This narrow passage-way lies between Brahma-parvata and Vishnu-parvata, and both gopas and gopis would make their way along it. After milking the cows, the gopas would carry the milk on kämvars, which is a bamboo stick with ropes attached to each end for carrying loads. They used this pathway to cross from one side of the hills to the other. Frolicsome Krishna would plunder the milk, yoghurt and butter of the jovial gopis here. Every year in the month of Bhädra on Suklä-trayodasi (the thirteenth day of the bright moon), büdhi-lilä is enacted here, as inaugurated by Shri Näräyana Bhatta. Today this pastime is also enacted here annually on the occasion of Rädhästmi, the appearance day of Shrimati Rädhikä.
This narrow passage-way lies between Brahma-parvata and Vishnu-parvata, and both gopas and gopis would make their way along it. After milking the cows, the gopas would carry the milk on kämvars, which is a bamboo stick with ropes attached to each end for carrying loads. They used this pathway to cross from one side of the hills to the other. Frolicsome Krishna would plunder the milk, yoghurt and butter of the jovial gopis here. Every year in the month of Bhädra on Suklä-trayodasi (the thirteenth day of the bright moon), büdhi-lilä is enacted here, as inaugurated by Shri Näräyana Bhatta. Today this pastime is also enacted here annually on the occasion of Rädhästmi, the appearance day of Shrimati Rädhikä.
Del álbum:
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Añadida el 26 de febrero ·
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