Rasa Mandal Near the Sanket Devi (Vira Devi) Temple
By Yogamäyä’s desire, the principal messengers, Virä-devi and Vrndä-devi, arrange the meeting of the Divine Couple Shri Rädhä- Krishna. Vrindä-devé makes very sweet arrangements to awaken the Divine Couple at the end of the night, just before dawn breaks. The male parrot and the female parrot awaken Them with enchanting words. The black cuckoo helps to wake Them up with his sweet kuhu-kuhu, and the peacock and peahen with their ke-kä. Lalitä, Visäkhä and the other sakhis offer ärati to the Divine Couple.When Kakkhaté, the old she-monkey, calls out “Jatilä”, Shri Rädhä and Shri Krishna become embarrassed and make Their separate ways to Their respective residences, where They fall asleep.
Delightful places worth visiting here are the temple of Sanket Bihäri ji, a "Räsa-Mandal" and "The place of a swing". The bhajana-kuti of Shri Gopäla Bhatta Gosvämi stands in front of the Räsa-Mandal, to its east. Shri Caitanya Mahäprabhu rested here while travelling through the twelve forests of Vraja. Just near the Räsa-Mandal is the temple of Sanket-devi (Shri Virä-devi); and nearby are Vihvalä devi, Vihvala-Kunda, Ranga-Mahala and Sayyä Mandira. Krishna Kunda lies to the west of the village. On the bank of Krishna-Kunda is a sitting-place of Shri Vallabhäcärya.
By Yogamäyä’s desire, the principal messengers, Virä-devi and Vrndä-devi, arrange the meeting of the Divine Couple Shri Rädhä- Krishna. Vrindä-devé makes very sweet arrangements to awaken the Divine Couple at the end of the night, just before dawn breaks. The male parrot and the female parrot awaken Them with enchanting words. The black cuckoo helps to wake Them up with his sweet kuhu-kuhu, and the peacock and peahen with their ke-kä. Lalitä, Visäkhä and the other sakhis offer ärati to the Divine Couple.When Kakkhaté, the old she-monkey, calls out “Jatilä”, Shri Rädhä and Shri Krishna become embarrassed and make Their separate ways to Their respective residences, where They fall asleep.
Delightful places worth visiting here are the temple of Sanket Bihäri ji, a "Räsa-Mandal" and "The place of a swing". The bhajana-kuti of Shri Gopäla Bhatta Gosvämi stands in front of the Räsa-Mandal, to its east. Shri Caitanya Mahäprabhu rested here while travelling through the twelve forests of Vraja. Just near the Räsa-Mandal is the temple of Sanket-devi (Shri Virä-devi); and nearby are Vihvalä devi, Vihvala-Kunda, Ranga-Mahala and Sayyä Mandira. Krishna Kunda lies to the west of the village. On the bank of Krishna-Kunda is a sitting-place of Shri Vallabhäcärya.
Del álbum:
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Añadida el 26 de febrero
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