"Planet ISKCON" - 31 new articles
H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Wednesday 5 May 2010--Transforming Selfishness into Selflessness--and--Should I Go to Meet ...The default consciousness of this material world is selfishness. In fact it is selfishness which is the very cause of our being here in the first place. Just as selfishness was our ticket for originally coming to this material world, selflessness will be our ticket out of here. Selflessness does not mean denial of the self's existence, which is the... ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Gopa-Vrndesa PrabhuSrimad Bhagavatam 11.20.10 - Seeing everything as Krishna's mercy, one achieves real liberation. Sutapa das, BV Manor, UK: All your eggs in one basket...
Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: just read this one bookSrutakirti das: It happened on three different occasions. I went in and Prabhupada was reading Krsna Book and he said, "If you just read this one book, you can be Krishna conscious." He said, "You don't have to read hundreds of books. Just this one book." He had his glasses on, and I was sitting in front of him. Then he just looked at me and he said, "You don't even have to read the whole book, just one chapter. If you just read one chapter of this book, you can be Krishna conscious," and I'm nodding my head, "Yes, Prabhupada." But he just kept staring. And then he said, "You don't even have to read the whole chapter, just one page," and he just ran his finger down the page. Then he's looking and he said, "You don't even have to read the whole page, just one line," and he ran his finger across the line of the Krsna Book. And I said, "Yes, Prabhupada." And he's still looking and he said, "You don't even have to read a whole line, just one word," and he pointed to a word in the book. He said, "Just one word of this book if you read you can become Krishna conscious because Krishna is in every word." And then he put his head back down into the book, and I offered obeisances and I left. But he said that about three different books to me over a year. "If you just read this one book." Once it was Nectar of Devotion, once it was Bhagavad-gita, once it was Krsna Book. But he said, "Any one of these, if you just read this one book, you can be Krishna conscious." He can understand Krishna is in every word, and this is what Prabhupada gave us. Nobody else has given us this, this direct connection to Krishna through His pure devotee. >From Following Srila Prabhupada DVD Dandavats.com: ISKCON Utsav at VishakapatnamBy Vrajendranandan Das Below is a report on the recently concluded ISKCON Ustav held at Vishakapatnam. It was a wonderful program and a great team work was at display. I thank H. G. Samba Prabhu, his good wife Nitai Sevani Devi Dasi, all the temple and congregation devotees for organizing such a wonderful program Dandavats.com: Why should my child learn Sanskrit?Ravi: Rutger Kortenhorst, a Sanskrit teacher in John Scottus School in Dublin, speaks on the value of teaching Sanskrit to children, based on his own experience with the language. H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: '426' from The Yellow Submarine3:45 A.M.I had a bad night. Surprisingly I wasn't sleepy for my japa. I chanted at a relaxed but speedy pace and with a feeling of sincerity. I chanted silently in my mind but paying attention to the sacred syllables. It was good but basic chanting. I kept waiting to be hit with a heavy drowsiness from my poor night, but I kept chanting alright. After twelve rounds I decided to take a break and do my writing. Chanting in your mind read more from SDGonline - daily updates from The Yellow Submarine: My Bhajana Kutir journal H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 'Little Drops of Nectar: His Humor' from The Yellow SubmarinePrabhupada SmaranamPrabhupada liked to make jokes, satirize, make us laugh. Even if he was involved in a stressful fight to get permission to build the temple in Bombay, or there was a court case in the U.S.A., or he knew some of his leaders were quarreling, there was always something funny that could occur to him and could make us break into smiles. He saw the merry side of things periodically and made a quip or humorous observation. Just as when he was in a very grave mood we became serious, so we laughed with him wholeheartedly when he tickled our ribs with a laughable point of view. He could be making fun of scientists or atheists or just something that made him laugh. He might be telling a story about the court jester Gopala Ban. Or he may have been making a joke at the expense of Dr. Patel and making the doctor laugh at his own foolishness. Being senior and spiritually advanced, Prabhupada could cut a joke at anyone's expense anywhere in the world, and they would accept it in good spirit. Once at the Bhaktivedanta Manor a girl asked him why we shave our heads. He replied that for philosophy it is better to keep a cool head and warm legs. (The girl was wearing a mini skirt.) All the devotees present laughed, and the mini-skirted girl smiled. Even his use of words like "rascal" and "fools" were graciously accepted, even in India where these words are considered harsh. He had genuine compassion for everyone, and so he could laugh without malice even at rascals and fools. H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 'Knowing Krishna Takes Time' from The Yellow SubmarineFix your mind on Krishna,
Yes, but do you really know Him?
But are you just repeating
What kind of realization?
I admit I have not been
You see, by constitutional nature,
I want to serve Krishna H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami: 'Krishna's Peacock' from The Yellow SubmarineFree writeThe peacock is famous in krishna-lila. Krishna wears a peacock feather in His crown. The peacock is considered Krishna's favorite bird. In the "Descriptions of Autumn" in the Tenth Canto, Vyasa describes how the peacocks dance and become happy after the rains come and break the summer heat. To some they see the dancing of the male peacock as similar to Krishna dancing and trying to attract Radharani to His side. There are many peacocks even now in Vrndavana. In the evening they fly up into the branches of the trees and make cries as they roost. At the first sign of dawn they make their distinctive calls again. When the sun rises they fly down and congregate for the day. The cry of peacocks anywhere in the world reminds the devotee of Krishna, whether on a farm or a city zoo. Krishna and the cowherd boys not only imitated the dancing of the peacock but also other eccentric behavior of this unique bird, such as its neck movements and strutting. But no one can imitate the male peacock when it opens all its tail feathers in a full display of its beauty. The peacocks like to show off and are considered vain. They spread their feathers for the female peacock, but the mate will do it even when no female is present. Another peacock eccentricity is they chase each other around a tree in a nonstop fashion. ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Sunday Feast Photos - May 2nd 2010Nine spiritualists accept Harinam Diksha (spiritual vows) from H.H. Bhaktimarga Swami H.H. Bhaktivaibhava Swami visits to debut the Lost Village! Srila Prabhupada's Letters4 May 1949: "I submit that nothing practical for uniting the different faiths of the world has come out of the All Religious Conference held recently. The practical solution is lying in the transcendental message of Sri Krishna as given in the Bhagavad-gita." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1966 May 4: "Purnima. Today I went to search out Sakar but I was lost in the Subway. In the evening the meeting was held. It was nice. Seven gentlemen attended. Contribution received. Mr. Carl was very kind to give me a Tape Recorder which is better than the one I have lost." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1967 May 4: "One can be peaceful and elevated in Krishna Consciousness only by the mercy of a bonafide Spiritual Master. I am glad you shall have more time to perform kirtana. Your humbleness and sincerity will make you more and more advanced in Krishna Consciousness." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1969 May 4: "In our centers they are chanting on the streets every day and they are getting good remunerations, better than any job. Simply we have to work and people will give contribution for this good cause. It is better to get money by collections than to work." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1970 May 4: "Each and every Center is my life and soul for preaching this movement and I want that activities will be of the same standard. Come and see how things are going on here and meet with me personally for necessary instruction." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1972 May 4: "The GBC members should always travel from one village to another and visit the temples and do my work. In this way, they will avoid the propensity to sit down and plot and scheme how to eat and sleep. So you can advise them all to travel extensively on Sankirtana all over their zone." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 May 4: "I have the same feeling upon you as my beloved son. And I maintain the feeling hoping you will be a great help in the Krsna Consciousness Movement. It is possible for us to join together. If we meet before I leave I will be glad to discuss with you." Srila Prabhupada's Letters1974 May 4: "A pure devotee actually has no problems for himself. His only concern is that so many rascals are suffering in this concocted civilization of illusory sense enjoyment, how can they be saved? So our Krsna Consciousness movement is made for that - for saving the rascals." ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Bhakti Brhat Bhagavata Swami's Arrives in Toronto Tonight - 8:30pm!
Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: Krishna has a plan for us
Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: “Monet Refuses the Operation” by Lisel MuellerDoctor, you say there are no haloes around the streetlights in Paris and what I see is an aberration caused by old age, an affliction. I tell you it has taken me all my life to arrive at the vision of gas lamps as angels, to soften and blur and finally banish the edges you regret I don't see, to learn that the line I called the horizon does not exist and sky and water, so long apart, are the same state of being. Fifty-four years before I could see Rouen cathedral is built of parallel shafts of sun, and now you want to restore my youthful errors: fixed notions of top and bottom, the illusion of three-dimensional space, wisteria separate from the bridge it covers. What can I say to convince you the Houses of Parliament dissolve night after night to become the fluid dream of the Thames? I will not return to a universe of objects that don't know each other, as if islands were not the lost children of one great continent. The world is flux, and light becomes what it touches, becomes water, lilies on water, above and below water, becomes lilac and mauve and yellow and white and cerulean lamps, small fists passing sunlight so quickly to one another that it would take long, streaming hair inside my brush to catch it. To paint the speed of light! Our weighted shapes, these verticals, burn to mix with air and changes our bones, skin, clothes to gases. Doctor, if only you could see how heaven pulls earth into its arms and how infinitely the heart expands to claim this world, blue vapor without end. Filed under: Poetry Japa Group: It's So Important To Chant WellIt's so important to chant well, but it's not always something under your control. There are so many factors like physical and mental condition that make it difficult or easier to manage on a given day. It's like the weather. From Bhajan Kutir #442 H.H. Sivarama Swami: Bhaktin Sejal, this is my confession
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: UPCOMING EVENT
H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Saturday, May 1st, 2010A Rocking Mantra Saturday H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Friday, April 30th, 2010Hell! Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: Protecting Our Oceans
On the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, at a time when our country's attention will be focused on what we need to do to protect our planet, I am honored to be in our nation's Capital to testify before Congress on an emerging environmental threat. I will be testifying before the Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee on the topic of ocean acidification. Scientists have known for decades that when carbon dioxide mixes with ocean water it creates an acid; this is textbook chemistry. But only recently did they begin to realize what this growing quantity of acid would mean for ocean life. This new understanding has some of the world's leading ocean scientists deeply concerned. What they say is this: the oceans are 30 percent more acidic today than they were during pre-industrial times and, if we continue burning fossil fuels as we are now, we will double the ocean's acidity by the end of the century. Scientists fear many organisms may not survive so radical a shift in chemistry. And some of those organisms form the foundation of ocean food webs. If they perish, what happens to the tens of thousands of species further up the chain? What happens to our shellfish -- our oysters, clams, mussels -- that appear particularly vulnerable to ocean acidification? I first had the opportunity to address this issue in the Senate last fall, when I screened a short documentary I narrated on this phenomenon called Acid Test, made by my friends at the Natural Resources Defense Council. And after my Senate testimony this Earth Day, I am thrilled to show it to our nation's policymakers once again -- this time for a group in the House of Representatives. Like that other film I was in this year, Acid Test has had an amazing run of its own. It aired on the Discovery Channel, has been shown in film festivals nationwide, and was selected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association to run in kiosks in major aquariums and museums across the country. If you haven't seen it yet, catch it online here. More and more people -- at home and in the halls of Congress -- are learning about ocean acidification and what we can do to stop it. Thankfully, we have solutions that will not only fight ocean acidification, but climate change at the same time. Our policymakers have the power to add to the legacy of Earth Day by taking action that will protect people and the planet. Along with millions of other Americans, I will be urging them to put aside their differences and begin America's transition to a clean energy economy that will increase our energy efficiency and invest in renewable power, while cutting carbon pollution. By passing strong clean energy and climate legislation, Congress has the power to move us toward clean energy, tackle climate change and protect our seas from acidification. I hope you will join me in calling on our leaders in the Senate to act. H.H. Sivarama SwamiOne must try for the point when he simply hears Krishna and immediately all of Krishna, His Pastimes, His Form, His Quality, are in his thoughts. So to always be immersed in thoughts of Krishna this is our process. When we are full in Krishna then where there can be any chance for maya in us? - Srila Prabhupada Gouranga TV: Bhajan – New Year's Eve 2010 – Nityananda PrabhuBhajan – New Year’s Eve 2010 – Nityananda Prabhu Gaura Sakti das & Adi Radhika dd, New Vraja Dham, Hungary: A walk in Voyage SorgunForests of Sorgun is one of the most pleasant shores of Antalya. Hotel Voyage is one of the many hotels in the area. We all appriciated the fresh, mild climate, it was neither very warm, nor cold.
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