Disappearance of Sri Abhirama Thakura, de Anuradha Bhattacharya
"Abhiram Lilamrta" appeared in issue number 4 of Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu, the free fortnightly email magazine from ISKCON Gopal Jiu Publications.
Abhiram Thakur is perhaps the most prominent follower of Lord Nityananda Prabhu. According to Srila Kavi Karnapur, Abhiram Thakur is the incarnation of Sridama Sakha, the chief cowherd boy in krsna-lila. His pastimes were described in simple Bengali verse by his disciple Sri Tilak Ram Das in a book called Sri Abhirama Lilamrta. In the fourth chapter the author reveals how he was able to write:
[My guru Abhiram Thakur came to me while I was resting and said] "Wake up! Wake up! O disciple, hear my words! I want you to write about my pastimes." I touched my head to my guru's lotus feet and at that time all of his pastimes appeared to me. [Texts 5-6, 13]
The following story, adapted from chapter 15, verses 141-246, describes how Abhiram Thakur tested the newborn sons of Lord Nityananda.
Abhiram Thakur was a very powerful personality. It is said that he would sometimes test the authenticity of a salagrama-sila or a deity by offering obeisances. If they were not genuine, they would break. He had other uncommon powers as well.
On one occasion Abhiram Thakur met Nityananda Prabhu on the bank of the Ganga, near to the home of Nityananda Prabhu. Nitai offered Abhiram a seat.
They embraced, and both sat down.
Nitai said, "O brother Abhiram, what is your desire? Why have you come to My home?"
"I want to see Your son."
Hearing this, Nityananda became happy. However, when Nityananda Prabhu showed him His son, Abhiram offered obeisances to the child and immediately the child died. When Nityananda Prabhu's wives Vasudha and Jahnava heard the news, they both fainted. Nityananda then placed the body of the child in the Ganga and they all took bath.
Sometime later, another child was born, and again Abhiram Thakur came. As before, when Abhiram offered his obeisances, the child died. Everyone was astonished, thinking, "What is Abhiram's purpose?" In this way, every time a child was born, Abhiram would come, offer obeisances, and the child would die.
Although Nityananda Prabhu is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Balaram, still, while acting out His human-like pastimes, He externally became very unhappy seeing all of His sons die. Therefore, when the next child was born, Nitai thought to Himself, "If Abhiram does not come My child will live."
Nityananda Prabhu invited many quests for the festive occasion, but He did not invite Abhiram Thakur. Seeing that Abhiram was not there, Adwaita Acharya inquired from Nityananda, "Why have You not invited Abhiram?"
Nityananda Prabhu replied, "Abhiram has made Me bereft of sons. So I will not invite him. I've told all of the boatmen not to bring him across the Ganga in their boats."
During the time of the festival for the birth of Nityananda Prabhu's latest son, Abhiram and his wife Malini were staying at Krishnagar. Vakreswar Pandit came to see them. Malini offered him a seat, and Vakreswar inquired from Abhiram, "Nitai is performing a festival on the occasion of the birth of his son. You are the pradhana-gopal, the leader of the cowherd boys. Is He inviting you or not?"
Abhiram laughed and said, "No. He is not inviting me."
Vakreswar humbly told Abhiram, "Without your presence this ceremony cannot be performed properly. Although He is not inviting you, still you should go."
"How can I go without an invitation?"
Malini then said, "Abhiram is a rakhal, a cowherd boy. Such cowherders have no abhiman, false ego. He is not finding fault with Nityananda Prabhu for not inviting him."
Abhiram Thakur then told Vakreswar, "O brother, I'll go there later." After Vakreswar left, Abhiram conceived a plan. He bade Malini goodbye and started off, saying, "Gaura Hari ki jaya!" He went to the bank of the Ganga and said to a boatman, "Take me across!"
The boatman looked at Abhiram Thakur and inquired, "Who are you sir? Give me your name and then I will start the journey. If I take the wrong person across then Nityananda Prabhu will be very angry with me."
Abhiram replied, "Why does He want to restrict this person from crossing?"
The boatman said, "Nityananda Prabhu is miserable and lamenting for His lost children. He told me, 'There is one person named Abhiram Thakur. He is very powerful. If he offers obeisances to My son then the child will die.' Saying this, Nityananda Prabhu told me not to bring that person across. I think that you are that same Abhiram Thakur."
Out of fear of Nityananda Prabhu, the boatman then put water in his boat and made it sink. Hearing that Abhiram Thakur had come, all of the other boatmen also filled their boats with water and sank them.
Abhiram Thakur then took some cloth and threw it in the river. The cloth floated, and, sitting on it, Abhiram crossed the river.
Seeing this, the people became astonished and ran to tell Nityananda Prabhu.
Although Nitai became worried, He took all of the mahants who were present at the festival and went to meet Abhiram Thakur. Abhiram saw them all performing ecstatic kirtana and coming toward the bank of the Ganga to meet him. Abhiram then began playing his flute, and he lost external consciousness. Tilak Ram Das says, "Who can understand Abhiram Thakur?"
When they came together, Abhiram embraced all of them with ecstatic love while his hairs stood on end. Nitai brought Abhiram into His home. Abhiram told Him, "I am very hungry. Please give me some prasad." Nitai gave him a seat in a room and Vasudha and Jahnava happily brought him nice prasad consisting of sweet rice, fancy rice and many opulent dishes. As much prasad as they brought, Abhiram ate it until he had finished everything in the house.
Seeing that he had eaten everything, Nitai said, "Dandavats to your pastimes! Who can understand You? In vraja-lila you are Sridama. Have you forgotten our loving relationship? In Vraja we all shared prasad together.
But now, forgetting all of that, you are taking all of the prasad alone. In Vraja we would always share whatever fruits we got. What sort of behavior is this that you are taking all of the prasad alone?"
Abhiram listened and said, "My nature is that of a cowherd boy. First I take, then I give to others. My behaviour is that of Vraja. Knowing my nature and activities in Vraja, how can You say I took all of the prasad? Go and see Your pots." Then Abhiram performed acaman.
Nityananda Prabhu went to see the pots and found that double the original amount of prasad was there. Nitai then happily embraced Abhiram.
Abhiram said, "O brother, you should feed all of the mahants."
The mahants then happily took prasad and shouted, "Hari! Hari!" Finishing, they all performed acamana. Then Nitai gave them tambula and a place to take rest.
Abhiram Thakur said, "Nitai, You have celebrated a festival for the birth of Your son. What sort of son do You have? Please bring him and I will offer my obeisances to him."
Hearing this, everyone became worried. Nityananda Prabhu's wives Vasudha and Jahnava approached Abhiram and humbly said, "This time please give protection to our child. Don't let us be criticized for not having a son. If you offer obeisances to our son then he will die. Every time this is what has happened. If you do this again, then we will also die."
Abhiram said, "Why are you fearing? You don't understand. I am offering my obeisances to test the child. If he is svayam-svarupa, the Lord's personal manifestation, then he will survive my obeisances."
Hearing Abhiram's words, Nityananda Prabhu became happy and brought His son before Abhiram. Abhiram Thakur offered his obeisances, and the child laughed. Abhiram become very happy and offered his obeisances a second and a third time, just to test the child. He saw that this child was jagat-priya, dear to the entire universe. Abhiram took the child on his lap and began to dance. He then told all of the mahants there:
ye na dekhecha gora dekha ara bar punarbar sei gora vira avatar
"So that those who did not see Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu could again have the opportunity to see Him, the Lord has reappeared in the form of Virabhadra Prabhu."
Lord Balaram has appeared as Lord Nityananda Prabhu. As the Supreme Lord, He is sarvajna, all- knowing. Hence He certainly understood and, in fact, inspired the behavior of Abhiram Thakur. The nature of the Lord is that He likes to see His devotees glorified more than Himself. Therefore, to glorify His devotee Abhiram Thakur, and also His son Virabhadra Prabhu, Lord Nityananda inspired Abhiram Thakur to act in such an unusual way.
Virabhadra Prabhu is the incarnation of Kshirodakasayi Vishnu. Srila Kavi Karnapura has written (Sri Gaura-ganodesa-dipika text 67):
The expansion of Lord Sankarshan known as Kshirodakasayi Vishnu appeared in Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's pastimes as Virachandra Prabhu. Lord Virachandra was non-different from Lord Chaitanya Himself.
As Kshirodakasayi Vishnu, Virabhadra Prabhu is the svayam svarupa, the plenary expansion of Lord Nityananda Prabhu. Srila Krishnadas Kaviraj has described:
May Sri Nityananda Rama be the object of my constant remembrance.
Sankarshana, Sesa Naga and the Vishnus who lie on the Karana Ocean (Karanodakasayi Visnu), Garbha Ocean (Garbhodakasayi Visnu) and ocean of milk (Ksirodakasayi Visnu) are His plenary portions and the portions of His plenary portions. [Cc. adi 1.7]
(Bibliography appears at the end of this text)
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu is published every ekadasi in PDF format, and is designed for those who want to go deep into the pastimes, philosophy, literature and history of Gaudiya Vaishnavism. Bindu regularly features articles from previous acaryas such as Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Srila Thakur Bhaktivinode, Viswanath Chakravarti, Rupa Goswami etc., as well as new translations, research findings and contemporary articles. Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu is being produced in pursuance of the instructions of Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami, whose articles are also a common feature.
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu contains no politics, mundane solicitations or institution promotion or bashing -- only pure Krishna-katha. It is produced by ISKCON Gopal Jiu Publications, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India.
Haridas Das. Sri Gaudiya-vaisnava-abhidhana. Haribol Kutir. Nabadwip. 501 Gaurabda. (Bengali)
Kavi Karnapur. Sri Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika. Translated into English by Kusakratha Das. The Krishna Library. Culver City, CA. 1987.
Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami. Sri Caitanya-caritamrta. English translation and commentary by Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. Los Angeles. 1975.
[ Source : http://www.gopaljiu.org ]
Abhiram Thakur is perhaps the most prominent follower of Lord Nityananda Prabhu. According to Srila Kavi Karnapur, Abhiram Thakur is the incarnation of Sridama Sakha, the chief cowherd boy in krsna-lila. His pastimes were described in simple Bengali verse by his disciple Sri Tilak Ram Das in a book called Sri Abhirama Lilamrta. In the fourth chapter the author reveals how he was able to write:
utha utha ore sisya sunaha vacane
amara yateka lila karaha varnana
eta bali mora sathe carana dharila
carana parase lila svarana haila
amara yateka lila karaha varnana
eta bali mora sathe carana dharila
carana parase lila svarana haila
[My guru Abhiram Thakur came to me while I was resting and said] "Wake up! Wake up! O disciple, hear my words! I want you to write about my pastimes." I touched my head to my guru's lotus feet and at that time all of his pastimes appeared to me. [Texts 5-6, 13]
The following story, adapted from chapter 15, verses 141-246, describes how Abhiram Thakur tested the newborn sons of Lord Nityananda.
Abhiram Thakur was a very powerful personality. It is said that he would sometimes test the authenticity of a salagrama-sila or a deity by offering obeisances. If they were not genuine, they would break. He had other uncommon powers as well.
On one occasion Abhiram Thakur met Nityananda Prabhu on the bank of the Ganga, near to the home of Nityananda Prabhu. Nitai offered Abhiram a seat.
They embraced, and both sat down.
Nitai said, "O brother Abhiram, what is your desire? Why have you come to My home?"
"I want to see Your son."
Hearing this, Nityananda became happy. However, when Nityananda Prabhu showed him His son, Abhiram offered obeisances to the child and immediately the child died. When Nityananda Prabhu's wives Vasudha and Jahnava heard the news, they both fainted. Nityananda then placed the body of the child in the Ganga and they all took bath.
Sometime later, another child was born, and again Abhiram Thakur came. As before, when Abhiram offered his obeisances, the child died. Everyone was astonished, thinking, "What is Abhiram's purpose?" In this way, every time a child was born, Abhiram would come, offer obeisances, and the child would die.
Although Nityananda Prabhu is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Balaram, still, while acting out His human-like pastimes, He externally became very unhappy seeing all of His sons die. Therefore, when the next child was born, Nitai thought to Himself, "If Abhiram does not come My child will live."
Nityananda Prabhu invited many quests for the festive occasion, but He did not invite Abhiram Thakur. Seeing that Abhiram was not there, Adwaita Acharya inquired from Nityananda, "Why have You not invited Abhiram?"
Nityananda Prabhu replied, "Abhiram has made Me bereft of sons. So I will not invite him. I've told all of the boatmen not to bring him across the Ganga in their boats."
During the time of the festival for the birth of Nityananda Prabhu's latest son, Abhiram and his wife Malini were staying at Krishnagar. Vakreswar Pandit came to see them. Malini offered him a seat, and Vakreswar inquired from Abhiram, "Nitai is performing a festival on the occasion of the birth of his son. You are the pradhana-gopal, the leader of the cowherd boys. Is He inviting you or not?"
Abhiram laughed and said, "No. He is not inviting me."
Vakreswar humbly told Abhiram, "Without your presence this ceremony cannot be performed properly. Although He is not inviting you, still you should go."
"How can I go without an invitation?"
Malini then said, "Abhiram is a rakhal, a cowherd boy. Such cowherders have no abhiman, false ego. He is not finding fault with Nityananda Prabhu for not inviting him."
Abhiram Thakur then told Vakreswar, "O brother, I'll go there later." After Vakreswar left, Abhiram conceived a plan. He bade Malini goodbye and started off, saying, "Gaura Hari ki jaya!" He went to the bank of the Ganga and said to a boatman, "Take me across!"
The boatman looked at Abhiram Thakur and inquired, "Who are you sir? Give me your name and then I will start the journey. If I take the wrong person across then Nityananda Prabhu will be very angry with me."
Abhiram replied, "Why does He want to restrict this person from crossing?"
The boatman said, "Nityananda Prabhu is miserable and lamenting for His lost children. He told me, 'There is one person named Abhiram Thakur. He is very powerful. If he offers obeisances to My son then the child will die.' Saying this, Nityananda Prabhu told me not to bring that person across. I think that you are that same Abhiram Thakur."
Out of fear of Nityananda Prabhu, the boatman then put water in his boat and made it sink. Hearing that Abhiram Thakur had come, all of the other boatmen also filled their boats with water and sank them.
Abhiram Thakur then took some cloth and threw it in the river. The cloth floated, and, sitting on it, Abhiram crossed the river.
Seeing this, the people became astonished and ran to tell Nityananda Prabhu.
Although Nitai became worried, He took all of the mahants who were present at the festival and went to meet Abhiram Thakur. Abhiram saw them all performing ecstatic kirtana and coming toward the bank of the Ganga to meet him. Abhiram then began playing his flute, and he lost external consciousness. Tilak Ram Das says, "Who can understand Abhiram Thakur?"
When they came together, Abhiram embraced all of them with ecstatic love while his hairs stood on end. Nitai brought Abhiram into His home. Abhiram told Him, "I am very hungry. Please give me some prasad." Nitai gave him a seat in a room and Vasudha and Jahnava happily brought him nice prasad consisting of sweet rice, fancy rice and many opulent dishes. As much prasad as they brought, Abhiram ate it until he had finished everything in the house.
Seeing that he had eaten everything, Nitai said, "Dandavats to your pastimes! Who can understand You? In vraja-lila you are Sridama. Have you forgotten our loving relationship? In Vraja we all shared prasad together.
But now, forgetting all of that, you are taking all of the prasad alone. In Vraja we would always share whatever fruits we got. What sort of behavior is this that you are taking all of the prasad alone?"
Abhiram listened and said, "My nature is that of a cowherd boy. First I take, then I give to others. My behaviour is that of Vraja. Knowing my nature and activities in Vraja, how can You say I took all of the prasad? Go and see Your pots." Then Abhiram performed acaman.
Nityananda Prabhu went to see the pots and found that double the original amount of prasad was there. Nitai then happily embraced Abhiram.
Abhiram said, "O brother, you should feed all of the mahants."
The mahants then happily took prasad and shouted, "Hari! Hari!" Finishing, they all performed acamana. Then Nitai gave them tambula and a place to take rest.
Abhiram Thakur said, "Nitai, You have celebrated a festival for the birth of Your son. What sort of son do You have? Please bring him and I will offer my obeisances to him."
Hearing this, everyone became worried. Nityananda Prabhu's wives Vasudha and Jahnava approached Abhiram and humbly said, "This time please give protection to our child. Don't let us be criticized for not having a son. If you offer obeisances to our son then he will die. Every time this is what has happened. If you do this again, then we will also die."
Abhiram said, "Why are you fearing? You don't understand. I am offering my obeisances to test the child. If he is svayam-svarupa, the Lord's personal manifestation, then he will survive my obeisances."
Hearing Abhiram's words, Nityananda Prabhu became happy and brought His son before Abhiram. Abhiram Thakur offered his obeisances, and the child laughed. Abhiram become very happy and offered his obeisances a second and a third time, just to test the child. He saw that this child was jagat-priya, dear to the entire universe. Abhiram took the child on his lap and began to dance. He then told all of the mahants there:
ye na dekhecha gora dekha ara bar punarbar sei gora vira avatar
"So that those who did not see Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu could again have the opportunity to see Him, the Lord has reappeared in the form of Virabhadra Prabhu."
Lord Balaram has appeared as Lord Nityananda Prabhu. As the Supreme Lord, He is sarvajna, all- knowing. Hence He certainly understood and, in fact, inspired the behavior of Abhiram Thakur. The nature of the Lord is that He likes to see His devotees glorified more than Himself. Therefore, to glorify His devotee Abhiram Thakur, and also His son Virabhadra Prabhu, Lord Nityananda inspired Abhiram Thakur to act in such an unusual way.
Virabhadra Prabhu is the incarnation of Kshirodakasayi Vishnu. Srila Kavi Karnapura has written (Sri Gaura-ganodesa-dipika text 67):
sankarsanasya yo vyuhah payo-visayi-namakah
sa eva viracandro 'bhuc caitanyabhinna-vigrahah
sa eva viracandro 'bhuc caitanyabhinna-vigrahah
The expansion of Lord Sankarshan known as Kshirodakasayi Vishnu appeared in Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's pastimes as Virachandra Prabhu. Lord Virachandra was non-different from Lord Chaitanya Himself.
As Kshirodakasayi Vishnu, Virabhadra Prabhu is the svayam svarupa, the plenary expansion of Lord Nityananda Prabhu. Srila Krishnadas Kaviraj has described:
sankarsanah karana-toya-sayi
garbhoda-sayi ca payobdhi-sayi
sesas ca yasyamsa-kalah sa nitya-
nandakhya-ramah saranam mamastu
garbhoda-sayi ca payobdhi-sayi
sesas ca yasyamsa-kalah sa nitya-
nandakhya-ramah saranam mamastu
May Sri Nityananda Rama be the object of my constant remembrance.
Sankarshana, Sesa Naga and the Vishnus who lie on the Karana Ocean (Karanodakasayi Visnu), Garbha Ocean (Garbhodakasayi Visnu) and ocean of milk (Ksirodakasayi Visnu) are His plenary portions and the portions of His plenary portions. [Cc. adi 1.7]
(Bibliography appears at the end of this text)
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu is published every ekadasi in PDF format, and is designed for those who want to go deep into the pastimes, philosophy, literature and history of Gaudiya Vaishnavism. Bindu regularly features articles from previous acaryas such as Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Srila Thakur Bhaktivinode, Viswanath Chakravarti, Rupa Goswami etc., as well as new translations, research findings and contemporary articles. Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu is being produced in pursuance of the instructions of Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami, whose articles are also a common feature.
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu contains no politics, mundane solicitations or institution promotion or bashing -- only pure Krishna-katha. It is produced by ISKCON Gopal Jiu Publications, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India.
Haridas Das. Sri Gaudiya-vaisnava-abhidhana
Kavi Karnapur. Sri Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika. Translated into English by Kusakratha Das. The Krishna Library. Culver City, CA. 1987.
Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami. Sri Caitanya-caritamrta. English translation and commentary by Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. Los Angeles. 1975.
[ Source : http://www.gopaljiu.org ]
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Now the flower garden at Kusuma-sarovara has completely disappeared.
In 1767 AD, Mahäräja Javähara Singh of Bharatapura looted the royal treasury of Delhi, and with that money built ornate stone ghtas with steps down to the water’s edge. To the west of the sarovara is the cenotaph of Räjä Sürajamala flanked by the cenotaphs of his two queens. There is a temple of Uddhava ji here.

About four hundred metres south-east of Kusuma-sarovara is Närada-kunda, where Shri Närada performed austerities. After Närada heard the glories of gopi-bhäva (the exalted moods of the gopis) from the mouth of Vrindä-devi, the presiding deity of Vrindävana, an intense desire to lovingly serve the Divine Couple Sri Rädhä-Krishna as a gopi in Their most elevated amorous pastimes arose in his heart. He received the gopäla-mantra from Brahmä, the Grandsire of the world, and began to perform meditation and worship here in räga-märga, the path of spontaneous attachment, in the wake of the gopis.
After doing this for a long time, Yogamäyä Pauranmasi dipped Närada in Kusuma-sarovara, by which he received the form of a gopi. Thereafter, he received the ekadäsa-bhäva (eleven features that constitute one’s true identity) in the path of spontaneous attachment and became qualified to serve the Divine Couple. It is highly beneficial to visit Närada-Kunda.
Ratna-Simhäsana lies one mile south of Kusuma-Sarovara on the Govardhana parikramä path coming from Shri Rädhä-Kunda.
One full moon day after Siva-Caturdasi (Siva-rätri), Shri Krishna, Shri Balaräma and the gopis were playing Holi, squirting each other with bright dye from long water syringes. The sweet music of drums, cymbals, vinäs and other instruments filled the air with melodious rägas, like the springtime räga. Nearby, Shri Rädhikä sat upon a jewelled throne (Ratna-Simhäsana). At that time, a follower of Kuvera named Shankacuda, who considered Bhagavän Shri Krishan to be an ordinary human being, tried to abduct these beautiful gopis. With voices full of distress, the gopis cried, “Räma, Krishna!” Krishan ran to their call and killed Shankhacuda. He took the jewel from the demon’s forehead and gave it to Shri Balaräma, who sent it to Shri Rädhikä through Dhanisthä. This is the place where Rädhikä sat on the jewelled throne.
Beautiful, thick trees and creepers surround this charming pastime place near Syäma-Kunda. When Shri krishna herded the cows, He used to rest here at noon. The young cowherd boys (gväla-bälas) lovingly served Him in the mellow of friendship (sakhya-rasa), and they all playfully snatched things from each other. These and other sweet pastimes have made this Bäla-pokharä (Gväla pokharä) famous.
Killola-Kunda lies south of Gväla-pokharä towards Sri Giridhäri Gaudiya Matha. Killola means “sport” or “frolic”. As its name suggests, this kunda is where the Divine Couple Shri Rädhä-Krishna played in the water (jal-keli). Krishna and His Sakhäs also frolicked and played here.

Cuadro General
Disculpen las Molestias
Fotos de Mukesh K Agrawal - Shri Vraj Dham Darshan Part- 1
One morning, Shri Rädhikä and Her Sakhis came to the bank of Kusumasarovara to pick beli, cameli, jühi, kanera, campaka and other flowers that bloomed here. Shri Rädhikä saw a tree with a branch full of flowers. Knowing that She was coming to Kusumasarovara to pick flowers, playful Krishna had climbed that very tree.
Using all His weight, He pushed the branch down and remained hidden in the foliage so that Radha ji could not see Him. Rädhikä pulled down that branch with one hand, and was absorbed in picking its flowers with the other when suddenly Krishna shifted to another branch. The branch sprung up, lifting up Rädhikä with it and She cried out for help.Shri Krishna leapt out from the tree and caught hanging Radhika in His arms.
The Sakhis began clapping and laughing loudly, but Shri Rädhikä, released Herself from Shri Krishna’s embrace and scolded Him harshly.
Using all His weight, He pushed the branch down and remained hidden in the foliage so that Radha ji could not see Him. Rädhikä pulled down that branch with one hand, and was absorbed in picking its flowers with the other when suddenly Krishna shifted to another branch. The branch sprung up, lifting up Rädhikä with it and She cried out for help.Shri Krishna leapt out from the tree and caught hanging Radhika in His arms.
The Sakhis began clapping and laughing loudly, but Shri Rädhikä, released Herself from Shri Krishna’s embrace and scolded Him harshly.
Now the flower garden at Kusuma-sarovara has completely disappeared.
In 1767 AD, Mahäräja Javähara Singh of Bharatapura looted the royal treasury of Delhi, and with that money built ornate stone ghtas with steps down to the water’s edge. To the west of the sarovara is the cenotaph of Räjä Sürajamala flanked by the cenotaphs of his two queens. There is a temple of Uddhava ji here.
Place in Kusum Sarovar where Krishna and Radha used to sit together
About four hundred metres south-east of Kusuma-sarovara is Närada-kunda, where Shri Närada performed austerities. After Närada heard the glories of gopi-bhäva (the exalted moods of the gopis) from the mouth of Vrindä-devi, the presiding deity of Vrindävana, an intense desire to lovingly serve the Divine Couple Sri Rädhä-Krishna as a gopi in Their most elevated amorous pastimes arose in his heart. He received the gopäla-mantra from Brahmä, the Grandsire of the world, and began to perform meditation and worship here in räga-märga, the path of spontaneous attachment, in the wake of the gopis.
After doing this for a long time, Yogamäyä Pauranmasi dipped Närada in Kusuma-sarovara, by which he received the form of a gopi. Thereafter, he received the ekadäsa-bhäva (eleven features that constitute one’s true identity) in the path of spontaneous attachment and became qualified to serve the Divine Couple. It is highly beneficial to visit Närada-Kunda.
Krishna’s footprint at Ratna-Simhäsana
Ratna-Simhäsana lies one mile south of Kusuma-Sarovara on the Govardhana parikramä path coming from Shri Rädhä-Kunda.
One full moon day after Siva-Caturdasi (Siva-rätri), Shri Krishna, Shri Balaräma and the gopis were playing Holi, squirting each other with bright dye from long water syringes. The sweet music of drums, cymbals, vinäs and other instruments filled the air with melodious rägas, like the springtime räga. Nearby, Shri Rädhikä sat upon a jewelled throne (Ratna-Simhäsana). At that time, a follower of Kuvera named Shankacuda, who considered Bhagavän Shri Krishan to be an ordinary human being, tried to abduct these beautiful gopis. With voices full of distress, the gopis cried, “Räma, Krishna!” Krishan ran to their call and killed Shankhacuda. He took the jewel from the demon’s forehead and gave it to Shri Balaräma, who sent it to Shri Rädhikä through Dhanisthä. This is the place where Rädhikä sat on the jewelled throne.
Beautiful, thick trees and creepers surround this charming pastime place near Syäma-Kunda. When Shri krishna herded the cows, He used to rest here at noon. The young cowherd boys (gväla-bälas) lovingly served Him in the mellow of friendship (sakhya-rasa), and they all playfully snatched things from each other. These and other sweet pastimes have made this Bäla-pokharä (Gväla pokharä) famous.
Killola-Kunda lies south of Gväla-pokharä towards Sri Giridhäri Gaudiya Matha. Killola means “sport” or “frolic”. As its name suggests, this kunda is where the Divine Couple Shri Rädhä-Krishna played in the water (jal-keli). Krishna and His Sakhäs also frolicked and played here.
A otras 14 personas más les gusta esto.
Nimai Charan Das-Neeraj Wadehra
Pranams. Shree Guru Gauranga ki Jaya! Thanks for the post and tag!
Dr.Balakrishna M. Ramaraju
Om Krishnam Vande Jagad Gurum
Ashok Lav
Nk Sen
Lot of thanks Anuradha.
Nari Devi Dasi
Very nice, Anuradha !! Hare Krsna..
Arunangshu Hor
Thank you Anu for sharing.
Kulbhushan Arya
Hare Krishna..& very thank you for the share...Haribol....!
Anubhavananda Dasa
... Ver más
Oh human inhabitants of planet earth,
you have not learned the worth of thy human birth
while thy fellow living beings you uselessly hurt,
and thy very souls you carelessly desert.
Dear kin we're all the same, this you must know,
I now beckon to the depths of thy very soul,
please just hear the words of thy universal guru,
may Prabhupada's words enter thy hearts true.
Prabhupada said, "I'm everyone's Spiritual Master,
but with saddest regret, most here did forget,"
that we must work together, to return forever,
to our home, beyond repeated birth and death.
He is the sum total of all thirty million Demigods,
His most Divine Grace, our Shrila Prabhupada,
He is blessed to lift us past all tears and fears,
by his lawbooks for the next ten thousand years
Oh countless spirit souls held in dead suspension,
we must give Prabhupada, undevided attention,
to awaken from our sleep, to know our perfection
our constitional position, beyond all pretention.
Oh my dear eternal fellow souls,
we are now held tightly in Maya's hold,
so we must bow down to Prabhupada's toes,
in the mood of surrender to one who really knows.
By Bhaktisidhanta Saraswati he is fully blessed,
to force open our eyes from darkest ignorance,
empowered by Lord Gaura is our effulgent guide,
who carries the lamp of wisdom's eternal light.
Oh my poor lost family, the time is always now,
to know our birthright, and protect our mother cow
now is the only time to open up our blinds,
to see we are divine and hear our Lord, all kind.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
Now lost we all are, we have fallen from most far,
to not know our selves and the Star of all stars,
He is thy eternal Fountain of Youth,
the one Supreme and absolute truth.
Who doth blow the sweetest flute,
and doth guide our every pursuit,
expanded within thy hearts and yet beyond,
is Bhagavad-gita's Shrila Bhagavana.
He sung His supreme song
to His dearest friend Arjuna,
to empower him to fight
a war to save the world from doom.
He sung His supreme song
for His representatives to repeat,
so His Bhagavad-gita as it is
would be distributed to all we meet.
Our Shrila Prabhupada has received it,
through Krishna's pure disciplic succession,
and how to simply live and give it,
is our duty to all in every direction.
Everything is here, everything we need,
in Shrila Prabhupada's books to perfectly lead,
please put all thy faith and fully believe,
and get Prabhupada's books to respectfully read.
And full realisations will awaken in thy hearts,
of thy eternal duty, God's Servant doth imparts,
with all thy humility and thy submission,
to follow Shrila Prabhupada,
read his books with wrapt attention.
He lives forever in his teachings,
God's most dearest devotee preaching,
and Shrila Prabhupada is always reaching,
those for God, sincerely beseeching.
They know he is with them,
as their eternal master and father,
and to ever look beyond him,
they never dare nor bother.
He sees through all matter,
the soul in every creature's heart,
He is Krishna's dearest batter,
to bat our soul out of the dark.
His words are Krishna's sword,
to slash away the weeds,
that entangle us in their webs,
to drag us on to more misdeeds.
And so we must unite for Prabhupada,
if we want a real united states,
a real eternal united nations,
will come through our self realisation.
By realising our selves,
as eternally essentially the same,
wise and blissful servants,
of Lord Krishna's holy names.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
Yes, we must unite for Prabhupada,
for he said that's the symton of love,
when we're all cooperating together,
for the servant of Him Whose everywhere,
north, east, west and south, no not just above.
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Dea Dear prabhus,
Thank you very much for this nectar about Krishna's pure devotees, all the nectar pure Vaishnavs hanker for, I am sharing my poetry Prabhupada has blessed me with to glorify his position, because I am his disciple, or rally just hoping to be since 1972.
... Ver más
Oh human inhabitants of planet earth,
you have not learned the worth of thy human birth
while thy fellow living beings you uselessly hurt,
and thy very souls you carelessly desert.
Dear kin we're all the same, this you must know,
I now beckon to the depths of thy very soul,
please just hear the words of thy universal guru,
may Prabhupada's words enter thy hearts true.
Prabhupada said, "I'm everyone's Spiritual Master,
but with saddest regret, most here did forget,"
that we must work together, to return forever,
to our home, beyond repeated birth and death.
He is the sum total of all thirty million Demigods,
His most Divine Grace, our Shrila Prabhupada,
He is blessed to lift us past all tears and fears,
by his lawbooks for the next ten thousand years
Oh countless spirit souls held in dead suspension,
we must give Prabhupada, undevided attention,
to awaken from our sleep, to know our perfection
our constitional position, beyond all pretention.
Oh my dear eternal fellow souls,
we are now held tightly in Maya's hold,
so we must bow down to Prabhupada's toes,
in the mood of surrender to one who really knows.
By Bhaktisidhanta Saraswati he is fully blessed,
to force open our eyes from darkest ignorance,
empowered by Lord Gaura is our effulgent guide,
who carries the lamp of wisdom's eternal light.
Oh my poor lost family, the time is always now,
to know our birthright, and protect our mother cow
now is the only time to open up our blinds,
to see we are divine and hear our Lord, all kind.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
Now lost we all are, we have fallen from most far,
to not know our selves and the Star of all stars,
He is thy eternal Fountain of Youth,
the one Supreme and absolute truth.
Who doth blow the sweetest flute,
and doth guide our every pursuit,
expanded within thy hearts and yet beyond,
is Bhagavad-gita's Shrila Bhagavana.
He sung His supreme song
to His dearest friend Arjuna,
to empower him to fight
a war to save the world from doom.
He sung His supreme song
for His representatives to repeat,
so His Bhagavad-gita as it is
would be distributed to all we meet.
Our Shrila Prabhupada has received it,
through Krishna's pure disciplic succession,
and how to simply live and give it,
is our duty to all in every direction.
Everything is here, everything we need,
in Shrila Prabhupada's books to perfectly lead,
please put all thy faith and fully believe,
and get Prabhupada's books to respectfully read.
And full realisations will awaken in thy hearts,
of thy eternal duty, God's Servant doth imparts,
with all thy humility and thy submission,
to follow Shrila Prabhupada,
read his books with wrapt attention.
He lives forever in his teachings,
God's most dearest devotee preaching,
and Shrila Prabhupada is always reaching,
those for God, sincerely beseeching.
They know he is with them,
as their eternal master and father,
and to ever look beyond him,
they never dare nor bother.
He sees through all matter,
the soul in every creature's heart,
He is Krishna's dearest batter,
to bat our soul out of the dark.
His words are Krishna's sword,
to slash away the weeds,
that entangle us in their webs,
to drag us on to more misdeeds.
And so we must unite for Prabhupada,
if we want a real united states,
a real eternal united nations,
will come through our self realisation.
By realising our selves,
as eternally essentially the same,
wise and blissful servants,
of Lord Krishna's holy names.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
Yes, we must unite for Prabhupada,
for he said that's the symton of love,
when we're all cooperating together,
for the servant of Him Whose everywhere,
north, east, west and south, no not just above.
Powered by MSN TV
Dea Dear prabhus,
Thank you very much for this nectar about Krishna's pure devotees, all the nectar pure Vaishnavs hanker for, I am sharing my poetry Prabhupada has blessed me with to glorify his position, because I am his disciple, or rally just hoping to be since 1972.
El sáb a las 20:03
Notas de Anuradha Bhattacharya
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jueves 11 de marzo de 2010
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