Mana Garh
Mäna-garh is a very attractive place on top of Brahmä parvata. Shri Rädhikä displayed mäna, or a sulky mood, here, but Krishana very skilfully broke it.
One day, Shri Krishna sent a message to Shri Rädhikä through Subala, who is one of His priya-narma-sakhäs, and through Vrindädevi that They should meet at a certain time. Krishna was on His way when He suddenly met Padmä, Candrävali’s friend. Padmä described Shri Candrävali’s state of separation from Him and repeatedly requested Him to meet with her. Shri Krishna could not ignore her plea, and went to Candrävali’s kunja for what He intended to be a short time.
However, He became so absorbed in sweet talks and playful pastimes with Candrävali that He forgot everything else, and the time for the arranged meeting with Shri Rädhikä elapsed. Meanwhile, one of Shri Rädhikä’s well-trained female parrots (säris) arrived on a tree in the same kunja. The parrot returned to Shri Rädhikä and told Her all the details of Shri Krishna and Candrävali’s sweet conversations and playful pastimes. Rädhikä became deeply distressed and went into a mäna that was very difficult to break.
Within Her heart, She firmly resolved that She had no need for such an insolent Krishna; so when Shri Krishna finally arrived, long after
the appointed meeting time, Shri Radha turned Her face away from Him. Seeing Her unwavering mäna, Shri Krishna tried to appease Her through all kinds of means and tricks, but Her mäna would not break. Becoming hopeless and feeling sad, Krisna left that place. On the road He met Visäkhä, who advised Him to disguise Himself as a new sakhi playing a vina. He went to Shri Rädhikä together with Visäkhä, who introduced this new sakhi as Syämä Sakhi.
Visäkhä profusely praised Syämä Sakhs’s ability to play the vina and sing, as well as all Her other skills. Shri Rädhikä seated this new Sakhi next to Her with great honour and respect. Upon hearing Her exceptional singing, She became filled with delight and embraced Her. Shri Rädhikä recognised Her beloved merely by His touch; and as soon as She had done so, Her mäna was broken. Surrounded by Her friends, She now became absorbed in beautiful pastimes with the beloved of Her life.
In Mäna-garh, one can also have darsana of Mäna Mandira, a swing, a Räsa-Mandal and Ratnäkara-Sarovara. Just near Mänagarh to the south is the village of Mänapurä, which reminds one of all these pastimes.
Mäna-garh is a very attractive place on top of Brahmä parvata. Shri Rädhikä displayed mäna, or a sulky mood, here, but Krishana very skilfully broke it.
One day, Shri Krishna sent a message to Shri Rädhikä through Subala, who is one of His priya-narma-sakhäs, and through Vrindädevi that They should meet at a certain time. Krishna was on His way when He suddenly met Padmä, Candrävali’s friend. Padmä described Shri Candrävali’s state of separation from Him and repeatedly requested Him to meet with her. Shri Krishna could not ignore her plea, and went to Candrävali’s kunja for what He intended to be a short time.
However, He became so absorbed in sweet talks and playful pastimes with Candrävali that He forgot everything else, and the time for the arranged meeting with Shri Rädhikä elapsed. Meanwhile, one of Shri Rädhikä’s well-trained female parrots (säris) arrived on a tree in the same kunja. The parrot returned to Shri Rädhikä and told Her all the details of Shri Krishna and Candrävali’s sweet conversations and playful pastimes. Rädhikä became deeply distressed and went into a mäna that was very difficult to break.
Within Her heart, She firmly resolved that She had no need for such an insolent Krishna; so when Shri Krishna finally arrived, long after
the appointed meeting time, Shri Radha turned Her face away from Him. Seeing Her unwavering mäna, Shri Krishna tried to appease Her through all kinds of means and tricks, but Her mäna would not break. Becoming hopeless and feeling sad, Krisna left that place. On the road He met Visäkhä, who advised Him to disguise Himself as a new sakhi playing a vina. He went to Shri Rädhikä together with Visäkhä, who introduced this new sakhi as Syämä Sakhi.
Visäkhä profusely praised Syämä Sakhs’s ability to play the vina and sing, as well as all Her other skills. Shri Rädhikä seated this new Sakhi next to Her with great honour and respect. Upon hearing Her exceptional singing, She became filled with delight and embraced Her. Shri Rädhikä recognised Her beloved merely by His touch; and as soon as She had done so, Her mäna was broken. Surrounded by Her friends, She now became absorbed in beautiful pastimes with the beloved of Her life.
In Mäna-garh, one can also have darsana of Mäna Mandira, a swing, a Räsa-Mandal and Ratnäkara-Sarovara. Just near Mänagarh to the south is the village of Mänapurä, which reminds one of all these pastimes.
Del álbum:
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1 de Mukesh K Agrawal
Añadida el 26 de febrero
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