----- Original Message -----From: FeedBlitzTo:Sent: Friday, December 24, 2010 8:37 AMSubject: Planet ISKCON - 29 new articles
Here are the latest updates for"Planet ISKCON" - 29 new articles
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: New Years Day - 2011
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Seminar by Vaiyasaki Prabhu
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Vaiyasaki Prabhu
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Free Write
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Krishna is God
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 167
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Returning to Viraha Bhavan
- Kripamoya dasa, UK: A Christmas Eve Poem
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Vaisnavi devi dasi, (for a post graduate paper) asks a series of questions
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Brief questions from Murari, Muralidhara, Mark Zsombor and then Gaura Nitai asks:
- Japa Group: Please Join The Japa Group
- Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Happy Killing Christmas
- Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: My schedule
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Tuesday, December 21st, 2010
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 1.2.18 Jatayu’s Victory – Video
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 6.2.17 First Learn To Wash Your Hands 12-23-2010
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: IF ONLY BLUES
- Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: Chant and Be Embraced
- H.H. Sivarama Swami
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Transcription Srimad Bhagavatam C.4 Ch.25 T.33
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: SEMINAR ON THE ART OF DYING : PART 3
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: SEMINAR ON THE ART OF DYING : PART 2
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: GURU
- Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: How Foolish is That...
- Kurma dasa, AU: Apple Strudel
- Gouranga TV: New Gokul “Hilton of Farms”
- Japa Group: Without Absolute Faith
- More Recent Articles
- Search Planet ISKCON
- Prior Mailing Archive
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: New Years Day - 2011
And another reminder about the New Year's Day celebration at the Temple.
Vaiyasaki Prabhu will be leading kirtan at specific times;
the exact times will be specified soon.
So please come and join the fun.
Start the New Year on a note of transcendence...
or shall we say "trance and dance"!ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Seminar by Vaiyasaki Prabhu
A kind reminder about
Vaiyasaki Prabhu's seminar.
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
We apologise for the delay in the upload of the darsana over these couple of days; we have been experiencing some problems with our internet connection.
On a more positive note, today's "Omkara Blue" set is simply a treat to the eyes.
This set was designed in Vrindavana by Omkara Prabhu who was the Head Pujari of the Krishna Balarama Mandir.
Here's the slideshow; may the grace of Omkara Prabhu be with us wherever his blessed soul may be and wherever we may be!
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Vaiyasaki Prabhu
Srimad Bhagavatm 11.28.20 - "jiva jago jiva jago Gauracanda bole" - Caitanya Mahaprabhu is trying to wake up the sleeping souls so that they can revive their original consciousness.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Free Write
It’s a long ride and we’ll stop halfway and have a picnic, with a sandwich of guacamole and cheese and tomato and sprouts. Baladeva is ending his thirty-day fast and will limit himself to a green smoothie drink. We are traveling in two cars. I’ve chanted my sixteen rounds, so I can play CDs in the car even if the others haven’t completely finished their rounds. I’ll get sleepy, but I’ll try to stay awake. Try to be an entertaining figure for the devotees who have come to see you. Don’t be dour and down. Don’t be affected by medicine. Put on a kind of act. When I spoke with the Russian devotees on Skype, I was actually touched. Don’t mind if there are only a few devotees attending. It doesn’t matter. Smile at the men and ladies. But attraction to ladies in a sexual way is all over. Pretty much all over. You’re an old man and have trouble making it up Haryasva’s stairs, which are steep, and you run out of breath. I just took the preventative headache medicine, and I will take more if I need it.Try to get on a roll to do some truthful religious talking, but don’t fake it. Don’t fake your relationships with them. But it’s a mutual thing. You’ve been with some of them for over twenty, thirty years. They forgave you from that falldown. Sit in a comfortable chair. Say witty things but be sober. They should be glad to see you. Someone wrote to me, “In 1997 you came to Vrndavan and you were heavy and slow-moving, but in six months later you became agile and you lost weight.” This proved I was spiritual. They look at you carefully and make their judgment, do I have triple chins and eyes dimmed? Do they feel love for you? What is the relationship? Ask them to stay for the 4:00 PM meeting so you can give out books and collect donations for them. It’s finally here, the Vyasa-Puja days. I’ll write to you again in a few days.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Krishna is God
Krishna is God, you make up an
experimental poem, say
God is a fistfight and
He always wins.Krishna is the anxiety of packing my suitcase for the seven-
hour trip to Philadelphia.Krishna is not going to be explicit
sex in this poem or last
night’s TV criminal series.Krishna is the section I have
largely memorized about
Vyasadeva not writing about
Krishna directly and Narada chewing
him out, but saying, “You
know better,Vyasa, you
know everything.”Just why Vyasadeva did not remember
directly about Krishna isn’t completely
clear. He had to wait
until it was the right
time.He realized what was
lacking at the exact
moment Narada came
to tell him!
Songs without bhakti are
useless.Vyasadeva knew what to
do and in the next time period
he composed Srimad-
Bhagavatam and
all the world had it.But most people don’t
know its value. They are slaves to
their senses. They are speculators.We talked about the section, and I think I am mostly ready
to tell it but I may slip up.Just remember the parts you
read and repeat them, even
if you don’t realize them.
Just repeat like a dummy.It will come out all right I think
because you remember Vyasa
asked Narada about his life and
you can tell about that and
then Narada will fly away.
Then Vyasadeva was left alone and he meditated and saw Krishna just
as Narada did earlier.
And he sees the material energy and the jiva and
he composes all the cantos
and incarnations.
I’ll just have to bluff it if I
don’t get the picture.Suta is telling a story, and he starts out and that’s when you can
stop. It may be awkward, but
you’ll get something out.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 167
Vyasa-Puja Day, December 19th
After today’s journal, I will skip a few journal days’ entries. Some of the typists are here for the Vyasa-puja events and are unavailable for typing. Another typist quit on me because she thought I was mumbling too much. Another typist has gone on a vacation. So there’ll be a little lapse in the journals before I begin. Plus I will also have a lot of mail to answer.
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: Returning to Viraha Bhavan
3:27 PM.
Before I left New York for Philadelphia to observe my birthday, I wrote in the journal that I would skip a few days of journal entries before I began again. I’ve skipped many more days than I intended because something extraordinary happened to me on my return from Philadelphia. I returned on a Sunday afternoon, and by Monday morning I was in the emergency ward of the hospital. What happened was observed by my secretary Baladeva Vidyabusana. He heard a strange thump on my floor of the house at about 11:00 at night and went up to see what was happening. He found me in the bathroom having finished my bath and toweling down, ready to dress. I was trying to put on my pajama bottoms when suddenly I fell over on my side. He helped me get into bed, where I began moaning. He came back to my bedside in a few moments, and I was saying out loud in my sleep, “It is not good, I am not good.” He then tried waking me up, but I was delirious. He called Saci-suta on the phone, and they agreed to take me to the hospital to see what was wrong.
I am reporting these things as just a few outside facts of things I don’t remember experiencing consciously. It was all like a dream.
I’m told that I was interviewed in the emergency room by a doctor who asked me did I know what hospital I was in, and I didn’t know the answer. And he asked me a number of other simple questions, which I didn’t know the answer to. They examined me further to find out what was wrong. They found my vitals were working strongly, so they ruled out heart attack, but they discovered symptoms of pneumonia in my breathing and my blood pressure. They accepted me into the hospital as a pneumonia patient, and I went to a bedroom where I slept, unconscious of being in the hospital or of being myself. In the morning when I woke up, I realized that I was very ill, although I didn’t have any pains. I was very exhausted and very forgetful. I don’t want to make this a journal of medical description as to saying exactly what happened to me in medical terms and how I recovered, but it took some time. My immediate experience was a traumatic experience of being in the hospital itself, being in a room with a 100-year-old man who was complaining about his self, being approached by many different nurses and technicians who wanted to give me medicine and gave me shots in the arm and left me in a very unhappy state.
I didn’t feel so ill anymore and wanted to get out of the hospital. That was my main state of mind. But the hospital personnel thought that I had come to them in a very ill condition and that I had to overcome a number of symptoms before they could let me go. I became belligerent and talked with Bhakti-rasa who came to the hospital to see me, and I told him that I wanted to leave the hospital. I wanted to do what Prabhupada did when Brahmananda and Gargamuni released him from his IVs and needles and “kidnapped” him from the hospital. Bhakti-rasa told me this wasn’t a very good idea because I was actually very ill and needed to take care of myself before I could be let go. News of my discontent at being in the hospital spread that day among the nurses, and a hospital psychiatrist was brought to see me. She was an intelligent person but trained in speaking to people who have mental illness as well as physical illness. She asked me many personal questions about myself, including whether I had ever wanted to hurt myself and other questions about my consciousness. Then she told me the cold, hard facts of what happens to a person who leaves the hospital against the will of the hospital staff. She said we would have to pay for the insurance of the stay in the hospital, and moreover my local physician would probably not sign me prescriptions any more for my headache drugs, as I would be considered a “delinquent medical patient.” This frightened and sobered me, and I surrendered to the fact that I had to stay in the hospital for as long as it took to get better. It seemed like a long time.
Saci-suta visited me, and Baladeva never left me. He slept on the floor of the same room I was in with the old man and suffered austerities of a fasting he was going through on his own and not being able to follow up on it and begin eating again. But he was so loyal he would not leave my side, as he said he was my legal power of attorney and wanted to be there for me. On that second day, Kirtana-rasa visited me also. It is all a jumble—which happened on the first day, which happened on the second day, and what happened on the third day. But I never surrendered to being in the hospital, and felt depressed by the humility of the situation. I was like a prisoner. Gradually I began to submit to the facts of my imprisonment and took my pills and took my shots and took my meals and lay in bed quietly. The whole time there I did not experience bodily pain or mental agony, except for the agony of being in the hospital. I wanted to get out as soon as possible.
But two days went by and they gave no indication of when I would leave. Each day new nurses were assigned to my room, and I got to know them. They were all very nice and pleasant but held no key to my release. When I asked them about it, they just said that I should behave when I’m in the hospital and then I’ll be able to get out. I have things wrong with me, and when I get better then I will be released. It was a state of mind that I had to accept, and each day seemed very long. And the people coming and going to do things for my body were a long and tedious parade of technicians and nurses. I learned that the doctor was the only one who could give you release from the hospital. All the underlings had nothing to say, and he was almost unavailable to talk to about your release. I saw him once and spoke to him, and he said that I still had something wrong with my condition, that my blood was not pure enough, or something, and that I had to stay until I was cured.
(I’m sorry this is such a sketchy report, but it is just a report of time being held captive in a foreign place with no chance of release.)
During his visit, Kirtana-rasa had brought me a book by John Steinbeck called Once There Was a War. It was his experience of being a war correspondent during World War II. The introduction was very interesting, and I became enlivened to hear the writing of an expert writer. I wanted to return to writing my own journal of my own experiences, and I enjoyed the excellence of the reflections of John Steinbeck on World War II. One expression he gave was that there were many myths during the war, and one of them was that of the safely-placed general or colonel in the Air Force whose duty forced him to stay safely on the ground but who secretly yearned in his heart to be up in the sky with the boys, fighting off the German flak. He said that this idea of the boys who flew the planes wanting to stay there in place of staying safely on the ground was a myth. He said that the young pilots may have been wild, but they were not crazy, and they would have given up at the drop of a hat the chance not to be engaged in combat. Many of his turns of phrases were so poignant like that that they made me want to write with poignancy from my own world in my Viraha Bhavan, a relatively quiet life of spirituality.
But I couldn’t write. I was on an “enforced vacation” from writing, and I could not allow myself the time or presence of mind to set down words. All I could do was endure the hospital routine of being the target of so many hospital needles and protocol of being at the hands of the hospital jail-keepers.
I can’t believe it was actually such a short visit and that I got out so easily. Each day I thought would be the last one because I didn’t think I was so sick and that I would be released, but each day I would hear from the underlings that there was nothing they could do to let me out, and that only the doctors could let me out. It attained almost mythic proportions–being a captive, like a slave, and having no rights. Somebody even gave out a “Patient’s Bill of Rights,” but it contained nothing about the fact that I had to stay there, just some high-flown phrases about being treated properly. On the third day I heard that the one-hundred-year-old man living next to me was going home. He couldn’t even walk, yet he was going home. Apparently they were tired of having him there, and they couldn’t do anything for him. He couldn’t walk because of an infected right foot, and when he went to the bathroom two different nurses had to practically carry him from the front and the back to bring him there. He was grouchy and eccentric, and because of his senility he was not even aware that Baladeva was sleeping next to him on the floor. But he had a suspicion that someone was there in the night, and he tried to tell the nurses about it, but they ignored it. On that same day that they sent him home I met with my doctor, and he told me there was not good news for me. He said they had examined my blood and it was impure, and they would have to examine it again and wait for the culture to return to find out what was wrong with it so they could try to put me on another set of medicines to find out if I was better. During that day the nurse for my day was a very sweet-looking young woman, who, when she heard that I wanted to get out so badly, took up my cause and did a little more than the usual. She spoke to the doctor, and the next thing I knew she said that I might be able to go home that day. She said that they were going to take a second test on the blood test and see if something was wrong with the first test.
Hours later I met the doctor, who said that the second test had come out pure and that I would be free to go home that afternoon. He said all I needed was a metal walker to take home; once I got that from the hospital, I was free to go. I was skeptical about his words of notice of my freedom because he had been so cold and I had grown so hopeless of getting free, with my anticipations always so high and then always being dashed. But Saci-suta and Bhakti-rasa were with me and heard all this news of my freedom, and they believed it. On this last day I suddenly began passing a lot of urine and stool, which was good from a medical point of view but caused difficulty because I was hooked up to so many IVs and oxygen wires and blood wires that when I tried to go I couldn’t make it to the bathroom, and I would leak on the floor or not make it to the toilet. Then I had to change my clothes repeatedly. I was afraid this might disqualify me from being released, but there was nothing I could do to stop it. However, the release came through, and they did not stop me because of my urination and passing. The nurse named Jessica continued to push my case and got my release papers, and she phoned for the man who brought the metal walking machine. The doctor left the hospital for the day, but with Jessica’s help I got all my release papers and all my prescriptions for medicine I would need once outside the hospital, and by 3:00 P.M. I was out. As I walked through the hospital corridor, there was a Christian carol-band playing songs. They were playing a song about devotion in the heart toward the Lord, and it was very moving. One of the carolers even had tears in her eyes. It was a fit farewell for me as I walked out the passageway, to have this band playing.
I felt shaken and traumatic by the event. Not so much by any physical hangovers, but just the fact of being confined for less than four days against my will in a mad place, where there were always noises and noise, people complaining and coming at you with different things to give you against your will. But my good fortune was not an illusion. I was actually in the car with Saci-suta and the other men and we were driving home to the house. At the house, Kaulini-mataji and Kirtida-dasi were cooking lunch for me. I went upstairs and looked kind of dumbfounded at Radha-Govinda, without feeling much for Them or feeling much for anything but just feeling stunned that the whole thing had taken place.
Now I only hope that my writing was not the cause of my getting sick. I hope that I was not overworking which brought me to a falldown and that I’ll still be able to write this journal, with this effort at reporting about japa and Prabhupada meditations, and a daily poem, and a free write section. It has been my life-pleasure to write like this, and I want to be able to keep it up. So this is my report of my pneumonia delay and my hopeful return to writing a normal journal, which I hope to start doing tomorrow.
P.S. Because of a lack of typists, there may be a delay in getting today’s journal entry posted. I hope it will soon come out and I can fill in my readers on my misadventures in the hospital and get on with the journal as normal.
Kripamoya dasa, UK: A Christmas Eve Poem
Halleluiah! Hare Krishna! Here’s a special text to wish ya
Happy Christmas. (Jesus loves you.) Praise the Lord so deep above you.
Yet another CHRISTMAS SEASON. Another year to seek the reason
Why we’re born and why we die, upon this earth and wonder: ”Why…?
From whence we come…? To where we go…?” A sober soul will want to know
If life exists beyond the grave. And saintly souls, they come to save
The ones bewildered by confusion, caught up in the Grand Illusion:
“Body-mind – our only choice – NO TIME to hear the Inner Voice.
“So, how’s YOUR faith? Where’s your attraction? Caught up in the mad distraction?
Spray on snow and plastic Santas? Turkey, chocs and wine decanters?
The Christ-Mass message, long forgotten, has been replaced by something rotten.
Innocence and sacred culture shredded by the X-mas vulture.
MONEY… prowls the crowded aisles as loaded trolleys heave with piles
Of chaff to feed the unchecked senses, burying the soul’s defences.
Lemming-like, the seething masses fill the roads and block the passes,
Keen to spend their borrowed plastic. Bankers think it’s all fantastic.
Deaf to future obligations, bankrupt lives and crippled nations,
Wheels of commerce fuel the spin, as fools and sinners queue to win
And winning, lose their soul connection – gateway to divine perfection.
That’s why Lord Jesus came to find us. Gave his life just to remind us
We can rise beyond this game by hallowing God’s Holy Name…
* Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare *
Sakshi Gopal das
Dec 2010
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Vaisnavi devi dasi, (for a post graduate paper) asks a series of questions
on the use of imagination in writing Gaudiya literature
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Brief questions from Murari, Muralidhara, Mark Zsombor and then Gaura Nitai asks:
How do you love your disciples? Would you like to explain in detail? I am really eager to know you more, because I want to love you better. What should I do for it?
Japa Group: Please Join The Japa Group
Please share your realisations with other devotees from around the world...simply send me an introduction email and I will be happy to make you a member:
Rasa Rasika dasa
Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Happy Killing Christmas
Prabhupada:...what is that bird who is killed in Christmas? Devotees: Turkey. Prabhupada: Turkey, you see. Now, Christmas, God's Christmas, Jesus Christ. He said, "Thou shalt not kill." But his birthday is observed by killing, killing, killing, killing, killing.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Morning Walk At Cheviot Hills Golf Course -- May 15, 1973, Los Angeles
Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: My schedule
Up to 7 Jan Salem, Tamil Nadu 8 Bangalore 10 to Mumbai 11 to Dwarka 14-16 Vyasa-puja festival 19 to Porbandar 20 to Jamnagar 21 to Vallabh Vidyanagar 25 to Pune 27 to Belgaum 29 Belgaum ratha-yatra 31 to Vallabh Vidyanagar 5-6 Feb Bhagavad Darsan festival at VVN
hari-guru-vaisnava dasa, BVS
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Tuesday, December 21st, 2010
Unite to Fight
Cloverdale, British Columbia
One guest at this evening's satsang (spiritual gathering) relayed that he recently went to visit a church, and in the lobby was a list of names of people from that congregation deputed to proselytize to various groups. This evangelical church had as its target audiences Moslems, Sikhs, Filipinos etc.
"This is rather bold of them," I thought. Why not aim at atheists for attempted conversion? It is an interesting phenomena that religious groups, at least some, have so little tolerance for each other. You would expect some sharing of universal principles, but that's not often the case. If there's one God, couldn't faith believers function under one umbrella? Wouldn't a change from atheism to theism or vice versa be a true conversion?
At this evening's function at the home of Robert and Banke, I led a discussion about revolutionaries of faith like Chaitanya and associate Nityananda. The latter's approach to conversion was without contempt or malice. Nityananda went home to home encouraging people to chant mantras. Driven by compassion, He moved about indiscriminately to homes whether they were Brahmans, the more humbly-born, or Moslems,
We also spoke of the compassion of admired saints such as Narada, whose technique was not to go door to door, but to just walk in, and our Prabhupada, who traveled to continents to attract searching souls; especially among the hippies situated in city parks.
I have often admired Mormons whose young men go on a two year mission traveling in twos, knocking on doors. There are the Jehovah's Witnesses, who go with some bravado door to door as well. And Krishna devotees, who especially take advantage of the Christmas season to be on the streets, make available such treasureable books.
The doctrines vary. Methods are similar. Motivations may differ.
It has been said by our guru, Srila Prabhupada, that if you are of a certain faith, then improve on your spiritual pursuit. "If you are a Christian, then be a better Christian; a Jew, then be a better Jew etc."
Here's a message to all spiritual groups. "Unite to fight materialism. Love each other!"
2 KM
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 1.2.18 Jatayu’s Victory – Video
Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 2, Text 18 by Prahladananda Swami on Ustream
Ljublijana, Slovenia
Lecture starts at 1:12:00
Chapter 2: Divinity and Divine Service
Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.18
nashta-prayeshv abhadreshu
bhaktir bhavati naishthiki
By regular attendance in classes on the Bhagavatam and by rendering of service to the pure devotee, all that is troublesome to the heart is almost completely destroyed, and loving service unto the Personality of Godhead, who is praised with transcendental songs, is established as an irrevocable fact.
Here is the remedy for eliminating all inauspicious things within the heart which are considered to be obstacles in the path of self-realization. The remedy is the association of the Bhagavatas. There are two types of Bhagavatas, namely the book Bhagavata and the devotee Bhagavata. Both the Bhagavatas are competent remedies, and both of them or either of them can be good enough to eliminate the obstacles. A devotee Bhagavata is as good as the book Bhagavatabecause the devotee Bhagavata leads his life in terms of the book Bhagavata and the book Bhagavata is full of information about the Personality of Godhead and His pure devotees, who are also Bhagavatas. Bhagavata book and person are identical.
The devotee Bhagavata is a direct representative of Bhagavan, the Personality of Godhead. So by pleasing the devotee Bhagavata one can receive the benefit of the book Bhagavata. Human reason fails to understand how by serving the devotee Bhagavata or the book Bhagavata one gets gradual promotion on the path of devotion. But actually these are facts explained by Srila Naradadeva, who happened to be a maidservant’s son in his previous life. The maidservant was engaged in the menial service of the sages, and thus he also came into contact with them. And simply by associating with them and accepting the remnants of foodstuff left by the sages, the son of the maidservant got the chance to become the great devotee and personality Srila Naradadeva. These are the miraculous effects of the association of Bhagavatas. And to understand these effects practically, it should be noted that by such sincere association of the Bhagavatas one is sure to receive transcendental knowledge very easily, with the result that he becomes fixed in the devotional service of the Lord. The more progress is made in devotional service under the guidance of the Bhagavatas, the more one becomes fixed in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. The messages of the book Bhagavata, therefore, have to be received from the devotee Bhagavata, and the combination of these two Bhagavatas will help the neophyte devotee to make progress on and on.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 6.2.17 First Learn To Wash Your Hands 12-23-2010
SB 06.02.17 First Learn To Wash Your Hands 2010-12-23
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 6.2.17 First Learn To Wash Your Hands 12-23-2010 Los Angeles
Akrura das, Gita Coaching: IF ONLY BLUES
If only leaders would be more empowering
If only my wife would be more supportive
If only my daughter would be more obedient
If only people would follow what I say
If only
If only
If only
If only others would be perfect, I would be happy
Are you sure?
I thought that you would be happy if YOU become perfect.
Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: Chant and Be Embraced
Question to Radhanath Swami: I was wondering, what the scriptures say about what it feels like upon returning to the spiritual world.
Answer by Radhanath Swami: Sanatan Goswami, a seventeenth century saint, describes in his work, Brihat Bhagavatamrita, the reunion of a soul with the Supreme Lord Krishna in the spiritual world. He explains how one day Krishna with his cowherd boyfriends (gopas) and cows was returning from the forest of Vrindavana to his home. On the way a soul that has just attained the spiritual world appeared in the cowherd pasture as a beautiful little cowherd boy. When Krishna saw him, he ran to him and embraced him. And in the ecstasy of love, both Lord Krishna and the newly arrived cowherd boy fainted in ecstasy. All the gopas were very much astonished: who is this boy and why is Krishna laying in the ground in an unconscious state? So Balaram, Krishna’s brother, approached Krishna and brought him back to consciousness by singing sweet words and by fanning him.
Then Krishna told that new cowherd boy, “You left me long, long ago. You forgot me. But I never forgot you. Lifetime after lifetime you tried to enjoy the material world, but I was always in your heart waiting for you to turn to me. You suffered storms, diseases, and broken hearts. Sometimes you enjoyed wealth, prosperity, and high education, but eventually it was all taken away. Did you not feel separation from me as I felt separation from you at every minute? Then finally you turned to me and gave your life to me. I saw how difficult it was in that material world for you to turn to me and be faithful. You were ridiculed, prosecuted, criticized, and sometimes you had to beg, but I was always with you there to protect you. Now, finally you have returned home, I welcome you.”
H.H. Sivarama Swami
Tactics mean doing what you can with what you have.
- Saul Alinsky
H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: Transcription Srimad Bhagavatam C.4 Ch.25 T.33
LECTURE BY HIS HOLINESS BHAKTI CARU SWAMI ON SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM 04-25-33 ON 1 OCTOBER 2010. Transcription : Krishna Dasa, Shyamal Krishna Dasa, Nimesh, Godavari Dasi, Ramananda Raya Dasa. Editing : Ramananda Raya Dasa Audio Reference : http://www.bcswami.com/2010/10/29/origin-of-the-living-entity-srimad-bhagavatam-4-25-33 Jaya Radha-Madhava Kunja-Vihari Gopi-Jana-Vallabha Giri-Vara-Dhari Yasoda-Nandana Braja-Jana-Ranjana Yamuna-Tira-Vana-Cari Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama [...]
THE FOLLOWING IS A CLASS GIVEN BY HIS HOLINESS BHAKTI CHARU SWAMI ON BHAGAVAT GITA CHAPTER 12 Transcription : Diptamurti Dasa, Vinod-Bihari Dasa Editing : Hemavati Radhika Dasi Audio Lecture Reference : http://www.bcswami.com/lectures/transc/Day6.Bhagavad%20Gita%20low.mp3 Hare Krishna So all the teams are in place? One day we did not have our interactive group discussion. It seems that [...]
H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: SEMINAR ON THE ART OF DYING : PART 3
THE FOLLOWING IS A SEMINAR CLASS GIVEN BY HIS HOLINESS BHAKTI CHARU SWAMI ON THE ART OF DYING PART THREE. Transcription : Kalindi Dasi, Ranga Radhika Dasi, Mohanlal Krishna Dasa, Archana Dasi, Shyamal Krishna Dasa Editing : Hemavati Radhika Dasi Audio Reference : http://audio.iskcondesiretree.info/index.php?q=f&f=%2F02_-_ISKCON_Swamis%2FHis_Holiness_Bhakti_Caru_Swami%2FSeminars%2FArt_of_dying Hare Krishna. So the last couple of days we have been [...]
H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: SEMINAR ON THE ART OF DYING : PART 2
THE FOLLOWING IS A SEMINAR CLASS GIVEN BY HIS HOLINESS BHAKTI CHARU SWAMI ON THE ART OF DYING PART TWO. Transcription : Devina Editing : Hemavati Radhika Dasi Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai! So, we are discussing about the art of dying – the way to immortality. Yesterday, we discussed quite extensively about how Srimad Bhagavatam [...]
Akrura das, Gita Coaching: GURU
Guru is a person who helps you understand the essence of things and who always brings you back to basics.
Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: How Foolish is That...
This Sunday at ISKCON Toronto, I had to step away to make a call and tried to pick a quiet corner. Kids were whizzing by in all directions. At the bottom of the stairs I hear one of the Toronto Sankirtan organizers ask a kid "do you come to the temple to play?". I did not catch the kids response but the I heard Prabhu say, "How foolish is that". I chuckled...but I am sure many devotees can relate.
We have 3 kids and sometimes I think I am too hard on them. It seems that one of us is always telling them about manners and etiquette and giving them a stern warning about how to behave. For the most part it works and sometimes we even throw the occasional compliment or proverbial carrot at them.
Well today an article on a totally seperate subject was sent to me but I picked up an intersting "Prabhupada said" quote from there and it kinda' linked to this scenario...
Srila Prabhupada tells the true story of a young man who was never disciplined throughout his childhood and who grew up a quite wayward fellow. He fell into bad company, was arrested by the police for a serious crime, and was about to be sentenced to a term in prison. He was asked if he had anything further to say, and motioned that he would like to speak to his aunt who had raised him. When he leaned over to whisper in her ear, instead of speaking to her he bit off a piece of her ear lobe. As she screamed and the blood ran down her cheek, he called out: “That’s for never disciplining me when I was a child! Now look at the result of your kindness!”
Food for thought...discipline through dialogue and realistic consequences within the sweet and loving parental child relationship provides an important foundation for nurturing spirtual, educational and matierial goals.
~ Indresh
Kurma dasa, AU: Apple Strudel
I've got one last recipe to share with you before Christmas. There should be enough time to do some last-minute grocery shopping for this one, or maybe the ingredients are already there in your pantry. Happy baking!
Apple Strudel
Apple strudel is popular all over Eastern Europe, and traditionally uses a wafer-thin pastry that is painstakingly made from scratch. Apparently this pastry originated in the Middle East and was brought to Europe in the Ottoman invasions of the 15th century. The quickest way to make strudel these days outside of Europe is with bought puff pastry or filo pastry. We tested strudel made from both, and the results were so good we couldn’t make up our mind which one was better. Here’s the filo variety. Serves 8-10.
20 sheets of filo pastry (thick variety is best), 175g (6 ounces) melted unsalted butter, icing sugar to sprinkle.
Filling 1kg (2 pounds) tart green apples, juice of 1 lemon, 4 tablespoons sugar, 100g (4 oz) walnuts, coarsely chopped, 1 cup golden raisins, 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder, 75g (3 oz) ground almonds, or dry fine breadcrumbs.
Preheat the oven to 180° C / 350° F.
Peel, core and finely chop or dice the apples. Immediately mix with the lemon juice to avoid discolouration. Mix in the rest of the filling ingredients.
Divide the filling into four. Open the packet of filo pastry just before using. Unroll the sheets and leave them in a pile.
Brush the top one lightly with melted butter and put it to one side. Brush 4 more with melted butter and put them on top. Put one quarter of the filling in a line along one long edge, about 6cm (2½ inches) from the edge and 2cm (¾-inch) from the sides.
Lift the edge up over the filling and roll up, not too tightly, tucking in the sides half- way so the filling does not fall out. Lift the roll and carefully place on a buttered baking dish or tray, seam side down. Brush the surface with butter. Repeat for the other 3 strudel rolls.
Bake for 30-40 minutes, or until golden brown and crispy. Remove from the oven, cool slightly, and dust with icing sugar.
Serve the strudel warm or at room temperature, cut into slices.
Gouranga TV: New Gokul “Hilton of Farms”
Japa Group: Without Absolute Faith
Those whose minds are absorbed in the spirit of enjoyment of matter, and who possess materialistic faith, can never experience the revelation of pure spiritual consciousness. Without absolute faith in the Lord's holy name, one's mundane mentality can never be cast off.
Prakrita Rasa Shata Dushini #70
A Hundred Warnings Against Mundane Mellows
by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
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