On Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati’s appearance day, I told the people, “Today is Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati’s appearance day, and we are asking everyone to pitch in.” It was my biggest day. I did over $300.Mother Laksmimani:By listening to the qualities of great souls in Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Srimad-Bhagavatam we learn to discriminate right from wrong.Lord Rama was given Indra’s chariot along with Matali, Indra’s chariot driver. He began to instruct Matali how to drive the chariot. Then he considered, actually this is Indra’s driver, how can I instruct him.Children are blank slate and what you write is what you see. So children should hear about the pastimes of the Lord, and in a very detailed way. Not Lord Rama’s pastimes one day, Cinderella, the next day, and the Wizard the Oz the day after.There was one devotee in this community, Raghunatha, who already carried around a deity of Hanuman and talked about Rama-lila. His parents encouraged him. Now he dresses the Deities and teaches in our schools.We should remember the essential truths of the holy days not just get involved in the details of the festival.Formerly in communities every evening there would be talk of the Lord and His pastimes.We see in the Lord’s pastimes that His devotees took their duties and their services seriously.Q: How can we encourage children but avoid forcing them?A: If you have a good community of likeminded people that practice what they speak, that is the best situation for children.Comment [by Premananda Gaura Prabhu]: When my children were young, I asked Kalakantha Prabhu how to teach my children that this material world is miserable but that Krishna consciousness is wonderful. He replied, “Children do not hear what we say, they see what we do.” So I tried to follow that. [His children, now in their twenties, are really into kirtana, Kishora being one of the Mayapuris.]Mother Nanda:Rasayana has an Ayurvedic meaning–herbs mixed with honey and ghee as a preservative. Similarly bhakti preserves progressive spiritual qualities.It is Dhruva’s amazing quality that despite his great anger, he immediately stopped killing the Yaksas upon hearing from Manu.When we start devotional service, we may not be free material desires. That is why the story of Dhruva is so encouraging. In the beginning his motivation was completely material, but because he strictly followed Narada Muni’s instruction, he attained the state of pure devotional service.Lord Caitanya’s whole life was the perfection of manifesting the eagerness to chant and hear about the Lord.If we are alive in devotional service, we will inherit a place in the kingdom of God, just a son inherits his father’s property if he simply remains alive.Sesa Prabhu:As a king, it not that Prthu personally did the puja [worship], but he arranged for it, and thus is considered the example of attaining perfection by arcana [worship].What Krishna is saying in Bg. 7.14, is that we have a relationship with Him, and for conditioned souls, it is through His material energy. Maya does not mean we have no relationship with Krishna, but rather that we have an inferior relationship with Krishna.As we surrender to Krishna, by accepting our relationship with him, we become free from the material energy.In yogamaya whatever we do for Krishna becomes greatly magnified. If we take one step toward Krishna, He takes ten steps toward us.Krishna is always reciprocating with us, even if we do not want to reciprocate with Him. He does not change that reciprocal attitude in the face of our indifference.Our difficulty is that we are not serious, not that Krishna is not reciprocal.Surrender means accepting what Krishna gives you, when He gives it to you.In the Damodara lila, Krishna did not want to be bound because He had his own desire to play (sankalpa-sakti). But Mother Yasoda wanted to teach Him a lesson so He would not longer misbehave. Krishna appreciated His mother’s pure maternal love, thus He became merciful and allowed Yasoda to tie Him. Thus, it is can be analyzed that His kripa-sakti defeated His sankalpa-sakti.Vallabha Sena Prabhu [on Jagannatha Ratha-yatra]:From Pankajangrhi Prabhu’s description of the history of Lord Jagannatha:The Lord explained that He assumed the form of Lord Jagannatha to confirm the statement of the Vedas, “Without legs I move, and without hands I accept the offerings of My devotees.”The explanation the forms of Jagannatha, Baladeva, and Subhadra, as manifestations of ecstatic transformations of love of God, is described by Lord Caitanya in a book by Sikhi Mahiti.Utkala-khanda of Skanda Purana describes the whole pastime of Lord Jagannatha.The Ratha-yatra began during the reign of the second Manu, and it will continue under the end of Lord Brahma’s life.Mother Ali Krishna:The essence of the Bhagavad-gita, or pure devotional service, is described in the middle six chapters. The essence of the middle six chapters is chapter nine, and the essence of chapter nine is its final verse, thirty-four, “Engage your mind always in thinking of Me, become My devotee, offer obeisances to Me and worship Me. Being completely absorbed in Me, surely you will come to Me.”Doyal Gauranga Prabhu:Srila Prabhupada was successful because he prayed to Rupa Goswami and the other acharyas [previous spiritual teachers] for their mercy, and we can learn from him how to become empowered.“If the spiritual master is displeased by our actions, they are not spiritual.” (Cc. Antya 14, purport)Srila Prabhupada said that love is attention to details.I was very late for the raja bhoga offering for many days and one devotee finally said to me, “How do you know that Krishna accepted your offering? You could be serving bhoga to all devotees!”If we decorate the deity so people will praise us for our decorating abilities, then we are not actually decorating the deity but decorating our false ego!All people can offer their hearts to the Lord for no one is better than anyone else in His eyes.Gauranga Kisora Prabhu:It was commonly understood in the Vedic culture that human existence is simply meant to reconnect with the Divine.Tolstoy had the idea that we have thousands of lives until we attain our eternal life with God.Everyone cannot live at the same standard of living found in America, which is based on the idea that possessions will make up happy. There are just not enough resources.Nanda Kumar Prabhu:Main arguments of Arjuna for not fighting:1) it is sinful to kill relatives2) the men will die, their wives will be unprotected, and unwanted children will be produced.3) Offerings to the forefathers will not be done.Comparing Lord Krishna’s strategy to Lord Caitanya’s strategy, it is as if Krishna is inviting people to come to Krishna Lunch while Lord Caitanya is giving them a plate of prasadam.Sanatana Goswami Prabhu [on Facebook]:“Srila BhaktivinodeThakur states the effects of different types of preachers. Prema-bhakta can uplift anyone to prema; bhava-bhakta lifts devotee to bhava and nondevotee to ruci; sadhana-bhakta can bring faith to faithless. All just by association, therefore it behooves us to ensure we are both boiling the milk and distributing it.”Yajna Purusa Prabhu:At a japa retreat when I was chanting 64 rounds, one devotee was wearing a T-shirt with a picture of Krishna that really captivated my mind. Sacinandana Swami had been talking about chanting in relationship with Krishna, and I chanted the second, third, and fourth sets of sixteen rounds while looking at that picture, and it was the best 64 rounds I ever chanted.The beauty of Krishna and the sound of Krishna can captivate us so we will not be bewildered by the beauty and sounds of this material world.Krishna-kripa das:Bg. 15.7: All beings are part of Krishna.Because we are part of Krishna, when we please Krishna, we are automatically pleased.“Yatha taror mula…” (Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.31.14): Just as watering the root of the tree nourishes the whole tree and putting food in the body nourishes all the senses, by worshiping the Lord we satisfy all living beings including ourselves.Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.22 confirms this: Since time immemorial sage have been doing devotional service because it is satisfying to the self.We must understand only pure devotional service can ever satisfy the soul:“The supreme occupation [dharma] for all humanity is that by which men can attain to loving devotional service unto the transcendent Lord. Such devotional service must be unmotivated and uninterrupted to completely satisfy the self.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.6)Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami appreciated this lila of Vyasadeva not being satisfied until he directly glorified Lord Krishna and so was inspired, as an author, to write 140 books about Krishna.We may have a similar problem as Vyasa if we avoid glorifying Krishna in the course of our attempting devotional service.From a class on Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.22.16:1) Kardama Muni wanted to marry according to scripture
a. scripture is a manual for the material world
b. scripture is meant for human beings, one who doesn’t follow is animal
c. SP says in Bg. 16, one may believe in God, but if he ignores scripture he is demoniac.
d. Bg. 16.23: “He who discards scriptural injunctions and acts according to his own whims attains neither perfection, nor happiness, nor the supreme destination.”2) Need for marriage.
a. There in all scriptures.
b. Animal propensities: eating, sleeping, mating, and defense must be regulated so as not to impede self-realization. Illicit sex increases bodily identification.
c. Wedding ceremony helps the couple take seriously the vows.
d. So good children are produced there is marriage which makes for:
i. a stable family
ii. good role models
iii. mothers having time for children
e. as in other ashrams based on duty3) Dowry
a. consists of
b. because daughters do not inherit4) Raksasa marriage is not an option.
a. Not recommended in this age, we have to take scriptures in the right way.5) Varnasrama duties regulate human society to save time and to create a peaceful mind for self-realization.-----ato vai kavayo nityaḿ
bhaktiḿ paramayā mudā
vāsudeve bhagavati
kurvanty ātma-prasādanīm“Certainly, therefore, since time immemorial, all transcendentalists have been rendering devotional service to Lord Krishna, the Personality of Godhead, with great delight, because such devotional service is enlivening to the self.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.22)
Caitanya Mangala, CA, USA: Festival of the Holy Name: And The Beat Goes On…
Festival of the Holy NameJoin in the festival encore! One more day of Bhajans & Kirtans…Sunday, November 28th 2010 (EST USA):2:00 pm to 4:15 pm Bhajans in the Alachua ISKCON Temple.4:15 pm Maha Kirtan with all the KirtaniyasFollowed by:Discussion on the Holy NameDance performance by the Bhaktikalayayam Dance TroupeSunday FeastMore rocking Bhajans till 9 pmTo view the live video feed, click on the following link: Alachua Temple Live (Courtesy of
H.H. Sivarama Swami: If you are not empowered like Prahlada Maharaja, don’t drink poison offered to the Lord
Japa Group: Japa Poem
First you learn of your
relationship with Krishna,
that you are the eternal servant.
From the theoretical stage you
take up eternal service, in the
chanting of the maha-mantra.
When it is done with attention
and devotion, only then you
reach the goal, reciprocation
in love of God.
Under the guru’s order
you pass through these stages,
otherwise you remain
stuck in the prison house
of the material nature
unaware who you are
and who is Krishna.
From Viraha Bhavan #144
Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: It feels like you are getting when you are giving the Higher Taste!
Friends of Indresh and Kishori, a nice young family with kids came over for dinner. Kishori prepared a nice Italian dinner complete with Lasagna, pasta, coleslaw, stuffed potatoes and cheesecake. I have interacted with the family many times at grandkid's birthday parties, etc. but the challenge was that although somewhat religiously inclined the husband was eating meat and on occasion feeding it to the kids. So although not an ambush or intervention, we figured we would do some soft preaching.
So after a nice dinner and chit chat, the topic turned to our "lifestyle" and how the kids and grandkids are well adjusted and what "adding Krishna" brings. A favorite line is "a family that prays together, stays together".
In the 70's and 80's the "clobber them" approach was the norm but now it is more have them get a taste and Krishna will make it grow. Anyhow, by the end of the night to the delight of all not only did they committ to giving up eating meat but also chanting at least one round a day as part of their current yoga routine. As I said, just "add Krishna".
We took them to in front of the Deities and gave them japa beads and bags, offered to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar. Showed them how to chant and we all chanted together.
Kishori (my daughter in law) gave them a Higher Taste book for great recipes that give them some of the "variety" they are seeking.
And the whole experience is as rewarding to us as it is to the reciever. In an earlier blog post I talked about how Srila Prabhupada's gift is unique that it keeps giving and giving and the more you give it, the more it grows. Perhaps one day this family will introduce this new "yoga" to their circle of family and friends and that is what we call "paying it forward"
Jaya Srila Prabhupada!
Hare Krishna!
Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Devotees gone Wild!
Today, there are not many words needed. Just check out this video with Visnujana Swami doing kirtan and around the 3:30 mark devotees go wild when Srila Prabhupada starts chanting!!! Jaya Gurudev Srila Prabhupada!
Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: Memories of Srila Prabhupada
Ghosh Prabhu! PAMHO AGTSP!Ecstatic pic from PIT airport. I did not get the gurus until you pointed them out. You are definitely right about Varsana M.You have done a valuable service, Prabhu.Are you sure that wasn’t August 1972? I don’t recall SP going to Pittsburgh more than once. I was there in 1972. We came from Boston w Suhotra Brahmacari. This was after the Buffalo Rathayatra. Somehow we missed the Syria Mosque performance. Then on to NV for Janmastami. How am I doin’? (Gosh’s note: Sp came to NV in 1969, 72, 74, and 76, the pic is from 1974, but so happy to hear about 1972 visit).The Pittsburgh temple had just moved into a really high end neighborhood that managed shortly thereafter to get the devotees and deities expelled.I got to carry Prabhupada’s trunks from the tarmac to the trunk of a vehicle as I recall. K Swami ordered everyone to wait in a press room of some kind, but I decided I’d sneak down to the gate. As I was hustling down there, I felt a tap on my shoulder. The brahmacari pointed me back to see KS hustling toward the gate. He gave me a glare and a thumb, and – properly disciplined – I joined everyone else.I remember also that Prabhupada spoke for a while, then devotees brought in a scooped out watermelon. Prabhupada took one morsel and popped it into his mouth, got up and left. It was just like the sun went down. It was incredible. Just like a child’s long day playing in the sun. Then the sun just went down. Everyone was affected the same way, I think. There was just like a long exhalation and sigh, and everyone took a breath. THEN – Prabhupada prasadam!!! Renewed – all the devotees converged on that watermelon. As I recall, I got a grape and a slice of coconut.I had a similar experience as yours the first time I saw Prabhupada. That was at NY airport. I don’t remember which one. He was smaller than I thought, and he was super-effulgent. Also, he seemed to float. Because of the glowing and floating, I cheated on obeisances and lifted me head sideways to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. He did, and I wasn’t.Somehow, we are attached – at least a little bit to Srila Prabhupada and each other. Please bless me that I may have the association of devotees life after life. I’d like to get your association again, also, before the end of this life. I guess, though, I’ll have to come to New Vrindaban. All glories to Sri Sri Radha-Vrindaban Chandra! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!ysKardama Muni Dasa
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: KuliMela 2006 - Ghost Brothers - Chill - 12/14 Srila Prabhupada and 24-Hour Kirtana
By Giriraj Swami
I just participated in the 24-hour kirtana with Madhava, Bada Haridasa, and other devotees in Alachua, on Krishna. com. It was one of the most powerful kirtana experiences I have ever had, even from afar.
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Kirtan on Sunday the 28th with whoever is left from the marathon in Krsna Valley
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 146
3:44 A.M.
Excerpts from Sri Harinama Cintamani spoken by Haridasa Thakura to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and written by Bhaktivinoda Thakura.Excerpt #15: Namabhasa’s four attitudes. “The four attitudes in namabhasa chanting are sanketa (unintentionally), parihasa (in jest or ridicule), stobha (derisively) and hela (with disregard and neglect). Sanketa is of two kinds: 1) when one, although intending to chant Lord Vishnu’s name, has a material conception of it and 2) when one has something entirely different than the Lord or His name on his mind but chants the holy names, somehow or other reminded of that transcendental sound. The Yavanas eat cows, yet in spite of this they can attain liberation by uttering haram, an ordinary word in their language (Urdu), where Lord Krishna’s name is automatically chanted. The power of the holy name is never diminished, even if chanted in sanketa-namabhasa.Chanting in jest, parihasa, like Jarasanda did, gets one liberated, as does chanting derisively (stobha) like Sisupala. Even chanting inattentively and with disregard in chanting results in deliverance from the pangs of material existence. Namabhasa chanting can purify anyone. People of low upbringing like the mlecchas, gross materialists and lazy persons can all avail of this opportunity to attain liberation.”Here the four kinds of namabhasa, or chanting in the clearing stage, are mentioned. They are chanting unintentionally, chanting in jest, chanting derisively and chanting with disregard and neglect. Chanting in jest and chanting derisively brings liberation. The chanting is so powerful that even chanting with these negative emotions allows one to chant in the higher stages. Beyond these neglectful forms of chanting is the chanting known as sraddha-namabhasa and hela-namabhasa. “Faithful chanting that is still afflicted by anarthas is known as sraddhanama, as You Yourself have explained, my Lord. The element of real sraddha (faith) is absent in the four attitudes of namabhasa chanting, and sanketa chanting is tinged with neglect. Nevertheless, even hela-namabhasa (chanting with neglect) gives one liberation, what to speak of faithful chanting. Chanting with faith establishes one on the platform of sambandha-jnana, which results in rati, or attraction for the holy name. Sraddhanama clears away anarthas very easily and quickly.” So here the distinction is made between chanting with neglect and chanting with faith. The four attitudes mentioned earlier in this excerpt did not have the element of real sraddha. But when sraddha enters, it becomes sraddha-namabhasa, or chanting with faith. This is superior chanting and even if it still has some fault, it is vastly superior and leads one to chanting with rati, or attraction for the holy name. Sraddha-nama is near perfection and clears away anarthas very easily and quickly.I woke with the alarm at 1:30 A.M. and took some time brushing my teeth, washing my mouth, etc. I didn’t get a fast start because of some leftover sleepiness and lethargy.One has to eventually stick up for oneself and one’s faithful chanting and not chant in the association of faithless persons. I chanted slowly and lazily and could not break out of it. Nevertheless, I was aware of the importance of the yajna and tried to avoid the four anarthas in namabhasa as mentioned in Harinama Cintamani.There are four kinds of chanting
with negligent states like derisively,
chanting in jest and so on. The
chanting is so powerful that one
can gain even liberation while
chanting with such anarthas. If
eventually chanting with faith
develops, even though negligent
chanting continues, the anarthas disappear and one can chant with
the four states of neglect and still
make progress. These are the lowest
attitudes but even in that stage
the anarthas flee when there’s faith.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Prabhupada Meditations
I will begin with a memory that shows how being apart from Srila Prabhupada and yet thinking of him is natural to me. This occurred just before the time Srila Prabhupada went back to India in 1967, when he was very ill. Young Brahmananda and Gargamuni (the two brothers whom Srila Prabhupada once described as “just like two puppies”) were with Prabhupada in his room in the 26 2nd Avenue apartment. I was in the other room by myself looking out the window. Brahmananda and Gargamuni was speaking in a loving way with Srila Prabhupada. I heard them say “Swamiji, your skin is so smooth. It is just like a tiny baby’s skin. But I was thinking “this is my place, to be apart from Swamiji.” I felt that my service to him was in the other room, rather than being there, although I wanted to be there with him. At least at that moment I appreciated even more serving him in another place and thinking about him. Probably this was intensified by the occasion, which was that we were being forced to being without Prabhupada’s personal presence. And so I thought, “This is how I’m meant to serve.”One also recalls Tripurari staying at the airports to distribute books even when Srila Prabhupada arrived in Los Angeles:“We had kirtana all the way down the stairs and when we got outside, all the devotees were going back to the temple. Then I thought, what business do I have going back to the temple and chanting with all the devotees? My business is to stay out and distribute the books. This is my service.”
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: In Your Mind
I struggle through each morning to reach
the poem, Krishna gives me a hand
and I step up the embankment.
We are mountain climbers in our ways.He is an athlete, and I will make it because
He gives me a hand. I wish to
praise Him like the Nagapatnis
praised Him. But their prayers
were rather technical. You prefer the
personal prayer of the Surabhi cow
when she said to Krishna,
”You are our Indra.”
That personal touch.When the cowherd boys talk
with Krishna or when He is with
Lord Caitanya and Nityananda, They
cry out “Hari!” and They roar
and dance. They’re overwhelmed.
It will take a Vedavyasa of
the future to fully explain what They
meant.Those devotees in Caitanya Bhagavat
are the most wild and almost incoherent.
He keeps telling us
he can never repeat
what they are saying.
It’s beyond our
ordinary speech. They love each
other and pour tears from their eyes.
They dance and
finally get exhausted
and have to rest.Dancing in the river
they are in love with
Lord Caitanya,
the fortunate ones.
The unfortunate do not
know who He is.I was a part of that.
I sang on Thanksgiving,
a slow ballad kirtana,
and he played the harmonium
and the others joined in
I was leading a kirtana!2.
This morning you will have
some bitter poems because
you have read your poems in
the video, and you are afraid something
technical may go wrong with the computer.
Read of Prabhupada’s activities and answer
questions. You are a performing
artist just like a theater
performer. The minutes go
by and give you some confidence
but you go on ahead, wrinkled kurta,
happy heart. Oh, I just hope
the machine doesn’t
malfunction! Hundreds of people
watch at once when it’s posted.
Won’t that be
nice? “You’re popular”
He read his poem about the
founder-acarya starting the construction
of the temple in Mayapur,
the planetarium.I’ll not be much mainstream to go
there and sing and take part
in the rituals and sit two hours
for someone’s lecture. Get a
hold of yourself and be patient.The music is rising, the singers
are singing. You are one of them.
This may be your last
decade, don’t make a
shame of yourself by dropping
out of the mainstream.
Swim in the Ganges.
Do it in your mind at least.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Free Write
I turned at random to Canto 3, chapter 25, text 25. “In the association of pure devotees, discussion of the pastimes of the activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is very pleasing and satisfying to the ear and the heart. By cultivating such knowledge one gradually becomes advance on the path of liberation and thereafter is freed, and his attraction becomes fixed. Then real devotion and devotional service begin.” One must seek the association of persons who are engaged in devotional service. Without their association one can’t make any advancement. Simply by theoretical knowledge one can’t advance. One must give up the association of materialistic persons and seek the association of devotees or else he can’t understand the activities of the Lord. Non-devotees cannot appreciate Krishna consciousness by reading Srimad-Bhagavatam wherein the activities of the Lord are described. They think such activities are manufactured fictional stories, because spiritual life is not explained in the right mood. A person who associates with devotees and takes up devotional service gradually becomes perfect.I did the video/audio poetry reading from Let There Be a Temple. Breathing is Seattle. Saturday football games. Auburn beat Alabama yesterday 28-27. Alabama was leading 24-0. A big comeback from undefeated Auburn. The football has a strange shape and so has the hockey puck. Baladeva has taken the Virgin Mary from Mexico down to his office desk. Krishna and Radha are due another cleaning and clothes change. A 38 pistol is not in danger of going off in your head. Krishna doesn’t use handguns. He uses the sudarsana-cakra. Also He uses the brahmastra which is like a nuclear weapon which can be recalled by an expert. It works by His inconceivable energy. Everything in this world is easy to use if you know the user’s manual. Ask him to make kacauris. Prabhupada was called kacauri-mukhi. He kept them in his pockets when he was a boy. Do you have a good appetite? Not so great. But I will eat out of duty and some inclination. “They put the handcuffs on his wrists behind his back? You don’t put the handcuffs on his ankles?” she told the rookie psychiatrist.Day’s end scribble:We walked in splashing snow shower. It splashed on our faces and jackets. I led out a great sigh of fatigue from walking in the wind. Advaita Acarya invited Lord Caitanya and some sannyasis to come to His house for lunch. But a rainstorm hit and the sannyasis turned back. Only Lord Caitanya arrived with no associates. Advaita Acarya was delighted that He had Lord Caitanya’s company all to himself. Lord Caitanya said to Advaita Acarya, “You have used your power as the Supreme Lord to cause this storm so you would get My association all to yourself.” They engaged in confidential talks. Advaita Acarya cooked varieties of shak and his wife assisted him. He knew that shak was Lord Caitanya’s favourite preparation.
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
A walk and a bow
Toronto, Ontario
My feet brought me to Bloor St. West into the heart of little Korea. Like the rest of the city this enclave is geared up for Christmas distractions in the window displays. I say “distraction” because I am in the ranks of many humbuggers who feel Christmas’ essence is gone. Spirit has been sacrificed for commercialism. The Jesus spirit is still a factor in many people’s lives though and I can very well respect that. Having just come from the holy lands of Jordan river, Jerusalem etc. I feel a stronger affection to him. I believe he did not teach sectarianism.
I spent part of the evening with a reverend who came to visit the temple. Here was a situation of shared spirituality. The reverend was keen to learn some of the techniques of bhakti (devotion), so I showed him the method of chanting on beads, explained the importance of offering one’s food and the value of eating only sattvic food. Upon departing form the temple room he saw me bowing in obeisance which inspired him to do the same.
“Is this the way it’s done?” he asked as he reverentially had all limbs meet the floor. We agreed to meet again after I returned from my next trip which will be to Pennsylvania.
The whole purpose for him was to enrich more what he already had. Admittedly so, I felt all the better too being in the company of a brahmin-type of person.
The day started with a walk and ended with a bow.
6 KM
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Photos from Argentina
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 145
3:43 A.M.
Excerpts from Sri Harinama Cintamani (spoken by Haridasa Thakura to Lord Caitanya and written by Bhaktivinode Thakura):
“Excerpt #14: The Result of Namabhasa“The namabhasa stage is not to be underestimated, for it avails many positive benefits to the jiva and increases his piety. Verily, namabhasa is one of the jiva’s greatest virtues. It offers him more good fortune than religiosity, vows, yoga, sacrifices and so on put together. Now by chanting all his sins are absolved; he is thus liberated from the effects of Kali-yuga. Instead, Kali becomes a well-wishing servitor of the jiva, providing security and equanimity. The miseries inflicted by demons, ghosts, hobgoblins, evil spirits and malefic planetary influences are easily averted. Even if a jiva is destined for the hellish planets, he attains liberation. All his parabdha-karma (sinful reactions of previous lives’ activities that are taking effect now) is counteracted. Namabhasa is greater than the result of studying all the Vedas, of visiting every pilgrimage place or performing every possible altruistic and pious work.“The four goals in the Vedas—religiosity, wealth, sense enjoyment and liberation—are all available from namabhasa chanting. It is endowed with unimaginable power that can reclaim any living entity. It bestows unlimited joy and elevates even the derelicts to a very exalted stage of realization. Namabhasa offers eternal residence in the spiritual abode of Vaikuntha, especially in Kali-yuga; this is stated in the scriptures.”Although namabhasa is not the topmost stage of chanting, its benefits are very great. That is because of the power of harinama. Imperfect chanting brings tremendous results. Namabhasa is sometimes called the clearing stage. It occurs when one avoids the ten offenses and chants under the directions of the spiritual master, obeying the rules and regulations. Devotees in the Hare Krishna movement can attain to namabhasa by diligently practicing. They can surmount the lower stage of namaparadha where they deliberately commit the ten offenses. Even indirect and negligent forms of chanting produce all the good benefits mentioned in this quote. We should be very grateful to Lord Caitanya for putting all His energies in the holy name, so that even namabhasa chanting clears us from the demons and ghosts or inauspicious results of sinful activities. We should be confident that we can chant the namabhasa stage. In a meeting of devotees, Haridasa Thakura proclaimed that namabhasa chanting brought liberation. He was challenged by a smarta-brahmana, who said that if “namabhasa doesn’t bring liberation, I will cut off your nose.” Everyone felt very shocked at this statement and was insulted by the brahmana. The brahmana was fired from his position, and more significantly, he contacted leprosy within a few days. Haridasa Thakura was very sad about the outcome of this statement, and he told the people gathered not to feel bad on his account because the brahmana was simply ignorant. But the story is another evidence and proof that namabhasa does bring even liberation and transference to the abode of Vaikuntha. The only thing namabhasa does not bring is krishna-prema, or love of God, and that will be discussed in future excerpts.Namabhasa is the clearing
stage. It is not the perfection
of chanting but it brings many
benefits. Freedom from
ghosts, malefic planets and
freedom from the karma that
one is suffering from now from
previous sins—all are
attained. One should never
underestimate and say, “Oh, he
has only reached namabhasa”
because to reach it is
auspicious. The darkness of
night and the fear of robbers
is gone, the sunrise has arisen—
he has reached the clearing stage.
Now, if he persists and if he
is an object of Krishna’s mercy,
he can go on to suddha-nama.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: From Prabhupada Meditations, Volume 1
1.2 – State of the Author“Sitting down for breakfast, I noticed a small brown bug lying on his back on the eating table. I thought he was dead. But while eating fresh fruits and yogurt, I saw the tiny legs of the bug moving just a little bit. Without thinking, I at once flicked the bug off the table and sent him crashing to the floor out of sight. I soon regretted my act and thought of what I should have done: chanted Hare Krishna and then carefully removed him and placed him out of the way to die. Although I did not attack a healthy bug in a malicious way, yet what I did was no better.“Since this little incident occurred on the same day that I began my ‘Prabhupada meditation,’ I considered the two endeavors. ‘You’re going to write about the pure devotee of God, Srila Prabhupada,’ I thought, ‘and yet you are so selfish. Even if you write, what are your motives? Just see how you behave when no one is watching. How can such a person write a book about Srila Prabhupada? And if he does write, what good will it be?’ I also thought of the incident reported by Satadhanya, who spared the lives of ants that were crawling on Prabhupada’s desk in Mayapur. Prabhupada commented, ‘Before, you would have killed them, but now you are purified.’”It is not enough to have good theoretical intentions. One has to actually be a sincere and honest practicing devotee. My act of violence contradicted my desire to praise Prabhupada. I should be a Prabhupada follower if I am going to write about him. I should do the things that a disciple of Prabhupada does, and then my writing will be effective. There is a connection between being violent to the bug and trying to write praises of the pure, nonviolent devotee. It is a contradiction. I have to write in a non-hypocritical way in order to be consistent. This has occurred just at the beginning of my Prabhupada meditations, and so I will take it as a warning and try to rectify myself at the very beginning. Write as you actually are, and actually be ideal. Otherwise, what is the difference between you and a mundane author who sometimes writes about ideal states while he commits the four sinful activities? I must behave properly, and then I can write on pure topics and be qualified to describe the pure devotee.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Upset Stomach
Krishna is the most sublime.
He gave me an upset stomach.
You took too much headache medicine
yesterday, and today it’s
affecting your stomach.They are talking on the floor below,
and I can’t concentrate on a poem.
Even if I could concentrate
I can’t turn to Krishna.
The CD doesn’t work.He’s a victim in a big anthill.
He can’t sing nicely
there’s a big frog in his throat.My stomach is upset, I
can’t make a sonnet to my Lord
because my heart is not pure.Don’t be afraid.
Say something like,
“I like Krishna,” I will
eventually fill another book of odes.
He will accept them
because He is bhava-grahi-janardana.Because you love
the Lord, you keep
trying and something comes
out in prayer for Him.He’s the best quarterback
in football. He’s the
king of Vaikuntha.When he was a kitten
he was sweet and gentle
and affectionate, but when
he grew up
he wanted you to get him
good foods, he scratched
you. That’s the trouble
with kittens, they grow
up to be cats.I love Krishna, I don’t like the
pain in my body.
I don’t blame it on Him.
So let’s go our separate ways.
Please save me, remind
me to think of You.Did I try to convince You I
was God? I’m sorry,
I didn’t mean that. I was
just hurting in my
tummy. Take Maalox.
Lie down.
Try not to barf.
Pray to the Lord, He’s your dove
He’s your best friend.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: In the Mill
Free Write
I turned at random to Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 3, Chapter 29, text 17:All the acaryas should be given the highest respect. They shouldn’t be thought of as ordinary men. A devotee should also be compassionate to the poor. This doesn’t refer to those who are poverty-stricken. A man may be very rich materially, but if he is not Krishna conscious, he is considered poor.He should also make friendship with persons who are on an equal level with him or who have the same spiritual understanding as him. For a devotee, there is no benefit in meeting with ordinary persons.A devotee shows compassion to those poor souls who are wanting in spiritual knowledge by enlightening them in order to elevate them to Krishna consciousness. That is one of the duties of a devotee. He should also make friendships with persons who are on an equal level with him or who have the same understanding as he does. For a devotee, there is no point in making friendships with ordinary persons; he should make friendships with other devotees so that by discussing among themselves they may elevate one another to the path of spiritual understanding. This is called ista-gosti.I spent almost all the morning chanting my remaining eight rounds. If you’re going to do Krishna book paraphrase, the next story is the Kaliya serpent. There are two interpretations as to why one kadamba tree was remaining on the bank of the poisoned Yamuna. But the basic reason was so that Krishna would have a tree to leap off and dive into the Yamuna. It was a terrible case of environmental toxicity. They say the great oceans on the earth planet are polluted from waste. Kaliya made it so bad birds couldn’t fly overhead without being poisoned to death. The cowherd boys drank some water and fell unconscious. Krishna revived them and showed His superpowers. He dove into the lake, which was Kaliya’s home. He was so heavy, He displaced a large amount of water, which overflew the banks. He swam vigorously and made noise. Kaliya noted the invasion and came forward to attack Krishna, with his 100 hoods spewing poisonous fire. Krishna circled around and around him like a wrestler until Kaliya began to tire. Kaliya tried biting at Krishna, but the Lord eluded him. Krishna jumped on his hoods and showed the art of dancing. (“I would believe in a God who could dance”—Nietzsche). He began graceful dancing on one hood after another. It wasn’t just dancing, it was smashing. The serpent coughed up blood. The demigods provided music and rhythm and cheered. The brijbasis felt relief. Kaliya weakened until he was on the point of leaving his life. His wives came forward (like mermaids), and putting their children in front of them they began to offer prayers to Sri Krishna. They were His devotees. They praised Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They said their husband was very fortunate to be touched by the lotus feet of Lord Krishna. Great demigods yearn for this contact. It was a punishment, but it was an honor. The wives asked Krishna to please spare their husband’s life or else they would become widows. Kaliya had almost no strength to speak, but he realized the person he was fighting was the Supreme Lord. He surrendered to Him and asked to be accepted as His servant. Krishna stopped short of killing Kaliya. He told him to leave the lake with his wives and children. He told him that now that he had the marks of Krishna’s feet imprinted on his hoods, Garuda would not come to attack him. Kaliya did as Krishna ordered and left the Yamuna, which then became purified again. It was late in the day, and Krishna and the brijbasis decided to camp overnight on the bank of the river. They were in a joyful mood. But during the night a forest fire started, and it endangered their lives. Krishna sucked in the flames of the fire and put it out. It seemed there were always repeated dangers, but always Krishna was on hand to save the situation. Krishna has unlimited power to do whatever He pleases.I am getting questions ready to go with the poems I will read on the video broadcast. We have a “new” used microphone. My face will appear onscreen with triple chins. Try to speak with interest, not a “monotone voice.” A video personality, at least for those interested in Srila Prabhupada. What books did he carry with him? What books did Panditji carry? Prabhupada once said Panditji was like a donkey carrying a useless load of scholarly books.Day’s End Scribble:Like a boy with crayons. Abstract included a tic-tac-toe with no winner, a silver twist bordered with white wax crayon, lightning strokes, jagged lines and the words, “Haribol” and “Hare Krishna,” a boy and girl wearing Vaisnava yellow tilaka and touching hand on her arm. He’ll get touched with paint soon and make the face full color – black pupil, brown iris, hazel eyebrows and lashes. Running down the field, so many yards to run before the football team scores a point. Krishna didn’t play on organized league teams. He played informally. They wrestled and threw the ball and kicked it, and the loser got a penalty. He had to carry a boy on his back. Balarama rode on the shoulders of Pralambasura, who turned into a giant demon with fanged teeth. Balarama punched him in the head and split his skull. The cowherd boys followed Krishna and Balarama and sometimes joined in the fun, as they did at Talavana. Keep doing it, even if you don’t feel like it at the start. You’ll get wound up and like what you’re doing. A cow, a house, a hog, an axe. Just draw him, making him a designated demon. Someone like Sisupala. Everything went all right. The boys got hit quite a few times, but the blows didn’t stop them because they were in training. Krishna gave them training.
Japa Group: By Hook Or By Crook
I was listening to a morning walk with Srila Prabhupada...his disciples were asking him about how to chant within their busy devotional schedule. Srila Prabhupada replied that 2 hours out of the day is not alot of time, and that we should make all endeavor to fit our Japa into our day, preferably in the early morning.Whatever our daily schedule is....we must make our Japa a priority in the day and chant as many or all of our rounds before our other activities begin.
Gouranga TV: KuliMela 2009 – Main Movie
Krishna-kripa das, Mayapura: World Holy Name Festival Harinamas
Unfortunately, I have not yet surrendered to organizing a full schedule of events for the World Holy Name Festival, but I do attend the existing harinamas in the places I reside during that time, and I was able, by the Lord’s grace, to organize three harinamas which would otherwise not have happened, one in Lvov, Ukraine, another in London, and the final one, at Tompkins Square Park in New York, where harinama began in the West.Kharkov, Ukraine, Saturday night harinama, September 18:About twenty devotees chant together in a park in downtown Kharkov, Ukraine’s second largest city, for three hours on Saturdays. Sahasra Jit Prabhu, the temple president, who has lots of devotion and a pleasant voice, led kirtana for much of the time.I am inspired when the temple leaders have a real commitment to harinama. Devotees tell me three to five new people come to their program each Sunday, most having learned about it either from the harinamas or from regular Sunday feast attendees.Five ladies danced on one side of the singers, who sat on a piece of carpet, playing harmonium, mridanga, and karatalas. A slightly larger group of men danced on the other side, also in unison with each other, except one avadhuta, who is so spontaneous we cannot follow him.Many people listened, some for quite a while. Some friends of the devotees also come just to listen. Many people took pictures. Krishna Dvaipayana Prabhu had a book table set up to one side of the party, while two other devotees distributed books to passersby, and another devotee, often Bhakta Andre, distributed prasadam and invitations.Kharkov, Ukraine, Sunday night harinama, September 19:Throughout the year, after the Kharkov Sunday feast program a party of devotees goes on harinama for two hours from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., even in their chilly winters. We had twenty devotees the week I was there, many fairly young, perhaps in their twenties and thirties. This is a walking harinama, except for when they stopped at a park near a Mc Donald’s, where they chanted to fifteen people, who happily watched. I was so very inspired to see the enthusiasm of the youthful devotees there. ISKCON is alive in Ukraine.Lvov, Ukraine, an additional harinama on Wednesday, September 22:I had a good experience doing harinama in Lvov (Lviv), Ukraine, last year, so I decided to try to organize another one this year. Usually they just do one on Saturday, but I appealed that because it was during the World Holy Name Festival and the week of both Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s appearance day and Haridasa Thakura’s disappearance day, that they should do an additional one on that Wednesday, the only day I could be there.They set up a rug on the sidewalk leading up to the university, and played harmonium, mridanga, and karatalas. About twelve devotees came, mostly an older group than in Kharkov. One devotee lady distributed prasadam and invitations in front of the party. I was impressed to see the interest of the public. Usually there was always at least someone looking and listening, and sometimes as many as twenty, some lingering for quite a while! A few young people enjoyed imitating our dancing. I was pleased to see that so many devotees came out considering that it was midweek, and considering that we do not have a temple anymore in that town and thus the devotees are scattered.London, England, additional harinama, Friday morning, September 24:Monday through Friday afternoons, devotees chant for an hour and a half on Oxford Street, and Saturday night as many as fifty devotees will do harinama for two hours around Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus. On some mornings they also go out, but not Friday, so I begged Krishna Vidhi Prabhu, Soho’s most enthusiastic harinama person, that we could go out, as I was flying to New York and would miss the afternoon one, and he agreed. He and I chanted for an hour or an hour and a half on Oxford Street, and it was rewarding, even with just the two of us.Philadelphia Ratha-yatra, Saturday, September 25:I shall describe this Philadelphia Ratha-yatra in more detail elsewhere, but as it was a harinama event during the World Holy Name Festival I mention it here. They had a special treat this year—Haryasva Prabhu’s Panca-tattva deities from Govinda’s riding on a chariot before Lord Jagannatha. The sound system was great, and there were at least two amplified kirtanas during the parade, one with Vishnu Gada Prabhu leading, with the musicians on their own cart, between the Pancatattva and the Jagannatha deities, and one just before Lord Jagannatha’s cart as usual.Gauravani of Kindred Spirits and the devotees from the Bhakti Center have a monthly 12-hour kirtana program the first Saturday of each month, a great contribution to bhakti in NYC. A variety of people come, some devotees for many years like Dhanurdhara Swami, Laksmi Nrsimha Prabhu, Rama Raya, and Mother Arundhati, other devotees more youthful like Acyuta Gopi and Ananta, and yet others coming from yoga backgrounds. This month they had the kirtana at the Broome St. temple. This proved difficult for me, as I love to dance in the kirtana so much, but their landlord does not permit dancing there! I was, however, able to invite some of the people there to chant with me at Tompkins Square Park the following day.Tompkins Square Park, Manhattan, additional harinama, Sunday, October 3:
I hoped that since Tompkins Square Park was where public chanting of Hare Krishna began in the West, I could round up more people for the event, but still twelve devotees came. Later I found it was the same day as the Queen’s Ratha-yatra.We gathered at 26 2nd Avenue, the location of our original temple in Manhattan and chanted down 2nd Avenue till St. Marks and then eastward to Avenue A. We made our way to the Hare Krishna tree, where we sat and chanted for over two hours. One man, who happened to have a bag of flower petals, spontaneously offered handfuls of petals in front of the sitting kirtana party. We took turns chanting, with about five devotees getting a chance to lead. Ranga Devi, a kirtana singer from the UK was among the singers. Bhakta Dan, who is the harinama leader at the Bhakti Center, brought books for distribution. Ekayani Dasi collected emails to help organize future harinamas in New York. I talked to one man who loved watching the dancing of the devotees, staying for almost an hour and smiling the whole time. He had fond memories of attending the Hare Krishna Sunday feasts in the 1970s. A group of young ladies came by, some jokingly imitating our dance, and they eventually began dancing with the devotee ladies. Pawan Sandilya of Pune, India, who was visiting New York, took some photos personally and let other devotees take photos with his camera. He later commented, “It has been my pleasure to be with you all in the park. I don’t have words to express myself, how the Lord has been so merciful to me to give such opportunity.”We read from Srila Prabhupada-lilamrita about Srila Prabhupada’s original kirtanas in that park. We were amazed by all the details Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami gives in his description of the park. The bicycling kids, sportive kids, and drum players are still prominent features. Gone, however, are the many hippies who were attracted by the early kirtanas.
Tompkins Square Park is a special place. It was first place where devotees would regularly chant in public, each Sunday for three hours, beginning in October 1966, forty-four years ago. Srila Prabhupada himself came and chanted there, and so it is a like a place of pilgrimage. Last year an old man sitting of a park bench reading a book said to me, “Thank you for cleaning the air by your singing.” This year a man offered flower petals to our party, and another praised our dancing. Although this place is far away from Sridham Mayapur, where Lord Caitanya started his sankirtana movement, the spiritual energy of the Lord is also manifest here, causing people to appreciate bhakti, devotion to the Lord. My great hope is that each year we can do harinama here during the World Holy Name Festival, and that it may increase each year, without limit. In addition, we could plan for something especially wonderful for the 50th anniversary in October 2016. If you want to help make that happen, let me know. You can write me at Krsna-krpa.SDG at Also if you have any pictures of the harinamas I describe above, let me know so I can include them. Thanks.All glories to the Sri Krishna Nama Sankirtana!
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