Chapter 3
Text 1
vrindavaneshv idrisha-vaibhaveshu
madhurya-dhurya-dhvajavad dhinoti
govardhano nama dharadhi-rajo
rajopacarair yuvaraja-rajam
vrindavaneshu—in the forest of Vrindavana; idrisa—like this; vaibhaveshu—with opulences; madhurya—of sweetness; dhurya—abundance; dhvaja—a flag; vat—like; hinoti—pleases; govardhanah—Govardhana; nama—named; dhara-adhi-rajah—the king; of mountains; raja—royal; upacaraih—with services; yuva-raja-rajam—Shri Krishna, the young prince of Vraja.
Govardhana Hill is like a flag of intense sweetness placed in the opulent land of Vrindavana. As the king of mountains Govardhana Hill offers very pleasing royal service to the young prince of Vraja.
Text 2
nana-vidha ratna-varenya-varah
shila yadiya vilasanti yatra
krishnasya simhasana-pitha-khatva-
shayyadi-rupa rasa-raja-bhupah
nana-vidhah—various; ratna-varenya-varah—excellent jewels; shilah—stones; yadiyah—like that; vilasanti—are splendidly manifest; yatra—where; krishnasya—of Krishna; simhasana—throne; pitha—place; khatva—shayya—couches; adi—geginning; rupah—in the forms; rasa-raja-bhupah—in relation to Shri Krishna, the supreme monarch of nectarean transcendental mellows.
The rocks of Govardhana Hill are many kinds of splendid jewels that provide thrones, couches, and other kinds of furniture for Shri Krishna, the supreme monarch of all nectar mellows.
Text 3
yat-kandarah kunja-varenya-punjah
prithak prithak tat-parama-priyadeh
yat—of whom; kandarah—the caves; kunja—groves; vare;nya—excellent; punjah—multitude; shri-krishna—of Shri Krishna; keli—of pastimes; rasa—nectarean mellows; mandirani—palaces; prithak prithak—various; tat—of Him; parama—supreme; priya—beloved; adeh—beginning; saubhagya—bhaghya—good fortune; uttama—supreme; yogyatani—appropriate.
Govardhana Hill's beautiful forests and caves are Krishna's nectar pastime palaces, each one perfect for the supreme good fortune of His beloved and Her friends.
Text 4
paraga-pushpair madhubhir marandaih
pravala-varair madhuraih phalaish ca
nana-vidhair yat-taravo latabhih
krishnasya sevam racayanti tabhih
paraga—pollen; pushpaih—with flowers; madhubhih—iwth honey; marandaih—with nectar; pravala—with blossoming twigs; varaih—excellent; madhuraih—with sweet;phalaih—fruits; ca—also; nana—various; vidhaih—kinds; yat—of which; taravahy—the trees. latabhih—with the creepers; krishnasya—of Shri Krishna; sevam—the service; racayanti—performs; tabhih—with them.
Govardhana Hill's trees and vines serve Shri Krishna by offering Him blossoming branches with sweet fruits, and flowers filled with honey, nectar, and fragrant pollen.
Text 5
yad-dhatavo gairika-hinguladya
manahshilakhya haritala-mukhyah
ati-priyah shyama-sharira-shobha
lobhaya kurvanti vidhu-priyanam
yat—of which; dhatavah—the minerals; gairika—red chalk; hingula—vermillion; adyah—beginning with; manahshila-akhyah—red arsenic; haritala—yellow pigment; mukhyah—beginning; ati—very; priyah—dear; shyama—of Lord Shyamasundara; sharira—of the body; shobha—beauty; lobhaya—for eagerness; kurvanti—do; vidhu—of Lord Krishna; priyanam—of the beloved gopis.
The red, vermillion, yellow, and other-colored pigments of Govardhana Hill decorate Lord Krishna's transcendental body for the pleasure of His beloved gopis.
Text 6
kasturikas tad-dharinair nisrishta
jatah svayam kunkuma-sara-jatah
karpura-purash ca sugandhayanti
krishnaya krishnagurubhish ca yatra
kasturikaih—with musk; tat-harinaih—be deer; nishrishtah—left; jatah—produced; svayam—personally; kunkuma—of kunkuma; sara—best; jatah—produced; karpura-purah—an abundance of camphor; ca—also; sugandhayanti—make fragrant; krishnaya—Shri Krishna; krishna-agurubhih—with aguru; ca—also; yatra—where.
The musk left by deer, as well as the kunkuma, camphor, and aguru naturally produced by Govardhana Hill, were all used to give a sweet fragrance to the transcendental body of Lord Krishna.
Text 7
yatrasti sa candana-sara-jatir
na tatra sarpah sa ca ced visham na
visham ca cet kvapi na duhkhadam tad
dhareh sukhaikam hari-dasa-varye
yatra—where; asti—there is; ca candana-sara-jatih—a grove of sandalwood trees; na—not; tatra—there; sarpah—a snake; sah—it; ca—and; cet—if; visham—poison; na—not; visham—poison; ca—and; cet—if; kvapi—at any time; na—not; duhkha—distress; dam—causing; tat—that; hareh—of Lord Hari; sukha—happiness; ekam—only; hari—of Lord Hari; dasa—of the servants; varye—on the best.
There is a pleasant grove of sandalwood trees on Govardhana Hill. Although snakes generally flock to sandalwood trees, no snakes ever come here, or if sometimes a snake may come it is not poisonous, or if sometimes a poisonous snake may come its poison is automatically counteracted, and it can do no harm. As the best servant of Lord Hari, Govardhana Hill has made this wonderful arrangement for the Lord's pleasure.
Text 8
vyavartane vamya-vashan mrigakshyah
sarpadi-vikshadibhir eva sadyah
svayam samashlesha-vishesha-labho
hare raso 'sau hari-dasa-varye
vyavartane—in the turning around; vamya-vashat—because of
contrariness; mriga-akshyah—of the fawn-eyed gopi; sarpa-a snake; adi—beginning with; viksha—with the sight; adibhih—beginning; eva—certainly; ; sadyah—at once; svayam-personally; samashlesha—embracing; vishesha—specific; labhah—attainment; hareh—of Lord Hari; rasah—nectarean transcendental mellows; asau—this; hari—of Lord Hari; dasa—of servants; varye—on the best.
One time a contrary fawn-eyed gopi left Shri Krishna. A short time afterwards She saw a snake on the road. Frightened, She took shelter of Lord Krishna, embracing Him and begging for protection. As Lord Hari's best servant, Govardhana Hill made all these nectarean arrangements for His pastimes.
Note: This verse may also be translated in the following way:
Rejected by a certain contrary fawn-eyed gopi, Shri Krishna said: "I have just been bitten by one of Govardhana Hill's snakes." When the gopi heard this, She became repentant, and came before the Lord with many apologies. As Lord Hari's best servant, Govardhana Hill made all these arrangements for His pastimes.
Text 9
kvacic chila nilamani-pravinah
kutrapi ta marakataika-tanah
tah padmaragah sphatikash ca kashcid
govardhanadrau vidhu-keli-kalpah
kvacit—somewhere; silah—rocks; nilamani—sapphires; pravinah—excellent; kutrapi—somewhere; tah—they; marakata—emeralds; eka—sole; tanah—manifestation; tah—they; padmaragah—rubies; sphatikah—crystal; ca—and; kashcit—some; govardhana-adrau—on govardhana Hill; vidhu—of Lord Krishna; keli—for the pastimes; kalpah—suitable.
The rocks of Govardhana Hill are all precious gems. Some are sapphires, some emeralds, some rubies or crystals. They provide the perfect backdrop for Lord Krishna's pastimes.
Text 10
jambunada-grava-varan nirikshya
krishnagrajo 'ram vrishabhanuja dhih
duram prayati sphatikoccayantat
krishnagrajo 'trety api sapi yatra
jambunada—golden; grava-stones; varan—excellent; nirikshya—seeing k krishna-agrajah—Krishna's elder brother Balarama; aram—for a long time; vrishabhanuja—of Shrimati Radharani; dhih—the conception; duram—a great distance; prayati—goes; sphatika-uccaya-antat—from the crystals; krishna-agrajah—Krishna's elder brother; atra—here; iti—thus; api—also; sa api—she; yatra—where.
If, while walking on Govardhana Hill, Krishna's elder brother Balarama sees a series of golden stones, He thinks: "the daughter of King Vrishabhanu must have just now walked before Me," and He changes course to avoid an awkward situation. In the same way, if She sees a series of crystal stones, She thinks: "Balarama must have just now walked before Me," and She changes Her course.
Text 11
krishnas tu jambunada-madhyam eti
muhuh sva-kanta-dyuti-viddha-buddhih
kantapi tasyendramani-shilantam
kanta-bhramac chri-hari-dasa-varye
krishnah—Krishna; tu—indeed; jambunada-madhyam—golden stones; eti—approaches; muhuh—repeatedly; sva—His own; kanta—of the beloved; dyuti—luster; viddha—pierced; buddhih—with the conception; kanta—His beloved; api—also; tasya—of Him; indramani-shila-antam—sapphire; kanta—her lover; bhramat—from the false conception; shri-hari—of Shri Hari; dasa—of the servants; varye—on the best.
If, on Govardhana Hill, which is the best of Lord Hari's servants, Shri Krishna sees a golden stone, He takes it to be His beloved. In the same way, His beloved sees a sapphire, She assumes it is Her lover.
Text 12
yasyanga-shobha na vilobhayanti
kam va nikunjeshu darishu drishtah
krishnasya kanta-nivahasya hara-
dibhih padalaktaka-carvitadyaih
yasya—of whom; anga—of the form; shobhah—beauty; na—does not; vilobhayanti—enchant; kam va—whom? nikunjeshu—in the groves; darishu—in the caves; drishtah—seen krishnasya—of Shri Krishna; kanta—the beloved gopis; nivahasya—of the multitude; hara-adibhih—with necklaces and other ornaments; pada-alakta—with red lac to decorate the soles; carvita—with betel-nuts; adyaih—and other articles.
The gopis' necklaces, ornaments, red foot cosmetic, betelnuts, and other paraphernalia gaze on the beauty of Govardhana Hill's groves and caves. Who would not become enchanted by the beauty of Govardhana Hill?
Text 13
yasyendranila-manir eva krishno
jambunadany eva tadiya-kantah
tat-kelayo yasya kutumba-bhava
govardhanam tam kavayantu ke va
yasya—of whom; indranilah manih—sapphire; eva—certainly; ; krishnah—Krishna; jambunadani—golden ornaments; eva—certainly; tadiya—His; kantah—beloved gopis; tat—of Them; kelayah—pastimes; yasya—of whom; kutumba—bhavah—family; govardhanam—-Govardhana; tam—this; kavayantu—may describe; ke—who?; va—or.
Shri Krishna is the sapphire, and the gopis the golden necklaces ornamenting Gorvadhana Hill. The pastimes of Krishna and the gopis are the sons and daughters of Govardhana Hill. Who is able to describe the glories of Govardhana Hill?
Text 14
sat tandavam tandavinash caranti
gayanti bhringash ca pikash ca vikshya
tanvanti talam bahu-pakshino 'nye
hares tu seva hari-dasa-varye
sat—transcendental; tandavam—dancing; tandavinah—peacocks; caranti-performs; gayanti—sing; bhringah—bees; ca—and; pikah—cuckoos; ca—also; vikshya—having seen; tanvanti—do; talam—rhythmic accompaniment; bahu—many; pakshinah—birds; anye—other; hareh—for Lord Hari; tu—indeed; sevah—services; hari—of Lord Hari; dasa—of the servants;. varye—on the best.
The peacocks dance enthusiastically, the bees and cuckoos sing melodiously, and many other birds chirp a rhythmic accompaniment, as they all gaze on the service to Lord Hari done by Govardhana Hill, the best of Lord Hari's servants.
Text 15
paryanta-bhumim parito yadiyam
krishnasya khelavali-lalitani
kundani kunjani padani bhanti
san-nirjharas te paritah sravanti
paryanta-bhumim—the adjoining area; paritah—in all directions; yadiyam—in relation to which; krishnasya—of Lord Krishna; khela—of pastimes; avali—of a host lalitani—charming; kundani—lakes; kunjani—groves; padani—and other places; bhanti—are splendidly manifest; sat—transcendental; nirjharah—streams; te—they; paritah—in all directions; sravanti—flow.
The land around Govardhana Hill in all directions is filled with many lakes, groves, and other charming places of Lord Krishna'spastimes. Many lovely streams flow from Govardhana Hill onto these lands in all directions.
Text 16
tat-purvato dana-nivartanakhyam
kundam yadiya-smaranena sadyah
shri-radhika-tad-dayito 'py udancad-
romanca-kampancita-sundarah syat
tat—of that; purvatah—to the east; dana-nivartana—Dana-nivartana; akhyam—named; kundam—lake; yadiya—of which; smaranena—by the remembrance; sadyah—at once; shri-radhika—of Shrimati Radharani; tat-dayitah—and her lover; api—also; udancat—manifesting; romanca—hairs standing up; kampa-ancita—trembling sundarah—beautiful; syat—are.
To the east is Dana-nivartana-kunda. When Shri Radhika's handsome beloved remembers it, He begins to tremble, and the hairs on His body stand erect.
Text 17
tato 'pi purve para-rasa-lila-
vali-sthali shati-baliyasi ya
smritapi tam tam natayaty akande
sviye rase candra-sarovaram ca
tatah—of this; api—also; purve—to the east; para—Radha; rasa—rasa-dance; lila—of pastimes; avali—of a host; sthali—the place; sha—that; ati—very; baliyasi—full of transcendental potencies; ya—which; smrita—remembered; api—even; tam—her; tam—Him; natayati—cause to dance; akande—suddenly; sviye—in Their own; rase—transcendental mellows; candra-sarovaram—Candra—sarovara; ca—and.
To the east of that is Candra-sarovara, where the divine couple enjoyed many rasa-dances. The memory of this place makes Them dance in ecstatic love.
Text 18
govardhana-prag-dishi dakshinamshe
sankarshanananda-sarovaram tat
tat-purvato rajati tac ca gauri-
tirtham na gauri-patir eti yat tu
govardhana—of Govardhana Hill; prak-dishi—to the east; dakshina—in the southern; amse—part; sankarshana-ananda-sarovaram—Sankarshanananda-sarovara; tat—that; tat—of that; purvatah—to the east; rajati—is splendidly manifest; tat—that; ca—also; gauri-tirtham—Gauri—tirtha; na—not; gauri—of gauri; patih—the husband; eti—goes; yat—to which; tu—indeed.
Southeast of Govardhana Hill is Sanksarshanananda-sarovara, and to the east of that is Gauri-tirtha, which is scrupulously avoided by Gauri's husband, Lord Shiva.
Text 19
sada taya tasya vihara-hetoh
tasyah priyam yatra samasta-vidya-
patim cakarashu nikunja-vidyam
sada—eternally; taya—with Her; tasya—of Him; vihara—pastimes; hetoh—on account of; saubhagya—during the full moon night of the mont of Shravana; bhagya—of good fortune; amrita—nectar; bhuri-bharah—great abundance; tasyah—of Her; priyam—beloved; yatra—where; samasta—all; vidya—of knowledge; ya-patim—the master; cakara—made; asu—quickly; nikunja—of the grove; vidyam—the knowledge.
The nectar flood of supreme good fortune rising from His eternal pastimes with Her has made Her beloved supremely learned in the philosophy of forest-pastimes.
Text 20
sankarshanam dana-nivartanam ca
kunda-dvayam yat-tad-ubhe tu madhye
mahanna-kutotsavam atanoti
ananda-rajo yuvaraja-ranji
sankarshanam—Sankarshana-sarovara; dana-nivartanam—Dana-nivartana-kunda; ca—and; kunda—of lakes; dvayam—pair; yat-tat-ubhe tu madhye—between which; maha—anna-kuta-utsavam—the mahanna-kuta-festival; atanoti—performs; ananda-rajah—Anandaraja-tirtha; yuvaraja—the young prince of Vraja; ranji—delighting.
In between Sankarshana-sarovara and Dana-nivartana-kunda is Anandaraja-tirtha, where the Mahanna-kuta festival delighted the young prince of Vraja.
Text 21
pashcac ca tasyollasitaspadeshu
krishnasya keli-kavali-kriteshu
shri-dana-ghatöe sumani-su-ghaööe
yatrobhayo rasa-vaco vilash
pashcat—to the west; ca—also; tasya—of that; ullasita—splendid; aspadeshu—place; krishnasya—of Shri Krishna; keli—of pastimes; kavali—kriteshu—mouthfuls; shri-dhana-ghatte—Shri Dhana-ghaöa; sumani-sughaööe—sumani-ghata; yatra—where; ubhayoh—of both; rasa-vacah—playful conversation; vilasah—pastime.
West of that are two splendid places in the mouth of Krishna's pastimes. They are Shri Dhana-ghaöa and Shri Sumani-ghaöa, where the divine couple playfully talked and joked.
Text 22
tad-dana-keli-kali-vag vilaso
vismapayam asa na kam janam yah
tayor api shrota-tatim aöanna-
naöi-karoty ashu manas tanumsh ca
tat—of them; dana-keli—the dana-keli pastime; kali-vak—quarrel; vilasah—pastime; vismapayam asa—astonished; na—not; kam—what?; janam—person; yah—which; tayoh—of the divine couple; api—also; shrota—of the ear; tatim—the surface; atan—travelling; naöi-karoti—causes to dance; ashu—immediately; manah—the mind; tanum—body; ca—and.
At this place the divine couple enjoyed the playful quarrel pastime known as dana-keli. Who would not be astonished by this pastime? When this pastime enters the ears it makes both the body and mind dance.
Text 23
puccham mayurakriti kasya tasya
govinda-kundasya ca dakshinamshe
gala-sthali-manasa-jahnavi sa
nau-khelanam yatra tayoh sada syat
puccham—father; mayura—of a peacock; akritikasya—from the body; tasya—of that; govinda-kundasya—of Govinda-kunda; ca—also; dakshina—amshe—in the south; gala—on the neck; sthali—placed; manasa—jahnavi—the Manasa-ganga river; sa—that; nau—boat; khelanam—pastimes; yatra—where; tayoh—of the divine couple; sada—eternally; syat—are.
Govardhana Hill resembles a gigantic peacock that has Govinda-kunda as its tail. The Manasa-ganga, where the divine couple eternally enjoys boat-sailing pastimes, enters into the waters of Govinda-kunda.
Text 24
nau-khelanam yatra tayoh shrutinam
patham kathancid yadi tat prayati
tadaiva ruddham kurute balena
balena ca tyajayitum na shakyam
nau—boat; khelanam—pastimes; yatra—where; tayoh—of the divine couple; shrutinam—of the ears; patham—the path; kathancit—somewhat; yadi—if; tat—that; prayati—goes; tada—then; eva—certainly; ruddham—stopped; kurute—balena—by force; balena—by force; ca—also; tyajayitum—to abandon; na—not; shakyam—is possible.
If one hears about the divine couple's boat-sailing pastimes, he will become stunned in ecstasy, and it will not be possible for him to stop hearing about them.
Text 25
yasyas taöe pundraka-mandapani
tayor dvayor ujjvala-bhavitani
bhavanti nityam hridi bhavitani
yasyah—of which; taöe—on the shore; pundraka—of madhavi creepers; mandapani—froves; trailokya—of the three worlds; shobha—beauty; rasa—nectar; mandapani—cottages; tayoh—of Them; dvayoh—both; ujjvala-bhavitani—splendid transcendental loving pastimes; bhavanti—are; nityam—eternally; hridi—in the heart; bhavitani—manifest.
On the Manasa-ganga's shores are many madhavi-vine pavilions with nectar beauty that shines in the three worlds. There the divine couple enjoys splendid pastimes that are eternally remembered in the world's hearts.
Text 26
jala-sthala-sthaih kusumair asimaih
saran-marandaih kusumakarakhyah
padmakaro rajati kunja-punjair
girindra-varyananam eva kim sah
jala—of water; sthala—place; sthaih—situated; kusumaih—with flowers; asimaih—without limit; sharat—trickling; marandaih—nectar; kusuma—flowers; akara—form; akhyah—named; padmakarah—lake; rajati—is splendidly manifested; kunja-punjaih—with many groves; giri-indra—of Govardhana, the king of mountains; varya—excellent; ananam—face; eva—certainly; kim—is it?; sah—this.
With its nearby forest groves and the limitless nectar-trickling flowers in its waters, Kusuma-sarovara shines with great splendor. Is it the handsome face of Govardhana Hill, the king of mountains?
Text 27
praphullatayai kusumakaro 'yam
shri-narado yatra babhuva gopi
snanaika-matrad iti mohanoktih
gopi—gopi; svarupa—form; apti—attainment; para—best; prasuna—flowers; praphullatayai—for blossoming; kusumakarah—Kusuma sarovara; ayam—this; shri-naradah—Narada Muni; yatra—where; babhuva—became; gopi—a gopi; snana—by bathing; eka—once; matrat—only; iti—thus; mohana—of the charming Supreme Personality of Godhead; uktih—the statement.
This lake is known as kusuma-sarovara because of the many blossoming flowers, destined to become gopis in the future, that grow in its waters. Simply by once bathing in this Kusuma-sarovara, Narada Muni attained a gopi-form. This fact is directly confirmed in the words of the enchanting Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Text 28
yam paninapalayad isha eva
yo 'palayat tat-parivaram eva
kridaty ajasram svayam eva yatra
sa kena varnyo hari-dasa-varyah
yam—which; panina—with His hand; apalayat—protected; ishah— the Supreme Personality of Godhead; eva—certainly; yam—who; apalayat—protected; tat-parivaram—the Lord's associates; eva—certainly; kridati—performs pastimes; ajasram—eternally; svayam—personally; eva—certainly; ; yatra—where; sah—this; kena—by whom?; varnyah—may be described; hari—of Lord Hari; dasa—of the servants; varyah—the best.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead eternally enjoys pastimes on Govardhana Hill. He personally lifted Govardhana Hill with His own hand to protect His cowherd associates. Who is able to describe the glories of Govardhana Hill, the best of Lord Hari's servants?
Text 29
shri-radhika-krishna-sarovare te
tat-prema-purne kila yasya netre
govardhano bhati sa-gopa-gopi-
go-vardhano madhava-madhuribhyah
shri-radhika—of Shrimati Radharani; krishna—of Shri Krishna; sarovare—the two lakes; te—they; tat—of Them; prema—with the love; purne—filled; kila—indeed; yasya—of which; netre—the two eyes; govardhanah—Govardhana Hill; bhati-is splendidly manifest; sa—with; gopa—gopas; gopi—gopis; go—the cows; vardhanah—nourishing; madhava—of Lord Madhava madhuribhyah—because of the transcendental sweetness.
Radha-kunda and Shyama-kunda are Govardhana's two love-filled eyes. Because it nourishes the gopas, gopis, and surabhi cows with Lord Madhava's sweetness, it shines with the name "go-vardhana".
Text 30
shobha-samudratishayashayau ye
lavanya—of beauty; vanya—of the flood; amrita—nectar; shuddha—pure; kandah—origin; shobha—of splendor; samudra—ocean; atishaya—great; asayau—reservoirs; ye—which; madhurya—in madhurya-rasa; carya—devotional service; caya—abundance; caru—charming; mule—roots; shri—radhika—kunda—Radha-kunda; mukunda-kunde—and Shyama-kunda.
Shyama-kunda and Radha-kunda are two great floods of the nectar of beauty. They are two great oceans of splendor. They are two beautiful roots from which sweet devotional service grows.
Text 31
dvayos tayoh prema-mani khani ye
rasaika-rupe madhura-svarupe
kim tau lasantau sarasi bhavantau
dvayoh—both; tayoh—of them; prema—of pure love; mani—with the jewels; khani—two mines; ye—which; vilasa—of transcendental pastimes; ratna—of jewels; avali—series; valli—of the creeper; bije—the seed; rasa—nectarean mellows; eka—sole; rupe—forms; madhura—sweet; svarupe—forms; kim—how is it; tau—they; lasantau—splendidly manifest; sarasi—two lakes; bhavantau—are.
They are two jewel-mines of love. They are two seeds from which grow the jewel-vines of transcendental pastimes. How did they become two splendid and nectar-sweet lakes?
Text 32
yayor vilokena tayoh pratitis
tayor iva syad anubhuti-bhutih
sakshad-avaptish ca tathanavadya
sadyo bhavaty eva vadanti vidyah
yayoh—of whom; vilokena—by the sight; tayoh—of Them; pratitih—belief; tayoh—of Them; iva—like; syat—is; anubhuti—of direct perception; bhutih—manifestation; sakshat—direct; avaptih—attainment; ca—also; tatha—in that way; anavadya—perfect; sadyah—at once; bhavati—is; eva—certainly; vadanti—say; vidyah—the learned.
By seeing these two lakes, Radha and Krishna believe They are present in them. It is as if They directly see each other there. The wise say that by approaching these lakes one directly approaches Radha and Krishna.
Text 33
dvayoh sudurlabhyataya yadi syat
dvav eva yad dvandva-samashrayatau
dvayoh—of the divine couple; sudurlabhyataya—with the difficulty of meeting; yadi-if; syat—is; paraspara—mutual; utkanöhita-bhuri-bharah—the great burden of longings; dvau—both; eva—certainly; ; yat—because; dvandva—of the Couple; samashrayatau—shelters; paraspara—mutual; prapti—attainment; rasa—nectar; ati—much; siktau—sprinkled.
Longing to meet, but forced to remain separate, Radha and Krishna assumed the forms of Radha-kunda and Shyama-kunda. In this way They become splashed with the nectar of meeting each other.
Text 34
radhaiva kundam dravatam gatabhut
krishnekshanananda-bharena manye
krishno 'pi radhekshana-moda-bharat
tenaiva tan-nama-gunad dvi-kundi
radha—Shrimati Radharani; eva—certainly; kundam—alake; dravatam—liquidity; gata—attained; abnhut—was; krishna—of Shri Krishna; ikshana-from the sight; ananda—of bliss; bharena—by the abundance; manye—I think krishnah—Shri Krishna; api—also; radha—of Shrimati Radharani; ikshana—from the sight; moda—of bliss; bharat—becaus of the abundance; tena—for this reason; eva—certainly; ; tat—of Them; nama—from the names; gunat—and qualities; vikundi—two lakes.
I think that when Radha saw Krishna She melted with ecstasy and thus assumed the liquid state of the waters of Radha-kunda, and in the same way when Krishna saw Radha He also melted in ecstasy and became the waters of Shyama-kunda. In this way these two lakes bear the names and qualities of the divine couple.
Text 35
karunya-matratishayaj janeshu
tau sto dravantau sarasi bhavantau
majjanti santas tad ihollasantah
karunya—mercy; matra—only; atishayat—because of great; janeshu—on the living entites; svakiya—Their own; madhurya—sweetness; bhara—abundance; anubhutyai—for the direct perception; tau—they; stah—are; dravantau—liquid; sarasi—two lakes; bhavantau—become; majjanti—bathe; santah—the saintly devotees; tat—therefore; iha—here; ullasantah—jubilant.
Out of great kindness to the people, so they could directly taste Their sweetness, Radha and Krishna have become these two lakes. Shining with happiness, the devotees bathe in these two lakes.
Text 36
premaiva tad yugma-varasya yugmam
kundasya manye tad ihashu dhanyah
majjanti tan majjana-matram eva
premniti namnapi tayor dvi-kundi
prema—love; eva—certainly; tat—this; yugma-varasya—of the divine couple; yugmam—pair; kundasya—of lakes; manye—I think; tat—therefore; iha—her; ashu—immediately; dhanyah—fortunate personsl; majjanti—bathe; tat—therefore; majjana—bathing; matram—only; premni—in pure transcendental love; iti—thus; namna—by name; api—also; tayoh—of Them; dvi-kundi—the two lakes.
I think these two lakes are the divine couple's love. They who are fortune bathe there. Because bathing there is like bathing in Their transcendental love, these two lakes bear the names of the divine couple.
Text 37
tayo raso yo madhurah sa eva
virajate 'tyanta-rahasya-bhavan
majjanti taj-jnah sara ity udirya
tahoh—of the divine couple; rasah—the nectarean mellows of love; hah—which; madhurah—sweet; sah—that; eva—certainly; varna—of syllables; dvaya—pair; adi—beginning; anta—and end; viparyayena—by reverse order; virajate—is manifest; atyanta—great; rahasya—secret; bhavat—because of the nature; majjanti—become immersed; tat—this; jnah—those who understand; sarah—lake; iti—thus; udirya—saying.
Spelled backwards, the word sara (lake) becomes rasa (nectar). They who are aware of this great secret bathe in these two lakes.
Text 38
tayor dvayor eva nikunja-punje
vilasya nana-vidha-rasya-bhavaih
nirikshitum kunda-yugam sa kunjam
yugmam tayoh syat tu cakora-yugmam
tayoh—of Them; dvayoh—both; eva—certainly; nikunja—groves; punje—in the many; vilasya—performing pastimes; nana—various; vidha—kinds; rasya—nectarean; bhavaih—with loving exchanges; nirikshitum—to see; kunda—of lakes; yugam—the pair; sah—this; kunjam—grove; yugmam—pair; tayoh—of them; syat—became; tu-indeed; cakora—of cakor birds; yugmam—pair.
Wishing to see Their sweet pastimes in the forest, the two lakes have become the divine couple's two pet cakora-birds.
Text 39
dvayor ati-priti-parasparam tac
chri-radhika-kundam akhanda-shobham
samantato yasya nikunja-punjah
sakhi-jananam bhramarali-gunjah
dvayoh—of Them; ati—great; priti—love; parasparam—mutual; tat—that; shri-radhika-kundam—Shri Radha-kunda; akhanda—great; shobham—with beauty; samantatah—on all sides; yasya—of which; nikunja—groves; punjah—many; sakhi-jananam—of Radha's gopi-friends; bhramara-ali—of many bumble-bees; gunjah—filled with the sounds.
Limitlessly beautiful Shri Radha-kunda is filled with the divine couple's great love. On every side are the groves of Radha's friends and the humming of many bees.
Text 40
tad-uttare shri-lalita pramodam
nikunja-padmam mani-matra-sadmah
ishana-kone kusumaika-klptam
kunjam vishakha-pramadam prabhati
tat—of that; uttare—to the north; shri-lalita—of Shri Lalita; pramodam—the delight; nikunja—grove; padmam—lotus; mani—of jewels; matra—only; sadmah—abode; ishana-kone—to the north; kusuma-of flowers; eka—only; klptam—fashioned; kunjam—grove; vishakha—of Vishakha; pramadam—the delight; prabhati—is splendidly manifest.
To the north is a jewel lotus-garden named Laltia-pramoda. To the north is a flower-garden named Vishakha-pramada.
Text 41
purve yadiye 'khila-citra-kunja-
purnendu-kunje 'nala-kona-mule
ya indulekha-pramadah pragitah
puirve—in the east; yadiye—in which; akhila—all; citra—wonderful; kunja—grove; citra—Citra-gopi; pramoda—delighting; dala-petals; pushpa—of flowers; citram—colorful; purna—full; indu—moon; kunje—in the grove; anala-kona-mule—in the southeast; yah—which; indulekha—Indulekha-gopi; pramadah—the delight; pragitah—described.
To the east is Citra-pramoda, a wonderful garden of colorful flowers. To the southeast is Purnendu-kunja, the delight of Indulekha-gopi.
Text 42
yad-dakshine prema-nikunja-varyam
shri-campavalli-sukhadam cakasti
yatra sthite radhikayapi krishne
radham avikshyeva gataiva vriddha
yat—of which; dakshine—to the south; prema—of love; nikunja—grove varyam—excellent; shri-campavalli—of Campakalata—gopi; sukha—happiness; dam—granting; cakasti—is manifested; yatra—where sthite—situated; radhikaya—with Shrimati Radharani; api—also; krishna—when Shri Krishna; radham—Shrimati Radharani; avikshya—not observing; iva—as if; gata—gone; eva—certainly; vriddha—Jaöila.
To the south is Prema-kunja, the delight of Campakalata-gopi. Shri Radha slips away from the protection of her mother-in-law Jaöila to meet Krishna in this grove.
Text 43
yan-nairrite nila-nikunja-kunje
shri-radhayasinam avekshya krishnam
tam shlaghayitva jarati gataram
yat—of which; nairrite—in the southwest; nila—blue; nikunja-kunje—-in the grove; shri-rangadevi—of Shri Rangadevi-gopi; sikdhada—the delight; indranile—with sapphires; shri-radhaya—with Shrimati Radharani; asinam—seated avekshya—seeing; krishnam—Krishna; tam—her; shlaghayitva—praising; jarati—Jaöila; gata—left; aram—quickly.
In the southwest is the sapphire-studded grove named Nila-nikunja, the delight of Shri Rangadevi-gopi. Once Radha's mother-in-law Jaöila happened upon the divine couple sitting together in this sapphire-grove. Jaöila could not see Krishna, whose bodily luster camouflaged Him against the background of sapphires. Jaöila thought Radha was sitting alone. She glorified Her daughter-in-law, and quickly left.
Text 44
shri-tungavidya-sukhadam nikunjam
yatra pashcime bhaty arunam tad-akhyam
shyamam nikunjam kila vayu-kone
sukhaya yan-marakatam sudevyah
shri-tungavidya—of Shri Tungavidya-gopi; sukhadam—the delight; nikunjam—grove; yatra—where; pashcime—in the sest; bhati—is manifest; arunam—reddish; tat—of that; akhyam—the name shyamam—green; nikunjam—grove; kila—indeed; vayu-kone—in the northwest; sukhaya—for the delight; ya—which; marakatam—emerald; sudevyah—of sudevi-gopi.
To the west is Aruna-kunja, the red-flower-filled grove that is the delight of Tungavidya-gopi. To the northwest is the green grove Marakata-kunja (grove of emeralds), which is the delight of Sudevi-gopi.
Text 45
shri-kunda-madhye 'pi jaloparishöham
vicitra-sankhyam mani-mandiram yat
bhagam vina kas tad avaitu lokah
shri-kunda—of Radha-kunda; madhye—in the middle; api—also; jala—the water; upari—above; shöham—situated; vicitra-sankhyam—wonderful; mani—jewelled; mandiram—palace; yat—which; ananga-manjari—of Ananga-manjari; anuraga-bhagam—the place of the loving service; bhagam—opulence; vina—without; kah—what?; tat—this; avaitu—may understand; lokah—person.
Placed over the waters in the middle of Radha-kunda is a wonderful jewel palace where Ananga-manjari with great love serves the divine couple. Without love and devotion who is able to know about this palace?
Text 46
shri-kundam etan nikhilash ca kunja
padam ca panthash ca yatha yathaisham
govinda-lilamrita eti sarvam
shri-kundam—Radha-kunda; etat—this nikhilah—all; ca—also; kunjah—the groves; padam—the place; ca—also; panthah—the paths; ca—also; yatha yatha—just as; esham—them; govinda-lilamrite—in the Govinda-lilamrita; eti—goes; sarvam—all; govinda-lila-amrta-manya-garvam—filled with the nectar of Lord Govinda's pastimes.
All the groves, paths, and various places around Radha-kunda are filled with the nectar of Lord Govinda's pastimes. All these places are elaboratedly described in Shrila Krishnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami's book Shri Govinda-lilamrita.
Text 47
nandishvarad dakshina-pashcimadau
yan-madhyatah kamyavanady-anadau
rahasya—confidential; lila—of pastimes; avali—multitude; valgu-nadah—beautiful; pramatta-maddened with love; radha—Shrimati Radharani; akhya—named; yat—which; adi—beginning with; padah—places. nandishvarat—from Nandishvara Hill; dakshina—to the south; pashcima—and west; adau—beginning with; yat—of which; madhyatah—in the middle; kamyavana—Kamyavana; adi—beginning with; anadau—beginningless.
To the south and west of Nandishvara Hill are Kamyavana Forest and many other beautiful places, such as Pramatta-radha-tirtha, where the divine couple enjoy many confidential pastimes.
Text 48
vali baliyasy abaleva lina
caryasya padambuja-saurabheshu
yatra—where; akhila—all; aishvarya—opulences; maha-arya—transcendental; lila—of pastimes; avali—multitude; baliyasi—powerful; abala— a woman; iva—like; lina—entered; madhurya—of sweetness; carya—of pastimes; caya—multitude; caru—beautiful; varya—best; acaryasya—of the performer; pada—feet; ambuja—of the lotus; saurabheshu—in the fragrance.
When the fragrance of the divine couples' pastimes of sweetness enter this place, the powerful goddess of the pastimes of supreme opulence hides.
Text 49
kundam mahoddanda-rasabdhi-tundam
yatrodita shrila-mukunda-keli
shri-rama—of Shri Ramacandra; lila—of pastimes; avali—multitude; sakshi—directly lanka-kundam—Lanka-kunda; maha-uddanda—great; rasa-abdhi—ocean; tundam—face; yatra—where; udita—arose; shrila-mukunda—of Lord Mukunda; keli—the pastimes; shri-radhika— of Shrimati Radharani; ranjana—the delight; manju—beautiful; panji—narration.
At the place known as Lanka-kunda, Lord Mukunda delighted Shri Radhika by narrating Lord Ramacandra's pastimes of bridging the great ocean and travelling to Lanka.
Text 50
shri-radhaya madhava-madhuri sa
alapane citrayativa yatau
lukayana-khyati—named likayana; vicitra—wonderful; kelau—in the pastime; shrti-radhaya—with Shrimati Radharani; madhava—of Lord Madhava; madhuri—sweetness; sa—that; yatra—where; udita—risen; citra—wonder; tat—of her; ali-malam—the goi-friends; alapane—in the conversation; citrayati—astonishes; iva—like; yatau—gone.
As Shri Shri Radha-Madhava converse during the wonderful lukayana pastimes in Kamyavana, They manifest a great transcendental sweetness that astonishes Their gopi-friends.
Text 51
kundani kunjani lasanti yatra
krishnasya kamyani vanani yatra
santiti tat kamyavanam vadanti
evam-vidha—in this way; aneka—many; rasa—of transcendental mellows; aspadani—places; kundani—lakes; kunjani—groves; lasanti—are splendidly manifest; yatra—where; krishnasya—of Shri Krishna; kamyani—charming; vanani—forest; yatra—where; santi—are; iti—thus; kamyavanam—Kamyavana; vadanti—they say.
Because of its many charming (kamya) forests, groves, and lakes, where Lord Krishna relishes the sweetness of His pastimes, this place is known as Kamyavana.
Text 52
suryasya murtih sarasi ca yatra
shri-radhikayash ca tad-arcanayah
vadanti yac-chantvanu-vasa-samjnam
tad-ikshananiva tad-ikshanani
suryasya—of the sun-god; murtih—the diety; sarasi—lake; ca—also; yatra—where; shri-radhikayah—of Shrimati Radharani; ca—also; tat—the diety; arcanayah—worshipping; vadanti—say; which; santanu—of Santanu Muni; vasa—the residence; samjnam—named; tat—of the diety; ikshani—seeing; iva—as if; tat—of Shrimati Radharani; ikshanani—seeing.
By a lake there, at the place the people call Shantanu-vasa, is a sun-god deity Shri Radha worships. On the pretext of seeing that deity She gives him a chance to see Her.
Text 53
chadih shila yatra tad-ahva-shaile
krishnasya nana-kutukaspadani
krishnasya kautuhala-bashpadani
krishnasya kau tuha-lavaspadani
chadih—roof; shila—rock; yatra—where; tat—of that; avha—name; shaile—on the mountain; krishnasya—of Lord Krishna; nana—various; kutuka—of wonderful pastimes; aspadani—abodes; krishnasya—of Lord Krishna; kautuhala—of joy; bashpa—tears; dani—giving; krishnasya—of Lord Krishna; kau—on the earth; tu—indeed; uha-lava—of playful guessing and speculation; aspadani—abodes.
In Kamyavana is a mountain named Chadi-shila (roof of rocks). There Krishna enjoyed many wonderful pastimes. There Krishna wept tears of joy. There Krishna played guessing games and spoke many playful words.
Text 54
nandasya navyo nilayo 'sti yatra
ratnakaro ratna-sarash-chalena
lilavaloke yutayaiva lino
lalitya-lalyam lalitadi-kundam
nandasya—of Nanda Maharaja; navyah—new; nilayah—home; asti—is; yatra—where; ratna-akarah—the jewel-filled ocean; ratna-sarah—a jewel filled lake; chalena—on the pretext; lila—of pastimes; avaloke—in the sight; yutaya—endowed; eva—certainly; linah—entered; lalitya-lalyam—charming; lalita-adi-kundam—Lalita-kunda, and the lakes of the other gopis.
Nanda Maharaja made his new home at Kamyavana. disguised as a small lake, the ocean of jewels stood at his doorstep. Nearby were Lalita-kunda and other charming lakes where the Lord enjoyed pastimes.
Text 55
parasparalapa-madam nipiya
vilokya tau lokayitum tad-alyo
viccheda-ga yatra tad-ahvayam tat
parapara—mutual; alapa—conversation; madam—nectar; nipiya—drinking; paraspara—mutual; anga—limbs; alasa—indolent; lagna—touch; mattau—madened; vilokya—seeeing; tau—Them; lokayitum—to see; tat-alyah—the gopis; viccheda—from various places; gah—arriving; yatra—where; tat-ahvayam—named that; tat—that.
In Kamyavana there is a place where the gopis drank the nectar of the divine couple's playful conversation, and say the divine couple maddened by Their mutual touch. The gopis came fromall directions (viccheda-ga) to see the divine couple, and therefore this place became known as vicchedata-tirtha.
Text 56
taptva na yad-bhavam avapa lakshmir
lakshmi-svabhavam kutukena nitva
sa kantam alapayad eva yatra
kim va na kautuhalam asti tatra
taptva—having performed austerities; na—not; yat—of whom; bhavam—the condition; avapa—attained; lakshmih—Lakshmi; laksmi—of Lakshmi; sva-bhavam—nature; kutukena—with desire; nitva—having led; sa—she; kantam—with her beloved; alapayat—spoke; eva—certainly; ; yatra—where; kim va—is it?; na—not; kautuhalam—desire; asti—is; tatra—there.
In Kamyavana there is a place where Lakshmidevi performed severe austerities to become a gopi. Although she remained Lakshmi and did not attain her goal, she nevertheless had the opportunity to speak with her beloved Krishna.
Text 57
kshirodadhih shesha-vishesha-rupam
sa shesha-shayi svayam asti sapi
sakhi-jananam kutukaya kamra
kshira—of milk; udadhih—ocean; shesha—of Shesha; vishesha—specific; rupam—form; sah—He; shesha-shayi—Lord Vishnu—who rests on Shesha; svayam—personally; asti—is; sa—she; api—also; tat—of Him; pada—the lotus feet; samvahana—massaging; bhakti—with devotion; namra—with humbly bowed head; sakhi—friend; jananam—of the people; kutukaya—for the desire; kamra—beautiful.
In Kamyavana there is a place where Lord Krishna manifested the milk ocean, expanded Himself as Ananta Shesha, transformed Himself into Kshirodakashayi Vishnu, and then sat down on the body of Ananta. Shrimati Radharani then became the beautiful Lakshmidevi, who with humbly bowed head began to massage Lord vishnu's lotus feet. This sight greatly delighted Shrimati Radharani's onlooking gopi-friends.
Text 58
mukhyeshv iha dvadasha-kananeshu
vrindavanendor akhila-priyanam
kunjani nana-kutukaspadani
lakshmyapi lakshmya hridi bashpadani
mukhyeshu—in the principal; iha—here; dvadasha—twelve; kananeshu—forests; vrindavana-indoh—of Lord Krishna, the moon of Vrindavana; akhila—of all; priyanam—the dear associates; kunjani—groves; nana—various; kutuka—of pastimes; aspadani—places; lakshmya—with opulence; api—also; lakshmyah—of Laksmi-devi; hridi—in the ehart; baspa—tears; dani—giving.
In the twelve forests of Vraja there are many groves filled with charming palces where Lord Krishna, the moon of Vrindavana, performs pastimes with His dear associates. These places are filled with such transcendental opulence that they cause the goddess of fortune, Lakshmi-devi, to weep with envy.
Text 59
shruti-prasiddhany upakananani
haresh catur-vimshatir asti tatra
tat kokila-kanana-nama yatra
sanketitah kokila-nada asit
shruti—in the Vedas; prasiddhani—celebrated; upakananani—gardens; hareh—of Lord Hari; catuh-vimshatih—24; asti—is; tatra—there; tat—that; kokila—of cuckoos; kanana—the forest; nama—named; yatra—where; sanketitah—indicated; kokila—of cuckoos; nadah—the sound; asit—was.
The Veda's explain that there are 24 imprtant gardens in Lord Hari's Vraja. among them is Kokila-kanana, which is filled with the singing of cuckoos.
Text 60
sarvanandathu-mulam ekam atulam lilaiva tasya api
rupam tasya ca dhama tatra paramam madhurya-matram param
shri-vrindavanam eva devata iha shri-riti-cintamanau
tasyoddesha-vishesha-lesha-kathane sargas tritiyottamah
sarva—of all; anandathu—transcendental bliss; mulam—the root; ekam—sole; atulam—incomparable; lila—pastimes; eva—certainly; ; tasyah—of Shrimati Radharani; api—also; rupam—the form; tasya—of Shri Krishna; ca—also; dhama—abode; tatra—there; paramam—supreme; madhurya-matram—sweetness; param—transcendental; shri-vrindavanam—Shri Vrindavana; eva—certainly; devatah—from the Supreme Lord; iha—here; shri-riti-cintamanau—in this book, Shri Vraja-riti-cintamani; tasya—of that; uddesha—in relation; vishesha—specific; lesha—a little; kathane—in the talk; sargah—chapter; triitya—third; uttamah—last.

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